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MOSN 源码解析文章《MOSN 连接管理源码分析》

  • 目标人群
    • 对 MOSN 源码感兴趣的开发者
    • MOSN 二开维护者
    • 对 Go 网络编程有一点了解,想提升 Golang 网络编程能力和技巧
  • 文章目标
    • 更加熟悉 MOSN 网络连接生命周期相关的源码
    • 定位 MOSN 网络连接先关问题更快
  • 文章大纲
      1. LIstener 创建和销毁
      1. downStream 连接
      • 2.1 downStream 连接的建立
      • 2.2 downStream 连接的事件处理
      • 2.3 downStream 连接的断开
      1. upstream 连接
      • 3.1 upstream 连接的建立
      • 3.2 upstream 连接池
      • 3.3 upstream 连接的事件处理
      • 3.4 upstream 连接的断开
      1. tcp keepalive
      1. mosn keepalive
      • 5.1 bolt 协议为例子,怎么扩展实现发送 bolt 心跳数据包
      1. tcpdump & wireshark 辅助定位问题

outdated desc

MOSN 开源的发布周期是一个月,我们即将公布 2021 年的 Roadmap,期待与更多企业共建。
### MOSN 支持 Istio 的什么版本?什么时候可以在 Istio 中可用?
目前 MOSN 可基于 Istio 1.5.2 跑通 [bookinfo example](/docs/quick-start/istio/),预计 2020 年 9 月份将完整支持 Istio 的能力,并成为 Istio 中可用的 Sidecar 部署选项。请加入 [MOSN 社区](/docs/community) 了解适配 Istio 的工作。

自定义配置说明页面 envoy: sds_secret_config 链接失效

[envoy: sds_secret_config] 链接失效

envoy 从 v1.18 开始,似乎已经删除了 v2 API reference 文档

Weekly Digest (10 April, 2020 - 17 April, 2020)

Here's the Weekly Digest for mosn/


Last week 1 issue was created.
It is closed now.


❤️ #78 Add a new blog, by rootsongjc


🔈 #78 Add a new blog, by rootsongjc
It received 1 comments.


Last week, 1 pull request was created, updated or merged.


Last week, 1 pull request was merged.
💜 #78 Add a new blog, by rootsongjc


Last week there was 1 commit.
🛠️ [Add a new blog (#78) * blog: mosn extensions


Last week there was 1 contributor.
👤 rootsongjc


Last week there were no stargazers.


Last week there were no releases.

That's all for last week, please 👀 Watch and Star the repository mosn/ to receive next weekly updates. 😃

You can also view all Weekly Digests by clicking here.

Your Weekly Digest bot. 📆

MOSN 作为 Istio 的数据平面

在windows 环境下,按照文档:来配置mosn,发现istio安装这一步出现如图片看到的问题,请问有对应的解决方案吗


PS C:\Windows\system32> kubectl create namespace istio-system
namespace "istio-system" created
PS C:\Windows\system32> istioctl manifest apply
This will install the default Istio profile into the cluster. Proceed? (y/N) y
Detected that your cluster does not support third party JWT authentication. Falling back to less secure first party JWT. See for details.

  • Applying manifest for component Base...
    2021-01-11T05:18:31.298858Z error installer error running kubectl: exit status 1

  • Applying manifest for component Pilot...
    2021-01-11T05:18:35.649991Z error installer error running kubectl: exit status 1
    2021-01-11T05:18:35.962862Z error installer error running kubectl: exit status 1
    ✘ Finished applying manifest for component Pilot.
    2021-01-11T05:18:37.987937Z error installer Failed to wait for resource: resources not ready after 10m0s: deployments.apps "istiod" not found

  • Applying manifest for component IngressGateways...

  • Applying manifest for component AddonComponents...
    2021-01-11T05:18:40.248980Z error installer error running kubectl: exit status 1
    ✘ Finished applying manifest for component IngressGateways.
    2021-01-11T05:18:40.499057Z error installer error running kubectl: exit status 1
    ✘ Finished applying manifest for component AddonComponents.

Component IngressGateways - manifest apply returned the following errors:
Error: error running kubectl: exit status 1

Error detail:

error: error validating "STDIN": error validating data: the server could not find the requested resource; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false (repeated 1 times)

Component Pilot - manifest apply returned the following errors:
Error: error running kubectl: exit status 1

Error detail:

error: no matches for, Kind=DestinationRule (repeated 1 times)

error: no matches for, Kind=DestinationRule (repeated 1 times)

Component Base - manifest apply returned the following errors:
Error: error running kubectl: exit status 1

Error detail:

error: error validating "STDIN": error validating data: the server could not find the requested resource; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false (repeated 1 times)

Component AddonComponents - manifest apply returned the following errors:
Error: error running kubectl: exit status 1

Error detail:

error: error validating "STDIN": error validating data: the server could not find the requested resource; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false (repeated 1 times)

clusterrole "prometheus-istio-system" created
clusterrolebinding "prometheus-istio-system" created

✘ Errors were logged during apply operation. Please check component installation logs above.

Error: failed to apply manifests: errors were logged during apply operation

MOSN 源码解析系列

关于 MOSN 源码解析系列

MOSN 源码解析活动是由 MOSN 团队主办的开源活动,我们希望打造一个人人皆可参与,基于 GitHub 协作的积极透明的开源活动。

本次活动旨在增强社区对 MOSN 的认知,促进开源社区的交流,是大家学习和使用 MOSN,与 MOSN 的核心开发者直接交流的一个良好契机。

本次活动所产出的文章将首先发表在 MOSN 官方博客上,同时也将在各个线上渠道推广,经整理后的部分内容可能会作为 MOSN 官方文档中的章节。


本次活动使用 GitHub 协作,详细流程如下图所示:


  1. Github 用户到对应的 issue 页面回复 /assign 认领文章
  2. Reviewer 将 issue 指派给参与者
  3. 认领人应在认领 issue 后 7 日内提交 PR
  4. Reviewer 根据 PR 参与 review
  5. PR 审阅通过后发布到 MOSN 官网博客中
  6. 认领人关闭 issue


  1. 若 issue 创建后一周之内无人认领则取消指派,重新开始认领。
  2. 每篇文章作为一个 issue,独立进行认领和指派,每个人一次最多认领一个 issue,只有该 issue 关闭之后才可以认领另一个。
  3. 写作说明见:MOSN 文档贡献指南



  • 参与者:所有 GitHub 用户都可以参与。
  • Reviewer:对博客内容负责,review 并辅导参与者。
  • 发布者:社区管理员会在博客发布后同步其他渠道。

Reviewer 列表

Reviewer 既是审稿人也担任 mentor 的角色,他们都是 MOSN 的核心开发者。

Issue 列表

文章标题及对应的 reviewer 和 issue 地址如下:

标题 Reviewer Issue 进展
总览 taoyuanyuan #46
启动流程 nejisama #18
route框架 nejisama #19
安全能力(TLS) nejisama #21
多协议框架 neverhook #22
变量机制 neverhook #23
共享内存模型 neverhook #24
插件机制 taoyuanyuan #25
协程模型 taoyuanyuan #26
内存复用机制 taoyuanyuan #27
log系统 taoyuanyuan #28
XDS wangfakang #29
连接池 wangfakang #30
HTTP系能力 wangfakang #31

请大家跳转到指定的 issue 下回复 /assign 认领文章。


  • 关于本次活动有任何疑问可以在本 issue 中回复。
  • 对于某个独立的 issue 有任何疑问,请到指定的 issue 中回复,我们的 reviewer 会为您答疑解惑。


请问目前 mosn 是否还有哪些模块可以认领写作源码解析文章,来晚了~


Duration String 这些和自定义配置没关系吧。是不是文档错了

Weekly Digest (10 April, 2020 - 17 April, 2020)

Here's the Weekly Digest for mosn/


Last week 1 issue was created.
It is closed now.


❤️ #78 Add a new blog, by rootsongjc


🔈 #78 Add a new blog, by rootsongjc
It received 1 comments.


Last week, 1 pull request was created, updated or merged.


Last week, 1 pull request was merged.
💜 #78 Add a new blog, by rootsongjc


Last week there was 1 commit.
🛠️ [Add a new blog (#78) * blog: mosn extensions


Last week there was 1 contributor.
👤 rootsongjc


Last week there were no stargazers.


Last week there were no releases.

That's all for last week, please 👀 Watch and Star the repository mosn/ to receive next weekly updates. 😃

You can also view all Weekly Digests by clicking here.

Your Weekly Digest bot. 📆

FilterChain 配置说明页面 tls_context 链接失效

文档页面 中的
<li>tls_context 的详细配置说明,参考 <a href="../../custom#tls-context">tls_context</a>。</li>
tls_context 链接失效,似乎已被移动到上级目录





我们在业务系统启动之前做了一个前置的脚本来检查sidecar环境是否准备妥当,并且每隔1sdump了mosn sidecar中的config,发现在mosn sidecar启动以后并没有很快就把cds/lds/rds等全部初始化好,大概十几秒以后才在dump config中找到rds相关routes信息


// 这里是mosn sidecar 启动以后第一次ads请求,
// envoy.api.v2.Cluster 代表着 cds
// api.v2.Listener 代表着lds
// 但是并没有 envoy.api.v2.RouteConfiguration rds的内容
2020/02/18 16:24:53 [DEBUG] receiveThread begin at 2020-02-18 16:24:53.63285786 +0800 CST m=+0.032242113
2020/02/18 16:24:53 [DEBUG] receiveThread end at 2020-02-18 16:24:53.642170673 +0800 CST m=+0.041554929, resp.TypeUrl:
2020/02/18 16:24:53 [DEBUG] receiveThread end at 2020-02-18 16:24:53.679677723 +0800 CST m=+0.079061982, resp.TypeUrl:
2020/02/18 16:24:54 [DEBUG] receiveThread end at 2020-02-18 16:24:54.256390542 +0800 CST m=+0.655774808, resp.TypeUrl:
// 大概过了七八秒以后
// 这个时候终于接收到了从pilot来的rds内容,envoy.api.v2.RouteConfiguration, 再次之前一直没有rds下发
2020/02/18 16:25:00 [DEBUG] receiveThread end at 2020-02-18 16:25:00.215088835 +0800 CST m=+6.614473150, resp.TypeUrl:


  • 团队在应用mosn作为sidecar的时候,是否也遇到过mosn sidecar需要十来秒才可以把sidecar容器准备好?
  • 如果团队也存在类似的sidecar准备过慢,业务容器启动timeout导致无法正确启动的时候,这个问题该如何优化?
  • 是否可以给一个解决的思路?

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