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air-ane-fullscreen's Issues

Samsung Galaxy S3 issues


a test case on:
Samsung Galaxy S3 (I9300) (Android 4.3)

with an older version of the ANE you can hide the whole system UI, but after a while it suddenly shows the status bar.

with the latest ANE and AIR17 it doesn't hide the system UI at all.

any idea why that happens?

Xiaomi Note 7 with Android 9 - still black bands on top and bottom

Everything seems to work fine, all methods report true.
After calling any mothod though (fullScreen, leanMode, immersiveMode) although they all return true, dimensions stay the same.
immersiveHeight is 2340, while stage.stageHeight stays 2000, and no resize is triggered.
I have followed the instructions precisely. Any hint?
Many thanks

I see black strip on my Nexus 5 Android 6

If I run an application from shortcut on desktop or from app list - black strip appears. If I run it from google search bar - it works. It also works well when launched remotely using adb after compilation in IDEA.

Sometimes the UI doesn't go hide

On Nexus 7 2nd edition with Lollipop.
When the app starts the UI hides just fine although if I press and hold the power button, the UI reappear and sometimes when clicking very fast on the screen doesn't go away.

Android 11 not supported

Don't know how to implement the new method ...

For full screen in JAVA

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
WindowCompat.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(getWindow(), false);

WindowInsetsControllerCompat windowInsetsController =
if (windowInsetsController == null) {
// Hide the system bars.

// Show the system bars.;

private void showSystemUI() {
WindowCompat.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(getWindow(), true);
new WindowInsetsControllerCompat(getWindow(), yourRootView).show(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemBars());

    private void hideSystemUI() {
        WindowCompat.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(getWindow(), false);
        WindowInsetsControllerCompat controller = new WindowInsetsControllerCompat(getWindow(), yourRootView);

Version 1.3.3 works, version 1.4.3 doesn't work for me

Hi, so i changed my ANE (1.3.3) to the last ANE that appears in the build folder (1.4.3) and when my app gets to the "AndroidFullScreen.immersiveMode() || AndroidFullScreen.leanMode();" line, it gets stuck, not sure why cause i can't debug. If i change to the old ANE file, it works well. Any idea?

Native Dialogs show UI

Using some other native extensions for dialogs, when fired they show the UI. Sometimes it goes back to hidden and other times not. This is happening in the Android L preview so not sure if there are differences.

Remove navbar while keep transparent topbar.

What would it take to create a custom fullscreen display, like show transparent top bar and hide navbar entirely? To make it similar to what iOS has in 7+ versions: overlaying status bar with color provided by application and without navigation buttons.

Error #3500: The extension context does not have a method with the name init.

I get this error when i try to use the extension:
Error #3500: The extension context does not have a method with the name init.

I am using:
AIR 20.0.0 build 233

Other extensions like milkmangames GoViral work fine. i get the same error when air-ane-fullscreen is the only ane in the project

when i replace the ane with v1.3.3 everything works fine

Some devices fail to load.

HI, I am happy to use your ANE and really appreciate your work!
I have found that using ANE causes lock up on some devices.
Following is the log:

[Starling] Initialization complete.
[Starling] Display Driver: OpenGL (Baseline Constrained)
[AssetManager] Looking for static embedded assets in 'TitleAsset'
[AssetManager] Enqueuing 'xml_title'
[AssetManager] Enqueuing 'title'
[AssetManager] Adding texture 'title'
[Starling] Initialization complete.
[Starling] Display Driver: OpenGL (Baseline Constrained)
status: notLicensed statusReason: +null

It seems Starling initialization is firing twice.
Removing the ANE fixed the problem. (happening on Samsung Galaxy Note 2)

Please help!

Android system back button is overridden by immersvieMode

The following code overrides the Android System Back Button, making it unusable with version 1.3.1 on Lollipop.

if(AndroidFullScreen.isSupported && AndroidFullScreen.isImmersiveModeSupported) {
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;

ANE crops display items where soft button would be

I tried the ANE on a Nexus 7 device with Android 4.4 installed. I could not get any content to draw on the area where the soft buttons would be. The background color was present in this area. I could also draw starling content in this area. Any normal Flash Sprite/MovieClip (DisplayObject) items were cropped.

Some devices crash

Hello! We have application published at GooglePlay, and number of crash reports from users containing logs like this:

[ExceptionBacktrace] => java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
at com.adobe.fre.FREContext.dispatchStatusEventAsync(Native Method)
at com.mesmotronic.ane.fullscreen.FullScreenContext$1.onWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.View.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

[localizedModel] => LENOVO Lenovo B6000-H

Have any ideas? Thank you

Elements get cropped where nav bar used to be

Hi there,

I was playing with this ANE to get immersive mode on my app, but found a small problem.

The following code in the app constructor draws a red bar on left, but below the nav bar, the stage color is shown, the red bar doesn't extend there.

However, if I change the renderMode of my app to "auto" from "direct", the red bar does extend all the way to the bottom of the screen as it should!

My actual app uses Starling (hence renderMode "direct") which renders fine in immersive mode, but it's the parts of the app which are drawn in the traditional display list that get cropped in immersive mode that are my problem!

Any suggestions for a fix?


stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
graphics.beginFill(0xff0000, 1);
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, AndroidFullScreen.immersiveWidth / 2, AndroidFullScreen.immersiveHeight);
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;
if(AndroidFullScreen.immersiveMode()) {
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;
} else {
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;

Cannot open the app


I have used air-fullscreen ane 1.2.x before, everything works fine but sometimes cannot hide the navigation bar automatically. It seems that the issue is fixed, so that I downloaded the latest version 1.3.3. However after I have packaged the apk and installed on my device, the app cannot start. Eclipse only showing that Process has died.



Question about Compiling against an older SDK

With what Tools do I need to compile this ANE?
By the Way I am using Mac.
And I already tried it with Eclipse ADT, Android Compiler and Flash Builder with the ADT Plugin.

If I change the Runtime in the extension.xml and tried to build it with adt this error occurs:

adt -package -target ane ./AndroidFullScreen.ane extension.xml -swc swc/fullscreen-ane-android.swc -platform Android-ARM -C android . -platform Android-x86 -C android . -platform default -C default .

Invalid swc file. The extension NameSpace requires the SWF verison to be 25 or lower.
(btw. verison (version) is spelled wrong)

I have done nothing before that. I didnt compile anything, especially not the Java Part, since no Programm finds and Project in there.

-- Why do I need to compile it? --

For my Apps I am using: "Apache Flex 4.13.0 - Air 14" and I need it since in newer Versions some Buttons and Styles got removed. And the workload to fix that, would be too huge. But may be done in the future.

So I want to compile the ANE against that, older Version.

I need to have the newest Source as .ANE since there is a Bug which just got fixed in the last 2 Versions, but those need a higher Runtime.

The System UI does not get hidden after the Programm has lost Focus once, that is the Issue I am facing, which got fixed.

With friendly Regards
Jan aka. Sonorpearl

LG Nexus 4 immersiveMode() issue


LG Nexus 4 (Android 5.1.1)

on load the test app flashes for a split second, then black screen and then the app shows. similar to a resolution swap or screen adjustment on the desktop. i can't seem to be able to hide the "flashing".

the set of calls are:

any idea how to resolve this one?

Version 1.5.0 quits right after launch

The app quits as soon as it's launched (shows black screen for half a second)

I'm only including the 1.5.0 ANE, not even referring to it in my project.

I've tried a release and debug build.

Developed with:
IntelliJ IDEA

Tried with:
Nexus 5 6.0.1
OnePlus One 6.0.1

Could the Android minimum/target SDK version be a problem? My current setting is:

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="9" android:targetSdkVersion="21" />

system ui displayed when switching back to app

First of all, thanks for the great ANE!!

Not sure if this is a problem with my implementation but when I leave the app and re-enter it, the system ui (bottom menu) stays visible.

This is while running in immersivemode and on Android 4.4.4 (Nexus 5). Works flawlessly on first launch...

Thanks in advance!

ContextLoss on touch

Hi! Thanks for you efforts to develop this extension.
We use Starling fork in our project, and Fullscreen version 1.3. worked almost fine (except for crashes for some users). Have downloaded latest 1.4.7 version from github, and now we're facing lost context message in several cases (Starling handles the context loss, so user presented with the special screen while context is recovering, but it isn't shown when ANE Fullscreen 1.3 in use). I still can't understand what in my code could bring that to life.

Can you show an example of how to use it with the Starling framework?

it takes up the whole screen, but the elements like buttons are too small, what would you recommend?
//screen = new ScreenSetup(stage.fullScreenWidth, stage.fullScreenHeight, [1]);//[1, 2]
//oyuncerceve=new Starling(game,stage,screen.viewPort);
//oyuncerceve.stage.stageWidth =screen.stageWidth;
//oyuncerceve.stage.stageHeight =screen.stageHeight;
oyuncerceve=new Starling(anaekrangiris,stage,new Rectangle(0,0,stage.fullScreenWidth,stage.fullScreenHeight));

You can give a simple example about this explanation.

Getting the immersive screen size
You can use the immersiveWidth and immersiveHeight properties to find out the dimensions of the screen with the system UI hidden, regardless of the current screen state.

To find out the stage size after calling fullScreen(), immersiveMode() or leanMode(), you must wait until the next RESIZE event before the stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight properties are updated; the properties of the Capabilities object are not updated and are therefore incorrect.

Incompatible namespace

I'm running into the same problem as someone reported in your website:

"Error: The extension com.mesmotronic.ane.fullscreen has either a namespace version or library.swf with a version that is incompatible with the applications namespace or root SWF."

My application is AIR 14+ with the most recent AIR SDK, so that's not the issue. I've compared your ANE files with those of all the other ANEs I'm using, and the only relevant differences I could find are these:

  • All my other ANEs start with the namespace declaration in the first line of the extension.xml file. However, yours has the xml version and encoding information.
  • Your catalog.xml file contains flex version="4.12.1", while all my other ANEs have at most version="4.6.0", which is the latest Flex version from Adobe. I tried installing Apache's Flex 4.13 and still had the same error, though.

Could you please repackage your ANE with the above changes to see if it sorts the problem? I was trying to do it myself but your download package doesn't include the SWC.


Where's the ANE?

It doesn't seem like the ANE is included anywhere in the repo.

I've tried building myself (which required loading a library project just to generate the .swc), but when I include the generated ANE, the entire app just shutdown immediately after startup.

Could you please post a verified and working ANE so implementation is straight forward?

fullScreen set to false in manifest causes issues with system bars showing

This may not be an bug, but I thought I'd bring it up in case it can be solved.

I had cropping in my app, which was related to Issue #7

Setting it to:


in the Android manifest solved the problem.

However in doing this, it caused other minor problems to appear, that didn't happen when fullScreen was set to true. I have several other ANEs hooked into the app (Google Play Games, Facebook etc.) and when fullScreen is set to false, while those extensions show the status/menu bars show too.

This is happening on two different Android devices (HTC One and Nexus 7) I've tested on, both running Android 5.0.2

I've tried a number of things to try and fix this, but have had no luck so far. Any idea on whether this can be fixed, or is it a limitation of the operating system or Adobe AIR?

Not compatible with feathersui MetaworkThemes


I use Starling.handleLostContext = true; and it conflict with Starling feathersui MetaworkThemes. I can't create an instance of it.

If I don't use Starling.handleLostContext = true, the objects of feathersui doesn't visible althought I can still interact with them.

Stage not receiving mouse-event

When using this code I must tap the screen twice before it receives input.

AndroidFullScreen.immersiveMode() || AndroidFullScreen.hideSystemUI();


Bottom White bar - (Samsung S3 thru S6)

When I use the ANE the status bar disappears as expected but a white bar the same size as the status bar shows up at the bottom.

This happens on all 4 phones I've tested. (Samsung S3 thru S6)

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

A similar issue is I get what I think is the samsung legacy menu icon when I publish too. (A semi trans parent circle with 3 dots in it.) Can this be gotten rid of?


Crash on Nexus 7

Hi, often I am getting crashes on Nexus 7 and other devices, this is the stack trace:
I am using the latest version of mesmotronic fullscreen.

`Android: 5.1.1
Manufacturer: asus
Model: Nexus 7
Date: Wed Jan 27 11:51:50 PST 2016

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.view.Window' on a null object reference
at com.mesmotronic.ane.fullscreen.FullScreenContext.getWindow(
at com.mesmotronic.ane.fullscreen.FullScreenContext.getDecorView(
at com.mesmotronic.ane.fullscreen.FullScreenContext.setSystemUiVisibility(
at com.mesmotronic.ane.fullscreen.functions.ImmersiveModeFunction$2.onSystemUiVisibilityChange(
at android.view.View.dispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleDispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Also that issue might be causing this other crash:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at com.adobe.fre.FREContext.dispatchStatusEventAsync(Native Method) at com.mesmotronic.ane.fullscreen.FullScreenContext$1.onWindowFocusChanged( at com.mesmotronic.ane.fullscreen.functions.ImmersiveModeFunction$3.onWindowFocusChanged( at$DecorView.onWindowFocusChanged( at android.view.View.dispatchWindowFocusChanged( at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchWindowFocusChanged( at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$ at at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

Crashes during load on LG Optimus E970

Thanks for the great extension. I'm testing it on a handful of devices right now and my first test device is having trouble. Maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but my app crashes when the extension is included (no actionscript code except import com.mesmotronic.ane.AndroidFullScreen;

Here's what I'm using in application.xml:


Here's an excerpt from the device log:

I'm not sure if this would matter, but I noticed my main project is using -swf-version=25 and the extension is a version 28 swf. Odd since we're using AIR17. I'll try changing that and report back.

Viewport size incorrect on Simulator


I'm using this ANE and since a long time ago, we have recently updated to its last version and since we need now to set the tags to false on the App Descriptor, everytime we launch the App on the Android Simulator on PC the viewport isn't initialized properly. Our stage gets cut with every different device we test it on, we create the viewport (on Starling) with the following technique:


  • Creates the initial viewport for setting up Starling
  • */
    protected function createInitialViewport(stageWidth:Number, stageHeight:Number, maxFullScreenWidth:Number, maxFullScreenHeight:Number):Rectangle
    return Rectangle(0, 0, stageWidth, stageHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, maxFullScreenWidth, maxFullScreenHeight), StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL);

'stageWidth' 640
'stageHeight' 400 (for tablets) and 360 (for phones)
And finally getting these 'maxFullScreenWidth' and 'maxFullScreenHeight' with these two methods:


  • Get the full screen width, depending on the device it will vary.
  • */
    override public function getFullScreenWidth():int
    return (AndroidFullScreen.isImmersiveModeSupported && AndroidFullScreen.immersiveWidth > 0) ? AndroidFullScreen.immersiveWidth : stage.fullScreenWidth;


  • Get the full screen height, depending on the device it will vary.
  • */
    override public function getFullScreenHeight():int
    return (AndroidFullScreen.isImmersiveModeSupported && AndroidFullScreen.immersiveHeight > 0) ? AndroidFullScreen.immersiveHeight : stage.fullScreenHeight;

Can you please point me in the right direction? Note: The code on the devices themselves works perfectly and the stage gets fit precisely on its position with the proper size.


Seeing black area in system ui

AndroidFullScreen.stage = stage;

Tried leanmode, immersiveMode(true), fullscreen() everything...but still black on system ui.
If I use showUnderSystemUI(), it shows system ui on top and if I use showUnderSystemUI(), app goes behind systemui on top. But I want to remove system ui completely and app take that place. You have any sample for it?

In my xml, I am using <meta-data android:name="android.max_aspect" android:value="2.16" /> by the way.


Black stripe in place of the UI bar on Galaxy S3 Neo when calling immersiveMode()

When calling immersiveMode the UI hides but a black stripe remains. After the home button is pressed and then the multitask button to go back to application the black stripe disappears and and everything is fine!
This happens only on Samsung devices with Android 4.4.2 - 4.4.4 as far as i know...
On Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 both running Android 5 there isn't any problem!

There was NOT such problem with the initial release (prior to 1.3). Everything in my manifest is set correctly ... fullscreen is false. Yesterday i have updated to the latest release and the problem emerged.

My as3 code:

if (AndroidFullScreen.immersiveMode()) {
                        stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;
                        scW = AndroidFullScreen.immersiveWidth;
                        scH = AndroidFullScreen.immersiveHeight;
                        NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(AndroidFullScreen.ANDROID_WINDOW_FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn);
                    } else {
                        stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;
                        scW = stage.fullScreenWidth;
                        scH = stage.fullScreenHeight;

So i tried everything in as3, for example showUnderSystemUI() has the same issue.
The problem should be somewhere on the java side.

I still not very familiar with the Android immersive mode API, but i suspect the problem is somewhere in the resetUi method on the FullScreenContext class:

public void resetUi()
        final View decorView = getDecorView();
        final Window window = getWindow();


            | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN
            | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION 
            | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS



I suspect the window.clearFlags call ... not sure yet.

I will update as soon as i find more!
Anyone else with a Samsung device to reproduce the problem?

Event for displaying system UI in immersive mode

Hi. How would I detect the system UI being displayed in immersive mode (when user swipes from side to display UI briefly)? This is required to rearrange app's UI a little - increase top padding in header so that system UI bar content won't entirely overlap my app's header icons.

Why do I have to set -swf-version=28 for the flex compiler for this ane to work?

I would like to use your ane in a flex mobile android application. Unfortunately it doesn't compile until I set the compiler argument: -swf-version=28. Why is this necessary and is there maybe a different way of getting it to compile?

I'm asking because I use a peer2peer approach in this app, which breaks when setting this compiler argument.
NetConnection.Connect.Success still fires then I set up a GroupSpecifier and NetGroup where NetGroup.Connect.Success also fires.

NetGroup.Neighbor.Connect is the event which isn't triggered anymore after setting the additional compiler argument so I would like to avoid setting it.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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