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"If you liked it then you should have put a test on it", Beyonce rule


Towards Painless Testing with GoogleTest and GoogleMock.

  • (+) Widely used
  • (+) Stable
  • (+) Powerful
  • (+) Comes with GoogleMock
  • (+) Well documented
  • (-) Macro based
  • (-) Slow to compile
  • (+) Widely used
  • (+) Stable
  • (+) Powerful
  • (+) Well documented
  • (-) Hand written mocks
    • Who likes writing and maintaining these?
    class MockInterface : public interface {
      MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(get, bool());
      MOCK_METHOD1(set, void(bool));
  • (-) Macro based
  • (-) Slow to compile

Showcase/Motivation for GUnit (Towards Painless Testing)


class interface1 {                          class interface2 {
 public:                                     public:
  virtual ~interface1() = default;             virtual void f2_1() = 0;
  virtual bool f1(int) const = 0;              virtual void f2_2() = 0;
};                                             virtual void f2_3() = 0;
class interface3 {                             virtual void f2_4() = 0;
 public:                                       virtual ~interface2() noexcept {}
  virtual void f3(int, int, int) = 0;        };
  virtual ~interface3() noexcept = default;

class example {
  example(const interface1& i1, interface2& i2, interface3& i3);

  void test() {
    if (i1.f1(42)) {
    } else {
    i3.f3(0, 1, 2);

  const interface1& i1;
  interface2& i2;
  interface3& i3;


GoogleTest/GoogleMock                           | GUnit
#include <gmock/gmock.h>                        | #include <GUnit.h> // one header
#include <gtest/gtest.h>                        |
class mock_i1 : public i1 {                     | // mock_i1 is NOT NEEDED!
public:                                         |
 MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(f1, bool(int));             |
};                                              |
class mock_i2 : public i2 {                     | // mock_i2 is NOT NEEDED!
public:                                         |
 MOCK_METHOD0(f2_1, void());                    |
 MOCK_METHOD0(f2_2, void());                    |
 MOCK_METHOD0(f2_3, void());                    |
 MOCK_METHOD0(f2_4, void());                    |
};                                              |
class mock_i1 : public i1 {                     | // mock_i3 is NOT NEEDED!
public:                                         |
 MOCK_METHOD3(f3, void(int, int, int));         |
};                                              |
struct BenchmarkTest : testing::Test {          |
 void SetUp() override {                        |
   sut = std::make_unique<example>(m1, m2, m3); |
 }                                              |
                                                | // set-up is NOT NEEDED!
 mock_i1 m1;                                    |
 mock_i2 m2;                                    |
 mock_i3 m3;                                    |
 std::unique_ptr<example> sut;                  |
};                                              |
TEST_F(BenchmarkTest, ShouldCallF1) {           |GTEST(example) { // set-up
 using namespace testing;                       | using namespace testing;
 EXPECT_CALL(m1,f1(_)).WillOnce(Return(true));  | SHOULD("call f1") {
 EXPECT_CALL(m2,f2_1()).Times(1);               |  EXPECT_CALL(mock<i1>(),(f1)(_)).WillOnce(Return(true));
 EXPECT_CALL(m3,f3(0, 1, 2)).Times(1);          |  EXPECT_CALL(mock<i2>(),(f2_1)()).Times(1);
                                                |  EXPECT_CALL(mock<i3>(),(f3)(0, 1, 2)).Times(1);
 sut->test();                                   |
}                                               |  sut->test(); // sut and mocks were
                                                | }             // created automatically
TEST_F(BenchmarkTest, ShouldCallF2) {           |
 using namespace testing;                       | SHOULD("call f2") {
                                                |  EXPECT_CALL(mock<i1>(),(f1)(_)).WillOnce(Return(false));
 EXPECT_CALL(m1,f1(_)).WillOnce(Return(false)); |  EXPECT_CALL(mock<i2>(),(f2_2)()).Times(1);
 EXPECT_CALL(m2,f2_2()).Times(1);               |  EXPECT_CALL(mock<i3>(),(f3)(0, 1, 2)).Times(1);
 EXPECT_CALL(m3,f3(0, 1, 2)).Times(1);          |
                                                |  sut->test();
 sut->test();                                   | } // tear-down
}                                               |}


  • Header only library
  • Based on top of GoogleTest/GoogleMock
  • Modular (GMock/GMake/GTest/GTest-Lite are independent)
    • GUnit.GMock - GoogleMock without hand written mocks
      • No more hand written mocks!
      • Support for more than 10 parameters
      • Quicker compilation times
      • Support for unique_ptr without any tricks
      • Support for overloaded operators
      • Support for mocking classes with constructors
      • 100% Compatible with Google Mocks
    • GUnit.GMake - Makes creation of System Under Test (SUT) and Mocks easier
      • No need to instantiate System Under Test and Mocks
        • Automatic mocks injection
    • GUnit.GTest - GooglTest with strings and more friendly macros
      • Test cases with string as names
      • No more SetUp/TearDown (SHOULD clauses)
      • One (GTEST) macro for all types of tests
      • 100% Compatible with tests using GTest
    • GUnit.GTest-Lite - lightweight, limited, no-macro way of defining simple tests
  • Requirements
  • Quick start
    $mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
    $make && ctest


  • GoogleMock without writing and maintaining mocks by hand
  • Supported features
    • EXPECT_CALL (requires additional parens for function call)
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, function(42)).WillOnce(Return(true)); // GoogleMock
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, (function)(42)).WillOnce(Return(true)); // GUnit.GMock
    EXPECT_INVOKE(mock, function, 42) // GUnit.GMock
    • ON_CALL (requires additional parens for function call)
    ON_CALL(mock, function()).WillByDefault(Return(true)); // GoogleMock
    ON_CALL(mock, (function)()).WillByDefault(Return(true)); // GUnit.GMock
    • Return/ReturnRef
    • WaggyMock/StrictMock/NiceMock
    • Compile error when parameters and expectations don't match
    • It works together with traditional GoogleMock mocks (See Example)
  • Synopsis
    namespace testing {
      template <class T>
      class GMock {
        static_assert(std::is_abstract<T>::value, "T has to be an abstract type");
        static_assert(std::has_virtual_destructor<T>::value, "T has to have a virtual destructor");
        GMock() = default;
        GMock(GMock &&) = default;
        GMock(const GMock &) = delete;
        using type = T;
        T&() object();
        const T&() object() const;
        explicit operator T&();
        explicit operator const T&() const;
      template <class T>
      using NaggyGMock = GMock<T>;
      template <class T>
      using StrictGMock = StrictMock<GMock<T>>;
      template <class T>
      using NiceGMock = NiceMock<GMock<T>>;
       * [Proposal - generic factories]
       * @tparam T type to be created ex. std::unique_ptr<example>
       * @param args arguments (converts GMock for given types T*, T&, shared_ptr, unique_ptr)
       * @return T instance
      template <class T, class... TArgs>
      auto make(TArgs&&... args);
    } // testing
    template<class TMock>
    auto object(TMock&); // converts mock to the underlying type

GUnit.GMock - Tutorial by example

class iconfig {
  virtual bool is_dumpable() const = 0;
  virtual ~iconfig() = default;
class iprinter {
  virtual ~iprinter() = default;
  virtual void print(const std::string& text) = 0;
class example {
  example(const iconfig& config, const std::shraed_ptr<iprinter>& printer)
    : config(config), printer(printer)
  { }

  void update() {
    if (config.is_dumpable()) {

  const iconfig& config;
  std::shared_ptr<iprinter> printer;

Test (V1)

TEST(Test, ShouldPrintTextWhenUpdate) {
  using namespace testing;
  GMock<iconfig> mockconfig; // defines and creates a mock
  auto mockprinter = std::make_shared<GMock<iprinter>>(); // defines and creates a mock

  example sut{static_cast<const iconfig&>(mockconfig)
            , object(mockprinter)};

  EXPECT_CALL(mockconfig, (is_dumpable)()).WillOnce(Return(true)); // additional parens
  EXPECT_CALL(*mockprinter, (print)("text")); // additional parens

  • (-) Additional casting of mocks is required
  • (~) Additional parens with a method call

Can we do better?

Test (V2) / using make

TEST(Test, ShouldPrintTextWhenUpdate) {
  using namespace testing;
  StrictGMock<iconfig> mockconfig; // strict mock
  auto mockprinter = std::make_shared<StrictGMock<iprinter>>(); // strict mock

  auto sut = make<example>(mockconfig, mockprinter); // automatically converts mocks to interfaces

  EXPECT_CALL(mockconfig, (is_dumpable)()).WillOnce(Return(true));
  EXPECT_CALL(*mockprinter, (print)("text"));

  • (+) No castings required

Is the make call generic?

Test (V2.1) / using make and unique_ptr

TEST(Test, ShouldPrintTextWhenUpdate) {
  using namespace testing;
  StrictGMock<iconfig> mockconfig;
  auto mockprinter = std::make_shared<StrictGMock<iprinter>>();

  // create a unique_ptr
  auto sut = make<std::unique_ptr<example>>(mockconfig, mockprinter);

  EXPECT_CALL(mockconfig, (is_dumpable)()).WillOnce(Return(true));
  EXPECT_CALL(*mockprinter, (print)("text"));


GMock conversion to the underlying type


int main() {
  GMock<IFoo> mock;
  foo_ref(object(mock)); // converts mock to IFoo&
  foo_ptr(object(mock)); // converts mock to IFoo*

int main() {
  std::unique_ptr<StrictGMock<IFoo>> mock
    = std::make_unique<StrictGMock<IFoo>>();

  foo_up(object(mock));  // converts mock to std::unique_ptr<IFoo>
  foo_ref(object(mock)); // converts mock to IFoo&
  foo_ptr(object(mock)); // converts mock to IFoo*

int main() {
  std::shared_ptr<StrictGMock<IFoo>> mock
    = std::make_shared<StrictGMock<IFoo>>();

  foo_sp(object(mock));  // converts mock to std::shared_ptr<IFoo>
  foo_ref(object(mock)); // converts mock to IFoo&
  foo_ptr(object(mock)); // converts mock to IFoo*

How to mock overloaded methods?

class interface {
  virtual void f(int) = 0;
  virtual void f(int) const = 0;
  virtual ~interface() = default;

GMock<interface> mock;

EXPECT_CALL(mock, (f, void(int) const)(1));
EXPECT_CALL(mock, (f, void(int))(2));

static_cast<const interface&>(mock).f(1);

Universal EXPECT_* syntax (works with Google Mock's and GUnit.GMock's)

struct IFoo {
  virtual ~IFoo() noexcept = default;
  virtual bool foo(int) = 0;
GMock<IFoo> mock;
EXPECT_INVOKE(mock, foo, 42).WillOnce(Return(42)); 
// same as EXPECT_CALL(mock, (foo)(42)).WillOnce(Return(42));

[Advanced] Constructors with non-interface parameters and make (Assisted Injection)

  example(iconfig& config, int value, const std::shared_ptr<iprinter>& printer, int data);
                            ^                                                   ^
                            \_____________________       _______________________/
                                                  \     /
  std::tie(sut, mocks) = make<example, StrictMock>(42, 77); // order of the same types is important
                                                            // but it's not imortant for unique types

[Advanced] Generic Factories

template <class T, class... TArgs>
struct IFactory {
  virtual T create(TArgs...) = 0;
  virtual ~IFactory() = default;
using IConfigFactory = IFactory<IConfig, std::string>;
GMock<IConfig> mockconfig;
EXPECT_CALL(mock<IConfigFactory>(), (create)("string")).WillOnce(Return(mockconfig));
  • (+) No specfic factory mocks for given number of parmaeters
  • (+) Factory aliases can be used to determine the mock


  • Removes boilerplate mocks declaration
  • Creates System Under Test (SUT) the same way despite the constructor changes
  • Synopsis
    namespace testing {
       * [Proposal - generic factories]
       * @tparam T type to be created ex. std::unique_ptr<example>
       * @tparam TMock mock type
       *          NaggyMock  - warning (default)
       *          StrictMock - error
       *          NiceMock   - ignore
       * @tparam TMocks specific mocks different than defaulted by TMock
       *          ex. StrictGMock<interface>
       * @param args arguments (converts GMock for given types T*, T&, shared_ptr, unique_ptr)
       * @return pair{T, mocks}
      template <class T, template <class> class TMock, class... TMocks, class... TArgs>
      auto make(TArgs&&... args);
      template <class T>
      class GTest : public Test {
        using SUT = std::unique_ptr<T>;
        template <class TMock>
        decltype(auto) mock();
        SUT sut;
        mocks_t mocks;
    } // testing

GUnit.GMake - Tutorial by example

Test (V3 - C++17)

TEST(Test, ShouldPrintTextWhenUpdate) {
  using namespace testing;
  auto [sut, mocks] = make<example, NaggyMock>(); // create NaggyMocks when required

  EXPECT_CALL(mocks.mock<iconfig>(), (is_dumpable)()).WillOnce(Return(true));
  EXPECT_CALL(mocks.mock<iprinter>(), (print)("text"));

  • (+) Required mocks are created automatically

  • (+) example constructor might be refactored without changing test cases!

    make<example, NaggyMock>() can create...
      example(const std::shared_ptr<iprinter>& printer, const iconfig& config);
      example(const iconfig& config, iprinter& printer);
      example(iconfig* config, iprinter* printer);

Test (V3 - C++14)

TEST(Test, ShouldPrintTextWhenUpdate) {
  using namespace testing;
  std::unique_ptr<example> sut;
  mocks_t mocks;
  std::tie(sut, mocks) = make<std::unique_ptr<example>, StrictMock>(); // create StrictMock when required

  EXPECT_CALL(mocks.mock<iconfig>(), (is_dumpable)()).WillOnce(Return(true));
  EXPECT_CALL(mocks.mock<iprinter>(), (print)("text"));


Let's refactor (remove duplicates) from V3 then!

Test (V4) / using GUnit.GMake

class Test : public testing::Test {
  void SetUp() override {
    std::tie(sut, mocks) =
      testing::make<std::unique_ptr<example>, NaggyMock>();
TEST(Test, ShouldPrintTextWhenUpdate) {
  using namespace testing;
  EXPECT_CALL(mock<iconfig>(), (is_dumpable)()).WillOnce(Return(true));
  EXPECT_CALL(mock<iprinter>(), (print)("text"));

  • (+) No repetitions with more than 1 test!


  • Simplifies usage of GoogleTest (no more label as test case names!)

  • Synopsis

      #define GTEST(type_to_be_tested OR test_case_name,
                    [optional] additional_test_case_name,
                    [optional] parametric test values);
      #define DISABLED_GTEST(...); // disable test
      #define SHOULD(test_case_name); creates a new test case inside GTEST
      #define DISABLED_SHOULD(test_case_name); // disable should clause (test case)

GUnit.GTest - Tutorial by example

Simple test

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
TEST(SimpleTest, ShouldDoNothing)               | GTEST("Should do nothing")
{ }                                             | { }

Simple test with a fixture

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
TEST(SimpleTest, ShouldDoNothing)               | GTEST("Simple Test", "Should do nothing")
{ }                                             | { }

Test with a base class

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
struct FooTest : testing::Test { };             | struct FooTest : testing::Test { };
TEST_F(FooTest, ShouldDoNothing)                | GTEST(FooTest, "Should do nothing")
{ }                                             | { }

Multiple tests with a base class

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
struct FooTest : testing::Test { };             | struct FooTest : testing::Test { };
TEST_F(FooTest, ShouldDoNothingTest1) { }       | GTEST(FooTest, "Should do nothing test 1") { }
TEST_F(FooTest, ShouldDoNothingTest2) { }       | GTEST(FooTest, "Should do nothing test 2") { }

Test with SUT/Mocks creation

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
class IFoo;                                     | class IFoo;
class Example;                                  | class Example;
TEST(FooTest, ShouldCallFoo) {                  | GTEST(Example, "Should call foo") {
  std::shared_ptr<StrictGMock<IFoo>> fooMock    |   EXPECT_CALL(mock<IFoo>(), (foo)())
   = std::make_shared<StrictGMock<IFoo>>();     |     .WillOnce(Return(42));
                                                |   EXPECT_EQ(42, sut->run());
  std::unique_ptr<Example> sut                  | }
   = std::make_unique<Example>(object(fooMock));|
  EXPECT_CALL(*fooMock, (foo)())                |
    .WillOnce(Return(42));                      |
  EXPECT_EQ(42, sut->run());                    |
}                                               |

Multiple tests with SUT and Mocks

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
class IFoo;                                     | class IFoo;
class Example;                                  | class Example;
struct FooTest : testing::Test {                | GTEST(Example) {
  std::shared_ptr<StrictGMock<IFoo>> fooMock    |   std::cout << "set up" << '\n';
   = std::make_shared<StrictGMock<IFoo>>();     |
  std::unique_ptr<Example> sut                  |   SHOULD("call foo") {
   = std::make_unique<Example>(object(fooMock));|     EXPECT_CALL(mock<IFoo>(), (foo)())
                                                |       .WillOnce(Return(42));
  void SetUp() override {                       |     EXPECT_EQ(42, sut->run());
    std::cout << "set up" << '\n';              |   }
  }                                             |
                                                |   SHOULD("call foo and return 0") {
  void TearDown() override {                    |     EXPECT_CALL(mock<IFoo>(), (foo)())
    std::cout << "tear down" << '\n';           |       .WillOnce(Return(0));
  }                                             |     EXPECT_EQ(0, sut->run());
};                                              |   }
TEST_F(FooTest, ShouldCallFoo) {                |   std::cout << "tear down" << '\n';
  EXPECT_CALL(*fooMock, (foo)())                | }
    .WillOnce(Return(42));                      |
  EXPECT_EQ(42, sut->run());                    | // There are 2 tests cases here!
}                                               | //   1.	Example.Should call foo
                                                | //   2. Example.Should call foo and return 0
TEST_F(FooTest, ShouldCallFooAndRet0) {         | //
  EXPECT_CALL(*fooMock, (foo)())                | // SetUp and TeardDown will be called
    .WillOnce(Return(0));                       | // separately for both of them
  EXPECT_EQ(0, sut->run());                     |

Disable simple test

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
TEST(DISABLED_Test, ShouldDoSomething)          | DISABLED_GTEST("Should do something")
{ }                                             | { }

Disable multiple tests

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
TEST_F(FooTest, DISABLED_ShouldDoA) {}          | DISABLED_GTEST(FooTest) {
TEST_F(FooTest, DISABLED_ShouldDoB) {}          |   SHOULD("Do A") {}
                                                |   SHOULD("Do B") {}
                                                | }

Disable some tests

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
TEST_F(FooTest, ShouldDoA) {}                   | GTEST(FooTest) {
TEST_F(FooTest, DISABLED_ShouldDoB) {}          |   DISABLED_SHOULD("Do A") {}
```                                             |   SHOULD("Do B") {}
                                                | }

Parametrized tests

GoogleTest                                      | GUnit
class ParamTest :                               | GTEST("ParamTest", "[InstantiationName]",
  public ::testing::TestWithParam<int> { };     |       testing::Values(1, 2, 3)) {
                                                |  SHOULD("be true") { EXPECT_TRUE(GetParam() >= 1; }
TEST_P(ParamTest, ShouldbeTrue) {               |  SHOULD("be false") { EXPECT_FALSE(false); }
  EXPECT_TRUE(GetParam() >= 1);                 | }
}                                               |
TEST_P(ParamTest, ShouldBeFalse) {              |
  EXPECT_FALSE(false);                          |
}                                               |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(                        |
  InstantiationName,                            |
  ParamTest,                                    |
  testing::Values(1, 2, 3)                      |
);                                              |

Note Running specific should test case requires ':' in the test filter (--gtest_filter="test case pattern:should pattern")

  • --gtest_filter="FooTest*:Do A" # calls FooTest with should("Do A")
  • --gtest_filter="FooTest*:-Do A" # calls FooTest with not should("Do A")
  • --gtest_filter="FooTest*:Do*" # calls FooTest with should("Do...")
  • --gtest_filter="FooTest.:Do*" # calls FooTest with should("Do...")
  • --gtest_filter="-FooTest?:-Do*" # calls not FooTest with not should("Do...")


  • Synopsis
    template <class T, T...>
    constexpr auto operator""_test;
    template <class T, T...>
    constexpr auto operator""_test_disabled;

GUnit.GTest-Lite - Tutorial by example

int main() {
  "should always be true"_test = [] {

  "should not be run"_test_disabled = [] {

Integration tests with Dependency Injection ([Boost].DI)

class example; // System Under Test

GTEST(example) {
  namespace di = boost::di;

  SHOULD("create example") {
    const auto injector = di::make_injector(
    , di::bind<interface2>.to(di::StrictGMock{mocks})

    sut = testing::make<SUT>(injector);

    EXPECT_CALL(mock<interface>(), (get)(_)).WillOnce(Return(123));
    EXPECT_CALL(mock<interface2>(), (f2)(123));


Vision for C++20?

Test (V5)

"example"_test_fixture = [] {
  auto [sut, mocks] = make<example, NaggyMock>();

  "should print text when update"_test = [&] {
    using namespace testing;
    EXPECT_CALL(mocks<iconfig>(), (is_dumpable)()).WillOnce(Return(true));
    EXPECT_CALL(mocks<iprinter>(), (print)("text"));


  • GMock can't mock classes with multiple or virtual inheritance
  • GMock, by default, can fake interface with up to 128 virtual methods




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