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node-firefox's Introduction


As an overall project, node-firefox is a family of modules made for interacting with Firefox via the DevTools Remote Protocol.

As a module, node-firefox serves as a table of contents for the rest of the modules in the node-firefox family.



npm install node-firefox

From git

git clone
cd node-firefox
npm install

If you want to update later on:

cd node-firefox
git pull origin master
npm install


Using require('node-firefox') yields an object with properties that contain instances of all the other modules in the node-firefox family installed as dependencies.

For example:

> var firefox = require('node-firefox');
> Object.keys(firefox)
[ 'findPorts',
  'reloadCss' ]

Some of our grand goals

  • Simplify app development for Firefox OS--make it look more like "normal" app development by enabling developers to use tools like Gulp to do things such as deploying to the device.
  • "Close the circle" with Cordova + Firefox OS and make it possible to run cordova emulate or cordova deploy. (In progress here.)
  • Provide a command line tool which supports features of the WebIDE, for people who like typing more than clicking.
  • Mega grand goal: control/debug any browser on the command line via DevTools via Valence.

Current status

We're code reviewing and auditing the existing modules, and figuring out how to have them testable against a number of platforms (this includes both simulators and real, physical devices). We're using the node-firefox-ports module as the base to help us devise a framework that works well. For more details, you can ask sole or tofumatt in #apps.

Supported platforms

Here's a very early stages support matrix. Bear with us as we make more progress ;)

Module / Platforms Linux Mac OS Windows
  • simulator: x
  • browser: x
  • simulator: x
  • browser: x
  • simulator: x
  • browser: x
  • device: x
  • device: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x
  • simulator: x

Note: Linux testing used Ubuntu 14.


Installing a packaged app

node-firefox-examples-install-packaged is a full project that shows how to install a packaged app using node-firefox.

Building with gulp + browserify

node-firefox-examples-gulp shows how to build, push and watch a packaged app using node-firefox with gulp and browserify.


These are the dependencies between modules in the project (or closely related, like firefox-client).

We're only representing required dependencies to run a given module, not dependencies required for running the examples. Those are in the devDependencies section each module's package.json.

node-firefox-find-ports      +--> firefox-client

node-firefox-find-simulators +--> (no dependencies)

node-firefox-start-simulator +--> firefox-client
                             +--> node-firefox-find-simulators

node-firefox-connect         +--> firefox-client

node-firefox-find-app        +--> (no dependencies)

node-firefox-install-app     +--> (no dependencies)

node-firefox-launch-app      +--> (no dependencies)

node-firefox-reload-css      +--> (no dependencies)


It's still early stages, but we'd love to get you onboard, so we wrote some guidelines for contributing.


Based on early work on node-fxos by Nicola Greco.

node-firefox's People


brittanydionigi avatar erikvold avatar jsantell avatar juanpabloaj avatar lmorchard avatar sole avatar tofumatt avatar


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node-firefox's Issues

DevTools via Wi-Fi support

FxOS recently gained support for DevTools over Wi-Fi.

If node-firefox was able to detect Wi-Fi devices and connect to them, that would be quite cool!

The code to do so in Gecko is a bit complex, though. Ideally, some code could be shared with Gecko to reduce duplication.

Multiple modules would be impacted, such as: find-devices and firefox-client.

New module: screenshot

Not sure which actor implements this (or if said actor is in simulators/phones!)-will add more info as I ask around.

Can we reach APPULARITY?

Les jokingly raised an interesting issue without even wanting to: how many apps can the phone accept until it collapses in appularity?

It might be interesting to find out by repeatedly installing an app until it breaks. Maybe there's no limit. Maybe the limit is whatever the storage accepts. This may be a lot when running on a simulator!

Module guidelines

I'm thinking of adding these guidelines to the README as a new section so we are all on the same page. It's a way of formalising/dumping the knowledge we've acquired while tidying up the first two modules. Did I forget anything? @tofumatt @brittanystoroz

  1. remove as many dependencies as possible and make the code super simple. Right now it is using underscore and Q and the code looks too cryptic unless you're familiar with those. So far using es6-promise and Promise.all has got me covered.

  2. Try to be as obvious as possible. This means, for example, not using "B2G" if we can say "simulator" instead. Another example from this module: startB2G can be renamed to startSimulator and it is so much evident what it is doing for someone who is not familiar with the moz-jargon.

  3. Only expose the API via promises. Granted you internally might need to use callbacks for other modules which are not promisified, but we want to make the whole API follow the same style, so once you learn to use one module, using another node-firefox- module is easy because the interface is the same: makeACall().then(doSomethingElse).

  4. No CLI binary. None of the existing examples/use cases we came up with were using the CLI, so there's either no need for that or we hate the CLI. Either way there was a lot of duplicated code between modules for doing CLI and it wasn't too consistent, and we do not have too much time for this first iteration, so no CLI for now.

  5. For naming, try to be as generic as possible but also as semantic as possible. For example, if a module can be used to discover firefox and firefox OS runtimes, try to avoid adding 'os' to its name, so that it is more generic. Also consider if something sounds weird, maybe it's because we're using the wrong name. E.g. fx-simulators sounded weird until it was renamed to find-simulators. When in doubt, discuss it with more people! Don't be afraid :D (specially if English is not your first language!)

  6. Use the build-tools module and gulpfile.js to lint the code.

Does not work on Linux due to case senstivity

node_modules/node-firefox-find-app/index.js:var Promise = require('es6-Promise').Promise;
node_modules/node-firefox-stop-app/index.js:var Promise = require('es6-Promise').Promise;
node_modules/node-firefox-install-app/index.js:var Promise = require('es6-Promise').Promise;
node_modules/node-firefox-launch-app/index.js:var Promise = require('es6-Promise').Promise;

es6-promise is all lowercase in npm. Figured I'd file here than 4 times on the other projects.

FireFox Focus border Issue

FireFox: when we navigate using tab, for some control left dotted border persists even if the focus is moved to next elements.

forward-ports and start-simulator conflict over port 8000

Steps to reproduce:

  • write code that uses a block like this:
startSimulator({ version: '2.0' }).then(function(simulator) {
    connect(simulator.port).then(function(client) {
        // do stuff
  • replace the above with something like this:
findDevices().then(forwardPorts).then(function(results) {
    connect(results[0].ports).then(function(client) {
        // do stuff
  • expected result: connection to device
  • actual results: Error: connect EADDRNOTAVAIL followed by inability to connect to simulator after reverting the script

Bulk data support

FxOS has support for "bulk data" which allows apps to be installed roughly ~10x faster than the basic method.

Support for this is limited in external tools so far, but node-firefox could certainly use it! Outside of Gecko directly, I am only aware of offering this support.

I believe it would require changes to how connections are managed, so most of the work may happen in firefox-client, but perhaps other modules are impacted as well.

firefox-client is [UNMAINTAINED], should we replace / maintain?

Looking at the firefox-client repo, there's a big [UNMAINTAINED] in the description.

The last commit was back in Nov 2014. That seems not too long ago, though I'm not very clueful about the (in)stability of the Firefox dev APIs. Could be practically fine for a very long time.

But, assuming the worst, should we consider picking up maintenance of firefox-client? Or, maybe splitting off the bits used by the node-firefox suite?

New module: push-app

This would be syntactic sugar on top of a bunch of existing modules. Not sure if you want this as a separate module but I'm using it a lot myself, so maybe there is a need.

I actually have a version already here, push-app so we would just need to transfer repo and make it node-firefox quality :P with tests and all

node-firefox to work on FirefoxOS devices

Right now we can just use the simulator if we want to use node-firefox modules, but gaia build system could get better if we can actually perform all this nice actions on real devices :)

Supported versions

Related to @sole's question in mozilla/node-firefox-find-simulators#19, which versions of Firefox OS do we consider our "minimum supported version"?

I would think it's 1.2, as a lot of things on 1.0/1.1 devices and simulators are not easy to control remotely. We should note that in a README, but it might be best to declare it for the whole project rather than in individual module's READMEs.

Create spell check tests for these md files

I see some grammar and spelling mistakes in the md files, it would be beneficial to have some grammar/spell checking done on these documents for each pull request with travis.

Better error reporting / handling

While Promises are cool etc they also capture errors in a sneaky way and sometimes it's impossible to find where your error is unless you delve into the code and start console.logging like silly.

For example I was passing a wrong parameter to connect and the promise was capturing the error in getWebAppsActor call, which overall remained silent. We should review the flow of each function and make sure errors can bubble up (perhaps intentionally building errors!)

This is probably due to my own lack of experience with promises so I accept all fault already :-)

Examples should use chained promises to simplify callback pyramids

Promises can be chained, rather than nested like callbacks. That makes code much cleaner. Here's a quick sample of dirty code I'm using to exercise modules:

var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');

var Promise = require('es6-Promise').Promise;

var startSimulator = require('./node-firefox-start-simulator');
var connect = require('./node-firefox-connect');
var installApp = require('./node-firefox-install-app');
var findApp = require('./node-firefox-find-app');
var launchApp = require('./node-firefox-launch-app');
var uninstallApp = require('./node-firefox-uninstall-app');

var appPath = path.join(__dirname, 'node-firefox-install-app/examples/sampleApp');
var manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(appPath + '/manifest.webapp'));

var client, simulator, appId, installedApp;

startSimulator().then(function(result) {
  simulator = result;
  return connect(simulator.port);
}).then(function(result) {
  client = result;
  return installApp({ client: client, appPath: appPath });
}).then(function(result) {
  appId = result;
  return findApp({ client: client, manifest: manifest });
}).then(function(apps) {
  installedApp = apps.filter(function (app) { return == appId; })[0];
  if (!installedApp) { throw new Error('Installed app not found!'); }
  return launchApp({ client: client, manifestURL: installedApp.manifestURL });
}).then(function(result) {
  return delay(3000);
}).then(function() {
  return uninstallApp({ client: client, manifestURL: installedApp.manifestURL });
}).then(function() {
}).catch(function(err) {
  console.error('Error', err);

function delay(ms) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(resolve, ms);

I'll probably work through the various libraries and submit PRs myself. But, here's an issue filed just in case I don't get around to it.


Is this code supposed to be MPL or Apache-licensed? A lot of the modules are Apache and that seems to be a better fit for node (also it's way more straightforward, copyleft is confusing).

Should we change the node-firefox license to Apache 2.0?

Update names in dependency diagram

The dependency diagram in the README uses the old "fxos" module names, which make the project seem like it's not meant for desktop Firefox too.

We should update the diagram to match the new modules.

Firefox fails to assist NVDA when reading tables on browser mode.

When having a properly defined table like in example shown below the Screen Reader (NVDA) fails to pick up the correct number of rows and cells when using the table browsing mode by pressing the "T" key on the keyboard.

NVDA Version

Firefox Version:
16.0.1 (For Windows)

Expected behavior:
The current number of rows and cells should be read.

Actual behavior:
The table reads "0" rows and "0" columns.

The code works on Chrome.

Sample code
Please see the following sample code with instructions on how to reproduce.

Proposal for new module: stop-simulator

I know it sounds "so simple" but it might hide complexity and prevent platform differences and that IS GOOD.

Right now for stopping a simulator in Mac OS (and Linux I hope) you need to know the process id (PID), then you just use process.kill(pid) to kill the process. If you have enough privileges (i.e. you started it, which is often the case, or have superprivileges) you kill it. Example.

But it is maybe exposing too much of the "internals", and they might also be different in Windows. It might be neat to be able to have this module so you can do things like this:

var startSimulator = require('node-firefox-start-simulator');
var stopSimulator = require('node-firefox-stop-simulator');

startSimulator().then(function(instance) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    stopSimulator(instance).then(function() {
      console.log('ok, stopped');
  }, 1000); 

We're not exposing 'pid' at any point! And we get more promises!

io.js and node 0.12 issues

I have had reports of a few people saying this project doesn't work and they cannot install apps, but none of them filed a bug report (AHEM AHEM).

Later I updated a computer and decided to go all brave and install io.js and try node-firefox. And it didn't work. I tried with the latest node which happened to be 0.12 and it didn't work either. I had to roll back to 0.10 and it did work.

Because I did all this in a hurry I didn't keep any logs and I do not know what it was exactly other than a obscure trace coming from somewhere.

If someone could take a look at this it would be really appreciated. Even if it's just to find the root of the issue.

Semantic versioning, and autotagging

I always forget to git tag modules when I publish them-I do remember to update package.json because otherwise npm tells me no way I'm publishing it again. There are tools for doing this automatically, perhaps even publishing to npm afterwards.

Let's use this issue to explore these tools!

Wiki changes

FYI: The following changes were made to this repository's wiki:

These were made as the result of a recent automated defacement of publically writeable wikis.

A discussion on the type of objects we pass around

We often handle the same type of "objects" when using modules in this project. They're sometimes not actual classes but just simple Objects with the same set of consistent attributes all over. A thought that often passes my mind is whether we should elevate them to their own class so we can say in the API "This call returns an object of class XYZ".

Or whether we should maybe use those objects instead of some of their properties, and hide them in the most generic case.

For example, if start-simulator would return an instance of Simulator option instead of returning a simple object, then we could also pass said instance to connect, instead of passing a port number, which requires you to know the name of the field (.port).

I have to write other modules now but I wanted to leave this here before I forget or move to another thing. I might come back with more thoughts/examples. Feel free to discuss/tell me why/if I'm wrong here :-)

Use node-firefox as a distribution module?

What if node-firefox had an index.js like this?

// node-firefox/index.js
module.exports = {
  findPorts: require('node-firefox-find-ports'),
  findDevices: require('node-firefox-find-devices'),
  forwardPorts: require('node-firefox-forward-ports'),
  findSimulators: require('node-firefox-find-simulators'),
  startSimulator: require('node-firefox-start-simulator'),
  connect: require('node-firefox-connect'),
  findApp: require('node-firefox-find-app'),
  installApp: require('node-firefox-install-app'),
  uninstallApp: require('node-firefox-uninstall-app'),
  launchApp: require('node-firefox-launch-app'),
  reloadCss: require('node-firefox-reload-css')

Then, a developer could just include node-firefox in dependencies and use var firefox = require('node-firefox'); to make calls like firefox.findPorts(). Or, even make shorter aliases like var findPorts = firefox.findPorts to cut down on redundant firefoxes everywhere.

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