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minkbundle's Issues

Error running Selenium


I'm trying to run Mink and Selenium with Symfony.

My composer.json:

"behat/symfony2-extension": "*",
        "behat/mink-extension" : "*",
        "behat/mink-browserkit-driver" : "*",
        "behat/mink-selenium-driver":  "*",

My behat.yml:

            mink_driver: true
            default_session: 'symfony2'
            javascript_session: selenium
            selenium: ~
            fixtures: ~

I'm running selenium using:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar

And the error I'm getting is:
Unexpected response from Selenium server : ERROR Server Exception: sessionId should not be null; has this session been started yet?

While I'm trying to run tests.
Thank you for any suggestions!

Cannot update vendors


When I do this:

php ./bin/vendors install

I get this:

> Installing/Updating MinkBundle
HEAD is now at 788e4a1 depend on symfony/framework-bundle instead of entire symfony/symfony                             
  The service "behat.mink" has a dependency on a non-existent service "test.client".  
  The service "behat.mink" has a dependency on a non-existent service "test.client".  

Here is my deps:


And config_test.yml:

    - { resource: config_dev.yml }

    test: ~

    toolbar: false
    intercept_redirects: false

    disable_delivery: true

    base_url:   http://localhost/app_test.php


Mink should be a singleton service

Currently Mink is a prototype service and I've lost several hours figuring out why the hell I'm getting different sessions whenever I ask Mink to give me the default session.

It turned out that since Mink is a prototype service, I was getting a new instance of Mink each time I asked it from the container.

Since Mink itself is just a fancy factory, it should be a singleton.

Please update requirements

There is a new version of behat/mink-browserkit-driver, that is required for Behat/Mink-extension for symfony projects.

behat/mink-browserkit-driver: ~1.1

No messages in collector

Hi, I followed this guide.

I enabled the delivery of emails too, and i can confirm that I receive the email in my account running the test.
But what it means that if I had no messages in $collector = $profile->getCollector('swiftmailer')->getMessages(); ?

I implemented the methods you wrote in that guide ...

Thank you for your precious help.

In alternative, are there any guide that explain how to test symfony2 swiftmailer?

LICENSE file missing

The copyright notice references a file named LICENSE which supposedly comes with the source code. However I cannot find it.

Please add it with the appropriate license terms.

Bad config or bug in deps managment ?


I have a strange problem, i have the exception :

Fatal error: Class 'Selenium\Client' not found in .../vendor/behat/mink/src/Behat/Mink/Behat/Context/MinkContext.php on line 214

Normal i have not load Selenium :

php app/console -e=test cont:deb  | grep mink
behat.mink                                    prototype Behat\Mink\Mink
behat.mink.goutte                             prototype Goutte\Client
behat.mink.selector.css                       container Behat\Mink\Selector\CssSelector
behat.mink.selector.named                     container Behat\Mink\Selector\NamedSelector
behat.mink.selectors_handler                  container Behat\Mink\Selector\SelectorsHandler
behat.mink.session.goutte                     prototype Behat\Mink\Session
behat.mink.session.symfony                    prototype Behat\Mink\Session

And my config_test.yml :

    base_url:   http://myapp.test/app_test.php
    default_session:  goutte
    goutte:           ~

And my context :


namespace AAA\CoreBundle\Features\Context;

use Behat\BehatBundle\Context\BehatContext,
use Behat\Behat\Context\ClosuredContextInterface,
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode,

use PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException as AssertException;

 * Feature context.
class FeatureContext extends \Behat\Mink\Behat\Context\MinkContext

error after installation in frontend

hi there!
i get following error message when accessing the frontend after installing minkbundle:
"ParameterNotFoundException: The service "behat.test_client" has a dependency on a non-existent parameter "test.client.parameters"."

can you help me?

BR Stephan

mink does not close the browser between teststeps

hi there!

minkbundle works great for a single testcase step now, but when i have 2 tests (in one webtestcase) i get an error message after the first test is complete. It's in german, here's how i would translate it: "A firefox copy is already running. It's not possible to run more than one firefox copy at the same time"

you know what i might be doing wrong?

BR Stephan

Have Mink run multiple browsers in a single test

I currently have this working with the Selenium driver. When I explicitly set the browser_name in the config_test.yml, it works. It seems I can only pass it one browser/selenium location/etc. Is there any way to have this so when I run PHPUnit from the command line, it can test multiple browsers at once (not necessarily in parallel) and potentially multiple Selenium instances? I know it is possible to do this in the PHPUnit-Selenium library by setting multiple browser parameters in a phpunit.xml file:

    <browser name="Internet Explorer" browser="*iexplore" host=""  port="4444" />      
    <browser name="Firefox" browser="*firefox" />
    <browser name="Chrome" browser="googlechrome" />

Consider deprecating this bundle

This bundle was written in the early days of Behat and Mink, when @everzet thought that the proper way to make Behat and Symfony work together was to bring Behat and Mink into Symfony through bundles.
This has since be considered as a mistake. BehatBundle has been deprecated years ago already. and Mink is integrated into Behat through MinkExtension. We also have a much better way to use Mink in PHPUnit through phpunit-mink instead of booting a Symfony kernel into your tests to get a Mink instance from it and start using it.

Thus, this bundle suffers from many issues:

  • the mink sessions are prototype-scoped, leading to a weird usage pattern
  • the bundle couples the sessions to the driver types, which does not make much sense (Behat MinkExtension 1.x inherited this mistake, which was fixed in 2.0)
  • the bundle does not support configuring Mink drivers properly (its Goutte configuration is totally outdated for instance, and would break when using Goutte 2 or newer, which happens by default when installing the driver, but other drivers are also outdated)
  • the remote code coverage feature misuses Mink (setting a cookie before visiting a URL is not a supported usage)
  • the remove code coverage feature relies on the Selenium extension for PHPUnit being available in the include path of the server, which is very unlikely as PHPUnit is not installed through PEAR anymore
  • the bundle is incompatible with Symfony 3
  • the bundle is hardly maintained
  • the bundle testsuite does not make sense. It does not actually test the bundle, but Mink drivers (which is why there is a functional test per driver). But we already have the driver-testsuite for that in Mink.

Rather than trying to update the bundle to fix all these points (which would require BC breaks for several of them), I suggest deprecating it and suggest people to use the right tool for the job, i.e. phpunit-mink (which also has more features btw).

what do you think @minkphp/core-team @minkphp/minkbundle ?

Can I open new tab in browser using Mink?

Hi, I am running a scenario where I am logged in facebook, after successful login I wanted to go to a specific page but its not working..The error is :
Command execution time limit reached: _sahi._navigateTo(mywebsitelink)

I was thinking may be I can open new tab and check my remain part of test case..
Please help..Thanks.

The annotation "@BeforeScenario" in method Behat\Mink\Behat\Context\BaseMinkContext::prepareMinkSessions() was never imported.

Hi there,

I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I'm having a problem with Mink when trying to extract translations using JMS Translation Bundle in Symfony2.

I get the following exception whenever I run the translation command. i.e. ./app/console translation:extract en --config=app

[Semantical Error] The annotation "@BeforeScenario" in method Behat\Mink\Behat\Context\BaseMinkContext::prepareMinkSessions() was never imported. Did you maybe forget to add a "use" statement for this annotation?



$session->getPage()->clickLink('event-save-button'); not working

sorry for bugging you so much these days- looking forward to working on my own and contributing to the project!

i got my test nearly running, but there is some issue with


i'm getting the error message

Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException: link with locator: "event-save-button" not found

strange thing. i have tried to get the button by id or value, without success. I even see, that the button is there in the html when i execute following line in my test


any ideas what i might doing wrong?

another question regarding element-selection:
will there be a way to select elements by css selectors? this would be so great, cause i don't have an ID for each element on my page, and since we develop a multilang app, we can't use values/labels either...

BR Stephan

symfony driver output

Is there a way to show output on browser on html files generated but that are placed on a different tmp folder

in other words, can I control where the files are generated, and also can I also add the assets so that they can load?


Invalid Mink Dependencies

There's is a problem with the current mink dependency definition in composer.json, when using the ZombieJS browser emulator. The definition states that for the current development state of the Mink Bundle, Mink from version 1.3.2 to 1.4.0-dev are required. Without explicitely defining a version for Mink, composer would install the 1.3.4, which is not compatible to the mink bundle, because it tries to invoke Behat/Mink/Driver/Zombie/Connection, which seems to be renamed to NodeJS/Connection in version 1.3.4. So i had to switch to 1.3.3 for Mink manually, to make the zombie driver work for my symfony installation.

Are there any plans to make Mink Bundle work with the newest Mink versions (>1.4)?

Renaming the repository to follow best practices

The best practices recommend to use the bundle logical name as github repository name to avoid collision for people forking them (forking both FOSUserBundle and SonataUserBundle before the renaming would have lead to have only one repo on your account, but a messed one for instance).
So the repository should be renamed to BehatMinkBundle (without changing anything in it except the url in the doc). This has been done just now by FOS, Liip and FOQ repos, and will probably be done by other ones as we are asking people to follow the best practice. The sooner it is done the better to avoid changing the repo url after the stable release.

[SymfonyDriver] removes "*.php/" from urls

Is there a reason app_test.php is removed from the url in the visit($url) method of the SymfonyDriver class?
In the documentation for the MinkBundle I found the following example for the configuration:

    base_url:   http://your-virtualhost.local/app_test.php

So I expected I could run the test against app_test.php. But when I run the test, the test is run against
Is there a way to avoid the removal of "*.php/" or overwrite the visit($url) method?

base_url config option not picked up with goutte session

Using this code from the mink site

    default_session:    goutte
    goutte:             ~

using "And print last response" I can see the url visited is localhost not the one provided in base_url option

My mink and behat bundles are latest, behat is at ffec3e6f2bc4f94a3b3a953fed58d76902b08e59 because the behat bundle isn't compatible with the latest version

rrorException: Notice: Undefined index: path in /.../app/bootstrap.php.cache line 1386

HI there. i get following error when i execute phpunit -c app/ in the cli:

ErrorException: Notice: Undefined index: path in /.../app/bootstrap.php.cache line 1386



I looked up the line which is making trouble (bootstrap.php.cache:1386), maybe it helps:

$uri = $components['path'] . ($queryString ? '?'.$queryString : '');

Can you help me?

BR Stephan

Composer installation incomplete


I have followed the tutorial explaining how to install mink with composer available here. So, my composer.json looks like:

    "name": "symfony/framework-standard-edition",
    "autoload": {
        "psr-0": { "": "src/" }
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.3.2",
        "symfony/symfony": "2.1.*",
        "doctrine/orm": "2.2.0",
        "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "dev-master",
        "twig/extensions": "dev-master",
        "symfony/assetic-bundle": "dev-master",
        "symfony/swiftmailer-bundle": "dev-master",
        "symfony/monolog-bundle": "dev-master",
        "sensio/distribution-bundle": "dev-master",
        "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "dev-master",
        "sensio/generator-bundle": "dev-master",
        "jms/security-extra-bundle": "dev-master",

        "behat/behat-bundle": "dev-master",
        "behat/mink-bundle": "dev-master"
    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": [
        "post-update-cmd": [
    "config": {
        "bin-dir": "bin"
    "extra": {
        "symfony-app-dir": "app",
        "symfony-web-dir": "web"
    "repositories": {
        "behat/mink-deps": {
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""

All works fine excepts the recommend section is not installed. According to the composer documentation, this section is by default installed. Someone can explain me what is wrong ?

Class 'Selenium\Client' not found in app\cache\test\appTestDebugProjectContainer.php on line 334


    default_session: selenium
    selenium: ~

Container source near line 334:

    protected function getBehat_MinkService()
        $a = $this->get('behat.mink.selectors_handler');

        $instance = new \Behat\Mink\Mink();

        $instance->registerSession('symfony', new \Behat\Mink\Session(new \Behat\MinkBundle\Driver\SymfonyDriver(new \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Client($this->get('kernel'), array(), new \Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\History(), new \Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\CookieJar())), $a));
        $instance->registerSession('selenium', new \Behat\Mink\Session(new \Behat\Mink\Driver\SeleniumDriver('*firefox', '', new \Selenium\Client('', 4444)), $a));

        return $instance;

Where I can get \Selenium\Client? I don't see this in the docs.

Change Sahi browser?


Is there any way to define differente browsers to sahi with this bundle? i thought it could be done in config_test.yml but i didn't found anything about it.

What is the best way to do that?


500 error page

I have followed all the procedure for getting sahi working
it finally works but I get 500 error page

Warning: session_start(): The session id is too long or contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,' in /home/cordoval/sites-2/x/vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/SessionStorage/NativeSessionStorage.php line 87

This problem has been happening on and off and i think it started when I installed mink/behat bundles...

how can I narrow down the problem?

TestSessionListenerPass commit causes exception

The latest commit 543f881 causes an exception to be thrown when using the SymfonyDriver:

The given callback ([array] Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelResponse) for event "kernel.response" is not callable.

Backing out this commit to 58d04a9 resolves the issue. This is with Symfony 2.0.11 (deps and deps.lock as per the 2.0.11 release). I'll try and see if I can get a test case for this.

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