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react_autocomplete's Introduction

React Autocomplete

You have an array of people. Implement the Autocomplete component using Bulma Dropdown that will suggest people matching an entered text.

  • suggestions should appear after some delay in typing (debounce);
  • the delay should be customizable via props (default value is 300ms);
  • show the list of all people when input is focused but empty (Check this to see how it can work)
  • show No matching suggestions message if there are no people containing the entered text;
  • don't run filtering again if the text has not changed (a pause in typing happened when the text was the same as before)
  • save selected suggestion text to the input on click and close the list;
  • pass the selected person to the onSelected callback passed via props;
  • add an h1 to the App showing Name (born - died) of the selected person or No selected person.
  • when the selected person is displayed in the title, but the value in the input changes, the selected person should be cleared and No selected person should be shown.



If you have got an error during npm install like this (when it tries to install node-sass):

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] postinstall: `node scripts/build.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.


  • Install sass library instead of node-sass:
  npm uninstall node-sass
  npm install sass --save-dev

An alternative solution is to install node-sass@npm:sass version:

  npm install node-sass@npm:sass --save-dev

react_autocomplete's People


mgrinko avatar mykhalenych avatar sergii-nosachenko avatar marina-tilniak avatar bohdan-maksymiuk avatar mhrynko avatar




James Cloos avatar  avatar

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