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leaflet.textpath's Issues

Text along polyline looks not good on mobile devices

We have a couple of mobile apps for mountain biking and hiking trails. Users request the trail name along the polyline, so we tried your plugin.
Due to the screen size on mobile devices the trail name along the path looks quite weird, letters overlap or are spread out or single letters rotate etc.

Is there an option or recommendation to draw the text in a more readable way along a path?

Using center throws an error

When you set the center attribute to true, code is throwing an error at this line on completion of a polyline:
var pathWidth = this._path.getBBox().width;
I guess you can't get the width of a path element (it only has coordinates) I changed the above line to this and it works now:

var pathWidth = this._path.getBoundingClientRect().width;

center: true option issue

We are building a mobile hiking app and on a couple of trails we noticed that setting

center: true

seems to have no effect, while it works on the other trails.
For the two trails where it is not working as supposed, I think the problem is due to the fact that those trails have a cross section. This might result in a duplicated lat,lng pair in the polyline. Here is a screenshot:

Cannot read property '_renderer' of null

When removing a layer from the map and re-adding it. The _map property becomes "null" and setText no longer works. Not sure if this is a core Leaflet problem or TextPath problem.

Overlay lost at full opacity

I'm struggling with a strange problem,
If I set polyline opacity to 1.0, texts getting lost.
How can we fix this?

Using this plugin with n polyline-layers in a layergroup


I have several polylines that I add to a specific layergroup. Is there any way to use the plugin like this? If I register the events on the polylines, the mouseover does not trigger and if i try it with I am getting exceptions like "rootpath not found" or Object [object global] has no method 'setText'

edit: I have seen that the mouseover is a canvas problem, canvas does not support mouse over/out events.

edit2: I have a jsfiddle here, that does NOT use a layergroup but a click event, and it tells me "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'setAttribute' of undefined "

Align text with center of Polyline

Is it possible to include an option to align the text with the center of the polyline?
This is especially useful when the user has greater zoom than the polyline size and wants to be able to see the text, that in my case is the length (in meters) of the polyline.

Leaflet 1.0

Leaflet 1.0 is breaking your plugin, are there any plans to upgrade?

Character code is escaped by `setText()` method

I am using the "material-icons" for the font of `TextPath". The effect looks like this

Following is my code using "Leaflet.TextPath"

        pathLayer.setText '        ',
            repeat: true
            offset: 8
                'font-weight': 'bold',
                'font-size': '24'
                'class': "material-icons"

I found it didn't work well because  is escaped by the setText method.. Is there a way to tell setText to not escape this?

Not compatible to the new leaflet 1.1.0 (Solved!!!)

Dear developers,

Could you please update this so that it could be used with the new leaflet.js (1.1.0). It would be soooo great!!!.

Error from console: TypeError: L.Path.prototype._createElement is not a function[Learn More] when I used it with leaflet 1.1.0.


orientation = auto?

When lines are drawn from right to left, the text is shown upside down. It would be nice if the text would always read left to right or top to bottom if vertical line.

Bug with orientation=flip

I just noticed, that orientation=flip does not work. It uses transform, which might get correct results on straight lines, but not on curved lines, as the following screenshot shows (it uses the example in index.html, but I added repeat=true).

leaflet textpath - bug orientation flip

I might have a solution for the problem.

Could this be adapted for use with the Google Maps API?

not an issue, just wondering what your thoughts about the feasibility of adapting this kinda textPath for use with the Google Maps API?

I see how your creating a SVG textpath element. I just am not sure this is something can be bound to a polyline in Google Maps?

Avoid cropping of text?

Is it possible or would it be possible to specify the text width to avoid cropping? I have quite short polylines and the text gets cropped to the lenght of the polyline. I would like to see the full text even if it not fits on the polyline.

2017-09-21 10_37_20-index - fut3

leaflet.textpath.js:76 Uncaught TypeError: text.replace is not a function

When label is an integer, exception is thrown:
"leaflet.textpath.js:76 Uncaught TypeError: text.replace is not a function"

text = text.replace(/ /g, '\u00A0'); // Non breakable spaces

We can solve this by converting int to string before passing it to the function, but I think that this should be done by the plugin itself.

setText orientation producing error NS_ERROR_FAILURE in firefox

Thank you for the plug-in!

I am getting the error NS_ERROR_FAILURE in Firefox 49 when adding the orientation option to the following:

layer.setText(, {center: true, offset: -5, orientation: 'flip', attributes: { ... }});

Along with the error, the text for a single feature renders, in an unexpected location. Without adding the orientation attribute, it works fine. The orientation works in Chrome. It doesn't matter what value is given for the orientation.

Help: Adding labels

I need a little help, ok maybe a lot. The labels are not displaying on my map. I am trying to create a webpage with a large amount of polylines in several external GeoJSON files. Any advice or clues would be appreciated.

// sample code for website:
var centralsierra = $.getJSON("geojson/centralsierra.geojson")
L.geoJson(data, {
style: function (feature) {
return {color:};
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
layer.bindPopup('Name: ' + + '
' +
'Open: ' + + '
' +
'Limited: ' + + '
' +
'Route Type: ' + + '
' +
'Field Office: ' + + '
' +
'Subregion: ' + + '
' +
'GPX: ' + + '
' +
'KML: ' +;

// sample geojson file:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },

"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "GID": null, "NAME": "12N38", "OPEN": "Y", "LIMITED": "None", "ROUTE_TYPE": "Full Size","color":"#537F21","AGENCY": "USFS", "FIELD_OFC": "El Dorado NF", "PRIVATE": null, "ROUTE_DB": "USFS", "NEW_NAME": null, "SUBREGION": "Central Sierra Nevada", "GPX": "<a href="">Click Here</a>", "KML": "<a href="">Click Here</a>" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [...] } },

{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "GID": null, "NAME": "12N38A", "OPEN": "Y", "LIMITED": "None", "ROUTE_TYPE": "Full Size", "color":"#537F21","AGENCY": "USFS", "FIELD_OFC": "El Dorado NF", "PRIVATE": null, "ROUTE_DB": "USFS", "NEW_NAME": null, "SUBREGION": "Central Sierra Nevada", "GPX": "<a href="">Click Here</a>", "KML": "<a href="">Click Here</a>" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ ... ] } },

No _path property in layer

I am using version 0.7.3 of Leaflet, and the gh-pages branch. I am using a layergroup of polylines, and on each I am calling setText. I keep however getting an error because this._path is undefined.

Support leaflet panes (1.0 feature)

Hi, in my project I am using leaflet panes
It turns out that this plugin does not consider them at all, hence the paths get drawn in the custom pane while the text is drawn on the overlay pane. This leads to paths been shown above other features while text gets drawn below them. It would be great if the plugin could check on which pane its path gets drawn and put the text on the same one accordingly.

Clickable lables


Am working on updating my code to Leaflet 1.x, and in my old code the textpath used to be clickable (allowing me to launch a popup by clicking on the text). Not having much luck getting this working now, am using latest version of leaflet.textpath, and am setting options.clickable to true (even tried initialising the mouse events without the options check).

Anyone have any ideas/tips? Is this a bug or something that needs a new PR?


Clickable area of text path is giant in Chromium/Chrome

Hi there,

I noticed that in Chromium/Chrome browsers, the clickable area of the text path of a linestring is the entire bounding box of the linestring. Yikes! You can see that on the Leaflet.TextPath demo page (and for more detail, highlight the bounding box using the Chromium/Chrome "Inspect element" feature). Consequently, when one has several clickable linestrings on a page, it's difficult to click the one one wants :-(

This problem does not occur with Firefox, wherein the clickable area is just the text path, thank goodness.

Layer on _textRedraw

Hi, I'm incorporating this nifty script in a map I'm producing and so far it works pretty well. However, it seems that on _updatePath, the map's layer order gets shifted, breaking (previously working) popups, as the text becomes the topmost layer. Any ideas for how to deal with this?

Dynamic centering on visible portion of the path

It would be great to have an option to choose between static (current behaviour) and dynamic centring of the label on partially visible paths. By dynamic I mean that the label position should be recomputed on moveend so that it stands in the centre of the visible portion of it.
This way the label would be visible to the user until there is no space left to place it instead of standing outside of the map only because the centre of the whole path it labels is out of view.

Is plugin version 1.0 now compatible with leaflet 1.0?

I just noticed the new 1.0.x tags and was wondering if they are meant to indicate compatibility to leaflet 1.0 It seems they are on the gh-pages branch but I see no merge of the 0.8-dev one which added leaflet 1.0 support. Should it be merged in to target the new version officially for any new development?

bindPopup lost when setting text

var popup = new L.popup({ minWidth: 400, closeButton: false, autoPanPaddingTopLeft: L.point(0, 50) });
layer = L.polyline(points, {color: color, weight: 5});
layer.on('mouseover', function(e) {
this.setText(' ► ', {repeat: true, attributes: {fill: textColor.toHexString() }});
layer.on('mouseout', function(e) {

The popUp doesn't work anymore if this.setText is executed.

Performance problems with more than 150 paths

I have a number of paths to display that can grow large at lower zoom levels, hence I noticed a sensible performance degradation when displaying more than 100 paths, up to few hundreds. Around 200 it takes a bit more than 3 seconds to get them on the map at 700 it gets up to 7 seconds, which is a bit too much for an interactive map.

With a bit of profiling in FF I pointed out the issue to lie at textRedraw and setText methods.

Attached a section of the profile which indicates in green the time taken to populate a layer with labelled paths, while the darker red section shows the time taken to add event handlers to the same number of paths.


To be noted also that most of the paths, since they are at a low zoom level (hence seen from up above) end up with having no label at all as it won't fit the path.

TextPath and GeoJson layer


I need to add to my geojson layer text/label for each feature.

Is it possible to do this with Leaflet.TextPath? If not, can it be added to this plugin?


Bug when removing polyline with empty text from map

Found a little bug. To reproduce:

  • create some polyline
    var map = new;
    var layer = L.polyLine(...).addTo(map);
  • add and remove some text (eg, using mouseover)
    layer.on('mouseover', function () {
    this.setText(' ► ', {repeat: true, attributes: {fill: 'red'}});
    layer.on('mouseout', function () {
  • try to remove the polyline from the map:

At this point the javascript will crash with (in Chrome):
Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.

There's a jsfiddle that shows this issue. (shamelessly based this fiddle from a fiddle from another issue)

The error occurs because the textNode is removed when setting the text to null, but the plugin tries to remove it again when removing the polyline. I fixed it simply by deleting the text when it's first removed (the code already checks for it in the second removal):

delete this._textNode;

I'm new to this github stuff... what should I do? A pull request? Just for this one single line?

Publish v1.1.0 to npm

Hello. Thanks for this library. Can you publish v1.1.0 to npm when you have a moment? Thanks!

Confused by versions

I am a bit confused by the branches and what version of leaflet they are supposed to be used for.

On branch master it states: "The version on the gh-pages branch targets Leaflet 1.3.1."

Then when you switch to the gh-pages branch it states: "The version on the gh-pages branch targets Leaflet 0.7.3."

Text center should account for path orientation (i.e. vertical centering)

If a path is south -> north oriented, the label does not get correctly centred as the centring seems to occur only on the W-E axis. For a "mostly vertical" feature the centre should be computed accounting for the (visible) vertical part of the path.

To sum up: 2D centre detection, then projected on the path to avoid "out of path" labelling (e.g. L shaped feature)

options.end ?


What I'd like to achieve is putting a textpath at the end of the polyline. Would it be possible to add an option for that?

Adding this code for 'option.end' works for my particular use-case, but text placement is dependent on angle of the path still:

    /* put text at end of the path */
    if (options.end) {
        var textWidth = textNode.getBBox().width;
        var pathWidth = this._path.getBBox().width;
        /* Set the position for the left side of the textNode */
        textNode.setAttribute('dx', pathWidth - textWidth );

Together with '\u25BA' something like this would allow for arrowheads on polylines.


Leaflet 1.0 compatible version?


Thanks for this awesome plugin. I was just wondering if anyone was working on a Leaflet 1.0 compatible version of this?

Rotate support for each character of text?

For example, I have a character looks like this:

screen shot 2015-06-28 at 12 25 31 am

If I use this for setText() method, it will be perpendicular to the path, which is not ideal. So I need to rotate each character by 90 degree.. However, I found it may not be easy by setting the attribute of <textpath> element..

Will Leaflet.TextPath support rotation for character?

Consider updating the packaged release


First of all thanks for your plugin, it's really helpful.

Currently if I install your plugin using bower with bower install it will retrieve the 0.1.0 release which dates from 10 month ago, and is malfunctioning in IE8.

The temporary solution is to run bower install with the last part being the last commit (because I like bleeding edge software) but it's not really user friendly or scalable, if I want to stay up to date...

is it possible to use font awesome?

Hi, everything in the title :)
i tried to set the font-family in the attributes to use font awesome, but when i try to set the text:

layer.setText(' \f1b0 ', {repeat: false , center :true,offset:8, attributes: {fill: 'red', 'font-size': '24','font-family': 'FontAwesome'}});
but the text shows as 1b0.


Updated Code to work with leaflet 1.2.0

Updated to use L.SVG and this._map._renderer:


import L from 'leaflet';

(function () {

var __onAdd = L.Polyline.prototype.onAdd,
__onRemove = L.Polyline.prototype.onRemove,
__updatePath = L.Polyline.prototype._updatePath,
__bringToFront = L.Polyline.prototype.bringToFront;

var PolylineTextPath = {

onAdd: function (map) {, map);

onRemove: function (map) {
    map = map || this._map;
    if (map && this._textNode)
        map._pathRoot.removeChild(this._textNode);, map);

bringToFront: function () {;

_updatePath: function () {;

_textRedraw: function () {
    var text = this._text,
        options = this._textOptions;
    if (text) {
        this.setText(null).setText(text, options);

setText: function (text, options) {
    this._text = text;
    this._textOptions = options;

    /* If not in SVG mode or Polyline not added to map yet return */
    /* setText will be called by onAdd, using value stored in this._text */
    if (!L.Browser.svg || typeof this._map === 'undefined') {
      return this;

    var defaults = {
        repeat: false,
        fillColor: 'black',
        attributes: {},
        below: false,
    options = L.Util.extend(defaults, options);

    /* If empty text, hide */
    if (!text) {
        if (this._textNode && this._textNode.parentNode) {
            /* delete the node, so it will not be removed a 2nd time if the layer is later removed from the map */
            delete this._textNode;
        return this;

    text = text.replace(/ /g, '\u00A0');  // Non breakable spaces
    var id = 'pathdef-' + L.Util.stamp(this);
    var svg = this._map._renderer;

    this._path.setAttribute('id', id);

    if (options.repeat) {
        /* Compute single pattern length */
        var pattern = document.createElementNS('ttp://', 'text');
        for (var attr in options.attributes)
            pattern.setAttribute(attr, options.attributes[attr]);
        var alength = pattern.getComputedTextLength();

        /* Create string as long as path */
        text = new Array(Math.ceil(this._path.getTotalLength() / alength)).join(text);

    /* Put it along the path using textPath */
    var textNode = L.SVG.create('text'),
        textPath = L.SVG.create('textPath');

    var dy = options.offset || this._path.getAttribute('stroke-width');

    textPath.setAttributeNS("", "xlink:href", '#'+id);
    textNode.setAttribute('dy', dy);
    for (var attr in options.attributes)
        textNode.setAttribute(attr, options.attributes[attr]);
    this._textNode = textNode;

    if (options.below) {
        svg.insertBefore(textNode, svg.firstChild);
    else {

    /* Center text according to the path's bounding box */
    if ( {
        var textLength = textNode.getComputedTextLength();
        var pathLength = this._path.getTotalLength();
        /* Set the position for the left side of the textNode */
        textNode.setAttribute('dx', ((pathLength / 2) - (textLength / 2)));

    /* Change label rotation (if required) */
    if (options.orientation) {
        var rotateAngle = 0;
        switch (options.orientation) {
            case 'flip':
                rotateAngle = 180;
            case 'perpendicular':
                rotateAngle = 90;
                rotateAngle = options.orientation;

        var rotatecenterX = (textNode.getBBox().x + textNode.getBBox().width / 2);
        var rotatecenterY = (textNode.getBBox().y + textNode.getBBox().height / 2);
        textNode.setAttribute('transform','rotate(' + rotateAngle + ' '  + rotatecenterX + ' ' + rotatecenterY + ')');

    /* Initialize mouse events for the additional nodes */
    if (this.options.clickable) {
        if (L.Browser.svg || !L.Browser.vml) {
            textPath.setAttribute('class', 'leaflet-clickable');

        L.DomEvent.on(textNode, 'click', this._onMouseClick, this);

        var events = ['dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseover',
                      'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'contextmenu'];
        for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
            L.DomEvent.on(textNode, events[i], this._fireMouseEvent, this);

    return this;



setText: function(text, options) {
for (var layer in this._layers) {
if (typeof this._layers[layer].setText === 'function') {
this._layers[layer].setText(text, options);
return this;


Error when using LayerControl

I have problem with TextPath plugin when I use LayerControl to show / hide the layer which includes polyline with symbol.

Error when layer is showing using LayerControl :

NotFoundError: Node was not found

Here is simple test code:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<script src=""></script>
<script src="./leaflet.textpath/leaflet.textpath.js"></script>
    #map {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%
<script type="text/javascript">
    var osm = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        attribution: 'Map data &copy; 2013 OpenStreetMap contributors',

    var map ='map')

    var layersControl = new L.Control.Layers();
    var trailLayer = new L.LayerGroup();
    layersControl.addOverlay(trailLayer, 'Trail');

    var polyline = new L.polyline([[-40.311, -31.952], [-12.086, -18.727]], {
        weight: 10,
        color: 'orange',
        opacity: 0.8
    polyline.setText('\u25BA', {
        repeat: true,
        offset: 6,
        attributes: {fill: 'red'}

Thanks for your advice.

zero divided by zero bug

It's possible for this._path.getTotalLength() / alength to be computed as 0/0. This is not possible in math and breaks the script. A simple check for NaN will resolve the bug.

See my pull request - #79

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