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unitymmo's Issues


[:01000017] lua call [1000016 to :1000017 : 14 msgsz = 25] error : /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:184: /root/u3d/lualib/Common/Util/sprotoloader.lua:21: nil sproto at index 1
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'sproto.core.loadproto'
/root/u3d/lualib/Common/Util/sprotoloader.lua:21: in function 'Common.Util.sprotoloader.load'
/root/u3d/service/msgagent.lua:60: in local 'f'
/root/u3d/service/msgagent.lua:92: in upvalue 'f'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:141: in function </root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:113>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: in function 'skynet.dispatch_message'
[:01000016] lua call [1000017 to :1000016 : 14 msgsz = 0] error : /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:184: /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: call failed
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: in upvalue 'yield_call'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:376: in function ''
/root/u3d/service/gated.lua:42: in function </root/u3d/service/gated.lua:18>
(...tail calls...)
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/snax/gateserver.lua:151: in upvalue 'f'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:141: in function </root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:113>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: in function 'skynet.dispatch_message'
[:0100000d] invalid client (fd = 11) error = /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/snax/loginserver.lua:146: /root/u3d/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: call failed



[:01000009] Server start
[:0100000a] LAUNCH snlua protoloader
[:0100000b] LAUNCH snlua console
[:0100000c] LAUNCH snlua debug_console 8000
[:0100000b] lua call [0 to :100000b : 0 msgsz = 56] error : �[31m/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:859: /home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:330: /home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet/socket.lua:358: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet/socket.lua:358: in function 'skynet.socket.readline'
/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/service/console.lua:16: in upvalue 'f'
/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:253: in function </home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:252>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/home/wlq/work/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:859: in function 'skynet.dispatch_message'�[0m
[:0100000c] Start debug console at
[:0100000d] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000e] LAUNCH snlua logind



Start main scene and console throw error

31/16:1:52:ResourceManager:Initialize() m_BaseDownloadingURL:file:///E:/work/Uni
31/16:1:53:OnLoadAsset failed!--->>>StreamingAssets trace back : at XLuaFramew
ork.LogHandler.AddMessage (System.String message, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x0
00ed] in <5a31560096d8420d8fc14c1c8bac16d8>:0
at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.HandleLog (System.String message, System.String st
ackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00001] in <5a31560096d8420d8fc14c1c8bac16
at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.St
ring stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [
0x00018] in <712d4fd831e148f0ba5124a22b81cac4>:0
at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType level, System
.String msg, UnityEngine.Object obj) [0x00000] in <712d4fd831e148f0ba5124a22b81c
at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType logType, UnityEn
gine.Object context, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x0000b] in <7
at UnityEngine.Logger.Log (UnityEngine.LogType logType, System.Object message)
[0x00029] in <712d4fd831e148f0ba5124a22b81cac4>:0
at UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (System.Object message) [0x00008] in <712d4fd831
at XLuaFramework.ResourceManager+d__19`1[T].MoveNext () [0x000ce]
in <5a31560096d8420d8fc14c1c8bac16d8>:0
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator e
numerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00028] in <712d4fd831e148f0ba512




启动服务器报错lua loader error : /root/Server/game/service/chat.lua:5: attempt to index a nil value

lua loader error : /root/Server/game/service/chat.lua:5: attempt to index a nil value (global 'ErrorCode')
stack traceback:
/root/Server/game/service/chat.lua:5: in local 'main'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/loader.lua:48: in main chunk
[:01000024] KILL self
[:01000016] lua call [1000008 to :1000016 : 14 msgsz = 106] error : /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:184: /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:628: /root/Server/skynet/service/service_mgr.lua:25: /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: call failed
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:628: in function 'skynet.uniqueservice'
/root/Server/service/gated.lua:105: in function </root/Server/service/gated.lua:95>
(...tail calls...)
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/snax/gateserver.lua:149: in upvalue 'f'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:141: in function </root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:113>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:617: in function 'skynet.dispatch_message'
[:01000009] init service failed: /root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: call failed
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:359: in upvalue 'yield_call'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:376: in function ''
/root/Server/service/main.lua:16: in local 'start'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:721: in function </root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:718>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:725: in function 'skynet.pcall'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:729: in function 'skynet.init_service'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:742: in upvalue 'f'
/root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:114: in function </root/Server/skynet/lualib/skynet.lua:113>

Why doesn't it work?

[:01000002] LAUNCH snlua bootstrap
[:01000003] LAUNCH snlua launcher
[:01000004] LAUNCH snlua cmaster
[:01000004] master listen socket
[:01000005] LAUNCH snlua cslave
[:01000005] slave connect to master
[:01000004] connect from 4
[:01000006] LAUNCH harbor 1 16777221
[:01000004] Harbor 1 (fd=4) report
[:01000005] Waiting for 0 harbors
[:01000005] Shakehand ready
[:01000007] LAUNCH snlua datacenterd
[:01000008] LAUNCH snlua service_mgr
[:01000009] LAUNCH snlua main
[:01000009] Server start
[:0100000a] LAUNCH snlua protoloader
[:0100000b] LAUNCH snlua console
[:0100000c] LAUNCH snlua debug_console 8000
[:0100000c] Start debug console at
[:0100000d] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000e] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000f] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000010] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000011] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000012] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000013] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000014] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000015] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000d] login server listen at : 8001
[:01000016] LAUNCH snlua gated 16777229 1 1
[:01000016] Listen on
[:01000017] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000018] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000019] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001a] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001b] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001c] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001d] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001e] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001f] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000020] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000021] LAUNCH snlua world
[:01000022] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249
[:01000023] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249
[:01000024] LAUNCH snlua chat
[:01000025] LAUNCH snlua dbserver
[:01000026] LAUNCH snlua dbserver
[:01000027] LAUNCH snlua id_service
[:01000009] KILL self
[:01000002] KILL self


Could not create asset from Assets/AssetBundleRes/scene/base_world/base_world_2001/ReflectionProbe-0.exr: Cube texture could not be created. Only Power of Two textures can be cubemaps.

lua ecs 使用C存储数据层,真的能提高性能吗

下面是我做的测试(平台win7 x64 vs2017):

local ECSCore = require("ECSCore")

local chunk = ECSCore.CreateChunk(32)

local times = 100
local core_cost = 0
local lua_cost = 0

for n = 1,times do
    local bt = microsecond()
    for i = 0, 10000 do
        ECSCore.WriteNumber(chunk, 0, 123)
        ECSCore.WriteNumber(chunk, 4, 123)
        ECSCore.ReadNumber(chunk, 0)
        ECSCore.ReadNumber(chunk, 4)
    core_cost = core_cost +  microsecond() - bt

    local t = {a = 0, b= 0}
    bt = microsecond()
    for i = 0, 10000 do
        t.a = 123
        t.b = 123
        local v1 = t.a
        local v2 = t.b
    lua_cost = lua_cost +  microsecond() - bt
print("ecs core cost", core_cost)
print("lua cost", lua_cost)


ecs core cost        205641
lua cost     33294

我认为使用C存储数据层,造成无法直接使用lua原生指令操作基本类型的数据,只能通过lua虚拟栈操作。 而C#可以直接操作native指针,这个是lua不具备的。


环境 mac unity 2019.3
xLua exception : luaopen_client_crypt at (wrapper managed-to-native) XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.luaopen_client_crypt(intptr

xLua exception : luaopen_sproto_core at (wrapper managed-to-native) XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.luaopen_sproto_core(intptr)

mac 相关的 lua 库 资源 有问题嘛?

另外 server 端 缺少文件
service/main.lua:2: module 'Common.Util.util' not fou



17/16:11:50:resource manager start
17/16:11:50:new_state : CheckExtractResource
17/16:11:51:CheckExtraceResource AppConfig.DataPath:E:/Games/UnityMMO-master/UnityMMO_Data/StreamingAssets/ isExists:False debugmode : True
17/16:11:51:AssetsHotFixManager:CheckExtractResource ok
17/16:11:51:Main.cs CheckExtractResource OK!!!
17/16:11:51:new_state : UpdateResourceFromNet
17/16:11:51:Main.cs UpdateResourceFromNet OK!!!
17/16:11:51:new_state : InitAssetBundle
17/16:11:51:ResourceManager:Initialize() m_BaseDownloadingURL:file:///E:/Games/UnityMMO-master/UnityMMO_Data/StreamingAssets/
17/16:11:51:Main.cs ResourceManager Initialize OK!!!
17/16:11:51:new_state : StartLogin
17/16:11:51:System.RuntimeType not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:LUA: load event file!
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:UIGlobal.lua[4] UI.AlertView table: 000001FA70DCD480
17/16:11:51:LUA: logic start
17/16:11:51:LUA: update manager start up
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:Game.lua[Game.OnInitOK()]
17/16:11:51:UnityEngine.RectTransform+Edge not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:UnityEngine.RectTransform+Axis not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:Message.lua[Init]
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:UIWidgetPool.lua[16] AppConfig.DebugMode true table: 000001FA70E97B60 nil
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:TestController.lua[14] self.enable true
17/16:11:51:LUA: Cat:LoginController.lua[Init]
17/16:11:51:UnityEngine.Input not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:UnityEngine.KeyCode not gen, using reflection instead
17/16:11:51:OnLoadAsset failed!--->>>ui_common trace back : at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.AddMessage (System.String message, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0
at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.HandleLog (System.String message, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0
at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in :0
at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType level, System.String msg, UnityEngine.Object obj) [0x00000] in :0
at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType logType, UnityEngine.Object context, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0
at UnityEngine.Logger.Log (UnityEngine.LogType logType, System.Object message) [0x00000] in :0
at UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (System.Object message) [0x00000] in :0
at XLuaFramework.ResourceManager+d__191[T].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 17/16:11:51:OnLoadAsset failed!--->>>ui_login trace back : at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.AddMessage (System.String message, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0 at XLuaFramework.LogHandler.HandleLog (System.String message, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type) [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0 at UnityEngine.Application.CallLogCallback (System.String logString, System.String stackTrace, UnityEngine.LogType type, System.Boolean invokedOnMainThread) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType level, System.String msg, UnityEngine.Object obj) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler.LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType logType, UnityEngine.Object context, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at UnityEngine.Logger.Log (UnityEngine.LogType logType, System.Object message) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (System.Object message) [0x00000] in <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0 at XLuaFramework.ResourceManager+<OnLoadAsset>d__191[T].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <67971826de2d4123ac11abc59e868fb8>:0
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in :0




本项目为 lua 实现的 FlowCanvas,BehaviourTree,StateMachine 集合,支持此三大类的相互嵌套。可以在 unity 的 FlowCanvas+NodeCanvas插件编辑后导出 lua 脚本直接在本项目使用,当然需要用到本项目提供的导出脚本。尽管项目名叫 blueprint(参考UE的蓝图 blueprint)

About Navmesh.


A question, does the server check the navmesh? Because I did not find the navmesh reading on the server, just the client.

Congratulations on the excellent work!

Start game with platform pc error


The referenced script (U3DExtends.LayoutInfo) on this Behaviour is missing!
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Scripting/ManagedReference/SerializableManagedRef.cpp Line: 199)

The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'MainUIMenuView_Canvas') is missing!
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Mono/ManagedMonoBehaviourRef.cpp Line: 334)

A scripted object (probably U3DExtends.LayoutInfo?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 32 bytes but expected 112 bytes)
Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Serialize/SerializedFile.cpp Line: 2136)

Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist

[:01000002] LAUNCH snlua bootstrap
[:01000003] LAUNCH snlua launcher
[:01000004] LAUNCH snlua cmaster
[:01000004] master listen socket
[:01000005] LAUNCH snlua cslave
[:01000005] slave connect to master
[:01000004] connect from 4
[:01000006] LAUNCH harbor 1 16777221
[:01000004] Harbor 1 (fd=4) report
[:01000005] Waiting for 0 harbors
[:01000005] Shakehand ready
[:01000007] LAUNCH snlua datacenterd
[:01000008] LAUNCH snlua service_mgr
[:01000009] LAUNCH snlua main
[:01000009] Server start
[:0100000a] LAUNCH snlua protoloader
[:0100000b] LAUNCH snlua console
[:0100000c] LAUNCH snlua debug_console 8000
[:0100000c] Start debug console at
[:0100000d] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000e] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000f] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000010] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000011] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000012] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000013] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000014] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:01000015] LAUNCH snlua logind
[:0100000d] login server listen at : 8001
[:01000016] LAUNCH snlua gated 16777229 1 1
[:01000016] Listen on
[:01000017] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000018] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000019] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001a] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001b] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001c] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001d] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001e] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:0100001f] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000020] LAUNCH snlua msgagent
[:01000021] LAUNCH snlua world
[:01000022] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249
[:01000023] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249
[:01000024] LAUNCH snlua chat
[:01000025] LAUNCH snlua dbserver
[:01000026] LAUNCH snlua dbserver
[:01000027] LAUNCH snlua id_service
[:01000009] KILL self
[:01000002] KILL self
[:0100000e] connect from (fd = 11)
Cat:logind.lua[22] user, password 1 password DevelopServer
[:01000025] Table 'UnityMMOAccount.Account' doesn't exist
1@DevelopServer is login, secret is 447e22468b387c3d
Cat:msgagent.lua[50] user_info.agent 16777239
[:01000017] 1 is login
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
[:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist


sproto 问题

请问下 为什么 项目中 有 2 个版本的sproto 保留1 个 会有问题吗

net manager read empty!

net manager read empty!
大佬,你服务器是64位还是32位,我用的ubuntu 64位虚拟机,电脑pc win10 64 , 报了个包尺寸不对,断线处理,不忙的时候,给指条路呗~~谢啦



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