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asv's Introduction

ASV Simulates VHDL

NOTE: Major refactor in progress, see Travis for up to date information on this

Read the documentation before contributing, or for further details about the project.

See the issues for potential contributions to be made. For first time contributors, there may be issues with the 'good first issue' label to indicate these are more approachable.

If you want to report a bug, please see the bug reporting section.

For a quick start go to Running a Simulation.


This project is a VHDL simulator, whose initial aim is to implement the entirety of the 1076-1987 VHDL specification. Currently a subset of the language has been implemented, see the documentation for details on features. Issues may have more up to date progress on feature implementation.


The only tool required to use this software is Stack. This tool will install all dependencies as required when building the tool.


To get stack, simply run the command:

sudo apt-get install haskell-stack

Stack Commands

Installing and using the tool is done through the stack tool.

  • To build: stack build
  • To test: stack test
  • To generate documentation: stack haddock
  • To run tool: stack exec asv

Creating and Running a Simulation

  • Build the tool: stack build
  • Put HDL files to be parsed into a directory (<work-dir>)
    • NOTE: Automatic file finding is not supported, any package/entity/architecture of name name should be in file <work-dir>/NAME.vhd
    • Multiple architectures for a single entity are also not supported, entity and single linked architecture should be in the same file
  • Create IEEE package directory (<ieee-dir>)
    • IEEE files are not fully parsable by the tool because of aliases and aggregates, so an empty directory is sufficient
  • Run tool through stack
    • Stack puts compiled binary (from tool build stage) into a hidden folder, so run through command
    • stack exec asv -- --top <top-file> --build-dir <build-dir> --work-dir <work-dir> --ieee-dir <ieee-dir>
      • <top-file>: Name of top level entity/architecture to compile (case insensitive)
      • <work-dir>, <ieee-dir>: As specified earlier
      • <build-dir>: Directory to place simulation files (directory should already exist and preferably be empty)
  • Compile/Run simulation
    • The tool creates a stack project for the simulation (in auto-generated Haskell)
    • It currently does not automatically run it
    • Go to <build-dir>
    • Build simulation with stack build
    • Run simulation with stack exec VHDL-Sim-exe -- --max-time <max-time>
      • <max-time>: Maximum time to run the simulation, format [0-9]+(fs|ps|ns|us|ms|sec|hr)


Documentation here

Similar Projects

Most VHDL simulators are closed source products, this project aims to provide an open source tool that anyone can use.

This was largely inspired by GHDL, another open source simulator. GHDL implements a large portion of the VHDL specification however it is written mostly in Ada, an old and not widely used language which could discourage contributors. An aim of this project is provide code that can be understood and modified easily.

Reporting Bugs

To report a bug, please use the issues section of this repository. The following information is useful for replicating the bug, in order to test it:

  • Version of the tool (what commit you are currently running on)
    • If you are not on an up-to-date version of the tool, please update and try again before reporting an issue
  • Command run that triggered the bug
  • Output of the tool (any error or debug messages that have occurred)
  • (If the bug occurred when parsing a design) Any files used by the simulator IE contents of library directories


Currently the GPLv3 license applies to this project.

asv's People


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asv's Issues

Importing a single enumerate

Unsure what happens when this occurs, does the entire type come into scope, an anonymous type, or what.
Need to assess this before able to implement it.

Improved lexer state machine

One case of this (left parenthesis) was "fixed" in issue #31, where state links were changed so that a left parenthesis could be followed by a semicolon without whitespace between them.
This was possible without any addition of states since I don't think ")" is followed by anything but an operator or whitespace (IE cannot be followed immediately by a value or word).
Other cases may need a similar fix which would allow a semicolon to follow them, currently can think of:

  • "
  • '
    End of string/char should probably be allowed to immediately follow with a semicolon, however the apostrophe symbol can be followed by an identifier for attributes, so a new state will probably be required.

Unsure if this is a bug or an enhancement.

Describe elements that will be initially implemented in the netlist converter

Due to the size of the language specification only a subset of the language will be initially implemented in from this stage.
As the parser was/is being written the language was analysed to get a better picture of this.
The decisions made need to be described for future reference while writing code for this section.


Should probably include required software - which is just stack I believe - along with how to install it.
Maybe other useful information.
Probably good to have a description of the project and how to run/use it.

Bug in based literal conversion (lexer)

When converting from string to Int64 or Double there is a loss of precision.
Noticed when converting value 15:D45C0b1d78213acb619852B539: initially, massive loss in precision.


  • Incrementally converted strings 15:9:, 15:39:, 15:539:
  • Compared values to calculator
  • Error occurs between 15:13acb619852B539: and 15:213acb619852B539:
Value Calculator Lexer Difference
15:13acb619852B539: 36439349689827056 36439349689827056 0
15:213acb619852B539: 912227130451545868 912227130451545856 12

This site seems to match calculator for accuracy.


  • Integer type should be unbounded (value should be converted in integer form before multiplied by exponent
  • Double could potentially have loss of precision however these values tested aren't Universal_Real they are Universal_Int which suggests conversion to Double isn't likely to be a problem here
  • Int64 is the current implementation for Universal_Int, this is bounded (tested by maxBound :: Int64) at 9223372036854775807.

Guessing this has something to do with the Int64 type and should start testing there.

Shared Implementation Types

For better configuration and clarity, potentially should refer to Haskell built in types in one file and refer to this when making custom types.

Strategy of parsing abstract literals

Haskell needs a constant type to parse abstract literals

  • Currently, read each component of the literal (units, decimals, exponent) and calculate result
  • This is causing problems with inputs such as:
    • "0.07E2"
    • Obvious this is 7, but would anyone write it like this
    • Is this actually a bug or just an enhancement/non-issue
  • Could potentially, at least for decimal literals, use exponent to shift value before calculating for more accurate results

Container efficiency

Currently using Data.Map.Strict: link which states:
"When deciding if this is the correct data structure to use, consider:

  • If you are using Int keys, you will get much better performance for most operations using Data.IntMap.Strict.
  • If you don't care about ordering, consider use Data.HashMap.Strict from the unordered-containers package instead."

Should consider optimal container type to use:

Additional details

Order of scope evaluation

Use of maps when building scope tree could cause out-of-order scope evaluation, which leads to errors when scope names overwrite each other.

  • Currently overwriting scope objects with new ones if there is an overlap
  • This will cause unreliable scopes where it is indeterminate as to what object ends up in the scope
  • Should error when scope overlaps
  • Without correct scope ordering errors could point to wrong position
  • Should probably also change from using maps for scope
    Need to evaluate maps ordering and assess if this is an issue

Parser shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts

These add ambiguity to the parse tree and probably slow it down. Also they're making it harder to trace parser bugs. If there is time it's best to modify the tree accordingly, to make parsing the tree and converting to a netlist easier.

Move PositionWrapper

Currently in Parser.PositionWrapper but can use in netlister errors, so should move to move general location.

Refactoring Text Manipulation

Should centralise text modification and use functions wherever duplications of strings occur, to remove errors from typos and allow easier changes.

Support other libraries

Current implementation supports three libraries:

  • Std: Cannot write files in this library, has two built in libraries standard and textio
  • Work: Where the user's files should go, choose directory it points to with --work-dir
  • IEEE: Special library that should be provided by the IEEE, choose directory these are in with --ieee-dir

Currently implemented with two flags, could come up with some method (flags or config file) to allow custom other libraries.

Simulation Libraries

Having improved the simulation to use fewer monads, could probably remove libraries from the simulation configuration to reduce compilation time (and stop stack installing the library).

  • Potentially remove mtl and transformers libraries
  • Update documentation accordingly

Create basic working lexer

Implement basic version of the lexer.

Elements to lex:

  • Keywords
  • Operators
  • Identifier
  • Based value literals
  • Decimal value literals
  • Bit string literals
  • String literals
  • Character literals

Context clauses cannot appear without library units

In the top level of a parse, IE the highest level statements in the file:

  • Context clauses (library and use statements) cannot appear in the file without an accompanying library unit (entity, package, etc.)
  • This comes from the nature of the parse BNF
  • Should it be acceptable to have context clauses without a library unit
    • It will parse to nothing, but currently doesn't provide a useful error
    • At the very least should have useful error message

Wait Statements in Processes

When there is no sensitivity list, what rules should exist for wait statements in a process, must there be at least one in the top level?

String Input Limitations

VHDL only parses ISO 646-1983 characters (according to 1076-1987).
It may be benefitial to change the input type to the parser to restrict this accordingly.

Check if a name already exists in netlist

May need to check if a name already exists in the netlist before creating a new netlist object (entity, architecture, package, etc.)
Possibly already checking this, need to confirm whether this is in place or not.

Fix for LexerSpec single identifier tests

Theoretically (however unlikely), the singleIdentifier tests could randomly generate a string that is actually a valid keyword.
This would cause the test to fail, since the lexer should lex the string to a keyword instead of an identifier, but the test would assume it to be an identifier.

Need to add check that valid keyword hasn't been randomly generated.

Incredibly unlikely to happen and will be obvious if it does, so low priority.

Tracking Parser Refactor

Starting with commit f8c0728 - the parser is being refactored for better usability and complete testing before release.

Using this issue to track changes to the parser and add elements to be considered.

Improved monad stack

Currently using state and IO monad stack, failing using IO monad, perhaps add EitherT to deal with errors universally in a single place.

File Detection

How to detect which file an entity/package/configuration/etc.
Potentially a "simple" method would be to grep for patterns, in order to estimate which files to parse

  • Can call grep with this module
  • Would need to handle special cases
    • Declarations over multiple lines
    • Files that appear to be the correct file but have invalid syntax
    • Multiple files returned
      Alternatively could search with Haskell which may be slower but more portable, would share problem from other method, if a file has invalid syntax.

"Valid string literals" test failure

      String literals
        Valid string literals:                            FAIL (0.50s)
          *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 98 tests):
          Input: ""\"\"""; Output: """"
          Use --quickcheck-replay=702380 to reproduce.

While working with commit df48afc

String vs. Text

Strings are simply a list of characters, which is supposedly an inefficient means of implementation.
At the profiling stage this should be assessed to see if this causes issues.
Potentially instead use the improved Data.Text module for large amounts of text processing/IO.

  • Profile program
  • Research string vs text efficiency/speed statistic (there is some information on Data.Text page)
  • If necessary convert Strings to Data.Text where applicable

Custom upper case type

Since identifiers and other similar constructs are case insensitive, they are compared in upper case in the code. However they are implemented with strings that include all other characters, even if invalid, which removes some of the type safety and means I have to check that all names have been transformed.
Perhaps useful to create custom type (perhaps enum) to deal with this? Not sure if this is less efficient than string.

Parser position wrapper

Currently using lexer position wrapper in the parser, this simply points to a position in a file, however does not say which file.
Should create a new position wrapper type for the parser that includes a file name for improved error messages.

Stack Warnings and Extra-Deps

To use functionality in Control.Monad.Except, need version 2.2.2 of mtl module, which is not yet in stack snapshot.
Have added it to extra-deps in stack.yaml which causes warnings when compiling:

"No packages found in snapshot which provide a "happy" executable, which is a build-tool dependency of "VHDL-Sim"
Missing build-tools may be caused by dependencies of the build-tool being overridden by extra-deps.
This should be fixed soon - see this issue commercialhaskell/stack#595

No packages found in snapshot which provide a "happy" executable, which is a build-tool dependency of "VHDL-Sim"
Missing build-tools may be caused by dependencies of the build-tool being overridden by extra-deps.
This should be fixed soon - see this issue commercialhaskell/stack#595"

Should monitor this and perhaps remove mtl-2.2.2 from extra-deps once it has been added to stack resolver.

Lexer sanity tests

Create basic tests for the lexer.

Lexical elements to test:

  • Keywords
  • Operators
  • Identifier
  • Based value literals
  • Decimal value literals
  • Bit string literals
  • String literals
  • Character literals

Decent Parser Error Messages

Currently parser messages are not implemented (aside from GenericParserError, which provides no helpful information).

A first stage solution for this is to implement a fail-on-error system using the current monadic parser.

  • Within the parser, the monad is accessible from the parser productions using {% ... } (type Alex a)
  • Perhaps even better, the lookhead token can be passed into the production with {%^ ... } (type Token -> Alex a)
  • Implement useful error messages by displaying what was expected, and what was actually obtained


While the simulation automatically jumps from time value to time value based on what is to be done, the timescale could be adjusted for the wave output.

  • Currently outputs in femtoseconds no matter what (base unit of TIME)
  • Could run over all wait statements and find smallest denomination of time used
  • Use that in simulation output for better clarity
  • Maybe add an option to force a timescale?

Basic implementation of netlist converter

Implement basic version of the netlist converter.

General stages:

  • Implement first statement conversion to netlist. This will provide context to the task, help realise issues with design that haven't been thought of
  • Implement expressions
  • Implement remaining statements from chosen subset (relies on #8 )

Cyclic Dependencies

Need to evaluate previously scoped modules when scoping new module to detect cyclic dependencies

  • A depends on B depends on A
    Otherwise infinite loop occurs, probably stack overflow.

Manager.Args location

This module is currently used in two locations, library and executable, however only the type is used in both, the majority of the module is for passing/processing arguments to the executable.

Should this file be split and some placed into the executable section IE app rather than src - the part in question is a data structure so shouldn't require testing via the cabal test-suite.

Enhanced Parser Error Messages and Tracking

The lexer/parser fails on an error, displaying some message.
For errors that can be ignored, the parser should should store the offending item and continue to the best of its ability, returning a list of errors at the end of a parse.

Needs to have:

  • Some method of tracking that at least one error has occurred, and avoid continuing to the next stage (may not be possible between lexer and parser since tokens from the lexer immediately are processed by the parser)
  • Keeping the list of failed tokens, potentially state monad

Monads in Simulation and Documentation

Having removed the complicated monads from the simulation output, should check the control module Sim.Builtin.ControlModule and the documentation in docs/haskell/ for how up to date they are.

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