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galamm's Issues

Set up loglikelihood computations


In C++, get the necessary data from R, and use this to compute the Laplace approximate log likelihood.

Intended outcome

Be able to evaluate the loglikelihood at given values of the fixed parameters, integrating over the random effects and the fixed regression coefficients.

Things to do

  • Find and store fill-reducing permutation
  • Update matrices with given lambda parameters.
  • Get the right link functions with their derivatives.
  • Solve linear system.
  • Create unit tests at given parameter values.

Automatic setup of models with smooth terms

This relates also to #74. I need to create functionality that allows the user to define models as the following, and automatically translate it to the underlying lme4 representation.

mod <- galamm(
  formula = y ~ s(x) * loading + (0 + loading | item),
  data = dat,
  lambda = , load.var = , factor = )

Mixed logistic and Gaussian fails to converge

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(tidyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(purrr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

dat <- tibble(id = 1:1000) %>%
  mutate(b = rnorm(nrow(.))) %>%
  uncount(4, .id = "item") %>%
    y = map2_dbl(
      b, item, ~ if_else(.y %in% c(1, 2), rnorm(1, .x), as.numeric(rbinom(1, 1, plogis(.x)))))

lmod <- lFormula(y ~ (1 | id), data = dat)

theta_inds <- 1
beta_inds <- 2

mlwrapper <- function(par, hessian = FALSE){
    y = dat$y,
    trials = rep(1, nrow(dat)),
    X = lmod$X,
    Zt = lmod$reTrms$Zt,
    Lambdat = lmod$reTrms$Lambdat,
    beta = par[beta_inds],
    theta = par[theta_inds],
    theta_mapping = lmod$reTrms$Lind - 1L,
    lambda = numeric(),
    lambda_mapping_X = integer(),
    lambda_mapping_Zt = integer(),
    weights = numeric(),
    weights_mapping = integer(),
    family = c("gaussian", "binomial"),
    family_mapping = if_else(dat$item %in% c(1, 2), 0L, 1L),
    maxit_conditional_modes = 2,
    hessian = hessian

mlmem <- memoise(mlwrapper)
fn <- function(par){
gr <- function(par){
opt <- optim(c(1, 0), fn, gr, method = "L-BFGS-B",
             lower = c(0, -Inf), control = list(fnscale = -1))
#> Could not find reducing step: i = 1, j = 9
#> Error in marginal_likelihood_cpp(y, trials, X, Zt, Lambdat, beta, theta, : Error

Created on 2022-10-06 with reprex v2.0.2

It does work if I set maxit_conditional_modes = 1, but that is not correct with binomial data. In addition, it seems to work with Poission regression.

Define test data

Create an example dataset which can be used for testing that the models work.

Initial values for random effects

When fitting mixed response models, it seems challenging to end up at the right random effects. Investigate if it's possible to solve this issue by fitting models separately first, and then providing the random effects from these separate models as initial values.

Summary for smooth terms

Summary for smooth terms should show the smooth terms. Currently only their mixed model representation is shown.

dat <- subset(cognition, domain == 1 & item == 1)
mod <- galamm(y ~ s(x) + (1 | id), data = dat)
#> Generalized additive latent and mixed model fit by maximum marginal likelihood.
#> Formula: y ~ s(x) + (1 | id)
#>    Data: dat
#>      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
#>   3166.0   3192.9  -1578.0   3156.0     1595 
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -2.9092 -0.5972 -0.0113  0.6094  3.3454 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  id       (Intercept) 0.8744   0.9351  
#>  Xr       s(x)        2.1440   1.4642  
#>  Residual             0.2757   0.5250  
#> Number of obs: 1600, groups:  id, 200; Xr, 8
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept)  1.25074    0.06741 18.5543 7.527e-77
#> s(x)Fx1      0.03339    0.20805  0.1605 8.725e-01

Created on 2023-09-14 with reprex v2.0.2

Optimization algorithms

Experimentation with full Newton methods with linear mixed models suggests that this requires quite good initial values for the parameters. Should consider different algorithms, perhaps something in this library.

Summary method does not always return formula

When the formula is provided as an argument to be evaluted on the fly, formula = y ~ x, then it is correctly shown in summary.galamm, but if it is provided with a variable, formula = form, then the name of the variable will show up in summary.galamm and not the actual formula.

anova method should return likelihood ratio tests

At the moment the anova.galamm method only shows the content of the "likelihood table", but does not compare the models. It should eventually also compute likelihood ratio tests between the models.

Mixed response models don't work with multiple trials

dat <- subset(cognition, domain %in% 1:2)
dat$domain <- factor(dat$domain)
dat$item <- factor(paste0(dat$domain, dat$item))
family <- c(gaussian, binomial)
family_mapping <- ifelse(dat$domain == 1, 1L, 2L)
lambda <- matrix(c(1, NA, NA, 0, 0,
                   0, 0, 0, 1, NA), ncol = 2)

mod <- galamm(
  formula = y ~ item + (0 + loading1 + loading2 | id),
  weights = NULL,
  data = dat,
  family = family,
  family_mapping = family_mapping,
  load.var = "item",
  lambda = list(lambda),
  factor = list(c("loading1", "loading2")),
  start = NULL,
  control = galamm_control(optim_control = list(maxit = 2))

mod <- galamm(
  formula = cbind(y, trials - y) ~ item + (0 + loading1 + loading2 | id),
  weights = NULL,
  data = dat,
  family = family,
  family_mapping = family_mapping,
  load.var = "item",
  lambda = list(lambda),
  factor = list(c("loading1", "loading2")),
  start = NULL,
  control = galamm_control()
#> Error in response_obj[family_mapping == i, ] <- cbind(response = response, : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

Created on 2023-09-15 with reprex v2.0.2

Make R formula interface


Start by defining an R interface for calling the galamm function with certain arguments, and from there generate the sparse matrices, mappings between parameters and sparse matrix entries, model family, and other things necessary to send to C++.

Intended outcome

Should be able to define models to be fitted from R.

Things to do

Sensible initial values

Find a way of defining sensible initial values. For example, by fixing the factor loadings and using the results of a call to lme4::lmer or lme4::glmer.

Gradient identically zero with all equal weights

We have the following problem when setting all weights equal to a non-unit value:

library(dplyr, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(tidyr, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

n <- 2000
dat <- tibble(
  id = 1:n,
  b = rnorm(n)
) %>%
  uncount(3, .id = "tp") %>%
  uncount(2, .id = "item") %>%
    x = runif(nrow(.)),
    winv = if_else(item == 1, 1, 2),
    y = x + b + rnorm(nrow(.), sd = sqrt(winv))
theta_inds <- 1
beta_inds <- 2:3
lambda_inds <- integer()
bounds <- c(0, -Inf, -Inf)
lmod <- lFormula(y ~ x + (1 | id), data = dat, REML = FALSE)

mlwrapper <- function(par, weights, hessian = FALSE){
    y = dat$y,
    trials = rep(1, length(dat$y)),
    X = lmod$X,
    Zt = lmod$reTrms$Zt,
    Lambdat = lmod$reTrms$Lambdat,
    beta = par[beta_inds],
    theta = par[theta_inds],
    theta_mapping = lmod$reTrms$Lind - 1L,
    lambda = par[lambda_inds],
    lambda_mapping_X = integer(),
    lambda_mapping_Zt = integer(),
    weights = weights,
    family = "gaussian",
    maxit_conditional_modes = 1,
    hessian = hessian

mlmem <- memoise(mlwrapper)
fn <- function(par, weights){
  mlmem(par, weights)$logLik
gr <- function(par, weights){
  mlmem(par, weights)$gradient

par_init <- c(1, 0, 0)
opt <- optim(par_init, fn = fn, gr = gr,
             weights = rep(2, nrow(dat)),
             method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = bounds,
             control = list(fnscale = -1))

#> $par
#> [1]  0.0000000 -0.1936921  0.6731032
#> $value
#> [1] 0
#> $counts
#> function gradient 
#>        5        5 
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $message

Created on 2022-09-28 with reprex v2.0.2

The problem does not exist for small sample sizes, as can be seen in this example in which the size is reduced to 200, and lme4::lmer is exactly reproduced.

library(dplyr, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(tidyr, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

n <- 200
dat <- tibble(
  id = 1:n,
  b = rnorm(n)
) %>%
  uncount(3, .id = "tp") %>%
  uncount(2, .id = "item") %>%
    x = runif(nrow(.)),
    winv = if_else(item == 1, 1, 2),
    y = x + b + rnorm(nrow(.), sd = sqrt(winv))
theta_inds <- 1
beta_inds <- 2:3
lambda_inds <- integer()
bounds <- c(0, -Inf, -Inf)
lmod <- lFormula(y ~ x + (1 | id), data = dat, REML = FALSE)

mlwrapper <- function(par, weights, hessian = FALSE){
    y = dat$y,
    trials = rep(1, length(dat$y)),
    X = lmod$X,
    Zt = lmod$reTrms$Zt,
    Lambdat = lmod$reTrms$Lambdat,
    beta = par[beta_inds],
    theta = par[theta_inds],
    theta_mapping = lmod$reTrms$Lind - 1L,
    lambda = par[lambda_inds],
    lambda_mapping_X = integer(),
    lambda_mapping_Zt = integer(),
    weights = weights,
    family = "gaussian",
    maxit_conditional_modes = 1,
    hessian = hessian

mlmem <- memoise(mlwrapper)
fn <- function(par, weights){
  mlmem(par, weights)$logLik
gr <- function(par, weights){
  mlmem(par, weights)$gradient

par_init <- c(1, 0, 0)
opt <- optim(par_init, fn = fn, gr = gr,
             weights = rep(2, nrow(dat)),
             method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = bounds,
             control = list(fnscale = -1))

#> $par
#> [1] 0.5870816 0.1171555 0.7457017
#> $value
#> [1] -2081.781
#> $counts
#> function gradient 
#>       14       14 
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $message

Created on 2022-09-28 with reprex v2.0.2

Since the determinant of the weighting matrix is part of the likelihood function, I wonder if this might be a cause, but don't know.

Present results of model fit


Once we have found maximum likelihood estimates for a given model as in #12, we should return the results back to R with results confidence intervals, covariance matrices, etc. Also define member functions like plot, summary, and print.

Intended outcome

A function package.

Things to do

  • Decide between S3 and S4 classes, and then define them.
  • Compute confidence intervals and covariance matrix.
  • Write summary function
  • Write plot function
  • Write print function
  • Write anova function

Unit tests for model setup

Write unit tests based on the test data developed in #9, which test that the model construction works as it should.

Line search

Implement some form of line search. This is necessary for the case with non-identity link.

Create examples

Create fast-running examples to have in the documentation for all functions.

Create Vignettes

Create vignettes for the updated API. Use this as a working document to keep track of progress. Create and update necessary S3 methods and other functions along the way.

Model setup

Set up the necessary steps in R to convert user input into representations that can be sent to C++.

Hessian not positive definite

For complex models the Hessian does not become positive definite. This is probably correct, but creates problems for the covariance matrix. I think I need to split the covariance matrix into different sets of parameters, rather than insisting on propagating the uncertainty across all parameters. This would also be the same as is done by other mixed model software, e.g., lme4.

Avoid copying back and forth between C++ and R

In the current implementation, each L-BFGS-B step copies all data over to C++ and does all the setup. This includes #51. It would be much more efficient to either do it all in C++ or to have both access the same variables in the same way as is done in lme4.

Get rid of profile likelihood implementation

Since PL method is slower and more limited than directly maximizing the Laplace approximate marginal likelihood, it is best to just remove it. This will also remove some dependencies.

Add plot function for smooth terms

plot is already taken, so one option is to call it plot_smooth or something like that. The other option is to utilize mgcv to do plot(mod$gam), but I'm not sure if that's very good practice, to require users to dig into elements of the model object.

Mixed response models

Enable fitting models with mixed response types. Since the random effects will at least be correlated, and sometimes even shared, it is not sufficient to do this in R. We must keep track of the model family for each row of the dataframe inside C++.

Find maximum likelihood estimates


Given a model set up according to #6 and methods for computing the loglikelihood according to #11, in this step we should maximize that function. We should compare automatic differentiation and numeric differentiation. The fill-reducing permutation found in #11 should be retained in each step of the algorithm, although the values of the lambda parameters differ. This means that the mapping for the lambda parametes should comply with the permutation.

Intended outcome

Based on model input in R, the maximum likelihood estimates should be computed in C++ and returned to R.

Things to do

  • Compute derivatives using automatic differentiation
  • Compute derivatives using numerical differentiation
  • #18
  • #19
  • #20
  • #21
  • #22

Product of factor loadings

The following example from PLmixed, Example 2 in Rockwood and Jeon (2019), contains products of factor loadings. This is not possible with galamm at the moment:

JUDGEsim <- JUDGEsim[order(JUDGEsim$item), ] # Order by item

# Specify Lambda matrix
judge.lam <- rbind(c( 1,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0),
                   c(NA,  0, NA,  0,  0,  0),
                   c(NA,  0, NA,  0,  0,  0),
                   c( 0,  1,  0,  1,  0,  0),
                   c( 0, NA,  0, NA,  0,  0),
                   c( 0, NA,  0, NA,  0,  0),
                   c( 0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0),
                   c( 0,  0,  0,  0, NA,  0),
                   c( 0,  0,  0,  0, NA,  0),
                   c( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1),
                   c( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0, NA),
                   c( 0,  0,  0,  0,  0, NA))

# Conduct analysis
judge.example <- PLmixed(response ~ 0 + as.factor(item) + (1 | class)
                         + (0 + trait1.t + trait2.t + trait1.s + trait2.s | stu)
                         + (0 + teacher1 + teacher2 | tch), data = JUDGEsim,
                         lambda = list(judge.lam), load.var = "item",
                         factor = list(c("teacher1", "teacher2", "trait1.t",
                                         "trait2.t", "trait1.s", "trait2.s")))



time.lam <- rbind(c( 1,  0),  # Specify time lambda matrix
                  c(NA,  0),
                  c(NA,  1),
                  c(NA, NA))

item.lam <- c(1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA) # Specify item lambda matrix

KYPSitemsim$time2 <- (KYPSitemsim$time == 2) * 1
KYPSitemsim$time3 <- (KYPSitemsim$time == 3) * 1
KYPSitemsim$time4 <- (KYPSitemsim$time == 4) * 1

kyps.item.model <- PLmixed(response ~ 0 + as.factor(item) + lat.var:time2
                           + lat.var:time3 + lat.var:time4 + (0 + hs:lat.var | hid)
                           + (0 + ms:lat.var | mid) + (0 + lat.var:as.factor(time) | id),
                           data = KYPSitemsim, lambda = list(time.lam, item.lam),
                           factor = list(c("ms", "hs"), "lat.var"),
                           load.var = c("time", "item"))


It could be possible to reformulate the problem, but that is not very user friendly. I should try to add it instead.

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