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client-encryption-java's Introduction


Table of Contents


Library for Mastercard API compliant payload encryption/decryption.


Java 8+




Before using this library, you will need to set up a project in the Mastercard Developers Portal.

As part of this set up, you'll receive:

  • A public request encryption certificate (aka Client Encryption Keys)
  • A private response decryption key (aka Mastercard Encryption Keys)

Adding the Library to Your Project




dependencies {
    implementation "com.mastercard.developer:client-encryption:$clientEncryptionVersion"

Other Dependency Managers


Selecting a JSON Engine

This library requires one of the following dependencies to be added to your classpath:

You can either let the library choose for you, or force the one to be used by calling withJsonEngine on the JsonParser class. Example:

JsonParser.withJsonEngine(new JettisonJsonEngine());

Available engine classes:

  • GsonJsonEngine
  • JacksonJsonEngine
  • JettisonJsonEngine
  • JsonOrgJsonEngine
  • JsonSmartJsonEngine

Loading the Encryption Certificate

A Certificate object can be created from a file by calling EncryptionUtils.loadEncryptionCertificate:

Certificate encryptionCertificate = EncryptionUtils.loadEncryptionCertificate("<insert certificate file path>");

Supported certificate formats: PEM, DER.

Loading the Decryption Key

From a PKCS#12 Key Store

A PrivateKey object can be created from a PKCS#12 key store by calling EncryptionUtils.loadDecryptionKey the following way:

PrivateKey decryptionKey = EncryptionUtils.loadDecryptionKey(
                                    "<insert PKCS#12 key file path>", 
                                    "<insert key alias>", 
                                    "<insert key password>");

From an Unencrypted Key File

A PrivateKey object can be created from an unencrypted key file by calling EncryptionUtils.loadDecryptionKey the following way:

PrivateKey decryptionKey = EncryptionUtils.loadDecryptionKey("<insert key file path>");

Supported RSA key formats:

  • PKCS#1 PEM (starts with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")
  • PKCS#8 PEM (starts with "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----")
  • Binary DER-encoded PKCS#8

Performing Payload Encryption and Decryption


This library supports two types of encryption/decryption, both of which support field level and entire payload encryption: JWE encryption and what the library refers to as Field Level Encryption (Mastercard encryption), a scheme used by many services hosted on Mastercard Developers before the library added support for JWE.

JWE Encryption and Decryption

• Introduction

This library uses JWE compact serialization for the encryption of sensitive data. The core methods responsible for payload encryption and decryption are encryptPayload and decryptPayload in the JweEncryption class.

  • encryptPayload usage:
String encryptedRequestPayload = JweEncryption.encryptPayload(requestPayload, config);
  • decryptPayload usage:
String responsePayload = JweEncryption.decryptPayload(encryptedResponsePayload, config);
• Configuring the JWE Encryption

Use the JweConfigBuilder to create JweConfig instances. Example:

JweConfig config = JweConfigBuilder.aJweEncryptionConfig()
    .withEncryptionPath("$", "$")
    .withDecryptionPath("$", "$")

See also:

• Performing JWE Encryption

Call JweEncryption.encryptPayload with a JSON request payload and a JweConfig instance.

Example using the configuration above:

String payload = "{" +
    "    \"path\": {" +
    "        \"to\": {" +
    "            \"foo\": {" +
    "                \"sensitiveField1\": \"sensitiveValue1\"," +
    "                \"sensitiveField2\": \"sensitiveValue2\"" +
    "            }" +
    "        }" +
    "    }" +
String encryptedPayload = JweEncryption.encryptPayload(payload, config);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(encryptedPayload)));


    "path": {
        "to": {
            "encryptedFoo": {
                "encryptedValue": "eyJraWQiOiI3NjFiMDAzYzFlYWRlM….Y+oPYKZEMTKyYcSIVEgtQw"
• Performing JWE Decryption

Call JweEncryption.decryptPayload with a JSON response payload and a JweConfig instance.

Example using the configuration above:

String encryptedPayload = "{" +
    "    \"path\": {" +
    "        \"to\": {" +
    "            \"encryptedFoo\": {" +
    "                \"encryptedValue\": \"eyJraWQiOiI3NjFiMDAzYzFlYWRlM….Y+oPYKZEMTKyYcSIVEgtQw\"" +
    "            }" +
    "        }" +
    "    }" +
String payload = JweEncryption.decryptPayload(encryptedPayload, config);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(payload)));


    "path": {
        "to": {
            "foo": {
                "sensitiveField1": "sensitiveValue1",
                "sensitiveField2": "sensitiveValue2"
• Encrypting Entire Payloads

Entire payloads can be encrypted using the "$" operator as encryption path:

JweConfig config = JweConfigBuilder.aJweEncryptionConfig()
    .withEncryptionPath("$", "$")
    // …


String payload = "{" +
    "    \"sensitiveField1\": \"sensitiveValue1\"," +
    "    \"sensitiveField2\": \"sensitiveValue2\"" +
String encryptedPayload = JweEncryption.encryptPayload(payload, config);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(encryptedPayload)));


    "encryptedValue": "eyJraWQiOiI3NjFiMDAzYzFlYWRlM….Y+oPYKZEMTKyYcSIVEgtQw"
• Decrypting Entire Payloads

Entire payloads can be decrypted using the "$" operator as decryption path:

JweConfig config = JweConfigBuilder.aJweEncryptionConfig()
    .withDecryptionPath("$.encryptedValue", "$")
    // …


String encryptedPayload = "{" +
    "  \"encryptedValue\": \"eyJraWQiOiI3NjFiMDAzYzFlYWRlM….Y+oPYKZEMTKyYcSIVEgtQw\"" +
String payload = JweEncryption.decryptPayload(encryptedPayload, config);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(payload)));


    "sensitiveField1": "sensitiveValue1",
    "sensitiveField2": "sensitiveValue2"

Mastercard Encryption and Decryption

• Introduction

The core methods responsible for payload encryption and decryption are encryptPayload and decryptPayload in the FieldLevelEncryption class.

  • encryptPayload usage:
String encryptedRequestPayload = FieldLevelEncryption.encryptPayload(requestPayload, config);
  • decryptPayload usage:
String responsePayload = FieldLevelEncryption.decryptPayload(encryptedResponsePayload, config);
• Configuring the Mastercard Encryption

Use the FieldLevelEncryptionConfigBuilder to create FieldLevelEncryptionConfig instances. Example:

FieldLevelEncryptionConfig config = FieldLevelEncryptionConfigBuilder.aFieldLevelEncryptionConfig()
    .withEncryptionPath("$", "$")
    .withDecryptionPath("$", "$")

See also:

• Performing Mastercard Encryption

Call FieldLevelEncryption.encryptPayload with a JSON request payload and a FieldLevelEncryptionConfig instance.

Example using the configuration above:

String payload = "{" +
    "    \"path\": {" +
    "        \"to\": {" +
    "            \"foo\": {" +
    "                \"sensitiveField1\": \"sensitiveValue1\"," +
    "                \"sensitiveField2\": \"sensitiveValue2\"" +
    "            }" +
    "        }" +
    "    }" +
String encryptedPayload = FieldLevelEncryption.encryptPayload(payload, config);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(encryptedPayload)));


    "path": {
        "to": {
            "encryptedFoo": {
                "iv": "7f1105fb0c684864a189fb3709ce3d28",
                "encryptedKey": "67f467d1b653d98411a0c6d3c…ffd4c09dd42f713a51bff2b48f937c8",
                "encryptedValue": "b73aabd267517fc09ed72455c2…dffb5fa04bf6e6ce9ade1ff514ed6141"
• Performing Mastercard Decryption

Call FieldLevelEncryption.decryptPayload with a JSON response payload and a FieldLevelEncryptionConfig instance.

Example using the configuration above:

String encryptedPayload = "{" +
    "    \"path\": {" +
    "        \"to\": {" +
    "            \"encryptedFoo\": {" +
    "                \"iv\": \"e5d313c056c411170bf07ac82ede78c9\"," +
    "                \"encryptedKey\": \"e3a56746c0f9109d18b3a2652b76…f16d8afeff36b2479652f5c24ae7bd\"," +
    "                \"encryptedValue\": \"809a09d78257af5379df0c454dcdf…353ed59fe72fd4a7735c69da4080e74f\"" +
    "            }" +
    "        }" +
    "    }" +
String payload = FieldLevelEncryption.decryptPayload(encryptedPayload, config);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(payload)));


    "path": {
        "to": {
            "foo": {
                "sensitiveField1": "sensitiveValue1",
                "sensitiveField2": "sensitiveValue2"
• Encrypting Entire Payloads

Entire payloads can be encrypted using the "$" operator as encryption path:

FieldLevelEncryptionConfig config = FieldLevelEncryptionConfigBuilder.aFieldLevelEncryptionConfig()
    .withEncryptionPath("$", "$")
    // …


String payload = "{" +
    "    \"sensitiveField1\": \"sensitiveValue1\"," +
    "    \"sensitiveField2\": \"sensitiveValue2\"" +
String encryptedPayload = FieldLevelEncryption.encryptPayload(payload, config);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(encryptedPayload)));


    "iv": "1b9396c98ab2bfd195de661d70905a45",
    "encryptedKey": "7d5112fa08e554e3dbc455d0628…52e826dd10311cf0d63bbfb231a1a63ecc13",
    "encryptedValue": "e5e9340f4d2618d27f8955828c86…379b13901a3b1e2efed616b6750a90fd379515"
• Decrypting Entire Payloads

Entire payloads can be decrypted using the "$" operator as decryption path:

FieldLevelEncryptionConfig config = FieldLevelEncryptionConfigBuilder.aFieldLevelEncryptionConfig()
    .withDecryptionPath("$", "$")
    // …


String encryptedPayload = "{" +
    "  \"iv\": \"1b9396c98ab2bfd195de661d70905a45\"," +
    "  \"encryptedKey\": \"7d5112fa08e554e3dbc455d0628…52e826dd10311cf0d63bbfb231a1a63ecc13\"," +
    "  \"encryptedValue\": \"e5e9340f4d2618d27f8955828c86…379b13901a3b1e2efed616b6750a90fd379515\"" +
String payload = FieldLevelEncryption.decryptPayload(encryptedPayload, config);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(payload)));


    "sensitiveField1": "sensitiveValue1",
    "sensitiveField2": "sensitiveValue2"
• Using HTTP Headers for Encryption Params

In the sections above, encryption parameters (initialization vector, encrypted symmetric key, etc.) are part of the HTTP payloads.

Here is how to configure the library for using HTTP headers instead.

Configuration for Using HTTP Headers

Call with{Param}HeaderName instead of with{Param}FieldName when building a FieldLevelEncryptionConfig instance. Example:

FieldLevelEncryptionConfig config = FieldLevelEncryptionConfigBuilder.aFieldLevelEncryptionConfig()
    .withEncryptionPath("$", "$")
    .withDecryptionPath("$", "$")
    // …

See also:

Encrypting Using HTTP Headers

Encryption can be performed using the following steps:

  1. Generate parameters by calling FieldLevelEncryptionParams.generate:
FieldLevelEncryptionParams params = FieldLevelEncryptionParams.generate(config);
  1. Update the request headers:
request.setHeader(config.getIvHeaderName(), params.getIvValue());
request.setHeader(config.getEncryptedKeyHeaderName(), params.getEncryptedKeyValue());
// …
  1. Call encryptPayload with params:
FieldLevelEncryption.encryptPayload(payload, config, params);

Example using the configuration above:

String payload = "{" +
    "    \"sensitiveField1\": \"sensitiveValue1\"," +
    "    \"sensitiveField2\": \"sensitiveValue2\"" +
String encryptedPayload = FieldLevelEncryption.encryptPayload(payload, config, params);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(encryptedPayload)));


    "data": "53b5f07ee46403af2e92abab900853…d560a0a08a1ed142099e3f4c84fe5e5"
Decrypting Using HTTP Headers

Decryption can be performed using the following steps:

  1. Read the response headers:
String ivValue = response.getHeader(config.getIvHeaderName());
String encryptedKeyValue = response.getHeader(config.getEncryptedKeyHeaderName());
// …
  1. Create a FieldLevelEncryptionParams instance:
FieldLevelEncryptionParams params = new FieldLevelEncryptionParams(ivValue, encryptedKeyValue, …, config);
  1. Call decryptPayload with params:
FieldLevelEncryption.decryptPayload(encryptedPayload, config, params);

Example using the configuration above:

String encryptedPayload = "{" +
    "  \"data\": \"53b5f07ee46403af2e92abab900853…d560a0a08a1ed142099e3f4c84fe5e5\"" +
String payload = FieldLevelEncryption.decryptPayload(encryptedPayload, config, params);
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(payload)));


    "sensitiveField1": "sensitiveValue1",
    "sensitiveField2": "sensitiveValue2"

Integrating with OpenAPI Generator API Client Libraries

OpenAPI Generator generates API client libraries from OpenAPI Specs. It provides generators and library templates for supporting multiple languages and frameworks.

The com.mastercard.developer.interceptors package will provide you with some interceptor classes you can use when configuring your API client. These classes will take care of encrypting request and decrypting response payloads, but also of updating HTTP headers when needed.

Library options currently supported for the java generator:

See also:


OpenAPI Generator Plugin Configuration
Usage of the OkHttp2EncryptionInterceptor (OpenAPI Generator 3.3.x)
ApiClient client = new ApiClient();
List<Interceptor> interceptors = client.getHttpClient().interceptors();
interceptors.add(new OkHttp2OAuth1Interceptor(consumerKey, signingKey));
ServiceApi serviceApi = new ServiceApi(client);
// …
Usage of the OkHttpEncryptionInterceptor (OpenAPI Generator 4.x.y)
ApiClient client = new ApiClient();
        .addInterceptor(new OkHttpOAuth1Interceptor(consumerKey, signingKey))
ServiceApi serviceApi = new ServiceApi(client);
// …


OpenAPI Generator Plugin Configuration
Usage of OpenFeignEncoderExecutor and OpenFeignDecoderExecutor
ApiClient client = new ApiClient();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = client.getObjectMapper();
Feign.Builder feignBuilder = client.getFeignBuilder();
ArrayList<RequestInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<>();
interceptors.add(new OpenFeignOAuth1Interceptor(consumerKey, signingKey, client.getBasePath()));
feignBuilder.encoder(OpenFeignEncoderExecutor.from(config, new FormEncoder(new JacksonEncoder(objectMapper))));
feignBuilder.decoder(OpenFeignDecoderExecutor.from(config, new JacksonDecoder(objectMapper)));
ServiceApi serviceApi = client.buildClient(ServiceApi.class);
// …


OpenAPI Generator Plugin Configuration
Usage of the OkHttp2EncryptionInterceptor
ApiClient client = new ApiClient();
RestAdapter.Builder adapterBuilder = client.getAdapterBuilder();
List<Interceptor> interceptors = client.getOkClient().interceptors();
interceptors.add(new OkHttp2OAuth1Interceptor(consumerKey, signingKey));
ServiceApi serviceApi = client.createService(ServiceApi.class);
// …


OpenAPI Generator Plugin Configuration
Usage of the OkHttpEncryptionInterceptor
ApiClient client = new ApiClient();
Retrofit.Builder adapterBuilder = client.getAdapterBuilder();
OkHttpClient.Builder okBuilder = client.getOkBuilder();
okBuilder.addInterceptor(new OkHttpOAuth1Interceptor(consumerKey, signingKey));
ServiceApi serviceApi = client.createService(ServiceApi.class);
// …


OpenAPI Generator Plugin Configuration
Usage of HttpExecuteEncryptionInterceptor and HttpExecuteInterceptorChain
HttpRequestInitializer initializer = new HttpRequestInitializer() {
    public void initialize(HttpRequest request) {
        HttpExecuteOAuth1Interceptor authenticationInterceptor = new HttpExecuteOAuth1Interceptor(consumerKey, signingKey);
        HttpExecuteEncryptionInterceptor encryptionInterceptor = HttpExecuteEncryptionInterceptor.from(config);
        request.setInterceptor(new HttpExecuteInterceptorChain(Arrays.asList(encryptionInterceptor, authenticationInterceptor)));
ApiClient client = new ApiClient("", null, initializer, null);
ServiceApi serviceApi = client.serviceApi();
// …

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