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selbi-v2's Issues

Feature Request: Can't zoom in on camera

User requested ability to zoom in with his camera to take pictures.

*I know we are using a different library for camera, but perhaps should look in to potentially switching down the road to the phones camera

User Source: Erez Naggar

Deleting Listings not actually deleting

If an item is "Deleted", it can still be purchased by other users. Obviously this shouldn't be the case as I'm no longer trying to sell that item. Blanket was deleted, but then purchased by another user and showing up in my sold items. Another user must have clicked on the notification they had or had the product already opened when it was deleted.

Source: Joe Crispin, Jordan Burrows


Enhancement: Initial welcome walk through

It would be nice to walk first time users through the app when they install with a friendly welcome flow.

At this point we could tell them when certain things will happen and ask for permissions. For example, 'selbi uses notifications to let you know when a friend posts a new listing or when someone offers to buy your item' and then a button saying 'Allow notifications'.

That way we dont pop up a ton of notification.

Source: Courtney

New Feature: Adding Categories for Search capabilities

User asked about the ability to search categorically for items they were specifically looking for. Wanted an easy way to narrow down a search to specific items (ie, sports equipment, desks, supplies, etc).

User Source: Ben Herrera

When clicking off keyboard, UI elements don't capture click

On the sign up / register scene, after people enter a password, they often click the submit button.

This has the effect of closing the keyboard. The touch causes a ripple effect but does not trigger the onPress method. Then they just sit there and wait, eventually they click again and it works.

We should either capture that click or not show the ripple.

Enhancement: Didn't know which friend had listed what

"I have to make 3 clicks before I see who is listing" - John Jenkins

Users found it difficult to see which friend was selling what. Wanted to be informed of that right away while looking at friends listings.

Looks like a potentially 'easy' fix. Fixes include adding a profile picture in the corner of the listing, or adding the friend's name on the image in the listings' page.

Source User: Nena Burrows, John Jenkins

New Feature: Ability to see what friends have purchased recently

User suggested that not unlike Venmo or Instagram, it would be cool to see what friends are purchasing. The user said that way, he may just go to the app to see what his friends have bought and to 'like' or otherwise 'comment' on it.

Interesting way to keep engagement for non-buyers and make Selbi even more 'Friend' focused.

User Source: Ben Herrera

Date Picker not returning the correct date

Source: Matt Taylor

When he entered his birthday (8/23/90) the final page read 8/1/90. When he went back to the picker it still read 8/23/90 so he submitted. Stripe accepted the info.

Upon playing with the picker i found that if you put 3/13/90, it will store the value 3/13 but display 3/12.

Need further inspection but we may need to replace the date picker library.

Enhancement: Flow while posting a listing

User suggested text asking for information should be shortened to “Listing Title” and “Listing Price” and “Audience” instead of current long form. User also wanted details section (as part of the flow) either at the bottom of the listing title page, or as it's own flow before it asks you to set up payment. Said that otherwise he foregets to put in detail and wont do it again later. Also noted that espeically the first time, seemed like you had to choose between the options instead of "fill out bank and then later add details".

User Source: Erez Naggar

Seller Profile Page

Simple Profile page with:

  • Follow button
  • list of listings

Linked to from detail page.

Image upload isn't working properly

The image upload works on simulator but not on physical device. Alert shows an error suggesting we dig into Firebase Storage logs.

Not sure when it broke since I haven't touched that code in a while.

Possibly means we need to update firebase client library.

Enhancement: When no local listings are shown

Searching for listings near you, user asks....
"Will the scroll wheel continuously scroll? If no listings nearby, I would prefer that the scroll wheel goes away and it says something like "No listings found nearby" "

The scroll wheel continuously scrolls indefinitely which is confusing to the user cause they may be thinking something is going to happen. Sean talked about the adding a blank square and giving the user a prompt to add a listing as a possible solution in this case.

Source: Mark Brayton

Double notifications

Double notifications occurring when people adding and following users.

Source: Donald Burrows, John Jenkins, Jordan Burrows


Enhancement: Make Back Arrow on Listings Clearer

On one of the user's listings, the color of the picture made it impossible to see the back arrow in the top left corner. They thought they were stuck on the page and closed the app.

Source User: Nena Burrows

Enhancement: Ability to not follow user who follows me

Right now if a user follows someone, the person being followed has to follow that person back in order to get rid of the notification. But sometimes the user doesn't want to follow someone back so they should just have the ability to say "Ok" instead of "Follow back"

User Source: Erez Naggar

Bug: Keyboard has no way to close keyboard

When using the keyboard to register and enter in CC and banking detail, keyboard was covering up buttons and couldn't get out of keyboard without clicking around on the page. Wanted the 'normal' "done" bar at the top to close the keyboard easily

Source: Joe Crispin, Nena Burrows

Feature Request: Option for Map or Images when searching for listings

User suggested a Map feature where you can show a map of where listings are listed instead of by listing. That way you can determine how close you are to specific items for pick up purposes.

Interesting layout feature. Would be cool. But showing close proximity to where people live is still maybe a stretch. Most people probably don't want that info out there

User Source: Erez

Release Quality Checklist 1.4.0 39

This page details a series of workflows we need to verify before cutting a release. Ideally we will automate all of these workflows.

The purpose of this page is NOT to detail all possible things to test but to provide a high level list of behaviors. This doesn't cover all scenarios but forces putting the app through it's paces.


Run time

  • Start: 10:11am 11/13
  • End: 11:23am 11/13
  • Total: 1hr 12min



  • keyboard in update email from settings is normal input (not email style)
  • could use more space at end of receipt scene
  • bank info isn't cleared between sign in and sign out.
  • details scene in SOLD mode allows viewing your own seller profile while signed in, shows follow button (its safe but just odd)
  • badge number doesn't match number of notifications when literal device notification comes (it gets reset to 1)
  • when connecting an email with FB, Firebase will overwrite the accounts email with the FB email. In settings it will still say the old email in settings but you'll need to use the FB email to sign in via email. However, if you use settings to update your email to the original (non-FB) it will update and you'll be able to sign in with that email.



  • All workflows should be run on a physical device.
  • All workflows should be run against the staging instance of Selbi.
  • The list of workflows should be copied to a new wiki page and checked off with notes as you go.


Sign in / Sign out

  • Should be able to sign in and sign out as different users.
  • 1 add friends bulletin is posted on sign in.
  • Should be able to sign in from:
    • Drawer Menu
    • BulletinBoard
    • Trying to chat
    • Trying to buy
    • Trying to post
  • When signing out:
    • BulletinBoard should suggest sign in.
    • Drawer Menu actions should be faded out.
  • Can sign in with Facebook

Browse listings

  • should be able to load local listings
  • should be able to see friends listings

Post a listing

  • Can start sell flow from
    • local listings
    • my listings
    • drawer menu
  • Should be able to post a listing:
    • For friends
    • For anyone nearby
  • Should be able add details to listing and see it propagate to listings views :
    • Title
    • Description
    • Image
    • location
    • price
    • visibility
  • Should show add bank bulletin after posting (only 1 bulletin total)
  • Should be able to share deep link after publish
  • Friend should see bulletin about new listing

Add Bank

  • Should be able to add bank
    • directly after create listing
    • from bulletin board
  • Can customize banking email

Listing details

  • Can chat about listing
  • Can open receipt scene
  • Shows edit + share if owner of listing


  • Chat scene shows own messages as blue, has other users initials
  • Can open chat from:
    • Details page
    • chat list scene
  • Can view details from chat (will not show chat button)
  • Receives notifications about new chats

Purchase Flow

  • can open chat if seller does not accept payments
  • can add credit card from receipt scene
  • can complete purchase from receipt scene
  • seller gets notification and bulletin when item sells
  • after sale of listing, receipt scene doesn't show buttons, just receipt

Add friend

  • get notification and bulletin when someone follows you
  • can see listings of person you follow
  • can add friend by username

App Shutdown

  • Can kill the app and restart without weird behavior
  • Sign in persists between kill and restart

Add friends from contact

  • bulletin shows up if not done yet
  • can sync phone number and follow any contacts

My listings

  • can view personal listings based on visibility
  • can open detail scene from listing

Friends' Listings

  • can view friends listings
  • go to details scene


  • can report inappropriate content
  • can block abusive users

Seller Profile Page

  • can open seller profile page
    • from local listings details
    • from friends listings details
    • NOT if already opened seller profile
  • if signed out, unable to see private listings
  • if not follower, unable to see private listings
  • able to see private listings if following seller
  • able to follow seller from profile page and immediately see private listings
  • can complete purchase from seller profile listing details


  • can update email and sign out and sign in with new email
  • can link FB account and sign out and sign in with FB ad
  • can update bank
  • can update CC


  • can enter feedback and will receive email


  • can view followers and following
  • can access seller profile
  • can follow and unfollow
  • can follow based on user name from friends scene
  • can follow from contact from friends scene

Improvements to the sale receipt


  • include link to product so they can open it in the app if they want.
  • include string that will appear in their bank account (eg 'Expect a charge starting with 'Selbi-DFdc')
  • suggestions about next actions (eg button to open the app and sell something else)

Source: Courtney

Enhancement: Seller was confused at purchase screen

Seller was confused at purchase screen when it said Seller accepts Selbi payments. Seller thought that was different than just setting up a bank, or some weird payment thing hed never hear dof before and wasn't sure if he was supposed to do something or what the screen was really trying to tell him.

*Maybe changing the words to "Seller accepts payments" or something?

User Source: Erez Naggar

Enhancement: Ability to say Condition of listing

User suggested we add the ability to list the condition of an listing with a drop down like "good, bad, average" etc.

My thoughts are this is of minimal importance and should be a part of the UX/UI flow when we get a designer/Heather to look at it.

User Source: Erez Naggar

Feature Update: Adding CC and Banking pages in Settings

After an error occurred when purchasing an item, a user thought maybe they entered in their card wrong (error wasn't descriptive enough) and was looking for a way to check their cc and enter in a new one.

Source User: Donald Burrows


Enhancement: Seller Information when Item Sold

After the seller sells an item, users were unsure of what happens with the money. They also had no idea who purchased their item after they clicked out of the bulletin.

Likewise, the buyer email does not say who they purchased from or allow them to view the item they purchased once sold on Selbi

Source User: Joe Crispin, Donald Burrows

Follow phone numbers in contact book fails with blank screen

When users click the 'Add Followers From Phone Book' button, they are presented with a blank screen.

In AddFriendsFromContactsScene.js we directly pass the error that caused a failure to the error view. If this error can't be rendered to a visible component, the screen will be blank

Likely this is an issue with the followPhoneNumbers method because Courtney was able to add me but still got a failure which means some of the add contact promises succeed but others are failing.

Courtney's phone is reliably reproducing the issue so we should be able to get at the logs there.

Enhancement: Listings screen should show more information

Right now local listings and friends listings just show images with a price in top left corner. User wanted to see more information, such as distance in top right corner and details or title on the bottom of the image, for example.

User Source: Erez Naggar

Enhancement: Confusing arrow on notifications page when someone is following you

When someone follows you, on your notifications bar it shows "Nice! Got it ->" The arrow is confusing as it looks like there is an action to do. Confusing because other times the arrow is there, there is an action to do (go to messages, sell item, etc). Removing the arrow and changing verbiage to "Cool" or "Alright" or just "Nice!" or "Ok" would be cleaner way of showing and cause less confusion

Source: Nena Burrows


Feature Request: Notification Page

Based on the feedback received on the Bulletin Board, it doesn't appear that people want or need it there. It does detract from the purpose of the app which is to have people looking at listings and purchasing said listings. I think the main page should be about the listings. That means moving notifications that we want to their own page on the menu such as 'Notifications' page. I do see value on leaving the main page open for important messages like phone such as how Facebook does it....

In terms of what goes in the notification separate page, I'm thinking along the lines of a notification when you sold and item, when you purchased an item, and when someone follows you. The banking notification should probably just be on the 'to-be-created' profile page which would give the user a note saying "Add Bank and CC" or along those lines. I think the notifications page should take a note out of the Venmo notifications in terms of looks which can be found in the design slack channel as well as below

Feature Request: Adding user pictures to profiles/throughout Selbi

In order to make the app more visually and network friendly, users want upload an image of themselves and have that represent them thorughout the app. Basically like most social apps including Venmo, instagram, tilt, etc. They all use images to show which users are doing what. This can be used in the chat, on the listing page, on their profile, etc.

We talked about this for a future sprint but I didn't see a ticket so adding it in.

User Source: Erez Naggar, Todd Young, John Jenkins, Ben Herrera

Wrong $ amount being show on a $1.00 sold item

User said he sold water bottle for $1 to Jordan Burrows but on his notifications window showed "Sold for $100". Only $1 was charged on stripe though. No screen shot of it available

Source: Joe Crispin

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