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freenom-script's Introduction

Domain Renewal and DynDNS for

Shellcheck Docker BATS

Last Update

⚠ As it seems Freenom is no longer able to manage any of their ccTLDs .tk .cf .ga etc and lost their ICANN accreditation for gTLDs, this really is the end (December 2023).

⚠ Freenom recently added CAPTCHA from AWS WAF, causing this script to stop working (June 2023).

Latest version: v2023-08-03 (

Make sure to add new config options when updating script

This shell script makes sure your Freenom domains don't expire by auto renewing them. It can also set a DNS record with the clients ip address.

You'll need to have already registered an account at with at least one (free) domain added, before you can run the script.

Usage Domain Renewal and DynDNS

Usage: -l [-d]
   -r <domain OR -a> [-s <subdomain>]
   -u <domain> [-s <subdomain>] [-m <ip>] [-f]
   -z <domain>

Options:    -l    List all domains and id's in account
                  add [-d] to show renewal Details
            -r    Renew <domain> or use '-r -a' to update All
                  add [-s] to renew <Subdomain>
            -u    Update <domain> A record with current ip
                  add [-s] to update <Subdomain> record
                  add [-m <ip>] to Manually update static <ip>
                  add [-f] to Force update on unchanged ip
            -z    Zone for <domain>, shows dns records

            -4    Use ipv4 and modify A record on "-u" (default)
            -6    Use ipv6 and modify AAAA record on "-u"
            -c    Config <file> to use, instead of freenom.conf
            -i    Ip commands list, used to get current ip
            -o    Output renewals, shows html file(s)

Examples    ./ -r
            ./ -c /etc/mycustom.conf -r -a
            ./ -u -s mail

            * When "-u" or "-r" is used with argument <domain>
              any settings in script or config file are overridden


Using a full Linux distro including coreutils is recommended (e.g. Debian). Embedded and BusyBox based systems are untested and will probably not work correctly or at all.

Note that this shell script requires recent versions of "Bash" and "cURL"

Auto Installer

Run: make install

(from git clone directory)

This automatically installs the script, .conf file and configures scheduler.

Manual install

Suggested installation path: "/usr/local/bin/"

And for the config file: "/usr/local/etc/freenom.conf"


There's an image available from GitHub Container Registry which you can run like this:

docker run --rm --env freenom_email="[email protected]" --env freenom_passwd="yourpassword" -l

For more information see


Settings can be changed in the script itself or set in a separate config file (default). Every setting has comments with possible options and examples.

First edit config and set your email and password which you use to sign-in to

  • The default filename is "freenom.conf" in the same location as the script, or "/usr/local/etc/freenom.conf"
  • You can also use -c /path/to/file.conf
  • To optionally put config in the script itself instead: copy settings from conf file into (before "Main")

Default settings such as retries and timeouts can be changed, they are however OK to leave as-is (see


Test the script by running -l and make sure your domains are listed. To Renew domains or Update A record, see Usage or -h


Optionally you can schedule the script to run automatically. The installer creates "/etc/cron.d/freenom" or systemd timers in 'system mode' so the script runs at certain intervals. It will output a message with instructions on how to set your domain(s) to renew/update or renew all:

  • Cron:
    • edit the created file in /etc/cron.d and uncomment line(s)
  • Systemd:

If systemd is not available on your system, the installer will use cron instead.

Manual setup




To enable email alerts, make sure MTA is set; the default is /usr/sbin/sendmail. Emails will be sent on renewal or update errors. If you do not have/want an MTA installed you could use bashmail instead.

If you want to receive the alerts on a different email address than freenom_email set RCPTTO. You can also set an optional "From" address: MAILFROM="Freenom Script <[email protected]>"

Leaving MTA empty or commented disables alerts.


Uses external lib to send notification to many services like Telegram, Discord, Slack, Amazon SNS, MS Teams etc.

To enable Apprise notifications, make sure APPRISE is set to the location where you installed the Apprise CLI; the default is /usr/local/bin/apprise. You must also set the APPRISE_SERVER_URLS array to contain one or more server URLs. Notifications are sent to all of the listed server URLs. As with email notifications, Apprise notifications are sent on renewal or update errors.

For details on how to construct server URLs, refer to supported notifications.

Leaving the APPRISE_SERVER_URLS array empty disables Apprise notifications.


To update A or AAAA records the nameservers for the domain must be set to the default Freenom Name Servers.

The record will be added if there is none, or modified if the record already exists. Your current ip address will be used as value (aka "Target").

IP Address

The script uses 3 methods to get your current ip address from a number of public services:

  • HTTP method: curl
  • DNS method: dig TXT +short
  • Manually: you can also set a static ip address instead of auto detect (see below)

There are a few more HTTP and DNS services defined for redundancy, the script will choose one at random. By default it will retry to get the ip 3 times.

Once your ip is found it's written to "freenom_<domain>.ip4" (or 'ip6'). Same if freenom returns dnserror "There were no changes". This is to prevent unnecessary updates in case the ip is unchanged. To force an update you can remove this file which is located in the default output path: "/var/log".

To manually update: set freenom_static_ip=<your ip> and freenom_update_manual="1", or use the -m option.



In case of dns issues where resolving does not work correctly and curl times out to ('exit code 28'), try setting freenom_http_resolve="1". This make sure curl uses Freenoms own public dns servers.


You need an actual Freenom account, as using Social Sign-in will not work. Workaround: use password reset, see KB and issue #56.

Get ip

Make sure 'curl' and/or 'dig' is installed (e.g. debian: dnsutils or redhat: bind-utils). In case of issues try running curl and dig command manually.

  • To list all 'get ip' commands run -i (or grep getIp freenom.conf)
  • To disable IPv6: set freenom_update_ipv="4"
  • To disable dig: set freenom_update_dig="0"


  • Installer: Makefile (make install)
  • Script/config: and freenom.conf
  • Output:
    • Path: "/var/log/freenom/" (default)
    • Files: freenom.log, freenom_<domain>.ip{4,6}, freenom_renewalResult-<id>.html
  • View Results: use -o to view html files

Also see comment "Output files" and freenom_out_dir variable in conf.


Usually you can just replace "" with the new version, if you're using a separate config file.

An exception is when config options were added/changed which you may need to compare and merge. Such config changes are listed in


Run make uninstall.

You can also manually reverse the steps under Installation above (e.g. remove .sh, .conf and scheduler files).


See included orig dir



freenom-script's People


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freenom-script's Issues

Not Updating IP

So ive followed all the instructions and configured it and did all the sudo make install. but when i run sudo -u it gives me a warning Warning: no MTA found, cant send email waits a bit (does something) and then the ip isnt updated... when i manully curl the ip servers to get the ip it works... and -l lists all the domains. I dont know why and have to have it fixed in 3 days.
By the way: its running on a pi.

Domain argument passing fails when adding -c flag

When i try to run: -c /etc/freenom.conf -u

It will return Error: invalid domain name "/etc/".

I debugged the code and I think it occurs at line 130. That line should remove the -c arg part from the arguments list. The sed command misses the / character to remove and therefore the entire -c clause is not removed. However, when I add that / character, it will recognize all arguments as one big -c arg, which results in also removing -u arg part.

I cannot seem to find a quickfix solution but to rewrite the argument parsing to something as used in this:

[Debug] Login failed in VPS


When I tried to list the domains in VPS, but it failed to login. Same conf file works in my PC.
I am not sure is there any firewall blocked. I can curl with 403 result (should be normal)

I turned on the debug mode and here is the output.

DEBUG:           debug=1 c_exOpts=
DEBUG:  conf     scriptConf=./freenom.conf

Listing Domains and ID's...

DEBUG:          args         debug=1 c_exOpts=
DEBUG:          args         1=-l 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9=
DEBUG:          opts/conf    freenom_out_dir=/home/opc/freenom-renew freenom_out_mask=freenom out_path=/home/opc/freenom-renew/freenom
DEBUG:          opts/conf    freenom_domain_name= freenom_domain_id= freenom_subdomain_name=
DEBUG:          opts/conf    freenom_static_ip=
DEBUG:          action       freenom_update_ip=0 freenom_update_force=0 freenom_update_manual=0 freenom_update_all=0
DEBUG:          action       freenom_list_records=0 freenom_list=1 freenom_list_renewals=0
DEBUG:          action       freenom_renew_domain=0 freenom_renew_all=0
DEBUG:          logintoken   cookie_file=/tmp/tmp.5LuETK6uqp
DEBUG: 13:16:39 logintoken   curl clientarea token=0bfc8a028bfa1d1dec34af792c07c259153309fb (retry=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
Error: Login failed, incorrect details
DEBUG: 13:16:44 func_cleanup cookie_file=/tmp/tmp.5LuETK6uqp

Error: Login token - failure (curl error code: 2)

Hi - Thanks for a wonderful script which was working for me earlier this year (Feb 2021).
I now get this error every time. It appears to be a curl error so I reinstalled curl, but no joy.
I tried this based on your diagnostic section:
$ curl -%ipv% -A %agent% -m 10 -s
but get this:
curl: option -%ipv%: is unknown

Please help. This program is doing great things!!

I am on a Ubuntu machine:
Linux 5.4.0-77-generic #86-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 17 02:35:03 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Forwarding A Domain

I have a freedom domain. I want the domain to forward another domain but that other domain changes every month.

Is possible to automate the forwarding?

-u flag is not handled correctly?

I got the following error by running : ./ -u

./ -u
DEBUG: conf scriptConf=./freenom.conf
DEBUG: args 1=-u 3= 4= 5= 6=
DEBUG: args freenom_domain_id=1042465653 freenom_subdomain_name=
DEBUG: action freenom_update_ip=1 freenom_update_force=0 freenom_list_records=0
DEBUG: action freenom_list=0 freenom_list_renewals=0
DEBUG: action freenom_renew_domain=0 freenom_renew_all=0
DEBUG: getip i=0 current_ip=
DEBUG: getip i=1 current_ip=
DEBUG: getip i=2 current_ip=
DEBUG: func_getRec raw i=0 example.TK recNum=0 recName=example.TK
DEBUG: func_getRec raw i=1 MAIL recNum=1 recName=MAIL
DEBUG: func_getRec raw i=2 example.TK recNum=2 recName=example.TK
DEBUG: func_getRec raw i=3 MX01 recNum=3 recName=MX01
recMatch equal to 0
DEBUG: update_ip recMatch=0 recNum=3 recName= recordKey=addrecord[4] dnsAction=add
DEBUG: update_ip name= ttyl=3600 value=

Update only subdomains

I want to only update subdomains and not the domains itself, how can I do that ?


incorrect Update domain a-record

There is one a-record one my dimain
Set up freenom.conf as need.
Run -u

Result: it add new record, not update old.

Look img1 on double red line: recName and look single redLine it eq it with empty string $sd
Look on img2
Now it succes update ip

with default freenom_update_force="0" and freenom_update_ip="0" it ( -u) nothing do


$freenom_oldcurl_force option is not working

if [[ -n "$freenom_oldcurl_force" && "$freenom_oldcurl_force" -eq 1 ]]; then

In this commit, the script checks the $freenom_oldcurl_force before actually source the conf file. As a result, the option will never take effect. I was looking to make a pull request, but due to the complexity of the script I am not sure the correct place to put the option checking though.

can Update <domain> A record with another ip?

-u Update A record with current ip
add [-s] to update
add [-f] to force update on unchanged ip

hi, my script is running in another machine, so I want to update another ip to the dns record, not current ip. can you add some feature to help this?

like this ./ -u -s www -f -4 -ip 111.222.333.444


When i run the script with " -l" i have an error.
Error: Login - token failure (curl error code: 127)

I'm sure the email and the password are correct.

Another thing, if i try to go to this page "" i got a dialog box to log in but it doesn't work. I can't login. Maybe it's the same reason why i got an error with your script...

Update error integer

Update the script version and now I have the following error.

Also try changing the conf file Path.

~# -u -s glpi -c  /var/webs/z-Scripts/freenom.conf
DEBUG: conf scriptConf=/var/webs/z-Scripts/freenom.conf
/usr/local/bin/ line 184: [: : integer expression expected
/usr/local/bin/ line 196: [: : integer expression expected
DEBUG: getDomArgs d_args=-u -s glpi arg_domain_name= arg_domain_id=
DEBUG: getDomArgs arg_subdomain_name=glpi
/usr/local/bin/ line 216: [: : integer expression expected
DEBUG: args 1=-u 3=-s 4=glpi 5=-c 6=/var/webs/z-Scripts/freenom.conf 7= 8= 9=
DEBUG: opts/conf freenom_out_dir=/var/log/freenom freenom_out_mask=freenom out_path=/var/log/freenom/freenom
DEBUG: opts/conf freenom_domain_name= freenom_domain_id= freenom_subdomain_name=glpi
DEBUGL opts/conf freenom_static=ip=
DEBUG: action    freenom_update_ip=1 freenom_update_force=0 freenom_update_manual= freenom_update_all=
DEBUG: action    freenom_list_records=0 freenom_list=0 freenom_list_renewals=0
DEBUG: action    freenom_renew_domain=0 freenom_renew_all=0
/usr/local/bin/ line 501: [: : integer expression expected
/usr/local/bin/ line 507: [: : integer expression expected
/usr/local/bin/ line 520: [: : integer expression expected

Got Login failed error with [20200312] commit (d2ae539)

Hello @mkorthof,

Thank you for your awesome script I really appreciate it!

And now with the lastes updated, I got Login failed error using the lastest commit version on the Ubuntu Core 16.04 and CentOS 7. It says Login failed, but I had everything correctly set and ran: ./ -l -c ./freenom.conf

This is the DEBUG information I colleted by changing debug to 1 in conf file and run ./ -l -c ./freenom.conf :

DEBUG: debug=1 c_args=
DEBUG: conf scriptConf=./freenom.conf
Error: logfile "/var/log/freenom/freenom.log" not writable, using "/tmp/freenom.log"

Listing Domains and ID's...

DEBUG: args       debug=1 c_args=-s
DEBUG: args       1=-l 2=-c 3=./freenom.conf 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9=
DEBUG: opts/conf  freenom_out_dir=/var/log/freenom freenom_out_mask=freenom out_path=/tmp/freenom
DEBUG: opts/conf  freenom_domain_name= freenom_domain_id= freenom_subdomain_name=
DEBUGL opts/conf  freenom_static=ip=
DEBUG: action     freenom_update_ip=0 freenom_update_force=0 freenom_update_manual=0 freenom_update_all=0
DEBUG: action     freenom_list_records=0 freenom_list=1 freenom_list_renewals=0
DEBUG: action     freenom_renew_domain=0 freenom_renew_all=0
DEBUG: login cookie_file=/tmp/tmp.betAbXH9ww
DEBUG: login curl clientarea token=3d821214ffbc2f19130107ec2a05f5197a34e955 (r=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
Login failed
DEBUG: func_cleanup cookie_file=/tmp/tmp.betAbXH9ww

BUT! If I change the to an older one like v2019-11-17 using exactly the same conf, OS, command line, I can get a good result without any problem so on:

DEBUG: conf scriptConf=./freenom.conf
Error: Logfile "/var/log/freenom/freenom.log" not writable, using "/tmp/freenom.log" instead

Listing Domains and ID's...

DEBUG: args 1=-l 2=-c 3=./freenom.conf 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9=
DEBUG: opts/conf freenom_out_dir=/var/log/freenom freenom_out_mask=freenom out_path=/tmp/freenom
DEBUG: opts/conf freenom_domain_name= freenom_domain_id= freenom_subdomain_name=
DEBUGL opts/conf freenom_static=ip=
DEBUG: action    freenom_update_ip=0 freenom_update_force=0 freenom_update_manual=0 freenom_update_all=0
DEBUG: action    freenom_list_records=0 freenom_list=1 freenom_list_renewals=0
DEBUG: action    freenom_renew_domain=0 freenom_renew_all=0
DEBUG: login cookie_file=/tmp/tmp.Z5nkzxyPTN
DEBUG: login curl clientarea token=5f9db429d34a01372feeeb6a31341d29d2a291b2 (r=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
DEBUG: login curl dologin.php [email protected] (r=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
DEBUG: domains curl myDomainsPage (r=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
DEBUG: domains curl domainDetails (r=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
DEBUG: domains domainId=HIDDEN
DEBUG: domains domainRegDate=17/03/2020 domainExpiryDate=17/03/2021
DEBUG: domains curl domainDetails (r=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
DEBUG: domains domainId=HIDDEN
DEBUG: domains domainRegDate=06/01/2020 domainExpiryDate=06/01/2021
DEBUG: domains curl domainDetails (r=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
DEBUG: domains domainId=HIDDEN
DEBUG: domains domainRegDate=08/10/2019 domainExpiryDate=08/10/2020
[01] Domain: "" Id: "HIDDEN" RegDate: "17/03/2020" ExpiryDate: "17/03/2021"
[02] Domain: "" Id: "HIDDEN" RegDate: "06/01/2020" ExpiryDate: "06/01/2021"
[03] Domain: "" Id: "HIDDEN" RegDate: "08/10/2019" ExpiryDate: "08/10/2020"

So I just don't know what was going on with the new version of I hope I can got your help because I don't know how to debug it 😭 .

Thank you very much!

Option to modify the time period of renewal

The script works fine and I can list my domains. But I noticed that there isn't any script option to configure the time duration for which the domain will be renewed. The default time is 3 months on I went through the code and realized that the script renews the domain for 12 months most of the time. Is there any configuration to change this default time to a longer period (say 6 months or 8 months)? Or will this feature be implemented in future updates?

update results in duplicate A records instead of replacing the old record

I am a newbie here don't know how to produce logs exactly.

I set up with cron to update dynamic ip periodically on my home server. Recently I observe when the dynamic ip changes, does not update the existing A record with the new ip. Instead, it adds a new A record with the new ip, leave the old A record untouch. As a result, there are both new and old records on the DNS server which causing ambiguous result.


DNS record: A 120.*.*.11

Dynamic ip changes to 120.*.*.22
Do operation: -u

Expected result:
DNS record: A 120.*.*.22

Actual result:
DNS record: A 120.*.*.22 A 120.*.*.11

The dns record I check it directly from the freenom client area webpage. So it could not be the problem with my local dns.

handle existing dns records on ip update

Keep check for records[0] and if not found addrecord , else do changes:

use regex on dnsManagementPage to extract record[$num] and name
if name = freenom_subdomain_name then dnsAction=modify (instead of add)
no match? do $num+1 and dnsAction=add

Renew always failed

renewDateOkay is local variable in func_renewDate and can't be accessed in func_renewDomain, so func_renewDomain will always be skipped.

After moving renewDateOkay out of func_renewDate and remove local, renew will work.

No output at all

nice work. Sadly, even listing the own domains doesn't show any entry. I tried other scripts, too - but they didn't work for me as well. Did freenom recently changed their website?

No Domains are listed, and no errors or other entries found in logfile...

>>> /usr/local/bin/ -l

Listing Domains and ID's...

>>> cat /var/log/freenom/freenom.log
>>> bash --version
GNU bash, Version 5.0.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

update into wrong domain name and incorrect IP

I got the following from debug:

./ -u
DEBUG: conf scriptConf=./freenom.conf
DEBUG: args 1=-u 3= 4= 5= 6=
DEBUG: args freenom_domain_id=1042465653 freenom_subdomain_name=
DEBUG: action freenom_update_ip=1 freenom_update_force=0 freenom_list_records=0
DEBUG: action freenom_list=0 freenom_list_renewals=0
DEBUG: action freenom_renew_domain=0 freenom_renew_all=0
DEBUG: getip i=0 current_ip=
DEBUG: getip i=1 current_ip=
DEBUG: getip i=2 current_ip=
DEBUG: func_getRec raw i=0 example.TK recNum=0 recName=example.TK
DEBUG: func_getRec raw i=1 MAIL recNum=1 recName=MAIL
DEBUG: func_getRec raw i=2 example.TK recNum=2 recName=example.TK
DEBUG: func_getRec raw i=3 MX01 recNum=3 recName=MX01
recMatch equal to 0
DEBUG: update_ip recMatch=0 recNum=3 recName= recordKey=addrecord[4] dnsAction=add
DEBUG: update_ip name= ttyl=3600 value=

While it did successfully update the IP to freenom, but the ip and the target domain is wrong.

Won't update "sub-subdomain"

I tried to update a So my command is:

sudo bash -u -s

But it won't add or update something...

Script finished with errors

The script is not working for me.:

[Tue 26 Mar 20:45:19 GMT 2019] Update failed ( 1234567890)
[Tue 26 Mar 20:45:19 GMT 2019] Done  - with errors
[Tue 26 Mar 21:52:21 GMT 2019] Start - Update IP
[Tue 26 Mar 21:52:52 GMT 2019] Update failed ( 1234567890)
[Tue 26 Mar 21:52:52 GMT 2019] Done  - with errors
[Wed 27 Mar 00:33:20 GMT 2019] Start - Update IP
[Wed 27 Mar 00:33:46 GMT 2019] Update failed ( 1234567890)
[Wed 27 Mar 00:33:46 GMT 2019] Done  - with errors

thanks for your work! <3

How do I update DNS-Record for all domains


is it possible to update the A-record with the ip for all domains?
How do I set up a systemd-service for this?

In conf-File, there is option
freenom_update_all="1" # [0/1] arg "-a"
But -h doesnt know such an option/opportunity, for example for running it once


Do you know that the script fails when one of these options set to 1:
freenom_list="0" # [0/1] arg "-l"
freenom_list_renewals="0" # [0/1] args "-l -d"
freenom_list_records="0" # [0/1] arg "-z"

--> in freenom.log there is only a entry like the following one if one of the options is set to 1
[Sa 27. Aug 23:47:24 CEST 2022] [17324] Start: Domain renewal
[Sa 27. Aug 23:48:31 CEST 2022] [17324] Error: Domain renewal - No Domain ID ""

Fail to check registration date and expiration date

First, I would really thank you for that you made here, this is really awesome and useful for me.
Everything seems to work, except 'RegDate' and 'ExpiryDate', that I suppose to mean no way to renew the domain in case.
Update the domain is working well anyway.
I followed all the installing instructions and steps, configured 'freenom.conf' (fill my ID domain as well), also schedule it through systemd (I let you know I'm on Ubuntu, it doesn't work at first, I needed to add:


at the end of the service file and place services and timers files in '/lib/systemd/system/' create symlinks to '/etc/systemd/system' and '/etc/systemd/system/').
I've also checked my curl version, anyway I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 so no surprises...
When I'm enabling debug mode in the config file, that give me:

john@computer:~$ -l
DEBUG: debug=1 c_args=
DEBUG: conf scriptConf=/usr/local/etc/freenom.conf

Listing Domains and ID's...

DEBUG: args       debug=1 c_args=-s
DEBUG: args       1=-l 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9=
DEBUG: opts/conf  freenom_out_dir=/var/log/freenom freenom_out_mask=freenom out_path=/var/log/freenom/freenom
DEBUG: opts/conf freenom_domain_id=xxxxxxxxx freenom_subdomain_name=
DEBUGL opts/conf  freenom_static=ip=
DEBUG: action     freenom_update_ip=0 freenom_update_force=0 freenom_update_manual=0 freenom_update_all=0
DEBUG: action     freenom_list_records=0 freenom_list=1 freenom_list_renewals=0
DEBUG: action     freenom_renew_domain=0 freenom_renew_all=0
DEBUG: login cookie_file=/tmp/tmp.SzZt8tUfEi
DEBUG: login curl clientarea token=1d633c9beddbfe21c7e0c0a27baff35e4c378653 (r=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
DEBUG: login curl dologin.php [email protected] (r=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
[01] Domain: "" Id: "xxxxxxxxxx" RegDate: "" ExpiryDate: ""

DEBUG: func_cleanup cookie_file=/tmp/tmp.SzZt8tUfEi

As you can see, it doesn't get the RegDate and the ExpiryDate.
Did Freenom change something into their API that makes your script unable to get this information?

Thank you.

Issue with the config file.

Hello. I git-cloned the script on my Debian server in a temp dir. I followed the instructions. I've made the changes requested in the freenom.conf file, like email and password. But when I try to call one of the examples like "./ -r" it says "Error: setting "freenom_email" is missing in config". But I did compile it as requested and uncommented out. What am possible doing wrong?

Couldn't get current global ip address

Hi, the log file return "couldn't get current global ip address".
I disabled ipv6 and checked my ip on internet but i don't know why the script doesn't work ...
but if i set manually "current_ip" all works, someone have an answer ?

Listing domains with renewal details results in sed error

Listing domains without renewal details seems to work fine:

$ ./ -l

Listing Domains and ID's...

[01] Domain: ...

But adding -d results in a sed error:

$ ./ -l -d

Listing Domains and ID's with renewal details, this might take a while...

sed: -e expression #3, char 9: unterminated address regex

I've tried this with GNU sed versions 4.2.1 and 4.9, and it's the same error with both versions.

Cant update domains containing dashes

When I try to update the IP of a domain it creates a new subdomain like this I think it's because the -s is getting interpreted a a new argument.

Invalid config file

pi@cauquepi:~ $ -c /home/pi/freenom.conf -l
/usr/local/bin/ line 28: [: : integer expression expected
/usr/local/bin/ line 125: source: -c: invalid option
source: usage: source filename [arguments]

Listing Domains and ID's...

/usr/local/bin/ line 193: [: : integer expression expected
/usr/local/bin/ line 223: [: : integer expression expected
pi@cauquepi:~ $ -l -c /home/pi/freenom.conf
/usr/local/bin/ line 28: [: : integer expression expected
Error: invalid config specified

Listing Domains and ID's...

/usr/local/bin/ line 193: [: : integer expression expected
/usr/local/bin/ line 223: [: : integer expression expected

I think no explanation is needed :P

also the integer expression expected, I think it's because of the $debug -eq 1?

Error: setting "freenom_email" is missing in config

Greetings ... it is not possible to configure the freenom account and password in the freenom.conf file basically I have changed it several times and it does not read the mentioned file.
Ubuntu Server Focal 20.04


# Login data #

# Set variables for email/password -OR- source a "secrets" file
# Examples:
#   freenom_email="[email protected]" #My email here and not working
#   freenom_passwd="xxxxxxxxxxx" # My Pass here and not working
#   source "/home/${LOGNAME}/.secret/.freenom"

freenom_email="[email protected]"    **Try here maybe and not work**

Any suggestion I am doing something wrong I have been guided by what I read
Thankful & Greetings

[Question] "Can't update until..."

I suspect this is freenom and not your script, but any idea what this means?

[Wed Sep 18 06:06:53 EDT 2019] Start: Domain renewal
[Wed Sep 18 06:07:04 EDT 2019] These domain(s) were not renewed:
  Cannot renew [domain redacted] ([id redacted]) until 2019-10-30
[Wed Sep 18 06:07:04 EDT 2019] Done

I mean, the meaning is obvious, but ever see it before or understand what the restriction is?

install problem?

any chance for a bit of help with setup?
all im getting is
Error: Login failed, incorrect details
i checked my details in config a hundred times, i though it might be because i use # in my pass so i changed it to not have any, but the issue hasn't been resolved

all i did was to clone and then make install, and edit config
altho make install gives me this: make: Nothing to be done for `install'. but it does set up all files as they do copy and services are created

cheers and sorry for the hassle delete others subDomains

Hi , in i have 3 A-Records but when i run
./ -u -s www

Delete record “” and

Can you test?

Errors when listing or renewing domains

sudo -l
[sudo] password for user:
DEBUG: debug=1 c_exOpts=
DEBUG: conf scriptConf=/usr/local/etc/freenom.conf

Listing Domains and ID's...

DEBUG: args debug=1 c_exOpts=
DEBUG: args 1=-l 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9=
DEBUG: opts/conf freenom_out_dir=/var/log/freenom freenom_out_mask=freenom out_path=/var/log/freenom/freenomDEBUG: opts/conf freenom_domain_name= freenom_domain_id= freenom_subdomain_name=
DEBUG: opts/conf freenom_static_ip=
DEBUG: action freenom_update_ip=0 freenom_update_force=0 freenom_update_manual=0 freenom_update_all=0
DEBUG: action freenom_list_records=0 freenom_list=1 freenom_list_renewals=0
DEBUG: action freenom_renew_domain=0 freenom_renew_all=1
DEBUG: logintoken cookie_file=/tmp/tmp.2wefMlm3oA
DEBUG: 04:12:21 logintoken curl clientarea token=TokenChangedForSecurity (retry=1/3 http_code=200 errCount=0)
Error: Login failed, incorrect details
DEBUG: 04:12:23 func_cleanup cookie_file=/tmp/tmp.2wefMlm3oA

[vie jun 18 16:32:56 CEST 2021] Start: Domain renewal
[vie jun 18 16:33:24 CEST 2021] These domain(s) were not renewed:
Cannot renew "domain.xx" (1076807386) until 2021-10-03
Cannot renew "domain.xx" (1055596500) until 2022-01-21
[vie jun 18 16:33:24 CEST 2021] These domain(s) failed to renew:
Cannot renew "domain.xx" (1045224491), renewal period not found
[vie jun 18 17:12:28 CEST 2021] Start: Domain renewal
[vie jun 18 17:12:32 CEST 2021] Error: Login failed, incorrect details
[vie jun 18 17:14:46 CEST 2021] Start: Domain renewal
[vie jun 18 17:14:51 CEST 2021] Error: Login failed, incorrect details
[vie jun 18 17:30:53 CEST 2021] Start: Domain renewal
[vie jun 18 17:30:57 CEST 2021] Error: Login failed, incorrect details
[sáb jun 19 04:12:19 CEST 2021] Start: Domain renewal
[sáb jun 19 04:12:23 CEST 2021] Error: Login failed, incorrect details

Social Sign-In

I use Freenom and have registered domains using the Social Sign-In. I did face some errors which I could solve myself. For example my password contained a special character in the start so I used ' ' quotes instead of " " but now I am facing this issue. I have added the email and password in the freenom.config file and it gives me the following output.

$ sudo -l
Warning: no MTA found, cant send email

Listing Domains and ID's...

Error: Login failed, incorrect details

I am not sure if this error is happening because I use a Social Sign-In account or because I did something wrong could someone please help me.

Running the script automatically through cron does not work

Hi there, I have the following on /etc/cron.d/freenom
*/10 * * * * root bash '/usr/local/bin/ -u -s www'

freenom.log, freenom.ip are not created in /var/log/
syslog shows the following:
Mar 31 17:45:01 hostname CRON[9789]: (root) CMD (bash '/usr/local/bin/ -u -s www')
Mar 31 17:45:02 hostname sendmail[9793]: x2VGj2VA009793: from=root, size=400, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=[email protected], bodytype=8BITMIME, relay=root@localhost
Mar 31 17:45:02 hostname sm-mta[9794]: STARTTLS=server, relay=localhost [], version=TLSv1.2, verify=NOT, cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits=256/256
Mar 31 17:45:02 hostname sendmail[9793]: STARTTLS=client, relay=[], version=TLSv1.2, verify=FAIL, cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits=256/256
Mar 31 17:45:02 hostname sm-mta[9794]: x2VGj2ti009794: from=[email protected], size=652, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=[email protected], bodytype=7BIT, proto=ESMTPS, daemon=MTA-v4, relay=localhost []
Mar 31 17:45:02 hostname sendmail[9793]: x2VGj2VA009793: to=root, ctladdr=root (0/0), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay, pri=30400, relay=[] [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (x2VGj2ti009794 Message accepted for delivery)
Mar 31 17:45:02 hostname sm-mta[9795]: x2VGj2ti009794: to=[email protected], ctladdr=[email protected] (0/0), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=local, pri=30927, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

Same results with:
*/10 * * * * root bash -c 'sleep $((RANDOM % 15))m; /usr/local/bin/ -u'

Running the script manually works.
Am I doing something wrong?

Update all domains ip address


Is there a way to update the ip address on all my domains once and for all ? Or a param in the config that allow us to specify a list of domains to update?
Because otherwise I have to make as much commands as I have domains.


A suggestion

Hello, can you optimize this script? It doesn't work properly on openwrt, which is very useful. Thanks !

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