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robo-pace-betatest's Issues

letyrodri L02E6

Code comments seems incorrect or aren't descriptive.

Method: moveForwardX(distance, startLocation)
Comment: #TODO: Calculate the X distance.

Method: moveForwardY(distance, startLocation)
#TODO: Calculate the Y distance.

Comments don't seem to indicate what method should do. Both methods should return the target position of moving forward the in X or Y axis, not a distance. To do the calculation a distance is used.

Usman L02E03

Second image..."Relax Tyler, with your BRAINS"
Tyler has many BRAINS or is it a typo?

letyrodri general

All comic images are downloading a little bit slow. They don't just appear. I've tested in two connections. Maybe, it's due a beta-test server environment, but I issue the problem just in case.

abhio_ L02E06

Typo and rephrasing:

current--Write the pythond functions for the shown usages.

change to-- Write python functions for the shown usages.

crl L02E04

Yes, this is a very interesting question but I think the illustration using kick the ball got me confuse regarding last option (0,-1). I was thinking a valid position to kick the ball and so, (0,-1) is not valid because it is not possible to kick the ball in this position once that this is the maximum range of the leg. But I was getting error. So, I reread the text 2, 3 times and saw the text "all valid" and thought "maybe valid does not mean that will kick the ball" then I also selected the last option and got correct answer. So, what I understand is that if leg is in position (0,-1) and hip will not move, than it is not possible to kick the ball. Am I missing something here? :-)

sjuneja L02E12

This section covers some basic concepts for computer vision/image processing.

It seems to suggest that students should be familiar with them already. Things that should be taught in the course I believe.

The assumption should be that they don't know what those values are that need to be changed. They should not know what RGB is. They should not know what HSV color space is. They probably might not know what numpy arrays are which come to think of it, wasn't a requirement for this course, was it? If it is not, then that is another level of confusion for the target audience of this orientation.

If you do wish to introduce them casually to this, then separating the crux of the code from the tunable parameters is important.

And a step-by-step approach to the quiz where you show what the image looks like when filtered with different values so that they can then tune it accordingly. That's how many of us were introduced to these basics for SDC ND Term 1 if I remember correctly.

Also currently test run produces an error.

Usman L01

Getting a 404 error on this page.

benpinaya L0204

While it seems to be clear for someone with experience, for the quizz section it should be indicated from where does the angles for the cosines start (the x axis) since it could be confused as starting from the y axis

benpinaya L0206

The challenge itself is pretty straight forwards, if the kids have some python experience they should be fine, otherwise maybe a python tutorial part (specially for sqrt)

crl L02E04

When I see this picture I remember my early days of Kinect projects. But I think this picture is missing more info. In Kinect body image all the joints has a name which facilitate to understand who is who in the picture.

Usman L02E03

Last image, "Okay, I didn't need to know that"
I am just thinking about what she told him about the missing parts?
It's a good joke(I took it as an adult joke) but please make sure it's okay for a younger audience from schools.

sjuneja L02E01

Just an image, no description. Which I assume you are of course planning to add, but thought of pointing it out just in case.

abhio_ L02E10

A good intuition regarding rotation can be given by station that a vector (x+jy) can be rotated by an angle \theta (counterclockwise) if you multipy it by exp(j*\theta).

I have always found this easy to remember and very useful.

Usman L02E02

In Ravi's introduction, last sentence does not seem right.
"But also catches him out every time a problem occurs."
"him" should be "them", I think, if we are talking about Ravi, getting the team out of trouble.

benpinaya L0216

Error compiling:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 33, in
import main
File "/tmp/vmuser_wuuuttrvox/", line 2, in
import studentMain
File "/tmp/vmuser_wuuuttrvox/", line 1, in
import runtime
File "/tmp/vmuser_wuuuttrvox/", line 5, in
import util
File "/tmp/vmuser_wuuuttrvox/", line 12
def printInfo(self):
IndentationError: expected an indented block

duncanchan L02E04

when answering the quiz successfully, the popup dialog video should have a caption.

L02E04 - Wrong answers feedback

Maybe it is a good idea to prepare some gifs for the wrong options. A soccer ball can be placed at the goal position, showing how the leg moves trying to kick it but fails.

sjuneja L02E06

Typo in "Tekton".

For the quiz and the associated image, do you think you need to clarify that you're assuming the robot or its feet to be a point object or rather it's a top-view of the situation? Probably not but just wondering if that might confuse some students or not.

Quiz related -

  • In the comment states
    The functions are in the file called There's no so I'm assuming it should be
  • In line 32 typo
  • You have import re in the script which might confuse some.
  • Not sure but the quiz seems to be a bit too easy. I'm still thinking if and how it can be made more appropriate to match up with what level they should expect for the course itself.

Usman L02E01

There is no text on the page. Just an image.
Initial thought was "Nice image but what to do here". Had to scroll down to click the "next" button which is the only action required here.

The purpose and action required here is not obvious.

crl L02E02

The font used make things not easy to ready. I would suggest another font more readable

L02E06 - Filename typo

One of the Python files is '', but the challenge description refers to it as ''

Usman L02E01

5th character "Jduge Spline" is not in the image

sjuneja L02E04 Quiz 1

Found this to be an interesting approach to a basic geometry/trigonometry problem. I think it covers your preferred target audience for an opening quiz. I tried some of the incorrect options and upon submitting got some good suggestions on what can be looked at.

Few things though -

  1. Perhaps in the schematic, you could have a description of "what is what". Mark the hip, knee, and ankle before they go into details. Not necessarily required because from the context you can understand it, but might be good.

  2. A typo I think in the quiz.

the leg from knee to ankle is length 1

I am not entirely sure if you meant to have it as "the length from knee to ankle" or ". Thought of pointing that out.

  1. One of the incorrect options upon submitting links to Khan Academy but is named "Trig Tutorial" instead of "Trigonometry Tutorial" as the others. Just a small detail. And there's currently no proper text for a correct submission.

sjuneja L02E08

Good way to have them break down the problem statement, but might need refinement.

"Turn Head" is not a clear way to say to a student that you are expecting turning the head to be a way to scan the environment and identify the object of interest as per me.

Given how someone would have a general idea about such a scenario using the word "scan" be better perhaps? Since it's from the perspective of the robot.

"Scan the area"
"Identify Exit Sign"
"Turn Body" [Using the terminologies, maybe "rotate" would be better than "turn". But that's nitpicking I believe]

and so on. What do you think?

duncanchan L02E05

I like the narrative. Not quite inappropriate, but really keeps the reader engaged.

sjuneja L02E09

The previous problem involved the robot turning its head to scan the area. Now it can't turn its head. :D

Also not a good way to introduce rotation matrices. I was under the impression this is something that would be covered in the ND because I have taken robotics related courses and I haven't come across rotation matrices outside of them till now as far as I can remember.

Usman L02E02

Font is very hard to read. Requires too much effort.
I read the word "TEAM" as "TERM" initially.

An easy to read font should be used.

abhio_ L01E02

Typo under description of "Ravi"
into instead of "nto"

Usman L02E02

In Ravi's introduction, there is a typo.
"Got the team nto competition" should be changed to "got the team into competition"

sjuneja L02E02

The images (including from other lectures) are a bit sluggish to load. Don't think it's my relatively slow internet connection because they seem to download fine individually.

But the main point,

The image text isn't legible, unless you click on it and it zooms in. Even then the text is a bit tiny.

It might be better if you have a larger image by default, or have them laid out separately (one or two column style) where you have a smaller character image with their description underneath or next to it.

Ravi's character description has a type for the word "into". "Ravi's overconfidence got the team NTO the competition"

sjuneja L02E04 Quiz 2

Good step-up to the first Quiz. Especially for having the 2*cos(315) related coordinate pair which some might overlook.

But two issues -

  1. Not sure of the suggestion provided when you miss out on the above option.

It says
315 degrees should put the leg in which quadrant?

Do you think that's helpful enough? Going by just the angle doesn't help clarify it directly. It's the end coordinates that are important, right? Or that's intentional?

  1. The linked resource when you get it wrong

That's not something to refer to for this problem. And that's content the Nanodegree should be covering and not something students should be aware of before. I think the resource should be changed to something more beginner-friendly.

duncanchan L02E12

Quiz needs a #todo to let user know where to modify the code.

Running "Test Run" does not compile.

Usman L02E02

Last part of judge spline's introduction does not make sense to me..
"And may have it in for our team"

Usman L02E02

I think it should be a video animation. We can also to voice over in Robotic voice.

There is so much effort to read text and it felt as if it is required to remember the name now.

sjuneja L02E10 Quiz-2

It would be helpful to provide a reference to what you consider positive and negative, counter-clockwise, or clockwise, in terms of the rotation angle.

And again, not a clear way to answer this if the students are not sure of what a transformation is.

duncanchan overall impression

I think the difficulty is at the proper level. Users get a sense of what lectures are like, what programming quizzes are like, and the engagement fairly good. I think students would be tempted to continue the program to find out more.

duncanchan L02E10

Quiz 2,3 should have preceded by some lecture material to introduce the rotation matrix before having a quiz.

crl L02E05

I think the formula could be more symbolic like velocity = distance/2

sjuneja L02E03

Sluggish image loading as before.

Very tiny text even after clicking on it and it zooms in.

Had to zoom in 400% to read it.

benpinaya L0210

While the rotation matrix is introduced, it's not clear where do those values come from (the sines and cosines) if there is not a trigonometric analysis, it could confuse someone who has never seen rotation matrices if not clearly explained.

benpinaya L0212

There is an error while trying to compile and test the code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 47, in
import main
File "/tmp/vmuser_tkbqbcfvko/", line 2, in
import studentMain
File "/tmp/vmuser_tkbqbcfvko/", line 122, in
import tt
File "/tmp/vmuser_tkbqbcfvko/", line 17, in
File "/tmp/vmuser_tkbqbcfvko/", line 80, in cv2_imshow
output_image(name, ext, bytes)
File "/tmp/vmuser_tkbqbcfvko/", line 90, in output_image
data['bytes'] = base64.encodestring(bytes)
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 548, in encodestring
return encodebytes(s)
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 536, in encodebytes
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 530, in _input_type_check
raise TypeError(msg)
TypeError: expected 1-D data, not 2-D data from ndarray

Also, while the code itself is self-explanatory, it could be useful to give students an introductory lesson on OpenCV, otherwise they will just be changing values without knowing what they are actually doing.

abhio_ L01E08

Typo: What is order of the tasks that the robot needs to do get to the exit sign?

should be- What is the order of the tasks that the robot needs to do to get to the exit sign?

sjuneja L01

The lesson "Orientation Overview" doesn't open up.

Currently, clicking on it leads to a 404 error.

abhi_ L01E06

def moveForwardX

by declaring-- new=(x,y)
it seems like we need to calculate both x and y, which is not the case. This definition could be made similar to moveForwardY

sjuneja L02E10

Quiz 1 - Transformed Point
That's perhaps too basic to be introduced here again considering this is what the quizzes on the ankle location/coordinates were about to an extent.

Quiz 2 and 3

As I mentioned in my previous lecture's report, I don't think rotation matrices should be introduced casually like this.

As I said, I have taken courses on kinematics and computer vision which cover these topics (rotation, translation, transformation matrices) as the building blocks for the rest of the course, but not in any other standalone [math] course.

Maybe it's a considerable topic covered in Linear Algebra, so I might be wrong here. But if you plan to have the course for students from like high school or community college or first 2 years of college [as you said in the email], this might not be the most appropriate way to cover rotation matrices as per me and might confuse them more.

I have covered those topics so I can understand how they can be intuition based questions. But I am concerned my opinion is then biased and not reflecting from the PoV of someone not experienced.

Open for discussion to what you think about this.

crl L02E04

I think the student can be curious about why not kick the boll using only the hip movement? So, to be clear, the text can explain why the knee movement must be implemented.

sjuneja L02E14

This is a great lecture as per me. Something relevant when working with linux systems.

But for the ND prerequisites, it wasn't mentioned that we should be aware of these commands.

As per me, that's not an issue because they are easily googleable and not too complicated. But many people don't have that kind of linux experience, so you can consider adding this to the list of prerequisites perhaps? Or they might already be aware to an extent since the ND covers ROS.

Quiz 1 -

On a wrong output, when submitting, you provide a link to a cheat sheet. Which is great. But you also provide a hint on what command to use which isn't on that cheat sheet. Not an issue, but for beginners it might be important to find relevance between the two I think. So maybe the "grep" command should be hinted at.

Quiz 2 -

Typos for the robot's name. They are "Tekron" instead of "Tektron". Not sure if important or not.

Quiz 3 -

It might help to clarify that after creating the new directory, it might have existing permissions that we might have to clear before giving it new ones. Unless that's intentional.

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