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aor-graphql's Introduction

archived Archived Repository
This code is no longer maintained. Feel free to fork it, but use it at your own risks.


Deprecated: GraphQL packages for react-admin can be found in the main repository at

This is a lerna project for working on packages related to using GraphQL with Admin-on-rest.

This is very WIP. It currently requires changes on admin-on-rest which have not been published yet.

Documentation is on its way.

About this repository

You'll find three packages in this repository:


  • Better documentation and samples
  • Provide an example implementation of a custom graphql dialect
  • Includes a custom saga for real time updates based on graphql subscriptions


We included some make commands to ease common tasks:

make install: runs the installation command from lerna, ensuring packages are linked correctly.

make watch: will compile and watch changes on the aor-graphql-client and aor-graphql-client-graphcool packages make run: will starts the demo

You should run both commands in separate terminals when playing with the source code.

make watch-test: will run the tests in watch mode. make test: will run the tests once.

aor-graphql's People


alexisjanvier avatar dervos avatar djhi avatar fzaninotto avatar hulkish avatar jamesjwarren avatar matart15 avatar mulyoved avatar sedubois avatar thierymichel avatar


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aor-graphql's Issues

Suggestion to access graphql client in authClient.js

I'm trying to do signIn via graphCool, but in authClient.js I have to access the restClient that is created by aor-graphql.

One way is to export the client and import it in authClient.js, which I think is not possible as the client creation seems to be asynchronous. Another way is to use fetch.

Wondering what would be the preferred way?

Introspection resolver does not return any resources

It seems like this line of code is causing the introspection resolver to always return an an empty array for resources.

Should this check be an || operator instead of an && operator?

The returned operation names for the GET_LIST and GET_ONE fetch types are never going to be the same so it doesn't make sense for these 2 conditions to be both true at the same time.

Custom client overwritten

I'm using the latest master branch, trying to pass a custom apollo client as per the docs.

buildApolloClient({ client: new ApolloClient(...) });

However the client seems to be getting overwritten. Taking a closer look it seems to be happening at this line:

Should this be using an OR operator instead? Otherwise it always continues to build a new client. Or am I missing something?

const client = clientObject || buildApolloClient(clientOptions);

WIP... which branches for Apollo-2...?

Hi, thanks for this great combination (admin-page on reactjs, material-ui, apollo, graphql). Now, I'm looking to access the latest Apollo-2 cut so I don't re-invent. Precisely which branches should I fetch?

Error using aor-graphql-client-graphcool [Graph cool]

Thank you for this awesome library. I'm wondering where I'm going wrong in integrating this library into my fresh admin-on-rest app.

Failed to compile.

Module not found: Can't resolve 'aor-graphql-client' in '/home/vysakh/aor-cool/node_modules/aor-graphql-client-graphcool/lib'

So I included "aor-graphql-client": "^0.0.1-0" and got a different error,

Unhandled Rejection (Invariant Violation): addComponentAsRefTo(...): Only a ReactOwner can have refs. You might be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's `render` method, or you have multiple copies of React loaded (details:
▶ 29 stack frames were collapsed.
(anonymous function)
  14 |     .then((res) => {
  15 |       console.log('set restClient');
  16 |       console.log(res)
> 17 |       this.setState({restClient: res})
  18 |     });
  19 | }
  20 | 
// package.json
  "name": "aor-cool",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "admin-on-rest": "^1.2.1",
    "aor-graphql-client": "^0.0.1-0",
    "aor-graphql-client-graphcool": "^0.0.1-0",
    "apollo-client": "^1.9.0-0",
    "react": "^15.6.1",
    "react-dom": "^15.6.1",
    "react-scripts": "1.0.10"
  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject"
// App.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Admin, Resource } from 'admin-on-rest';
import buildApolloClient from 'aor-graphql-client-graphcool';
import PostIcon from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/book';
import { PostList, PostEdit, PostCreate } from './pages/posts';

class App extends Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = { restClient: null };
    componentDidMount() {
        buildApolloClient({ client: { uri: '' }})
        .then((res) => {
          console.log('set restClient');
          this.setState({restClient: res})

    render() {
        const { restClient } = this.state;
      console.log('restClient', restClient);

        if (!restClient) {
            return <div>Loading</div>;

        return (
            <Admin restClient={restClient}>

export default App;

Error because of the 'null' relational fields [graphcool]

I've an User model that belongs to a Site model. If the User record has siteId, there is no problem in listing them in admin on rest app. When there is a new User record with a null value in siteId field, in the admin on rest app, I get an error Cannot read property id of null.

Is there a way to allow the records with null relations as well? (When the relation is one-one, it is difficult to always the child record value)

Which is the recommended client for a standard GraphQL setup?

Which client is best suited to a standard GraphQL setup using only GraphQL-JS on the backend? I would assume aor-graphql-client, as aor-graphql-client-simple seems to no longer exist. However the docs say this should not be used directly... in cases where graphcool is not being used are we required to create our own client with aor-graphql-client?

This is a very low level library which is not meant to be used directly unless you really want full control or are building a custom GraphQL client.

It provides the foundations for other packages such as:


Nested Relationships not possible to update

I want to make a request to like this.

  name: "client name",
  address: "place",
  contacts: [{
   email: "email",
   Phone: "234"

These are my components.

export const ClientCreate = (props) => (
    <Create title="Create a Client" {...props}>
            <TextInput source="name" />
            <TextInput source="address" options={{ multiLine: true }} />
            <Contacts addField source="contacts" />

class Contacts extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            contacts: [{ email: "", phone: "" }]

    handleChange = (event, index, value) => {
        const name =;
        const contacts = this.state.contacts;
        const updatedContact = { ...value, [name]: };
        contacts[index] = updatedContact;
        this.setState({ contacts: contacts });

    handleSubmit = (event) => {
        const count = [...this.state.contacts, { email: "", phone: "" }];
        this.setState({ contacts: count });

    newComponents() {
        // const componentsArray = [...Array(this.state.count).keys()];
        return, index) => {
            return <div>
                <h3>Contact-{index + 1}</h3>
                <TextInputField placeholder="Email" name="email" value={} onChange={(e) => { this.handleChange(e, index, value) }} />
                <TextInputField placeholder="Phone" name="phone" value={} onChange={(e) => { this.handleChange(e, index, value) }} />

    render() {
        return <div>
            <input type="button" value="Add" onClick={this.handleSubmit} />


This is being converted contactsIds
screen shot 2018-01-29 at 4 11 27 pm

Because of this source in this repo

Is there a way to allow the nested mutation without Ids?

Status of this project

I'm really looking forward to this project! However I see this - "This is very WIP. It currently requires changes on admin-on-rest which have not been published yet."

I was wondering what the plans are for this to be ready to use in production. Also, does upcoming AOR 2.0.0 release the changes published for graphql to work seamlessly?

Mutations fail when updating to falsy values

After getting this working at least for my use case, I realized that the aor-graphql-client-graphcool package on npm that I'm using points to a repo that's old and gone. So I wasn't sure where I should post this - but it seems to apply to this repo as well!


I'm trying to set up admin-on-rest with a instance, with the npm package aor-graphql-client-graphcool, but updating Booleans to false and other fields to falsy values doesn't work - instead, those values are excluded from the query.

I think this is because variables are being filtered out in buildGqlQuery.js, where the variable validVariables is created.

(similar filtering happens in two other places in queryBuilder.js, but I think the way I have AoR setup means those instances don't seem to get used)

I'm not sure if this fix works in every case, but in the functions buildArgs and buildApolloArgs in buildGqlQuery.js, I've just replaced the below:

const validVariables = Object.keys(variables).filter(k => !!variables[k] && variables[k] !== null);


const validVariables =  Object.keys(variables).filter(k => typeof variables[k] !== 'undefined' && variables[k] !== null);

(in the npm package it's not quite the same hotshot arrow syntax, but close enough!)

Can't use Theming as documented

Here's my App.js file, I don't see any changes in the theme.

import 'babel-polyfill';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Admin, Delete, Resource } from 'admin-on-rest';
import buildApolloClient from './aorApolloClient';

import './App.css';

import authClient from './authClient';
import sagas from './sagas';
import themeReducer from './themeReducer';
import Login from './Login';
import Layout from './Layout';
import Menu from './Menu';
import { Dashboard } from './dashboard';
import customRoutes from './routes';
import translations from './i18n';

import { VisitorList, VisitorEdit, VisitorDelete, VisitorIcon } from './visitors';
import { CommandList, CommandEdit, CommandIcon } from './commands';
import { ProductList, ProductCreate, ProductEdit, ProductIcon } from './products';
import { CategoryList, CategoryEdit, CategoryIcon } from './categories';
import { SegmentList, SegmentIcon } from './segments';
import { ReviewList, ReviewEdit, ReviewIcon } from './reviews';

import darkBaseTheme from 'material-ui/styles/baseThemes/darkBaseTheme';
import getMuiTheme from 'material-ui/styles/getMuiTheme';

import {
  blue400, blue700,
  grey100, grey300, grey400, grey500,
  white, darkBlack, fullBlack,
} from 'material-ui/styles/colors';
import { fade } from 'material-ui/utils/colorManipulator';
import spacing from 'material-ui/styles/spacing';

const myTheme = {
    spacing: spacing,
    fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif',
    palette: {
      primary1Color: blue400,
      primary2Color: blue700,
      primary3Color: grey400,
      accent1Color: pinkA200,
      accent2Color: grey100,
      accent3Color: grey500,
      textColor: darkBlack,
      alternateTextColor: white,
      canvasColor: white,
      borderColor: grey300,
      disabledColor: fade(darkBlack, 0.3),
      pickerHeaderColor: blue400,
      clockCircleColor: fade(darkBlack, 0.07),
      shadowColor: fullBlack,

class App extends Component {

    constructor() {
        this.state = { restClient: null };
    componentWillMount() {
            .then(restClient => this.setState({ restClient }));

    render() {
        if (!this.state.restClient) {
            return <div>Loading</div>;

        return (
              title="Cruceritis HQ"
              customReducers={{ theme: themeReducer }}

              <Resource name="Customer" list={VisitorList} edit={VisitorEdit} remove={VisitorDelete} icon={VisitorIcon} />
              <Resource name="Command" list={CommandList} edit={CommandEdit} remove={Delete} icon={CommandIcon} options={{ label: 'Orders' }} />
              <Resource name="Product" list={ProductList} create={ProductCreate} edit={ProductEdit} remove={Delete} icon={ProductIcon} />
              <Resource name="Category" list={CategoryList} edit={CategoryEdit} remove={Delete} icon={CategoryIcon} />
              <Resource name="Review" list={ReviewList} edit={ReviewEdit} icon={ReviewIcon} />
              <Resource name="Segment" list={SegmentList} icon={SegmentIcon} />
              <Resource name="CommandItem" />

export default App;

I'm clueless at what I might be doing wrong...

No npm/yarn support?

I had a quick question as to why this project doesn't support/use npm test/ npm start etc etc or even yarn? It is most likely that I have done something wrong as I am not used to make.

The reason I ask is because when I go into the aor-graphql folder and run make install, I get the following error:

$ make install
make i info Invoking install target
(node:30136) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): undefined
(node:30136) DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
make × ERR  not found: make-##

However, make help runs "fine"

Permissions issue with Graphcool

We're having a strange issue with loading certain nodes from our schema.

We've scaffolded up AoR and got authentication working, as well as basic listing of nodes.

I'm going to paste our schema below (long, sorry...). Everything 'works' (meaning AoR can list records of that node) EXCEPT:

  • Product
  • User
  • Charge

These three return 'GraphQL Error: Insufficient Permissions` with a number of repetitions in the console.

All Graphcool permissions are wide open (no restrictions on fields or relationships). All nodes have data in them.

Looking for some guidance on how to troubleshoot this issue - we can't figure out the commonalities between these nodes.

Really appreciate any pointers.

type File implements Node {
  contentType: String!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  id: ID! @isUnique
  name: String!
  secret: String! @isUnique
  size: Int!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  url: String! @isUnique
  userAvatar: User @relation(name: "UserAvatar")
  bannerImageFile: Job @relation(name: "BannerImageFile")
  logoImageFile: Job @relation(name: "LogoImageFile")

type Job implements Node {
  createdAt: DateTime!
  id: ID! @isUnique
  title: String!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  user: User! @relation(name: "JobOnUser")
  category: JobCategories @defaultValue(value: None)
  duration: JobDurations @defaultValue(value: Full_Time)
  jobBody: String
  jobBodyJson: Json
  slug: String @isUnique
  slugAtLastEdit: String
  isPublished: Boolean! @defaultValue(value: false)
  datePublished: DateTime
  products: [Product!]! @relation(name: "ProductsOnJob")
  bannerImageFile: File @relation(name: "BannerImageFile")
  logoImageFile: File @relation(name: "LogoImageFile")
  institution: String
  salary: String
  applicationUrl: String
  country: String
  region: String
  city: String

type Product implements Node {
  id: ID! @isUnique
  priceBase: Int
  pricePaid: Int @defaultValue(value: 0)
  job: Job @relation(name: "ProductsOnJob")
  publishDate: DateTime
  expiryDate: DateTime
  createdAt: DateTime!
  inCart: Boolean! @defaultValue(value: false)
  credit: Credit @relation(name: "CreditOnProduct")
  type: ProductType @relation(name: "TypeOnProduct")
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  disableOverride: Boolean! @defaultValue(value: false)
  charge: Charge @relation(name: "ProductsOnCharge")
  children: [Product!]! @relation(name: "ProductOnProduct")
  parent: Product @relation(name: "ProductOnProduct")

type ProductType implements Node {
  id: ID! @isUnique
  name: String
  price: Int!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  products: [Product!]! @relation(name: "TypeOnProduct")
  credits: [Credit!]! @relation(name: "TypeOnCredit")

type Credit implements Node {
  id: ID! @isUnique
  type: ProductType @relation(name: "TypeOnCredit")
  user: User @relation(name: "CreditOnUser")
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  used: Boolean
  applied: Boolean
  product: Product @relation(name: "CreditOnProduct")

type CouponCode implements Node {
  id: ID! @isUnique
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  code: String!
  percentReduction: Int
  priceReduction: Int
  useCount: Int
  description: String
  validFrom: DateTime
  validTo: DateTime
  appliedTo: [Charge!]! @relation(name: "CouponOnCharge")

type Charge implements Node {
  id: ID! @isUnique
  stripeToken: String
  stripeCharge: Json
  stripeChargeId: String
  stripeChargeError: String
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  products: [Product!]! @relation(name: "ProductsOnCharge")
  coupon: CouponCode @relation(name: "CouponOnCharge")
  paymentType: PaymentTypes
  checkedOut: Boolean! @defaultValue(value: false)
  paid: Boolean! @defaultValue(value: false)
  totalPrice: Int! @defaultValue(value: 0)
  user: User @relation(name: "ChargesOnUser")
  dummy: Boolean! @defaultValue(value: true)

type User implements Node {
  role: Roles! @defaultValue(value: Employer)
  createdAt: DateTime!
  id: ID! @isUnique
  email: String @isUnique
  password: String
  jobs: [Job!]! @relation(name: "JobOnUser")
  credits: [Credit!]! @relation(name: "CreditOnUser")
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  userAvatar: File @relation(name: "UserAvatar")
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  phoneNumber: String
  userJobTitle: String
  institutionName: String
  institutionAddress: String
  institutionCity: String
  institutionPostal: String
  institutionProvince: String
  institutionCountry: String
  resetToken: String @isUnique
  resetExpires: DateTime
  passwordReset: Boolean! @defaultValue(value: false)
  sendWelcomeEmail: Boolean! @defaultValue(value: false)
  dateWelcomeEmailSent: DateTime
  legacyUserData: Json
  legacyUser: Boolean @defaultValue(value: false)
  charges: [Charge!]! @relation(name: "ChargesOnUser")
  invoiceApproved: Boolean @defaultValue(value: false)

Getting started / How to reference own Graphcool Prisma API?

Hi, I've been searching for a way to manage our content through our own GraphQL API and this repo came up in the search, ça a l'air super !

Would you have instructions on how to adapt the code to plug into a remote Prisma endpoint? I'm a bit confused because on the one hand there seems to be some introspection code (e.g in aor-graphql-client/src/index.js, but on the other hand in the demo the stuff seems to be hard-coded (e.g there are custom React components admin-on-rest-graphql-demo/src/dashboard/PendingOrders.js etc). Do you have any up to date "getting started" documentation? Thanks a lot

NB: I found this older post, but it seems it is not applicable any more.

Bootstrap Admin UI from introspection

This would require to export a custom Admin component which would decorate the aor one.

It would parse the children checking which resources are handled manually (declared with Resource components) and add automatically generated ones for the others.

What's the status?

I'm exploring the AoR ecosystem and am finding myself confused by all the different packages/repos. Specifically I'm wondering about the graphql (I'm using Graphcool) integration.

This isn't meant as a whiny question, so please don't take it that way. I get that you guys are exploring all kinds of directions, and also, you know...working :)

Thanks for making this, and all the contributions you do.


Hello, how should I use this ReferenceManyField ? I tried something like:
<ReferenceManyField label="Grupos" reference="Group" target="users">
but I got:
GraphQL error: Variable '$filter' expected value of type 'GroupFilter' but got: {"users":{"id":"cja7m71tyoen201503owjey8g"}}. Reason: 'users' Field 'users' is not defined in the input type 'GroupFilter'


Sort does not work as expected

Wanted to try sorting a Resource by a specific field, and the sort order always seemed off - correct within the page of results, but not correct across multiple pages.

Let's say I have 30 results, displaying 10 per page, and I sort them ascending, by their IDs. I'd expect the following:
Page 1: IDs 0-9
Page 2: IDs 10-19
Page 3: IDs 20-29
Instead, I see the following:
Page 1: IDs 20-29
Page 2: IDs 10-19
Page 3: IDs 0-9

In buildVariables.js around line 80, the parameters skip, last and orderBy seem relevant. I logged them out, and here's how they relate to the above weirdly ordered pages:
Page 1: IDs 20-29 - skip: 0, last: 10
Page 2: IDs 10-19 - skip: 10, last: 10
Page 3: IDs 0-9 - skip: 20, last: 10

It seems the effect these parameters seem to have is:
orderBy - first the elements are ordered as requested, in this case, 0-29
skip - next, the first skip # of elements are removed. if last is set, they seem to be removed from the end of the ordered elements, if first is set, they're removed from the start.
last - finally, the last last # of elements are returned.

In short, in the return of the function buildGetListVariables in buildVariables.js, by just changing

last: parseInt(params.pagination.perPage),


first: parseInt(params.pagination.perPage),

the problem seems to be solved.

Let me know if that makes any sense! I can't seem to find any documentation on skip...

Cache invalidation issue

As the README rightly says, I face this issue. How do I fix this, please help? Thanks in advance 👍

When I create or edit a resource, the list or edit page does not refresh its data

admin-on-rest maintain its own cache of resources data but, by default, so does the Apollo client. For every queries, we inject a default fetchPolicy set to network-only so that the Apollo client always refetch the data when requested.

Do not override this fetchPolicy.

Reference local schema file instead of the introspection query

Would it be possible to create an option to reference a local schema.graphql or schema.json file to be used for introspection, instead of running a introspection query?

The ability to pass a schema to the buildApolloClient which I retrieved beforehand with for example get-graphql-schema, would be very helpful as my schema doesn't change much.

If I'm not mistaken, it could significantly reduce the initial loading time and perhaps there would no longer be a need for Admin to wait for restClient to be loaded.

The resource list doesn't get updated on create [graphcool]

For the first time, it will show "No results found"

After I successfully create an user, and head back to /User, it still show "No results found".

Clicking on Refresh button has no effect. Have to do a full reload.

I even created a new record (User) manually in the graphcool backend, when going back and forth between routes, the new record does not show up in /User. But it works fine with update!

Am I doing something wrong? This is the case in two of my apps, please help!

aor-graphql-demo Posters list bug

There's a little bug on the admin-on-rest-graphql-demo.
On the Posters List I get a graphql error when I try to search or use any other filter than the category.

GraphQL error: Variable '$filter' expected value of type 'ProductFilter' but got: {"q":"d"}. Reason: 'q' Field 'q' is not defined in the input type 'ProductFilter'. (line 1, column 19): query allProducts($filter: ProductFilter, $orderBy: ProductOrderBy, $last: Int) {

Graphcool demo data

Is there any way to clone the graphcool schema and demo data to use the demo with your own endpoint?

Packages not on the npm registry

Hi, nice work! When I tried integrate these packages I couldn't find them on NPM. Is it possible to publish them or are there reasons for not doing so?

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