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mslab's Issues

While Creating SCVMM parent disk, always blocked at step "Installing ADK"


Hope you're doing well ! While I am trying to creating SCVMM parent disk by CreateParentDisk script, it always block at the step "Install ADK". After I console to the DC Hyper-V VM. It seems no process is running for install ADK. The "Installer" folder is integrallty in the ToolDisk. If I try to run the script named install-adk on the DC directly. It will complete successfully. Something worry? or any workaround?

Prereq fails at download diskspd

Hi, wslab is awesome!

Now I got stuck with this:

Prereq.ps1 line 163 contains:
$downloadurl = $webcontent.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0,$webcontent.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf('/'))+($webcontent.Links | where-object { $_.'data-url' -match '/Diskspd.*zip$' }|Select-Object -ExpandProperty "data-url")

After executing, $downloadurl contains just "". The where-object clause returns empty

VM data location in Cluster Sets

Hi Jaromirk,

Thank you for the awesome lab! I like that it's so easy to setup the environment.
I tried out Cluster Sets scenario, and I noticed that the VM data is placed in Cluster master's InfraSOFS (\MC-SOFS), but the docs ( places them in each member clusters' InfraSOFS (ex. \CL1-SOFS). Is it a mistake or is it intentional? If there are different usages for these InfraSOFSs, I would like to know the difference.


Configuration of DHCP role fails when using non-English Windows Server iso

The script looks for an interface with an alias Ethernet while configuring the DHCP role, but will fail if you use an non-English Windows Server iso. In my case I was using 14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_JA-JP.ISO for the iso and the interface alias was イーサネット.

As an workaround, I had to logon and rename the interface to Ethernet to proceed.

WSLab/Scenarios/S2D Tools/Restart-S2DCluster/

At C:\Users\LabAdmin\Desktop\RestartCluster.ps1:13 char:40

  • foreach ($ClusterNode in $ClusterNodes){
  •                                    ~

Missing closing '}' in statement block or type definition.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEndCurlyBrace

Secure copy takes a long time

When deploying SDN Express to VMM it uses over a day to copy the templates. You have any idea why? The whole lab is running from a NVMe.


NumberOfLogicalProcessors not correctly incremented

On the "3_Deploy.ps1", Line 717 throws errors
Get-CimInstance -ClassName "win32_processor" | Select-Object NumberOfLogicalProcessors | ForEach-Object { $global:NumberOfLogicalProcessors += $_ }

This one works fine for me
Get-CimInstance -ClassName "win32_processor" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty NumberOfLogicalProcessors | ForEach-Object { $global:NumberOfLogicalProcessors += $_ }

Windows Server 2016 TP5 Nano won't start

Hi all, I just found, that on Windows 10 Anniversary update TP5 nano server refuses to start. I tried 2 last Cumulative updates with no luck. I think reverting back to v7 config should work.

Does someone know some combination that works? I don't want to spend much time since all these issues are fixed in RTM.


Get-PhysicalDisk fails in 0_Shared.ps1

Hi. sorry to bother again

Createparent script failed in line 77 of Shared.ps1. The line reads $physicalDisk = Get-PhysicalDisk -DeviceId $disk.Index
I got it working with $physicalDisk = Get-PhysicalDisk | Where-Object { $_.DeviceId -eq $disk.Index }
Again, this is Windows PowerShell 5.1

Cannot Log in to Lab VM´s

After the first Scenario was build on my Testing Machine i cannot Log in to any VM in any way. Error Messages are eiter: "The logon method used is not allowed" or "For remote logon, you must be authorized to log on through Remote Desktop Services. The members of the Administrators group are equipped with this right by default."
I tried MSDN Iso´s en_windows_server_2016_updated_feb_2018_x64_dvd_11636692.iso and de_windows_server_2019_x64_dvd_17559a5b.iso for creating Parent Disks. I also tried providding the LabConfig.ps1 with another Adminname and Password but always got the same Errors. Maybe i made a configuration Mistake but i have no idea what it is.

Attempting to upgrade the 2016 S2d cluster to 2019 fails

Hello, I am wondering how I can go about testing the upgrade path from 2016 S2D to 2019. I attempted already, but received "safe_os phase error" on first reboot. I turned off secure boot to no help. I know i can just deploy a 2019 Farm, but i am trying to test this prior to upgrading our physical S2D nodes.
Thank you

Timeout when not enough RAM

I've run WSLab while other VM's in Hyper-V were running and it timeouted on me when "Starting DC"

Starting DC
Start-VM : Nie można uruchomić maszyny „DC”.
Nie można przydzielić 2048 MB pamięci RAM: Zasoby systemowe nie wystarczają do ukończenia żądanej usługi. (0x800705AA).
Nie można uruchomić maszyny wirtualnej „DC”. (Identyfikator maszyny wirtualnej: B491206A-6188-4932-8B05-97D74D66B3A9)
Maszyna wirtualna „DC” nie może przydzielić 2048 MB pamięci RAM: Zasoby systemowe nie wystarczają do ukończenia żądanej usługi. (0x800705AA) (identyfikator maszyny wirtualnej: B491206A-6188-4932-8B05-97D74D66 B3A9).
At C:\temp\WSLab\2_CreateParentDisks.ps1:882 char:19
+             $DC | Start-VM
+                   ~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Start-VM], VirtualizationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Unspecified,Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.Commands.StartVM

It's in Polish but surely you get the idea. It's saying that there are not enough resources available to complete the service

Maybe the script could check if there's enough RAM in Hyper-V before deploying the VMs?

Server Core Remote Hydration

Hi more of a request.

I have setup a 2019 core server with hyper-v. I want to be able spinup the labs on the server but manage from my laptop.
When I run the CreateParentDisks script directly on the core server I get a message that I must install hyper-v management tools (which are GUI)

am i missing something? if i run the scripts locally on my laptop, is there someway to point them at my lab server to install the VMs there?

Error when running the CreateParentDisk script

Hello, I hope that you are doing well.

I have the following error showing when the script reaches Starting DC

Starting DC
Configuring DC using DSC takes a while.
Initial configuration in progress. Sleeping 250 seconds
PS>TerminatingError(Invoke-Command): "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VMId'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again."
Invoke-Command : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VMId'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that
is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
At E:\WSLab\scripts\2_CreateParentDisks.ps1:905 char:46

  •             $test=Invoke-Command -VMGuid $ -ScriptBlock {Get ...

Can you please let me know what am I doing wrong?

Many thanks and best regards

Include 0_Shared.ps1 fails

Hi, happy using WSLab!

I got an error executing Prereq.ps1 at line 19: . .\0_Shared.ps1
I got it working changing line 19 to: . "$PSScriptRoot\0_Shared.ps1" (similar to line 38)
Working with Windows PowerShell 5.1, not sure if this has something to do.

VMFleet fails to setup as it is not able to assign letter

VHD that is used for VMFleet does not work. Looks like it cannot assign letter .

VHD is created with convert-windowsimage and necessary folders are created. For some reason is Add-PartitionAccessPath failing. Investigating the reason now.

$o=Mount-VHD C:\ClusterStorage\S2D1\vm-base-S2D1-1\vm-base-S2D1-1.vhdx -Passthru
$p = Get-Disk -number $o.DiskNumber | Get-Partition | sort -Property size -Descending | select -first 1
$p | Add-PartitionAccessPath -AccessPath Z:
Add-PartitionAccessPath : Not Supported
Activity ID: {f21a2511-a82d-4d77-92d9-ab8b81efa893}
At line:1 char:6
+ $p | Add-PartitionAccessPath -AccessPath Z:
+      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (StorageWMI:ROOT/Microsoft/.../MSFT_Partition) [Add-PartitionAccessPat
   h], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : StorageWMI 1,Add-PartitionAccessPath

Azure template is not working

Hi all,

I found, that suddenly azure template stopped working. Will investigate more next week (if I'll find some time)

SCVMM - Installing ADK(1709) gets stuck - how to install it manually

Hello Jaromirk.

I was tasked by the chair of my universtity to evaluate S2D with a 3 Server Cluster and if it should be managaged using SCVMM (Version 1801) or if SCVMM is not necessary.
So I downloaded the scripts and Labconfig for this scenario from github. I added InstallSCVMM='Yes' in the Labconfig and skipped creation of Management and WDS (since I wanted to run everything from DC).
The Scripts work fine until in the create_parent_disk script executes the install_ADK part (Version 1709). This stept always gets stuck for me. (I tried it 4 times)
--> See image 1

I gave the install script more than one hour.
Then I logged in to DC maually. I opened the Tools-Disk and started the ADK setup manually.
--> See image 2

After the install finished I checked if the files had been installed into the right directory.
--> See image 3

Now I restarted DC manually to continue with the main Script (create_Parent_Disks) which should now install SCVMM.
--> See image 4

The main script tells me that SCVMM was installed after 1.54 Minutes.
--> See image 5

Now I executed the Deploy-Script which worked fine.
-->See image 6

I connected to DC but SCVMM is nowhere to be found even though all prerequesites (SQL Server 2017 is running and ADK is installed) are given.
--> See image 7

So after several tries I decided to also install SCVMM manually as well.
--> See image 8

But I get stuck at configuring the datebase connection, since the admin login credentials are rejected.
I tried LabAdmin, Administrator, VMM_SA, SQL_SA with the password LS1setup! but everything was rejected. I couldn't find any other login credentials within your scripts.
-->See image 9

I have two main questions.

Can you tell me which credetials are supposed to be used in image 9, so that the following scenario script works?

I saw that there was an issue before with the install_adk script. Did you maybe find out why it gets stuck? Maybe my manual installation of ADK causes issues with the following SCVMM setup.


PS: Sorry that the screenshots partly contain german text, but I'm sure you know the console output by heart anyway.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7
Image 8
Image 9

Function Write-W2VWarn and Write-W2VError breaks in PSSession

Function Write-W2VWarn and Write-W2VError return errors in remote sessions.
((Get-Host).PrivateData returns $null

On row 347 and 363 -ForegroundColor is set to $null in remote sessions.

Write-Host "ERROR  : $($text)" -ForegroundColor (Get-Host).PrivateData.ErrorForegroundColor
Write-Host : Cannot bind parameter 'ForegroundColor' to the target. Exception setting "ForegroundColor": "Cannot convert null to type  
"System.ConsoleColor" due to enumeration values that are not valid. Specify one of the following enumeration values and try again. The 
 possible enumeration values are "Black,DarkBlue,DarkGreen,DarkCyan,DarkRed,DarkMagenta,DarkYellow,Gray,DarkGray,Blue,Green,Cyan,Red,M 


Invoke-Command -ComputerName (read-host -Prompt ComputerName ) -ScriptBlock {(Get-Host).PrivateData.ErrorForegroundColor} -Credential $null

Proxy credentials

I suggest to include optional configuration to use Proxy with the cmdlets that download Nuget and the DSC Resources.
We can add them in the LabConfig.PS1 and use $PSDefaultParameterValues to apply it if configured, here's an example,
if ($labconfig.ProxyServer){
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{
"*:Proxy" = $labconfig.ProxyServer
"*:ProxyCredential" = $labconfig.ProxyCreds

Complete run Deploy Script very soon and no VM be found

Hope this finds you well!

While I am trying to deploy my lab with this 3_deploy script. I found an issue or maybe it is just by design.

Issue: If I set $LABConfig.VMs argument "Configuration" not equal "S2D", such as "SDN", the script will finished very soon (around 2min without any error) and no VM would be deployed. Compare to use "S2D", everything is doing well as I want.

Can not start VMs in Scenario S2D Hyperconverged

I'm running WSlab with the Scenario on Windows 10, latest Version 2004 (Build 19041.330).
Creation of Lab was successful, i haven't seen any error.
When i try to start a Test- or self created VM i get:

"Virtual Machine TestVMMyVolumeonHDDs1_1' failed to start.
'TestVMMyVolumeonHDDs1_1' failed to start. (Virtual machine ID D2296854-A16F-40AC-99CB-8CE953744865)
The Virtual Machine Management Service failed to start the virtual machine 'TestVMMyVolumeonHDDs1_1' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running (Virtual machine ID D2296854-A16F-40AC-99CB-8CE953744865)."
"Cluster resource 'Virtual Machine TestVMMyVolumeonHDDs1_1' of type 'Virtual Machine' in clustered role 'TestVMMyVolumeonHDDs1_1' failed. The error code was '0x80004005' ('Unspecified error').
Based on the failure policies for the resource and role, the cluster service may try to bring the resource online on this node or move the group to another node of the cluster and then restart it. Check the resource and group state using Failover Cluster Manager or the Get-ClusterResource Windows PowerShell cmdlet."

I've no Idea what is missing, all Services are running ...

Configuration of DHCP-server

"NOTE: In 17744 is a bug, so during deployment process DC creation takes forewer. Workaround is to just log in as corp\Administrator to DC and it magically finishes."

When using 17763.253.190108-0006.rs5_release_svc_refresh_SERVER_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us.iso to create the DC I had to login to finish the configuration of the DHCP-server before the process continued.

The problem occurs in the script 2_CreateParentDisks.ps1

Prefix = 'PLSLab-';
SwitchName = 'LabSwitch';
Missunderstood the process and tried to create my own DC. I later discovered that the kit creates its own DC and thats the one which waits for the configuration of the DHCP-server
$LABConfig.VMs += @{
VMName = "DC01" ;
Configuration = 'Simple' ;
ParentVHD = 'Win2016Core_G2.vhdx';
SSDNumber = 0;
SSDSize=800GB ;
HDDNumber = 1;
HDDSize= 40GB;
MemoryStartupBytes= 512MB;
AddToolsVHD = $true;
CustomPowerShellCommands = "New-Item -Name Temp -Path c:\ -ItemType Directory"


Problems on setting up the Hyperconverged S2D with Nano Servers


I have problems on setting up the Hyperconverged S2D with Nano Servers.
The first issue is an error appearing on the configuration check for the cluster:
error on check

Next issue is while I'm trying to set up a storage pool I get the following error:

I checked the physical disks on S2D1 and got the following screen:

So, where I'm doing wrong, I'd be happy if you'd help me out.


Can't go pass Active Directory start

Hi Jaromir,
I am trying to use your script on my laptop and haven't change anything . I am getting stuck at "Waiting for Active Directory on WSLab-DC to be Started." . Would you please suggest how can i solve the issue ?
WSLab Issue

S2D with SCVMM

I have the cluster setup, and now i am going through the S2D with SCVMM and it fails with the error below:

Set-SCVirtualNetwork : Cannot apply settings from the logical switch 'SETSwitch' to the standard virtual
switch 'SETSwitch' because the SR-IOV setting configured in the logical switch 'False' is different from the
setting in the standard switch 'True'. (Error ID: 50109)

One option is to delete the virtual switch from the host and create a new instance of the logical switch.
Another option is to create a logical switch that uses the same SR-IOV setting as the standard switch on the
host. After making changes, retry the operation.

To restart the job, run the following command:
PS> Restart-Job -Job (Get-VMMServer DC | Get-Job | where { $_.ID -eq
At line:13 char:5

  • Set-SCVirtualNetwork -ConvertToLogicalSwitch -LogicalSwitch $logi ...
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : ReadError: (:) [Set-SCVirtualNetwork], CarmineException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : 50109,Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.Cmdlets.SetVirtualNetworkCm

issue formatting disks createparentdisks.ps1

When I run the second script, I get an error when the script tries to format the volume.
"Format-Volume : Invalid Parameter". See screenshot. I a running win10 enterprise 1803 and using Win2016 eval ISO ver. 14393.


Log entry:
Format-Volume : Invalid Parameter
Activity ID: {c7bb7eb5-96a7-41a0-a059-0e02b046b6fa}
At C:\S2DVMs\tools\convert-windowsimage.ps1:1935 char:41

  • ... temVolume = Format-Volume -Partition $systemPartition -FileSystem FAT ...
  •             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (StorageWMI:ROOT/Microsoft/...age/MSFT_Volume) [Format-Volume], CimExcept
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : StorageWMI 5,Format-Volume
      Format-Volume : Invalid Parameter
      Activity ID: {c7bb7eb5-96a7-41a0-a059-0e02b046b6fa}
      At C:\S2DVMs\tools\convert-windowsimage.ps1:1935 char:41
  • ... temVolume = Format-Volume -Partition $systemPartition -FileSystem FAT ...
  •             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (StorageWMI:ROOT/Microsoft/...age/MSFT_Volume) [Format-Volume], CimExce
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : StorageWMI 5,Format-Volume

Server CORE as host and issue at mounting ISO


I got a hands on physical server for my Home Lab and installed 17713 CORE edition. I wanted to use it as starting point for testing some of your labs, but I came across error, which throws me out of powershell and generates following output:
"Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

This happens, when script should ask me for ISO.
To avoid this, I changed Labconfig and pushed in Server ISO parameter, but it seems that CORE detection mechanism is not working.


Missing license file

Could someone please add the appropriate approved open source license for this project, either a LICENSE or LICENSE.TXT file?


Browse failures on 1709 DataCenter server


I tried to run these (faaantastic! Thankyou..) scripts on a 1709 release of Server 2016 DataCenter edition, and whenever it went prompting for ISO / MSU / etc media, the script would fail. Obviously there is no 'real' gui in 1709. The fix was to manually comment out the browse for server and client ISO media lines and manually pop in the file path at the mount-image step.

All ran fine after that. Hopefully there is a way to prompt for media on the console rather than selecting in explorer ?

Thanks, and great work!

Edition not selected

Hi I've just came across a problem with the Win10 praten timage creation. It wouldn't let me do it erroring with "Edition not selected. Exitting". So after a little tinkering I've decided that I should change one of the loops from:

            $WindowsImage=Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath "$ISOMediaPath\sources\install.wim"
            if ($BuildNumber -lt 7600){
                if ($ISO -ne $Null){
                    $ISO | Dismount-DiskImage
                WriteErrorAndExit "`t Use Windows 7 or newer!"

to this:

            $WindowsImage=Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath "$ISOMediaPath\sources\install.esd"
            if ($BuildNumber -lt 7600){
                if ($ISO -ne $Null){
                    $ISO | Dismount-DiskImage
                WriteErrorAndExit "`t Use Windows 7 or newer!"

Maybe some kind of check should be implemented to see whether the ISO file has install.wim or install.esd

Windows 10 - svhdx filter driver installation error

Thanks for a great deployment scripts, I have used the lab deployment scripts before and it works great!

At home I tried to run a copied version from a lab exercise and I get this error:

unable to load svhdx filter driver. Exiting Please use Server SKU or figure out how to install svhdx into the client SKU

any ideas on how I can install or should I get the SKU from the registry?

DC was not imported successfully

Issue just started where the WSLabs Deploy script no longer works correctly. Any time Deploy.ps1 is ran the following error occurs and is logged . I tried a completely fresh setup us WSLabs and get the same results on multiple systems.

Directory: C:\NewLabs\scripts\LAB

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

d----- 4/17/2019 9:47 AM VMs
Looking for Tools Parent Disks
Tools parent disk C:\NewLabs\scripts\ParentDisks\tools.vhdx found
Looking for DC to be imported
DC was not imported successfully Press any key to continue ...
Press enter to continue ...

DSC part is failing on one customers Laptop

Need to investigate more...

here is a log

Creating DSC Configs for DC
PSDesiredStateConfiguration\Node : The term 'xDscWebService' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,
script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is
correct and try again.
At C:\WSLab\2_CreateParentDisks.ps1:590 char:17

  •             Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq "Parent DC"}.Nodenam ...
  •             ~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (xDscWebService:String) [PSDesiredStateConfiguration\node],
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException,PSDesiredStateConfiguration\node
      PSDesiredStateConfiguration\Node : The term 'xDscWebService' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check
      the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
      At C:\WSLab\2_CreateParentDisks.ps1:590 char:17
  •             Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq "Parent DC"}.Nodenam ...
  •             ~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (xDscWebService:String) [PSDesiredStateConfiguration\node], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException,PSDesiredStateConfiguration\node

PS>TerminatingError(): "Compilation errors occurred while processing configuration 'DCHydration'. Please review the errors reported in error stream and modify your configuration code appropriately."
PS>TerminatingError(): "Compilation errors occurred while processing configuration 'DCHydration'. Please review the errors reported in error stream and modify your configuration code appropriately."

TerminatingError(): "Compilation errors occurred while processing configuration 'DCHydration'. Please review the errors reported in error stream and modify your configuration code appropriately."
TerminatingError(): "Compilation errors occurred while processing configuration 'DCHydration'. Please review the errors reported in error stream and modify your configuration code appropriately."
Compilation errors occurred while processing configuration 'DCHydration'. Please review the errors reported in error stream and modify your configuration code appropriately.
Compilation errors occurred while processing configuration 'DCHydration'. Please review the errors reported in error stream and modify your configuration
code appropriately.
At C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSDesiredStateConfiguration\PSDesiredStateConfiguration.psm1:3917 char:5

  • throw $ErrorRecord
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (DCHydration:String) [], InvalidOperationException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : FailToProcessConfiguration

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