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2024-reliability-mrdoc's Introduction

Comparing DoC, MRDoC and MRDoC2 v5



c("ProjectTemplate", "umx", "MASS", "plotly",
  "lattice", "knitr", "tidyverse", "ggpubr",
  "rgl", "akima", "foreach", "ggplot2", "doParallel",
  "MASS", "scales", "RColorBrewer", "ggrepel",
  lapply(function(x) { if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
             install.packages(x, dependencies = TRUE, repos = "")

set.seed(42) # setting seed for stochastic functions
setwd(here::here()) # needed as we are in /src, in linux here() should be used

## load.project(data_loading=FALSE ) #cache_loading = TRUE) # Loading the project
## pclean() # cleaning /src folder

# R options
  digits = 5, # Only two decimal digits
  scipen = 999 # Remove scientific notation

# mxOptions
mxOption(key = "Number of Threads", value = parallel::detectCores())
mxOption(key = "maxOrdinalPerBlock", value = 200)
# mxOption(NULL, "Default optimizer", "SQLSP")

## cb_palette <- c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73",
##                 "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")

# Add 5 more colorblind friendly colors to cb_palette
## cb_palette <- c(cb_palette, brewer.pal(7, "Set3"))

cb_palette <-  c("maroon", "red","orange", "gold",
                               "blue", "black", "green")
# Increase this to 15 colors
cb_palette <- c(cb_palette, brewer.pal(12, "Paired"))

## cb_palette <- c(brewer.pal(12,"Paired"), brewer.pal(3,"Set2"))

theme_luis  <- function() {
  return_theme <-  ggplot2::theme_bw(12) +
        panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black"),
        legend.background = element_rect(linetype = 1, size = 0.2, colour = 1))

Supporting functions

Maker for models in variance components style

mrdoc_maker <- function(type = c("doc", "mrdoc", "mrdoc2")) {

  if (type == "doc") {

  model <- mxModel(
        name = "MZmeans", type = "Full", nrow = 1, ncol = 4, free = TRUE,
        labels = c("muPh1", "muPh2",  "muPh1", "muPh2")
        name = "DZmeans", type = "Full", nrow = 1, ncol = 4, free = TRUE,
        labels = c("muPh1", "muPh2", "muPh1", "muPh2")
      mxMatrix(name = "I", type = "Iden", nrow = 2, ncol = 2),
        type = "Full", nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
        labels = c(
          NA, "g2",
          "g1", NA
        name = "psi_a", type = "Symm", ncol = 2, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
        labels = c(
          "ra", "ay2"
        free = c(
          T, T
        values = c(
          0.05, 0.1
        name = "psi_c", type = "Symm", ncol = 2, nrow = 2,
        labels = c(
          "rc", "cy2"
        name = "psi_e", type = "Symm", ncol = 2, nrow = 2,
        labels = c(
          "re", "ey2"
        name = "lamba", type = "Diag", nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
        free = c(F, F), labels = c("σ1", "σ2"),
        values = c(1, 1)
      mxAlgebra(name = "A", expression = lamba %&% (solve(I - B) %&% psi_a)),
      mxAlgebra(name = "C", expression = lamba %&% (solve(I - B) %&% psi_c)),
      mxAlgebra(name = "E", expression = lamba %&% (solve(I - B) %&% psi_e)),
      mxAlgebra(name = "CovMZ", expression =  rbind(
        cbind(A + C + E, A + C),
        cbind(A + C, A + C + E)
      mxAlgebra(name = "CovDZ", expression = rbind(
        cbind(A + C + E, 0.5 %x% A + C),
        cbind(0.5 %x% A + C, A + C + E)
        name = "VC", expression = cbind(A, C, E, A / (A + C + E), C / (A + C + E), E / (A + C + E)),
        dimnames = list(
          rep("VC", 2),
          rep(c("A", "C", "E", "SA", "SC", "SE"), each = 2)
      "MZ", mxExpectationNormal("top.CovMZ",
        means = "top.MZmeans",
        # dimnames = colnames(dataMz[1:6])
        dimnames = c('X1','Y1', 'X2','Y2')
     # mxData(dataMz, type = "raw"),
      "DZ", mxExpectationNormal("top.CovDZ",
        means = "top.DZmeans",
      #  dimnames = colnames(dataDz),
        dimnames = c('X1','Y1', 'X2','Y2')
     # mxData(dataDz, type = "raw"),
    mxFitFunctionMultigroup(c("MZ", "DZ"))

    model <- umxModify(model, name = "doc", update = c("g2",  "re"), autoRun = F)

  } else if (type == "mrdoc1") {

  model <- mxModel(
        type = "Full", nrow = 5, ncol = 6, free = FALSE,byrow = TRUE,
        values = c(
          1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
          0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
          0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0
        name = "MZmean", type = "Full", nrow = 1, ncol = 6, free = TRUE,
        labels = c("muPh1", "muPh2", "muPS1", "muPh1", "muPh2", "muPS1")
      mxAlgebra(name = "MZmeans", expression = MZmean %*% t(filter)),
        name = "DZmeans", type = "Full", nrow = 1, ncol = 6, free = TRUE,
        labels = c("muPh1", "muPh2", "muPS1",  "muPh1", "muPh2", "muPS1")
      mxMatrix(name = "I", type = "Iden", nrow = 3, ncol = 3),
        type = "Full", nrow = 3, ncol = 3,
        labels = c(
          NA, "g2", "b1",
          "g1", NA, "b2",
          NA, NA, NA
        name = "psi_a", type = "Symm", ncol = 3, nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE,
        labels = c(
          "ra", "ay2",
          NA, NA, "prsx2"
        free = c(
          T, T,
          F, F, F
        values = c(
          0.05, 0.1,
          0, 0, 1
        name = "psi_c", type = "Symm", ncol = 3, nrow = 3,
        labels = c(
          "rc", "cy2",
          NA, NA, NA
        name = "psi_e", type = "Symm", ncol = 3, nrow = 3,
        labels = c(
          "re", "ey2",
          NA, NA, NA
        name = "lamba", type = "Diag", nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE,
        free = c(F, F, T), labels = c("σ1", "σ2", "σ3"),
        values = c(1, 1, 1)
      mxAlgebra(name = "A", expression = lamba %&% (solve(I - B) %&% psi_a)),
      mxAlgebra(name = "C", expression = lamba %&% (solve(I - B) %&% psi_c)),
      mxAlgebra(name = "E", expression = lamba %&% (solve(I - B) %&% psi_e)),
      mxAlgebra(name = "CovMZ", expression = filter %&% rbind(
        cbind(A + C + E, A + C),
        cbind(A + C, A + C + E)
      mxAlgebra(name = "CovDZ", expression = rbind(
        cbind(A + C + E, 0.5 %x% A + C),
        cbind(0.5 %x% A + C, A + C + E)
        name = "VC", expression = cbind(A, C, E, A / (A + C + E), C / (A + C + E), E / (A + C + E)),
        dimnames = list(
          rep("VC", 3),
          rep(c("A", "C", "E", "SA", "SC", "SE"), each = 3)
      "MZ", mxExpectationNormal("top.CovMZ",
        means = "top.MZmeans",
        dimnames = c('X1','Y1', 'PSx1', 'X2','Y2')
        # dimnames = colnames(dataMz[1:6])
     # mxData(dataMz, type = "raw"),
      "DZ", mxExpectationNormal("top.CovDZ",
        means = "top.DZmeans",
        dimnames = c('X1','Y1','PSx1', 'X2','Y2', 'PSx2')
      #  dimnames = colnames(dataDz),
     # mxData(dataDz, type = "raw"),
    mxFitFunctionMultigroup(c("MZ", "DZ"))

    model <- umxModify(model, name = "mrdoc1", update = c("g2",   "re"), autoRun = F)

  } else if (type == "mrdoc2") {

  model <- mxModel(
        type = "Full", nrow = 6, ncol = 8, free = FALSE,byrow = TRUE,
        values = c(
          1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
          0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
        name = "MZmean", type = "Full", nrow = 1, ncol = 8, free = TRUE,
        labels = c("muPh1", "muPh2", "muPS1", "muPS2", "muPh1", "muPh2", "muPS1", "muPS2")
      mxAlgebra(name = "MZmeans", expression = MZmean %*% t(filter)),
        name = "DZmeans", type = "Full", nrow = 1, ncol = 8, free = TRUE,
        labels = c("muPh1", "muPh2", "muPS1", "muPS2", "muPh1", "muPh2", "muPS1", "muPS2")
      mxMatrix(name = "I", type = "Iden", nrow = 4, ncol = 4),
        type = "Full", nrow = 4, ncol = 4,
        labels = c(
          NA, "g2", "b1", "b4",
          "g1", NA, "b2", "b3",
          NA, NA, NA, NA,
          NA, NA, NA, NA
        name = "psi_a", type = "Symm", ncol = 4, nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE,
        labels = c(
          "ra", "ay2",
          NA, NA, "prsx2",
          NA, NA, "rf", "prsy2"
        free = c(
          T, T,
          F, F, F,
          F, F, T, F
        values = c(
          0.05, 0.1,
          0, 0, 1,
          0, 0, 0.05, 1
        name = "psi_c", type = "Symm", ncol = 4, nrow = 4,
        labels = c(
          "rc", "cy2",
          NA, NA, NA,
          NA, NA, NA, NA
        name = "psi_e", type = "Symm", ncol = 4, nrow = 4,
        labels = c(
          "re", "ey2",
          NA, NA, NA,
          NA, NA, NA, NA
        name = "lamba", type = "Diag", nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE,
        free = c(F, F, T, T), labels = c("σ1", "σ2", "σ3", "σ4"),
        values = c(1, 1, 1, 1)
      mxAlgebra(name = "A", expression = lamba %&% (solve(I - B) %&% psi_a)),
      mxAlgebra(name = "C", expression = lamba %&% (solve(I - B) %&% psi_c)),
      mxAlgebra(name = "E", expression = lamba %&% (solve(I - B) %&% psi_e)),
      mxAlgebra(name = "CovMZ", expression = filter %&% rbind(
        cbind(A + C + E, A + C),
        cbind(A + C, A + C + E)
      mxAlgebra(name = "CovDZ", expression = rbind(
        cbind(A + C + E, 0.5 %x% A + C),
        cbind(0.5 %x% A + C, A + C + E)
        name = "VC", expression = cbind(A, C, E, A / (A + C + E), C / (A + C + E), E / (A + C + E)),
        dimnames = list(
          rep("VC", 4),
          rep(c("A", "C", "E", "SA", "SC", "SE"), each = 4)

     MZ <-    mxModel(
      "MZ", mxExpectationNormal("top.CovMZ",
        means = "top.MZmeans",
        dimnames = c('X1','Y1','PSx1','PSy1', 'X2','Y2')
        # dimnames = colnames(dataMz[1:6])
     # mxData(dataMz, type = "raw"),

    DZ <-     mxModel(
      "DZ", mxExpectationNormal("top.CovDZ",
        means = "top.DZmeans",
        dimnames = c('X1','Y1','PSx1','PSy1', 'X2','Y2', 'PSx2','PSy2')
      #  dimnames = colnames(dataDz),
     # mxData(dataDz, type = "raw"),

    model <- model + MZ + DZ + mxFitFunctionMultigroup(c("MZ", "DZ"))

    model <- umxModify(model, name = "mrdoc2", update = c("b2", "b4"), autoRun = F)


Simulation functions - MRDoC as the data gen process

sim  <- function(b1 = sqrt(.025),
                 b3 = sqrt(.025),
                 g1 = sqrt(.020),
                 g2 = sqrt(.020),
                 axs = .10,
                 ays = .10,
                 cxs = .10,
                 cys = .10,
                 ra = .2,
                 rc = .2,
                 re = .2,
                 rf = .2,
                 b2 = sqrt(.025),
                 b4 = 0,
                 Nmz = 1000,
                 Ndz = 1000,
                 noC = FALSE,
                 do_id = FALSE,
                 Ve_pinned = FALSE,
                 hp = FALSE,
                 do_pow = "conor",
                 group = NULL,
                 reliability = FALSE,
                 relx = .10,
                 rely = .30,
                 unrelated = FALSE,
                 printSummary = FALSE,
                 checkId = FALSE,
                 fixre = FALSE,
                 re_test = FALSE,
                 fixrf = FALSE){

  ## b1 = sqrt(.25)
  ## b3 = sqrt(.25)
  ## g1 = sqrt(.20)
  ## g2 = sqrt(.20)
  ## axs = .10
  ## ays = .10
  ## cxs = .10
  ## cys = .10
  ## ra = .25
  ## rc = .25
  ## re = .25
  ## rf = .25
  ## b2 = 0
  ## b4 = 0
  ## Nmz = 1000
  ## Ndz = 1000
  ## noC = FALSE
  ## do_id = FALSE
  ## Ve_pinned = FALSE
  ## hp = FALSE
  ## do_pow = "conor"
  ## group = NULL
  ## est_out = TRUE
  ## relx = .1
  ## rely = .3
  ## reliability = TRUE
  ## unrelated = FALSE
  ## printSummary = FALSE
  ## fixre = FALSE
  ## fixrf = FALSE
  ## checkId = FALSE

  # parameter


  if (Ve_pinned) {
    ey = ex = 0.05
  } else {

  bgpars=c(b1,b2, b3,g1,g2)^2
  if (g1<0) bgpars[4]=-(g1^2)
  if (g2<0) bgpars[5]=-(g2^2)
  keep  =  data.frame(true_b1 = bgpars[1], true_b2 = bgpars[2],true_b3 = bgpars[3], true_g1 = bgpars[4], true_g2 = bgpars[5])
  keep$true_ra = ra
  keep$true_re = re
  keep$true_rf = rf
  keep$true_ay = ay
  keep$true_ey = ey
  keep$true_ax = ax
  keep$true_ex = ex
  keep$true_cy = cy
  keep$true_cx = cx
  keep$true_rc = rc
  ## keep$true_b2 = b2
  keep$true_b4 = b4

  if (reliability){keep$reliability = TRUE} else {keep$reliability = FALSE}

    Sigma = mrdoc_maker("mrdoc2") |>
      umxModify(update = c("b1","b3","g1","g2","ax2","ay2",
                  value = c(b1,b3,g1,g2,axs,ays,
                      free = T,
                      autoRun = FALSE) |>
      mxGetExpected( "covariances")


    ## v <- 1/sqrt(diag(Smz))
    ## Smz <- Smz * outer(v,v)
    ## v <- 1/sqrt(diag(Sdz))
    ## Sdz <- Sdz * outer(v,v)

  if (reliability == TRUE) {

    Smz=Smz +  diag( diag(Smz)*c(relx, rely, 0,0,relx, rely))
    Sdz=Sdz + diag(diag(Sdz)*c(relx, rely, 0,0,relx, rely,0,0))


  ### DATA GEN ENDS ###


# Generate the doc model then pass the covmx and dz
  # then run it

 doc = mrdoc_maker(type = "doc")

  meansmz = meansdz =  rep(0,4)
  names(meansmz) =  names(meansdz) = c("X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2")

  doc$MZ = doc$MZ +
    mxData(observed=Smz[c('X1', 'Y1', 'X2', 'Y2'), c('X1', 'Y1', 'X2', 'Y2')],
           type="cov",  means=meansmz, numObs = 1000)

  doc$DZ = doc$DZ +
    mxData(observed=Sdz[c('X1', 'Y1', 'X2', 'Y2'), c('X1', 'Y1', 'X2', 'Y2')],
           type="cov",  means=meansdz, numObs = 1000)

  # Need to set starting values here
   doc = doc |>
    umxModify(update = c("g1",
              value = c(g1,ax,ay,cx,cy,ex,ey,
              free = T,
              autoRun = FALSE) |>

    if (checkId) {message("doc: "); mxCheckIdentification(doc)$status}

    tmp <- doc |>
    omxSetParameters(labels = "g1", values = 0, free = F) |>
    mxRun() |>
    mxCompare(base = doc)

    keep$doc_ncp <- tmp$diffLL[2]
    keep$doc_df <- tmp$df[2]

   if (do_pow == "twins") {
     keep$doc_twins = umxPower(doc,  update = "g1", power = .8)[1]

   keep <- keep |>
       tibble(names = summary(doc)$parameters$name,
                    est = summary(doc)$parameters$Estimate,
                    se = summary(doc)$parameters$Std.Error) %>%
             pivot_wider(names_from = "names",
                         values_from = c("est","se"),
                         names_glue = "doc_{.name}",
                         names_sort = TRUE)


  mrdoc = mrdoc_maker(type = "mrdoc1")

  meansmz =   rep(0,5)
  names(meansmz) =  c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "X2", "Y2")

  meansdz =   rep(0,6)
  names(meansdz) =  c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "X2", "Y2","PSx2")

  mrdoc$MZ = mrdoc$MZ +
    mxData(observed=Smz[c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "X2", "Y2"),
                        c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "X2", "Y2")],
           type="cov",  means=meansmz, numObs = 1000)

  mrdoc$DZ = mrdoc$DZ +
    mxData(observed=Sdz[c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "X2", "Y2","PSx2"),
                        c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "X2", "Y2","PSx2")],
           type="cov",  means=meansdz, numObs = 1000)

  mrdoc <- mrdoc |>
    umxModify(update = c("g1","b1","b2",
              value = c(g1,b1,b2,
                     free = T,
                     autoRun = F) |>

    if (checkId) {message("mrdoc: "); mxCheckIdentification(mrdoc)$status}

    tmp <- mrdoc |>
      omxSetParameters(labels = "g1", values = 0, free = F) |>
      mxRun() |>
      mxCompare(base = mrdoc)

    keep$mrdoc_ncp <- tmp$diffLL[2]
    keep$mrdoc_df <- tmp$df[2]

if (do_pow == "twins") {
     keep$mrdoc_twins = umxPower(mrdoc,  update = "g1", power = .8)[1]

    keep <- keep |>
        tibble(names = summary(mrdoc)$parameters$name,
                    est = summary(mrdoc)$parameters$Estimate,
                    se = summary(mrdoc)$parameters$Std.Error) %>%
             pivot_wider(names_from = "names",
                         values_from = c("est","se"),
                          names_glue = "mrdoc_{.name}",
                         names_sort = TRUE)

    ### MRDOC ENDS


  mrdoc2 = mrdoc_maker(type = "mrdoc2") |>
    umxModify(update = c("g1","g2","b1","b3",
              value = c(g1,g2,b1,b3,
              free = T,
              autoRun = F)

  meansmz =   rep(0,6)
  names(meansmz) =  c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "PSy1", "X2", "Y2")

  meansdz =   rep(0,8)
  names(meansdz) =  c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "PSy1", "X2", "Y2","PSx2", "PSy2")

##   mxCheckIdentification(mrdoc2)$status

  mrdoc2$MZ = mrdoc2$MZ +
           type="cov",  means=meansmz, numObs = 1000)

  mrdoc2$DZ = mrdoc2$DZ +
           type="cov",  means=meansdz, numObs = 1000)

    mrdoc2 <- mxRun(mrdoc2)

    if (checkId) {message("mrdoc2: "); mxCheckIdentification(mrdoc2)$status}

    tmp <- mrdoc2 |>
      omxSetParameters(labels = "g1", values = 0, free = F) |>
      mxRun() |>
      mxCompare(base = mrdoc2)

    keep$mrdoc2_ncp <- tmp$diffLL[2]
    keep$mrdoc2_df <- tmp$df[2]

if (do_pow == "twins") {
     keep$mrdoc2_twins = umxPower(mrdoc2,  update = "g1", power = .8)[1]

    keep <- keep |>
        tibble(names = summary(mrdoc2)$parameters$name,
                        est = summary(mrdoc2)$parameters$Estimate,
                        se = summary(mrdoc2)$parameters$Std.Error) %>%
                pivot_wider(names_from = "names",
                            values_from = c("est","se"),
                            names_glue = "mrdoc2_{.name}",
                            names_sort = TRUE)

    ### MRDOC 2 ENDS

    keep # |>print()

Reliability, measurement error

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1, outfile = "")

relal <- foreach(g1=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind,
                  .errorhandling = "remove",
                  .packages = c("umx", "dplyr",  "tidyr")) %:%
          # foreach(axs=c(0,.10), .combine =rbind) %:%
          # foreach(ays=c(0,.10), .combine = rbind) %:%
          foreach(g2=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b3=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b1=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          # foreach(re=c(0,.10), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(ra=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(reliability=c(FALSE, TRUE), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(rc=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %dopar% {

   sim(g1=g1,g2=g2,b1=b1, b3=b3, rc=rc, ra =ra,#re=re,
      reliability = reliability )


relal %>%
  mutate(reliability = ifelse(reliability == TRUE, "Unreliable", "Reliable")) %>%
  group_by(reliability) %>%
  # the below are the  relative biases
            mrdoc2_g2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_g2 -  sqrt(true_g2), na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_g1 = mean(mrdoc2_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_b1 = mean(mrdoc2_est_b1 -  sqrt(true_b1), na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_b3 = mean(mrdoc2_est_b3 -  sqrt(true_b3), na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_covA = mean(mrdoc2_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_covC = mean(mrdoc2_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_covE = mean(mrdoc2_est_re -  true_re, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_rf = mean(mrdoc2_est_rf -  true_rf, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_ey2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_ex2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_ax2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_ay2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_cy2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc2_cx2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm = T),
            # all ses
            mrdoc_g1 = mean(mrdoc_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm = T),
            mrdoc_b1 = mean(mrdoc_est_b1 -  sqrt(true_b1), na.rm = T),
            mrdoc_b2 = mean(mrdoc_est_b2 -  sqrt(true_b2), na.rm = T), # distinct way of recording
            mrdoc_covA = mean(mrdoc_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc_covC = mean(mrdoc_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc_ey2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc_ex2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc_ax2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc_ay2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc_cx2 = mean(mrdoc_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm = T),
            mrdoc_cy2 = mean(mrdoc_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm = T),
            # all ses
            doc_g1 = mean(doc_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm = T),
            doc_covA = mean(doc_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm = T),
            doc_covC = mean(doc_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm = T),
            doc_ey2 = mean(doc_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm = T),
            doc_ex2 = mean(doc_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm = T),
            doc_cx2 = mean(doc_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm = T),
            doc_cy2 = mean(doc_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm = T),
            doc_ax2 = mean(doc_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm = T),
            doc_ay2 = mean(doc_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm = T),
            )   %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = contains("doc"),
               names_to="key", values_to="value")   %>%
  mutate(tmp = stringr::str_split_fixed(key, "_", 2),
         group = tmp[,1],
         key = tmp[,2],
         se = ifelse(str_detect(key,"_se"), value, NA_real_)) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(key, "_se")) %>%
  # filter(value != 0) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=reorder(key,-value), y=value, fill= key)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") +
  # add standard error bars
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = value - se, ymax = value + se),
                position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
                width = 0.25) + # add error bars
  facet_grid(reliability~group, scale = "free_x") + # rcc scales = "free_y") +
  theme_luis() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(x = "", y = "Diff estimated - parameter value") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cb_palette, name = "Parameters")

# ggsave("graphs/reliab_v4dpi.png", dpi = 300)


Any bias with fixed re values?

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), outfile = "")

bias_re <- foreach(g1=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind,
                  .errorhandling = "remove",
                  .packages = c("umx", "MASS",  "tidyr")) %:%
          foreach(g2=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b3=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b1=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(ra=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(rc=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(re = c(-.3,0,  .3), .combine = rbind)  %do% {

  sim(g1 = g1,g2=g2, b1=b1, b3=b3,
           ra = ra, rc = rc, re = re, est_out = T, re_test=T)

  ## file = "data/23-7-20-re_fixed_doc.csv"

  ## write.table(myDF, file,
  ##   sep = ",",
  ##   row.names = FALSE,
  ##   col.names = !file.exists(file),
  ##   append = T
  ## )

## bias_re <- read_csv("data/23-7-20-re_fixed_doc.csv")
# local1 %>% filter(re==0) %>%
#   summarise(mean(mrdoc2_ra_hat),
#   mean(ra),
#   mean(mrdoc2_ra_hat - ra))

bias_re %>%
  ## filter(true_re!=0) %>%
  group_by(true_re) %>%
  # the below are the  relative biases
            # all ses
            ## mrdoc2_g1 = mean(mrdoc2_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_b1 = mean(mrdoc2_est_b1 -  sqrt(true_b1), na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_b3 = mean(mrdoc2_est_b3 -  sqrt(true_b3), na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_g2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_g2 -  sqrt(true_g2), na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_ra = mean(mrdoc2_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_rc = mean(mrdoc2_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_ey2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_ex2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_ax2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_ay2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_cx2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm = t),
            ## mrdoc2_cy2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm = t),
            # all ses
            mrdoc_g1 = mean(mrdoc_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_b1 = mean(mrdoc_est_b1 -  sqrt(true_b1), na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_b2 = mean(mrdoc_est_b2 -  sqrt(true_b2), na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_covA = mean(mrdoc_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_covC = mean(mrdoc_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_ey2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_ex2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_ax2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_ay2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_cx2 = mean(mrdoc_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm = t),
            mrdoc_cy2 = mean(mrdoc_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm = t),
            # all ses
            doc_g1 = mean(doc_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm = t),
            doc_covA = mean(doc_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm = t),
            doc_covC = mean(doc_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm = t),
            doc_ey2 = mean(doc_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm = t),
            doc_ex2 = mean(doc_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm = t),
            doc_cx2 = mean(doc_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm = t),
            doc_cy2 = mean(doc_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm = t),
            doc_ax2 = mean(doc_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm = t),
            doc_ay2 = mean(doc_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm = t),
            )   %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = contains("doc"),
               names_to="key", values_to="value")   %>%
  mutate(tmp = stringr::str_split_fixed(key, "_", 2),
         group = tmp[,1],
         key = tmp[,2],
         se = ifelse(str_detect(key,"_se"), value, NA_real_)) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(key, "_se")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=reorder(key,-value), y=value, fill= key)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") +
  facet_grid(true_re~group, scales = "free_x") + #,   scales = "free_y") +
  theme_luis() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(x = "Parameters", y = "Diff estimated - parameter value") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cb_palette, name = "Parameter")

# ggsave("graphs/re_in_datadpi.png", dpi = 300)


Figure of variance explained in statistical power

reg <- relal |> filter(reliability==FALSE)

get_b2 <- function(dt, pars1, pars2) {
  summary(lm(paste(substitute(pars1), substitute(pars2)), data = dt))$r.squared

## tribble(
##    ~parm, ~ value,
##    "g1", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_g1)"),
##     "ra", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_ra)"),
##     "rc", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_rc)"),
##     "ax", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_ax)"),
##     "cx", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_cx)"),
##     "ex", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_ex)"),
##     "ay", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_ay)"),
##     "cy", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_cy)"),
##     "ey", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_ey)"), #) -> doc
##     "R2", get_b2(reg, "scale(doc_ncp)~", "scale(true_g1) + scale(true_ra) + scale(true_rc) + scale(true_ay) + scale(true_ax) + scale(true_cy) + scale(true_cx) + scale(true_ey) + scale(true_ex)")) %>%
## kable()

## |parm |   value|
## |:----|-------:|
## |g1   | 0.71992|
## |ra   | 0.09710|
## |rc   | 0.10050|
## |ax   | 0.22248|
## |cx   | 0.23977|
## |ex   | 0.61510|
## |ay   | 0.12950|
## |cy   | 0.12987|
## |ey   | 0.38804|
## |R2   | 0.99317|# same as above for mrdoc

## tribble(
##    ~parm, ~ value,
##    "g1", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_g1)"),
##     "b1", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_b1)"),
##     "b2", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_b2)"),
##     "ra", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_ra)"),
##     "rc", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_rc)"),
##     "ax", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_ax2)"),
##     "cx", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_cx2)"),
##     "ex", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_ex2)"),
##     "ay", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_ay2)"),
##     "cy", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_cy2)"),
##     "ey", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_ey2)"), #) -> doc1 #,
##     "R2", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc_est_g1) + scale(mrdoc_est_b1) + scale(mrdoc_est_b2) + scale(mrdoc_est_ra) + scale(mrdoc_est_rc) + scale(mrdoc_est_ay2) + scale(mrdoc_est_ax2) + scale(mrdoc_est_cy2) + scale(mrdoc_est_cx2) + scale(mrdoc_est_ey2) + scale(mrdoc_est_ex2)")) %>%
## kable()

## |parm |   value|
## |:----|-------:|
## |g1   | 0.71761|
## |b1   | 0.00351|
## |b2   | 0.03297|
## |ra   | 0.10326|
## |rc   | 0.10115|
## |ax   | 0.24268|
## |cx   | 0.24056|
## |ex   | 0.61428|
## |ay   | 0.13374|
## |cy   | 0.13059|
## |ey   | 0.38798|
## |R2   | 0.99501|

# same as above for mrdoc
## tribble(
##    ~parm, ~ value,
##    "g1", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_g1)"),
##    "g2", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_g2)"),
##     "b1", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_b1)"),
##     "b3", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_b3)"),
##     "ra", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_ra)"),
##     "rc", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_rc)"),
##     "re", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_re)"),
##     "rf", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_rf)"),
##     "ax", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_ax2)"),
##     "cx", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_cx2)"),
##     "ex", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_ex2)"),
##     "ay", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_ay2)"),
##     "cy", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_cy2)"),
##     "ey", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_ey2)"), #) -> doc2 #,
##     "R2", get_b2(reg, "scale(mrdoc2_ncp)~", "scale(mrdoc2_est_g1) + scale(mrdoc2_est_g2) +scale(mrdoc2_est_b1) + scale(mrdoc2_est_b3) + scale(mrdoc2_est_ra) + scale(mrdoc2_est_rc) + scale(mrdoc2_est_re)+ scale(mrdoc2_est_rf)+ scale(mrdoc2_est_ay2) + scale(mrdoc2_est_ax2) + scale(mrdoc2_est_cy2) + scale(mrdoc2_est_cx2) + scale(mrdoc2_est_ey2) + scale(mrdoc2_est_ex2)")) %>%
## kable()

## |parm |   value|
## |:----|-------:|
## |g1   | 0.42803|
## |g2   | 0.00000|
## |b1   | 0.50873|
## |b3   | 0.00000|
## |ra   | 0.00598|
## |rc   | 0.00555|
## |re   | 0.01625|
## |rf   | 0.01325|
## |ax   | 0.00790|
## |cx   | 0.01097|
## |ex   | 0.00788|
## |ay   | 0.00676|
## |cy   | 0.00984|
## |ey   | 0.03947|
## |R2   | 0.95150|

~parm, ~value,
   "g1", get_b2(reg, "doc_ncp~", "true_g1"),
   "covA", get_b2(reg, "doc_ncp~", "true_ra"),
   "covC", get_b2(reg, "doc_ncp~", "true_rc"),
   "ax", get_b2(reg, "doc_ncp~", "true_ax"),
   "cx", get_b2(reg, "doc_ncp~", "true_cx"),
   "ex", get_b2(reg, "doc_ncp~", "true_ex"),
   "ay", get_b2(reg, "doc_ncp~", "true_ay"),
   "cy", get_b2(reg, "doc_ncp~", "true_cy"),
   "ey", get_b2(reg, "doc_ncp~", "true_ey"),
) -> doc

# make this with tribble
~parm, ~value,
   "g1", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_g1"),
   "b1", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_b1"),
   "b2", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_b2"),
   "covA", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_ra"),
   "covC", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_rc"),
   "ax", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_ax"),
   "cx", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_cx"),
   "ex", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_ex"),
   "ay", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_ay"),
   "cy", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_cy"),
   "ey", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc_ncp~", "true_ey"),
) -> doc1

# make a trible with the above information

doc2 <- tribble(
  ~parm, ~value,
   "g1", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_g1"),
   "g2", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_g2"),
   "b1", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_b1"),
   "b3", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_b3"),
   "covA", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_ra"),
   "covC", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_rc"),
   "covE", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_re"),
   "rf", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_rf"),
   "ax", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_ax"),
   "cx", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_cx"),
   "ex", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_ex"),
   "ay", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_ay"),
   "cy", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_cy"),
   "ey", get_b2(reg, "mrdoc2_ncp~", "true_ey"),

# n <- 34
# qual_col_pals =[$category == 'qual',]
# col_vector = unlist(mapply(brewer.pal, qual_col_pals$maxcolors, rownames(qual_col_pals)))
# pie(rep(1,n), col=sample(col_vector, n))

doc <- doc %>% mutate(model = "doc")
doc1 <- doc1 %>% mutate(model = "mrdoc")
doc2 <- doc2 %>% mutate(model = "mrdoc2")
finalpow <- doc1 %>% full_join(doc2) %>% full_join(doc)

# make a stacked bar plot
milabs <- c("g1", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "cy", "ey",
            "g1", "b1", "b3", "ra", "rc", "re", "rf", "ay", "ax", "cy", "cx", "ey", "ex",
            "g1", "", "", "", "",  "ex", "", "" ,"ey")

nblabs <- c("0.53981", "", "", "0.03856", "0.03270", "", "", "", "", "", "",
            "0.44812", "", "0.50181", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "","",
            "0.39115", "0.01653", "0.01368", "", "", "", "", "", "")

ggplot(finalpow, aes(x = model, y = value, fill = reorder(parm,value))) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", color = "black") +
  theme_luis() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + #,
        # legend.position="none") +
  geom_label_repel(aes(label = round(value,3)),
                   position = position_stack(vjust = 0.2),
                   max.overlaps = 10, show.legend=FALSE) +
   scale_fill_manual(values=cb_palette, #breaks = c("g1", "b1",  "rf", "cy",  "ey", "ex") ,
                   name = "Parameters")  +
  ## scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.2))+
   coord_flip() #+
  # geom_text(aes(label = nblabs), position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5))


Data gen based on each model

sim_each  <- function(
                 b1 = sqrt(.025),
                 b3 = sqrt(.025),
                 g1 = sqrt(.020),
                 g2 = sqrt(.020),
                 axs = .10,
                 ays = .10,
                 cxs = .10,
                 cys = .10,
                 ra = .2,
                 rc = .2,
                 re = .2,
                 rf = .2,
                 b2 =sqrt(.025),
                 b4 = 0,
                 Nmz = 1000,
                 Ndz = 1000,
                 noC = FALSE,
                 do_id = FALSE,
                 Ve_pinned = FALSE,
                 hp = FALSE,
                 do_pow = "conor",
                 group = NULL,
                 est_out = FALSE,
                 reliability = FALSE,
                 relx = .10,
                 rely = .30,
                 unrelated = FALSE,
                 printSummary = FALSE,
                 checkId = FALSE,
                 fixre = FALSE,
                 re_test = FALSE,
                 fixrf = FALSE,
                 out_cov = FALSE,
                 model = c("doc", "mrdoc1", "mrdoc2")){

                 ## b1 = sqrt(.025)
                 ## b3 = sqrt(.025)
                 ## g1 = sqrt(.020)
                 ## g2 = sqrt(.020)
                 ## axs = .10
                 ## ays = .10
                 ## cxs = .10
                 ## cys = .10
                 ## ra = .2
                 ## rc = .2
                 ## re = .2
                 ## rf = .2
                 ## b2 = 0
                 ## b4 = 0
                 ## Nmz = 1000
                 ## Ndz = 1000
                 ## noC = FALSE
                 ## do_id = FALSE
                 ## Ve_pinned = FALSE
                 ## hp = FALSE
                 ## do_pow = "conor"
                 ## group = NULL
                 ## est_out = TRUE
                 ## reliability = TRUE
                 ## relx = .1
                 ## rely = .3
                 ## unrelated = FALSE
                 ## printSummary = FALSE
                 ## checkId = FALSE
                 ## fixre = FALSE
                 ## re_test = FALSE
                 ## fixrf = FALSE
                 ## out_cov = FALSE
                 ## model = "mrdoc1"


  if (Ve_pinned) {
    ey = ex = .01
  } else {

  bgpars=c(b1,b2,b3, g1,g2)^2
  if (g1<0) bgpars[4]=-(g1^2)
  if (g2<0) bgpars[5]=-(g2^2)
  keep  =  data.frame(true_b1 = bgpars[1],true_b2 = bgpars[2], true_b3 = bgpars[3],
                      true_g1 = bgpars[4], true_g2 = bgpars[5])
  keep$true_ra = ra
  keep$true_re = re
  keep$true_rf = rf
  keep$true_ay = ay
  keep$true_ey = ey
  keep$true_ax = ax
  keep$true_ex = ex
  keep$true_cy = cy
  keep$true_cx = cx
  keep$true_rc = rc
  keep$true_b4 = b4
  keep$group = group

  if (reliability){keep$reliability = TRUE} else {keep$reliability = FALSE}

  if (model == "mrdoc2") {

  # Model object to the data gen step
    Sigma = mrdoc_maker("mrdoc2") |>
      umxModify(update = c("b1","b3","g1","g2","ax2","ay2",
                  value = c(b1,b3,g1,g2,axs,ays,
                      free = T,
                      autoRun = FALSE) |>
      mxGetExpected( "covariances")


    ## v <- 1/sqrt(diag(Smz))
    ## Smz <- Smz * outer(v,v)
    ## v <- 1/sqrt(diag(Sdz))
    ## Sdz <- Sdz * outer(v,v)

    # Here is the code for introducing unreliability at the pheno
  if (reliability == TRUE) {

    Smz=Smz +  diag( diag(Smz)*c(relx, rely, 0,0,relx, rely))
    Sdz=Sdz + diag(diag(Sdz)*c(relx, rely, 0,0,relx, rely,0,0))


  ### DATA GEN ENDS ###

  mrdoc2 = mrdoc_maker(type = "mrdoc2")

  meansmz =   rep(0,6)
  names(meansmz) =  c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "PSy1", "X2", "Y2")

  meansdz =   rep(0,8)
  names(meansdz) =  c("X1", "Y1","PSx1", "PSy1", "X2", "Y2","PSx2", "PSy2")

  mrdoc2$MZ = mrdoc2$MZ +
           type="cov",  means=meansmz, numObs = 1000)

  mrdoc2$DZ = mrdoc2$DZ +
           type="cov",  means=meansdz, numObs = 1000)

  # Starting values here again, to make the life of the optimizer easy
   mrdoc2 <-  mrdoc2 |>
     umxModify(update = c("b1","b3","g1","g2","ax2","ay2",
                  value = c(b1,b3,g1,g2,axs,ays,
                      free = T,
                      autoRun = FALSE) |>

    if (noC) {mrdoc2 = umxModify(mrdoc2, update = c("cy2","rc"), autoRun = F) |> mxRun()}

    if (checkId) {message("mrdoc2: "); mxCheckIdentification(mrdoc2)$status}

   if (do_pow == "conor") {
    tmp <- mrdoc2 |>
      omxSetParameters(labels = c("g1"), values = 0, free = F) |>
      mxTryHard() |>
      mxCompare(base = mrdoc2)

    keep$mrdoc2_ncp <- tmp$diffLL[2]
    keep$mrdoc2_df <- tmp$df[2]

   } else if (do_pow == "bidir") {
    tmp <- mrdoc2 |>
      omxSetParameters(labels = c("g1","g2"), values = 0, free = F) |>
      mxTryHard() |>
      mxCompare(base = mrdoc2)
    keep$mrdoc2_ncp <- tmp$diffLL[2]


    keep <- keep |>
      tibble(names = summary(mrdoc2)$parameters$name,
                        est = summary(mrdoc2)$parameters$Estimate,
                        se = summary(mrdoc2)$parameters$Std.Error) %>%
                pivot_wider(names_from = "names",
                            values_from = c("est","se"),
                            names_glue = "mrdoc2_{.name}",
                            names_sort = TRUE)

    ### MRDOC 2 ENDS

  } else if (model == "mrdoc1"){


 Sigma = mrdoc_maker("mrdoc1") |>
   umxModify(update = c("b1","b2","g1",
                        "ex2","ey2","ra","rc", "re"),
             value = c(b1,b2,g1,
                       ex,ey,ra,rc, re),
                     free = T,
                     autoRun = FALSE) |>


    ## v <- 1/sqrt(diag(Smz))
    ## Smz <- Smz * outer(v,v)
    ## v <- 1/sqrt(diag(Sdz))
    ## Sdz <- Sdz * outer(v,v)

  if (reliability == TRUE) {
    Smz=Smz + diag(diag(Smz)*c(relx, rely, 0,relx, rely))
    Sdz=Sdz + diag(diag(Sdz)*c(relx, rely, 0,relx, rely,0))

  ### DATA GEN ENDS ###


mrdoc = mrdoc_maker(type = "mrdoc1")

  meansmz =   rep(0,5)
  names(meansmz) =  c("X1", "Y1","PSx1",  "X2", "Y2")

  meansdz =   rep(0,6)
  names(meansdz) =  c("X1", "Y1","PSx1",  "X2", "Y2","PSx2")

  mrdoc$MZ = mrdoc$MZ +
           type="cov",  means=meansmz, numObs = 1000)

  mrdoc$DZ = mrdoc$DZ +
           type="cov",  means=meansdz, numObs = 1000)

  mrdoc <- mrdoc |>   umxModify(update = c("b1","b2","g1",
             value = c(b1,b2,g1,
                     free = T,
                     autoRun = FALSE) |>

    if (noC) {mrdoc = umxModify(mrdoc, update = c( "cy2","rc"), autoRun = F) |> mxRun()}
    if (out_cov) {return(mxGetExpected(mrdoc, "covariance"))}

    if (checkId) {message("mrdoc: "); mxCheckIdentification(mrdoc)$status}

   if (do_pow == "conor") {

    tmp <- mrdoc |>
      omxSetParameters(labels = "g1", values = 0, free = F) |>
      mxTryHard() |>
      mxCompare(base = mrdoc)

         keep$mrdoc_ncp <- tmp$diffLL[2]
         keep$mrdoc_df <- tmp$df[2]

    keep <- keep |>
        tibble(names = summary(mrdoc)$parameters$name,
                        est = summary(mrdoc)$parameters$Estimate,
                        se = summary(mrdoc)$parameters$Std.Error) %>%
                pivot_wider(names_from = "names",
                            values_from = c("est","se"),
                            names_glue = "mrdoc_{.name}",
                            names_sort = TRUE)

  } else if (model == "doc"){

  # Aqui entra a geraćão dos dados com mrcod2
 Sigma = mrdoc_maker("doc") |>
    umxModify(update = c("g1",
              value = c(g1,ax,ay,cx,cy,ex,ey,
              free = T,
              autoRun = FALSE) |>


    ## v <- 1/sqrt(diag(Smz))
    ## Smz <- Smz * outer(v,v)
    ## v <- 1/sqrt(diag(Sdz))
    ## Sdz <- Sdz * outer(v,v)

  if (reliability == TRUE) {
     Smz=Smz + diag(diag(Smz)*c(relx, rely, relx, rely))
    Sdz=Sdz + diag(diag(Sdz)*c(relx, rely, relx, rely))


  ### DATA GEN ENDS ###


doc = mrdoc_maker(type = "doc")

  meansmz =   rep(0,4)
  names(meansmz) =  c("X1", "Y1",  "X2", "Y2")

  meansdz =   rep(0,4)
  names(meansdz) =  c("X1", "Y1",  "X2", "Y2")

  doc$MZ = doc$MZ +
           type="cov",  means=meansmz, numObs = 1000)

  doc$DZ = doc$DZ +
           type="cov",  means=meansdz, numObs = 1000)

  # Need to set starting values here
  # parameters(Sigma)
  doc <- doc |>
    umxModify(update = c("g1",
              value = c(g1,ax,ay,cx,cy,ex,ey,
              free = T,
              autoRun = FALSE) |>

    if (noC) {doc= umxModify(doc,update = c("cy2","rc"), autoRun = F) |> mxRun()}

    if (checkId) {message("doc: "); mxCheckIdentification(doc)$status}

   if (do_pow == "conor") {

    tmp <- doc |>
      omxSetParameters(labels = "g1", values = 0, free = F) |>
      mxTryHard() |>
      mxCompare(base = doc)
      keep$doc_ncp <- tmp$diffLL[2]
      keep$doc_df <- tmp$df[2]

    keep <- keep |>
        tibble(names = summary(doc)$parameters$name,
                        est = summary(doc)$parameters$Estimate,
                        se = summary(doc)$parameters$Std.Error) %>%
                pivot_wider(names_from = "names",
                            values_from = c("est","se"),
                            names_glue = "doc_{.name}",
                            names_sort = TRUE)

    keep # |>print()

Reliability, and measurement error

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), outfile = "")

doc_relal <- foreach(g1=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind,
                  .errorhandling = "remove",
                  .packages = c("umx", "MASS",  "tidyr")) %:%
          foreach(ra=c(0, .1), .combine =rbind) %:%
  foreach(reliability = c(FALSE, TRUE), .combine=rbind) %:%
          foreach(rc=c(0, .1), .combine =rbind) %do% {

          sim_each(g1 = g1,
                    ra= ra, rc = rc, #axs=axs,
                   ## re = 0, # This is required since I merged scripts
                    est_out = TRUE, reliability = reliability,
                    model = "doc", relx=.1, rely=.3



# teste <- read_csv("data/23-7-20-mrdoc2-each-relal.csv")
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), outfile = "")

mrdoc_relal <- foreach(g1=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind,
                  .errorhandling = "remove",
                  .packages = c("umx", "MASS",  "tidyr")) %:%
          foreach(g2=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b1=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b2=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(ra=c(0, .1), .combine =rbind) %:%
  foreach(reliability = c(FALSE, TRUE), .combine=rbind) %:%
          foreach(rc=c(0, .1), .combine =rbind) %do% {

          sim_each(g1 = g1, g2 = g2, b1 = b1, b2 = b2,
                    ra= ra, rc = rc, #axs=axs,
                   ## re = 0, # This is required since I merged scripts
                    est_out = TRUE, reliability = reliability,
                    model = "mrdoc1", relx=.1, rely=.3




# teste <- read_csv("data/23-7-20-mrdoc2-each-relal.csv")
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), outfile = "")

mrdoc2_relal <- foreach(g1=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)),
                  .combine =rbind,
                  .errorhandling = "remove",
                  .packages = c("umx", "MASS",  "tidyr")) %:%
          foreach(g2=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b3=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b1=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(reliability = c(FALSE, TRUE), .combine=rbind) %:%
          foreach(ra=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(rc=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %do%     {

          sim_each(g1 = g1,b1 = b1, g2 = g2, b3 = b3,
                    ra= ra, rc = rc, #axs=axs,
                    # re = 0, # not required here due to mrdoc2 specs
                    est_out = T, reliability = reliability,
                    model = "mrdoc2", relx=.1, rely=.3

  ##             file = "data/23-7-25-mrdoc2-each-relal.csv"

  ## write.table(myDF, file,
  ##   sep = ",",
  ##   row.names = FALSE,
  ##   col.names = !file.exists(file),
  ##   append = T

  ## )



# teste <- read_csv("data/23-7-20-mrdoc2-each-relal.csv")
## mrdoc2_relal <- read_csv("data/23-7-25-mrdoc2-each-relal.csv")
doc_relal %>%
  mutate(group = "doc") %>%
  bind_rows(mrdoc_relal %>%
              mutate(group = "mrdoc")) %>%
  bind_rows(mrdoc2_relal %>%
            mutate(group = "mrdoc2"))  %>%
    ## mutate(reliability = ifelse(reliability == TRUE, "Unreliable", "Reliable")) %>%
  filter(reliability == "TRUE")%>%
  group_by(group) %>%
  # the below are the  relative biases
            mrdoc2_g2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_g2 -  sqrt(true_g2), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_g1 = mean(mrdoc2_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_b1 = mean(mrdoc2_est_b1 -  sqrt(true_b1), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_b3 = mean(mrdoc2_est_b3 -  sqrt(true_b3), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_covA = mean(mrdoc2_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_covC = mean(mrdoc2_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_covE = mean(mrdoc2_est_re -  true_re, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_rf = mean(mrdoc2_est_rf -  true_rf, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_ey2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_ex2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_ax2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_ay2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_cy2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc2_cx2 = mean(mrdoc2_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm= T),
            # all ses
            mrdoc_g1 = mean(mrdoc_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_b1 = mean(mrdoc_est_b1 -  sqrt(true_b1), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_b2 = mean(mrdoc_est_b2 -  sqrt(true_b2), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_covA = mean(mrdoc_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_covC = mean(mrdoc_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_ey2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_ex2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_ax2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_ay2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_cx2 = mean(mrdoc_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_cy2 = mean(mrdoc_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm= T),
            # all ses
            doc_g1 = mean(doc_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm= T),
            doc_covA = mean(doc_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm= T),
            doc_covC = mean(doc_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm= T),
            doc_ey2 = mean(doc_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm= T),
            doc_ex2 = mean(doc_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm= T),
            doc_cx2 = mean(doc_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm= T),
            doc_cy2 = mean(doc_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm= T),
            doc_ax2 = mean(doc_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm= T),
            doc_ay2 = mean(doc_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm= T),
            )   %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = contains("doc"),
               names_to="key", values_to="value")   %>%
  mutate(tmp = stringr::str_split_fixed(key, "_", 2),
         group = tmp[,1],
         key = tmp[,2],
         se = ifelse(str_detect(key,"_se"), value, NA_real_)) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(key, "_se")) %>%
  # filter(value != 0) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=reorder(key,-value), y=value, fill= key)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") +
  # add standard error bars
  ## geom_linerange(aes(ymin = value - se, ymax = value + se),
                ## position = position_dodge(width = 0.9),
                ## width = 0.25) + # add error bars
    facet_grid(~group, scale = "free_x") + # rcc scales = "free_y") +
  theme_luis() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(x = "", y = "Diff estimated - parameter value") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cb_palette, name = "Parameters")

# ggsave("graphs/relal-bias-v4png.png", dpi = 300)


Any bias w fixed re values

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), outfile = "")

mrdoc_re <- foreach(g1=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind,
                  .packages = c("umx", "MASS",  "tidyr")) %:%
          foreach(b2=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b1=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(ra=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(rc=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(re = c(-.3,0,.3), .combine = rbind)  %do% {

    sim_each(g1 = g1, b1=b1, b2=b2,
           ra = ra, rc = rc, re = re,
           est_out = TRUE, do_pow = FALSE,
           model = "mrdoc1")


cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), outfile = "")

mrdoc2_re <- foreach(g1=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind,
                  .packages = c("umx", "MASS",  "tidyr")) %:%
          foreach(g2=c(sqrt(.020),sqrt(.040)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b3=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(b1=c(sqrt(.025),sqrt(.05)), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(ra=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(rc=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(re = c(-.3,0,.3), .combine = rbind)  %do% {

   sim_each(g1 = g1, g2=g2, b1=b1, b3=b3,
           ra = ra, rc = rc, re = re,
           est_out = TRUE,
           model = "mrdoc2")


cl <- makeCluster(detectCores(), outfile = "")

doc_re <- foreach(ra=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind,
                  .packages = c("umx", "MASS",  "tidyr")) %:%
          foreach(rc=c(0, .2), .combine =rbind) %:%
          foreach(re = c(-.3,0,.3), .combine = rbind)  %do% {

           ra = ra, rc = rc, re = re,
           est_out = TRUE,
           model = "doc", do_pow = FALSE)


doc_re %>%
  ## mutate(group = "doc") %>%
  bind_rows(mrdoc_re ) %>%
  bind_rows(mrdoc2_re )  %>%
  filter(true_re!=0) %>%
  group_by(true_re) %>%
            # all ses
            mrdoc_g1 = mean(mrdoc_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_b1 = mean(mrdoc_est_b1 -  sqrt(true_b1), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_b2 = mean(mrdoc_est_b2 -  sqrt(true_b2), na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_covA = mean(mrdoc_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_covC = mean(mrdoc_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_ey2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_ex2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_ax2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_ay2 = mean(mrdoc_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_cx2 = mean(mrdoc_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm= T),
            mrdoc_cy2 = mean(mrdoc_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm= T),
            # all ses
            doc_g1 = mean(doc_est_g1 -  sqrt(true_g1), na.rm= T),
            doc_covA = mean(doc_est_ra -  true_ra, na.rm= T),
            doc_covC = mean(doc_est_rc -  true_rc, na.rm= T),
            doc_ey2 = mean(doc_est_ey2 -  true_ey, na.rm= T),
            doc_ex2 = mean(doc_est_ex2 -  true_ex, na.rm= T),
            doc_cx2 = mean(doc_est_cx2 -  true_cx, na.rm= T),
            doc_cy2 = mean(doc_est_cy2 -  true_cy, na.rm= T),
            doc_ax2 = mean(doc_est_ax2 -  true_ax, na.rm= T),
            doc_ay2 = mean(doc_est_ay2 -  true_ay, na.rm= T),
            )   %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = contains("doc"),
               names_to="key", values_to="value")   %>%
  mutate(tmp = stringr::str_split_fixed(key, "_", 2),
         group = tmp[,1],
         key = tmp[,2],
         se = ifelse(str_detect(key,"_se"), value, NA_real_)) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(key, "_se")) %>%
    ## mutate(key = fct_reorder(key, value)) %>%  # Add this line
  ## ungroup() %>%
  # filter(value != 0) %>%
  # reorder with fctreorder in ggplot
  ggplot(aes(x=fct_inorder(key), y=value, fill= key)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") +
   facet_grid(true_re~group, scales = "free_x") + # rcc scales = "free_y") +
  theme_luis() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(x = "", y = "Diff estimated - parameter value") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cb_palette, name = "Parameters")


Precision with increasing b1?

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1, outfile = "")

precision2 <- foreach(
  b1 = c( 0.9,0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01),
                    .packages = c("umx", "MASS",  "tidyr","dplyr"))   %dopar% {

  sim_each(model = "mrdoc1", b1=b1)


precision2 %>%
              select(mrdoc_se_g1, true_b1) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = true_b1, y = mrdoc_se_g1)) +
  geom_line(size = 1) +
  geom_point(size = 1.5) +
  scale_color_manual(values = cb_palette) +


Power diff in different a

cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-1, outfile="")

power <- foreach(axs = c( 0.9,0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 ),
                 ays = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ),
                 cxs = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ),
                 cys = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
                  group =c(".80", ".70", ".60", ".50", ".40", ".30", ".20", ".10", "0"),
                 .errorhandling = "remove",
                    .packages = c("umx", "MASS"))  %do% {

   sim_each(axs = axs, ays = ays, cxs=cxs, cys = cxs,
            ## ra =.25, rc=.25, b2=sqrt(.25),b1 = sqrt(0.01),g1 = sqrt(0.01),g2 = sqrt(0.25),
             model = "doc", group = group, Ve_pinned = T) #, noC = T)

## power <- foreach(
##                  # redo in steps of .05
##                  axs = c(0.9, 0.85, 0.8, 0.75, 0.7, 0.65, 0.6, 0.55, 0.5, 0.45, 0.4, 0.35, 0.3, 0.25, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1),
##                   ays = c( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
##                   cxs = c(  0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
##                   cys = c(  0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
##                  group = c( "80","75", "70", "65", "60", "55", "50", "45", "40", "35", "30", "25", "20", "15", "10", "5", "0"),
##                  .errorhandling = "remove",
##                  .combine=rbind,
##                     .packages = c("umx", "MASS"))  %do% {

##    sim_each(axs = axs, ays = ays, cxs=cxs, cys = cxs,
##             ## ra =.25, rc=.25, b2=sqrt(.25),b1 = sqrt(0.01),g1 = sqrt(0.01),g2 = sqrt(0.25),
##              model = "doc", group = group) #, noC = T)

## }

power1 <- foreach(axs = c( 0.9,0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 ),
                  ays = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ),
                  cxs = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ),
                  cys = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
                  group =c(".80", ".70", ".60", ".50", ".40", ".30", ".20", ".10", "0"),
                  .errorhandling = "remove",
                     .packages = c("umx", "MASS"))  %do% {

   sim_each(axs = axs, ays = ays, cxs=cxs, cys = cxs,
            ## ra =.25, rc=.25, b2=sqrt(.25),b1 = sqrt(0.25),g1 = sqrt(0.25),g2 = sqrt(0.25),
               model = "mrdoc1", group = group , Ve_pinned = T) #, noC = T)


power2 <- foreach(axs = c( 0.9,0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 ),
                  ays = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ),
                  cxs = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ),
                  cys = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
                  group =c(".80", ".70", ".60", ".50", ".40", ".30", ".20", ".10", "0"),
                  .errorhandling = "remove",
                     .packages = c("umx", "MASS"))  %do% {

   sim_each(axs = axs, ays = ays, cxs=cxs, cys = cxs,
            ## ra =.25, rc=.25, b3=sqrt(.25),b1 = sqrt(0.25),g1 = sqrt(0.25),g2 = sqrt(0.25),
               model = "mrdoc2", group = group, Ve_pinned = T) #noC = T,,  do_pow = "bidir"


power3 <- foreach(axs = c( 0.9,0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 ),
                  ays = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ),
                  cxs = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ),
                  cys = c( 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
                  group =c(".80", ".70", ".60", ".50", ".40", ".30", ".20", ".10", "0"),
                     .packages = c("umx", "MASS"))  %do% {

   sim_each(axs = axs, ays = ays, cxs=cxs, cys = cxs,
            ## ra =.25, rc=.25, b3=sqrt(.25),b1 = sqrt(0.25),g1 = sqrt(0.25),g2 = sqrt(0.25),
               model = "mrdoc2", group = group,  do_pow = "bidir") #noC = T,



# rename all variables with mrdoc2_ to mrdoc3_
## names(power3) <- gsub("mrdoc2_", "mrdoc3_", names(power3))

plot_dt <- power |>
  full_join(power1, by = c("true_b1", "true_b3", "true_b4", "true_g1",
                           "true_g2", "true_ra", "true_re", "true_rf",
                           "true_ey", "true_ax", "true_ex",  "true_cy",
                           "true_cx", "true_rc", "true_b2", "group",
                           "reliability", "true_ay")) |>
  full_join(power2, by = c("true_b1", "true_b3", "true_b4", "true_g1",
                           "true_g2", "true_ra", "true_re", "true_rf",
                           "true_ey", "true_ax", "true_ex",  "true_cy",
                           "true_cx", "true_rc", "true_b2", "group",
                           "reliability", "true_ay"))|>
  full_join(power3 %>% rename(mrdoc3_ncp = mrdoc2_ncp), by = c("true_b1", "true_b3", "true_b4", "true_g1",
                           "true_g2", "true_ra", "true_re", "true_rf",
                           "true_ey", "true_ax", "true_ex",  "true_cy",
                           "true_cx", "true_rc", "true_b2", "group",
                           "reliability", "true_ay"))

# Assuming 'doc_ncp', 'mrdoc_ncp', and 'mrdoc2_ncp' are the columns in your data frame 'plot_dt'
# First, we need to reshape the data from wide to long format
plot_dt_long <- plot_dt |>
  # rename cols
  rename(doc = doc_ncp, mrdoc = mrdoc_ncp, mrdoc2 = mrdoc2_ncp, mrdoc2_2df = mrdoc3_ncp) |>
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(doc, mrdoc, mrdoc2, mrdoc2_2df),
                      names_to = "variable",
                      values_to = "value")

# Now, we can create the plot with facets
ggplot(plot_dt_long, aes(x = as.numeric(group), y = value, color = variable)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  scale_color_manual(values = cb_palette) +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scale = "free") +
  theme_luis() +
  # new labesl
  labs(x = "Difference in A variance between phenotypes", y = "NCP") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")


System information

r version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
platform: x86_64-solus-linux-gnu (64-bit)
running under: solus 4.4 harmony

matrix products: default
blas:   /usr/lib64/haswell/
lapack: /usr/lib64/r/lib/

 [1] lc_ctype=en_us.utf-8       lc_numeric=c
 [3] lc_time=pt_br.utf-8        lc_collate=en_us.utf-8
 [5] lc_monetary=pt_br.utf-8    lc_messages=en_us.utf-8
 [7] lc_paper=pt_br.utf-8       lc_name=c
 [9] lc_address=c               lc_telephone=c
[11] lc_measurement=pt_br.utf-8 lc_identification=c

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grdevices utils     datasets  methods
[8] base

other attached packages:
 [1] dtplyr_1.2.2           patchwork_1.1.2        ggrepel_0.9.2
 [4] RColorBrewer_1.1-3     scales_1.2.1           doParallel_1.0.17
 [7] iterators_1.0.14       foreach_1.5.2          akima_0.6-3.4
[10] rgl_0.111.6            ggpubr_0.5.0           forcats_1.0.0
[13] stringr_1.5.0          dplyr_1.1.2            purrr_1.0.1
[16] readr_2.1.3            tidyr_1.3.0            tidyverse_1.3.2
[19] knitr_1.41             lattice_0.20-45        plotly_4.10.1
[22] ggplot2_3.4.0          MASS_7.3-58.1          umx_4.21.0
[25] OpenMx_2.19.6-6        ProjectTemplate_0.10.2 tibble_3.2.1
[28] digest_0.6.31

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] nlme_3.1-160        fs_1.6.2            lubridate_1.9.0
 [4] webshot_0.5.4       httr_1.4.4          rprojroot_2.0.3
 [7] DiagrammeRsvg_0.1   tools_4.2.2         backports_1.4.1
[10] utf8_1.2.2          R6_2.5.1            DBI_1.1.3
[13] lazyeval_0.2.2      colorspace_2.0-3    sp_1.5-1
[16] withr_2.5.0         tidyselect_1.2.0    curl_5.0.0
[19] compiler_4.2.2      polycor_0.8-1       cli_3.6.0
[22] rvest_1.0.3         xml2_1.3.3          labeling_0.4.2
[25] systemfonts_1.0.4   rmarkdown_2.19      svglite_2.1.1
[28] base64enc_0.1-3     pkgconfig_2.0.3     htmltools_0.5.4
[31] MuMIn_1.47.1        dbplyr_2.2.1        fastmap_1.1.0
[34] htmlwidgets_1.6.1   rlang_1.1.0         readxl_1.4.1
[37] rstudioapi_0.14     farver_2.1.1        visNetwork_2.1.2
[40] generics_0.1.3      jsonlite_1.8.4      car_3.1-1
[43] googlesheets4_1.0.1 magrittr_2.0.3      kableExtra_1.3.4
[46] Matrix_1.5-1        Rcpp_1.0.9          munsell_0.5.0
[49] fansi_1.0.3         abind_1.4-5         lifecycle_1.0.3
[52] stringi_1.7.12      carData_3.0-5       grid_4.2.2
[55] crayon_1.5.2        haven_2.5.1         cowplot_1.1.1
[58] hms_1.1.2           pillar_1.9.0        ggsignif_0.6.4
[61] codetools_0.2-18    admisc_0.30         stats4_4.2.2
[64] reprex_2.0.2        glue_1.6.2          evaluate_0.19
[67] V8_4.2.2            data.table_1.14.6   RcppParallel_5.1.6
[70] modelr_0.1.10       vctrs_0.6.1         tzdb_0.3.0
[73] cellranger_1.1.0    gtable_0.3.1        assertthat_0.2.1
[76] xfun_0.39           xtable_1.8-4        broom_1.0.2
[79] rsvg_2.4.0          rstatix_0.7.1       googledrive_2.0.0
[82] viridisLite_0.4.1   gargle_1.2.1        timechange_0.2.0
[85] DiagrammeR_1.0.9    ellipsis_0.3.2      here_1.0.1

2024-reliability-mrdoc's People


lf-araujo avatar



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