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shiro's Issues

Compilation of enum_macros.hh results in argument overflow for MSVC

MSVC has a max. amount of macro arguments set to 127, which is only half of requirement set in place by the C++ standard.
BetterEnum's enum_macros.hh contains macros with up to 258 macro arguments, which causes it to no longer being able to compile under MSVC. These macros are used by country_ids.hh for the declaration of the enum.

We'll have to workaround MSVC's non-standard conform-ness somehow.

Respect user settings sent on login

Currently, Shiro does not respect all options sent in the login body.

Login body:

MD5 hash of the password
Version|UTC offset|Display full location|Colon seperated list of MAC addresses which are MD5 hashed|Block non-friend PMs

Current options which are not respected:

  • Additional Info index 2: Display full location
  • Additional Info index 4: Block non-friend PMs

Shiro should respect these options.

Implement consistent permission system

There is no permission system in place currently for Shiro. This means that everyone, including normal players, are able to execute staff-only commands such as !rtx or !clear.

Now that user punishments like silences, restrictions and bans have been implemented in #3, a permission system is high priority to ensure no unauthorized action will be made.


The permission system is built with roles, which each have permissions. Users with multiple roles have their permissions add up.

  • High customizability, kinda like Discord's role management. Maybe implement a similar dialog in Kuro.
  • The roles should translate consistently to the osu! client-side permission system (code below from osu! leaked source code 2016), this ensures that client side role colors in chat also sync up:
    public enum Permissions
        None                   = 0,
        Normal                 = 1,
        BAT                    = 2,
        Supporter              = 4,
        Friend                 = 8,
        Peppy                  = 16,
        //Note: Tournament bit is not sent to or from Bancho in bUserPresences
        Tournament             = 32
  • Permission checking is easy and doesn't require much code, so that it can be used everywhere in every place.

Insertion of the bot user results in SQLpp exception being thrown for missing default values

The SQL query we run the first time on Shiro's program startup is malformed and results in a
sqlpp::exception being thrown as soon as a value is inserted.

MySQL debug: Executing: 'SELECT,users.username,users.safe_username,users.password,users.salt,,users.ip,users.registration_date,users.last_seen,users.followers,users.groups,users.user_page,users.pp_std,users.pp_taiko,users.pp_ctb,users.pp_mania,users.rank_std,users.rank_taiko,users.rank_ctb,users.rank_mania,users.score_std,users.score_taiko,users.score_ctb,users.score_mania,users.ranked_score_std,users.ranked_score_taiko,users.ranked_score_ctb,users.ranked_score_mania,users.accuracy_std,users.accuracy_taiko,users.accuracy_ctb,users.accuracy_mania,users.play_count_std,users.play_count_taiko,users.play_count_ctb,users.play_count_mania, FROM users WHERE ('
MySQL debug: Constructing result, using handle at 0x1aef270
MySQL debug: Accessing next row of handle at 0x1aef270
MySQL debug: Executing: 'INSERT INTO users (id,username,safe_username,password,salt,email,ip,registration_date,last_seen,followers,groups,user_page,pp_std,pp_taiko,pp_ctb,pp_mania,score_std,score_taiko,score_ctb,score_mania,ranked_score_std,ranked_score_taiko,ranked_score_ctb,ranked_score_mania,play_count_std,play_count_taiko,play_count_ctb,play_count_mania,country) VALUES(1,'Shiro','shiro','f52fbd32b2b3b86ff88ef6c490628285f482af15ddcb29541f94bcf526a3f6c7','shiro','[email protected]','',0,0,0,0,'beep boop',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'JP')'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'sqlpp::exception'
  what():  MySQL error: Could not execute MySQL-statement: Field 'rank_std' doesn't have a default value (statement was >>INSERT INTO users (id,username,safe_username,password,salt,email,ip,registration_date,last_seen,followers,groups,user_page,pp_std,pp_taiko,pp_ctb,pp_mania,score_std,score_taiko,score_ctb,score_mania,ranked_score_std,ranked_score_taiko,ranked_score_ctb,ranked_score_mania,play_count_std,play_count_taiko,play_count_ctb,play_count_mania,country) VALUES(1,'Shiro','shiro','f52fbd32b2b3b86ff88ef6c490628285f482af15ddcb29541f94bcf526a3f6c7','shiro','[email protected]','',0,0,0,0,'beep boop',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'JP')<<

Create documentation and start documenting Shiro

Shiro itself has no documentation apart from the file, which briefly describes how one would build and start Shiro.

There is no in-depth documentation on how to setup Shiro and its modules, how to get osu! clients to connect successfully and how to contribute. If we want Shiro to be adapted widespread, documentation is key.

I thought about implementing some sort of documentation using Sphinx and
The problem with Read the Docs is that is used by some other project already. However, or is still available. I'm rooting for the first suggestion.

Implement support for the osu! tournament client in multiplayer

osu! has a built-in tournament client which is used for broadcasting osu! tournaments. It allows viewing of every player in a multiplayer room at once.


To allow for tournaments to be broadcasted on Shiro-based servers, support for this client is required.


Detecting a tournament client is easy. On user login, the client build string will end with tourney when the osu! client is a tournament client, e.g b20160403.6tourney. The client build version parser will not throw a exception for the non-numeric string in the version string, I have already accounted for this case.

A tournament client will always login in with all clients using the same username and password combo. It'll also send a special chat join / leave packet indicating the joining of the #multiplayer channel, without joining the actual multiplayer room.

The tournament client should not be displayed in the global user presence list, however it should be displayed in the spectator list for the clients.


  1. Multiplayer to be fully implemented (#16)
  2. Permission system to be fully in place (#10)
  3. Implementation of osu! tourney commands


There are some design decision that may conflict with the further implementation of this feature. It may require some massive code base changes:

  1. User sessions are singletons. Once a new client logs in with the same username and password combo, the old client's token will be invalidated and disconnected.
  2. A user can only spectate a single host. One user can not spectate multiple clients simultaneously.

Unsubmitted maps are ranked by default

When requesting leaderboards and beatmap status for a map which hasn't been submitted to Bancho/Shiro beatmap mirror, the map header will return the ranked status ranked and display a leaderboard.

Trying to submit a score on it will then fail with a JSON exception in the score submission route, because osu!Bancho returns non-JSON for the unsubmitted beatmap meta data.

Maps folder doesn't get automatically created upon first map download

When the score is submitted and performance is being calculated, the map file has to be downloaded. However due to Unix systems nature, the file cannot be written because the ./maps folder doesn't exist, hence the performance cannot be calculated. No exception nor error message is shown up. Has to be fixed asap.

Versioning Shiro: What and how

Shiro is nearing the completion of it's last major aspect. We should start versioning Shiro to keep track of updates easier and to allow the implementation of a changelog to be displayed on the frontend, Kuro.

There are multiple version schemes to choose from:


Most widespread in software development, SemVer proposes the usage of incremental version parts. It is suggesting the usage of major.minor.fix layout. With a major breaking change, the major part of the version gets upgraded and symbolizes no backwards compatibility. The same applies to minor and fix but does not symbolize breaking backwards compatibility.

Resulting versions would look like this: v1.33.7


Simple and straight forward date versioning. It displays the date of the release right in the version number. It suggests the layout of vyearmonthdate.fix. With each release, the date is updated to the day the new version gets released. If another update is released on the same day, the fix part gets incremented.

Resulting versions would look like this: v20181009.2


Build numbers are straight forward incremental changes to the versioning system. Instead of having well defined parts that indicate something, the number just gets incremented every time a new update is released. It suggests the usage of buildnumber as single integer, without any other parts.

Resulting versions would look like this: b5427

Date & CI Build

A mix between Date and the continues integration build number. This versioning scheme is used by osu!lazer and newer, open-source ppy projects. In principle, it is the same as the Date versioning system but uses the CI build additionally instead of the month and day. It suggests the following layout: vyear.cibuild.fix

Resulting versions would look like this: v2018.205.3

Git Hash

Probably the most straight forward way to name a version. No thinking about if this is a minor or fix, no dates to organize or some other stuff - at the expense of being cryptic and ununderstandable to people who do not use Git as version control system.

Resulting versions would just be a git short commit hash and look like this: 22df1fe


Got another suggestion or even a mix between two suggested (e.g v1.33.7-22df1fe), feel free to reply to discussion with it and it will be considered as well.

Discussion is open and I'm looking forward to input of any collaborator as well as other people.

shiro::io::buffer::clear() Access Violation this->bytes.clear();

Exception thrown: read access violation.
**_Pnext** was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

Inside of stl std::vector

Called from: bot_user->queue.clear();

Discord Webhook integration

Allow implementation of Discord Webhooks, which will be triggered on various events such as a new #1 on a beatmap, new #1 on global leaderboards or a new punishment such as silence, restriction or ban.

Add support for osu! title image

osu!Bancho displays a image according to a current event, such as the Summer Fanart voting (as seen below):


Adding support for this is easy by sending a out_title_update (id 76) packet to the newly logged in osu! client. The packet contains a string as payload.

If the payload string is null, the currently displayed menu image will be hidden.

If the payload string is in valid format (image url|image href, optionally null), osu! will display the image in the main menu as seen above.

Package Shiro and its modules into a Docker container

Docker is a great way to ship whole of Shiro and its modules.

I propose the creation of the marc3842h/shiro:stable docker container which will include Shiro and its modules, to allow for a quick and painless setup.

Shutdown massively delayed because of thread that doesn't exit

Shutting down Shiro gracefully (by pressing CTRL-C or sending a SIGINT to it) will cause a massive delay because the database thread does not exit. Before the shutdown is fully completed, the following message can be seen:

Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1 threads didn't exit

After further investigation it seems that the MySQL thread doesn't exit correctly.

Edit: This only occurs when the application is built in debug mode.

Allow multiplayer on Shiro

Multiplayer is the only major part of the Bancho server which is still not implemented by any means on Shiro.

Implementation has begun with 7f7a0be. Here is the list of things to do for tracking the progress:

  • Implement ability to join lobby (#lobby) and receive a list of open multiplayer rooms
  • Implement ability to create a new match, including support for a game password
  • Implement #multiplayer chat, based on per-room basis.
  • Implement ability to join a existing match, with support for a game password
  • Implement ability to change hosts
  • Implement ability to change maps, etc.
  • Implement ready-ing up
  • Implement multiplayer teams
  • Implement match skipping
  • Implement sending of score updates to every multiplayer participant
  • Implement match result screen
  • Implement ability to leave match rooms and get them destroyed correctly (#lobby, #multiplayer)

Beatmap ranking timestamp and score timestamp isn't considered when displaying leaderboards

On the beatmap rankings, the beatmap ranking timestamp isn't considered together with the score timestamp.

This could create the following scenario:

  1. User a submits a play on the unranked beatmap. It gets saved in the database because the server owner set save_unranked_scores to true in the score_submission.toml config.
  2. The beatmap gets ranked by a BAT 4 days later.
  3. The beatmap leaderboards now display the score of User a (which was submitted 4 days prior to the beatmap ranking).

The primitive and simple fix for this would be to check if the score timestamp is smaller than the beatmap's last update timestamp, if that is the case then skip the score.

New players doesn't get a rank assigned

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a new account
  • Log onto the account in-game
  • Try to surpass someone pp-wise


  • Player(s) who just got surpassed should lose rank
  • We should gain (at least 1) rank

What happens instead

  • Nobody loses nor gains rank
  • New player has no rank showing up on users panel

Allow translation of user-displayed messages

Allow translation for all messages displayed to the users, e.g using a translation engine such as GNU gettext. This allows customization for all messages as well as translated messages to be shown to users depending on their location, which we already resolve using IP geo location.

Decide on a code style and add a .clang-format file


  • Code style is important in increasing readability across the code base
  • A consistent style helps everyone out in this regard.

I am opening this issue to discuss what this code style should be.

My suggestions:

I propose a style that is based upon what is already used in the code base, along with some additions (that become much easier to carry out after using clang-format).

Key points of original style:

  • namespace bodies are indented
  • c casts have space after
  • right aligned pointers
  • indent case labels
  • no short statements on a single line (e.g. if(x) return y;)

I propose the following additions:

  • Using aligned operands, assignments, declarations, brackets and escaped newlines.
    This allows for much greater readability across the board. For example:
// From
this->id =;
this->beatmap_id = row.beatmap_id;
this->beatmapset_id = row.beatmapset_id;
this->play_mode = row.game_mode;
this->beatmap_md5 = row.beatmap_md5;
this->song_name = row.song_name;
this->ar =;
this->od = row.od;
this->diff_std = row.diff_std;
this->diff_taiko = row.diff_taiko;
this->diff_ctb = row.diff_ctb;
this->diff_mania = row.diff_mania;
this->max_combo = row.max_combo;
this->hit_length = row.hit_length;
this->bpm = row.bpm;
this->ranked_status = row.ranked_status;
this->ranked_status_freezed = row.ranked_status_freezed;
this->last_update = row.last_update;
this->play_count = row.play_count;
this->pass_count = row.pass_count;


// from
this->id                    =;
this->beatmap_id            = row.beatmap_id;
this->beatmapset_id         = row.beatmapset_id;
this->play_mode             = row.game_mode;
this->beatmap_md5           = row.beatmap_md5;
this->song_name             = row.song_name;
this->ar                    =;
this->od                    = row.od;
this->diff_std              = row.diff_std;
this->diff_taiko            = row.diff_taiko;
this->diff_ctb              = row.diff_ctb;
this->diff_mania            = row.diff_mania;
this->max_combo             = row.max_combo;
this->hit_length            = row.hit_length;
this->bpm                   = row.bpm;
this->ranked_status         = row.ranked_status;
this->ranked_status_freezed = row.ranked_status_freezed;
this->last_update           = row.last_update;
this->play_count            = row.play_count;
this->pass_count            = row.pass_count;

Macros like:

// from common_tables.hh
#define object_detailed_struct(name, var, type)                             \
struct var {                                                               \
struct _alias_t {                                                           \
    static constexpr const char _literal[] = name;                         \
    using _name_t = sqlpp::make_char_sequence<sizeof(_literal), _literal>;  \
    template <typename T>                                                   \
    struct _member_t {                                                      \
        T var;                                                             \
        T &operator()() {                                                   \
            return var;                                                    \
        }                                                                   \
        const T &operator()() const {                                       \
            return var;                                                    \
        }                                                                   \
    };                                                                      \
};                                                                          \
using _traits = sqlpp::make_traits<type>;                                   \
}                                                                           \


// from common_tables.hh
#define object_detailed_struct(name, var, type)                                                             \
    struct var {                                                                                            \
        struct _alias_t {                                                                                   \
            static constexpr const char _literal[] = name;                                                  \
            using _name_t                          = sqlpp::make_char_sequence<sizeof(_literal), _literal>; \
            template <typename T>                                                                           \
            struct _member_t {                                                                              \
                T  var;                                                                                     \
                T &operator()() {                                                                           \
                    return var;                                                                             \
                }                                                                                           \
                const T &operator()() const {                                                               \
                    return var;                                                                             \
                }                                                                                           \
            };                                                                                              \
        };                                                                                                  \
        using _traits = sqlpp::make_traits<type>;                                                           \


clang-format is not great at acknowledging where the user has taken care to indent a section of code in a specfic way. For example:

    db(insert_into(punishments_table).set(punishments_table.user_id = user_id,
                                          punishments_table.type    = (uint16_t) utils::punishment_type::ban,
                                          punishments_table.time    = seconds.count(),
                                  = true,
                                          punishments_table.reason  = reason));

Will get formated to a single line.

There are some solutions to this.

  1. A column limit can be introduced. I've found that a limit ~150 characters works well with the rest of the codebase (i.e. low/no conflict) and forces clang-format to reflow these lines as presented above.
  2. use of //clang-format off and //clang-format on around areas of code that still wont reflow properly.

I would suggest that the column limit is a more rigid, less "intrusive" approach.


Overall, usage of clang-format will make the code base more consisent and easier to read, update and expand. Whilst there may be some initial growing pains, this should help out greatly in the longer run.
Further use of githooks / integration with git would allow for automatic use of clang-format on commits - should people not have it installed.

My resulting clang-format file for reference

ColumnLimit: '150'
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: 'false'
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: 'false'
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: 'false'
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: 'false'
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: 'true'
AccessModifierOffset: '-4'
IndentCaseLabels: 'true'
IndentWidth: '4'
Standard: Cpp11
AlignOperands: 'true'
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: 'true'
AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: 'true'
AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: 'true'
AlignAfterOpenBracket : 'Align'
BinPackParameters: 'false'
BinPackArguments: 'false'
NamespaceIndentation: All
FixNamespaceComments: 'false'
SortIncludes: 'false'
SpaceAfterCStyleCast: 'true'

Resolve geolocation using own database or using website?

Right now, Shiro is using for resolving the geolocation of IP addresses. While this is working good right now, in the long term I want to implement this feature without relying on a web service, using MaxMind's geolocation databases (which are free to use).

Allow inter-process communication with Kuro

As of right now, Shiro and Kuro have both no way of communicating with each other except throught the SQL database.

I suggest implementing inter-process communication using a shared memory region, using sockets or with a new database engine like Redis.

This allows the web frontend (Kuro) to communicate reliably with the Bancho (Shiro) to sync up various actions such as username change, restriction, rollbacks etc.

Race condition causes beatmaps to have duplicate entries in database

Recently, @cyanidee and I discovered on our development server that some beatmaps have duplicate entries in the beatmaps table.

While all having a different id primary key, the beatmap would exist with the same metadata as all other entries, thus being duplicates.

The example we found was with the beatmap MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - SANTA SAN [X-Mas] with md5sum f9918c819e6d5dc65c206efdaddc9285:


In total, there were 33 entries in the database all pointing to the same beatmap. This may be caused by a race condition and requires further investigation.

Global curl_init or similar

consolidates a very common code pattern along with allowing me to more easily insert curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); for testing so on so forth.


Relay osu! client updates from bancho thru shiro without having to connect to bancho directly.

Beatmap files saved to disk have doubled new lines

I can't really explain it better, I am going to attach two examples, how the file should look like, and how it looks like on Windows:


osu file format v14


AudioFilename: audio.mp3

AudioLeadIn: 0

PreviewTime: 90062

Countdown: 0

SampleSet: Soft

StackLeniency: 0.4

Mode: 0

LetterboxInBreaks: 0

WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Correct one:

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 4664
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

It doesn't happen on our development server, only happened to me on my Windows machine. Assigning @emily33901, because it seems its only Windows' issue.

Rate Limit for user logins

@cyanidee and me have decided to stress test Shiro. We have used the following:

  • 102 successful login tries
  • 100ms pause between the hits

Shiro was able to correctly process all 102 login tries for about 20 seconds before resulting in a segmentation fault.

This means that Shiro was able to process (102 * (20 * (1000 / 2))) = 1'020'000 login retries within 20 seconds perfectly without any hiccups. The CPU and RAM usage was not measured as my system monitor didn't update fast enough to notice any major difference to before hitting.

Now this is already a great number considering Ripple, the most widespread cho-protocol implementation server, crashes with just 5 successful tries every second within 20 seconds (tested by @cyanidee).

To prevent further crashes by running out of memory, implementation of rate limit is suggested.

invalid vector<T> subscript

Issue for this exception. Needs further investigation.

2018-11-12 22:56:57.977 ( 183.605s) [ ] ERR| A exception occurred in root::handle: Dynamic exception type: class std::out_of_range std::exception::what: invalid vector<T> subscript

IPv6 and Cloudflare causes geo location based on IP to fail

@mempler's Banana client has added Shiro in its server list.


The Banana client routes its traffic through Cloudflare because it uses the actual domain, *, to connect - unlike hosts redirection with the osu!Stable client.

This causes the X-Forwarded-For header to be in Cloudflare's format, which directly conflicts with the way we use it for geo location resolving.

In the error logs, the following can be seen:

2018-10-19 10:55:09.281 (5262.213s) [        AACAE700]    WARN| Received POST from xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx, without osu! user agent.
2018-10-19 11:01:48.369 (5661.301s) [        AACAE700]         ERR| Received invalid response from Gitea API: Please provide a valid IP
2018-10-19 11:01:48.371 (5661.304s) [        AACAE700]       0| User marc3842h logged in successfully.

Allow beatmap mirror to be chosen using a config

There are various beatmap mirrors out there. I propose that the beatmap mirror used for osu!direct can be chosen from a config file, e.g direct.toml.

The following mirrors should be available to choose from:

  • Bloodcat
  • Shiro
  • Ripple
  • Gigamons
  • Yozora
  • Self-hosted using Shirogane or Cheesegull
  • Custom

There shouldn't be any permission problems as Shiro itself is using it's own beatmap mirror. The server owners themselves are liable for what beatmap mirror they use and if they have the permission to do so.

Allow customizeable database system

Currently, Shiro only supports MySQL. This is not as customizeable as I want it to be.

I propose that we add support for the following two database systems, in addition to current MySQL support:

Thanks to the flexibility of sqlpp, only a few parts (namely connection init) of the code need to be changed up for this to work. There is also the ability to use odbc, which I still need to evaluate if it's of value or not.

Leaderboard play count is inaccurate with overwritten / failed scores

When requesting a leaderboard for any beatmap which has existing overwritten / failed scores, the beatmap will display a invalid count.

A image says a thousand words so let me show the issue:


This most likely has to do with the way we're filtering out leaderboard scores. It probably hasn't been updated with the ability to overwrite scores or accept failed scores.

Thread safety in Shiro

As mentioned in #40, I am opening this ongoing issue to investigate and track the state of thread safety within Shiro.

It would be helpful for my sake that issues that are potentially caused by thread safety or lack thereof could mention this issue so that I can keep everything in 1 place.

Extras for MSVC support on windows.

When #19 is resolved, we are most of the way there to having full support for windows. However there are still some problems that are outside of shiro that I need to look into

  • get vcpkg to actually link to the correct versions (i.e. not debug for release builds) of curl and lzma
  • figure out why curl wont authenticate https requests to osu (something something cert error) this can be easily fixed by disabling cert verification but I don't want to do that.
  • Fix the 1000 warnings that appear

Add impersonation mode for usage by staff

I propose the implementation of a impersonation mode that will allow a staff member (to be exact, a admin) to impersonate a user both in Bancho and on the frontend.

This will allow a admins to do any actions on behalf of a user, including submission of scores as well as sending chat messages.

The privacy concern is not really valid regarding this suggestion as administrators can already edit everything all over the place, anyways.

There are some situations in the life of a server where impersonation of another user may be the key to getting a rule breaker banned.

This is inspired by Gitlab's impersonation mode:

GitLab 2

Major compilation errors using MSVC or Mingw

Shiro is unable to be compiled correctly using MSVC or Mingw, thus is unable to run natively on Windows.

This has to do with usage of reserved keywords as well as major third-party library dependency issues on Windows non-existing library management.

When resolving this, it is suggested to additionally implemented a CI to ensure the correct building of Shiro on Windows going forward, I propose using AppVeyor or VSTS.

Hidden players cause #spectator to be shown

Hidden players have the ability to spectate players without showing up in the osu! Spectator list for the host.

This causes the host to receive a #spectator channel without having any spectator visible on his client.

Suggested behavior

I suggest implementing that hidden users receive the #spectator chat while the host doesn't (as long as the all spectators are hidden players).

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

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  • web

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

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  • Game

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.