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windows-universal-samples's Issues

VOIP application example is missing

It would be nice to have an example of VOIP application for Windows Universal App Platform. I expect it has some differences from regular apps (like in WP8). So it would be nice to have a dedicated example of VOIP app.

New Sample: Client-side data validation for user input

It would be great to see a sample demonstrating the new ValidationErrors property along with its companion properties ValidationState, ValidationIndicatorStyle & IsValidationIndicatorEnabled.

It would also be good to see how it integrates with ValidationAttribute and IValidatableObject.

General comments

Nice start. Basic navigation on the samples i have tried appears to have the same flaw. Using Lumia 630 with latest build from the week of 5/5/2015. The flaws are as follow, back button no longer navigates between pages on phone, i understand that there is no back button on the desktop/tablet but it breaks a consistant feature of Windows phone from 7.0

Second, when starting the any app, pressing the link such as 1) Do this, . the pages disappears, i have to recall it by the hamburger menu then it works fine. I will have a look at these in the next couple of days.

Is there going to be a forum/discussion area on app design? I noticed in the latest release, the sizes of the tiles have changed slightly of the start page.

Manifest file settings not recognized when deploying the bluetoothadvertismentsample


I have updated my phone to the latest WIndow 10 build for Windows Phone. When I build the "bluetoothadvertismentsample" I get the following exception:

{System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied.

Your App does not have permission to use Bluetooth in the background. Make sure you have declared the Task Type 'bluetooth' in your manifest.
at Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundTaskBuilder.Register()
at BluetoothAdvertisement.Scenario4_BackgroundPublisher.<RunButton_Click>d__10.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<>c__DisplayClass2.b__3(Object state)
at System.Threading.WinRTSynchronizationContext.Invoker.InvokeCore()}

I have attached a screenshot that clearly shows that the Task-Type was added by the creator of the sample.

Any ideas how to fix this?


Failed to deploy after built with VS2015 CTP 6 & Win10 Preview

The alljoynsecureserver sample solution built with VS2015 latest CTP6 running on the latest win10 Preview (10041) for x86 or Any CPU - fixing multiples compiler error - missing png (delete reference), App.XAML (change to Application Definition).

when deploy the solution, got 19 errors:

Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error Error : DEP0700 : Registration of the app failed. C:\Windows-universal-samples-master\alljoynsecureserver\cs\bin\x86\Debug\AppX\AppxManifest.xml(26,27): error 0x80070003: Cannot install or update package Microsoft.SDKSamples.AllJoynSecureServer.CS_8wekyb3d8bbwe because the splash screen image [C:\Windows-universal-samples-master\alljoynsecureserver\cs\bin\x86\Debug\AppX\Assets\Splash-sdk.png] cannot be located. Verify that the package contains an image that can be used as a splash screen for the application, and that the package manifest points to the correct location in the package where this splash screen image can be found. (0x80073cf6) AllJoynSecureServer

Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS0103 The name 'StatusBorder' does not exist in the current context AllJoynSecureServer C:\Windows-universal-samples-master\alljoynsecureserver\cs\MainPage.xaml.cs 74

filepicker - Save a File demo doesn't work on mobile

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start a debug session of the latest version of the filepicker demo in the phone emulator, running Windows version 10.0.12552.70.
  2. Tap "4) Save a file" in the navigation menu
  3. Tap the "Save file button"
  4. Observe that the OutputTextBlock text immediately reads "Operation cancelled."

Css prefix for other browsers and support of preprocessors

Hi team,

  1. After review notice that code contain -webkit -moz prefixes. I don't understand why it needed for win applications.
  2. If it for reuse same code for web may be will be useful to do tool for build app oriented for web and app oriented for win app. It can be i don't know similar to postcss with extensions or plugins for it.

PS: if it possible can show where i can ask question like "How it can be ... la la la ?". Because after some hours i didn't understand where place where can i ask it.

Sorry for strange question but it really not useful.

Thank you.

Cannot open the Solution

I cannot open the bluetoothadvertisement Solution (cs). I receive a message that "bluetoothadvertisement.csproj" and "tasks.csproj" are not compatible with my Visual Studio version. I just downloaded the last community version of Visual Studio 2015.

Any idea why I have problems with the bluetoothadvertisement sample?

I'm using Windows 10 Build 10130 which is running as a virtual machine.

and Visual Studio:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 RC
Version 14.0.22823.1 D14REL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.00076

Installierte Version: Community

Visual Basic 2015 RC 00269-30000-00001-AA084
Microsoft Visual Basic 2015 RC

Visual C# 2015 RC 00269-30000-00001-AA084
Microsoft Visual C# 2015 RC

Visual C++ 2015 RC 00269-30000-00001-AA084
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 RC

Visual F# 2015 RC 00269-30000-00001-AA084
Microsoft Visual F# 2015 RC

Allgemeine Azure-Tools 1.4
Bietet allgemeine Dienste für die Verwendung durch Azure Mobile Services und Microsoft Azure-Tools.

Application Insights Tools für Visual Studio Package 1.0
Application Insights Tools für Visual Studio

ASP.NET and Web Tools RC 14.0.20417.0
ASP.NET and Web Tools RC

ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2013 5.2.30411.0
For additional information, visit

GenerateUnitTest 1.0
Generates unit test code for methods in classes under test.

Microsoft Azure Mobile Services Tools 1.4
Microsoft Azure Mobile Services Tools

NuGet-Paket-Manager 3.0.0
NuGet-Paket-Manager in Visual Studio. Weitere Informationen zu NuGet finden Sie unter "".

SQL Server Data Tools 14.0.50325.0
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

BackgroundAudio – Can’t change track or pause in the task bar

The BackgroundAudio is pretty nice :-). But I miss some sample how to enable the controls to change track and pause in the taskbar when you hovering the icon. Currently they are just disabled. I thought this would be solved by using SystemMediaTransportControls which the sample use. But it seems to just work with the controls on the keyboard, not the task bar.

Update JS samples to use the newest version of WinJS

The JS samples all appear to use a build of WinJS 4.0 other than what was shipped with the VS2015 RC. This makes it very difficult to grab the code and toss it in a new JS UWP app without downgrading WinJS.

Pull To Refresh Sample

I was looking over the Pull To Refresh sample and had a couple of questions:

1.) I noticed that you put the ListView inside a ScrollViewer. I was under the impression that it shouldn't be done, because it would prevent virtualization. Is that not the case?

2.) I am able to get the pull to refresh to work with my touch screen, but is there any way to get it to work with a mouse?

Did you guys create a new repo?

I see only one commit and my forked does not look anything like this one now... I'm no git expert so I don't know if there's anything I can do to catch up. My forked repo says I'm 118 commits ahead of Microsoft master... how is that even possible?

I'm lost here

NavigationMenuSample Crashes When Clicking Hamburger Menu

This is the error message when you select the hamburger menu in the NavigationMenuSample app.

Message = "The text associated with this error code could not be found.\r\n\r\nA TargetPropertyPath for a Style Setter cannot specify an explicit Target object. [Line: 55 Position: 49]"

Memory leak in xaml_navigation sample?

After clicking navigation menu list item many times, the memory raised and never decreased(wait 20 minutes). I don't think enable navigation cache is good idea, because it only decrease the times of create new page instances. I just don't know how to dispose the no used pages? Does anyone can help me ?

Bluetooth Advertisement message cannot be published to iBeacon watcher on another device.

I tried to scenario-2 of Bluetooth Advertisement Watcher and Publisher sample app, but that couldn't be detected by other iBeacon-Applications on android or iPad.
I changed manufacturerData.CompanyId at the sample app's code, but I got same result.
Is there other necessary source cord change?

By the way, the watcher (scenario-1) can be received the advertise message of iBeacon and BLE Beacon.

socketactivitystreamsocket sample stop receive messages after some time.

I launch sample:

  • socketactivitystreamsocket on desktop
  • socketactivitystreamsocket on my Lumia with windows 10

Initially, all works fine.
Then I lock screen and wait for 8 minutes and send a message - nothing happened.
I send a message again. And see the message on server side "An existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072746)"

Log of my actions:

9.44 - send messages all works fine even on lock screen
9.44 - lock screen
9.52 - send message nothing
9.52 - send message nothing
9.52 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
9.53 - Client connected message in server app
9.54 - Send message nothing
9.54 - Send message
9.54 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072746)
9.56 - unlock the phone - no any message after 9.44

Examples do not seem to build anymore

I downloaded the examples yesterday (Sunday august 2) and tried Two of them(SerialArduino and WebView) and both give Lots of errors. SerialArduino gives 1816 and WebView 84 errors.
The most significant error is: Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'System' could not be found in .NETCore,Version=v5.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs.
I am using visual studio 2015 C# on windows 10, targeting x86 debugging on local machine.

Issue with connecting Non Surface Device Via WifiDirect

I am trying to connect two devices via WiFi direct using the Sample WiFi direct code. One device is a surface 3 running Windows 10 and the other is a Samsung tablet (also tried tv) running android (the Samsung devices can easily connect with each other, so I know it is not the hardware). For the two primary devices, they are able to see each other to connect. I am sending a connection request from the Samsung to the Windows 10 device. The below code gives the error:

Connect operation failed: AsyncBehaviorError: Status is 'error', but getResults did not return an error

My impression is that this line is run but then fails to continue Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectDevice.fromIdAsync(deviceId, connectionParams).then(

The relevant code is below:

function OnConnectionRequested(e) {
               var connectionRequest = e.getConnectionRequest();

        WinJS.log && WinJS.log("Connecting to " + + "...", "sample", "status");

        var connectionParams = new Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectConnectionParameters();
        connectionParams.groupOwnerIntent = parseInt(txtGOIntent.value.toString());

        var deviceId =;

// device id comes back equaling: "WiFiDirect#26:4B:03:36:49:C6_PendingRequest"

    function (wfdDevice) {
        //this code never gets run
    function (err) {
        WinJS.log && WinJS.log("Connect operation failed: " + err.toString(), "sample", "error");

My best guess is that there is something wrong with the format of the id of the device and/or completing the call for fromIdAsync. However when I put the line regarding fromIdAsync and store it in a variable, it returns an object, meaning it is not null. One additional point is that I have tried passing all values 0-7 to account for different device types such as Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectDevice.fromIdAsync(deviceId, connectionParams, 0)

I am at a loss on how to debug this anymore.

However, of the 100 or so times I have tried, it worked for like 3 in the row, but stopped working when I restarted the program. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

BluetoothLE BackgroundTask

"Access is denied. Your App does not have permission to use Bluetooth in the background. Make sure you have declared the Task Type 'bluetooth' in your manifest."

This exeption was trow for BluetoothAdvertisement SampleProject, same for my testProject.
AppManifest following:


Problem running the accountpicturename sample

I want to run the sample from above and get a Access to name disabled by Privacy Settings or Group Policy.
How can I check them both? I have enabled Account Info under privacy settings

Javascript sample for Win 10 map control

Will there be javascript samples for the new Win 10 map control? Everything I've seen in the samples and elsewhere is specific to C#/XAML. Will the updated map control be supported in javascript apps?

Windows namespace not recognised anymore


For a week or two now, namespace "Windows" is not recognised with my universal windows hosted apps.
Please find the screenshot of what's going on when i press F12:


Was perfectly working before and as you can see, next to "undefined" the rest is recognised but I cannot use the windows API within my hosted app because (typeof Windows) always returns "undefined".

Do you know why suddenly, all calls to "Windows" return first "undefined"?


BackgroundAudio Sample Fail to play audio

Can't play an audio file when running against Local Machine or Simulator.
Running against WP Emulator works though.

Failing in StartBackgroundAudioTask in Scenario1.xaml.cs on the following line:

bool result = backgroundAudioTaskStarted.WaitOne(10000);

The result is always false.

Running on Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10074 (Visual Studio 2015 RC)

VOIP application example is still missing after //Build 2015

It would be nice to have an example of VOIP application for Windows Universal App Platform. I expect it has some differences from regular apps (like in WP8). So it would be nice to have a dedicated example of VOIP app.
UPD: Is it even possible to create VOIP app using universal app platform which have comparable functionality to WP8 Silverlight?

how to deploy to xbox?

Hi, I'm using win10 insider preview and visual studio 2015 RC to develop the uwp app. How can I deploy my apps to my xbox one? Is there any information about this? Thanks a lot!

Geolocator throws PipeCloseException when calling GetGeopositionAsync method in windows 10 app

Here is the stack trace:
System.Exception: The pipe is being closed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700E8)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at GeolocationCS.Scenario2.d__6.MoveNext()

webAccount.username always null

In the WebAccountManagement sample, the scenario "login with default Microsoft Account" seems to login ok, but the webAccount.userName is always null.
Also, when,extending the scope with wl.emails in,addition,to wl.basics, no emails information is available.
Would This ne because I run,the code from a Windows 10 build 10240 included in,a,professional domain ? Or is This due to annoter reason ?

BackgroundTask sample crash

Hello, I have noticed some crashes in the BackgroundTask sample. It seems that with scenario 3 & 5 if you register, unregister, and then re-register, the app will crash with the following details:

System.Exception was unhandled by user code
Message=Not enough quota is available to process this command. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070718)
at Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundTaskBuilder.Register()
at BackgroundTask.BackgroundTaskSample.d__18.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at BackgroundTask.ServicingCompleteTask.d__3.MoveNext()

Cortana "adventureworks" sample

I've only been able to get cortana to work with this app once. Cortana doesn't provide the commands that are installed under the "?" menu. Uninstalled/Reinstalled and though the commands show in the help menu - after typing them in the ask me anything box, then only "bing search" is an option.

Whats the right way of tickling it to make it work?

back button examples

Are there any examples that use the hardware back button on windows mobile and the back button in tablet mode?

Navigation menu Sample crash

Press on the hamburger menu, it asserts out:
Exception = {"The text associated with this error code could not be found.\r\n\r\nA TargetPropertyPath for a Style Setter cannot specify an explicit Target object. [Line: 55 Position: 49]"}

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