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chestsort's Introduction


1.8 to 1.19.3 compatible Minecraft-/Spigot-Plugin to allow automatic chest and inventory sorting.

Download & more information

Please see the related topic at for information regarding the commands, permissions and download links:

Maven repository

If you want to use ChestSort as dependency for your own plugin, you can use our public maven repository. More information can be found in the API documentation.

Building .jar file

To build the .jar file, you will need maven. Also, the CrackShot library is in no public repository, so please create a directory called lib and put the latest CrackShot.jar file (available here) inside it. (Not required as of ChestSort 9.6.0+)


If you want to use ChestSort's advanced sorting features for your own plugin, you can use the ChestSort API. It provides methods to sort any given inventory, following the rules you have specified in your ChestSort's plugin.yml and the corresponding category files.

More information about the API can be found HERE.

Technical stuff

ChestSort takes an instance of org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory and copies the contents. The resulting array is sorted by rules defined in the config.yml. This takes far less than one millisecond for a whole chest. So there should be no problems even on big servers, where hundreds of players are using chests at the same time. The plugin should cause no lag at all.

chestsort's People


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chestsort's Issues

Option to disable use of automatic sorting function and/or command

Describe the solution you'd like
A separate permission node that allows/prevents users from being able to toggle autosorting via commands without affecting the ability to sort via hotkeys with the end goal of making this plugin a little more compatible with other inventory plugins.

Very, very minor typo.

Used ChestSort version

In the config.yml generated by the mod upon first launch, there is a very very small typo on one of the lines. I'm not trying to be a snob sorry if it sounds like I am haha.

"Additionally to sorting hotkeys, you can quickly unload your inventory into a chest and vice versa using left-click or richt-click outside of a chest's inventory."

List of favorite items per player

TODO: Implement a list of favorite items that can be changed by each player. To do so, a player will be able to open a GUI and add some items to it.

When a player sorts a chest/inventory, ChestSort will automatically put all favorite items at the top while maintaining the order defined in the GUI. After that, the remaining items are sorted normally.

Feature Request for Standalone Hotkey Sorting

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
In our server we have decided that automatic sorting doesn't fit well with our vision for a SMP and the current automatic sorting can be unpredictable when there are 2 players using the same chest at once. Currently, for players to have access to hotkey sorting, they need to also have access to the automatic chest sorting commands.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to have a way to allow players to be able to sort using the hotkeys without also having access to automatic sorting.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Maybe hotkey sorting can become its own permission group instead of being tied into chestsort.use and chestsort.use.inventory

Additional context

How to add permissions to use /chestsort

How to add permissions to use /chestsort
I'm always frustrated when try to add permissions to use "chestsort.inventory", maybe this is a noob question. But where I should put this and how?

I have no idea how to look to activate this

Allows usage of automatic chest sorting and the /chestsort command.

Allows usage of the /invsort command to sort the player's inventory

I already look in so many blogs, but I can't do this for myself, I'd like to see some example and file location if was the case. Something like: Put this "example here" in file "example file". Or something like: Type this command in server prompt.

Really sorry, I just don't know where to ask more, I'm like a noob in minecraft server...

Incompatible with Spigot <1.11

ChestSort will currently not work with versions prior to 1.11 because of hardcoded stuff regarding shulker boxes, which were added in 1.11.

Will be fixed soon.

HotKeys perms not working

Used ChestSort version

Used Paper version
git paper 207

Describe the bug
we cant disabled some of the hotkeys

To Reproduce




This config file will be updated automatically with every new release of ChestSort.

Don't worry! Your changes will be kept after every update.

Please note that players will need the chestsort.use permission

or have to be OP to be able to use automatic chest sorting.

To use /invsort, the permission chestsort.use.inventory is required.

when set to false, new players will have to run /chestsort

once to enable automatic chest sorting.

sorting-enabled-by-default: false

when set to true, players with sorting DISABLED will be

shown a message on how to enable automatic chest sorting

when they use a chest for the first time.

consider setting this to true when you disable sorting by default.

see also -> message-when-using-chest

show-message-when-using-chest: true

when set to true, players with sorting ENABLED will be

shown a message on how to disable automatic chest sorting

when they use a chest for the first time.

consider setting this to true when you enable sorting by default.

see also -> message-when-using-chest2

show-message-when-using-chest-and-sorting-is-enabled: false

when set to true, the messages are shown again when a player

logs out and back in and then uses a chest again.

show-message-again-after-logout: true

to sort by category, we need category files. ChestSort comes

with a number of pregenerated category files, named

900-valuables.txt, 910-tools.txt, 920-combat.txt, ...

If you wish to edit those, you can disable the generation of these

files, because otherwise all your changes in the pregenerated

files will be overwritten on each server startup.

However, a much smarter option is to copy the default files

and rename them to from 900... to 800... and edit those instead.

auto-generate-category-files: true

you can choose when ChestSort should sort chests.

The default option is to sort when an inventory is closed.

This is useful, because the onInventoryClose event never gets fired

when access to the chest is forbidden by another plugin, e.g. WorldGuard

You can also sort whenenver a chest is opened. ChestSort will then check

if the onInventoryOpenEvent gets cancelled. If it does get cancelled,

ChestSort will not sort the chest. However, if a plugin uses the

MONITOR event priority, ChestSort cannot detect this.

If you have problems with unaccessible chests being sorted, set this

option to "close". If you want, you can sort twice, however this is not

very useful.

If you don't know what to put here, just use the default "close"

Available options: open, close, both

sort-time: close

should we check for updates?

when enabled, a message is printed in the console if a new

version has been found, and OPs will be notified when they join the server

When set to true, we will check for updates on startup and every 24 hours

When set to on-startup, we will only check on startup

When set to false, don't check for updates

check-for-updates: true

when set to true, show some verbose information on startup

verbose: true




Instead of automatic sorting, you can also use hotkeys (see below)

when using an inventory to have it sorted immediately.

You can disable this by setting this to false.

allow-hotkeys: true

You can disable/enable certain hotkeys when you have allow-hotkeys enabled.

Hotkeys that could interfere with Minecraft's normal behaviour (e.g.

shift+left-click) only work on empty slots, so don't worry about them.

Players can also enable/disable all shortcuts individually via /chestsort hotkeys


Use middle click (mousewheel) on ANY inventory slot as hotkey

middle-click: true

Use shift + left-click on any EMPTY inventory slot as hotkey

shift-click: true

Use double left-click on any EMPTY inventory slot as hotkey

double-click: false

Use shift + right-click on any EMPTY inventory slot as hotkey

shift-right-click: true


disabled worlds


You can disable ChestSort for certain worlds. Each world's name has to

be on a separate line, starting with a hyphen and followed by a space.

You can also use the YAML array notation: [world1, world2, world3]



- world_nether

- world_the_end



Plugin hooks


ChestSort can hook into other plugins to allow better sorting

for items belonging to 3rd party plugins.

You do NOT have to disable the hooks for plugins you don't have

installed. ChestSort will automatically check if the plugins

are installed.


When CrackShot is installed, all CrackShot weapons will be

grouped together and sorted by their name

hook-crackshot: true

You can define a custom name that will be used as prefix

for all CrackShot weapon names.

E.g. when you set this to "crackshot_weapon", an AK-47

will be called "crackshot_weapon_AK-47"

hook-crackshot-prefix: "crackshot_weapon"


When InventoryPages is installed, ChestSort will not sort

the "Next Page" and "Prev Page" buttons. You should not

disable this behaviour unless you know what you are doing!

hook-inventorypages: true


Sorting Method


Advanced: how to sort things! See below for examples.

Only change this if you know what you are doing.

Available variables:

{category} order stuff by category as defined in plugins/ChestSort/categories/.txt

{keepCategoryOrder} orders stuff in the same category according to their line numbers in the category file

{itemsFirst} put items before blocks

{blocksFirst} put blocks before items

{name} returns the name (e.g. DIRT, GRASS_BLOCK, BIRCH_LOG, DIAMOND_SWORD, ...)

{color} returns the color, e.g. light_blue for wool. Empty if block/item is not dyeable

{customName} returns the display name if set (e.g. with an anvil)

{lore} returns the lore if set

Warning: You must not use spaces and fields have to be separated by commas.


sort by name and color:


sort by name and color, but put items before blocks:


sort by name and color, but put blocks before items:


sort by category, then put items before blocks and sort by name and color


sort by category, but keep exactly the same order as defined in each category file, then sort any undefined items by name and color


sorting-method: '{category},{itemsFirst},{name},{color}'




Available color codes:

&0 Black &6 Gold &c Red

&1 Dark Blue &7 Gray &d Light Purple

&2 Dark Green &8 Dark Gray &e Yellow

&3 Dark Aqua &9 Blue &f White

&4 Dark Red &a Green

&5 Dark Purple &b Aqua

Available formatting codes:

&k Obfuscated &m Strikethrough

&l Bold &o Italic

&n Underline &r Reset


Some messages contain placeholders (%s). You must not remove those, or you will get exceptions in the console

You can edit these messages yourself or uncomment the existing translations (see below)

message-when-using-chest: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to enable automatic chest sorting."
message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to disable automatic chest sorting."
message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &aenabled&7."
message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Your inventory has been sorted."
message-error-players-only: "&cError: This command can only be run by players."
message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: Unknown option %s. Valid options are %s."
message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"


#message-when-using-chest: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to enable automatic chest sorting."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to disable automatic chest sorting."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Your inventory has been sorted."
#message-error-players-only: "&cError: This command can only be run by players."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: Unknown option %s. Valid options are %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

Chinese - Thanks to qsefthuopq for translating! ->
Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来启用自动整理箱子."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来关闭自动整理箱子."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7自动整理箱子已 &c关闭&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7自动整理箱子已 &a启用&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7已成功整理你的背包."
#message-error-players-only: "&c错误: 指令只能由玩家运行."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&c错误: 位置选项 %s. 有效选项为 %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文
Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來開啟自動整理箱子"
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來關閉自動整理箱子"
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &c關閉&7"
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &a開啟&7"
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7你的背包已成功整理."
#message-error-players-only: "&c錯誤: 這個指令只能由玩家使用"
#message-error-invalid-options: "&c錯誤: 未知選項 %s. 有效的選項為 %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

Dutch - Thanks to Xeyame for translating! ->
Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7Hint: Gebruik &6/chestsort&7 om automatische kist sortering aan te zetten."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hint: Gebruik &6/chestsort&7 om automatische kist sortering uit te zetten."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatische kist sortering is &cuitgeschakeld&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatische kist sortering is &aingeschakeld&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Je inventaris is gesorteerd."
#message-error-players-only: "&cFout: Dit commando kan alleen door spelers worden gebruikt."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cFout: Onbekende optie %s. Mogelijke opties zijn %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

French - Thanks to automatizer for translating! ->
Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7Astuce: Écris &6/chestsort&7 pour activer le classement automatique."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Astuce: Écris &6/chestsort&7 pour désactiver le classement automatique."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Le classement automatique a été &cdésactivé&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Le classement automatique a été &aactivé&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Your inventory has been sorted."
#message-error-players-only: "&cErreur: Cette commande ne peut être utilisée que par des joueurs."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: Unknown option %s. Valid options are %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"


#message-when-using-chest: "&7Hinweis: Benutze &6/chestsort&7 um die automatische Kistensortierung zu aktivieren."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hinweis: Benutze &6/chestsort&7 um die automatische Kistensortierung zu deaktivieren."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatische Kistensortierung &cdeaktiviert&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatische Kistensortierung &aaktiviert&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Dein Inventar wurde sortiert."
#message-error-players-only: "&cFehler: Dieser Befehl ist nur für Spieler verfügbar."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cFehler: Unbekannte Option %s. Gültige Optionen sind %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aAktiviert"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDeaktiviert"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Mittel-Klick"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Klick"
#message-gui-double-click: "Doppelklick"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Rechtsklick"

Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7Nota: inserire &6/chestsort&7 per abilitare l'ordinamento automatico dei bauli."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Nota: inserire &6/chestsort&7 per disabilitare l'ordinamento automatico dei bauli."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7L'ordinamento automatico dei bauli è stato &cdisattivato&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7L'ordinamento automatico dei bauli è stato &aattivato&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Il tuo inventario è stato ordinato."
#message-error-players-only: "&cErrore: questo comando è disponibile solo per i giocatori."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cErrore: Parametro sconosciuto %s. I parametri validi sono %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7ヒント: &6/chestsort&7 と入力して自動チェスト整理を有効にできます。"
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7ヒント: &6/chestsort&7 と入力すると自動チェスト整理を無効にできます。"
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7自動チェスト整理は現在 &cOFF&7です。"
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7自動チェスト整理は現在 &aON&7です。"
#message-error-players-only: "&cエラー: このコマンドはプレイヤーのみ実行できます。"
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Your inventory has been sorted."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: Unknown option %s. Valid options are %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

Portuguese - Thanks to wildastral for translating! ->
Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7Dica: Digite &6/chestsort&7 para habilitar a organização automática."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Dica: Digite &6/chestsort&7 para desabilitar a organização automática."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7A Organização automática de baús foi &cdesabilitada&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7A Organização automática de baús foi &ahabilitada&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Seu inventário foi organizado."
#message-error-players-only: "&cErro: Esse comando não pode ser executado por jogadores."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: Unknown option %s. Valid options are %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

Russian - Thanks to Gandon for translating! ->
Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7Подсказка: введите &6/chestsort&7, чтобы включить автоматическую сортировку вещей в сундуках."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Подсказка: введите &6/chestsort&7, чтобы отключить автоматическую сортировку вещей в сундуках."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Автоматическая сортировка вещей в сундуках была &cотключена&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Автоматическая сортировка вещей в сундуках была &aвключена&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Ваш инвентарь был отсортирован."
#message-error-players-only: "&cОшибка: эта команда может быть использована только игроками."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cОшибка: Неизвестная опция %s. Допустимые опции: %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

Spanish - Thanks to Bers_ for translating! ->
Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7Pista: Usa &6/chestsort&7 para activar el orden automático de los cofres."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Pista: Usa &6/chestsort&7 para desactivar el orden automático de los cofres."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Orden automático de los cofres &cdesactivado&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Orden automático de los cofres &aactivado&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Tu inventario ha sido ordenado."
#message-error-players-only: "&cError: Este comando solo puede ser ejecutado por jugadores."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: %s es una opción inválida. Las opciones válidas son: %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

Turkish - Thanks to bertek41 for translating!->
Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC

#message-when-using-chest: "&7Ipucu: &6/chestsort&7 Yazarak Otomatik Sandık Organizasyon Sistemini Aktif Edebilirsin."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Ipucu: &6/chestsort&7 Yazarak Otomatik Sandık Organizasyon Sistemini Kapatabilirsin."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Otomatik Sandık Organizasyonu &cKapatıldı&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Otomatik Sandık Organizasyonu &aAçıldı&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Envanteriniz Düzenlendi."
#message-error-players-only: "&cHata: Bu Komut Yalnızca Oyuncular Tarafından Kullanılabilir."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cHata: Bilinmeyen Ayar %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"




please do not change the following line manually!

config-version: 19

Expected behavior
so we can disable and enabled some of the hotkeys via the config

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Request Support PlaceholderAPI or API-Improvement


Hello, I would like to request a feature for your plugin, I'm creating a settings menu for my server and I would like to add an option in there to toggle chestsorting, but I can't check if the player has ChestSorting enabled or not, I can do that by a placeholder with the PlaceholderAPI, but your plugin doesn't support it. So i tried to make my own placeholder but i got the problem that the methode i need to use is package private in your plugin.


So my question was, can you add support for the PlaceholderAPI or just make the methode sortingEnabled(Player p) public so I can acces it with the API for your plugin.

thank you in advance,
Geert Braakman
Administator/Developer on LuminexMC

Russian Translation

Russian (from Gandon)

message-when-using-chest: "&7Подсказка: введите &6/chestsort&7, чтобы включить автоматическую сортировку вещей в сундуках."
message-when-using-chest2: "&7Подсказка: введите &6/chestsort&7, чтобы отключить автоматическую сортировку вещей в сундуках."
message-sorting-disabled: "&7Автоматическая сортировка вещей в сундуках была &cотключена&7."
message-sorting-enabled: "&7Автоматическая сортировка вещей в сундуках была &aвключена&7."
message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Автоматическая сортировка вещей в инвентаре &cотключена&7."
message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Автоматическая сортировка вещей в инвентаре &aвключена&7."
message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Ваш инвентарь был отсортирован."
message-error-players-only: "&cОшибка: эта команда может быть использована только игроками."
message-error-invalid-options: "&cОшибка: Неизвестная опция %s. Допустимые опции: %s."
message-gui-enabled: "&aАктивировано"
message-gui-disabled: "&cОтключено"
message-gui-middle-click: "Колесико"
message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Клик"
message-gui-double-click: "Двойной клик"
message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Правый клик"
message-gui-left-click: "Заполнить сундук (ЛКМ/Двойной ЛКМ)"
message-gui-right-click: "Освободить сундук (ПКМ/Двойной ПКМ)"

problem about the ineffective translation

Used ChestSort version

Used Spigot version
Paper(304) 1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT

Describe the bug
I tried to translate the language part in config to Chinese, but it still shows English in the game

To Reproduce

  1. Modify your language in config
    2.Reload server
    3.Join the game, use chestsort related commands

Expected behavior
It should display information related to Chinese.

Additional context

[Feature Request] Sort items into shulker boxes

Describe the solution you'd like
If a shulker box from within your inventory contains an item from your inventory, those items should be placed into the shulker box. e.g. if you have a shulker box with 1x 64 stack of cobble, and 4x 64 stacks of cobble in inventory, when sorting, you should end with 0 cobble in inventory and 5x 64 stacks of cobble in shulker box.

Describe alternatives you've considered
None - current system requires placing she shulker box, then auto-depositing or

Additional context
Happy to attempt a PR for this, but wanted to discuss first - thoughts?

Probably needs a permission, or maybe just a config setting to enable/disable (permission may be better so servers can pitch it as a donor feature?)

Should the shulker box be sorted after having items deposited, or should items just be deposited, then sorted manually next time the box is accessed?

Should items sort into shulker boxes in toolbar if other toolbar sorting options are disabled?

I'm sure there's more questions, but those are what first come to mind....

Custom GUI Issue

I can sort custom GUIs and take Items from there when using hotkeys.
Is it possible to detect custom GUIs?

Potions sorting not supported

Used ChestSort version
Tell us your ChestSort version
ChestSort version 7.1

Used Spigot version
Tell us your Spigot version (output of /version). Please also tell us if you use another fork like Paper, etc.
This server is running Paper version git-Paper-177 (MC: 1.14.4) (Implementing API version 1.14.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Potions sorting not supported

To Reproduce
How can the behaviour be reproduced?
Sort different potions.

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Sort portions

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

About the hotkey failure of filling the chest

Used ChestSort version

Used Spigot version
Paper(304) 1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT

Describe the bug
When I move the mouse to click the left button outside the chest interface, I cannot put the items in the inventory into it. I have made sure that I have turned on the hotkey

To Reproduce
1.Open hotkey
2.Open chest and use the hotkey
3.Found unusable

Expected behavior
It should be able to put all the items in my inventory into the chest

Additional context


Used ChestSort version

Other plugin used

Describe the bug
Sorting the player's inventory will move the backpack

Expected behavior
The backpack should stay where it is

Additional context
The author will add a method to check if a given ItemStack belongs to a Backpack. Once that is implemented, ChestSort will check if any ItemStack is a backpack and will not move it.

Error In Console

Used version
Tell us your Spigot/Minecraft version and ChestSort version
Paper 1.13.2 (624)
CheetSort 3.7

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Error in console while accessing inventory (best guess)

To Reproduce
How can the behaviour be reproduced?

Not sure.

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
Only happens in this version, previous ones did not.


API - Strict Slots

Would it be possible to add a boolean for strict slot sorting?
chestSort.sortInventory(Inventory inventory, int startSlot, int endSlot, boolean strict);

What I mean is if I used the below code to only sort the top part of a players inventory.
chestSort.sortInventory(inventory, 9, 35);
It stores the items in the first empty slot starting from 0.
I would like it to be strict so it stores items starting from startSlot.

Thanks for the awesome plugin, a real timesaver 😄

Gesture operation for quickly placing items

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I want to make this plugin support gesture operations

Describe the solution you'd like
For example, when I open chest and press the space bar + right click, I can take out all the items in the chest, or I can also press the space bar + left click to inventory me Put all the items in the box. In addition, when I open the chest, I can click the part outside the GUI range of the chest to quickly close the chest

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

1.14 Error

Used ChestSort version
Version 7.1

Describe the bug
Hi, i tried to install the mod in Minecraft 1.14 with forge 28.0.45 but I get the following message

Expected behavior
Maybe i didn't install it well or it is not compatible with the forge version?

I've disabled some hotkeys, but they're still working

Used ChestSort version

Used Spigot version

Describe the bug
I've disabled every hotkey other than middle-click, yet they're all still working.

To Reproduce
Yes, I feel it's described above, and an easily understood problem.

Expected behavior
Double click, shift-click, and shift-right-click to not work when disabled.

Additional context
I've tried reloading the jar, and the config.

Updata the Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Updata the Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文

Describe the solution you'd like
message-when-using-chest: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來開啟自動整理箱子"
message-when-using-chest2: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來關閉自動整理箱子"
message-sorting-disabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &c關閉&7"
message-sorting-enabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &a開啟&7"
message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7自動整理背包已 &c關閉&7."
message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7自動整理背包已 &a開啟&7."
message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7你的背包已成功整理."
message-error-players-only: "&c錯誤: 這個指令只能由玩家使用"
message-error-invalid-options: "&c錯誤: 未知選項 %s. 有效的選項為 %s."
message-gui-enabled: "&a開啟"
message-gui-disabled: "&c關閉"
message-gui-middle-click: "中鍵"
message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + 左鍵"
message-gui-double-click: "雙擊左鍵"
message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + 右鍵"

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Include the version as part of the jar's filename

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

When downloading a new version it's hard to know what version is which

Describe the solution you'd like

I would really like if you could add the version number to the plugin's jar filename.

Describe alternatives you've considered

  • Searching for and deleting prior versions of the plugin prior to downloading
  • Creating a PR to solve this (will still do if approved)

Additional context

No other context. Thank you for your hard work, and a great plugin!

Sorting not permanent

Used version
Click-Sort update

Describe the bug
When sorting an inventory or chest the sorting does not persist through closing and reopening.

To Reproduce
Fill an inventory or chest with random items then sort it with a middle click, After that close then reopen the inventory or chest.

Expected behavior
Items to remain sorted.

Additional context
I'm using both LWC and Residence in my server, however, I have reproduced this both inside and outside a residence and with or without LWC protection on a chest.

I had thought that this happened with the command to auto sort chests as well but it appears that if auto sort is on it attempts to sort then fails.

The command /invsort Does work properly.

translate french

translate french

message-when-using-chest: "&7Astuce: Écris &6/chestsort&7 pour activer le classement automatique."
message-when-using-chest2: "&7Astuce: Écris &6/chestsort&7 pour désactiver le classement automatique."
message-sorting-disabled: "&7Le classement automatique a été &cdésactivé&7."
message-sorting-enabled: "&7Le classement automatique a été &aactivé&7."
message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Votre inventaire a été trié."
message-error-players-only: "&cErreur: Cette commande ne peut être utilisée que par des joueurs."
message-error-invalid-options: "&cErreur: option inconnue %s. Les options valides sont %s."
message-gui-enabled: "&aActivé"
message-gui-disabled: "&cDésactivé"
message-gui-middle-click: "Clic du milieu"
message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"

Keep my hotbar organized even when adding new items to it

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I like when some of my items stay in the same slots. That way I memorize them and instantly use the correct key without thinking or failed attempts. It's way easier to reach the first five keys, so I usually put my weapons, tools and food there. The problem is that I still want sorting but occasionally the order will break when I switch around items.

Describe the solution you'd like
I want the ability to tell ChestSort that I want a pickaxe in slot 1, shield in slot 2, sword in slot 3, food in slot 4. Other slot are sorted by normal rules. Fill my belt out of a chest or inventory on hot key press. Use best type of equipment available.

Could not pass event InventoryCloseEvent to ChestSort v1.7.3

[20:15:07 ERROR]: Could not pass event InventoryCloseEvent to ChestSort v1.7.3
org.bukkit.event.EventException: null
at$1.execute( ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.handleInventoryCloseEvent( ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.PlayerConnection.a( ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.PacketPlayInCloseWindow.a( ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.PacketPlayInCloseWindow.a( ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.a(SourceFile:10) ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_181]
at [?:1.8.0_181]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:198) [spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.MinecraftServer.w( [spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.DedicatedServer.w( [spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.MinecraftServer.v( [spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at [spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
at [?:1.8.0_181]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at de.jeffclan.JeffChestSort.JeffChestSortPlugin.sortingEnabled( ~[?:?]
at de.jeffclan.JeffChestSort.JeffChestSortListener.onInventoryClose( ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor325.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_181]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_181]
at$1.execute( ~[spigotmc-1.13-R0.1.jar:git-Spigot-0b44fa0-49a2604]
... 16 more

Chinese translation for new versions

My Minecraft ID is Isla_SakuraNMY and this is my new translation into Chinese for new versions.

message-when-using-chest: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来启用自动整理"
message-when-using-chest2: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来关闭自动整理"
message-sorting-disabled: "&7自动整理已 &c关闭&7."
message-sorting-enabled: "&7自动整理已 &a启用&7."
message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7已成功整理你的背包"
message-error-players-only: "&c错误: 指令只能由玩家运行"
message-error-invalid-options: "&c错误: 位置选项 %s. 有效选项为 %s"
message-gui-enabled: "&a已启用"
message-gui-disabled: "&c已禁用"
message-gui-middle-click: "鼠标中键"
message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + 单击"
message-gui-double-click: "双击"
message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + 双击"

Right click hotkey

Used ChestSort version

Used Spigot version
git-Paper-68 (MC: 1.16.1) (Implementing API version 1.16.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) paper spigot

Describe the bug
Right-clicking to pull/put items results in dirt being pulled out/in

To Reproduce
have dirt in inv/chest and use click hotkeys

Expected behavior
to only pull/push same items

Additional context
no rush to fix bug, take it easy :)

update Chinese Translation


message-when-using-chest: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来启用自动整理箱子."
message-when-using-chest2: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来关闭自动整理箱子."
message-sorting-disabled: "&7自动整理箱子已 &c关闭&7."
message-sorting-enabled: "&7自动整理箱子已 &a启用&7."
message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7自动整理背包已 &c关闭&7."
message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7自动整理背包已 &a开启&7."
message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7已成功整理你的背包."
message-error-players-only: "&c错误: 指令只能由玩家运行."
message-error-invalid-options: "&c错误: 位置选项 %s. 有效选项为 %s."
message-gui-enabled: "&a开启"
message-gui-disabled: "&c关闭"
message-gui-middle-click: "中键"
message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + 左键"
message-gui-double-click: "双击左键"
message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + 右键"
message-gui-left-click: "填充箱子 (左键/双击左键)"
message-gui-right-click: "清空箱子 (右键/双击右键)"

Change Hotkey Middle click to mouse extra key?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to press Mouse Button 4 or 5 to sort any slot, is that possible? Kinda hard to sort a chest if all inventory slots are full to be able to shift click. Seems middle mouse button does not work for whatever reason.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Autohotkey 3rd party program, annoying if you forget to turn it off.

Additional context

No permissions even after giving permissions.

Used version
PaperSpigot: 1.13.2
ChestSort: 3.4

Describe the bug
When a player uses /sort or /chestsort it says no permissions even when the player/group has permissions.
Permissions plugin: LuckPerms 4.4.1

To Reproduce
Install plugin
add permission chestsort.use to group/player
use /sort or /chestsort and it says no permissions

Expected behavior
It's expected to work when you execute the command because the player/group has permissions.

Additional context

Inventory sort other player's inventory (/isort <playerName>)

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'm kind of planning to make a custom item that sorts your inventory. Rather than giving players the permissions for it, I'd like to give them a limited use item that executes the /isort <player> command from console.

Describe the solution you'd like
Adding /isort <playerName>, though it might conflict with /isort on|off|toggle, perhaps /isort player <playerName>?

Describe alternatives you've considered
Apparently the plugin that allows attaching commands to items needs the player to have the permissions for it, or having the command being run from console, both of which are apparently not desirable/possible. I tried to do like add permission -> isort -> delete permission, but it doesn't seem to work as I'd expect it to.

Additional context
It's probably a rather odd feature, since the use-cases for it are pretty low, but hopefully it isn't too difficult/wasting your time too much c:. Thank you!

updata Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文 to v.8.4

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
updata Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文 to v.8.4

Describe the solution you'd like
message-when-using-chest: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來開啟自動整理箱子"
message-when-using-chest2: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來關閉自動整理箱子"
message-sorting-disabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &c關閉&7"
message-sorting-enabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &a開啟&7"
message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7自動整理背包已 &c關閉&7."
message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7自動整理背包已 &a開啟&7."
message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7你的背包已成功整理."
message-error-players-only: "&c錯誤: 這個指令只能由玩家使用"
message-error-invalid-options: "&c錯誤: 未知選項 %s. 有效的選項為 %s."
message-gui-enabled: "&a開啟"
message-gui-disabled: "&c關閉"
message-gui-middle-click: "中鍵"
message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + 左鍵"
message-gui-double-click: "雙擊左鍵"
message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + 右鍵"
message-gui-left-click: "填滿箱子 (左鍵)"
message-gui-right-click: "清空箱子 (右鍵)"

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Automatically use best tool to interact with blocks that affect durability

Automatic tool selection makes interacting with blocks fast and effortless, mining feels more fluid.

Describe the solution you'd like
ChestSort automatically chooses correct tools when interacting with blocks that affect durability:

  • Pickaxe to mine stones, ores, furnaces etc.

  • Axe to chop wood, fences, craftbench etc.
    After actions is complete ChestSort switches back to the slot that was selected before automatic switching. If the best tool is not possible, then ChestSort uses something that won't lose durability:

  • I attempt to dig dirt with no shovel while holding a Pickaxe. ChestSort switches to empty hand, a Torch, Shield etc.

Shulker inventories deleted/duplicated

Used ChestSort version
ChestSort 7.1

Used Spigot version
Spigot 1.14.4 Jenkins build 2482

Describe the bug
On my server shulker boxes in the players inventory can be accessed without placing them on the ground. To do so, they shift+click the shulker box, and it opens the inventory like you would normally see it.
In this bug, we have seen 2 shulker boxes get cleared. At another time one shulker box (lets call it s1) was duplicated over the inventory that was in a second box (call it s2), deleting the items from

To Reproduce
How can the behavior be reproduced?
I'm still trying to determine this exactly, but I have confirmed the issue after it was reported. It seems to be a rare case, caused by sorting the inventory while moving items into the shulker box after opening it inside the inventory screen. I have tested it repeatedly for two days and only been able to reproduce it once on my own. But it definitely only happens after sorting the inventory with the shulker box inside the inventory. (it happened to me after the shulker box was moved by the sorting process)

Expected behavior
I expected the shulker inventory to remain untouched.
"Dude, where's my items?" -Ashton Kutcher probably

Additional context
We use CMI to allow players to open the shulker boxes. I tested without this and was able to reproduce the issue. (I tested without it because players said it happened after sorting)

InventoryClickEvent NPE

Used version

Describe the bug
An NPE shortly after a new player joined (might be unrelated)

To Reproduce

Expected behavior
Unsure if a bug occurred or not.

Additional context

[05:18:36 ERROR]: Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent to ChestSort v6.1
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
        at de.jeffclan.JeffChestSort.JeffChestSortListener.onInventoryClickEvent( ~[?:?]
        at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor135.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
        at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PlayerConnection.a( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:33) ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:10) ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$0( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.aW( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.executeNext( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick( ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at ~[patched_1.14.3.jar:git-Paper-131]
        at [?:1.8.0_212]

Translation Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文

Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文

message-when-using-chest: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來開啟自動整理箱子"
message-when-using-chest2: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來關閉自動整理箱子"
message-sorting-disabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &c關閉&7"
message-sorting-enabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &a開啟&7"
message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7自動整理背包已 &c關閉&7."
message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7自動整理背包已 &a開啟&7."
message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7你的背包已成功整理."
message-error-players-only: "&c錯誤: 這個指令只能由玩家使用"
message-error-invalid-options: "&c錯誤: 未知選項 %s. 有效的選項為 %s."
message-gui-enabled: "&a開啟"
message-gui-disabled: "&c關閉"
message-gui-middle-click: "中鍵"
message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + 左鍵"
message-gui-double-click: "雙擊左鍵"
message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + 右鍵"
message-gui-left-click: "填滿箱子 (左鍵/雙擊左鍵)"
message-gui-right-click: "清空箱子 (右鍵/雙擊右鍵)"

Automatic Refill

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Additional context
Would it be possible to implement the ability to automatically refill your hotbar once you run out of a stack of items?

trouble with CMI /ec and/or opening shulker-boxes directly in inventory

Used ChestSort version
8.7 (latest)

Used Spigot version

Other plugin used
CMI (latest) ( and many others but this happened with a feature of CMI)

Describe the bug
When shulker boxes open and others shulkerboxes in inventory, there is a dupplication bug.
GUI of shulker is open, try to sort inventory with, something newly added inside, will result a dupe of what was inserted in shulker and closing GUI.
Maybe it's the order of sorting event and closing gui cause shulker was moved into the inventory ?

To Reproduce
have 3 or more shulker in inventory, open shulker with shift + right-clicking, add 3 object and sort inventory with some hotkey. Shulker need to be moved into inventory to close GUI 'cause of sorting.

Expected behavior
keeping shulker-boxes with proper inventory.

Additional context
in addition with a bug in CMI, need contact author.

Allow to disable chest sorting in certain world regions

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I would like to generally allow the sorting of chests, but disable it for one or more specific regions of a world.
To elaborate: we have a mine game on our server where every player is allowed to pick exactly one itemstack from each chest inside the game area. There are multiple stacks of the same item in a single chest which should not be combined when the chest is opened / closed / a sort hotkey used.

Describe the solution you'd like
I see multiple possibilities to solve this for us:

  1. Send an event when you are about to sort an inventory and don't sort if the event is cancelled.
  2. Implement your own region handling. A simple solution like specifying regions with min-x, min-z, max-x and max-z in the config would be sufficient.
  3. Add a worldguard region flag that can prevent sorting.
  4. Since this is on a Plotsquared plot: add a plotsquared flag that can prevent sorting.
    Disclaimer: we still use Plotsquared 4.x since we have a plugin that relies heavily on the internals of it and didn't have time yet to update it to 5.x -- but since this is the least generic solution I won't recomend it anyway.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Disable Chestsort completely during games (which is 1-2h every few months, plus a few days of setup). This of course has the disadvantage that chest can't be sorted outside the game area during that time.

Additional context
We have our own plugin to handle the game, so the solution which imho is easiest to implement (event that can be cancelled) is quite sufficient. Other use cases (which I can't think of right now ;) ) might require a solution that doesn't depend on being able to add event listeners.

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