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Build history for master branch

Code extracted from ManageIQ/manageiq gems/pending directory in an effort to reduce complexity of ManageIQ/manageiq repository.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'manageiq-gems-pending'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install manageiq-gems-pending


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


See LICENSE.txt.

manageiq-gems-pending's People


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manageiq-gems-pending's Issues

Intermittent spec failure in miq-benchmark_spec.rb

Found on #443 (not sure how long that link will be valid for...)

 1) Benchmark Timeout raising within .realtime_block
     Failure/Error: raise("Completed without Timeout!?  Tip: may result from unclosed Tempfile object.")
       Completed without Timeout!?  Tip: may result from unclosed Tempfile object.
     # ./spec/util/extensions/miq-benchmark_spec.rb:124:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./spec/util/extensions/miq-benchmark_spec.rb:112:in `times'
     # ./spec/util/extensions/miq-benchmark_spec.rb:112:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Extract PostgresAdmin into a separate gem

This is still an idea in it's infancy that has only been briefly discussed by @carbonin and myself (possibly in other forms). This is mostly a follow up to some discussion surrounding #385 and how that was implemented.


  • Remove appliance based backup from PostgresAdmin restore specs
    • Added in #385 (see PR for details)
  • Remove any references to ActiveRecord if they exist in PostgresAdmin (shouldn't, but we just want to rely on pg only
  • Remove awesome-spawn dependency?
    • Mostly using it's command builder for this, and most of our execution is happening through Open3 or other stdlib methods.
    • Unsure if we actually want to do this, but it would make this a little more focused on the Postgresql aspect of this gem, but up for discussion.
  • Roll in a few features that exist in manageiq-appliance_console, and have that call out to this
    • The database configuration stuff that is done there could be useful in this lib
  • Make a wrapper class in manageiq for handling our specific issues
    • I assume ideally we would have an easy enough to deal with DSL that would allow this to be pretty small. Maybe even only need a config file?
  • Make "said gem"

Updated thoughts: Looking at this again a few weeks later, I think the changes to the specs could possibly be done as part of creating the new gem, and possibly skipped being done here. Speaking personally, I might wait for the dust to settle on hammer before trying to tackle any of this, but we will see.

CVE-2024-26141 (Medium) detected in rack-3.0.8.gem - autoclosed

CVE-2024-26141 - Medium Severity Vulnerability

Vulnerable Library - rack-3.0.8.gem

Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call.

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /Gemfile.lock

Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/cache/rack-3.0.8.gem

Dependency Hierarchy:

  • manageiq-style-1.3.3.gem (Root Library)
    • rubocop-rails-2.20.2.gem
      • โŒ rack-3.0.8.gem (Vulnerable Library)

Found in base branch: master

Vulnerability Details

Rack is a modular Ruby web server interface. Carefully crafted Range headers can cause a server to respond with an unexpectedly large response. Responding with such large responses could lead to a denial of service issue. Vulnerable applications will use the Rack::File middleware or the Rack::Utils.byte_ranges methods (this includes Rails applications). The vulnerability is fixed in and

Publish Date: 2024-02-29

URL: CVE-2024-26141

CVSS 3 Score Details (5.8)

Base Score Metrics:

  • Exploitability Metrics:
    • Attack Vector: Network
    • Attack Complexity: Low
    • Privileges Required: None
    • User Interaction: None
    • Scope: Changed
  • Impact Metrics:
    • Confidentiality Impact: None
    • Integrity Impact: None
    • Availability Impact: Low

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2024-02-29

Fix Resolution: rack -,

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend here

gems/pending/util general cleanup


  • diag/miqping.rb - MiqWsPing #226
  • MiqDumpObj.rb #227
  • MiqVmFsUtil.rb #228
  • SyncDebug -> ManageIQ/vmware_web_service#55 & #471
  • Core extensions:
    • miq-kernel#add_to_load_path -> delete #230
    • miq-kernel#require_relative -> delete #478
  • MiqSockUtil -> delete #482
  • miq-encode.rb
    • base24Decode -> delete #472
    • base64* -> delete #229
  • miq-logger -> delete #295
  • miq-metakit -> #506
  • postgres_admin #404 #516
  • runcmd (core - to delete / replace with AwesomeSpawn) - #510
  • vmdb-logger (Use manageiq-loggers instead - Remove in #529)

Dedicated gem/process/application

  • miq-password -> became ManageIQ::Password gem #417 + #424
  • duplicate_blocker/* + duplicate_blocker.rb (perhaps it should fork the original instead and re-release?)
  • MiqSshUtil -> became manageiq-ssh-util gem #470
    • Host fleecing (is that even a thing, since the code says "not esxi"?)
    • Automate can ssh exec a script on a host
    • Host verify ssh creds (for what purpose, though?)
  • win32/wimparser #514




  • log4r -> delete #295

Keep in core [ref]

  • mount/* #403
  • xml/* (core - to delete)
  • win32/* (delete or breakdown further - e.g. wimparser to gem)
    • MiqWinrm
  • miq-encode.rb
    • encode/decode
  • miq-exception.rb
  • miq-hash_struct.rb
  • miq-ipmi (core - to delete)
  • miq-process
  • miq-system
  • miq-logger-processor
  • require_with_logging

core extensions


cc @chessbyte

Fix RAILS_ROOT definitions

Many of these are relying on the old location of this code within the manageiq directory structure.

12:03:07:~/Source/manageiq-gems-pending/lib/gems/pending (master)$ git grep RAILS_ROOT
appliance_console.rb:10:RAILS_ROOT = [
appliance_console.rb:16:ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= RAILS_ROOT.join("Gemfile").to_s
appliance_console.rb:50:VERSION_FILE  = RAILS_ROOT.join("VERSION")
appliance_console.rb:51:LOGFILE       = RAILS_ROOT.join("log", "appliance_console.log")
appliance_console.rb:59:MiqPassword.key_root = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/certs"
appliance_console/database_configuration.rb:11:RAILS_ROOT ||="../../..")
appliance_console/database_configuration.rb:20:    DB_YML      = RAILS_ROOT.join("config/database.yml")
appliance_console/database_configuration.rb:21:    DB_YML_TMPL = RAILS_ROOT.join("config/")
appliance_console/external_auth_options.rb:7:RAILS_ROOT ||="../../..")
appliance_console/external_auth_options.rb:11:    # VMDB_YML      = RAILS_ROOT.join("config/vmdb.yml.db")
appliance_console/external_auth_options.rb:12:    # VMDB_YML_TMPL = RAILS_ROOT.join("config/vmdb.tmpl.yml")
appliance_console/internal_database_configuration.rb:7:RAILS_ROOT ||="../../../")
appliance_console/key_configuration.rb:6:RAILS_ROOT ||="../../..")
appliance_console/key_configuration.rb:10:  CERT_DIR = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/certs"
appliance_console/logging.rb:4:RAILS_ROOT ||="../../..")
appliance_console/logging.rb:8:    LOGFILE = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "log", "appliance_console.log")
appliance_console/utilities.rb:14:      result ="rake #{task}", :chdir => RAILS_ROOT, :params => params)
appliance_console/utilities.rb:22:                                :chdir  => RAILS_ROOT
appliance_console/utilities.rb:40:        :chdir  => RAILS_ROOT
postgres_ha_admin/failover_monitor.rb:10:    RAILS_ROOT = [
postgres_ha_admin/failover_monitor.rb:76:                       :chdir  => RAILS_ROOT,
util/postgres_admin.rb:5:RAILS_ROOT ||="../../../")
util/postgres_admin.rb:42:    RAILS_ROOT.join("certs")

Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

This repository currently has no open or pending branches.

Detected dependencies

  • actions/checkout v4
  • ruby/setup-ruby v1
  • paambaati/codeclimate-action v6

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

`WriteVm/build_linux/init.rb` is broken based on paths

When this code (manageiq-gems-pending) was refactored out of the ManageIQ core repo, the path referenced here was removed, so this code does not, and can not work.

I'm not familiar enough with it's original purpose to remove it myself, but it hasn't been touched since at least 2009 ...

`--xlog-method=stream` causes `rake evm:db:backup` to break

Currently causes the following error:

$ pg_basebackup --no-password -z --format t --xlog-method stream --pgdata backup_dir
pg_basebackup exit code: 1
pg_basebackup: WAL streaming can only be used in plain mode

Tested on manageiq/gaprindashvili 7.4.0 Vagrant VM. Steps to reproduce:

$ cd my_vagrant_testing_dir
$ vagrant init -m --output - manageiq/gaprindashvili | awk -v c='  config.vm.provider "virtualbox"' "{ print } /^Vagrant.configure/ { print c }" > Vagrantfile
$ vagrant box update --box manageiq/gaprindashvili
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@appliance $ vmdb
vagrant@appliance $ sudo --shell
root@appliance $ curl > $(ls -d /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/bundler/gems/manageiq-gems-pending-* | tail -n 1)/lib/gems/pending/util/postgres_admin.rb
root@appliance $ bin/rails evm:db:backup:local -- --local-file my-backup.tar.gz
root@appliance $ grep -A1 AwesomeSpawn log/evm.log

cc @carbonin

CVE-2024-25126 (Medium) detected in rack-3.0.8.gem - autoclosed

CVE-2024-25126 - Medium Severity Vulnerability

Vulnerable Library - rack-3.0.8.gem

Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call.

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /Gemfile.lock

Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/cache/rack-3.0.8.gem

Dependency Hierarchy:

  • manageiq-style-1.3.3.gem (Root Library)
    • rubocop-rails-2.20.2.gem
      • โŒ rack-3.0.8.gem (Vulnerable Library)

Found in base branch: master

Vulnerability Details

Rack is a modular Ruby web server interface. Carefully crafted content type headers can cause Rackโ€™s media type parser to take much longer than expected, leading to a possible denial of service vulnerability (ReDos 2nd degree polynomial). This vulnerability is patched in and

Publish Date: 2024-02-29

URL: CVE-2024-25126

CVSS 3 Score Details (5.3)

Base Score Metrics:

  • Exploitability Metrics:
    • Attack Vector: Network
    • Attack Complexity: Low
    • Privileges Required: None
    • User Interaction: None
    • Scope: Unchanged
  • Impact Metrics:
    • Confidentiality Impact: None
    • Integrity Impact: None
    • Availability Impact: Low

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Origin: GHSA-22f2-v57c-j9cx

Release Date: 2024-02-29

Fix Resolution: rack -,

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend here

Add missing features to appliance_console_cli was opened to request adding features to the appliance_console_cli that are currently only available in the interactive console.

It will be easier to add things here in a check list and track each missing feature separately.
Please add to this list if I missed any.

  • evmserverd operations (#53)
  • Log file disk configuration (#52)
  • Log rotation configuration
  • Database HA
    • Create standby
    • Create primary
    • Start failover monitor
  • Database maintenance
  • SCAP
  • Network config
    • DHCP
    • Static
    • Test network config
  • Set timezone
  • Set date and time
  • Database restore

Removing miq-uuid.rb

The MiqUUID module has a single method called clean_guid. This method parses a string and returns a lowercased, canonical string if it can, or nil if it's given a nil, blank, or generally invalid argument.

Thinking that one of the existing uuid libraries might work, I started poking around the rubysphere to see what was available. What I found is that the current state of UUID libraries is generally terrible and/or isn't focused on parsing uuid strings. The current issues are:

  • The Digest::UUID in Rails only generates them, it doesn't parse them.
  • The uuidtools library (what we're using) hasn't been updated in 5 years, and its parse method cannot handle invalid formats.
  • Every other library I looked at (about a dozen) either focuses on uuid generation, strict validation, or cannot handle invalid, empty or nil arguments. The best one I could find was gn-uuid.
  • Most Ruby uuid libraries haven't been updated in years, which is problematic since UUID format evolves over time (v5 is out, v6 is under consideration).

Our current library is designed to be very flexible, presumably because we cannot anticipate what strange formatting any given provider might decide to do to their uuid strings, e.g. open and closing brackets in Microsoft uuid's. So, even if we found an up to date Ruby library, it still wouldn't do what we want.

Extracting this into its own library seems like overkill since it's only one method. My vote is to move this directly into the core 'lib' directly, possibly extending UUIDTools.

Win32Software failing on RollupFix's

When performing SmartState Analysis on a Windows 2012 VM the following error appears in the evm.log

[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319528 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319698 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/metadata/util/win32/Win32Software.rb:165:in `block in initialize'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319729 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/util/xml/xml_hash.rb:116:in `block in each_element'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319747 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/util/xml/xml_hash.rb:111:in `block in each'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319763 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/util/xml/xml_hash.rb:111:in `each'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319780 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/util/xml/xml_hash.rb:111:in `each'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319795 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/util/xml/xml_hash.rb:116:in `each_element'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319811 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/metadata/util/win32/Win32Software.rb:155:in `initialize'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319827 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/metadata/MIQExtract/MIQExtract.rb:253:in `new'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319842 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/metadata/MIQExtract/MIQExtract.rb:253:in `getSoftware'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319859 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/metadata/MIQExtract/MIQExtract.rb:136:in `block in extract'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319875 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/metadata/MIQExtract/MIQExtract.rb:131:in `each'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319890 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/metadata/MIQExtract/MIQExtract.rb:131:in `extract'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319906 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/mixins/scanning_mixin.rb:254:in `block in scan_via_miq_vm'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319921 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/mixins/scanning_mixin.rb:250:in `each'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319942 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/mixins/scanning_mixin.rb:250:in `scan_via_miq_vm'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319960 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/manageiq/providers/vmware/infra_manager/vm_or_template_shared/scanning.rb:18:in `perform_metadata_scan'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319975 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server/server_smart_proxy.rb:125:in `scan_metadata'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319991 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_queue.rb:345:in `block in deliver'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320007 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:89:in `block in timeout'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320022 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:34:in `block in catch'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320038 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:34:in `catch'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320087 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:34:in `catch'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320106 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /opt/rh/rh-ruby22/root/usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:104:in `timeout'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320122 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_queue.rb:341:in `deliver'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320138 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_queue_worker_base/runner.rb:106:in `deliver_queue_message'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320154 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_queue_worker_base/runner.rb:134:in `deliver_message'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320169 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_queue_worker_base/runner.rb:152:in `block in do_work'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320184 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_queue_worker_base/runner.rb:146:in `loop'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320199 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_queue_worker_base/runner.rb:146:in `do_work'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320215 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker/runner.rb:334:in `block in do_work_loop'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320244 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker/runner.rb:331:in `loop'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320262 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker/runner.rb:331:in `do_work_loop'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320278 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker/runner.rb:153:in `run'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320293 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker/runner.rb:128:in `start'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320309 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker/runner.rb:21:in `start_worker'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320324 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker.rb:347:in `block in start'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320340 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /opt/rh/cfme-gemset/gems/nakayoshi_fork-0.0.3/lib/nakayoshi_fork.rb:24:in `fork'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320355 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /opt/rh/cfme-gemset/gems/nakayoshi_fork-0.0.3/lib/nakayoshi_fork.rb:24:in `fork'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320374 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker.rb:345:in `start'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320402 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker.rb:274:in `start_worker'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320438 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker.rb:154:in `block in sync_workers'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320470 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker.rb:154:in `times'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320503 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_worker.rb:154:in `sync_workers'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320526 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server/worker_management/monitor.rb:52:in `block in sync_workers'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320543 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server/worker_management/monitor.rb:50:in `each'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320598 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server/worker_management/monitor.rb:50:in `sync_workers'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320616 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server/worker_management/monitor.rb:22:in `monitor_workers'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320632 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server.rb:362:in `block in monitor'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320647 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/util/extensions/miq-benchmark.rb:11:in `realtime_store'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320663 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/util/extensions/miq-benchmark.rb:30:in `realtime_block'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320678 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server.rb:362:in `monitor'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320703 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server.rb:382:in `block (2 levels) in monitor_loop'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320728 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/util/extensions/miq-benchmark.rb:11:in `realtime_store'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320744 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/gems/pending/util/extensions/miq-benchmark.rb:30:in `realtime_block'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320760 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server.rb:382:in `block in monitor_loop'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320776 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server.rb:381:in `loop'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320791 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server.rb:381:in `monitor_loop'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320807 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/miq_server.rb:266:in `start'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320822 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/lib/workers/evm_server.rb:65:in `start'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320838 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/lib/workers/evm_server.rb:92:in `start'
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.320854 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract /var/www/miq/vmdb/lib/workers/bin/evm_server.rb:4:in `<main>'

I instrumented the code to print out the element details prior to the failure

[----] I, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.317155 #12806:3a398c]  INFO -- : Win32Software::initialize() - Element's keyname starts with Package_, element:
 key {:keyname=>"Package_for_KB3184122_RTM~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~", :fqname=>"software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Component Based Servicing\\Packages\\Package_for_KB3184122_RTM~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"}
  value {:type=>:REG_SZ, :name=>"InstallLocation"} \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2ea7323991a16f3cf1465dec49374e5\
  value {:type=>:REG_DWORD, :name=>"CurrentState"} 112
  value {:type=>:REG_DWORD, :name=>"Visibility"} 2
  value {:type=>:REG_DWORD, :name=>"InstallTimeHigh"} 30543713
  value {:type=>:REG_DWORD, :name=>"InstallTimeLow"} 1199975721
  key {:keyname=>"Owners", :fqname=>"software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Component Based Servicing\\Packages\\Package_for_KB3184122_RTM~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~\\Owners"}
[----] I, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.317185 #12806:3a398c]  INFO -- : Win32Software::initialize() - Element's package = ["Package", "for", "KB3184122", "RTM~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"]
[----] I, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319416 #12806:3a398c]  INFO -- : Win32Software::initialize() - Element's keyname starts with Package_, element:
 key {:keyname=>"Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~9600.18528.1.5", :fqname=>"software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Component Based Servicing\\Packages\\Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~9600.18528.1.5"} 
  value {:type=>:REG_SZ, :name=>"InstallLocation"} \\?\C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\ba69d3dba8e87f642b7551de27f41459\
  value {:type=>:REG_DWORD, :name=>"CurrentState"} 112
  value {:type=>:REG_DWORD, :name=>"Visibility"} 1
  value {:type=>:REG_DWORD, :name=>"InstallTimeHigh"} 30559260
  value {:type=>:REG_DWORD, :name=>"InstallTimeLow"} 1808991745
  key {:keyname=>"Owners", :fqname=>"software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Component Based Servicing\\Packages\\Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~9600.18528.1.5\\Owners"} 

[----] I, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319446 #12806:3a398c]  INFO -- : Win32Software::initialize() - Element's package = ["Package", "for", "RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~9600.18528.1.5"]
[----] E, [2017-04-14T10:11:35.319528 #12806:3a398c] ERROR -- : MIQExtract.extract undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass

It appears that is assuming that the Package_ string has a minimum of 4 components after splitting by '_'. However, in this case of a "RollupFix" the string only has 3 elements, so when it accesses packages[3] a nil is returned.

IPv6 in applicance_console -- tracking status


  • First status page (should show IPv6)
  • Network set-up
    • Static IPv6
    • DHCPv6
    • Test network set up (ping IPv6)
  • Restore Database From Backup
    • nfs (over IPv6)
    • smb (over IPv6, didn't test but should just work, sharing the code with nfs)
  • Database Configuration
    • Fetch Key (over IPv6)
    • Join Region in External Database
    • Create Region in External Database
  • Configure Database Replication
    • Configure Server as Primary (allows inputs of IPv6, didn't check if the set-up works)
    • Configure Server as Standby (allows inputs of IPv6, didn't check if the set-up works)
  • Generate Custom Encryption Key
    • Fetch Key (over IPv6)

Other extra commands

  • rake evm:db:backup:remote -- --uri nfs://[2620:52:0:2804:3fec:900f:ca31:a115]/export/backup --remote-file-name myfile

Other features

  • An IPv6-only appliance (without db) successfully connect to another (IPv6-only) appliance with db
  • An IPv6-only appliance (represents region 1) successfully replicates to master region (IPv6-only)

Move MiqFileStorage into core and provider specific gems

Related to the large issue, #231 (the mount/* checkbox), though has grown in scope since that issue was created do to the addition of the following classes/libs being created/reworked:

  • lib/gems/pending/util/miq_file_storage.rb
  • lib/gems/pending/util/miq_object_storage.rb
  • lib/gems/pending/util/miq_ftp_lib.rb
  • lib/gems/pending/util/object_storage/*.rb
    • miq_ftp_storage.rb
    • miq_s3_storage.rb
    • miq_swift_storage.rb

Really, this is all manageiq related, and should just live there in lib/ (or a core gem... if we ever go that route). The provider specific ones should live in their respective provider repos, and get loaded in as part of the rake tasks to determine what functionality is available then (instead of the hard coding that is done currently).

Task items

  • Move into "core" ( ManageIQ/manageiq#19547 , #454 )
  • Create a plugin system for providers
  • Extract provider code to their respective repos

Make the appliance console file a class that we can run

Right now the console is a big script which is run when it is required.

We would rather make it a class or module that has a .run method which can take parameters instead of relying on environment variables such as RAILS_ROOT.

Make Benchmark Timing output more sensible

The current Benchmark timings do a good job of capturing the time it took to do various blocks, but one of the things that it's missing is the ability to group, or nest, timings the same way we're nesting the calls to Benchmark.realtime_block in the code.

For instance, in the VMWare EMS Refresh process, we have several calls to Benchmark.realtime_block. If I grouped the timing keys together to represent their call stack, it would look like:

- ems_refresh
| - collect_inventory_for_targets
  | - get_ems_data
  | - get_vc_data
  | - get_vc_data_ems_customization_specs (optional)
  | - filter_vc_data
  | - get_vc_data_host_scsi
| - parse_targeted_inventory
  | - parse_vc_data
| - save_inventory
  | - db_save_inventory

However, this is what we currently output when we capture the Benchmark.realtime_block:

[----] I, [2016-09-25T20:29:39.651349 #30193:ea3990] INFO -- : 
EMS: [EMS NAME], id: [50000000000004] Refreshing targets for EMS...Complete - 
Timings {:server_dequeue=>0.0058367252349853516, :get_ems_data=>9.814793109893799, 
:get_vc_data=>89.20815706253052, :filter_vc_data=>0.020371675491333008, 
:collect_inventory_for_targets=>115.83132314682007, :parse_vc_data=>0.729074239730835, 
:parse_targeted_inventory=>0.729581356048584, :db_save_inventory=>32.98734211921692, 
:save_inventory=>32.98742628097534, :ems_refresh=>149.55086016654968}

If I scale that back to just the hash of timings, it looks like (newlines and formatting added):

 :server_dequeue                => 0.0058367252349853516, 
 :get_ems_data                  => 9.814793109893799, 
 :get_vc_data                   => 89.20815706253052, 
 :filter_vc_data                => 0.020371675491333008, 
 :get_vc_data_host_scsi         => 16.73558282852173, 
 :collect_inventory_for_targets => 115.83132314682007, 
 :parse_vc_data                 => 0.729074239730835, 
 :parse_targeted_inventory      => 0.729581356048584, 
 :db_save_inventory             => 32.98734211921692, 
 :save_inventory                => 32.98742628097534, 
 :ems_refresh                   => 149.55086016654968

There's no organization to this data. Instead, it's just a collection of numbers without any context. If this hash represented the nested nature of these calls, it could look like (newlines and formatting added):

  :server_dequeue => 0.0058367252349853516, 
  :ems_refresh => 149.55086016654968,
  :ems_refresh_timings => { 
    :collect_inventory_for_targets => 115.83132314682007, 
    :collect_inventory_for_targets_timings => {
      :get_ems_data => 9.814793109893799, 
      :get_vc_data => 89.20815706253052, 
      :filter_vc_data => 0.020371675491333008, 
      :get_vc_data_host_scsi => 16.73558282852173, 
    :parse_targeted_inventory => 0.729581356048584, 
    :parse_targeted_inventory_timings => {
      :parse_vc_data => 0.729074239730835,
    :save_inventory => 32.98742628097534,
    :save_inventory_timings => {
      :db_save_inventory => 32.98734211921692,

This gives a much clearer view, imo, of how these numbers actually compose a larger refresh timing.

I would love to see other examples of nested Benchmark.realtime_block log output that either corroborates or disproves the need for better timing grouping.

This issue was moved to this repository from ManageIQ/manageiq#11692, originally opened by @blomquisg

CVE-2024-26146 (Medium) detected in rack-3.0.8.gem - autoclosed

CVE-2024-26146 - Medium Severity Vulnerability

Vulnerable Library - rack-3.0.8.gem

Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call.

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /Gemfile.lock

Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/cache/rack-3.0.8.gem

Dependency Hierarchy:

  • manageiq-style-1.3.3.gem (Root Library)
    • rubocop-rails-2.20.2.gem
      • โŒ rack-3.0.8.gem (Vulnerable Library)

Found in base branch: master

Vulnerability Details

Rack is a modular Ruby web server interface. Carefully crafted headers can cause header parsing in Rack to take longer than expected resulting in a possible denial of service issue. Accept and Forwarded headers are impacted. Ruby 3.2 has mitigations for this problem, so Rack applications using Ruby 3.2 or newer are unaffected. This vulnerability is fixed in,,, and

Publish Date: 2024-02-29

URL: CVE-2024-26146

CVSS 3 Score Details (5.3)

Base Score Metrics:

  • Exploitability Metrics:
    • Attack Vector: Network
    • Attack Complexity: Low
    • Privileges Required: None
    • User Interaction: None
    • Scope: Unchanged
  • Impact Metrics:
    • Confidentiality Impact: None
    • Integrity Impact: None
    • Availability Impact: Low

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2024-02-29

Fix Resolution: rack -,,,

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend here

RabbitMQ durable queues lead to fail of event handler for OpenStack AMQP

Hi Guys.

OpenStack HA guide have recommendation to set durable queues/exchanges for rabbitmq:

But currently MIQ cannot use these queues/exchanges because there is no options to configure such connection:

[----] E, [2018-01-13T00:38:19.931742 #16419:a6516c] ERROR -- : MIQ(ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::CloudManager::EventCatcher::Runner#start_event_monitor) EMS [miq] as [openstackadmin] Event Monitor Thread aborted because [PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'durable' for exchange 'nova' in vhost '/': received 'false' but current is 'true']
[----] E, [2018-01-13T00:38:19.931950 #16419:a6516c] ERROR -- : [Bunny::PreconditionFailed]: PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'durable' for exchange 'nova' in vhost '/': received 'false' but current is 'true'  Method:[rescue in block in start_event_monitor]
[----] E, [2018-01-13T00:38:19.932041 #16419:a6516c] ERROR -- : /opt/rh/cfme-gemset/gems/bunny-2.1.0/lib/bunny/channel.rb:1946:in `raise_if_continuation_resulted_in_a_channel_error!'
/opt/rh/cfme-gemset/gems/bunny-2.1.0/lib/bunny/channel.rb:1179:in `exchange_declare'
/opt/rh/cfme-gemset/gems/bunny-2.1.0/lib/bunny/exchange.rb:245:in `declare!'
/opt/rh/cfme-gemset/gems/bunny-2.1.0/lib/bunny/exchange.rb:83:in `initialize'
/opt/rh/cfme-gemset/gems/bunny-2.1.0/lib/bunny/channel.rb:344:in `new'
/opt/rh/cfme-gemset/gems/bunny-2.1.0/lib/bunny/channel.rb:344:in `topic'
/opt/rh/cfme-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-gems-pending-dd41a2772297/lib/gems/pending/openstack/events/openstack_rabbit_event_monitor.rb:111:in `block in initialize_queues'
/opt/rh/cfme-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-gems-pending-dd41a2772297/lib/gems/pending/openstack/events/openstack_rabbit_event_monitor.rb:110:in `each'
/opt/rh/cfme-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-gems-pending-dd41a2772297/lib/gems/pending/openstack/events/openstack_rabbit_event_monitor.rb:110:in `initialize_queues'
/opt/rh/cfme-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-gems-pending-dd41a2772297/lib/gems/pending/openstack/events/openstack_rabbit_event_monitor.rb:77:in `start'
/var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/manageiq/providers/openstack/event_catcher_mixin.rb:38:in `monitor_events'
/var/www/miq/vmdb/app/models/manageiq/providers/base_manager/event_catcher/runner.rb:164:in `block in start_event_monitor'

From the source code I have found that queues initialization does not use any settings for durable exchange initialization:

But Ruby Bunny have such ability:

I have tested the following and it's work as expected with durable exchanges for nova/neutron etc..:

  def initialize_queues(channel)
    @queues = {}
    if @options[:topics]
      @options[:topics].each do |exchange, topic|
        amqp_exchange = channel.topic(exchange, :durable => @options.fetch(:amqp_durable, false))
        queue_name = "miq-#{@client_ip}-#{exchange}"
        @queues[exchange] = channel.queue(queue_name, :auto_delete => true, :exclusive => true)
                                   .bind(amqp_exchange, :routing_key => topic)

In MIQ Advanced settings should be parameter to enable this.

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