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flutter-fimber's Issues

No implementation for method log on channel flutter_fimber

I just upgraded to Flutter 2.0.1/dart 2.12.0
I updated to flutter_fimber: ^0.6.1
I have lost all logging and I get the following error message repeatedly running on an Android device or an Android emulator.

E/flutter ( 9268): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method log on channel flutter_fimber) E/flutter ( 9268): #0 MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:156:7) E/flutter ( 9268): <asynchronous suspension> E/flutter ( 9268):

I did flutter clean / flutter pub upgrade.
I tried pouring over the documentation for flutter 2 to see if I need to change my project in some way. I did not find any guides on changes that I need to make.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give on this issue.

Latest version (0.6.0) of Flutter Fimber is broken

Error code:

.../Pub/Cache/hosted/ Error: Error when reading '.../Pub/Cache/hosted/': The system cannot find the file specified.

import 'package:fimber/colorize.dart';

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Allow to mute/unmute log levels per planted `Tree`

Add optional parameter to mute and unmute methods that would say which log Tree the action should be limited to.
Add optional Tree's id as String to better identify it.

Thanks to Saïd for suggestion.

Fimber log tag in Constructor does not show which class.

Log tag fetched from log statement in constructor does show only new .
12-03 18:12:36.125 3225-3225/cc.example D/new: Activating dashboard for user testUser
Update split by (' ') so if stacktrace line starts with new it would add class name.

Please update dependencies "fimber" to 0.4.0

Looks like fimber and fimber-io were updated to 0.4.0, but flutter_fimber stays on "0.3.2". Therefore I can't integrate both fimber-io and flutter-fimber in my project. Thanks.

Retrieve logging history

I'm using Fimber for logging in an app that interacts with a REST API. To allow easy troubleshooting on the client side, I would like to show recent logging messages on the frontend (e.g. in a ListView).

Would it possible to retrieve messages from a static method in the Fimber library? Perhaps the method could return something along the lines of a List<FimberLogObject>.

Flutter not printing colors

Hi guys,

I'm using Fimber for a project, and wanted to have colored output. I used the code below. However, I still get white-only output. I'm using iTerm2 on MacOS Catelina (10.15.3).

final tree = DebugTree(useColors: true);

Any idea?

[fimber_io] feature request: get log files list

Thank you for this library. Sometimes you need to send logs to someone with a file during development. Now this is hard to do. Could you add a method that can return log files list?

NetworkTree idea

A simple LogTree implementation that sends logs over a network connection (using Netcat) to a terminal window.

Usecase: view logs for an app that is being cold started: i.e. on push notification or app tray/launcher icon press

/// Terminal
/// nc -kvl 5601 | grep TheClassName
class NetworkLoggingTree extends CustomFormatTree {
      : super(
          useColors: true,
          logFormat: '${CustomFormatTree.levelToken} ${CustomFormatTree.tagToken}: ${CustomFormatTree.messageToken}',
  static Future<NetworkLogging> create(String server, int port) async {
    final socket = await Socket.connect(
      timeout: const Duration(seconds: 10),
    return NetworkLogging._(socket);
  final Socket _socket;
  void printLine(String line, {String level}) {
    super.printLine(line, level: level);

Plant your tree:

/// enter your computer's IP address, and the port that comms will be using
      await NetworkLoggingTree.create('', 5601),

First start a terminal window and enter the net connection command. Use grep if you want to watch logs for a particular class
Then launch your app.

nc -kvl 5601 | grep TheClassName

This is a rough, the NetworkLoggingTree currently extends CustomFormatTree and has the advantage of showing logs in both Terminal and in your regular IDE Output window. I have not managed to get colours to work yet

Further options for Netcat here:

How to disable log in release mode?

I'd like to disable log when I use release mode
How to disable or disappear log my case?
Am I using it correctly?

if (kReleaseMode) {
    Fimber.d('release mode');
  } else {
    Fimber.d('debug mode');

TimedRollingFileTree no call super

      {this.timeSpan = TimedRollingFileTree.dailyTime,
      logFormat = CustomFormatTree.defaultFormat,
      this.filenamePrefix = "log_",
      this.filenamePostfix = ".txt",
      logLevels = CustomFormatTree.defaultLevels}) {
    fileNameFormatter = LogFileNameFormatter.full(
        prefix: filenamePrefix, postfix: filenamePostfix);

should like this

      {this.timeSpan = TimedRollingFileTree.dailyTime,
      logFormat = CustomFormatTree.defaultFormat,
      this.filenamePrefix = "log_",
      this.filenamePostfix = ".txt",
      logLevels = CustomFormatTree.defaultLevels}) :super(logLevels: logLevels, logFormat: logFormat){
    fileNameFormatter = LogFileNameFormatter.full(
        prefix: filenamePrefix, postfix: filenamePostfix);

to call super(logLevels: logLevels, logFormat: logFormat)

Dupplicates log levels in Fimber._muteLevels list

hi, and thanks for a great library!
I just ran into what might be a little issue here: I couldn't get the Verbose level to show, so running the debugger, I found out I had two "V" String objects into the Fimber._muteLevels list... I probably did miss something while handling the list, but it might be an idea anyway to protect the list agains duplicates (check if not already present when adding for ex).

Best regards, and thanks a lot again, keep up good work!

TimedRollingFileTree is constantly rolling to new file

I also tried the TimedRollingFileTree but unfortunately it is constantly rolling (with every log call) because in shouldRollNextFile()

    var now =;
    if (fileNameFormatter.format(now) !=
        fileNameFormatter.format(_currentFileDate)) {
      _currentFileDate = now;
      return true;

the fileNameFormatter.format calls are always not equal and therefore true is always returned.

I am trying to initialize it the following way:

        timeSpan: TimedRollingFileTree.weeklyTime,
        filenamePrefix: '${logFilePrefix}log',
        logLevels: CustomFormatTree.defaultLevels);

Fimber.d showing output twice.

This may be more of a question than an issue with Fimber, but I'm not sure.

I'm using Android Studio 4.1.2

I'm seeing the output twice in the 'Run' console of Android Studio. Here is a simple example...
D/BladePortsHolder._refresh(23318): refreshing
I/flutter (23318): 0:07:30.746915 D BladePortsHolder._refresh: refreshing

The first output has the function name and my output.
The second output has the same thing with flutter, a numeric id and the time.
Perhaps I just need to change a setting? I would like to see only one output. Doubling the output

I'm using the current Beta channel of flutter but I don't think that matters. Channel beta, 1.26.0-17.3.pre. Dart version 2.12.0 (build 2.12.0-259.8.beta).
flutter_fimber: ^0.4.4

Here is my main function
`void main() async {
Fimber.plantTree(FimberTree(useColors: true));
await HiveHelper.init();
AppState.instance = AppState();
await AppState.instance.init();


Print line number, file names in log

This is my current implementation of DebugTree in Timber.

class CustomDebugTree : Timber.DebugTree() {
    override fun createStackElementTag(element: StackTraceElement): String? {
        return "(${element.fileName}:${element.lineNumber})#${element.methodName}"

I was trying to achieve the same in Fimber, but I don't see any formatting options to get the line number or file name. I tried to create a custom Tree as in Timber but the stack trace that is passed in the log function is null. Looks like we need to supply the stack trace as well when calling Fimber's log function. Can we do something about this, maybe using a default argument StackTrace.current in the function argument.

Fimber.d not work when use in Isolates

I try to use Fimber.d() in an Isolates and notice it doesn't print any log.
Version: fimber: ^0.3.2.
As I now, Fimber isn't Dart plugin, so do you know why it doesn't work in Isolates?

FimberLog stopped logging messages and printing to the console

Recently Ive noticed that Im not able to see any activity from my logging service (FimberLog for each class). I`ve checked the Logcat in Android Studio that filters are set correctly (checked without any filters), and I still could not find any logs made from FimberLog..

This is how initialize the logger:

FimberLog getLogger(dynamic obj) {
  if (obj == null) {
    return null;
  final Type t = obj.runtimeType;
  return FimberLog(t.toString());

[√] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.9.1+hotfix.4, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.418], locale en-GB)

[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.2)
[√] Android Studio (version 3.5)
[√] Connected device (1 available)

fimber: ^0.3.2

Only last log gets outputted to file


After issuing a call on two different levels after each other, only the last log gets outputted to the file

Fimber.plantTree(TimedRollingFileTree(filenamePrefix: "/data/data/"));
Fimber.e("Crashing app", stacktrace: StackTrace.fromString("sdfsdfs"), ex: String);
Fimber.e("Crashing app", stacktrace: StackTrace.fromString("sdfsdfs"), ex: String);
Fimber.i("Running app");

File output:
2019-03-09T14:13:51.887683 I main: Running app

Migration to Android v2 plugin


Do you plan to migrate to flutter_embedding v2?

The plugin `flutter_fimber` is built using an older version of the Android plugin API which assumes that
it's running in a full-Flutter environment. It may have undefined behaviors when Flutter is integrated
into an existing app as a module.
The plugin can be updated to the v2 Android Plugin APIs by following

easier way to do colorize wrapping?

okay my head is still asleep...must be turkey I ate?

If I extend the fimber class than I should be able to enable some default app logs with colorize color coding so I do not have to manually add the colorize wrap to every log statement I write.

But its a temporary hack.

Is there a better way to do it?

TimedRollingFileTree does not implement maxHistoryFiles

Do you plan to support maxHistoryFiles in TimedRollingFileTree class?
Currently there is only a declaration of maxHistoryFiles variable, but it is not used.

I assume Fimber should should delete log files if there is more than stored files.

How to retrieve current SizeRollingFileTree?

I am using SizeRollingFileTree and I want to retrieve the current log file from the filesystem so I can display it etc.
How can I achieve this? Is there a function that gives me the current log or do I have to search the filesystem by myself?

Logs with broken characters

I/flutter (29013): �[32m2020-01-30T12:09:16.341436 D AdsUtils._handleEvent: New Banner Ad loaded!�[0m

You can see them in the beginning and in the end

Log is cut on terminal

When the log is big then it is cut from the terminal and you can't see the full output.

debugPrint(someSuperLongString, wrapWidth: 1024);

One one to overcome this is by using another function by logging
flutter/flutter#22665 (comment).

Is there any way to overcome this?

Support stacktrace info on web

It looks like the class/method names that I get on Android with Fimber does not work the same way on web. I'd like to be able to log the calling class and method name on web, too.

Flutter 2.0.2 without NullSafety (flutter_fimber: 0.6.2)

After upgrading my app to Flutter 2.0.2 (without nullSafety) i get the following error while building for android (ios works fine):

Launching lib/main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.

Android resource linking failed
/Users/FOO/projects/BAM/energielabel_app/build/app/intermediates/merged_manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:17: AAPT: error: unexpected element found in .

Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

Get more help at
The build failed likely due to AndroidX incompatibilities in a plugin. The tool is about to try using Jetifier to solve the incompatibility.
Building plugin flutter_fimber...
Running Gradle task 'assembleAarRelease'...

e: /Users/FOO/.pub-cache/hosted/ (3, 28): Unresolved reference: NonNull
e: /Users/FOO/.pub-cache/hosted/ (20, 38): Unresolved reference: NonNull
e: /Users/FOO/.pub-cache/hosted/ (25, 32): Unresolved reference: NonNull
e: /Users/FOO/.pub-cache/hosted/ (25, 59): Unresolved reference: NonNull
e: /Users/FOO/.pub-cache/hosted/ (51, 40): Unresolved reference: NonNull

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileReleaseKotlin'.

Compilation error. See log for more details

Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

Get more help at

Exception: The plugin flutter_fimber could not be built due to the issue above.

Allow un-plant tree

Add method to remove single tree:

  • based on instance
  • based on type (remove all this type) and log levels (optional)

Import shows two options


Intellij advise me to add two possible imports when using Fimber.:

// 1.
import 'package:fimber/fimber_base.dart';
// 2.
import 'package:fimber/fimber.dart';

Which one should we choose? and why?

SizeRollingFileTree exception

Hi! I'm trying to use SizeRollingFileTree in my app

void main() {
  Fimber.plantTree(SizeRollingFileTree(DataSize(megabytes: 1)) );
  Fimber.d("starting app");


  fimber_io: ^0.4.4
  fimber: ^0.4.4

and I've got this error on Android 10 device, storage permission granted

E/flutter (19744): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: FileSystemException: Directory listing failed, path = 'log_/' (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)
E/flutter (19744): #0      _Directory._fillWithDirectoryListing (dart:io-patch/directory_patch.dart:37:68)
E/flutter (19744): #1      _Directory.listSync (dart:io/directory_impl.dart:243:5)
E/flutter (19744): #2      SizeRollingFileTree.detectFileIndex (package:fimber_io/src/file_log.dart:149:10)
E/flutter (19744): #3      new SizeRollingFileTree (package:fimber_io/src/file_log.dart:137:5)
E/flutter (19744): #4      main (package:myapp/main.dart:15:20)
E/flutter (19744): #5      _runMainZoned.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (dart:ui/hooks.dart:233:25)
E/flutter (19744): #6      _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1190:13)
E/flutter (19744): #7 (dart:async/zone.dart:1093:19)
E/flutter (19744): #8      _runZoned (dart:async/zone.dart:1630:10)
E/flutter (19744): #9      runZonedGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1618:12)
E/flutter (19744): #10     _runMainZoned.<anonymous closure> (dart:ui/hooks.dart:225:5)
E/flutter (19744): #11     _startIsolate.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:301:19)
E/flutter (19744): #12     _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:168:12)

Shouldn't the directory be created by fimber?

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