Code Monkey home page Code Monkey logo's Introduction

LoopBack community site, This website now includes the LoopBack documentation.

NOTE: The website is served from the gh-pages branch.

This repository is provided under the MIT License.


To preview the website locally:

  1. Install Ruby and Bundler if you don't have them already.

  2. Clone this repo (you might use the SSH URL instead of HTTPS).:

git clone
  1. cd to the repository directory and run the following command:
$ cd
$ bundle install

Bundler will look in the Gemfile for which gems to install. The github-pages gem includes the same version of Jekyll and other dependencies as used by GitHub Pages, so that your local setup mirrors GitHub Pages as closely as possible.

Run and view site locally

Run Jekyll using the following command:

$ npm start

Then, load http://localhost:4001/ on your browser.

NOTE: The docs part will be at http://localhost:4001/doc. It's not yet linked from the main "overview" part of the site, but will be once we launch (RSN).


Jekyll uses a variant of Markdown known as Kramdown.

Jekyll uses the Liquid template engine for templating.

Incorporating external READMEs

The documentation incorporates README files from a number of LoopBack example repositories. We use the get-readmes utility to fetch the README files directly from GitHub. Here is how to update the READMEs

  1. npm install (first time/setup only)
  2. npm run fetch-readmes

From there, the README markdown files are incorporated into documentation articles using the standard Jekyll "include" syntax as follows (for example):

title: "Angular example app"
lang: en
layout: readme
source: loopback-example-angular
keywords: LoopBack
sidebar: lb2_sidebar
permalink: /doc/en/lb2/Angular-example-app.html
summary: A brief tutorial on creating an Angular client app using the Loopback AngularJS SDK.

{% include readmes/ %}

Incorporating updates from loopback-next

We use a node script update-lb4-docs to copy over contents from loopback-next repository using @loopback/docs package. The script is responsible for copying over the markdown documentation and related tables, as well as the sidebar used for LoopBack 4 content. The changes are then picked up as part of Travis CI's builds along with README update scripts and deployed to GitHub Pages once successful. The upgrade-swagger-ui.js script is also run as part of the builds. If you'd like to make documentation changes for LoopBack 4, please do so on its own repository.

Linting Readmes

There is an additional npm script that "lints" the readmes for markdown formatting problems. It is currently "experimental", see this issue for more info.

You can run this script thus:

$ npm run lint-readmes Docs Search

Docs Search is powered by IBM Watson Discovery.

How it works

There are two parts of work to get this working:

  1. The Discovery service is one of the services provided by IBM Cloud. A collection is created with as the URL we'd like to sync.

  2. The IBM Cloud function is used for the search function calling the discovery service and parse the output in the form that the LoopBack web site understands.

Front End

Each documentation page has a search bar the top. The search will redirect the user to a /search page to show the results. The results are retrieved from a IBM Cloud Function that acts as a proxy to protect Watson Discovery credentials. The search bar also contains a hidden form input that sets the sidebar value and Watson Discovery filters content based on this value to return context aware results. Ex: Searching for the word controller from a LoopBack 4 documentation page will return LoopBack 4 results. To search all documents you can search from the /search page. Community Docs and Contribution docs are included in all results.

Cloud Function

The code for the Cloud function can be found here. It is deployed to the same account and must be edited directly in IBM Cloud (formerly BlueMix). The repository exists to document code changes and have peer reviews. Credentials for accessing the Cloud Function can be obtained from Diana Lau OR you can ask them to re-deploy changes.

Your own version

You can deploy the code on your own IBM Cloud account and upload the URL for Discovery in search.html.


This project uses DCO. Be sure to sign off your commits using the -s flag or adding Signed-off-By: Name<Email> in the commit message.


git commit -s -m "feat: my commit message"

Also see the Contributing to LoopBack documentation to get you started.'s People


0candy avatar achrinza avatar agnes512 avatar altsang avatar amir-61 avatar b-admike avatar bajtos avatar breadfit avatar bschrammibm avatar buokae avatar crandmck avatar dhmlau avatar hacksparrow avatar haroldv avatar jannyhou avatar marc-ed-raffalli avatar nabdelgadir avatar rashmihunt avatar raymondfeng avatar renovate-bot avatar renovate[bot] avatar ritch avatar rmg avatar rosshj avatar sequoia avatar shimks avatar slnode avatar smartmouse avatar superkhau avatar virkt25 avatar


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Link to the docs in the header

The website clearly lacks a big, visible link to the docs in the header. I had to read all the way to the bottom of the getting started page to finally find one (although I later found another one at the bottom of the main page) and it's kinda frustrating.

Why not have a menu that goes like Getting started Examples Resources Docs Who's using? Contributing ?
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has wasted a few precious minutes trying to find the docs. ;)

Create Issue Template

Issue templates

Some possible info to request (for this docs repo)

Maybe not all of this...

  1. URL
  2. Site bug or Content bug/errata
  3. What was the content problem?
    • missing docs?
    • inaccurate docs?
  4. What question were you looking for an answer for in the docs?
  5. What change would you like to see? (what would "resolve" this doc issue?)

Layout tweaks

There are a few styling tweaks I would like. @Sequoia I can probably figure these out (when I can find the time) if I try, but if you can easily fix them, please do so.

There is a bit too much whitespace between the page content and the title bar (top bar). I know a certain amount of whitespace is good, but screen real estate is also valuable, so I just think we can bring it down by 10 - 20px or so...


The blue highlight that appears around a title in the navbar needs a little more space on the left--probably just a few px more padding:

Also, there is a small glitch in the top bar drop-downs:

dropdown styling

The green highlight should extend all the way to the left edge of the "dropdown" (as it does on the right side).

Add new Contributing page with corresponding navigation elements

Per @altsang we want to have a new "Contributing" page that will contain the info I added in 4d335a2 and a bit more. We will also need a "Contributing" navigation element in the header.

I haven't been able to figure out how to add a new nav element without screwing up the layout, so please @rosshj could you do this in a new branch? If you can add the nav element and new page, I can provide the content before we merge the PR. Please go ahead and merge the customers-tweaks branch first so that can be live while we're working on this.

Clean up example READMEs

We fetch the following READMEs into the docs:

  • loopback-android-getting-started
  • loopback-example-angular
  • loopback-example-app-logic
  • loopback-example-access-control
  • loopback-example-angular-live-set
  • loopback-example-connector", "branch": "remote
  • loopback-example-connector", "branch": "rest
  • loopback-example-connector", "branch": "soap
  • loopback-example-database", "branch": "mssql
  • loopback-example-database", "branch": "mysql
  • loopback-example-database", "branch": "oracle
  • loopback-example-database", "branch": "postgresql
  • loopback-example-database
  • loopback-example-kv-connectors
  • loopback-example-middleware
  • loopback-example-mixins
  • loopback-example-offline-sync
  • loopback-example-passport
  • loopback-example-relations
  • loopback-example-storage
  • loopback-example-user-management
  • loopback-example-isomorphic
  • loopback-example-xamarin
  • loopback-ios-getting-started

Need to make the following changes to these:

  • Update any old links to http://docs/ to be to
  • Ensure all links (e.g. to source files, etc) use absolute URLs, not relative, so the links work on this site as well as in GitHub.

Replace navigation widget

The navgoco JavaScript nav widget has a number of limitations and issues, and we probably should just replace it with something else.

For the most part, the server-side part that turns the YAML sidebar file into an unordered list is working OK. One exception is that it doesn't allow 2nd-level items to have a URL, e.g. Creating model relations is a container but is not linked to an article.

At a minimum, it must:

  • Create the nav from an HTML unordered list.
  • Be responsive and work with Bootstrap.
  • Be easy to change the display & make it look like we want.

There are dozens of possibilities, but is a good candidate. See also for a list of other possibilities.

Markdown linter integration

Come up with a proposal to answer the following:

  • What linter to use
  • General Usage
    • Ad hoc (ie. npm run lint)
    • CI (ie. posttest: npm run lint)
  • List of things to do during the actual tasks (ie. update readme with ad hoc usage instructions for repo, submit PR with dep/integration with remark-lint, etc)

Problems with liquid include parameters containing non-Western characters

I ran into a roadblock working on #37. Jekyll/Liquid generates an error when processing includes with non-Western parameter values, e.g.

{% include important.html content="
アプリケーションを作成するための基本的な紹介として [Getting started with LoopBack]
を参照してください。" %}

The error is:

Liquid Exception: Invalid syntax for include tag. File contains invalid characters or sequences: 
important.html content=" LoopBackがどのように動くかを理解するには**まずこのページをお読みく
ださい。次に、LoopBackアプリケーションを作成するための基本的な紹介として [Getting started 
with LoopBack](/doc/ja/lb2/Getting-started-with-LoopBack.html) Valid syntax: {% include file.ext 
param='value' param2='value' %} in pages/ja/lb2/

The English content makes extensive use of Liquid includes (with parameters) for alerts and numerous other things. So we need to resolve this or find a workaround, otherwise it's going to be much more difficult to provide translations of the docs.

Devise way to transclude markdown content from other repos

Figure out how to deal with content that we currently "transclude" (dynamically include) from other GitHub repos. Typically, these are example repo README files. We use a special Confluence macro to "single source" this content; we can do something similar with a Jekyll plugin, but there are wrinkles.

This is part of Proposal to make LoopBack documentation open source.

Related notes:

Docs for LoopBack 3.0 release

Just before LB 3.0 release, need to:

  • Copy the 2.x articles from pages/en/lb2 to pages/en/lb3, except (obviously) for the 3.0-specific pages that are already there.
  • Rename any 3.0-specific articles to remove "3.0" from the title, e.g. Operation-hooks-version-3.0.html.
  • Copy the 2.x sidebar nav to 3.
  • Update pages/en/lb3/index.html to reflect release status, etc.
  • Review the release notes to see if anything else needs to be updated in the 3.0 docs.

Notify community when ready to accept translation PRs.

This will be a general issue to notify the community when we're ready to accept translation PRs.
See #37 for more details on localization.

Please comment here if you're interested in translating LoopBack docs so you'll receive a GH notification.

@dejaneves This issue replaces strongloop/loopback#2700 and I'll comment here when we're ready to accept translation PRs.

Enhance in-page TOC

It would be great if the auto-generated page TOC had these features:

  • UI element to "minify" the TOC display. This would help esp. for long TOCs.
  • Ability for author to specify that TOC displays only elements up to a certain level, eg. h1's only, or h1 & h2's only, etc. Sometimes you don't need to show all the lower-level headings.

Annotator errors

This is minor, but all pages I've loaded are producing the following error on the console:

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).annotator is not a function

The offending code is the following page-end script,

    jQuery(function ($) {
                .annotator('setupPlugins', {tokenUrl: ''})

This does not appear to be impacting anything, but may be a sign of something missing/broken that you guys know about.

Migrate translated content

In addition to the English content (which is mostly migrated--still some work to do, but maybe 80% done atm), we need to migrate community-translated content from Confluence to Jekyll/Markdown in the following languages:

NOTE: even though we have, there doesn't seem to be any content translated into Portuguese, so there's nothing to migrate.

Several caveats:

  • In every language, only part of the content has been translated, so we need to migrate only the translated articles.
  • For untranslated content, we should just have the English content.
  • Depending on the language, some/all titles in the sidebar navigation has been translated, and sometimes not.

ASAP, I will export the translated content, and (time permitting) run the migration script and check in the markdown files. If I run into problems, I may need to ask for help from @marc-ed-raffalli again :-)

I need to write up a short explanation about how people can contribute translations (for both existing and new languages). Cf #33.

Sidebar container items indented too far

Sidebar container items are left-indented more than items that are not containers:

The left-padding of these articles should be the same whether they are a container or not, because an item is at the same "level" in the hierarchy, regardless of whether it has children or not.

So, in the example shown here, the + for "Validating model data" should align with the beginning of "Exposing models over REST"

(I need to remove the duplicate "Defining models" item which is a leftover from the old scheme, but that's another matter).

Pull in READMEs for connectors, components

We should use the same technique that we currently use to fetch the example repo READMEs to get the READMEs for all the data source connectors and the components. Also look at any other READMEs we should include into the docs.

This may require some minor modifications to the get-readmes code to allow for a second repos.json file in the _data directory.

how can i start translate en version?

i find all branch, there is nothing of en version page(only demo page).so i need to write the page all?�i'm confused...
please show me the guide. thank you

i have Windows10 .and npm version 3.10.6 . when i am installing npm install -g strongloop. giving error . the error is

URL of the page

npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.10586
npm ERR! argv "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install" "node-pre-gyp"
npm ERR! node v4.4.7
npm ERR! npm v3.10.6
npm ERR! path C:\Users\HP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules.staging\sqlite3-246ee2c4
npm ERR! code EBUSY
npm ERR! errno -4082
npm ERR! syscall rmdir

npm ERR! EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir 'C:\Users\HP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules.staging\sqlite3-246ee2c4'
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR!

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! C:\Users\HP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules.staging\sqlite3-246ee2c4\npm-debug.log
npm WARN install:[email protected] [email protected] preinstall: npm install node-pre-gyp
npm WARN install:[email protected] Exit status 4294963214

[email protected] preinstall C:\Users\HP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules.staging\strong-arc-13fb10de
node .sl-blip.js

`-- (empty)

npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /strongloop/modern-syslog:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: [email protected]
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /strongloop/strong-supervisor/modern-syslog:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: [email protected]
npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.10586
npm ERR! argv "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Users\HP\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install" "-g" "strongloop"
npm ERR! node v4.4.7
npm ERR! npm v3.10.6
npm ERR! file C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
npm ERR! path C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
npm ERR! errno ENOENT
npm ERR! syscall spawn C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe

npm ERR! [email protected] preinstall: node .sl-blip.js
npm ERR! spawn C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe ENOENT
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] preinstall script 'node .sl-blip.js'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the strong-arc package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! node .sl-blip.js
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR! npm bugs strong-arc
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls strong-arc
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! G:\Angular-2\Angular-2 firebase\Demoapp2\src\app\npm-debug.log
If applicable.

Nature of the issue

Is this an issue with the layout/behavior/UX of the site or a problem with missing/inaccurate documentation content?
In general, use this ( repo for issues with layout/behavior/UX of the site, and other repos for doc content.

Expected behavior

What did you expect to happen?

Actual behavior

What actually happenend, with steps to reproduce (if applicable).

Suggested resolution

How do you think this should be resolved (optional).

Go-live checklist

This is the series of events that has to happen to switch from to

  • Review and test all migrated English content.
  • Fix all broken links per #44
  • Fix search feature per #31.
  • Incorporate README content from example repos, etc. per #30.
  • Import translated docs from Confluence per #37.
  • Fix tags per #41 (not required, but "nice to have")
  • Set up Google Analytics per #45.
  • Copy LB 2.x content into LB3 directory and make other initial changes in 3.0 docs.
  • Add link in header nav bar on to
  • Publish blog post announcing new doc site, deprecating old site, explaining how to contribute, etc.
  • Add redirects on to corresponding pages in and deprecation notices everywhere else.
  • Update links to docs on (Dave W),, KC docs, and anywhere else.

Move API docs to domain

@bajtos suggested:

Should we eventually move LoopBack's portion of to

This would just be a DNS change, approved in principle by @ritch and @raymondfeng.
However, it would be strange to have non-LoopBack docs on, so we'd want to review the status of the API docs for:

  • strong-cluster-connect-store
  • strong-cluster-control
  • strong-cluster-tls-store
  • strong-mq
  • strong-store-cluster
  • strong-task-emitter

(see for the content).

Can we eliminate the API docs and rely on the GitHub READMEs for the above? @sam-github

Yo install issue

yo loopback

Error: Cannot find module 'ansi-styles'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
at require (module.js:380:17)
at Object. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-loopback/node_modules/yeoman-generator/node_modules/chalk/index.js:2:12)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:3

Check all links

We need to run a comprehensive link-check on the site to identify broken links.

Change FA owners doc to table format

URL of the page

FA owners doc page.

Nature of the issue


Expected behavior

just look like a table for easy reading

Actual behavior

a tree list ATM

Suggested resolution


Rework internal links

Currently, links to other doc. pages are constructed as follows (for example):

[PersistedModel REST API](/doc/{{page.lang}}/lb2/PersistedModel-REST-API.html)

The original intent was to ensure that links go to the appropriate translation, but it is problematic for include templates (where the liquid variable {{page.lang}} is not allowed in a template parameter.

Also, when we duplicate the docs for the LB 3.0 release, we'll have to go through and replace lb2 everywhere with lb3

However, due to the way we've set up the pages sub-folders, we could just link to the page name, e.g.

[PersistedModel REST API](PersistedModel-REST-API.html)

This will work for all languages and would not require any changes for LB3 (or other subsequent) releases.

Improve translation infrastructure

Nature of the issue

Currently, for non-English spaces, untranslated articles simply return a 404 Not Found. For example:

Expected behavior

I would like the page to display a message saying that it hasn't yet been translated, and provide a link to the corresponding English page.

Actual behavior

Currently displays "Page Not Found"

Suggested resolution

See prototype in (for ja docs only).

Navigation sidebar doesn't open child topics when viewing container topic

The original implementation of the sidebar didn't allow sidebar container items to be linked to a topic. You can see the default implementation in The sidebar container items "Overview", "Release Notes", "Installation", etc. are only containers, they are not pages themselves.

But since our topic hierarchy was laid out such that containers were also themselves topics, I changed the _includes/sidebar.html template to allow for that. However, the problem now is that when you click on a container topic, it doesn't "expand" the child topics; you have to click the inverted triangle to do that. While this works, it's inconvenient and could be confusing.

I'd like the child topics to be displayed by default. So, for example, when you click on LoopBack core concepts, I'd like it to expand the child topics underneath ("Routing", "LoopBack FAQ", etc) as well as display the "LoopBack core concepts" page.

Set up Google Analytics

The Jekyll template has provision for this. We just have to set the GA ID in _config.yml via google_analytics

Problems with navgroups and README layouts

I created two new layouts that work fine when I run Jekyll locally, but not on the site:

URL of the page

For example:

What it should look like (from running Jekyll locally):


Notice that the "see also" box floats to the right of the TOC, which looks better.


What it should look like (from running Jekyll locally):

The "Note" is displayed at the top of the page above the TOC, which looks better.

Nature of the issue

All the files in the repo seem to be up to date. It's a matter of the actual HTML not laying out in the order that it should be. I'm stumped.

@Sequoia I know you're busy with other stuff, but if you have a moment, I would appreciate your eyes. LMK if you have questions, as it's somewhat complicated... or anyone else with Jekyll experience @eddiemonge :-)

Add CI branching info/rules

URL of the page

Add info from internal KB on CI/branching to
Not sure if it should be a section in this page or a "child" page.

Nature of the issue

Per, the information in the CI branch rules page is useful to community contributors too, as it describes the reasons behind our decision to use latest in dev-dependencies.

Include info on project level things we decide that should be publicized, eg:

  • How we use CI
  • Why we have N branches in all repos
  • Which branches are protected, etc

Suggested resolution

Just need to merge info from the internal KB page into

cc @bajtos @superkhau

Enhance sidebar nav to take another level of hierarchy

Currently, the sidebar nav only allows three levels of hierarchy:

  • Top-level "folders"
    • Second-level "subfolders"
      • Third-level "subfolder items"

This works for most of our content, but there are a few areas where we could use one more level. The code that processes the yml sidebar file does not currently support this.

In addition, there is an oddity left over from the original implementation where the first item in a "folder" cannot be a "subfolder" (only a non-container leaf node is allowed). For example, I had to stick a dummy item under the container, because the first item, Creating models, is a "subfolder". Without the intervening item, jekyll gives a build error:

           Error: (/Users/rand/StrongLoop/ did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 236 column 5

I would like to be able to make an article be a "container" in the sidebar, regardless of where it occurs.

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