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ember-leaflet's Introduction

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Ember-Leaflet aims to make working with Leaflet layers in your Ember app as easy, declarative and composable as templates make working with DOM.


Ember Leaflet works in Ember 3.16+ with no deprecations.

To install it run:

ember install ember-leaflet

This will also add the leaflet package to your project.

ember-leaflet is compatible with leaflet 0.7+. If you need to use a legacy version, you can just install it via npm / yarn:

npm install --save-dev [email protected]
yarn add -D [email protected]

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Documentation and examples are hosted at Please file any issues if you see that something can be improved.

Production Builds

In your ember-cli-build.js add the following snippet:

let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
  // Add options here
  fingerprint: {
    exclude: [

ember-cli does fingerprinting (appending an md5 checksum to the end of every file) for production builds by default ( Exclude the leaflet assets so that your production build produces them correctly.


Web apps frequently need to display geographic data, especially if it has a direct relationship with the real world. That isn't new, and has been done previously in all kinds of formats, particularly with raster and vector data.

Ember apps naturally may have the same requirements and until now, devs have been either using mapping libraries outside of ember scope, or using previous versions of ember-leaflet.

The problem was that both approaches were hard. Frequently existing libraries have regular javascript imperative APIs and html in mind. We all know and love how ember makes us flow the data in our app. Previous approaches simply didn't fit where ember really shines: templates, actions, routing, and above all, expressiveness.

Ember-leaflet allows you to express your maps right in your templates. Also, it is streamlined for ember in general. You have things like actions, components and the ability to use regular handlebars helpers like {{#if or {{#each.

We can't go wrong with delegating the mapping part to the battle tested, performant and lightweight Leaflet library.

So, let the mapping begin.


Think of your map as a set of layers inside a container. Your main container will be the <LeafletMap> component. This component creates the map container where your tiles, vectors and markers will be added to. Let's see an example of how it looks:

<LeafletMap @lat={{}} @lng={{this.lng}} @zoom={{this.zoom}} as |layers|>

  <layers.tile @url="http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" />

  <layers.marker @location={{this.emberConfLocation}} as |marker|>
      <h3>The Oregon Convention Center</h3>
      777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd<br>
      Portland, OR 97232

  <layers.marker @location={{this.hotel}} as |marker|>



  • npm run lint:js
  • npm run lint:js -- --fix

Running tests

  • ember test – Runs the test suite on the current Ember version
  • ember test --server – Runs the test suite in "watch mode"
  • ember try:each – Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions

Running the dummy application

For more information on using ember-cli, visit


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

ember-leaflet's People


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ember-leaflet's Issues

Popup width is not updated automatically when content changes

In my app, when the user clicks on a marker, a promise needs to be resolved before the popup content is rendered by Ember.

The problem is that the width seems to be computed only once (at the time the popup opens) and the popup ends-up being not wide enough for the content.

Any idea how to fix this ?

feature group

Have you considered adding support for L.featureGroup? It would help for hiding/showing larger numbers of features, and also calculating getBounds() on multiple features.

Accessing Leaflet methods

What is the prescribed way for calling leaflet's methods like getBounds or getCenter? In a non-Ember environment I would have the map stored in a variable and call the methods that way, but I'm still a little confused on where the map object is stored when it's an Ember component.

Would be useful to have this scope bound to the component in leaflet events

I frequently subclass ember-leaflet components to get some specific behavior, and as such, I have events that the component should handle itself. It'd be handy to be able to do this:

export default BaseLayer.extend({
  onMouseover() {

At present, code like the above results in an error, as this is undefined. Instead, I have to use this workaround:

export default BaseLayer.extend({
  init() {
    this.set('onMouseover', () => console.log(this.get('someValue')));

After investigating, it appears that the culprit is the InvokeActionMixin, which invokes all action functions with a this context of undefined. I get that that's more in line with ES6 semantics, but it also makes this use case awkward. Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do, and if not, could we find some way to pass the component context along to the action handler?

action parameters

I'm plotting a number of markers that are built from Ember Data models:

{{#leaflet-map id="stop-explorer-map" lat=lat lng=lng zoom=zoom}}
  {{tile-layer url="http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"}}
  {{#each model as |stop|}}
    {{marker-layer location=stop.latLng onMouseover="startMarkerMouseover"}}

I'd like to be able to modify the appropriate Ember Data model on mouseover start and end, to toggle a "selected" property. (That's going to highlight that same model in a different table view.)

I see how the startMarkerMouseover event in my code only receives the Leaflet raw event. Is there a way to provide parameters to the action, so I can pass the stop model in the action handler?

update docs

some recent changes should be mentioned in the docs (dummy app), notably:

Where to put this info?

Most of the component pages are rendered dynamically, but each of them renders a component to show additional custom info, if the component exists.
The line responsible for that is:

It basically looks for a component named ${component-name}-example and renders it if it exists.
There are already some existing examples:

So, we need to write about these features using that approach on leaflet-map and marker-layer pages respectively.

Controlling the map via queryparams (and animation issues)


I have a fullscreen map on a route. The route has lat, lng and zoom query params used to control the map (when these change, a model refresh is fired and markers are grabbed from the server). I update these controller properties when the user moves the map.

Roughly, I have:

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  lat: null,
  lng: null,
  zoom: null,
  actions: {
    updatePosition(e) {
        var map =;
          lat: map.getCenter().lat,
          lng: map.getCenter().lng,
          zoom: map.getZoom()
    markerClicked(marker) {
       this.transitionToRoute('my.route', {
        queryParams: {
          lat: marker.get('lat'),
          lng: marker.get('lng'),
          zoom: 16


{{#leaflet-map lat=lat lng=lng zoom=zoom onMoveend=(action "updatePosition")}}
  {{tile-layer url="https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"}}
    {{#each model as |place|}}
      {{marker-layer ... onClick=(action "markerClicked" place)}}

This is actually working really nicely, but there is a slight bug. When I use transitionToRoute to change the position of the map via query params, it seems that the component is firing two events and one is cancelling the other out. The result is that when I transition, the zoom animation will work but the pan animation won't fire properly. Instead, the map will move a little bit and I will have to touch the map again to get the marker to center correctly.

I have temporarily fixed this by simply disabling the zoom animation:

{{#leaflet-map lat=lat lng=lng zoom=zoom zoomAnimation=false onMoveend=(action "updatePosition")}}

and now it works nicely but I was wondering is there anything that can be done to get both the animations working together?

I have simplified the problem a bit. I know that I could simply change the lat lng properties when I click the marker and that would update the map component automatically but in my actual application the route with the map is actually a parent to another route which I am transitioning to so I have to use query params

Locate Me option in addon

Can I able to achieve the same via this addon? Please help.

         setView: true,
         drawCircle: true,
         markerClass: L.circleMarker
Thanks in advance.

Map dimensions

I was trying to bound map dimensions to window size using but apparently there is no way to bind styles attributes of the .leaflet-container directly. I know I could use jquery but I'd like to stay way from it if possible.

Do you have a solution in mind ?

Disabling a popup

Whenever I click on a marker-layer a popup appears.

How to disable this?

latLngToLayerPoint & other conversions?


I'm fairly new to ember & this library, I noticed on leaflet that there are certain conversion methods available for maps such as latLngToLayerPoint, are they included in this library & can they be accessed somehow?

Adding custom control example

I'm giving this addon a try and adding a map was very easy to do. However, I'm pretty new to ember, and I was hoping someone could provide an example of the best way to add a control to a leaflet-map.


`ember-invoke-action` isn't automatically installed

When I followed the docs and installed ember-leaflet, I got the error:

Could not find module ember-invoke-action imported from ember-leaflet/components/base-layer

The problem is that the dependency ember-invoke-action doesn't get installed automatically. I'm not too familiar with Ember, but I think that should be done in the blueprint?

Using fitBounds

I'm using a computed property to center the map on bounds calculeted from the set of markers added to the map:

  bounds: Ember.computed('places', function(){
    return L.latLngBounds(this.get('places').map(function(place){ return place.get('location'); }));

This works but not on the initial page load. On the first page load the map, the map is not zoomed. The set of markers is set on the controller from the route.

How to get a reference to the leaflet map?

In some cases, we need to have a reference to the map to call some leaflet functions. Is there an easy way to access the map?

There are several use cases:

  • If the url doesn't have the lat and lng params, we need to call map.fitBounds(...) based on the current data.
  • We need to support drawing on the map using leaflet.draw which requires a reference of the map.
  • We have a custom zoom class that we need to add to the map: CustomZoom(...).addTo(map).
  • We need to add a scale to the map using L.control.scale(...).addTo(map)

Only render markers which are currently visible

We have the situation, that we have to render a lot of markers (e.g. > 300). I could think of an optimization, that only markers which location is visible in the current "viewport" (depending on lat, lng and zoom) actually get rendered onto the map. I think this could boost the performance a lot, since the amount of markers gets significantly reduced.

What do you think? Is there any downside?

Add production setup to website

The following is required for Leaflet to render assets correctly when doing a production build:

var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
    // Add options here
    fingerprint: {
      exclude: [

popup options not passing again when changing icon

I found this bug when modifying marker-layer icon on runtime.

When I modify the icon, the observer of setIcon executes, and executes L.Marker.setIcon, which executes this.bindPopup(this._popup), that will open use L.Popup.prototype.options.offset, because options aren't passed to bindPopup.

Is the same bug that I fixed in #66, but elsewhere.

@miguelcobain I hear suggestions about how could I fix this. You know better ember-leaflet, but my first idea is executing again this._layer.bindPopup(this._popup, this.get('popupOptions')) after the observer, but not sure about it.

add control-layer/layers.control component

I could not find a way to add a control to the ember-leaflet map without writing my own ember component.

I guess a control-layer/layers.control component would be a nice addition the ember-leaflet.

Have you ever considered this?

Tiles loaded partially

@miguelcobain I've tried to put the basic map but the tiles loaded partially, this is my template:

{{#leaflet-map lng=model.location.lng zoom=15 zoomControl=false attributionControl=false id="map-body"}}
        {{tile-layer url=mapURL}}
        {{#marker-layer lng=model.location.lng}}{{/marker-layer}}

And this is the result:

file 28-11-15 15 37 43

Maybe you can give me some direction how to solve this problem, thanks in advance.

bounds on leaflet-map triggers assert

When I pass in bounds to the leaflet-map component, it triggers the assert here

didCreateLayer() {
        //after base layer bound the events, we can now set the map's view
        assert('You must provide either valid bounds or a center (or lat/lng) and a zoom value.',
          (this.get('bounds') && (!this.get('center') && this.get('zoom') === undefined)) ||
          (!this.get('bounds') && (this.get('center') && this.get('zoom') !== undefined))
        if (this.get('bounds')) {
            this._layer.fitBounds(this.get('bounds'), {
                reset: true
        } else {

            this._layer.setView(this.get('center'), this.get('zoom'), {
                reset: true

If I remove the assert, everything works great. Also, this addon is amazing, thanks

Highlight selected marker on map

In my application I have a route called 'places' that shows all places as markers on the map. I also managed to get the markers clickable. After clicking a marker the route changes to 'places/:place_id' and detailed information are shown next to the map. This works without any problems. Now, I'm trying to highlight the selected marker on the map, but I couldn't find a way to do this without using ArrayController and ItemController as I did some time ago. Also only one marker should be selectable at one time.

I know that my question is more a general Ember question, sorry for that. But there aren't many resources on the internet on how to do these things without using the old controller class.

By the way: Thank you all for developing this nice ember-addon.

Marker Icons don't work with ember 2.4

I just started a new project with ember 2.4 and ember-leaflet and I'm having problems getting the marker icons to work.

I created a new ember 2.4 project with just an example in it and it also doesn't work.
Test Project Ember 2.4 and ember-leaflet

 ember -v
version: 2.4.0
node: 5.5.0
os: linux x64

The md5 hash of the icons are not the same which is also strange and maybe can help you find the problem.
87f6ca46ac356e81dc438589630ae107 bower_components/leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png
d95f8980883dd995b4a9595825bf8366 dist/assets/images/marker-icon.png

Excluding images from Broccoli Asset Rev

Should this addon be responsible for excluding the images in /assets/images from being modifed by broccoli-asset-rev? I just ran into an issue with production builds where broccoli-asset-rev is adding fingerprints to the image file names, causing broken images in my maps.

Of course us developers can exclude them manually in our build file, but I thought maybe there was a way for this to be built into the addon to prevent the problem for all users.

Support for async relationship (Promise) for attributes

If I want to render a map using a relationship for attributes (lat/lng/zoom) the component fails with assertion error: You must provide either valid bounds or a center (or lat/lng) and a zoom value.


{{#leaflet-map lng=model.coordinate.lng zoom=model.coordinate.zoom}}
    {{tile-layer url='/api/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}'}}

Now I need to workaround with:

{{#if model.coordinate.isFulfilled}}
    {{!-- map --}}

The model is loaded via the route and model.coordinate is loaded on-demand via ember-data (belongsTo relationship).

Support for drawing on maps

I am new to ember-leaflet and wondering how to implement drawing polygon, circle, polyline overlays (similar to Leaflet.draw) on maps.

paper-button inside popup does not work

example code:


{{#leaflet-map lat=lat lng=lng zoom=zoom}}
    {{tile-layer url="http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"}}
    {{#marker-layer location=location}}
        {{#paper-button action="handler"}}paper{{/paper-button}}
        <button {{action "handler"}}>nonpaper</button>


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
    lat: 45.519743,
    lng: -122.680522,
    zoom: 10,
    location: [45.528298, -122.662986],
    actions: {

Works fine with non paper button but hits Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation with ember-paper
error trace:

event.srcEvent.stopPropagation  @   propagating.js:205
L.DomEvent.stopPropagation  @   leaflet-src.js:6464
L.Draggable.L.Class.extend._onDown  @   leaflet-src.js:6659
handler @   leaflet-src.js:6380

Adding custom icons is broken


I am not able to use custom icons in marker-layer due to a changed leaflet-api.


{{#marker-layer location=marker.location icon=marker.icon}}marker.text{{/marker-layer}}

See this issues for more infos: Leaflet/Leaflet#534

It really does not matter what the contents of marker.icon are, you'll always receive

TypeError: options.icon.createIcon is not a function. (In 'options.icon.createIcon(this._icon)', 'options.icon.createIcon' is undefined)

The auto-fetched version of leaflet during ember install was ~0.7.7

Open popup for marker layer by default

Hi there,

Thanks for this amazing library. We've upated from version 1 (gabesmed) and we've taken advantage of the maker layer to create some beautiful popups for our marker layers.

I would like have one of these popups open by default when the map is created but I'm struggling to figure out how to do it.

Is there a way to do this?

individual popup styles for {{#marker-layer}}

Hi, I am trying to define individual css styles for the popups of different maker-cluster-layers by adding classs to them. However I am not sure how to properly use the className Option on {{#marker-layer}} and can't get it to work. Could you provide an example how to add classes to popups?

write cookbook section and refer inheritance style ember-leaflet

From what I gather, this should be a supported way of implementing event handlers:

// app/components/custom-map.js
import LeafletMap from 'ember-leaflet/components/leaflet-map';

export default LeafletMap.extend({
  wasDragged: false,
  onDragstart() {
    this.set('wasDragged', true);

When I do this and start dragging the map, I get a "this" is undefined error. And indeed if I check in the debugger, this has no value and there seems to be no way to reach the component instance from the event handler.

I tried setting some breakpoints within the _addEventListeners code in base-layer, but no matter where I checked, this was correctly pointing to the component instance. I couldn't figure out how to proceed from there; it doesn't look like there are any tests in the project that cover this functionality.

Update to Leaflet 1

It seems leaflet made a lot of progress since 0.7, but it is all 'hidden' in the master 1.0 branch. The release schedule of leaflet is far behind schedule and my guess is that 1.0 should be ok to go. What is your roadmap; do you want to wait for the stable 1.0, is there a place for a separate ember-leaflet-1-0 addon, or is this repo a place where dev on 1.0 could start?

About my use case; I have some failing maps on mainly mobile Android devices. AFAIK the internals of Leaflet 1.0 changed a lot, so my hope is it fixes some of the weird issues too.

Accessing the map from a computed property in the controller

Is it possible to access to the underlying map object directly?

I'd like to be able to call a method like #getBoundsZoom() directly from the controller, in order to compute the zoom for the map. It doesn't work to put the call in an action triggered by onLoad because zoom will need to be resolved before the onLoad event can be fired.

Add support for interactive-icons

Right now marker-icons can only contain interactive elements inside of popups. It would be nice to have a marker-container that wraps for example a custom marker-icon in form of a ember-component. This would allow for realtime-icon-state-changes in an ember-way (think of places with state that can change over time).

After digging into the code this seems not possible right now, or did I oversee something?

throttle zooming

On mobile Chrome, it's very easy to send lots and lots of zoom events really fast by using the finger-pinching method. As a result, and after some Chrome remote debugging, I can make the app stop functioning after sending off too many network requests for the map tiles.

I was thinking about debouncing zoom requests to ember-leaflet but not sure how to do that yet. Just wondering if you've got any leads I can try before going down the rabbit hole. Thanks!

Adding custom properties to leafletOptions (leaflet-map)

Currently leafletOptions has hardcoded the leaflet options ('center', 'zoom', 'minZoom', 'maxZoom', 'maxBounds', 'crs',...), and doesn't allow to pass custom properties to the map.

I'm using leaflet-zoomslider that requires to pass zoomsliderControl: true when calling I solved it extending the component and pushing the string to leafletOptions on component init, but I think that this could be done in a better way :)

Support fitBoundsOptions

From discussion on Slack, it would be useful if we could do this:

    paddingTopLeft=(point 0 0)
    paddingBottomRight=(point 0 0)

didnt see anything in the screen

i need help, after installing ember-leaflet and put the template like this bellow :
{{#leaflet-map lat=lat lng=lng zoom=zoom}}
{{tile-layer url="http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png"}}

and put in some javascript

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
lat: 45.519743,
lng: -122.680522,
zoom: 10

after i run ember server, the web didnt show anything, even the error
im using :
version: 1.13.13
node: 5.1.0
npm: 2.14.10
os: darwin x64


popupOpen=true not working

I'm trying to open a popup using popupOpen, but is not working.

{{#marker-layer popupOpen=true}}

The following function never executes because this._mapis undefined when executed.

openPopup: function () {
    if (this._popup && this._map && !this._map.hasLayer(this._popup)) {

    return this;

It seems that openPopup is executing before L.marker.onAdd, maybe this.popupOpenDidChange is executing too early (executed in didCreateLayer)?

Opening marker popups via actions outside leaflet-map

I have a number of markers with popups on a map, I want to open a specific popup programmatically from an action triggered outside the leaflet-map component in the same controller.

Is this possible? Does it require interacting with leaflet directly?

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