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codedoc's Issues

AddressSanitizer: attempting double-free

./codedoc poc188
version 3.7

==102826==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: attempting double-free on 0x6080000014a0 in thread T0:
    #0 0x7f8e1b7577a8 in __interceptor_free (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #1 0x5567506d6cae in scan_file /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:3668
    #2 0x5567506ccb8e in main /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:531
    #3 0x7f8e1ae7fc86 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #4 0x5567506cb5e9 in _start (/home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc+0xe5e9)

0x6080000014a0 is located 0 bytes inside of 88-byte region [0x6080000014a0,0x6080000014f8)
freed by thread T0 here:
    #0 0x7f8e1b7577a8 in __interceptor_free (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #1 0x7f8e1b4739e2 in mxmlDelete /home/tianmai/mxml-3.2/mxml-node.c:231

previously allocated by thread T0 here:
    #0 0x7f8e1b757d28 in __interceptor_calloc (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #1 0x7f8e1b473664 in mxml_new /home/tianmai/mxml-3.2/mxml-node.c:841

SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: double-free (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in __interceptor_free

Support simple markdown in comments

is there a way to write an indented multiline code block in a function description?
@code [...]@ does not allow line breaks in it and a possible workaround with multiple code snippets is not formatted right.

outbound read in scan_file codedoc.c:2903

root@ubuntu:/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc# ./codedoc poc

ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.27-3ubuntu1) 2.27
I think should limit ch (char instead of int) one byte, or it use alpha table in glibc,which may cause outbound read in inline code glibc

asan output

==47845==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x7ffff6b201d4 (pc 0x55555556be17 bp 0x7fffffffde20 sp 0x7ffffffddcc0 T0)`

==47845==The signal is caused by a READ memory access.
    #0 0x55555556be16 in scan_file /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:2903
    #1 0x555555566b56 in main /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:488
    #2 0x7ffff660eb96 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #3 0x5555555675e9 in _start (/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc/codedoc-addr+0x135e9)

AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info.
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: SEGV /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:2903 in scan_file

gdb output

RAX: 0x7ffff7fdd6d8 --> 0x7ffff7746cc0 --> 0x2000200020002 
RBX: 0x0 
RCX: 0x7ffff7746cc0 --> 0x2000200020002 
RDX: 0x1ca28a 
RSI: 0x555555771790 --> 0x8a8a8a8a8af7 
RDI: 0x5555557714e0 --> 0xfbad2488 
RBP: 0x0 
RSP: 0x7ffffffdde00 --> 0x0 
RIP: 0x55555555aab3 (<scan_file+3396>:	test   BYTE PTR [rcx+rdx*2],0x8)
R8 : 0x77 ('w')
R9 : 0x0 
R10: 0x555555771010 --> 0x100 
R11: 0x246 
R12: 0x1ca28a 
R13: 0x8 
R14: 0x0 
R15: 0x0
EFLAGS: 0x10207 (CARRY PARITY adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
   0x55555555aaa8 <scan_file+3385>:	call   0x5555555571e0 <__ctype_b_loc@plt>
   0x55555555aaad <scan_file+3390>:	mov    rcx,QWORD PTR [rax]
   0x55555555aab0 <scan_file+3393>:	movsxd rdx,r12d
=> 0x55555555aab3 <scan_file+3396>:	test   BYTE PTR [rcx+rdx*2],0x8
   0x55555555aab7 <scan_file+3400>:	jne    0x55555555aad2 <scan_file+3427>
   0x55555555aab9 <scan_file+3402>:	cmp    r12d,0x5f
   0x55555555aabd <scan_file+3406>:	je     0x55555555aad2 <scan_file+3427>
   0x55555555aabf <scan_file+3408>:	cmp    r12d,0x2e
0000| 0x7ffffffdde00 --> 0x0 
0008| 0x7ffffffdde08 --> 0x555555771710 --> 0x0 
0016| 0x7ffffffdde10 --> 0x0 
0024| 0x7ffffffdde18 --> 0x0 
0032| 0x7ffffffdde20 --> 0x0 
0040| 0x7ffffffdde28 --> 0x5555557712f0 --> 0x0 
0048| 0x7ffffffdde30 --> 0x0 
0056| 0x7ffffffdde38 --> 0x7fffffffdf58 --> 0x7fffffffe3f1 --> 0x54554c4300636f70 ('poc')
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x000055555555aab3 in scan_file (file=<optimized out>, tree=<optimized out>) at codedoc.c:2903
2903		        if (isalnum(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '.' || ch == ':' || ch == '~')
gdb-peda$ bt
#0  0x000055555555aab3 in scan_file (file=<optimized out>, tree=<optimized out>) at codedoc.c:2903
#1  0x00005555555577d6 in main (argc=argc@entry=0x2, argv=argv@entry=0x7fffffffe098) at codedoc.c:488
#2  0x00007ffff75c9b97 in __libc_start_main (main=0x555555557239 <main>, argc=0x2, argv=0x7fffffffe098, init=<optimized out>, fini=<optimized out>, rtld_fini=<optimized out>, stack_end=0x7fffffffe088) at ../csu/libc-start.c:310
#3  0x0000555555557dfa in _start ()
gdb-peda$ vmmap 
Start              End                Perm	Name
0x0000555555554000 0x000055555556e000 r-xp	/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc/codedoc
0x000055555576e000 0x0000555555770000 r--p	/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc/codedoc
0x0000555555770000 0x0000555555771000 rw-p	/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc/codedoc
0x0000555555771000 0x0000555555792000 rw-p	[heap]
0x00007ffff75a8000 0x00007ffff778f000 r-xp	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff778f000 0x00007ffff798f000 ---p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff798f000 0x00007ffff7993000 r--p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7993000 0x00007ffff7995000 rw-p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7995000 0x00007ffff7999000 rw-p	mapped
0x00007ffff7999000 0x00007ffff79b3000 r-xp	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff79b3000 0x00007ffff7bb2000 ---p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7bb2000 0x00007ffff7bb3000 r--p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7bb3000 0x00007ffff7bb4000 rw-p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7bb4000 0x00007ffff7bb8000 rw-p	mapped
0x00007ffff7bb8000 0x00007ffff7bd4000 r-xp	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7bd4000 0x00007ffff7dd3000 ---p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7dd3000 0x00007ffff7dd4000 r--p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7dd4000 0x00007ffff7dd5000 rw-p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7dd5000 0x00007ffff7dfc000 r-xp	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7fdd000 0x00007ffff7fe2000 rw-p	mapped
0x00007ffff7ff7000 0x00007ffff7ffa000 r--p	[vvar]
0x00007ffff7ffa000 0x00007ffff7ffc000 r-xp	[vdso]
0x00007ffff7ffc000 0x00007ffff7ffd000 r--p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7ffd000 0x00007ffff7ffe000 rw-p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7ffe000 0x00007ffff7fff000 rw-p	mapped
0x00007ffffffdd000 0x00007ffffffff000 rw-p	[stack]
0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000 r-xp	[vsyscall]

stack-buffer-overflow in codedoc_strlcpy codedoc.c:144

root@ubuntu:/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc# ./codedoc poc2

asan output

==29166==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow on address 0x7ffffffddc40 at pc 0x7ffff6e94d82 bp 0x7ffffffd9b70 sp 0x7ffffffd9318
WRITE of size 1 at 0x7ffffffddc40 thread T0
    #0 0x7ffff6e94d81 in __interceptor_memmove (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #1 0x555555567c6e in memmove /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:40
    #2 0x555555567c6e in codedoc_strlcpy /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:144
    #3 0x555555567e8c in add_variable /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:860
    #4 0x55555556d103 in scan_file /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:3591
    #5 0x555555566b56 in main /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:488
    #6 0x7ffff660eb96 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #7 0x5555555675e9 in _start (/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc/codedoc-addr+0x135e9)

Address 0x7ffffffddc40 is located in stack of thread T0 at offset 16480 in frame
    #0 0x555555567cb0 in add_variable /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:810

  This frame has 2 object(s):
    [32, 36) 'whitespace'
    [96, 16480) 'buffer' <== Memory access at offset 16480 overflows this variable
HINT: this may be a false positive if your program uses some custom stack unwind mechanism or swapcontext
      (longjmp and C++ exceptions *are* supported)
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in __interceptor_memmove
Shadow bytes around the buggy address:
  0x10007fff3b30: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x10007fff3b40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x10007fff3b50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x10007fff3b60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x10007fff3b70: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
=>0x10007fff3b80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00[f3]f3 f3 f3 00 00 00 00
  0x10007fff3b90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x10007fff3ba0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f1 f1 f1 f1 04 f2 f2 f2
  0x10007fff3bb0: f2 f2 f2 f2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x10007fff3bc0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x10007fff3bd0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Shadow byte legend (one shadow byte represents 8 application bytes):
  Addressable:           00
  Partially addressable: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 
  Heap left redzone:       fa
  Freed heap region:       fd
  Stack left redzone:      f1
  Stack mid redzone:       f2
  Stack right redzone:     f3
  Stack after return:      f5
  Stack use after scope:   f8
  Global redzone:          f9
  Global init order:       f6
  Poisoned by user:        f7
  Container overflow:      fc
  Array cookie:            ac
  Intra object redzone:    bb
  ASan internal:           fe
  Left alloca redzone:     ca
  Right alloca redzone:    cb

gdb output

*** stack smashing detected ***: <unknown> terminated

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.

RAX: 0x0 
RBX: 0x7ffffffd9bd0 --> 0x0 
RCX: 0x7ffff75e6e97 (<__GI_raise+199>:	mov    rcx,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x108])
RDX: 0x0 
RSI: 0x7ffffffd9930 --> 0x0 
RDI: 0x2 
RBP: 0x7ffffffd9d60 --> 0x7ffff775e97e ("<unknown>")
RSP: 0x7ffffffd9930 --> 0x0 
RIP: 0x7ffff75e6e97 (<__GI_raise+199>:	mov    rcx,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x108])
R8 : 0x0 
R9 : 0x7ffffffd9930 --> 0x0 
R10: 0x8 
R11: 0x246 
R12: 0x7ffffffd9bd0 --> 0x0 
R13: 0x1000 
R14: 0x0 
R15: 0x30 ('0')
EFLAGS: 0x246 (carry PARITY adjust ZERO sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
   0x7ffff75e6e8b <__GI_raise+187>:	mov    edi,0x2
   0x7ffff75e6e90 <__GI_raise+192>:	mov    eax,0xe
   0x7ffff75e6e95 <__GI_raise+197>:	syscall 
=> 0x7ffff75e6e97 <__GI_raise+199>:	mov    rcx,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x108]
   0x7ffff75e6e9f <__GI_raise+207>:	xor    rcx,QWORD PTR fs:0x28
   0x7ffff75e6ea8 <__GI_raise+216>:	mov    eax,r8d
   0x7ffff75e6eab <__GI_raise+219>:	jne    0x7ffff75e6ecc <__GI_raise+252>
   0x7ffff75e6ead <__GI_raise+221>:	add    rsp,0x118
0000| 0x7ffffffd9930 --> 0x0 
0008| 0x7ffffffd9938 --> 0x0 
0016| 0x7ffffffd9940 --> 0x0 
0024| 0x7ffffffd9948 --> 0x0 
0032| 0x7ffffffd9950 --> 0x0 
0040| 0x7ffffffd9958 --> 0x0 
0048| 0x7ffffffd9960 --> 0x0 
0056| 0x7ffffffd9968 --> 0x0 
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGABRT
__GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=0x6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:51
51	../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: No such file or directory.
gdb-peda$ bt
#0  __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=0x6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:51
#1  0x00007ffff75e8801 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
#2  0x00007ffff7631897 in __libc_message (action=action@entry=do_abort, fmt=fmt@entry=0x7ffff775e988 "*** %s ***: %s terminated\n") at ../sysdeps/posix/libc_fatal.c:181
#3  0x00007ffff76dccd1 in __GI___fortify_fail_abort (need_backtrace=need_backtrace@entry=0x0, msg=msg@entry=0x7ffff775e966 "stack smashing detected") at fortify_fail.c:33
#4  0x00007ffff76dcc92 in __stack_chk_fail () at stack_chk_fail.c:29
#5  0x0000555555558602 in add_variable (parent=<optimized out>, name=<optimized out>, type=<optimized out>) at codedoc.c:930
#6  0x000055555555b95e in scan_file (file=<optimized out>, tree=<optimized out>) at codedoc.c:3591
#7  0x00005555555577d6 in main (argc=argc@entry=0x2, argv=argv@entry=0x7fffffffe098) at codedoc.c:488
#8  0x00007ffff75c9b97 in __libc_start_main (main=0x555555557239 <main>, argc=0x2, argv=0x7fffffffe098, init=<optimized out>, fini=<optimized out>, rtld_fini=<optimized out>, stack_end=0x7fffffffe088) at ../csu/libc-start.c:310
#9  0x0000555555557dfa in _start ()

Fix function/variable parsing to allow comments in different places

Comments for functions do not not function as expected. I can give examples on request, but here are the issues I came across testing codedoc with a small file with just a single function defined.

  1. If the return type is not void, there is a comment before the function, and there isn't a comment after the return type, the comment before the function becomes documentation for the return type and not for the function itself.
  2. A multi-line comment after the return type breaks the documentation for the function itself.
  3. Documentation comments for arguments only work if the parameter contains a comma after the parameter name.
  4. Man pages do not show return type and parameter documentation.


./codedoc poc1

==130545==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x562719a5afc5 bp 0x7ffe435142a0 sp 0x7ffe435141b0 T0)
==130545==The signal is caused by a READ memory access.
==130545==Hint: address points to the zero page.
    #0 0x562719a5afc4 in write_html_body /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:6042
    #1 0x562719a5a4b9 in write_html /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:5867
    #2 0x562719a48194 in main /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:625
    #3 0x7ff114394c86 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #4 0x562719a465e9 in _start (/home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc+0xe5e9)

AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info.
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: SEGV /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:6042 in write_html_body
In file: /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c
   6037       else
   6038       {
   6039 	type   = mxmlFindElement(scut, scut, "type", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST);
   6040 	string = mxmlGetText(mxmlGetLastChild(type), NULL);
 ► 6042         if (*string != '*')
   6043 	  putc(' ', out);
   6045 	fprintf(out, "%s;\n", name);
   6046       }

outbound read in scan_file codedoc.c:3371

root@ubuntu:/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc# ./codedoc poc1
may cause same as #3 (comment)
asan output

==117053==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x7ffff697d930 (pc 0x55555556c9da bp 0x7fffffffde20 sp 0x7ffffffddcc0 T0)
==117053==The signal is caused by a READ memory access.
    #0 0x55555556c9d9 in scan_file /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:3371
    #1 0x555555566b56 in main /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:488
    #2 0x7ffff660eb96 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #3 0x5555555675e9 in _start (/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc/codedoc-addr+0x135e9)

AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info.
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: SEGV /home/tim/codedoc-addr/codedoc.c:3371 in scan_file

gdb output

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

RAX: 0x7ffff7fdd6d8 --> 0x7ffff7746cc0 --> 0x2000200020002 
RBX: 0x5555557727a0 --> 0x0 
RCX: 0x7ffff7746cc0 --> 0x2000200020002 
RDX: 0xf8e38 
RSI: 0x57 ('W')
RDI: 0x5555557714e0 --> 0xfbad2488 
RBP: 0x0 
RSP: 0x7ffffffdde00 --> 0x0 
RIP: 0x55555555b30a (<scan_file+5531>:	test   BYTE PTR [rcx+rdx*2],0x8)
R8 : 0x5555557728a0 --> 0x4 
R9 : 0x0 
R10: 0x555555771010 --> 0x100 
R11: 0x0 
R12: 0xf8e38 
R13: 0x1 
R14: 0x6 
R15: 0x0
EFLAGS: 0x10207 (CARRY PARITY adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
   0x55555555b2ff <scan_file+5520>:	call   0x5555555571e0 <__ctype_b_loc@plt>
   0x55555555b304 <scan_file+5525>:	mov    rcx,QWORD PTR [rax]
   0x55555555b307 <scan_file+5528>:	movsxd rdx,r12d
=> 0x55555555b30a <scan_file+5531>:	test   BYTE PTR [rcx+rdx*2],0x8
   0x55555555b30e <scan_file+5535>:	jne    0x55555555b361 <scan_file+5618>
   0x55555555b310 <scan_file+5537>:	mov    edx,r12d
   0x55555555b313 <scan_file+5540>:	and    edx,0xfffffffb
   0x55555555b316 <scan_file+5543>:	cmp    edx,0x5b
0000| 0x7ffffffdde00 --> 0x0 
0008| 0x7ffffffdde08 --> 0x555555771710 --> 0x0 
0016| 0x7ffffffdde10 --> 0x0 
0024| 0x7ffffffdde18 --> 0x0 
0032| 0x7ffffffdde20 --> 0x0 
0040| 0x7ffffffdde28 --> 0x5555557712f0 --> 0x0 
0048| 0x7ffffffdde30 --> 0x0 
0056| 0x7ffffffdde38 --> 0x7fffffffdf58 --> 0x7fffffffe3f0 --> 0x554c430031636f70 ('poc1')
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x000055555555b30a in scan_file (file=<optimized out>, tree=<optimized out>) at codedoc.c:3371
3371		  if (isalnum(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '[' || ch == ']' ||
gdb-peda$ bt
#0  0x000055555555b30a in scan_file (file=<optimized out>, tree=<optimized out>) at codedoc.c:3371
#1  0x00005555555577d6 in main (argc=argc@entry=0x2, argv=argv@entry=0x7fffffffe098) at codedoc.c:488
#2  0x00007ffff75c9b97 in __libc_start_main (main=0x555555557239 <main>, argc=0x2, argv=0x7fffffffe098, init=<optimized out>, fini=<optimized out>, rtld_fini=<optimized out>, stack_end=0x7fffffffe088) at ../csu/libc-start.c:310
#3  0x0000555555557dfa in _start ()
gdb-peda$ vmmap 
Start              End                Perm	Name
0x0000555555554000 0x000055555556e000 r-xp	/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc/codedoc
0x000055555576e000 0x0000555555770000 r--p	/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc/codedoc
0x0000555555770000 0x0000555555771000 rw-p	/home/tim/fuzz/codedoc/codedoc
0x0000555555771000 0x0000555555792000 rw-p	[heap]
0x00007ffff75a8000 0x00007ffff778f000 r-xp	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff778f000 0x00007ffff798f000 ---p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff798f000 0x00007ffff7993000 r--p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7993000 0x00007ffff7995000 rw-p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7995000 0x00007ffff7999000 rw-p	mapped
0x00007ffff7999000 0x00007ffff79b3000 r-xp	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff79b3000 0x00007ffff7bb2000 ---p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7bb2000 0x00007ffff7bb3000 r--p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7bb3000 0x00007ffff7bb4000 rw-p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7bb4000 0x00007ffff7bb8000 rw-p	mapped
0x00007ffff7bb8000 0x00007ffff7bd4000 r-xp	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7bd4000 0x00007ffff7dd3000 ---p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7dd3000 0x00007ffff7dd4000 r--p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7dd4000 0x00007ffff7dd5000 rw-p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7dd5000 0x00007ffff7dfc000 r-xp	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7fdd000 0x00007ffff7fe2000 rw-p	mapped
0x00007ffff7ff7000 0x00007ffff7ffa000 r--p	[vvar]
0x00007ffff7ffa000 0x00007ffff7ffc000 r-xp	[vdso]
0x00007ffff7ffc000 0x00007ffff7ffd000 r--p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7ffd000 0x00007ffff7ffe000 rw-p	/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x00007ffff7ffe000 0x00007ffff7fff000 rw-p	mapped
0x00007ffffffdd000 0x00007ffffffff000 rw-p	[stack]
0xffffffffff600000 0xffffffffff601000 r-xp	[vsyscall]


./codedoc poc24

==112923==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x56156b088d08 bp 0x7fff113d0770 sp 0x7fff113d0750 T0)
==112923==The signal is caused by a READ memory access.
==112923==Hint: address points to the zero page.
    #0 0x56156b088d07 in markdown_anchor /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:2282
    #1 0x56156b0894f2 in markdown_write_block /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:2502
    #2 0x56156b08960d in markdown_write_block /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:2517
    #3 0x56156b08960d in markdown_write_block /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:2517
    #4 0x56156b0955f5 in write_html_body /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:5919
    #5 0x56156b0954b9 in write_html /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:5867
    #6 0x56156b083194 in main /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:625
    #7 0x7f3c236b0c86 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #8 0x56156b0815e9 in _start (/home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc+0xe5e9)

AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info.
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: SEGV /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:2282 in markdown_anchor
In file: /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c
   2277 {
   2278   char          *bufptr;                /* Pointer into buffer */
   2279   static char   buffer[1024];           /* Buffer for anchor string */
 ► 2282   for (bufptr = buffer; *text && bufptr < (buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1); text ++)
   2283   {
   2284     if ((*text >= '0' && *text <= '9') || (*text >= 'a' && *text <= 'z') || (*text >= 'A' && *text <= 'Z') || *text == '.' || *text == '-')
   2285       *bufptr++ = (char)tolower(*text);
   2286     else if (*text == ' ')
   2287       *bufptr++ = '-';

namespace => no documentation generation.

I observed this code do not generate any documentation:

namespace {
// My comment
void theFunction()

but this one does:

// My comment
void theFunction()

I think codedoc do not handle C++ namespace properly.

Add an option for static items and function begining with "__".

I love codedoc,im not a fan of gaint software so codedoc is 102% my favorite documentation generator. The problem is that i want to document "hidden" functions and such. Like i can have the main API in the header files,but also document the support functions in the c files. Can you add an option to document "hidden" functions and such. I am busy writing a compiler otherwise i would do it myself.

Thanks a lot btw,i love your mini-xml library too.

Change default CSS for inline code

The current default CSS for inline code puts it in a shaded, outlined box which disrupts the flow of the documentation. Just use monospaced text.

AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow

./codedoc poc225
version 3.7

==43141==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow on address 0x60200000012f at pc 0x55e9e1ae8aa6 bp 0x7ffefd45f8d0 sp 0x7ffefd45f8c0
READ of size 1 at 0x60200000012f thread T0
    #0 0x55e9e1ae8aa5 in highlight_c_string /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:1742
    #1 0x55e9e1aea2ac in markdown_write_block /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:2434
    #2 0x55e9e1aea60d in markdown_write_block /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:2517
    #3 0x55e9e1af65f5 in write_html_body /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:5919
    #4 0x55e9e1af64b9 in write_html /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:5867
    #5 0x55e9e1ae4194 in main /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:625
    #6 0x7f7850eb5c86 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #7 0x55e9e1ae25e9 in _start (/home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc+0xe5e9)

0x60200000012f is located 1 bytes to the left of 1-byte region [0x602000000130,0x602000000131)
allocated by thread T0 here:
    #0 0x7f7851726538 in strdup (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #1 0x55e9e1b024bc in mmd_add /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/mmd.c:1312
    #2 0x55e9e1afe436 in mmdLoadFile /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/mmd.c:660
    #3 0x55e9e1b0226c in mmdLoadString /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/mmd.c:1232
    #4 0x55e9e1aed7ec in scan_file /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:3575
    #5 0x55e9e1ae3b8e in main /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:531
    #6 0x7f7850eb5c86 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow /home/tianmai/workspace/codedoc(复件)/codedoc.c:1742 in highlight_c_string
Shadow bytes around the buggy address:
  0x0c047fff7fd0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c047fff7fe0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c047fff7ff0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x0c047fff8000: fa fa 00 fa fa fa fd fd fa fa 06 fa fa fa 00 02
  0x0c047fff8010: fa fa fd fa fa fa 02 fa fa fa 06 fa fa fa 00 07
=>0x0c047fff8020: fa fa 00 07 fa[fa]01 fa fa fa 01 fa fa fa 01 fa
  0x0c047fff8030: fa fa 06 fa fa fa 05 fa fa fa 05 fa fa fa 03 fa
  0x0c047fff8040: fa fa 00 fa fa fa 04 fa fa fa 07 fa fa fa 00 fa
  0x0c047fff8050: fa fa 00 01 fa fa 00 01 fa fa 00 01 fa fa 04 fa
  0x0c047fff8060: fa fa 02 fa fa fa 02 fa fa fa 00 03 fa fa 00 02
  0x0c047fff8070: fa fa 00 fa fa fa 05 fa fa fa 07 fa fa fa 04 fa
Shadow byte legend (one shadow byte represents 8 application bytes):
  Addressable:           00
  Partially addressable: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 
  Heap left redzone:       fa
  Freed heap region:       fd
  Stack left redzone:      f1
  Stack mid redzone:       f2
  Stack right redzone:     f3
  Stack after return:      f5
  Stack use after scope:   f8
  Global redzone:          f9
  Global init order:       f6
  Poisoned by user:        f7
  Container overflow:      fc
  Array cookie:            ac
  Intra object redzone:    bb
  ASan internal:           fe
  Left alloca redzone:     ca
  Right alloca redzone:    cb

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