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candle's Introduction


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  • My favourite languages are Python and C++11, specially with SFML.
  • Probably I'm writing something in Bash right now.
  • Programming Languages Theory is a big interest of mine, so I also know Javascript, Prolog, Java and Lua. I have worked with R and Matlab/Octave. I used to do a lot with Flex and Bison.
  • I love Godot.
  • From time to time I experiment with brutalist web development.
  • LaTex and LuaLaTex when I want beauty and automation.
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candle's Issues

Build when SFML as subdirectory

# might need to set manually SFML_ROOT to the install location of SFML for Windows users
# set(SFML_ROOT "")
if(SFML_ROOT STREQUAL "") --------------------------------------------------> need if statment 
	find_package(SFML 2.5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS  graphics)

if i build in windows without packet manager and sfml just subdirectory, i don`t need find sfml, just set(SFML_ROOT "")

Can`t compile on Linux

I can`t compile on Linux, because «numeric_limits» not an element «std».
File "Candle/geometry/Line.hpp"

 * @file
 * @author Miguel Mejía Jiménez
 * @copyright MIT License
 * @brief This file contains the Line struct and main raycast algorithm.

#include <limits> //<--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Must be added

#include <SFML/System/Vector2.hpp>

#include "Candle/geometry/Vector2.hpp"
#include "Candle/Constants.hpp"

M_PI is non-standard

You're using M_PI in parts of the code, unfortunately this constant isn't really defined in the standard and while available in most compilers, some compilers, like MSVC require additional steps to use it.
On top of that, since you use M_PI in a header file, the library user now also has to deal with it in their codebase.

Steps to Reproduce

Build Candle with MSVC (2019)

Actual Behavior

RadialLight.cpp(24,22): error C2065: 'M_PI': undeclared identifier
Line.cpp(14,30): error C2065: 'M_PI': undeclared identifier
Line.cpp(15,43): error C2065: 'M_PI': undeclared identifier
Line.cpp(15,56): error C2065: 'M_PI': undeclared identifier
Line.cpp(17,20): error C2065: 'M_PI': undeclared identifier

Expected Behavior

Candle builds without errors


  • You could add add_definition(-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES) to your CMake file in a scope for MSVC
  • Add #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES in front of every <cmath> include
  • Use a custom constant for PI

Weird snap shadow glitch


When casting to a complex shape, weird shadow snap appear and make it uncomfortable to see.

I created lines between those points :

point 0 x: 160 y: 120
point 1 x: 200 y: 160
point 2 x: 160 y: 200
point 3 x: 120 y: 160

My code is from the example program, with the add of a lighting area :

candle::LightingArea fog(candle::LightingArea::FOG,
                             sf::Vector2f(0.f, 0.f),
                             sf::Vector2f(640.f, 480.f));

I used the library imgui-sfml but this should not interfere with candle.

Are there ports to other langues?


I would like to know, if its possible, if there are ports to other language favorable for .NET or Java?

Best regards pizzadox

#RadialLightFix deconstructor problem along with Access Violations

Hello, when i have this enabled with static /mt option compiled with Visual Studio 2019
.lib also compiled with /MT

Randomly sometimes the deconstructor gets called without warning and crashes while trying to draw the radialight

I completely removed the deconstructor and decided to call it manually and its fixed

100% The deconstructor was at fault and being called "Randomly",, this was happening with just a simple radiallight being initalized and drawn like so:

`// create a light source
		candle::RadialLight light;

candle::LightingArea fog(candle::LightingArea::FOG,
				sf::Vector2f(0.f, 0.f),
				sf::Vector2f(680, 480.f));

				for (int i = 0; i < this->lightsources.size(); ++i)
					fog.draw(lightsources[i]);//would randomly deconstruct this and then draw and then crash
				for (int i = 0; i < this->lightsources2.size(); ++i)


And here was the modifications i made to fix the error in the Memory Module / .lib

SFML Event Closed:

Which results in:


Use of shaders

The lights with the fade flag on currently use a custom texture (at least in RadialLight). This should be replaced by the usage of a shader, also because of the customiaztion it would allow through setUniform (for example to change fade linearity). Also, this can lead for better effects of light in the future (blur the edges of the light for softer lights).

Potentially useful resources:

Shadow display error





candle::RadialLight has an offset origin point

For some reason RadialLight has an offset origin. It mean that even setting origin to (0, 0) breaks everything which makes no sense to me

    // ...
    const float BASE_RADIUS = 400.0f;
    // ...
        : LightSource()
            // The first time we create a RadialLight, we must create the textures
            l_texturesReady = true;
        m_polygon[0].position =
        m_polygon[0].texCoords = {BASE_RADIUS+1, BASE_RADIUS+1};
        m_polygon[1].position =
        m_polygon[5].position =
        m_polygon[1].texCoords =
        m_polygon[5].texCoords = {0.f, 0.f};
        m_polygon[2].position =
        m_polygon[2].texCoords = {BASE_RADIUS*2 + 2, 0.f};
        m_polygon[3].position =
        m_polygon[3].texCoords = {BASE_RADIUS*2 + 2, BASE_RADIUS*2 + 2};
        m_polygon[4].position =
        m_polygon[4].texCoords = {0.f, BASE_RADIUS*2 + 2};
        Transformable::setOrigin(BASE_RADIUS, BASE_RADIUS);
        // castLight();

Error building with `make`

OS : Linux Manjaro

Tried to compile using the Makefile :

make prep
-> debug/demo.d : File does not exist

then I try make, the file debug/demo.d is created but I get an error at "checking debug dependencies for demo.cpp"

I believe demo.d is causing the errors, here is what it contains :

debug/demo.o: demo.cpp include/Candle/Lighting.hpp \
 include/Candle/Util.hpp include/Candle/LightSource.hpp
\t$(call print_info,Building $@)
\t$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(DBGCFLAGS) -o $@ $<

The other .d files have the same last 2 lines I have no idea if this is the expected output or not (but it looks strange to me).

Why pointers instead of references?

One small question. What is the reason of using a pointer to a texture in, for example, LightingArea constructor? Because this way it feels really separated from the SFML design principles...

setColor on RadialLight doesn't change color

So have got all my RadialLight's working like normal but when using .setColor say sf::color::red for example, there is no change in the light color at all? but examples shows it works?

This is compiled with static SFML with /MT option enabled.

Also had an exit error where candle gives an access violation when you exit program which i fixed by manually calling the destructor for RadialLight on every single one made.

Compiled using Visual C++ 2019, /MT

Add all .hpp files in CMakeLists.txt

it may be a matter of taste, but I think it's right


        # Add all .hpp files, because in project structure they are hidden  



Mutex Lock crash when initialising RadialLight when linking static library.

I've manged to build the demo from the source code without issues, however when trying to link the compiled lib into another project I get issues with the RadialLight class.

I define the RadialLight in the header of a game state class (using my own framework built on top of SFML) like so:

#pragma once

#include <VFrame/VState.h>
#include <Candle/Candle.hpp>

class PlayState : public VState
	typedef VState VSUPERCLASS;
	PlayState() = default;

	virtual void Initialise() override;
	virtual void Update(float dt) override;
	virtual void Draw(sf::RenderTarget& RenderTarget) override;

	candle::RadialLight light;
	candle::EdgeVector edges;

Also, implement a test example in the cpp like so:

#include "PlayState.h"
#include <VFrame/VGlobal.h>

#include "PauseScreen.h"

#include <Candle/Candle.hpp>

void PlayState::Initialise()

		sf::Vector2f(200.f, 100.f),
		sf::Vector2f(200.f, 300.f));

void PlayState::Update(float dt)

	light.castLight(edges.begin(), edges.end());

	if (VGlobal::p()->Input->IsButtonPressed("Pause"))
		OpenSubState(new PauseScreen());

void PlayState::Draw(sf::RenderTarget& RenderTarget)

It compiles in Visual Studio 2017, but when I try to run I get a crash from an Access Violation within MutexImpl::lock(). Going down the call stack, the source is the RadialLight class when calling the default constructor on the two sf::Texture objects within RadialLight.cpp:

namespace candle{
    const float BASE_RADIUS = 400.0f;
    bool l_texturesReady(false);
    sf::Texture l_lightTextureFade;
    sf::Texture l_lightTexturePlain;
    void initializeTextures(){

I've found one way to resolve the crash, however. You can change these two to pointers (or better, smart unique pointers) and initialise the pointers in the initializeTextures function, that way the textures don't try to initialise before the main function is called.

std::unique_ptr<sf::Texture> l_lightTextureFade;
std::unique_ptr<sf::Texture> l_lightTexturePlain;

If you want to avoid smart pointers for compatibility, you could use raw pointers but then you would need to add a way to delete the pointer when the user wants to close the application.

Make include headers - PUBLIC

target_include_directories(Candle-s PRIVATE include)
target_include_directories(Candle-s PUBLIC include)
Because I can`t include library as add_subdirectory(), I must write bypassing
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE extlibs/Candle/include)

Mine CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18.4)


set(INCROOT include/Spark)
set(SRCROOT src)


add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC})
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${INCROOT})

find_package(SFML COMPONENTS system window graphics REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE sfml-system sfml-window sfml-graphics)

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE Candle-s)
#target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE extlibs/Candle/include) <----- It`s too much, it`s bad

    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory

Candle CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)


# set C++11 standard

# set output files directories

# might need to set manually SFML_ROOT to the install location of SFML for Windows users
# set(SFML_ROOT "")

# if the user wants to use static SFML libs

find_package(SFML 2.5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS  graphics)




# Static library target
add_library(Candle-s STATIC ${CANDLE_SRC})
target_include_directories(Candle-s PRIVATE include) <------------------------- Must be public
target_link_libraries(Candle-s sfml-graphics)

option(RADIAL_LIGHT_FIX "Use RadialLight fix for errors with textures" OFF)

	target_compile_definitions(Candle-s PUBLIC -DRADIAL_LIGHT_FIX)

# Demo target
option(BUILD_DEMO "Build demo application" OFF)

	set(DEMO_SRC demo.cpp)
	add_executable(demo ${DEMO_SRC})
	target_include_directories(demo PRIVATE include)
	target_link_libraries(demo PRIVATE sfml-graphics Candle-s)

Version 2.0

A new version is necessary.

This library is a it old now and there are several things that could have been done better.
The pending feature (now frozen) to allow light texturing #29
and some issues with the overal approach #37 #36
are signals notorious enough that Candle is a bit outdated.

Not to mention that SFML 2.6 is out and honestly, I'm not sure if there is something there that could benefit this project.

So I'm opening this issue to track the main features desired for Candle 2.0

  • Light texturing (implement with shaders)
  • A new approach to avoid use of pointers and ensure null safety
  • A review of the underlying geometry
  • A revamp for the occlusion system (currently called segments)

Also, after these years I've learned one or two things more about graphic engines, so other features that would be cool to have (but have no priority for Candle 2.0) are:

  • A light layer system (occluders only affect lights in the same layer)
  • Normal maps (a separate texture to define how a surface reacts to light)

I don't have much time for this project right now, given the size of the pending changes, but I'm determined to keep it a modern, usable library. So even if the updates arrive slowly, be sure I have the will to work on them.

Directed light not casting shadow at 90º

With the last fixes, now directed lights don't cast shadows when they have a 90º rotation. I'm not sure whether it has to do with the line intersection calculation, but this surely didn't happen before.

Capture 1


Capture 2


@JonathSpirit just mentioning you in case you want to be aware.

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