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defcon604-2023's Introduction

Structured Shell Programming (Recursions, Lambdas, Concurrency, Functional Paradigms)

The proposition is simple: SHELL is the most effective programming technique you can learn, because it's based on process composition, it necessarily works at a higher level than say compared to Haskell.

All the code plus the original defcon604 slides are available at my github


Building block: Functions

functions . pointfree . compose


Building block: Programs

process1 | process2 | process3

My goals in this essay isn't to explore the quirks of the SHELL programming languages, of which there are many. Rather, this is a distillation of the useful semantics of process composition.

Homoplasies to Structured / Functional / SQL Programming

There is a perception: that $SHELL programs are unstructured, primitive, and impotent.

While there is some truth to this, in that the majority of $SHELL programming is written rather haphazardly. It is nevertheless a misunderestimation of an entire paradigm.

yes I know homology != homoplasy, but homology has prettier illustrations on wikipedia
  • The pitch: It is hard to perform recursion without some coherent structure, and underlying consistency.

  • Through both interesting and constructive examples (with many recursions), I will demonstrate the homoplasies that $SHELL programming has with other more regarded programming paradigms.

Case Study: Recursive Bash HTTP Server

Before I bore you to death with practical knowledge, there is an amusing amount of depth in this toy HTTP server.

For pedagogical purposes, this is my favorite program. Please allow me to break down the interesting bits.

#!/usr/bin/env -S -- bash -Eeu -O dotglob -O nullglob -O extglob -O failglob -O globstar

set -o pipefail

if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
  printf -- '%q ' curl -- "http://$ADDR":"$PORT"
  printf -- '\n'
  exec -- socat TCP-LISTEN:"$PORT,bind=$ADDR",reuseaddr,fork EXEC:"$0"

tee <<-'EOF'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


printf -- '%s\n' 'HELO' >&2
exec -- cat -- "$0"

#!: shebang

#!/usr/bin/env -S -- bash -Eeu -O dotglob -O nullglob -O extglob -O failglob -O globstar
  • In UNIX systems, #! are the magic bytes at beginning of files that denote executable scripts, and it leads to a path i.e. /usr/bin/env as the script interpreter. This is fairly well known.

  • This isn't all that interesting, but what's less well known is that many /usr/bin/env implements have a -S, --split-string flag that splits the shebang line, allowing for succinct argument passing. For example, passing in perl -CAS to enable greater Unicode support.

[[ -t 0 ]]: is stdin (fd 0) a terminal?

  • The recursion here works by checking if the script is run from the terminal, if so, the script re-spawns itself under a child process of socat, in which it is no longer attached to the terminal.

  • The terminal is actually a fairly important concept for in shell programming, as it is the $SHELL itself. It poses some compelling questions:

    • On ASCII and strings: How do you delete a character from the terminal, if the terminal is just another process? Surely stdin is append only.

    • As it turns out, ASCII has multiple deletion characters: BS ('\b') and DEL, what's better, it even has a BEL ('\a') character that will blink your terminal.

    • So are even the most basic 8bit strings really just text? Or should we view them as instruction streams?

    • The latter mental model should prove more fruitful for shell programming. (And understanding Unicode in general)

printf -- '%q ': What kind of format is %q?

Two things are true:

  1. Recursion is difficult without argument passing.

  2. It is difficult to manually quote arguments in $SHELL languages.

The solution:

%q quotes arguments to printf such that they can $SHELL expand back to their logical identity.

This feature is not unique to bash and zsh. We can examine a few more languages to reveal their idiosyncrasies:

  • Python: The quoted string is the most legible of the bunch.
from shlex import join

print(join(("\n ", "#$123", r"\@!-_")))
# '
#  ' '#$123' '\@!-_'
  • Ruby: You can really see the perl heritage here, both in syntax and in library names.
require 'shellwords'

puts %W[\n#{' '} \#$123 \\@!-_].map(&:shellescape).join ' '
# '
# '\  \#\$123 \\@\!-_
  • Bash: Observe that the quoted string is a single line, unlike python and ruby. This is deliberate, since bash like other $SHELL languages is fundamentally line / record oriented. Line breaks carry special currency in $SHELL, and need to be used judiciously.

    • Note: this is NOT POSIX compliant, due to $'<string>' being a bash extension.
printf -- '%q ' $'\n ' '#$123' '\@!-_'
# $'\n'\  \#\$123 \\@\!-_
  • PowerShell: Wow, such Microsoft, much UTF16-LE, very BASE64.

    • Note: For escaping in general, printf -- %s "$STRING" | base64 -d | "$SHELL" is never a bad strategy. Since base64 -d is fairly ubiquitous.
# Must be UTF16-LE encoded
$pwsh = @"
$argv = @(
  '-WindowStyle', 'Hidden'
  '-EncodedCommand', [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($pwsh))

applescript is also a valid language, and you can quoted form of

exec -- socat TCP-LISTEN:"$PORT,bind=$ADDR",reuseaddr,fork EXEC:"$0"

Three 🐓 (birds) one 🗿 (line).

  • exec --, EXEC:: "exec*" family of syscalls: replace current process with new process:

    • Analogous to tail call optimization when used for recursion.

    • As a consequence of this short-circuiting behavior, we can author syntactically valid multi-language scripts, i.e.:


    • As long ^# is a part of the comment syntax.
#!/usr/bin/env -S -- bash -Eeuo pipefail -O dotglob -O nullglob -O extglob -O failglob -O globstar
set -x
exec -- julia "$0" "$@"



    • Some languages like JavaScript or Rust, specifically allow #! shebang even if the # is not part of the comment syntax.

      • Often, they will have // as the comment start, and due to POSIX path normalization, we can use //usr/bin/true; as a NOOP, followed by the actual script.
#!/usr/bin/env -S -- bash -Eeuo pipefail
//usr/bin/true; rustc --edition=2021 -o "${T:="$(mktemp)"}" -- "$0" && exec -a "$0" -- "$T" "$0" "$@"

#![deny(clippy::all, clippy::cargo, clippy::pedantic)]

fn main() {
// make executable!


    • In BASH specifically, exec -a '<arg0>' is used to set the first argument of the new process. Which conventionally is the name of the executable. (even under NT!)

      • This enables the polyglot script to pass-through argv[0].
#!/usr/bin/env -S -- bash -Eeuo pipefail
//usr/bin/true; swiftc -o "${TMPFILE:="$(mktemp)"}" -- "$0" && exec -a "$0" -- "$TMPFILE" "$@"

let arg0 = CommandLine.arguments.first!
  • $0: argv[0] (first argument)

    • Conventionally ARGV[0] is always present.

    • This has two important implications:

      1. Since we invoke programs by their name, we can use ARGV[0] to perform recursion as well as dispatch multi-call binaries like busybox.

      2. For scripts, conventionally the name of the script just happens to be the path to itself. This allows scripts have knowledge of their own location, and access resources relative to itself.

  • fork: fork is another syscall. It duplicates the current process. That is to imply, ⇒ parallelism.

    • Since $SHELL programming is fundamentally process oriented, fork is the basis for concurrency, rather than threads, or coroutines.

    • Without fork, socat is unable to handle more than a single TCP connection.

tee <<-'EOF'

tee<<-'EOF' is a here-doc, a special syntax that prints content between EOF…EOF to the /dev/stdin of tee. Notably, as a child of socat, tee's /dev/stdout actually writes to the file descriptor of the TCP socket provisioned by socat.

  • Recall the UNIX mantra: everything is a file, and that since files are IO streams, we can derive that files are commutable with other files via IO streams.

    • Since std{in,out,err} are blocking, process composition is blessed by implicit end to end back pressure.
  • Files and file systems is a recurring theme in effective $SHELL programming, especially with regard to IPC.

    • Take advantage of POSIX atomic transactions: rename, reflink, link, symlink, rename, mkdir, flock, etc.

    • Take advantage of "consequence free" directories: tmpfs (RAM FS) - /run, /tmp

HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n is the minimal spec compliant HTTP response header, it must proceed any response body.

  • Curiously we never used \r\n in the heredoc of our script, only \n, and yet the HTTP server is still functional.

    • Almost all HTTP clients tolerate "malformed" responses.
  • Exploit The Postel's law: "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others".

    • Take advantage of the UNIX world of emergent & ossified protocols.

Recursion is cool, but who gives a shit

Who the fuck uses $SHELL recursion on a daily basis?

Probably (((you))), if you use SSH.

ssh '<user@host>' '' '<arguments>' ''
# SSH flow diagram, in a typical interactive scenario
"$SHELL" '->' ssh (client) '->' sshd (server) '->' "$SHELL"

However trivial the ssh client's arguments are, a login $SHELL → login $SHELL recursion always takes place, even in the degenerate case of zero arguments.

Percipiently, every argument passed to the local ssh client i.e. '…' '<arguments>' '…' are first evaluated and expanded by the local $SHELL, and once more by the remote $SHELL.

Thus, for non-trivial arguments ⇉ use printf -- '%q '.

Emergent Protocol -- POSIX sh

Similar to how the ubiquity of C made its calling convention the universal FFI API, the ubiquity of the int system(const char *command) has made the POSIX $SHELL an incidental standard API in of itself.

For any arbitrary UNIX program, if it has a mechanism for spawning processes as a single argument, chances are, the arguments to the parent program are carried over more or less verbatim into the system /bin/sh, or via the $SHELL environ.


..., and so on.

$SHELL is built from lambdas??

YES: Almost everything in $SHELL outside of control flow and redirection is a pseudo-process


Case Study: process1 | process2 | λ | process3{4*}

Objective: I want to defragment a btrfs file system, which have arbitrary subvolumes.


  1. btrfs defragment -r -- '…' is not recursive for btrfs subvolumes.

  2. btrfs subvolume list -- '…' has no filter for readonly (undefragable) subvolumes.


  • process1 | process2: List all subvolumes.

  • lambda: Print path of subvolume, unless subvolume is readonly.

  • process3{4*}: Concurrently, for each printed subvolume, defragment.

set -o pipefail

LIST=(btrfs subvolume list -- "$SUBVOLUME")
PICK=(cut --delimiter ' ' --fields 9-)
PARALLEL=(xargs --no-run-if-empty --null -I % --max-procs 0 --)
DEFRAG=(btrfs -v filesystem defragment -r -- %)

  printf -- '%s\0' "$SUBVOLUME"
  "${LIST[@]}" | "${PICK[@]}" | while read -r -- VOL; do
    if btrfs property get -- "$VOL" ro | grep --fixed-strings --quiet -- 'ro=false'; then
      printf -- '%s\0' "$VOL"
} | "${PARALLEL[@]}" "${DEFRAG[@]}"

λ as Control Flow

Notice the following:

  1. The while <condition> tests for a $SHELL built-in, read -- VOL, which assigns each row into the $VOL variable.

    • When no more lines can be assigned. read returns 1
  2. The if <condition> tests the exit code of the btrfs … | grep … pipeline.

    • When either btrfs … or grep … exits non-zero, the if condition evaluates to false.

Wait a minute, why is there a link on false???

Recall the section in polyglot scripts, where we used //usr/bin/true as a NOOP, because it always exits 0, likewise false/usr/bin/false, always exit 1.

  • Conditions in $SHELL are just λ exit codes

    • 0: Success, !0: Failure
  • Almost all built-ins in $SHELL has an exit code → part of being pseudo-processes.

    • /usr/bin/true, /usr/bin/false, /bin/test, /bin/[ (of [ -f "$FILE" ]) exist because some $SHELL don't even bother to implement them.

λ IO

Notice that the while loop is fact capable of piped IO. We can even redirect it's output into other processes.

  • Conceptually, $SHELL loops can be seen as stream transformers, similar to generators say in python or ruby.

  • Similarly, most $SHELL constructs are also IO capable pseudo-processes, hence the λ designation.

Extrapolate with Recursions

Try-Catch Error Handling

Typical golden path $SHELL script.

  • Set $SHELL to early abort for unhandled non-zero exits.

    • Analogous to throwing on exceptions.

    • If final exit code is 0, great success!

  • Alternative is the equivalent of if err != nil for every fallible statement, 🤮

`tree -- ./4-pipeline`

└── are we on track?
    ├── 0
    │   └── are we on track?
    │       ├── 0
    │       │   └── are we on crack?
    │       │       ├── 0
    │       │       │   └── ☠️ -> ../../../../../1/☠️
    │       │       └── 1
    │       │           └── are we on track?
    │       │               ├── 0
    │       │               │   └── 💅
    │       │               └── 1
    │       │                   └── ☠️ -> ../../../../../../../1/☠️
    │       └── 1
    │           └── ☠️ -> ../../../1/☠️
    └── 1
        └── ☠️

12 directories, 5 files
  • Wrap <fallible code> with if.

    • Recall processes are like functions.
if ! [[ -v RECUR ]]; then
  if UNDER=1 "$0" "$@"; then
    # .then(() => {})
    # .catch(() => {})
  # fallible code

Fan-out Concurrency

  • Unify producer & processor pipeline in single script
flowchart LR
  producer --> filter
  filter --> process1
  filter --> process2
  filter --> process3
  filter --> process4
  • We can extrapolate using RECUR=2, RECUR=3 and so forth to for additional pipeline stages.

    • Use gnuparallel for fan-in, anything else probably sucks.
FANOUT=(xargs --no-run-if-empty --null --max-args 1 --max-procs 0 --)

if ! [[ -v RECUR ]]; then
  "${PRODUCE[@]}" | while read -r -d '' -- RECORD; do
  # filter
  done | RECUR=1 "${FANOUT[@]}" "$0" "$@"
  # consume

Homoplasies to Structured Concurrency

Taking a leaf out of the excellent essay by Nathaniel J. Smith's of python's trio async framework:

Notes on structured concurrency, or: Go statement considered harmful

  • Functions processes are the core constituents of structured programming:

  • stack unwinding ↔ process termination ⇉ guaranteed resource deallocation

  • absence of goto ↔ isolated resource space ⇉ localization of failure modes / reasonability

  • consolidation of concurrent execution

    • conservation of abstraction

      • pipes are monoids in the category of processes

        • cat, tee are the identity operators
    • conservation of signal cascades

Data Types

Homoplasies to Logical Programming

What if Prolog had no backtracking?

Homoplasies to Functional Programming

Referential Transparency

You can write Java $SHELL in any language

I wrote the sameish $SHELL program in 15 languages, with some remarks on each language.


Thank you so much to my employer Graveflex and especially my Boss (with capital B) Lynn Hurley for providing an environment where I was able to nature my skills as a programmer :).

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