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stochasticrounding.jl's Introduction



Stochastic rounding for floating-point arithmetic.

This package exports Float64sr, Float32sr,Float16sr, and BFloat16sr, four number formats that behave like their deterministic counterparts but with stochastic rounding that is proportional to the distance of the next representable numbers and therefore exact in expectation (see also example below in Usage. The only known hardware implementation available is Graphcore's IPU with stochastic rounding, but other vendors are likely working on stochastic rounding for their next-generation GPUs (and maybe CPUs too).

The software emulation in StochasticRounding.jl makes the number format slower, but e.g. Float32 with stochastic rounding is only about 2x slower than the default deterministically rounded Float64. Xoroshiro128Plus, a random number generator from the Xorshift family, is used from the RandomNumbers.jl package, due to its speed and statistical properties.

Every format of Float64sr, Float32sr,Float16sr, and BFloat16sr uses a higher precision format to obtain the "exact" arithmetic result which is then stochastically rounded to the respective lower precision format. Float16sr and BFloat16sr use Float32 for this, Float32sr uses Float64, and Float64sr uses Double64 from DoubleFloats.jl

You are welcome to raise issues, ask questions or suggest any changes or new features.

BFloat16sr is based on BFloat16s.jl
Float16sr is slow in Julia <1.6, but much faster in Julia >=1.6 due to LLVM's half support.


StochasticRounding.jl defines stochastic_round as a general interface to round stochastically to a floating-point number, e.g.

julia> stochastic_round(Float32,π)

julia> stochastic_round(Float32,π)

Here we round π (which is first converted to Float64) to Float32 where it is not exactly representable, hence we have results that differ in the last bit. The chance here is

julia> chance_roundup(Float32,π)

about 63% to obtain the first (which therefore would be round to nearest, the default rounding mode), and hence 37% to obtain the latter (round away from nearest). The stochastic_round function is wrapped into the floating-point formats Float64sr, Float32sr, Float16sr and BFloat16sr are supposed to be drop-in replacements for their deterministically rounded counterparts. You can create data of those types as expected (which is bitwise identical to the deterministic formats respectively) and the type will trigger stochastic rounding on every arithmetic operation.

julia> a = BFloat16sr(1.0)
julia> a/3
julia> a/3

As 1/3 is not exactly representable the rounding will be at 66.6% chance towards 0.33398438 and at 33.3% towards 0.33203125 such that in expectation the result is 0.33333... and therefore exact.


Solving a linear equation system with LU decomposition and stochastic rounding:

A = randn(Float32sr,3,3)
b = randn(Float32sr,3)

Now execute the \ several times and the results will differ slightly due to stochastic rounding

julia> A\b
3-element Vector{Float32sr}:

julia> A\b
3-element Vector{Float32sr}:

The random number generator is randomly seeded on every import or using such that running the same calculations twice, will not yield bit-reproducible results. However, you can seed the random number generator at any time with any integer larger than zero as follows

julia> StochasticRounding.seed(2156712)

the state of the random number generator for StochasticRounding.jl is independent from Julia's default, which is used for rand(), randn() etc.


Round-to-nearest (tie to even) is the standard rounding mode for IEEE floats. Stochastic rounding is explained in the following schematic

The exact result x of an arithmetic operation (located at one fifth between x₂ and x₃ in this example) is always rounded down to x₂ for round-to-nearest. For stochastic rounding, only at 80% chance x is round down. At 20% chance it is round up to x₃, proportional to the distance of x between x₂ and x₃.


StochasticRounding.jl is registered in the Julia registry. Hence, simply do

julia>] add StochasticRounding

where ] opens the package manager.


StochasticRounding.jl is among the fastest software implementation of stochastic rounding for floating-point arithmetic. Define a few random 1000000-element arrays

julia> using StochasticRounding, BenchmarkTools, BFloat16s
julia> A = rand(Float64,1000000);
julia> B = rand(Float64,1000000);   # A, B shouldn't be identical as a+a=2a is not round

And similarly for the other number types. Then with Julia 1.6 on an Intel(R) Core(R) i5 (Ice Lake) @ 1.1GHz timings via @btime +($A,$B) are

rounding mode Float64 Float32 Float16 BFloat16
round to nearest 1132 μs 452 μs 1588 μs 315 μs
stochastic rounding 11,368 μs 2650 μs 3310 μs 1850 μs

Stochastic rounding imposes an about x5 performance decrease for Float32 and BFloat16, but only x2 for Float16, however, 10x for Float64 due to the use of Double64. For more complicated benchmarks the performance decrease is usually within x10. About 50% of the time is spend on the random number generation with Xoroshiro128+.


This package was written for the following publications. If you use this package in your publications please cite us

Klöwer, M, PV Coveney, EA Paxton, TN Palmer, 2023. Periodic orbits in chaotic dynamical systems simulated at low precision, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-023-37004-4.

Paxton EA, M Chantry, M Klöwer, L Saffin, TN Palmer, 2022. Climate Modelling in Low-Precision: Effects of both Deterministic & Stochastic Rounding, Journal of Climate, 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0343.1.

stochasticrounding.jl's People


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stochasticrounding.jl's Issues

Float16sr subnormals also rounds somewhere else then up/down

This test failure keeps coming up

 Test for U(0,1): Test Failed at /home/runner/work/StochasticRounding.jl/StochasticRounding.jl/test/float16sr.jl:114
  Expression: Ndown + Nup == N
   Evaluated: 99998 == 100000

Meaning that there's some stochastic rounding with Float16sr that isn't to either of the prev/next representable number but to something else.

Idempotence of conversion

Should be implemented

julia> float(float(1f0))

julia> stochastic_float(stochastic_float(1f0))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching stochastic_float(::Type{Float32sr})


At the moment we have a lot of code redundancy, meaning for every missing method we have implement separate methods for each of the (currently) 4 stochastic rounding formats. This issue could be resolved by

  1. subtyping
abstract type AbstractStochasticFloat <: AbstractFloat end
primitive type Float32sr <: AbstractStochasticFloat 32 end


float(::Type{Float32sr}) = Float32
stochastic_float(::Type{Float32}) = Float32sr
widen(::Type{Float32}) = Float64    # used for exact arithmetic

to define the corresponding stochastic-deterministic types.

  1. general stochastic_round function

Every new stochastic format then implements


for example

stochastic_round(::Type{Float32sr},x::Float64) = ...
  1. methods for stochastic floats

should then be defined once, e.g.

method(x::T) where {T<:AbstractStochasticFloat} = T(method(float(T)(x)))
method(::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractStochasticFloat} = method(float(T))
method(x::T,y::T) where {T<:AbstractStochasticFloat} = T(method(widen(T)(x),widen(T)(y)))

Stochastically rounded conversions

We currently do all of them deterministically, stochastic rounded is only for arithmetics, but I think we should change this depending on the target type

  • deterministic -> deterministic is deterministically rounded
  • stochastic -> deterministic is deterministically rounded
  • deter -> stoch is stoch rounded
  • stoch -> stoch also stoch rounded

which is also how the IPU does it? @giordano

I think only these lines need changing

# other floats, irrational and rationals
(::Type{T})(x::Real) where {T<:AbstractStochasticFloat} = stochastic_float(float(T)(x))
(::Type{T})(x::Rational) where {T<:AbstractStochasticFloat} = stochastic_float(float(T)(x))
(::Type{T})(x::AbstractStochasticFloat) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = convert(T,float(x))
(::Type{T})(x::AbstractStochasticFloat) where {T<:AbstractStochasticFloat} = stochastic_float(convert(float(T),float(x)))

Float64sr via Double64?

I would start with Double64s which are basically a+b with a,b Float64s and b about eps times smaller than a. So b is just the precision that cannot be represented with a and so with double precision arithmetic a+b=a. For our purposes that means that one would only need to decide based on b, whether to not round a or to round it up/down. That might be relatively easy to implement, but the devil is always in the detail.


Algorithm shortcut

Note to self: Something like

function BFloat16_stochastic_round(x::Float32)
    ui = reinterpret(UInt32,x)
    ui += rand(UInt16)
    return reinterpret(BFloat16sr,(ui >> 16) % UInt16)

is another shortcut for SR

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If you haven't already, you should update your TagBot.yml to include issue comment triggers.
Please see this post on Discourse for instructions and more details.

[BUG] Invalid stochastic rounding with infinite


We've spotted an issue in Float32_stochastic_round() where rounding an Infinite will sometime return NaN, where we may expect Infinite, see output below.

julia> Float32(Float32_stochastic_round(Inf))

julia> Float32(Float32_stochastic_round(Inf))

The only difference between NaN and infinite is an empty mantissa, hence adding a random noise will result in NaN.

`Float16_chance_roundup` direct from a Float64?

Great tool, looking forward to playing with it!

This works:

julia> Float32_chance_roundup(1.0/3)

But this does not:

julia> Float16_chance_roundup(1.0/3)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Float16_chance_roundup(::Float64)

Closest candidates are:
   @ StochasticRounding ~/.julia/packages/StochasticRounding/oFmFq/src/float16sr.jl:73

 [1] top-level scope
   @ REPL[7]:1

Of course, I can:

julia> Float16_chance_roundup(Float32(1.0/3))

Is there a reason to disallow ::Float64?

Define `LinearAlgebra.floatmin2`

In cboutsikas/stoch_rounding_iplicit_reg#1 I ran into

julia> GenericLinearAlgebra.svd!(rand(Float32sr,3,3))
ERROR: DomainError with -51:
Cannot raise an integer x to a negative power -51.
Convert input to float.
  [1] throw_domerr_powbysq(::Float32sr, p::Int64)
    @ Base ./intfuncs.jl:262
  [2] power_by_squaring(x_::Float32sr, p::Int64)
    @ Base ./intfuncs.jl:286
  [3] ^
    @ ./intfuncs.jl:311 [inlined]
  [4] floatmin2(::Type{Float32sr})
    @ LinearAlgebra ~/.julia/juliaup/

caused by

julia> using LinearAlgebra, StochasticRounding

julia> LinearAlgebra.floatmin2(Float32sr)
ERROR: DomainError with -51:
Cannot raise an integer x to a negative power -51.
Convert input to float.
 [1] throw_domerr_powbysq(::Float32sr, p::Int64)
   @ Base ./intfuncs.jl:262
 [2] power_by_squaring(x_::Float32sr, p::Int64)
   @ Base ./intfuncs.jl:286
 [3] ^
   @ ./intfuncs.jl:311 [inlined]
 [4] floatmin2(::Type{Float32sr})
   @ LinearAlgebra ~/.julia/juliaup/

Generically defined as

floatmin2(::Type{T}) where {T} = (twopar = 2one(T); twopar^trunc(Integer,log(floatmin(T)/eps(T))/log(twopar)/twopar))

but that somehow throws an error

Float64sr round down for powers of two

julia> stochastic_round(Float64,Double64(2))

because eps changes from [1,2) to [2,4) the eps calculated from 2 reaches into prevfloat(2.0) making it possible to round down from 2 at a chance of 1/4.

Complex numbers

@avleenk2312 suggests to add complex number support. This is without any additional code generally supported as Float16sr, BFloat16sr and Float32sr are all <:AbstractFloat

julia> b = Complex{Float16sr}.(rand(4))
4-element Vector{Complex{Float16sr}}:
  Float16sr(0.5683594) + Float16sr(0.0)im
 Float16sr(0.25219727) + Float16sr(0.0)im
 Float16sr(0.07757568) + Float16sr(0.0)im
 Float16sr(0.07165527) + Float16sr(0.0)im

julia> A = Complex{Float16sr}.(rand(ComplexF64,4,4))
4×4 Matrix{Complex{Float16sr}}:
 Float16sr(0.16442871)+Float16sr(0.027038574)im      Float16sr(0.8027344)+Float16sr(0.9423828)im
 Float16sr(0.64501953)+Float16sr(0.3605957)im        Float16sr(0.40014648)+Float16sr(0.8051758)im
  Float16sr(0.7607422)+Float16sr(0.5761719)im       Float16sr(0.027954102)+Float16sr(0.25805664)im
  Float16sr(0.7861328)+Float16sr(0.13891602)im        Float16sr(0.6381836)+Float16sr(0.44384766)im

julia> A\b
4-element Vector{Complex{Float16sr}}:
  Float16sr(-1.2207031) + Float16sr(0.8798828)im
   Float16sr(0.1508789) - Float16sr(0.71191406)im
   Float16sr(0.8178711) - Float16sr(0.77197266)im
 Float16sr(-0.19714355) + Float16sr(0.38745117)im

However, for packages like GenericFFT, additional functionality may be required. @avleenk2312 could you post your errors here?

GenericFFT.jl compatibility

We have a few missing methods to execute fft from GenericFFT.jl

For powers of 2

julia> using GenericFFT, StochasticRounding
julia> x = Float32sr.(rand(Float32,4))
4-element Vector{Float32sr}:

julia> fft(x)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching maxintfloat(::Type{Float32sr})

julia> Base.maxintfloat(::Type{Float32sr}) = reinterpret(Float32sr,maxintfloat(Float32))


julia> x = Float32sr.(rand(Float32,7))
7-element Vector{Float32sr}:

julia> fft(x)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Float32sr(::Irrational{:π})

julia> Float32sr(x::Irrational) = reinterpret(Float32sr,Float32(x))

julia> fft(x)
ERROR: StackOverflowError:
     [1] sincos(x::Float32sr)
       @ Base.Math ./special/trig.jl:205

julia> function Base.sincos(x::Float32sr)
           x = Float32(x)
           s,c = sincos(x)
           return (Float32sr(s),Float32sr(c))

julia> fft(x)
7-element Vector{Complex{Float32sr}}:
   Float32sr(2.9032762) - Float32sr(9.20723e-8)im
 Float32sr(-0.20278877) + Float32sr(0.32545948)im
 Float32sr(-0.07813281) + Float32sr(0.9623062)im
  Float32sr(-0.5656596) + Float32sr(0.1649232)im
  Float32sr(-0.5656599) - Float32sr(0.16492161)im
 Float32sr(-0.07813434) - Float32sr(0.962306)im
  Float32sr(-0.2027903) - Float32sr(0.32545915)im


Using SR.jl types in conjunction with DE.jl

using DifferentialEquations
using StochasticRounding
f = (u,p,t) -> (p*u)
prob_ode_linear = ODEProblem(f,Float32sr(1.0)/Float32sr(2.0),(Float32sr(0.0),Float32sr(1.0)),Float32sr(1.01));
sol =solve(prob_ode_linear,Tsit5())

Throws a MethodError: no method matching Float32sr(::BigFloat)

Discussed on Slack - may be able to do something similar to how BigFloats are handled in

odd-float32 x can be round to prevfloat(x)

function test(x::Float64,N::Int)
    xd = Float32sr(x)
    for _ in 1:N
        xr = Float32_stochastic_round(x)
        if xr != xd


julia> test(Float64(prevfloat(1f0)),1000000000)

with chance 2^-29 = 2e-9, possible solution

xi = reinterpret(Int64,x)
xi += (rand(Int64) >> 35) + (xi & one(Int64))

this turns [-u/2,u/2) into (-u/2,u/2] for ever odd (by isolating the last bit via xi & one(Int64)) float. So basically an open bound that always faces the tie where the round away could occur.

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