A frontend Framework for building single-page applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using TypeScript, React and Material Design. Open sourced and maintained by marmelab.
Home page - Documentation - Examples - Blog - Releases - Support
🔌 Backend Agnostic: Connects to any API (REST or GraphQL, see the list of more than 45 adapters)
🧩 All The Building Blocks You Need: Provides hooks and components for authentication, routing, forms & validation, datagrid, search & filter, relationships, validation, roles & permissions, rich text editor, i18n, notifications, menus, theming, caching, etc.
🪡 High Quality: Accessibility, responsive, secure, fast, testable
💻 Great Developer Experience: Complete documentation, IDE autocompletion, type safety, storybook, demo apps with source code, modular architecture, declarative API
👑 Great User Experience: Optimistic rendering, filter-as-you-type, undo, preferences, saved queries
🛠 Complete Customization: Replace any component with your own
☂️ Opt-In Types: Develop either in TypeScript or JavaScript
👨👩👧👦 Powered by Material UI, react-hook-form, react-router, react-query, TypeScript and a few more
React-admin is available from npm. You can install it (and its required dependencies) using:
npm install react-admin
yarn add react-admin
- Read the Tutorial for a 30 minutes introduction
- Watch the YouTube video tutorials
- Head to the Documentation for a complete API reference
- Checkout the source code of the examples (e-commerce, CRM, blog, media player)
// in app.js
import * as React from "react";
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import restProvider from 'ra-data-simple-rest';
import { PostList, PostEdit, PostCreate, PostIcon } from './posts';
<Admin dataProvider={restProvider('http://localhost:3000')}>
<Resource name="posts" list={PostList} edit={PostEdit} create={PostCreate} icon={PostIcon} />
The <Resource>
component defines CRUD pages (list
, edit
, and create
) for an API endpoint (/posts
). The page components use react-admin components to fetch and render data:
// in posts.js
import * as React from "react";
import { List, Datagrid, Edit, Create, SimpleForm, DateField, TextField, EditButton, TextInput, DateInput, useRecordContext } from 'react-admin';
import BookIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Book';
export const PostIcon = BookIcon;
export const PostList = () => (
<TextField source="id" />
<TextField source="title" />
<DateField source="published_at" />
<TextField source="average_note" />
<TextField source="views" />
<EditButton />
const PostTitle = () => {
const record = useRecordContext();
return <span>Post {record ? `"${record.title}"` : ''}</span>;
export const PostEdit = () => (
<Edit title={<PostTitle />}>
<TextInput disabled source="id" />
<TextInput source="title" />
<TextInput source="teaser" options={{ multiline: true }} />
<TextInput multiline source="body" />
<DateInput label="Publication date" source="published_at" />
<TextInput source="average_note" />
<TextInput disabled label="Nb views" source="views" />
export const PostCreate = () => (
<Create title="Create a Post">
<TextInput source="title" />
<TextInput source="teaser" options={{ multiline: true }} />
<TextInput multiline source="body" />
<TextInput label="Publication date" source="published_at" />
<TextInput source="average_note" />
React-admin uses an adapter approach, with a concept called Data Providers. Existing providers can be used as a blueprint to design your API, or you can write your own Data Provider to query an existing API. Writing a custom Data Provider is a matter of hours.
See the Data Providers documentation for details.
React-admin is designed as a library of loosely coupled React components and hooks exposing reusable controller logic. It is very easy to replace any part of react-admin with your own, e.g. using a custom datagrid, GraphQL instead of REST, or Bootstrap instead of Material Design.
There are several examples inside the examples
(StackBlitz): a simple blog with posts, comments and users that we use for our e2e tests.e-commerce
: (demo, source) A fictional poster shop admin, serving as the official react-admin demo.CRM
: (demo, source) A customer relationship management applicationhelpdesk
: (demo, source) A ticketing application with realtime locks and notificationstutorial
(Stackblitz): the application built while following the tutorial.
You can run those example applications by calling:
# At the react-admin project root
make install
# or
yarn install
# Run the simple application
make run-simple
# Run the tutorial application
make build
make run-tutorial
# Run the demo application
make build
make run-demo
And then browse to the URL displayed in your console.
- Get commercial support from Marmelab via React-Admin Enterprise Edition
- Get community support via Discord and StackOverflow.
master - commits that will be included in the next patch release
next - commits that will be included in the next major or minor release
Bugfix PRs that don't break BC should be made against master. All other PRs (new features, BC breaking bugfixes) should be made against next.
If you want to give a hand: Thank you! There are many things you can do to help making react-admin better.
The easiest task is bug triaging. Check that new issues on GitHub follow the issue template and give a way to reproduce the issue. If not, comment on the issue to ask precisions. Then, try and reproduce the issue following the description. If you managed to reproduce the issue, add a comment to say it. Otherwise, add a comment to say that something is missing.
The second way to contribute is to answer support questions on StackOverflow. There are many beginner questions there, so even if you're not super experienced with react-admin, there is someone you can help there.
Pull requests for bug fixes are welcome on the GitHub repository. There is always a bunch of issues labeled "Good First Issue" in the bug tracker—start with these.
If you want to add a feature, you can open a Pull request on the next
branch. We don't accept all features—we try to keep the react-admin code small and manageable. Try and see if your feature can't be built as an additional npm
package. If you're in doubt, open a "Feature Request" issue to see if the core team would accept your feature before developing it.
For all Pull requests, you must follow the coding style of the existing files (based on prettier), and include unit tests and documentation. Be prepared for a thorough code review, and be patient for the merge—this is an open-source initiative.
Tip: Most of the commands used by the react-admin developers are automated in the makefile
. Feel free to type make
without argument to see a list of the available commands.
Clone this repository and run make install
to grab the dependencies, then make build
to compile the sources from TypeScript to JS.
When developing, most of the time we use the simple example to do visual check. It's the same application that we use in Stackblitz to reproduce errors (see https://stackblitz.com/github/marmelab/react-admin/tree/master/examples/simple). The source is located under examples/simple/
. Call make run
to launch that example on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080). This command includes a watch
on the react-admin source, so any of the changes you make to the react-admin packages triggers a live update of the simple example in your browser.
However, the simple example is sometimes too limited. You can use the demo example (the source for https://marmelab.com/react-admin-demo/), which is more complete. The source is located under examples/demo/
. Call make run-demo
to launch the demo example with a REST dataProvider, or make run-graphql-demo
to run it with a GraphQL dataProvider. Unfortunately, due to the fact that we use Create React App for this demo, these commands don't watch the changes made in the packages. You'll have to rebuild the react-admin packages after a change (using make build
, or the more targeted make build-ra-core
, make build-ra-ui-materialui
, etc.) to see the effect in the demo app.
Both of these examples work without server—the API is simulated on the client-side.
Using yarn link
, you can have your project use a local checkout of the react-admin package instead of downloading from npm. This allows you to test react-admin changes in your app.
The following instructions are targeting yarn >= v3 in the client app.
# Go to the folder of your client app
$ cd /code/path/to/myapp/
# Use the latest version of yarn package manager
$ corepack enable && yarn set version stable
# Replace the npm-installed version with a symlink to your local version
$ yarn link /code/path/to/react-admin/packages/react-admin
# If you modified additional internal packages in the react-admin monorepo, e.g. ra-core, also make a link
$ yarn link /code/path/to/react-admin/packages/ra-core
# Build all of the react-admin package distribution
$ cd /code/path/to/react-admin/ && make build
# Return to your app and ensure all dependencies have resolved
$ cd /code/path/to/myapp/ && yarn install
# Start your app
$ yarn start
Tip: If you are still using yarn v1 as your package manager in your client app, we strongly recommend you to update as it is frozen and no longer maintained.
Automated tests are also crucial in our development process. You can run all the tests (linting, unit and functional tests) by calling:
make test
Unit tests use jest
, so you should be able to run a subset of tests, or run tests continuously on change, by passing options to
yarn jest
Besides, tests related to the modified files are run automatically at commit using a git pre-commit hook. This means you won't be able to commit your changes if they break the tests.
When working on the end-to-end tests, you can leverage cypress runner by starting the simple example yourself (make run-simple
or yarn run-simple
) and starting cypress in another terminal (make test-e2e-local
or yarn test-e2e-local
If you have coding standards problems, you can fix them automatically using prettier
by calling
make prettier
However, these commands are run automatically at each commit so you shouldn't have to worry about them.
If you want to contribute to the documentation, install jekyll, then call
make doc
And then browse to http://localhost:4000/
React-admin is licensed under the MIT License, sponsored and supported by marmelab. It is free to use, even for commercial purpose.
If you want to give back, please talk about it, help newcomers, subscribe to the Enterprise Edition, or contribute code.
react-admin's People
chendong vaclavsir greg0ire terry-yanjun thachp amenophis steveoo6 zqshen fnberta eightfeet huimingxie bjet007 howard0020 anandchida viktortsikalovskiy alexborisov binque sibelius andressade mattwilliamsdev adityareddy fizix-io derek-watson kpitn arnaudd gregoirehebert diogosgrillo alexdmejias yoonwaiyan drmas txhong binarymachines krish-sai-p askrht aleksandrchukhray olxbrasil petetnt kizdolf demetriusnunes iyobo sampsasaarela dougpuchalski haidermalik12 musbell tinhnguyen-ea nilportugues nguyenphuquang datafibers ngonhan2k5 raminbp katyaas huutuitvl jonathanrojaslopez-zz almassapargali theanthonyplan mehiel yomybaby wesley6j supercube1 albertov sagarparikh dunglas jtce gbozee penghongbao yshing gnagel obengwilliam uldza spencervaradi mattbirch tomberek cuulee barbagrigia tbergman diegolameira meucadastroo yashodhank dreinke neeboo lrchang hyojeongson matiasgilberto downup2u ernie09 silentkernel cytomich atippett mikkelfish zhizhengyoo senthilnathansk robbywashere-zz 9werayut yuankunzhang josx nagle musnit afrog33k fpg-alan falldireact-admin's Issues
Missing field to overload the menu label from a resource
Sometimes APIs include the version (i.e: /0.4/providers
), there should be an option to override a service label in the menu.
Support params in resource
Currently resource is taken from path
passed to <CrudRoute/>
For example endpoint to resource is users/:id/messages
I create crudRoute
<CrudRoute path="users/:id/messages" list={MessagestList}/>
In this case resource
will be the same as path.
Is there any way to pass resource separately with proper value instead of route param? Without making changes in rest-client
to avoid wrong requests.
Will appreciate any help. Thank you!
Upgrade to material ui 0.16
It breaks styling on tables, so this won't be immediate.
Missing 'quill' package dependency
Hey I've just updated to the latest 0.4.0 release and my app now fails to start due to a missing package.json
Failed to compile.
Error in ./~/admin-on-rest/lib/mui/input/RichTextInput.js
Module not found: 'quill' in [...]/node_modules/admin-on-rest/lib/mui/input
@ ./~/admin-on-rest/lib/mui/input/RichTextInput.js 31:13-29
Declare resources without any menu items
Sometime you might not want to show a resource in the menu but still want to use it in parent entities.
Use case:
We have products and orders entities. Orders use another entity, OrderProduct. We don't want crud routes and menu for them. They're only editable through their order.
Maybe that could be an option on the <Resource />
Performance and Caching
I followed the tutorial to set up a simple working example, initially using JSONPlaceholder. It is noticeably slow in retrieving the data, so I installed the equivalent json-server locally.
Even when running locally, both admin-on-rest and json-server from Node, the time to load JSON-data (with just 1 post) via the Rest API takes 11-19 seconds. Is there a way to cache the data, and asynchronously check for new data? Seemingly, this would allow at least reading current data without a potentially long wait, and improve the user experience notably.
I should mention, this is from running npm start
- ie, development mode.
restclient header check should be case insensitive
The current available rest clients use a reponse header to extract the total amount
- https://github.com/marmelab/admin-on-rest/blob/master/src/rest/jsonServer.js#L93
and - https://github.com/marmelab/admin-on-rest/blob/master/src/rest/simple.js#L106
As there is no quarantee that headers are always lower case or canonical, this should check for the header in a case insensitive way as not to break.
FYI Golang's stdlib actually automatically changes headers to use Canonical MIME format.
User is redirected to list after failed UPDATE/DELETE. Success notification is shown
When server error occurs on CRUD UPDATE Element updated
notification is shown. Error is ignored.
Can be reproduced in example project.
No error on failed DELETE as well.
Will appreciate any help.
UPD. Actually error is shown. But for a moment. It's hard to notice without debugging. User should not be redirected to list after failed UPDATE/DELETE
Items in lists don't update after search input is cleared
If we try to search through resource everything is ok, except for the case when we clear the search input and expect to see unfiltered resource items, but no request is sent to server and we see no changes (old filtered list)
Add a demo
Multiple ReferenceFields in a List load data from last 'reference'
When placing multiple reference fields in a List, any API requests for reference data points to the reference that is used last. This causes the earlier reference fields to load forever.
List Source, containing one ReferenceField with a reference set to 'restaurants' and one ReferenceField with a reference set to 'regions'
Customize List and other component
Thanks for your work!
Is there any way to customize styles in List component?
Or any way to customize styles for admin-on-rest components?
Remove dependency with material-ui
What about create abstract components where the render method is not defined ?
So we will be able to use them without material-ui
style dependency.
For examaple, Pagination
could be extended by MaterialPagination
and so we will be able to create BootstrapPagination
which render pagination in Bootstrap
We can even imagine a "themification" of the admin.
Warning: Failed prop type: Required prop `source` was not specified in `SelectInput`.
Hi, when following the example using a SelectInput inside a ReferenceInput, there is a warning in the console log saying that the 'source' property is missing.
Since the ReferenceInput clone its children and add the source, it seem to work properly, but it would be great to remove that warning.
Removing the required in the SelectInput doesn't seem to be the appropriate solution, do you have a better idea?
Make it works with UUID
As discussed on a precedent PR about identifier parsing, admin-on-rest doesn't support UUID as entities identifier.
Feature request: Async validation
It would be cool if validation errors when doing a POST/PUT of a resource could be displayed next to the appropriate fields in the edit view.
Eg. a post/put might return a 400 response with JSON data that contains a list of invalid fields along with error messages. The API client could then be configured to map the error response to a list of invalid resources with error message, and then the edit component could display these next to the inputs. The material-ui text field already supports showing errors using the errorText
Problema CORS
Hello, i am trying get data to a server with other port diferent to admin-on-rest. But when I try the console browser show a error of Fetch Cors 8080
Invalid display of pagination when no items returned from API
Style Customization
There currently seems to be no easy way to edit the styles for the application. Part of this is due to the lack of traditional CSS classes, replaced by <Element style={ ... }>
. It would be wonderful to have a simple way to edit the styles for various parts of the application without having to dig into source code.
If this is already feasible, then I would propose including instructions to do so within the docs as there is currently no mention of style changes.
Eternal Loading State of Admin Store After Update/Delete Actions
Can be reproduced in example project.
Steps to reproduce in example project of this repo:
make run
- Open any list.
- Click Edit button.
- Click
and confirm the action)/
State of admin store contains {loading: 1}
Control the data passed through the APIs
I'm stuck with the edition form.
I have an entity which has the following properties:
- id
- name
- services (many to one)
My form is only handling the name
property. I'd like this field to be the only one passed through the API and not the id
and services
Is there any way to have control on the properties passed through the APIs when using the Edit
If no, is it planned?
[idea] admin on graphql
This repo is awesome!
Would be really cool to have an admin-on-graphql, it could be a different repo
I think apollo stack is a good fit for this project
how can display author 's name in comments listview ?
how can display author 's name in comments listview ?
"comments": [
"id": 1,
"author": {
"name": "Luciano Berge"
"post_id": 5,
"body": "While the Panther were sharing a pie--' [later editions continued as follows.",
"created_at": new Date("2012-09-06")
"id": 2,
"author": {
"name": "Annamarie Mayer"
"post_id": 5,
"body": "I tell you, you coward!' and at once and put it more clearly,' Alice.",
"created_at": new Date("2012-10-03")
Syntax error: Unexpected token
Great work BTW. This actually has helped me learn tons about react. After spending weeks playing with other peoples boiler plates, this got me going where I could stay interested enough to learn more.
Firstly I was trying to get the theming working which sadly didn't do anything. I included the themes and pass into the Admin component but no joy.
I figured I'd go ahead and follow the custom layout docs. But then after copying the code for Notifications, Title, Menu, Layout I get this error:
Failed to compile.
Error in ./src/Notification.js
Syntax error: Unexpected token (23:28)
21 | message={this.props.message}
22 | autoHideDuration={4000}
> 23 | onRequestClose={::this.handleRequestClose}
| ^
24 | bodyStyle={style}
25 | />);
26 | }
@ ./src/myLayout.js 32:20-45
Apologize in advance if its obvious but I am new to ES6. Not sure what :: is doing and its kinda impossible to google such a thing. Could anyone help point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
Module not found: 'quill'
New release
Hey guys,
Could you please push a new release of the latest version to NPM? Last one is from the 12th of August.
Adding a header to all requests
Hi all,
is there a way to add a header ( such as X-Auth-Token) to all requests? My authorization depends on this header area so it needs to be put in the request.
Thanks in advance.
Pagination broken on <List /> with no filter props
Pagination seems to be broken on <List>
components with no filter
prop. When clicking on page "2", the new data is loaded and displayed but we are immediatly redirected to page "1".
It can easily be reproduced on the example projet. The bug only happens when filter are set in the url, so you may need to go to page "2", back to page "1", and page "2" again to reproduce the issue.
It seems that after the CRUD_GET_LIST_SUCCESS
action, the component receives new props and calls setFilters
here because it receives a new filters
prop (which has the same "value" {}
but is a different object).
I'm not sure how to solve this bug, but if you give me directions I will be happy to submit a PR.
Thanks for your awesome project(s) !
Support for File Upload
Is there any way I can upload files via this Interface?
Reseting Filter field does not refresh list results
export const ProductFilter = (props) => (
<Filter {...props}>
<TextInput label="Search" source="reference" alwaysOn />
export default (props) => (
<List {...props} filter={ProductFilter}>
<TextField label="reference" source="reference" />
<TextField label="price" source="price" />
<TextField label="width" source="width" />
<TextField label="height" source="height" />
<TextField label="stock" source="stock" />
<EditButton basePath="/products" />
After a search which does filter the products, if I empty the search filter, it does not retrieve all products
Using randomuser.me api with admin-on-rest
I'm pleasantly surprised with admin-on-rest which makes things super easy to build backend admin interfaces. I'm using 0.4.0 and need some help on restClient for consuming https://randomuser.me/api?results=5
I've looked at examples in Rest clients doc and got them for jsonplaceholder working. I'm not a javascript or react programmer and couldn't figure out how to get admin-on-rest to parse the response.
Any help is appreciated
Issue with `RichTextInput` style
Trying to embed the lib outside the example app gives me the following error:
Error in ./
/admin-on-rest/lib/mui/input/RichTextInput.js/admin-on-rest/lib/mui/input/RichTextInput.js 37:0-30
Module not found: ./RichTextInput.css in /home/jpetitcolas/dev/my-admin/node_modules/admin-on-rest/lib/mui/input
@ ./
I simply cloned the repo in my node_modules
, then installed dependencies and make build
May be blocking for next release.
Export Button
In the <List>
view, an <Export>
component should let the user download the related data:
- with the current filters enabled
- unpaginated (i.e. the whole data)
- in CSV
Just like <Filters>
, this component should let the developer choose the fields to export:
const PostExport = (props) => (
<Export {...props}>
<TextField source="id" />
<ReferenceField label="User" source="userId" reference="users">
<TextField source="name" />
<TextField source="title" />
<TextField source="body" />
export const PostList = (props) => (
<List {...props} export={PostExport}>
// ...
Not sure if using fields makes sense here, or if we can just pass an object mapping source to formatted data:
const PostExport = (props) => (
<Export {...props} fields={{
Id: { source: 'id' },
User: { source: 'userId', reference: 'users', referenceSource: 'name' },
Title: { source: 'title', transform: data => data.toLowercase() },
Body: { source: 'body' },
cons: it makes us redevelop reference fetching.
ReferenceField does not handle deep field properly
When using a deep field notation in the source id, the ReferenceField will correctly generate a good API call, but will remain in loading mode forever.
`ReferenceInput` error
I'm trying to add a ReferenceInput
to pull a list of geographic regions.
<ReferenceInput label="regionId" source="regionId" reference="regions" allowEmpty>
<SelectInput optionText="name" />
However this is throwing an error:
warning.js:36 Warning: performUpdateIfNecessary: Unexpected batch number (current 35, pending 34)printWarning @ warning.js:36warning @ warning.js:60performUpdateIfNecessary @ ReactReconciler.js:150runBatchedUpdates @ ReactUpdates.js:151perform @ Transaction.js:138perform @ Transaction.js:138perform @ ReactUpdates.js:90flushBatchedUpdates @ ReactUpdates.js:173close @ ReactUpdates.js:48closeAll @ Transaction.js:204perform @ Transaction.js:146perform @ ReactUpdates.js:90flushBatchedUpdates @ ReactUpdates.js:173closeAll @ Transaction.js:204perform @ Transaction.js:151batchedUpdates @ ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.js:63batchedUpdates @ ReactUpdates.js:98dispatchEvent @ ReactEventListener.js:150
ReferenceInput.js:146 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
Looking at the inspector I cannot see any request going to my /regions
endpoint so it looks like it never gets that far. The code seems to be correct (based on the documentation) and regionId
is returned correctly (if echoed into a TextInput
field) so I cannot figure out what the problem is...
CustomApp not working anymore?
I followed the CustomApp instructions with version 0.3.1 and everything worked fine.
After updating to 0.4.0 (same code) the Edit form doesn't display data or changes to input fields.
Switch back to the previous version and everything works fine:
Note: did a test with the Tutorial (non-custom app) and everything works as expected. Did I miss a requirement moving from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0?
specify ID name and type
First let me say that this tool is awesome.
Looks great and has introduced me to React as well.
I have a few issues / questions.. I'm not sure where to put them and if they should be separate threads. Let me know if I should be doing things differently.
- I have an existing service that has a row ID with a different name (EG _id) and the value is a string instead of a number (think of a GUID). The datagrid component looks to have the field and type specific to "id" as an Integer. Would I be able to over ride this?
- I have a reference field from another object/service. The existing create/update service requires the data to be embedded rather than referenced. I was going to update the convertRESTRequestToHTTP to embed the data but I wasn't able to see a way to access existing resources/objects from another service.
2.1 Is there a way to specify inline/embed rather than reference
2.2 Or is there an obvious way to get access to other objects/resources so that I can embed with my own custom rest client in convertRESTRequestToHTTP ?
Dependency 'react-dom' exists in both dependencies and devDependencies
Warning message when running npm install
npm WARN package.json Dependency 'react-dom' exists in both dependencies and devDependencies, using 'react-dom@~15.2.0' from dependencies
Infinite progress loader (handleFetch has been cancelled)
Hello! I did a simple setup of the project as described in the tutorial and face this kind of error:
After I create/update a record the loading indicator doesn't disappear.
Looks like the admin.loading counter is broken, because FETCH_END was called incorrect number of times. btw, I see the handleFetch has been cancelled
warning in the console.
This type of bug is reproduced by me using the latest package ("admin-on-rest": "^0.4.0") and using different api clients (i tried jsonServerRestClient and a custom one).
I will appreciate any help, thanks in advance!
Add installation instructions for the example
Can we add installation instructions for the included example? I ran npm install
on the directory but I'm not sure where to go from there. It also looks like the webpack configuration relies on an old version, but I'm not 100% sure since I suck at webpack :P
_adminOnRest.fetchUtils is undefined
I'm trying to define my own rest client, and for the moment, just copy / pasted the contents of the tutorial inside an src/restClient.js
file (I assumed the .js
was missing in the tutorial), and tried to import it like this :
import restClient from './restClient'
I don't know how to import unnamed default functions, maybe this is wrong?
Anyway, I got the following stack trace :
Stack Trace
17:59:04,075 TypeError: _adminOnRest.fetchUtils is undefined
Can you stop any obvious mistake here? I'm using v0.2.0
Add Bulk Actions to Lists
We can make items in list selectable.. But there is no way to manipulate those selected items.. It would be great to have an ability to add bulk actions component as well as filter.
Thank you for your awesome work!
Uncaught Invariant Violation: addComponentAsRefTo(...)
Following the tutorial and using last version of master, I got following error message:
invariant.js:38 Uncaught Invariant Violation: addComponentAsRefTo(...): Only a ReactOwner can have refs. You might be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's
method, or you have multiple copies of React loaded (details: https://fb.me/react-refs-must-have-owner).
Best way to implement login screen
Any suggestions of the best way to go about a login screen? Obviously I can throw it behind an HTTP auth rule, but thats a little lame.
Looking at the code it seems like i might have to implement a custom layout (dashboard doesn't seem flexible enough), but perhaps there is a better way? All I need is to post a user/pass and get back a JWT token to store in local storage. I've written a REST adapter to handle this, but I'm passing it as a hardcoded prop on restClient
Uncaught TypeError on RadioButtonGroupInput
Trying to implement a RadioButtonGroupInput
and picking an option returns:
Uncaught TypeError: _this.props.onChange is not a function
Changing this to a SelectInput
works correctly.
I can replicate this by using the example boilerplate.
Show view
Hi there, I wonder is there any way I can add or customize a "view" page of a resource? View/show page is a common feature in other admin plugins from other frameworks of other languages.
Currently we can see the records in a list but sometimes we want to view some details or even an array of has-many relationships for that particular record without editing the record, hope that I don't need to embed the list inside the edit page or override many source code here just to make a view page work.
Thanks in advance. I like this interface.
Create Component with ReferenceInput doesn't work anymore
Using the Example provided, i can't access the create comment's section.
The javascript error in the console is the following:
ReferenceInput.js:144 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'post_id' of undefined
The error occur in the mapStateToProps that expect a defined object record which is not provided.
It seem related to the RecordForm component that expect a record properties, but the Create component never provide it.
I've tried different solution, but I haven't been able to solve it.
Add ReferenceManyInput field
What are your plans regarding a ReferenceManyInput field (like it was available in ng-admin)? I guess this depends on a suitable ui component landing in material-ui. https://github.com/TeamWertarbyte/material-ui-chip-input looks really nice, would you be open for a component based on that? I could give it a spin.
Working custom-App demo
I'm following the instructions in Custom-APP.md, but could not get a basic hello world app working. I'm getting all kind of errors, figuratively...
It would help if you can provide sample codes for these components.
import Layout from './Layout';
import Dashboard from './Dashboard';
import { PostList, PostEdit, PostCreate } from './Post';
import { CommentList, CommentEdit, CommentCreate } from './Comment';
import { UserList, UserEdit, UserCreate } from './User';
Autocomplete ReferenceInput
Is there any way to add more filter on a reference input field.
By Example, I have a list of products that belong to a category and I would like to list only product that match to one category.
I've seen that the method crudGetMatching use in the ReferenceInputField can accept a filter, but it doesn't seem to be exposed anywhere.
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