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ds-multilayer-perceptrons-lab's Introduction

Deeper Neural Networks-- Multi-Layer Perceptrons Lab

In this lab, we'll extend our neural networks knowledge further and add one hidden layer in our neural network, which is commonly referred to as a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)!

We'll perform forward propagation, backward propagation, and work with activation functions we haven't used before: the hyperbolic tangent or "tanh" activation function. Let's get started!

1. Import packages and generate the data

Let's first start with importing the necessary libraries. We'll use plotting as well as numpy. Additionally, we'll generate our own data using scikit-learn, so we have to use that library as well.

# Package imports
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sklearn
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
import sklearn.linear_model

# Display plots inline and change default figure size
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6.0, 6.0)

Next, let's generate our data. Scikit-learns enables the creation of simple toy datasets to visualize clustering and classification algorithms. One of them is called make_circles and generates a a large circle containing a smaller circle in 2D. make_circles-function has several arguments, but here we'll just use 2: n_samples and noise. We'll create a data set with 500 samples, and insert noise equal to 0.1.

Run the cell below to create and plot our sample dataset and the corresponding labels.

# Generate a dataset and plot it
sample_size = 500
X, Y = sklearn.datasets.make_circles(n_samples = sample_size, noise = 0.1)
# Display plots inline and change default figure size
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6.0, 6.0)
plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], s=20, c=Y, edgecolors="gray")

Note that we just generated to "classes": the yellow dots and the purple dots. The goal of this lab is to create a model which can create a Decision Boundary to distinguish the smaller (yellow) circle from the larger (purple) one.

We'll build a neural network to do this. But first, let's build a logistic regression model and see how that model performs. We'll use this as a benchmark to compare against our MLP.

2. Build a logistic regression model

Use the Scikit-learn function linear_model.LogisticRegression() to build a logistic regression model.

Then, .fit() the object to X and Y.

log_reg = None

In the cell below, we've provided a helper function that will allow us to visualize the results of our classifier by plotting the decision boundary. You'll use this helper function to visualize the classification performance.

Run the cell below to create the helper function plot_decision_boundary().

# We got this helper function online to create a decision boundry
def plot_decision_boundary(pred_func):
    # Set min and max values and give it some padding
    x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - .3, X[:, 0].max() + .3
    y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - .3, X[:, 1].max() + .3
    h = 0.005
    # Generate a grid of points with distance h between them
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h))
    # Predict the function value for the whole gid
    Z = pred_func(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
    # Plot the contour and training examples
    plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z)
    plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1],s=20, c=Y ,edgecolors="gray")

In the helper function, let's create a lambda function inside plot_decision_boundary in order to create a decision boundary using the predictions made by the logistic regression model log_reg.

In the cell below, call plot_decision_boundary() and pass in a lambda function called x, which should be equal log_reg.predict(x).

Now explicitly store the predictions using X in log_reg_predict, so we can calculate the accuracy.

In the cell below, call log_reg_predict(X) and store the results that it returns inside of log_reg_predict

log_reg_predict = None
print ('The logistic regression model has an accuracy of: ' 
       + str(np.sum(log_reg_predict == Y)/sample_size*100) + '%')

How did this model perform? Is this a surprise? Why do you think the model wasn't able to perform better?

Write your answer below this line:

3. Building a Multi-Layer Perceptron

3.1 network architecture and data pre-processing

A Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is a perceptron with at least one Hidden Layer in between our input layer and our output layer. MLPs belong to the family of algorithms that are considered Neural Networks.

Let's see if a neural network can do better. In what follows, you'll build a neural network with one hidden layer (the hidden layer has 6 units, as follows):


Let's reintroduce some of the terminology.

  • remember that the input layer passes on $a^{[0]}$ to the next layer, which simply is equal to $x = (x_1, x_2)$.

  • The hidden layer passes on $a^{[1]} = \begin{bmatrix} a^{[1]}_1 \a^{[1]}_2 \ a^{[1]}_3 \ a^{[1]}_4\ a^{[1]}_5\ a^{[1]}_6\end{bmatrix}$

  • This sort of notation is common for describing the architecture of a layer in a Neural Network. The top number inside of brackets denotes the layer that the neuron belongs to, while the bottom number denotes the index of the neuron inside its corresponding layer.

  • The final layer outputs $a^{[2]}$ which is $\hat y$.

Note that the input layer has 2 inputs, $x_1$ and $x_2$ (which are basically the x- and y-coordinates in the graph with the two circles above). Let's look at the shape of the X-matrix.

In the cell below, check the .shape attribute of our data.

Run the cell below to examine an example row from our dataset.

Remember that for the neural networks, we want the number of inputs to be rows and the number of cases to be columns. Hence we transpose this matrix. By transposing our our data, we make it easy to compute the dot-product of our weights, which are "tall and skinny", with our inputs, which are now "short and fat".

In the cell below, set X_nn equal to the transpose of X

HINT: Use the .T attribute!

Run the cell below to display the first row of data from our transposed data.

X_nn[1, :]

Similarly, for the labels, we like to have a row-matrix.

In the cell below, reshape our labels to a shape of (1, 500) using np.reshape(). Store the results returned inside of Y_nn.

Y_nn = None

Run the cell below to display the shape of our reshaped data and labels.

np.shape(X_nn), np.shape(Y_nn)

As per the network architecture above, there are two nodes in the input layer, and 1 node in the output layer (with a sigmoid activation).

We will create three objects to store the size of each layer: n_0, n_1 and n_2.

n_0 (input layer size) and n_2 (output layer size) are defined by the data, n_1 is a hyperparameter and can be changed to optimize the result!

For this exercise, we've chosen to have 6 nodes in the hidden layer, so let's hardcode the size n_1 equal to 6.

n_0 = np.shape(X_nn)[0]
n_1 = 6
n_2 = np.shape(Y_nn)[0] 

3.2 Forward & Backward Propagation

Neural Networks have two major processes: Forward Propagation and Back Propagation. During Forward Propagation, we start at the input layer and feed our data in, propagating it through the network until we've reached the output layer and generated a prediction.

Back Propagation is essentially the opposite of Forward Propagation. In the Forward Propagation step, we start at the beginning and work towards the end of the network. In Back Propagation, we start at the end of the Neural Network--the prediction we ended up with as a result of Forward Propagation--and work backwards, allowing our model to "learn" by comparing our prediction with the actual label for the training data.

Implementing Forward Propagation

To implement Forward Propagation, we'll start at the input layer and repeat the following steps until we reach the end fo the network, the output of the output layer:

  1. Calculate $Z$ by taking the dot product of the layer's weights and the inputs from the previous layer (this step is called the Transfer Function)
  2. Pass Z into our Activation Function.
  3. Repeat, using the output of the Activation Function as the input for the next layer.

Note that we can actually start with the first hidden layer, since we don't actually need to do any computations in the input layer.

Let's start forward propagating from $a^{[0]}$ to $a^{[1]}$. Note that we compute for each sample $x^{(i)}= (x_{1}^{(i)},x_{2}^{(i)})$, we compute $a^{[1] (i)}$: First, let's get to $z^{[1] (i)}$ using $W^{[1]}$ and $b^{[1]}$:

$$z^{[1] (i)} = W^{[1]} x^{(i)} + b^{[1]}$$

Then, we'll use the hyperbolic tangent function as an activation function to get to $a^{[1] (i)}$.

$$a^{[1] (i)} = \tanh(z^{[1] (i)})$$

In this example, $W^{[1]}$ is a (6 x 2)-matrix, $b^{[1]}$ is a (6 x 1)-matrix.

Before we can do any calculations, we first need to initialize our weights!

Where Do The Weights Come From?

We know that after sufficient training, our network will have learned the best weights--but what should they start out as?

The simple answer is to randomly intialize them to very small values.

In order to get to $a^{[1] (i)}$, we need to initialize this $W^{[1]}$ and $b^{[1]}$. Let's initialize $b^{[1]}$ as a matrix of zeroes, and $W^{[1]}$ as a matrix with random number generated by the standard normal distribution, but then multiplied by 0.05 to make them smaller.

Next, let's go one step further and do the same thing for $W^{[2]}$ and $b^{[2]}$. Recall that: $$z^{[2] (i)} = W^{[2]} a^{1} + b^{[2]}$$

What are the correct dimensions for $W^{[2]}$ and $b^{[2]}$? Use n_0, n_1 and n_2, and look at the network graph above to get to the right dimensions!

In the cell below, complete the initialize_parameters() function. This function should:

  • Take in 3 parameters, n_0, n_1 and n_2.
  • Initialize the weights W1 to np.random.rand(n_1, n_0), scaled down by multiplying by 0.05
  • Initialize the bias b1 for hidden layer 1 an array of zeros of shape (n_1, 1) (hint: use np.zeroes()!)
  • Initialize the weights W2 to np.random.randn(n_2, n_1), scaled down by multiplying by 0.05
  • Initialize the bias b2 for our output layer to an array of zeroes of shape (n_2, 1)
  • Store the variables we just initialized inside a parameters dictionary and return parameters.
def initialize_parameters(n_0, n_1, n_2):
    W1 = None
    b1 = None
    W2 = None
    b2 = None
    parameters = {"W1": None,
                  "b1": None,
                  "W2": None,
                  "b2": None}
    return parameters

Now, let's initialize our parameters by calling the function we've just created and passing in the hyperparameter variables n_0, n_1, and n_2 that we initialized above.

Do this in the cell below, and store the results in variable parameters.

parameters = None

Let's take a look at what the parameters have been initialized to. Display the contents of parameters in the cell below.

Now let's perform the actual forward propagation step to calculate $z^{[1]}, a^{[1]}, z^{[2]}$ and $a^{[2]}$. You can use the function np.tanh() to compute the hyperbolic tangent function. Additionally, remember that $$\hat{y}^{(i)} = a^{[2] (i)} = \sigma(z^{ [2] (i)}).$$ You can compute the sigmoid as $\sigma(z^{ [2] (i)}) = \displaystyle\frac{1}{1 + \exp(z^{ [2] (i)})}$

In the cell below, complete the forward_propagation() function. This function should:

  • Take in two parameters, X and parameters.
  • Set the initial values for the weights and biases by getting them from the parameters dictionary.
  • Compute the output of the transfer function for hidden layer 1 by taking the dot product of W1 and X and then adding the bias values stored in b1.
  • Compute A1, the output of the activation function for hidden layer 1, by passing in our Z1 value to np.tanh()
  • Compute Z2 by taking the dot product of W2 and A1, and then adding in bias b2.
  • Compute our prediction, the output of the output layer, by feeding Z2 through a sigmoid function
  • Store the values computed during forward propagation inside a dictionary called fw_out and return it.
def forward_propagation(X, parameters):
    W1 = None
    b1 = None
    W2 = None
    b2 = None
    Z1 = None
    A1 = None
    Z2 = None
    A2 = 1/(1 + np.exp(-Z2))
    fw_out = {"Z1": None,
              "A1": None,
              "Z2": None,
              "A2": None}
    return fw_out

Now, let's use the function we just created. In the cell below, call forward_propagation() and pass in X_nn and parameters. Store the results inside of fw_out.

fw_out = None

Z1 and A1 should be of shape (6, 500), and Z2 and A2 should be of shape (1, 500).

Inspect Z1, A1, Z2 and A2 and make sure that the shape of all the outputs is correct!

# Expected Output: (6, 500)
# Expected Output: (1, 500)
# Expected Output: (6, 500)
# Expected Output: (1, 500)

3.3 Compute the cost function

In order to complete the back propagation step, we'll need to make use of a Cost Function. For each sample in our training data, this function will compare our MLP's output (the predicted class) with the label that corresponds to each sample (the actual class).

The cost function doesn't just tell us when we're wrong--it tells us how we're wrong, which allows use gradient descent and adjust the weights in the correct direction!

NOTE: Since we have vectorized our entire dataset, we are computing the cost for every single example at the same time using linear algebra. Thus, we are actually finding the average total cost for the dataset (which is why we mutliply by 1/m).

$a^{[2] (i)}$ provides us with the predictions on all the samples. We can then compute the cost $J$ as follows: $$J = - \frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i = 0}^{m} \large\left(\small y^{(i)}\log\left(a^{[2] (i)}\right) + (1-y^{(i)})\log\left(1- a^{[2] (i)}\right) \large \right) $$


Why do you think we multiply by a negative in this equation? (Hint--think about this would affect gradient descent!)

Write your answer below this line:

In the cell below, complete the compute_cost() function. This function should:

  • Take in 3 parameters: A2, Y, and parameters.
  • Set a variable m equal to the shape of Y.shape[1] (this has been provided for you).
  • Compute the log_prob by multiplying the log of A2 and Y (use np.multiply() and np.log(), respectively)
  • Compute the cost--use numpy to implement the equation mentioned above!
def compute_cost(A2, Y, parameters):
    m = np.shape(Y)[1] 

    log_prob = None
    cost = None
    return cost

Now, in the cell below, get the prediction of our neural network out of fw_out (found under the A2 key) and store it in the variable A2.

Then, call our compute_cost() function and pass in A2, Y_nn, and parameters.

A2= None
compute_cost(A2, Y_nn, parameters) # Expected Output: 0.69314079305668752

3.3 Backward propagation

Now that we have our cost function, we can begin writing out back propagation function!

For what you have seen in the lecture, you can use the following expressions to calculate the derivatives with respect to $z$, $W$, and $b$.

$ dz^{[2]}= a^{[2]} - y $

$ dW^{[2]} = 1/m * dz^{[2]} a^{[1]T}$

$ db^{[2]} = 1/m * dz^{[2]} $

$ dz^{[1]} = dW^{[2]T}dz^{[2]} * g'{[1]}(z^{[1]})$

$ dW^{[1]} = 1/m * dz^{[1]} x^T$

$ db^{[1]} = 1/m * dz^{[1]}$

Recall that $dz^{[1]}$ and $dz^{[2]}$ will be matrices of shape (6, 500) and (1, 500) respectively. $dz^{[1]}$ and $dz^{[2]}$ however are matrices of size (6, 1) and (1, 1). We'll need to take the averages over the 500 columns in the matrices. You can use python code of the form (1/m) * np.sum(dZ1, axis=1, keepdims=True). We need to apply $1/m$ to compute $dW^{[1]}$ and $dW^{[2]}$ as well.

About $g^{[1]'}(z^{[1]})$: since $g^{[1]}(z^{[1]})$ is the tanh-function, its derivative $g^{[1]'}(z^{[1]})$ is equal to $1-a^2$. You can use np.power to compute this.

In the cell below, complete the back_propagation() function. This is, by far, the most complicated function in this lab, because we'll need to compute all of these partial derivatives. Because of this, we've provided some direction in the form of comments inside the function.

def backward_propagation(parameters, fw_out, X, Y):
    m = X.shape[1]
    # Get these out of the parameters dictionary
    W1 = None
    W2 = None

    # Get these out of fw_out
    A1 = None
    A2 = None
    # Use the equations provided in the instructions in the cell above to calculate these
    dZ2 = None
    dW2 = None
    db2 = None
    dZ1 = None
    dW1 = None
    db1 = None
    # Store the corresponding values witht heir appropriate keys
    bw_out = {"dW1": None,
              "db1": None,
              "dW2": None,
              "db2": None}
    return bw_out

Now, in the cell below, call our new back_propagation function and store the results it returns inside of bw_out.

bw_out = None

3.4 Update the parameters

Now that we have run back propagation, we know how to update our parameters. All that is left ot do is actually update our parameter values!

To update the parameters, let's go back and use the outputs of the parameter initialization and the backward propagation.

In the cell below, complete the update_parameters function. As in the back propagation function, we have added comments in the body of the function to help complete it.

def update_parameters(parameters, bw_out, alpha = 0.7):
    # Get these out of the parameters dictionary
    W1 = None
    b1 = None
    W2 = None
    b2 = None

    # Get these out of the bw_out dictionary
    dW1 = None
    db1 = None
    dW2 = None
    db2 = None
    # Update each of these parameters by subracting alpha * corresponding derivative from current value.  
    # As an example, the first one has been provided for you.  
    W1 = W1 - alpha * dW1
    b1 = None
    W2 = None
    b2 = None
    # Store the updated values in the parameters dictionary.
    parameters = {"W1": None,
                  "b1": None,
                  "W2": None,
                  "b2": None}
    return parameters

Now, run our new update_parameters function, and pass in parameters and bw_out. Expected output:

{'W1': array([[ 0.04910168, -0.05514234], [-0.05929583, -0.01051881], [ 0.07433463, 0.01198439], [-0.05117557, -0.03557491], [ 0.03128015, -0.00792934], [-0.03838823, -0.01121189]]), 'b1': array([[ 6.45768158e-06], [ 1.15883998e-05], [ -1.15127034e-05], [ -3.99251339e-06], [ -1.24692629e-06], [ -6.12572520e-06]]), 'W2': array([[ 0.0373627 , 0.09885649, -0.06226744, -0.03121282, -0.040183 , -0.12090948]]), 'b2': array([[ -3.30367789e-06]])}

Putting It All Together

We now have all the constituent functions needed to build our own fully functional neural network.

In the cell below, complete the nn_model function. The general structure of this function is as follows:

  • Initialize the parameters
  • For each iteration:
    • Compute forward propagation
    • Compute cost from output of forward propagation
    • Use cost to compute back propagation
    • update parameters using results of back propagation function

We'll also want to print the cost every thousanth iteration, so that we can see what the model is doing as it progresses.

def nn_model(X, Y, n_1, num_iter = 10000, print_cost=False):
    # Get the shape of our data
    n_x = np.shape(X)[0] 
    n_y = np.shape(Y)[0] 

    # initialize parameters. Pass in the hyperparameters n_0, n_1, and n_2 that we set at the start of the notebook
    parameters = None
    # These parameters are now stored inside the parameters dictionary we just created
    W1 = None
    b1 = None
    W2 = None
    b2 = None

    for i in range(None):
        # Forward propagation. Inputs: "X, parameters". Outputs: "fw_out".
        fw_out = None
        # We'll need A2 from fw_out to add it in the cost function
        A2 = None
        # Use the cost function with inputs: "A2", "Y", "parameters".
        cost = None
        # Use the backward propagation function with inputs: "parameters", "fw_out", "X", "Y".
        bw_out = None
        # Parameter update with gradient descent. Inputs: "parameters" and"bw_out".
        parameters = None
        # Print the cost every 1000 iterations
        if print_cost and i % 1000 == 0:
            print ("Cost after iteration %i: %f" %(i, cost))

    return parameters

We've got just one more function to write--a predict function that allows us to make predictions with our newly trained neural network!

In the cell below, complete the predict function. This function should:

  • Take in two parameters: X and parameters.
  • Compute a full round of forward propagation
  • This function should return predictions, a vector of booleans which will act as the network's binary classification based on every data point at the same index inside of X. Since the activation function of our output layer is a sigmoid function, we can interpret the output as a probability. For any given value inside of A2, the corresponding index inside prediction should be True if the value is greater than 0.5--otherwise, it should be False.
def predict(parameters, X):
    fw_out = None
    A2 = None

    predictions = None
    return predictions

Now, all we have left to do is call our functions to train our network, plot the decision boundaries, and compare the results to our logistic regression output from the very beginning!

In the cell below:

  • Call nn_model and pass in X_nn and Y_nn. Also set the parameters n_1=6, num_iter=10000, and print_cost=True.
parameters = None

# Plot the decision boundary
plot_decision_boundary(lambda X: predict(parameters, X.T)) 
plt.title("Decision Boundary for neural network with 1 hidden layer")
nn_predict = predict(parameters, X.T)
print ('The Multi-Layer Perceptron model has an accuracy of: ' 
       + str(np.sum(nn_predict == Y)/sample_size*100) + '%')

4. Summary

In this lab, you learned how to create a "deeper" (yet still shallow) neural network, with tanh activation functions in the hidden layer. You noticed how you can notably improve results compared to a logistic regression model! Hopefully, this illustrates well why neural networks are so useful.

Things you can do from here:

  • Increase/decrease the number of nodes in the hidden layer
  • Change learning rate alpha.
  • Change the noise parameter in your data set.

5. Sources --> helper function

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