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telephone_number's Issues

Typo in doc about timezone

Returns the time zone of the number.

phone_object.location ==> "America/New_York"

location in place of timezone

Giving invalid validation for following numbers


Country Code ---- 237
Country --- Cameroon
TelephoneNumber.invalid?('76671338', 'CM', [:mobile, :fixed_line])
giving true for this

Country Code -- 55
Country -- BR
TelephoneNumber.invalid?('9282828685', 'BR', [:mobile, :fixed_line])

But these two numbers i have received from whatsapp meta webhook

[{"id"=>"102901402735930", "changes"=>[{"value"=>{"messaging_product"=>"whatsapp", "metadata"=>{"display_phone_number"=>"918069195810", "phone_number_id"=>"109626598719981"}, "contacts"=>[{"profile"=>{"name"=>"A. Banderas"}, "wa_id"=>"23776671338"}], "messages"=>[{"context"=>{"from"=>"918069195810", "id"=>"wamid.HBgLMjM3NzY2NzEzMzgVAgARGBI0NDNDNTk2QjI3RDk5MDc2RTAA"}, "from"=>"23776671338", "id"=>"wamid.HBgLMjM3NzY2NzEzMzgVAgASGBQzQUQ3QkU0NTg2RDQ1QTZDNERERQA=", "timestamp"=>"1681753310", "type"=>"interactive", "interactive"=>{"type"=>"list_reply", "list_reply"=>{"id"=>"2", "title"=>"CNSGH To CMDLA", "description"=>"Shanghai (CNSGH), Shanghai, Ch.. To Douala (CMDLA), Douala, Cameroon"}}}]}, "field"=>"messages"}]}]

[{"id"=>"102901402735930", "changes"=>[{"value"=>{"messaging_product"=>"whatsapp", "metadata"=>{"display_phone_number"=>"918069195810", "phone_number_id"=>"109626598719981"}, "contacts"=>[{"profile"=>{"name"=>"Daniella Martins"}, "wa_id"=>"559282828685"}], "messages"=>[{"context"=>{"from"=>"918069195810", "id"=>"wamid.HBgMNTU5MjgyODI4Njg1FQIAERgSRTVBMTU1MzQyRjI1OTJFNkZCAA=="}, "from"=>"559282828685", "id"=>"wamid.HBgMNTU5MjgyODI4Njg1FQIAEhgUM0FCN0QzNUNCQ0E1NTk3NDEzQTEA", "timestamp"=>"1681183686", "type"=>"interactive", "interactive"=>{"type"=>"button_reply", "button_reply"=>{"id"=>"1", "title"=>"Make a new search"}}}]}, "field"=>"messages"}]}]

If these two are verified from whatsapp , so i should also be able to save these numbers in my database, but the gem gives invalid for both

How Get National Area Code

How can I get the national code of a phone and just the number without the national code?

irb(main):064> result = TelephoneNumber.parse("+5555999999999")
irb(main):065> result.international_number
=> "+55 55 99999-9999"
irb(main):066> result.national_number
=> "(55) 99999-9999"
irb(main):067> result.national_area_code
(irb):67:in `<main>': undefined method `national_area_code' for an instance of TelephoneNumber::Number (NoMethodError)

Country instance methods missing

given phone_object = TelephoneNumber.parse("3175082237", :us), #=> NoMethodError
phone_object.country_data #=> NoMethodError

The data is still accessible but must be called via:

phone_object.phone_data.country_data[:id] #=> "US"
phone_object.phone_data.country_data #=> {Hash}

Could you please update either the code or the documentation?

e164 formatted number contains duplicate country code

Gem Version: 1.4.9 and 1.4.11
Ruby Version: 2.6.6

Example (last 4 digits anonymized):

irb(main):006:0> TelephoneNumber.parse('+4917880xxxx').e164_number
=> "+494917880"

You can see that the input number starts with 49, but the e164 number starts with 4949.

Version 1.4.17 seems to have disappeared

Our lockfile includes 1.4.17, but today I was no longer able to bundle. Took a look at Rubygems and saw the jump from .16 to .18, so also checked the CHANGELOG and see the same thing. Did something happen? Any information would be appreciated, mostly so we know if there's something to worry about.

Error messages for validation failure


The isValid method simply returns a boolean without an error message regarding the failure cause. Is there anyway we can hook into the validation message as it will be helpful to the end user?



Im getting is valid even if the phone contains weird chars


I am doing something wrong?

Im trying to validate a phone number and it always says that it is valid but to me it should say that it is not:

irb(main):016:0> TelephoneNumber.valid?("+573053036788-qwdqwdqwd-qwdqwd-asd")
=> true
irb(main):017:0> TelephoneNumber.valid?("+573053036788-qwdqwdqwd-qwdqwd-as(d")
=> true
irb(main):018:0> TelephoneNumber.valid?("+573053036788-qwdqwdqwd-)qwdqwd-as(d")
=> true

invalid number that is valid

TelephoneNumber.parse('+543801234567', :ar).valid?
=> false

Tested with version 1.4.9 and 1.4.8 says this is a valid number..

Receiving NameError when trying to use valid?

Ruby version: ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26 revision 54768) [x86_64-darwin16]

Here's the stack trace of the error I'm seeing:

NameError: uninitialized constant TelephoneNumber::Number::Forwardable
	from /Users/jared.pavan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/telephone_number-1.2.0/lib/telephone_number/number.rb:3:in `<class:Number>'
	from /Users/jared.pavan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/telephone_number-1.2.0/lib/telephone_number/number.rb:2:in `<module:TelephoneNumber>'
	from /Users/jared.pavan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/telephone_number-1.2.0/lib/telephone_number/number.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
	from /Users/jared.pavan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.1/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require'
	from /Users/jared.pavan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.1/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require'
	from /Users/jared.pavan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/telephone_number-1.2.0/lib/telephone_number/class_methods.rb:11:in `parse'
	from /Users/jared.pavan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/telephone_number-1.2.0/lib/telephone_number/class_methods.rb:15:in `valid?'
	from (irb):2
	from /Users/jared.pavan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.1/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'```

Giving invalid validation for following US number

I am trying the following code, but it is returning invalid for me, 945 is a recently area code added to Dallas, do we have any prevision about when it will be added to this gem?

=> false

Phone invalid when using [:mobile] without country code. And validator auto detect?

irb(main):022> TelephoneNumber.valid?('+85290191054')
=> true
irb(main):023> TelephoneNumber.valid?('+85290191054', [:mobile])
=> false
irb(main):024> TelephoneNumber.valid?('+85290191054', 'HK', [:mobile])
=> true

Is this by design? ๐Ÿค”

My scenario:

  • User types phone number in 1 field (no country selector), manually, including their prefix
  • I want to auto-detect the country, and then also validate it

So, I'm using the validator like so:

validates :mobile_number, telephone_number: { country: proc { |record| TelephoneNumber.parse(record.mobile_number).country&.country_id }, types: [:mobile] }

This works fine, but would it be possible to auto-detect like i do here, but without specifying the country option, or another attribute like detect_country: true?

Thanks :)

ArgumentError (Unknown validator: 'TypesValidator')

No sure what i'm doing wrong but seeing:

ArgumentError (Unknown validator: 'TypesValidator')

with the following line:

validates :phone, telephone_number: :us, types: [:fixed_line, :mobile]

Version: telephone_number (1.3.1)

Is it possible to get a user-friendly format string suitable for displaying to the user?

The validations in this gem are great! I'm wondering if it's possible to get a user-friendly format string out somehow that is suitable for displaying to end users, in a form input placeholder or hint, for example? That would really make it shine.

Example for the US (United States):
"(xxx) xxx-xxxx"

Something like that would be awesome, because then we could pipe it into a client-side Javascript library to validate the format on the client-side as well, and give the user hints about the acceptable format for their country.

Thanks for a great gem!

not working for Indian mobile number

Hello, tried parsing the complete indian mobile number along with country code, but he object's location method returns nothing.

Please let me know, if I am missing something

this returns nothing, only empty line

require 'telephone_number'
mobile = TelephoneNumber.parse("+917503907302")
puts mobile.location


Do you have any script for Ruby Programming like this:

Enter username facebook or url facebook of person: etc

PHONE NUMBER: 200202022

Gem does not support the numbers from Sri Lanka and Vietnam

Could you add please the numbers from Sri Lanka and Vietnam? Because at the moment it seems to not work.

pry(main)> TelephoneNumber.parse("+84283456789").valid? => false
pry(main)> TelephoneNumber.parse("+84283456789").country.country_id NoMethodError: undefined method 'country_id' for nil:NilClass

Discrepancy between libphonenumber and mobi / telephone_number

We are working with Australia, and inside libphonenumber ( we see that this australian number is mobile - 0460 441 216
While on your demo is seems to be invalid
This is causing our product to not support these numbers

Phone Parser bad result

When use TelephoneNumber.parse("621791146") the phone number is identified as an Indonesian number by default
But in this case, it's a Luxembourg number
Here, it confuses the Indonesian country code with a number base valid in 62 Luxembourg.

#<TelephoneNumber::Number:0x00005555837144f8 @original_number="621791146", @country=#<TelephoneNumber::Country:0x00005555842b8ef8 @country_code="62", @country_id="ID", ...
# "+62621791146"

TelephoneNumber.parse("621791146", :LU).e164_number
# "+352621791146" file missing


I find that the releases tag shows which versions exists but I can't find a place to show what changed when, so I can know why I should update or not.

Having a file is a good way or putting the changes on relases/ on github is another one.

What do you think?

Phone number showing valid even if it's invalid

I have installed gem in ruby on rails project, its' showing +91 1231 231 1 as valid number but it's not a valid number.


TelephoneNumber.parse('+91 1231 231 1').valid? # coming true
TelephoneNumber.valid?('+91 1231 231 1') # coming true
TelephoneNumber.valid?('+91 1231 231 1', :IN) # coming true

I have tried in demo website it's showing invalid to this above number.

Support for multiple countries?

We have users who try to use our app who have virgin islands phone numbers or canadian phone numbers... We currently validate against US, but it would be nice to be able too validate against any number with a +1 country code

undefined method `match?'


After the update to 1.4.0, I'm getting this error:

NoMethodError: undefined method match?' for "11986865178":String Did you mean? match from telephone_number/parser.rb:34:in block in validate'
from telephone_number/parser.rb:33:in select' from telephone_number/parser.rb:33:in validate'
from telephone_number/parser.rb:12:in valid_types' from telephone_number/parser.rb:16:in valid?'
from forwardable.rb:202:in valid?' from telephone_number/formatter.rb:9:in initialize'
from telephone_number/number.rb:14:in new' from telephone_number/number.rb:14:in initialize'
from telephone_number/class_methods.rb:11:in new' from telephone_number/class_methods.rb:11:in parse'
from telephone_number/class_methods.rb:15:in valid?' from telephone_number/class_methods.rb:19:in invalid?'
from active_model/telephone_number_validator.rb:5:in validate_each' from active_model/validator.rb:167:in block in validate'
from active_model/validator.rb:164:in each' from active_model/validator.rb:164:in validate'


Namespace - TelephoneNumber is too common

I would love to use this gem as it seems to solve issue both Phony and GlobalPhone have, but ...

We already have a class named TelephoneNumber in our application, that coincidentally is a telephone number

Using the constant TelephoneNumber, without any namespacing, is likely to not only clash with our application, but with others too

On a more philosophical level, you are using a constant that is a noun as opposed to a name that represents a library for number parsing/formatting

Any chance this can be namespaced without us having to fork and namespace it ourselves? (which will make updates impossibly hard)

How to run and csv upload

Hello i m new at this and ruby , please can you explain how to run? after gem install telephone_number what should i do to run?
And how can i make csv upload and get generated csv ? Thnx

Phone number from foreign country not understood correctly

I'm expecting a well-formed foreign number, even if there is a country bias, to be understood correctly. For instance, if I dial +41446681800 in Canada, I need to understand that this is a valid Swiss number (+41).

n = TelephoneNumber.parse("+41446681800", :ca)

# false
# Expected: true
# "CA"
# Expected: "CH"

# "41446681800"
# Expected: "+41446681800"

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