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dotnet-apim's Issues

global policy is not getting generated

source file- Apim.DevOps.Toolkit.Core.ArmTemplates.ResourceCreators.GlobalPolicyResourceCreator, Line -20

if (deploymentDefinition.Policy != null)
				return Array.Empty<ArmTemplateResource>();

probably should be like this

if (deploymentDefinition.Policy == null)
				return Array.Empty<ArmTemplateResource>();

definition file

version: 0.0.1
apimServiceName: apim-xxxxxxxxxxxx
policy: api-management/policies/global.xml

Variables with underscore not supported

Variables with an underscore in the name are not supported.

Example: my_variable

Current behavior: Dupplicated Key Exception (when at least two variables end with the same suffix like "api_name" and "operation_name").

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (An item with the same key has already been added. Key: $(name))
    ---> System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: $(name)
      at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
      at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
      at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)
      at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector)
      at Apim.DevOps.Toolkit.Core.Variables.VariableCollection..ctor(IEnumerable`1 variables) in C:\Users\6104652\source\repos\dotnet-apim\src\apimtemplate\Core\Variables\VariableCollection.cs:line 19
      at Apim.DevOps.Toolkit.Core.Variables.VariableReplacer.GetFromString(String variables) in C:\Users\6104652\source\repos\dotnet-apim\src\apimtemplate\Core\Variables\VariableReplacer.cs:line 60
      at Apim.DevOps.Toolkit.CommandLine.Commands.CreateCommand.LoadGlobalVariables(CommandLineOption option)
      at Apim.DevOps.Toolkit.CommandLine.Commands.CreateCommand.ProcessAsync(CommandLineOption option) in C:\Users\6104652\source\repos\dotnet-apim\src\apimtemplate\CommandLine\Commands\CreateCommand.cs:line 27
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
      at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
      at Apim.DevOps.Toolkit.Program.ProcessCommand(CommandLineOption option, IMapper mapper) in C:\Users\6104652\source\repos\dotnet-apim\src\apimtemplate\Program.cs:line 44

Option for Custom APIM Developer Portal (self-hosted)

Hello Ehsan, Team,

I hope that everything is going great. Thanks for your effort on this very needed feature, so I have a suggestion/question.

  • Is there a way, that we can set up a provided (self-hosted) API Developer Portal for each API using the tool ?

Thanks for any info regarding this one, have a great day ahead.

Version sets always replaces the existing version

Below is the config file. Existing api version is 1.5. Post new deployment 1.5 is replaced with new deployment. If i want to preserve both version or revision what should be the configuration.
- id: $(title)
name: $(title)
displayName: $(title)
description: $(title)
versioningScheme: Query
versionQueryName: api-v-q
versionHeaderName: api-v-h

- name: $(title)
displayName: $(title)
type: http
description: $(desc)
serviceUrl: $(backend) # global variable
openApiSpec: D:/a/1/s/$(title)/Config/Swagger/openapi.json # global variable
policy: D:/a/1/s/$(title)/Config/Policies/policiesapi.xml
path: $(title)
subscriptionRequired: true
isCurrent: true
apiversion: $(version)
apiVersionSetId: $(title)

ARM template parameters in config


Is it possible to use ARM parameters in the config file? For our backend we make use of Azure Functions with function keys. Function keys are secret and are not allowed to be stored in our repository (e.g. config files). That's why we prefer to use parameters in our ARM deployment. Is this already existing functionality? If so, can you please explain how that works? If not, is there an alternative way to change parameters / variables in config files over different environments?

Thanks in advance.

Use of '=' as key-value separator is causing truncation of SAS Token when used for linkedTemplatesUrlQueryString

var keyValue = replacementVariable.Split("=");

I'm trying to use linkedTemplatesUrlQueryString: in the template generator so that I can pull the SAS token that I want to configure and read from the replace-variable.yml file but since the sas token already contains '=' (as the Azure SAS token looks like this ?sv=2019-02-02&......) the sas token value is truncated and in the parameters.json file that is generated will only have the values as follow:
"LinkedTemplatesUrlQueryString": {
"value": "?sv"

Swagger download not needed

Previously, swagger import would overwrite the api display name with the title. However, this is no longer the case as per this comment. I've verified this as well. Modify dotnet-apim tool to not download the swagger. This also prevents hitting character limits if the swagger content is large.

Support for splitting YML into smaller files

As mentioned in the section "Maintaining Large YAML Definitions By Splitting Them" we have do so and in our pipeline we have 2 commands:

dotnet-apim -c ".\Products-Config.yml" -o "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/Dev" -f ".\EnvironmentConfigurations\config-dev.yml" -p "dev-"
dotnet-apim -c ".\APIM-Subscriptions-Config.yml" -o "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/Dev" -f ".\EnvironmentConfigurations\config-dev.yml" -p "dev-"

The first one creates a Product that then the second one ( Subscriptions ) will use to set permissions, still the 2 .yml are not aggregated into one single dev-apim_deploy.template.json file, what it seems to happen is that the last overrides the first one. How should we run this so that the Products-Config.yml and the APIM-Subscriptions-Config.yml are aggregated into a single deployment definitions.

Allow ServiceFabric backend clientCertificateId reference

@mirsaeedi One more haha...
We have a need to reference the Service Fabric client certificate using clientCertificateId. This property is available in API version 2021-08-01.

The value in the generated ARM template would be a resourceId, i.e.

"serviceFabricCluster": {
    "clientCertificateId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates', parameters('ApimServiceName'), '[clientcertId]')]",

I have working code I can submit a PR for, but we'd need to update the API schema version. Lemme know your thoughts :)

Support for importing GraphQL API

The ARM schema has graphql-link spec format now. It would be nice if we could support this to allow importing GraphQL APIs.
As far as implementation, was thinking we could just add another property in the yaml file to specify graphqlspec then set the format in the ARM template to graphql-link.

@mirsaeedi Lemme know your thoughts. I can help with implementation as always. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

support to add or modify products to assign groups?

Below YAML definition currently only supports basic creation of product as part of the api deployment and assigns the "administrators" group by default.


  • name: ApiD1
    displayName: API D v1
    serviceUrl: $(ApiServiceURL)
    openApiSpec: $(apimBasePath)\OpenApi.json
    path: $(prefix)/D/api
    apiVersion: v1
    apiVersionSetId: ApiVersionSetD
    apiRevision: 1
    protocols: https
    subscriptionRequired: true
    isCurrent: true
    products: ProductD1


  • name: ProductD1
    displayName: Product D1
    description: Product for D1
    subscriptionRequired: true
    approvalRequired: true
    subscriptionsLimit: 1
    state: published

Tag not found exception when adding a tag that does not exist on APIM

When using the dotnet-apim tool for generating the ARM templates for creating your API in APIM, the tool allows you to specify tags.

However, our ARM template deployment fails with the message: 'Tag not found. (Code: ResourceNotFound)'

It seems that the tag needs to exist on the APIM instance first in order for the deployment of the ARM template to work, as mentioned in this GIT hub issue as well: MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs#21817

Currently we work around this issue by having an azure CLI command for creating the tags, but could the code also generate an ARM template for the creation of the tags on the APIM instance, e.g.

    "type": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags",
    "apiVersion": "2022-09-01-preview",
    "name": "[concat(parameters('service_apim_name'), parameters('tag_name')]",
    "dependsOn": [
        "[resourceId('Microsoft.ApiManagement/service', parameters('service_apim_name'))]"
    "properties": {
        "displayName": "parameters('tag_name')"

Description of the API is not updated when deploying to APIM

version: 0.0.1
apimServiceName: myAPIMService

    - name: myApi
      type: http
      _**description: myFirstApi**.  --> (not updated when deployed to APIM)_

noticed in the generated ARM template the way it constructs the "value" under resources it doesn't include the "Description" when passing the whole open API spec and when i manually added the "Description" it worked.

Could you please add this property so that the tool automatically adds it when the ARM template is generated?

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "ApimServiceName": {
      "type": "string",
      "metadata": {
        "description": "Name of the API Management"
  "variables": {},
  "resources": [
      "properties": {
        "value": "{ }", ---> this doesn't have the description property set
        "format": "openapi+json",
        "Description": "myFirstApi",
        "type": "http",
        "apiRevision": "1",
        "isCurrent": true,
        "subscriptionRequired": false,
        "displayName": "myFirstAPI",
        "serviceUrl": "",
        "path": "find"

How do you link Application Insights to an API


Thanks for the tool.

How do you link the logger for application insights to an api like the yaml provides from MS

If I try and add it, I receive an exception

2022-07-05T01:43:42.4477879Z System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ((Line: 6, Col: 5, Idx: 164) - (Line: 6, Col: 5, Idx: 164): Exception during deserialization) 2022-07-05T01:43:42.4480896Z ---> YamlDotNet.Core.YamlException: (Line: 6, Col: 5, Idx: 164) - (Line: 6, Col: 5, Idx: 164): Exception during deserialization 2022-07-05T01:43:42.4514802Z ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Property 'diagnostic' not found on type 'Apim.DevOps.Toolkit.Core.DeploymentDefinitions.Entities.ApiDeploymentDefinition'. 2022-07-05T01:43:42.4520876Z at YamlDotNet.Serialization.TypeInspectors.TypeInspectorSkeleton.GetProperty(Type type, Object container, String name, Boolean ignoreUnmatched) 2022-07-05T01:43:42.4526489Z at YamlDotNet.Serialization.NodeDeserializers.ObjectNodeDeserializer.YamlDotNet.Serialization.INodeDeserializer.Deserialize(IParser parser, Type expectedType, Func3 nestedObjectDeserializer, Object& value)
2022-07-05T01:43:42.4528339Z `

Backend missing ARM dependencies when Named Values exists

ARM deployment fails with first attempt because Backend cannot be created due to lack of referenced NamedValue.
Folliwng Backend Configuration requires NamedValue 'func' to be created, In other case Backend deployment fails


backends ARM "dependsOn": should contain NamedValues

"type": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backends",
        "apiVersion": "2019-12-01",
        "name": "[concat(parameters('ApimServiceName'), '/apim-name')]",
        "dependsOn": [],

Creating revision not appending `;rev=n` suffix to API name

In order to create a revision, one must append ;rev=n to the API id otherwise the revision is not created. See docs and code in azure-apim-devops-kit


My yml file:

The ;rev=2 is not appended to the API name:

What I'd expect

I tried to append the revision to the API name in variableString, but since it contains a semi-colon, it didn't work.

We need to check if apiRevision is specified and isCurrent is false, if so, append the suffix to the API id. This is the behavior in azure-apim-devops-kit.

See also answer from Microsoft support:


Error when openApiSpec references a yaml open api specification file

Specifying a yaml file as the value for openApiSpec results in the following exception:

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: o. Path '', line 0, position 0.) ---> Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: o. Path '', line 0, position 0.
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue()
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadForType(JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Common.OpenAPISpecReader.GetOpenApiVersion() in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Infrastructure\OpenAPISpecReader.cs:line 20
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Common.OpenAPISpecReader.GetOpenApiFormat() in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Infrastructure\OpenAPISpecReader.cs:line 43
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.ApiTemplateCreator.CreateApiTemplateResourceAsync(ApiDeploymentDefinition api, Boolean isInitial) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\ApimEntities\Api\APITemplateCreator.cs:line 118
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.ApiTemplateCreator.CreateApiTemplateAsync(ApiDeploymentDefinition api, Boolean isInitial) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\ApimEntities\Api\APITemplateCreator.cs:line 53
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.ApiTemplateCreator.CreateApiTemplatesAsync(ApiDeploymentDefinition api) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\ApimEntities\Api\APITemplateCreator.cs:line 41

It appears that the GetOpenApiVersion method, which only supports json, is getting called even for yaml files.

API variables are not parameterized

Shouldn't the variables defined in apis be parameters in the deploy template and their values defined in the parameters file, the way apimServiceName is parameterized? It seems the api variable values are hard-coded into the deploy template.

Api Policy xml used when creating operation policies

Unable to create operation policies successfully. Consider the following:


    policy: .\api-policy.xml
        policy: .\operation1-policy.xml

Expected Result
Policy from operation1-policy.xml is used when creating the arm for the operation1 policy

Actual Result
The policy from api-policy.xml is used to create the operation1 policy.

We shouldn't need to download swagger to update title

Currently if a link is provided for the openApiSpec, the contents are downloaded so that we can workaround the issue of swagger title overwriting the API display name, which is a bug on Azure's side (see same issue on CLI). However, an easier workaround is to set up a to update the display name from a child template. See below:

First import swagger as usual:

Secondly, update display name. Here a nested template is used because ARM templates won't let you have Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis declared twice in the same deployment. Notice this second deployment does not include the swagger.

This also avoids ARM template character limit issues that I've encountered if my swagger file is too large.

How to add parameters for DevOps Release pipeline

Currently, by default the tool adds only one parameter "ApimServiceName". I need to add more parameters so I can use release pipeline to override the parameters for each environment. I am adding AppInsight logging, but I have multiple environments (dev01, dev02, qa01, qa02 etc). And I do not want to use variables options, because I do not want to store the InstrumentationKey within the project as a text value. If it is in release pipeline, I can add the key for each scope (environment) and secure it. Is there a way I can add custom parameters when ArmTemplates are generated?

Can't install in .net 2.1

Can't install in runtime 2.1 and 2.2 is not supported anymore

error NU1202: Package Apim.DevOps.Toolkit 1.1.5 is not compatible with netcoreapp2.1 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1) / any. Package Apim.DevOps.Toolkit 1.1.5 supports: netcoreapp2.2 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2) / any
The tool package could not be restored.
Tool 'apim.devops.toolkit' failed to install. This failure may have been caused by:

* You are attempting to install a preview release and did not use the --version option to specify the version.
* A package by this name was found, but it was not a .NET Core tool.
* The required NuGet feed cannot be accessed, perhaps because of an Internet connection problem.
* You mistyped the name of the tool.

Run-time Error while Processing Backend

Template YAML File

version: 0.0.1
apimServiceName: apim-nm-playground

  - title: "fa-playground"
    description: "Azure Function App for Testing"
    url: $(functionUrl)
    resourceId: $(functionResourceId)
    protocol: http
          - "{{fa-function-app-key}}"

linked: false
outputLocation: C:\Playground\ApimTest
linkedTemplatesBaseUrl :


System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (API configuration is required) ---> System.ArgumentException: API configuration is required
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.ConfigurationValidator.ValidateAPIs(DeploymentDefinition creatorConfig) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Configuration\ConfigurationValidator.cs:line 135
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.ConfigurationValidator.Validate(DeploymentDefinition creatorConfig) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Configuration\ConfigurationValidator.cs:line 16
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Common.FileReader.GetCreatorConfig(String yamlContent) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Infrastructure\FileReader.cs:line 159
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Common.FileReader.GetCreatorConfigFromYaml(String configFilePath) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Infrastructure\FileReader.cs:line 39
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.CreateCommand.GetCreatorConfig(CommandLineOption option) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\CommandLine\Commands\CreateCommand.cs:line 31
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.CreateCommand.Process(CommandLineOption option) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\CommandLine\Commands\CreateCommand.cs:line 16
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Program.ProcessCommand(CommandLineOption option) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Program.cs:line 39
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.ArgumentException: API configuration is required
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.ConfigurationValidator.ValidateAPIs(DeploymentDefinition creatorConfig) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Configuration\ConfigurationValidator.cs:line 135
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.ConfigurationValidator.Validate(DeploymentDefinition creatorConfig) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Configuration\ConfigurationValidator.cs:line 16
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Common.FileReader.GetCreatorConfig(String yamlContent) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Infrastructure\FileReader.cs:line 159
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Common.FileReader.GetCreatorConfigFromYaml(String configFilePath) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\Core\Infrastructure\FileReader.cs:line 39
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.CreateCommand.GetCreatorConfig(CommandLineOption option) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\CommandLine\Commands\CreateCommand.cs:line 31
   at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.ArmTemplates.Create.CreateCommand.Process(CommandLineOption option) in C:\Users\u6104652\source\repos\azure-api-management-devops-resource-kit\src\apimtemplate\CommandLine\Commands\CreateCommand.cs:line 16<---

Allow ProductAPI resources to be generated without specifying products array in yml file

First of all, I love this tool! It would be nice if we didn't have to specify the products array in the yml file for the product-api assignments to be added to the output ARM template. This is useful because we manage products as separate arm templates from the APIs. This is the behavior in the apim-azure-devops-toolkit, as in this section of code, it only adds dependsOn on products/apis resource and not products. Besides, we're already adding dependsOn product in the API resource, i.e. products is added as a dependency in ApiDeploymentDefinition. Therefore, if one decides to add the products array in their yml, it should still work.

Currently, if one doesn't include products in the yml, deployment fails with this error: "The resource 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/***' is not defined in the template"

@mirsaeedi I'd be happy to submit a PR for this.


Add Support for Named Value secrets using ARM SecureString parameter

Not sure if there is a way to do this now but it would be great to be able to define named values as secrets that require their values to be passed in at deployment time via an arm securestring parameter. This would allow the value to be passed in securely and not visible anywhere.

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