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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/market-data-api/

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/reference/get-token-price

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Feature request for: /streams-api/evm/spam-detection

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Update request for: /authentication-api/evm/how-to-sign-in-with-metamask

๐Ÿšจ Wagmi has a lot of breaking changes after 1.x.x ! ๐Ÿšจ

It seems that the time is up to make related updates in the examples ins the documentation and in the repo.

I'd love to get package.json/pnpm-lock.yaml directly from the documentation page in order to make it concrete that the versions which fits perfectly for the Moralis authentication adapter.

Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/get-your-api-key

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/reference/wallet-api/get-decoded-transactions-by-wallet

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Technical chakra

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Feature request for: /supported-chains

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/solana/reference/get-sol-token-price

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No, It's not a problem,

Describe the solution you'd like
I'll be glad if there is an option to get the price of a solana token at a certain time in the past
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Documentation improvements for: /streams-api/evm/webhook-security

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outdated docs or not matching with another doc

Describe the solution you'd like
replace js code example with native method of your package

import Moralis from "moralis";

const { headers, body } = request;

  signature: headers["x-signature"],
}); // throws error if not valid

Describe alternatives you've considered
or just add this code as alternative

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Documentation Fix request for: /web3-data-api/evm/reference/get-date-to-block

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The documentation description for the date string required on Get block by date endpoint incorrectly indicates that milliseconds should be provided. That unix timestamp needs to be in seconds, as indicated by the response object.

Describe the solution you'd like
Date description field should read:
Unix date in seconds or a datestring (any format that is accepted by momentjs)

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Additional context
For example, if I follow the instructions currently on the page (milliseconds), and it is april 1st, I insert 1680307200000 and the response object from Moralis shows

  "block": 17083195,
  "date": "55216-10-25T00:00:00+00:00",

Which is obviously absurd. But seconds (1680307200) yields

  "block": 16950602,
  "date": "2023-04-01T00:00:00+00:00",

which is correct

Feature request for: /supported-chains

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/resolve-api

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The page does NOT actually explain what the API does. It says (and I quote): "Resolve API
What is the Resolve API?
The Resolve API is a set of endpoints that helps Web3 developers resolve ENS names and Unstoppable domains.
Resolve API Features
The Resolve API provides the following functionality out of the box to power the dapps you are building:
Resolve an ETH address and find the ENS name.
Resolving an Unstoppable domain and getting the address."

The word "resolve" is used 7 times, mainly to define itself!!

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Can we PLEASE actually define and explain what it means to resolve, what the process is, what use cases might be, and what components or processes are involved in 'resolving'?
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Doing the footwork myself... tracking down several definitions from OTHER sites (meaning i navigate away from here and get distracted, also I'm then kinda irked at this site and may wish to engage a competitor of yours instead) and then considering those sources to verify i have accurately triangulated a comprehensive explanation.
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It is NEVER acceptable to define a term by using the term in question... regardless of how 'obvious' it may seem, it is not a good idea to assume knowledge in the context of documentation.

Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/reference/get-decoded-wallet-transaction

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/reference/get-token-stats

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Get ERC20 token transfers by wallet will filter out those transaction from/ to zero address.

Describe the solution you'd like
I want to include it as well cause the token stats total count is including these transaction which cause my total size and list mismatch.

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/getting-started: csses never identified as token exchange rate as products in block to user that didnt know his self was sold. If you need an example please identify the "self" page agreement that sold his life. He is near collapse. For accurate rates please identify the following email. [email protected], this is my examaple of finding the rightful transaction rate per true identification of persond id when cases against a user wallet are dictating a users invrestments true time. For double check facts see: Contact: @mjettp85

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/reference/get-contract-logs

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In the latest version update of moralis, the event logs are not being decoded via web3 functions because the logs' data structure has been changed. Check for object where topics defined.

Describe the solution you'd like
Please update the documentation so that we know what are the breaking changes in current update.

Additional context
In my use case, I was trying to read contact events from a particular contract address. Add decode them before saving them into my database.

Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/reference/wallet-api/get-chain-activity-by-wallet

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Issues with post

Describe the bug
Issues with

  1. it doesn't specify the yarn commands needed to run the app. I had to go to the project github page to figure out the commands.
  2. yarn install doesn't work as the code needs upgrade to newer node versions
  3. The instructions to get the API key also doesn't match the current view when I log in.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Follow the doc and you'll get stuck

Expected behavior
All commands expected to work as documented.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Fedora
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Version: 6.5.12-100.fc37.x86_64

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/reference/wallet-api/get-wallet-token-balances-price

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When trying the API call I noticed there was one major problem in the request object. It is not request.raw, but request.result. This needs to be updated for the Node.js implementation so that users wont get confused when trying out this code and receving a function raw() object instead of an array for the addresses token result.

Describe the solution you'd like
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Simple solution would be to change response.raw to response.result. This way once user gets that call and console logs the data he will isntantly see the array response.

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Other alternatives would be expanding the API call to be similar to how token.getWalletTokenBalances works. Where the response.raw is allready the result array.

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Feature request for: /authentication-api/evm/reference/request-challenge-evm

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/reference/get-block

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Feature request for: /streams-api/evm/get-native-balances

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [ Hello, I had not verified my account, I entered GitHub and they emptied my wallet. They said, verify the account, we will pay. I confirmed and when I came they changed everything and when I asked for money they said we don't have such a service. I had a lot of money, I am not well. If you can help me ]

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/getting-started

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Feature request for: /web3-data-api/evm/market-data-api/

The market api does not include network in the response for each token. It is required as many times user need to know the network of the coin to use the token ID an interaction with the network.

It would be great if we can have an addition field by network or chainId name which can let user know the network of the coin.

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