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makemd's Issues

Make “ToC” list searchable brought this feature to my attention, which is probably the same as #5. It is very useful indeed.

It would be useful to be able to use ⌘+F to search the titles, which is not possible at present.

BTW, this feature is hidden, people are not aware of it: meireles was also alerted to it by Perhaps it could be made more explicit.

Obsidian hangs when reorganizing folders to the top of the file/spaces view

I have been consistently able to get this bug to reoccur. I'm not sure its theme related as I have not tried it in another theme, but I can if need be. The theme I am using is "Typewriter".
Basically what happens is any time I drag a folder to the top of the folder list, the obsidian instance hangs forcing me to reopen it.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Drag a folder to the top position of the list in the files/spaces view.
  2. Let go of the mouse button.
  3. The view does not update and the reordering visual indicator sticks or gets stuck.
  4. Close and reopen obsidian, the view updates the changes.

The screenshot below shows what the view looks like after releasing the mouse. The view stays this way until I reopen the Obsidian instance.
Screenshot from 2022-12-23 10-57-34

Update: updated screenshot to remove private info

[Feature Request] Profile Picture next to spaces

Would be super nice to have the ability to add a custom jpeg or .icns next to the .mk-main-menu-button for the main space

Maybe it could grab the custom icon from finder or file explorer if a person has one already customized

What do you think?

Craft App Example:
CleanShot 2023-01-13 at 14 28 11@2x

Gap between embed and regular text

Normally, the gap between a paragraph of transcluded text and a paragraph of regular text is the same as between 2 paragraphs of regular text.


To achieve that I use this snippet

/* make gap between transcluded paragraph and normal para like between
2 normal paras */ > .markdown-embed {
    border: none;
    padding: unset;
} > .markdown-embed > .markdown-embed-content > .markdown-rendered {
    padding: unset;
} > .markdown-embed > .markdown-embed-content > .markdown-rendered p {
    margin-top: unset;
    margin-bottom: unset;

When is enabled, the snippet seems to be overridden..


Is there any way to correct it?

Render Markdown in Text and Option Fields

When using a text or option property, it will show up purely as the written text. If a property was written as, "Do this [[2023-01-02|tomorrow]"`, then it will show up as exactly that instead of rendering it as markdown: "Do this tomorrow."
This isn't a super important request, but it would make tables with a large amount of text data much easier and faster to read, and it would also make the presentation of the databases look neater.

Error in reveal current file in navigation

Thanks for the great plugin! I sincerely appreciate your effort.
Obsidian has an option of navigating to the current file in the navigation named: "Files: Reveal current file in navigation". This could very beneficial when you have multiple nested folders.
However, after installing Makemd, while pressing the hotkey of "Files: Reveal current file in navigation", the file explorer navigates to the "Spaces" pane instead of the "Files" pane and shows the current file.
Please kindly fix this bug.

Ability To Backup Spaces


Would like to request a facility to backup spaces.

I get some behavior where I turned on Sync for the Community Plugins, The spaces are overriden and it would be refreshed to initial state due to syncing. I had to turn off the Community plugin sync in order for the Spaces.mdb to be each own copy.

It would be a nice feature to have to have backup for the state of a particular Spaces.mdb file.

As a workaround, I create a backup of the Spaces.mdb file and put them into an Obsidian folder which will be synced up. I overwrtie the folder with that file so that I can resume work on another workstation.

Thank You,

Escape backslash disappears

Hello, I noticed that the \ character gets hidden on the editor.
The reason seems to be this CSS here:

.mk-mark-sans .cm-s-obsidian,
.mk-mark-sans .cm-s-obsidian .HyperMD-header:not(.mk-reset) {
  display: inline;
  position: absolute;
  right: 100%;
  white-space: nowrap;
  color: transparent;

I actually don't know why you do this, but the backslash is important in Latex and making it "disappear" doesn't seem to be a good idea.

[REQ] Setting to deactivate 'New Note' button and the 'Spaces' dropdown to save space

Thanks for developing Make. I'm following it with interest, and I can see some features becoming part of Obsidian in the future.
For me, it would be great though if there would be a toggle in settings to deactivate 'New Note' button and 'Spaces' dropdown to save space in the left sidebar. I can easily create new notes with the context menu or a command, and the same counts for creating a new space. Currently, to my taste, they take up too much valuable space in the sidebar. Thanks for considering.

[FEATURE REQUEST] Stickers on Tabs and in Notes

A nice feature would be to have the stickers also appear on the tab itself and also in the note. A inspiration for this would be Notion, if you add a emoji to the file, you can see it in the file and on the tabs as on the picture below

Thank you for your response.

Use the tabs in the Folder Context view to switch different views of files instead of (or in addition to) tables.

Simple tables are great, but I feel like it would be more practical to be able to quickly switch from one saved view of the folder's files to another.

In my workflow, simple tables are used for brainstorming more than anything, so I have little use for them in the Folder Context view. I do, however, use filters and the different viewing modes (table, list...) a lot, so the possibility to quickly switch from one to another would be very useful.


Markdown # not visible anymore in LP

When the plug-in is enabled, then in Live Preview the headings' # are invisible. That means if I would want to change a H2 heading into a H3 by adding an extra #, it is not possible.

To make such a change, which I do regularly, I have to disable the plug-in, then re-enable it afterwards.

[FEATURE REQUEST] Turn off Case-Sensitivity for Fields + Cover Images

I think an option to turn off case-sensitivity for fields would be a great addition. As of now, if there is a property Type in a folder table, and a note in that table has an inline property (type:: ), the two properties will not sync. will ignore the type and, if Sync to Frontmatter Fields is turned on, create a new Type in the frontmatter to put the data in.

Also, an option for cover images would be nice. I was thinking maybe in Card View, the notes could have cover images that draw from the first image in the note (like the Pages Gallery plug-in) or show a collage of the images in the note. Or on right-click there could be an add cover image option. It'd add a nice touch to the visuals.

Also, thank you so much for creating and maintaining this plug-in. It makes up for all the database features Obsidian lacks and is a great addition to the app.

[FR] Modify Dataview "::" fields

I personally don't use the YAML header, I think it doesn't looks good in my notes. I prefer to use a callout with inline fields ("::") Can you make it so editing the field on table view or file context tab actually adds it after inline Dataview fields? Thanks in advance, I just love your plugin

[Feature request] Context calendar view

Thanks for building such awesome plugin!

It came to my mind that calendar view would be an amazing add-on to context current views.
I think it can show files in calendar by getting date from file create / modification time, or date metadata property if it exists.

[Bug] 0.6.14 update Frontmatter issue

When my frontmatter property has sub-properties, it appears as [Object Object] and I cannot access my values anymore when is enabled, even in « Source » mode.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-12 à 12 06 03

Makemd makes the # symbol for headings disappear

First, I would like to thank you for creating this fantastic plugin.

I am concerned that this plugin makes the symbol of # for headers disappear in LP when I put the cursor in the heading.

This is the screenshot when the plugin is disabled.


This is when the plugin is enabled.



Tags & Frontmatter Issues

Maybe I am confused on how this should work

  1. I create a new folder.
  2. I create 3 blank notes in that folder.
  3. MBD file is created and I click table view.
  4. I create a tag field.
  5. I turn on "Save All Context Fields To Frontmatter"

Now what happens next seems to be unexpected and inconnsistent.

  1. I add #Test to Note 1 just in the document, but The tag does not show up in the tag field. Expected result is for the tag to populate in Tag Column.
  2. I add Test tag via the Tag Column in the table view to Note 2, but Test does not appear in the note, nor is any frontmatter created.
  3. I add frontmatter to note three with an empty tags: area, but when I select a tag in table view it inserts null after the tags, no matter what tag I put into it.

Shouldn't those fields be synced?

No documentation

Please publish some documentation.

My personal use case is getting a sense of what the plugin does and how it works without installing it, but presumably it would benefit users, too. changes order of subfolders and files

Version 0.5.0
OS: Mac

With disabled, subfolders occur right below the parent folder, and the files in the parent folder occur below the subfolders.


With enabled, the subfolders occur below the files.


I checked: this was also the case in 0.4.9.

Issues with "custom-sort plugin" and "file explorer note count plugin"

Thanks for your GREAT plugin! It surely has a BIG future!

Here are my issues:


  • Failed to load plugin custom-sort
  • Failed to load plugin file-explorer-note-count

If I deactivate, these errors don't occure.

Obsidian version: v1.1.9
Installer version: v1.1.9
Operating system: Windows 10 Home 10.0.19045
Login status: not logged in
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: off
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: dark
Community theme: Minimal v6.1.17
Snippets enabled: 22
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 60
Plugins enabled: 46
1: Vault Statistics v0.1.3
2: Templater v1.16.0
3: Tag Wrangler v0.5.5
4: Tasks v1.20.0
5: Symbols Prettifier v1.1.1
6: Style Settings v0.4.12
7: Sortable v0.2.6
8: Scroll to Top Plugin v1.5.0
9: Recent Files v1.3.5
10: Paste image rename v1.5.0
11: Pandoc Plugin v0.4.1
12: Obsidian Enhancing Export v1.1.7
13: Obsidian Camera v1.5.0
14: Number Headings v1.10.0
15: Minimal Theme Settings v6.1.1
16: Media Extended v2.11.1
17: Linter v1.10.1
18: Janitor v1.0.7
19: Homepage v2.6
20: Find orphaned files and broken links v1.8.0
21: File Tree Alternative Plugin v2.2.7
22: Execute Code v1.5.0
23: Excel to Markdown Table v0.4.0
24: Editor Syntax Highlight v0.1.3
25: Editing Toolbar v2.2.3
26: Dataview v0.5.47
27: Copy document as HTML v0.3.3
28: Contextual Typography v2.2.4
29: Completr v3.1.0
30: Commander v0.4.9
31: Calendar v1.5.10
32: Buttons v0.4.19
33: Auto Class v2.2.0
34: Advanced URI v1.31.2
35: Bulk Rename v0.4.4
36: DB Folder v3.1.0
37: Waypoint v1.4.0
38: Folder Note v0.7.3
39: Hover Editor v0.11.8
40: Show Current File Path v0.5.2
41: Reminder v1.1.15
42: Text expand v0.11.2
43: Icon Folder v1.5.1
44: Excalidraw v1.8.7
45: Custom File Explorer sorting v1.4.0
46: File Explorer Note Count v1.2.0

Add a "Create new Note" button in folder note view

This plugin is awesome!! One thing, I keep finding myself trying to create a new note within the folder note view and being confused when there isn't one to do so. This is mainly an issue on mobile and not so much of an issue on desktop.

Type : for emoji


Can we get an option to configure/disable the shortcut : for emoji popup?

Thanks slows Obsidian launch time by a couple minutes

I love this plug-in so I hope this doesn't come off as critical, but Obsidian takes about 2 minutes to load with enabled and otherwise takes under 1 second when disabled. I have a tremendously large vault (2+TB) as I use Obsidian as a pseudo-OS (can provide details if relevant or of general interest) that sits on top of MacOS. I'm not sure what part of the process is leading to the slow down with but I'd be happy to provide console logs. I'm embarrassed to say I haven't even peeked under the hood to see what is and isn't cached with this plug-in, but any help—or even just insight into the nature of the issue—from the dev(s) would be greatly appreciated! Cannot emphasize how great this plug-in is, even if only for the ability to edit transclusions in place! Let me know if there are any details or further clarification you need from me.

Invisible Cursor when Using VIM mode

When using VIM mode in Obsidian it can cause the cursor to become invisible inside the Flow editor.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go into command mode while in a note
  2. Open a link in the flow editor
  3. Go into insert mode while in the flow editor. The cursor will be invisible

This does not happen when you're in insert mode before entering into a flow editor.

Another issue connected with this: When using escape to leave insert mode while inside a Flow editor, it will bring you back out to the parent note at the same time, so you'll start unintentionally navigating that instead of the Flow editor you are currently in.

Banner compatibility with Banners plugin


Obsidian already has an established plugin for banners called Banners.

However, the banners recently introduced by are not compatible with them.

Banners uses the frontmatter syntax banner: "![[image.jpg]]", while uses banner: image.jpg.

Since the Banners plugin has been around since 2021, it would be nice if used the same "standard" for banners.

[FR] Add support for folder note

I use Folder Note a lot (ie all my folder have a folder note attached to them).

Problem, as MakeMD doesn't support them, I have multiple note and I lost the usefulness of them.


For me, the display for folder must be erased by the folder note.
Alternatively, adding the folder layout (cf. image)
to the folder note, like this :


[BUG] Option Property with Multiple Turned On Not Working

The Option property in tables works just fine normally, but when Multiple is turned on, clicking on the + near an existing option will only switch through options instead of adding a new one. It will still do this with the frontmatter:

  - value

But, it will not allow additional values to be added from the table.

dates do not work for previous years

When I have a metadata field like "date" that is "2020-02-01" it will label the date as "2023-02-01" in the table on the flow view. How can I fix this?

Can Inline Styler's floating bars be automatically translucent?

The floating bar of the Inline Styler sometimes blocks the inner space of the text, which is inconvenient when taking screenshots. Can it be automatically translucent?


The line spacing of the file list is too wide, and the warehouse name and new diary take up a lot of space. i wish i could make it smaller

Plugin Make MD slows down Obsidian when opening a note with many backlinks

Plugin slows down Obsidian when opening a note with many backlinks.

I have some notes with over a hundred backlinks. When I open one of them Obsidian slows down for 1 or 2 minutes and some times doesn't open the note.

This doesn `t happen when I turn Make MD off.

Let's see:

Opening the note "Administrativo" with Make MD disabled it opens in less than 1 second.

Opening the note "Administrativo" with Make MD enabled after 10 seconds the note didn't open as well, it seems the plugin is having trouble to search the linked mentions.

How To Disable It this toolbar


I Got Editing Toolbar in My Vault & This Feature Overlaps Please Give Option To Disable It Else Everything Else is Perfect

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