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youtube-comment-suite's Issues

Error: Could not find or load main class

I tried to run last release of application. But it did not run. After running from CMD it shows error: Error: Could not find or load main class What could cause that?

Deleting item does not delete comments

I deleted a channel from the program, and it removed it from the group - however, the videos are still there as are the comments.
The video can be selected within the group still and all comments still appear.
I've tried cleaning the DB but it doesn't seem to get rid of them, also have tried deleting an entire group which does remove them.

Slow when adding thousands of videos using bulk add

When pasting up to 5,000 or more URLs in the Add new item(s) modal bulk add text box and then clicking the Add Item(s) button, it takes a long time, approximately 20-30 minutes.

What causes this is that it will check each video, playlist, channel URL individually to get details and display the right text and thumbnail in the group manager. A new option to skip this checking for faster adding and just display the raw IDs in the group manager instead may be an option.

This is a more extreme use case so this option should be disabled by default.

Automatic loading of comments when switching Groups and videos

Minor but practical benefit, in case it's possible to load all comments automatically when selecting a different group and when switching from All Items to a specific Video.

Otherwise one needs to always press the Search button with empty filters. ๐Ÿ˜„

Export Comments Language support


Thank you very much for your work on this project. I code as a hobby and was looking for an easy way to aggregate and analyze comments. This seemed perfect.

Unfortunately, the comments export function to JSON does not seem to support Korean. Perhaps the format is not UTF-8?

I've attached how it looks in Visual Studio Code. Korean shows up fine in the interface itself.
Cap 2019-08-26 09-46-30-181

Cap 2019-08-26 09-44-25-732

[Bug] Playlist

When refreshing from a playlist url, no comments are gathered

Redesign comment viewer

It would be great if you could redesign the comment viewer. It should have operation to toggle the tree with all replies (all open or all closed). Replies should have indentation to easily separate them in the eye or central comments and replies could have different color label or smt.The line height of each comment should be much less, and there is plenty of space if you take out the date and the user name to the sides. Thanks

YouTube API Quotas


The YouTube API comes with limits for how much it can be used. This application is very heavy on that quota limit depending on what channel(s) or video(s) it is being used for.

When I created this application, the default units per day was set to 1,000,000. As shared in the screenshots below, the limit was automatically reduced several times. However, as of mid-2020 it seems to have been brought back up to 1,000,000 and queries are even lighter now than they were in the past for list actions which make up the majority of this app.

Given my API key were to frequently hit the limit, I could potentially request for an increase but I'm not positive about that working.

Quota Reset

As reported in the Google Developers Console,

Daily quotas reset at midnight Pacific Time (PT).

If you get errors related to the quota being reached, waiting a day should solve your problems.

However, I see this happening more frequently as more people use this application.


Project Quota History

Edit 11/7/2019; I just received an automated email from YouTube that all of my projects daily quotas had been 'adjusted' and now the default key was reduced and is now sitting at 650,000 instead of 1,000,000.


Edit: 5/9/2020; Around February 2020 more automated emails from YouTube had informed me that the quota had been 'adjusted' again down to 325,000.


Edit 8/5/2020; Fairly recently I got an email notifying me that they updated the quota unit system being lighter and when checking the project is now back to 1 million. This is good news!


Edit 4/13/2021; It seems that my changes in 1.4.5 and 1.4.6 have worked and quota usage has not hit the limit once in the past 30 days!


Search Youtube videos via link?

It would make it easier to be able to search via youtube link, if that where possible?

As per #4

In the drop down under Relevance, Date, Title, Rating, Views to include one with "Link". :)

P.S. Sometimes even copy/paste of the entire title is not finding the exact video match, probably due to special characters etc.

Way to View/Archive Offline or See Exported Data

Is there any way to save all of the generated comments in a way where they can be viewed in their entirety later on?

The program has an export function but no import function.

I'm trying to archive all of a channels video comments, but want to make sure comments won't change/be deleted based on the current state of the channel in the future.

[Improvement] Ability to pause?

So since many people are using your application and we see the error "quota exceeded" many times, I guess it would be awesome to add a Pause button beside Stop so that we can use our own API key, and then for instance pause the fetch process and wait until 00:00 pacific time that quota resets and then resume. So that it doesn't have to start over from first and do it all over again and check for newest comments. (which is a noticeable amount for videos with hundreds of thousands of comments.)
I myself really don't care about the new comments, I just want to reach the end as soon as possible, a pause/resume button would be nice for me. If anyone wants to like refresh the comments and see the new ones as well, they can simply just refresh it.
Hope I could explain it well

P.S: The Pause button will save the nextPageToken (or idk, any other parameter that can identify its current position in comments) in its memory and in case of Resume, will start from it was paused (it will NOT check for newest comments again)

2020-09-11 18_15_17-YouTube Comment Suite

Sort channels alphabetically


Thanks for your efforts with this tool, it works great!

I was wondering if it's possible to add sorting by alphabetical order? Currently it seems to be in the order of when you add the channels, so it can be quite difficult to sort through to find the channel you want.


manage groups
search comments


problems with installing compiled jar in latest release


I have downloaded and extracted the v.1.3.0 zip file given here and have attempted to install the .jar file it contains by running:

java -jar youtube-comment-suite.jar

However, this only returns the following error:

Could not find or load main class

Do you know what could be going wrong? Are there other files I need to download? For context, I am using Ubuntu 16.04


Replace my custom youtube-data-list library with google-api-services-youtube

While my custom library works, it is incomplete and has been mostly limited to the listing functions. Google's Java API will be complete and will make it easier to implement suggestions such as #12 which require functions not in my library.

This will also make it slightly easier for others to pull down the project and build it as it would no longer require pulling down/downloading my custom library. All dependencies can be managed through Maven.

[Question] Do you know if it's possible to pull and handle comments held for review?

YouTube allows users to set up comment filters and/or to enable YouTube's comment filtering. This "holds for review" all comments that (a) meet filter criteria or (b) are determined by YouTube to be potentially inappropriate. YouTube separately filters - and holds for review - comments that it deems potentially spam.

Unfortunately / fortunately, my channel is at the point that I can't manage those comments using YouTube's interface. There are thousands of comments held for review every day and YouTube's comment management system royally sucks at bulk actions. (Like, trying to approve more than a dozen comments at once is hit-or-miss.)

Does the API allow for* the integration of comment review and approval / denial into YouTube Comment Suite?

Regardless, thank you for making this program. It's great, and was well worth the time it took me to figure out how to install and use Java8 on my MacBook Pro yesterday.

*I know that there's a big difference between "possible" and "you're going to do it."

Retrieve comments after add items

Nice app! When new items are added to a group, I would expect that the comments for those items are retrieved, instead of requiring a "Refresh", which would re-download comments for all items in the group.
E.g. I add 1 item to a group with 30 existing items. I just need to get the comments for this recent item and not download comments for all existing items.

Running on mac

I have a windows 10 machine however I ran into the same issue so I feel as it is not the machine but I cannot find the proper jar to run? when I run from just any old file it says that it cannot find a main method.

How to use this software?


Thanks for publishing this code that I may find very useful if I know how to use it :-)

My first question is: how to build this code? I downloaded the java source code, but can see any build instructions.


Add account and API key are not working

Hi there,

i downloaded the app today and installed Java 8 from the default download site (Oracle) you have linked. The app starts fine but i can't add a Google Account.

It opens the screen with the login but the "next" button does nothing, probably a Javascript error but i have no access to console or anything so i can't know exactly what is happening.

Next i tried adding a new API Key, but even this gives a 403 error (as i saw in the Google API console)
youtube.api.v3.V3DataVideoService.List this service is accesed but with no results when i search

Java version: 8.261
I am running this from Windows 10

Application documentation wiki

It would be nice to have some documentation on how to use this application in more detail. The wiki tool could be used for this purpose. It should show how to do things in more detail such as the two different ways to create a group, two different ways to add items to a group, managing that group in the group manager, and settings options.

The bottom of the current readme file is a condensed but incomplete documentation of how to use the tool with assumptions that things make sense.

Addition of comment export functionality (per video, as JSON, format example see in comment).

    "id": "UgzXyVGsIiMcZ9Bs-M54AaABAg",
    "user": "abc",
    "date": "4 days ago",
    "timestamp": 1558387486139,
    "commentText": "bla bla bla",
    "likes": 1,
    "hasReplies": true,
    "numberOfReplies": 2,
    "replies": [
        "id": "UgzXyVGsIiMcZ9Bs-M54AaABAg.8vAG3f1HbIR8vARqlHhxyM",
        "user": "def",
        "date": "3 days ago",
        "timestamp": 1558473886511,
        "commentText": "@abc     ha ha ha",
        "likes": 0
        "id": "UgzXyVGsIiMcZ9Bs-M54AaABAg.8vAG3f1HbIR8vBliOzYonT",
        "user": "ghi",
        "date": "3 days ago",
        "timestamp": 1558473886512,
        "commentText": "@def --- no no no!.",
        "likes": 0

Export comments

Is it possible for you to add a way to export comments into a single file, this way I could take it for use in excel or other programs. Trying to combine thousands of .jsons is a bit too difficult

Either into a single .csv or a .json would be great or just some other way which would do the same trick

Channel ID filter

Would it be possible please to add a way to sort and search via channel ID, sometimes names are very similar and using the 'name like' function brings up others, also sometimes people change their channel names and the changes don't always reflect in the program.

[Request] Comment Translation

As above, if there would be anyway to translate the comments (and then maybe store the translated data) this would be great.

Not able to run

Your work seems great.
I am using Ubuntu and am not good in java, but I follow all your step but dont know how to run. Please Guide. Thanks in advance.

Compatibility for >= Java 9

Currently, this software works the best when running it with Java 8.

There are some visual changes when using Java 9 or 10 with regards to JavaFX application scaling but should work the same for the most part.

With Java 9, the module system is introduced. This has some issues regarding dependencies and whether they have been made modular. Meaning, while the application can be ran in 9 and 10, it can't be built against 9 or 10 yet.

With Java 11, they remove JavaFX completely and it must be included as additional jars bundled as libraries with the application.

Currently the module system is the only thing holding back upgrading and building against Java 11, their current LTS version.

Refreshing a group will sometimes never end

Sometimes when refreshing a group, and it happens not often, the refresh process will seemingly never end but it appears that it finished because the bar is to the end and the comments number is not changing anymore.

This appears to be an issue caused by threading and for some reason the thread(s) causing the issue are not ending.

Import of archived comments and possible Time snapshots?

First of all @mattwright324, well done on this useful app and UI!

The fact that people delete comments just because they don't like some replies (and re-post their comments) or even entire videos being deleted, requires a proper comments archive solution. :)

However I don't see a way how to import archived comments unless I missed something? Perhaps any plans for this?

I think this would be by far the most powerful tool if it could save different time stamps of an entire video comments with replies, with an easy way to select different snapshots for later review. (It doesn't need to have a highlight for comparison of changes, all though it would be ideal hehe). Imagine!

Replies in condensed export missing commentDate field

Everything is ok in the app itself but when you export comments of a certain video, "commentDate" of replies are NOT getting exported. If you check out the threads you can clearly see the time underneath every reply but there is no such thing when you export them. Hope it's clear enough. In case it's still unclear, fetch a random video, look at its comments and then check its threads. You can see every comment and reply has a date of post. Now export it with Condensed mode and check the exported file again. You can see commentDate exists for the comment itself but its replies have no such things.
Can you fix this please?

Update: Alright so I played around a little bit and the problem seems to be in export. I opened 'commentsuite.sqlite3' and everything was there as expected. But comment_date of replies seems to be missing from somewhere in the export process.

Jar file won't open

The youtube-comment-suite-1.4.2 jar file won't open when double clicked on.

[Request] Comment Groups

Hey Matt,

It would be super helpful if there was any possibility of you being able to please add an option to categorize (or group) the comments individually or on bulk selection? Ideally so I could click a bunch of comments (on the 'Search Comments' tab), then select a custom group to move them to.
Then an option on the 'Search Comment's tab' to only search certain groups (the custom ones, plus any not categorized) i.e. so I can only display comments which aren't yet categorized.

You've done an incredible job on this! :)

Really needed addition to the application

Hey Matt,
First of all thanks for making this great app! It is literally the most convenient app out there.
But there is only one missing feature that would make this app excellent, and that is to make a new way to view comments by the video, what I mean is, now when you want to view the comments you either need to search for the specific comment or view the whole library.
If there is a new menu that displays a video list and when you click that video the comments related to it would appear, that would be an amazing addition to the app!

thanks again for your work!

Import comments and channels

Hi, since you updating this app, would be possible to make action to import groups, channels and comments from any previous version?

New version not running on ubuntu 16.04

Greetings from Lancaster!
I'm new to Github so all this is new to me but have been running ubuntu for 9+ years. I went through your directions, and checked the java versions, and it said they were installed, but I ran the "apt install" again, and it said they were already installed. I extracted the zip and tried running the youtube-comment-suite-1.4.2.jar and it said
youtube-comment-suite-1.4.2.jar: command not found

I tried a few options:
User@computer:~/temp/youtube-suite$ .youtube-comment-suite-1.4.2.jar
.youtube-comment-suite-1.4.2.jar: command not found

User@computer:~/temp/youtube-suite$ ./youtube-comment-suite-1.4.2.jar
invalid file (bad magic number): Exec format error

User@computer:~/temp/youtube-suite$ java -jar youtube-comment-suite-1.4.2.jar
Error: Could not find or load main class jar

User@computer:~/temp/youtube-suite$ sudo java -jar youtube-comment-suite-1.4.2.jar
Error: Could not find or load main class

User@computer:~/temp/youtube-suite$ sudo java -jar ./youtube-comment-suite-1.4.2.jar
Error: Could not find or load main class

I also did a change mod to 722, 755 and 777 but still none of these worked. Do you have any suggestions?

[Request] Including Heart

As above, if there would be a way to include the hearts, that a youtube channel is giving . If it would be possible, it would be nice to sort by given hearts and display them on the comments, who have one.

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