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wordsmith-dalamudplugin's Introduction



Wordsmith is designed to be the roleplayer's best friend. It has a few features that help keep the roleplay in game without needing outside tools. The main features of Wordsmith are:

Scratch Pads

The Scratch Pads are the star feature here. You enter the text into the textbox at the bottom and it will display the chunks above. When you're done typing, click the "Copy" button. It will always copy your chunks with whatever header you choose so you never have to worry about sending to the wrong chat again. When you click copy, it copies the first chunk. Then, if there are 2, 3, or even 20, each click will copy the next chunk in line. It's a simple one click, then paste and send for each chunk with no effort on your part. It will even try to break the text on sentences (if that setting is enabled.)

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Chunk Headers

Chunk Headers are the text that will be put in front of each copied chunk. Easily select chat mode at the top of the scratch pad. Each pad can have its own chat mode, too. Paste with confidence knowing that you'll never paste into the wrong chat again. You can choose your chunk headers by using the drop down as shown above or by typing it like you would in a normal chat window (i.e. /p will automatically select party chat for you. ) You can even create custom aliases. Have someone you roleplay with frequently in /tell? Create an alias for it! For example, if you create an alias for "/t My Friend@ThaWorld" as "friendo". Just type /friendo and it will automatically change to "/t My Friend@ThaWorld" making it quick and easy to access your favorite chat modes. The lock button on the left disables typing of chat headers just in case you want to make sure you don't accidentally type a change.

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Continuation Markers

Continuation markers are those things you put at the end of a post to tell the other reader that there is more coming. A lot of people put (c) or or something like that. Well, Wordsmith handles that for you automatically and you can even customize what it places. It even handles special placeholders.

When you customize your continuation marker, if you put a placeholder, Wordsmith will automatically replace it with the relevant information. For instance, #c is replaced with the current chunk number while #m is the maximum number it will go up to. So if you did "(Chunk #c of #m)" as your continuation marker, it would write "(Chunk 1 of 3)" then "(Chunk 2 of 3)" then, finally, "(Chunk 3 of 3)" for you. I personally use (#c/#m). Feel free to get creative or use a classic like (c).

OOC Toggle

With togglable OOC brackets just a click away, it's super easy to switch in and out of OOC talk with ease. You don't even have to rewrite anything. OOC tags are calculated in real time and are designed to be simple to use. Just click the toggle at the end of the chat header selection.

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Spell Check

The Spell Check feature will compare your text to a dictionary of known words. If it finds any spelling errors, you'll get a red notification at the top saying how many it found and a new text entry space at the bottom where you can enter a replacement word or right-click and choose "Add To Dictionary" if you want it to remember your word! Of course, right-clicking also brings up a few suggestions for similar words.

Once you type in your replacement word, you can just hit the enter key and it will automatically replace the mispelled word for you.

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With a built-in thesaurus functionality (brought to you by Merriam-Webster), creative writing is easy. Ever roleplayer knows the struggle to not type redundantly. After all, everyone gets exhausted reading the same things over and over. Well now you can pop open the thesaurus, do a quick search for your word and get some pretty great suggestions. Turn, "She ran quickly," into "She scampered fleetly!" Obviously, not everything will return a result, but it's a pretty huge library of words at your fingertips!

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How To Install

Installation is super easy now! Wordsmith is part of the official Dalamud repo now so all you have to do is type /xlplugins and find it in the plugin list! Super simple.

wordsmith-dalamudplugin's People


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wordsmith-dalamudplugin's Issues

Random Scratchpad crashes

{"Type":"Wordsmith.Gui.ScratchPadUI","ID":"1","Title":"","Header":"","Namespace":"","WindowName":"Wordsmith - Scratch Pad #1","IsFocused":"True","RespectCloseHotkey":"True","DisableWindowSounds":"False","OnOpenSfxId":"23","OnCloseSfxId":"24","Position":"","PositionCondition":"None","Size":"","SizeCondition":"None","SizeConstraints":"Dalamud.Interface.Windowing.Window\u002BWindowSizeConstraints","Collapsed":"","CollapsedCondition":"None","Flags":"NoScrollbar, NoScrollWithMouse, MenuBar","ForceMainWindow":"False","BgAlpha":"","ShowCloseButton":"True","AllowPinning":"True","AllowClickthrough":"True","IsOpen":"False","\u003CID\u003Ek__BackingField":"1","\u003CTitle\u003Ek__BackingField":"","_header_parse":"True","_header":"","_scratch":"| A breath of consideration and contemplation passingly absorbed the botanist as she let the\r\r\nbook rest on their table and instead neared the palm to her lips. Though a not of pity brought\r\r\non from the Keeper\u0027s proffered words wanted to break free, she would keep it contain as her\r\r\nhead merely dipped. \u0022I\u0027ll refrain from prying, should it displease you. But I do believe that\u0027s a\r\r\nworthy enough motivation as any other.\u0022 Bolstering the beam she wore upon the naturally\r\r\nstoic countenance, the pureblood\u0027s palm then raised to shift some loose ashen strands from\r\r\nher eyne. \u0022Although it is hardly anything too entertaining, you would be welcome to tag along\r\r\non one of my trips if you\u0027d feel that might contribute to that goal.\u0022\n\u0022In place of my usual trade, I\u0027ve taken to aiding a group of Garlean refugees within the city\r\r\nthat seek to make a new life for themselves among the other fair folk of Radz-at-Han. While\r\r\nthe volunteer tasks I do for them don\u0027t pay in gil, they do offer a sense of positive fulfillment\r\r\nall their own right.\u0022 Nodding firmly, she fell her gaze to her cup and lifted for another slow,\r\r\nsteady sip. \n\u0022... Mm.. Mayhaps it can be something to provide that enrichment you seek?\u0022","_useOOC":"False","_chunks":"{ \u0022Wordsmith.TextChunk, \u0022Wordsmith.TextChunk, \u0022Wordsmith.TextChunk, \u0022Wordsmith.TextChunk\u0022 }","_nextChunk":"3","_canUndo":"False","_textchanged":"False","_ignoreTextEdit":"False","_invalidateChunks":"False","_replaceText":"Mm..Mayhaps","_text_history":"{ \u0022{ ChatType: None, ScratchText: \u0022| The idle hours of the midafternoon had left the usually busy Shahani all but desolate as the\r\r\ndistant echoes of the city were nigh the only thing filling the varicolored halls with life.\r\r\nNearly. Situated within the quieter wings of the house, Marcella relished in this solitude with a\r\r\nteacup in one hand and a tome in the other. The sound of careful sips, alongside the\r\r\nresplendent chime of porcelain as she lifted and settled the cup had been about all there was\r\r\nwithin the tearoom to fill the space between each of her pages turns. In setting down the\r\r\nlemon scented beverage with a content hum, the peppered haired woman\u0027s usually weary\r\r\neyes howbeit absconded the confines of the paper world; travelling instead to one of the\r\r\nmany slated windows as though attention were tugged by an invisible string. Although the\r\r\novercast skies spoke of gloom, there was something refreshing too about the promise of rain\r\r\nwhich lingered in the air...\u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }, \u0022{ ChatType: None, ScratchText: \u0022| Upon the subtle shift of the well cared for doors, the Garlean\u0027s once distant gaze swung back\r\r\ntoward the arrival and mirrored her surprise. \u0022I could well say the same. Many within our\r\r\ncompany seem quite busy in spite of the partial purpose for rest and reprieve this trip was to\r\r\nbe.\u0022 Airing out the words with a soft snicker, Marcella\u0027s lips danced to a familiarly polite\r\r\nsimper.\n\u0022Not that I\u0027m not. But greetings in turn; would you care for a seat?\u0022 She lifted a hand to\r\r\nmotion to one of the empty spaces around the table. \u0022Tis only the second time I\u0027ve been able\r\r\nto espy you since our initial meet that we weren\u0027t otherwise occupied, I believe.\u0022\u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }, \u0022{ ChatType: None, ScratchText: \u0022| Following the trail of the unequipped weapon as Serris situated herself, Marcella took the\r\r\nopportunity to properly scrutinize over its form with a faint cant of her peppered head. Twas a\r\r\nblessed thing, to be sure - radiant and sublime in ways of its design. Afore her curiosity could\r\r\nburrow deeper into it howbeit, the comment on her attire summoned all that attention to its\r\r\nsource with a twitch of her brows. \n\u0022That I am, make no mistake.\u0022 The woman\u0027s simper lifted once more with a degree of\r\r\nsheepishness. \u0022While I still opted to carry that equipment here with me on the off chance I\r\r\nmay need to earn some gil, I decided that perhaps my trade should take a second seat to the\r\r\nopportunities otherwise present within this new land.\u0022 \nOn that note she lifted book a little to unveil its cover. Upon it there were two figures, one\r\r\nbestial with the mask of a man and the other just the opposite. \u0022One of them being\r\r\neducation. While I\u0027ve heard of Thavnair\u0027s reputation in the past, only since coming here have I\r\r\nbegun to properly educate myself on the finer points of its culture and traditions. While one\r\r\nmight say my new look was an attempt to embrace them...\u0022\n\u0022... The truth is that I simply felt it would perhaps be wise to dress in something better suited\r\r\nto the climate. My present repertoire faires better to more temperate and colder regions of\r\r\nthe star.\u0022 There was a speck of sheepishness behind those words, but quickly enough did it\r\r\nvanish behind a breath of ease. \u0022What of yourself? Have you had any particular plans for the\r\r\nduration of your stay with the company?\u0022\u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }\u0022 }","_statisticsTracker":"Wordsmith.Helpers.StatisticsTracker","_stats_order_by":"usesdescending","_corrections":"{ \u0022\u0022 }","_rest_time":"-0.00022495072","_do_spell_check":"False","_hideOnly":"False","_lastWidth":"557","_lastScale":"1","_view_mode":"0","_nextID":"2","CORRECTIONS_FOUND":"-1","CHECKING_SPELLING":"1","CORRECTIONS_NOT_FOUND":"2","EDITING_TEXT":"0","VIEW_MODE_PAD":"0","VIEW_MODE_HISTORY":"1","VIEW_MODE_STATS":"2","Exception":{"Error":"System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero. (Parameter \u0027length\u0027)\r\n at System.String.ThrowSubstringArgumentOutOfRange(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)\r\n at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)\r\n at Wordsmith.Helpers.StatisticsTracker.TallyWord(String line, Word word) in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Helpers/StatisticsTracker.cs:line 19\r\n at Wordsmith.Helpers.StatisticsTracker.TallyWords(String line, IEnumerable\u00601 words) in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Helpers/StatisticsTracker.cs:line 29\r\n at Wordsmith.Gui.ScratchPadUI.DoCopyToClipboard() in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Gui/ScratchPadUI.cs:line 1204","Message":"Length cannot be less than zero. (Parameter \u0027length\u0027)"},"Window":"ScratchPadUI #1"}

Spellcheck broken

I have removed and reinstalled the plugin multiple times even removing the config and keeps saying: Failed to load dictionary web:lang_en Spell check disabled.

There are no disctionary files in the manifest or {C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\XIVLauncher\installedPlugins\Wordsmith\1.7.2\Dictionaries

There isn't even a Dictionaries folder

Error Report (unsure what caused it)

Error log included below. Was just typing in Scratchpad to be able to see the whole message better before I sent it in chat. Nothing special.

{"LastID":"0","NextID":"1","ID":"0","Namespace":"NULL","WindowName":"Wordsmith - Scratch Pad #0","IsFocused":"True","RespectCloseHotkey":"True","Position":"NULL","PositionCondition":"None","Size":"NULL","SizeCondition":"None","SizeConstraints":"Dalamud.Interface.Windowing.Window\u002BWindowSizeConstraints","Collapsed":"NULL","CollapsedCondition":"None","Flags":"NoScrollbar, NoScrollWithMouse, MenuBar","ForceMainWindow":"False","BgAlpha":"NULL","ShowCloseButton":"True","IsOpen":"True","\u003CID\u003Ek__BackingField":"0","_lastState":"{ ChatType: Say, ScratchText: \u0022I\u0027m sure he does. He is quite protective of me, as I\u0027m sure you\r\r\nunderstand. I sincerely hope that it doesn\u0027t happen again. I will let\r\r\nhim know that we spoke, and \u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }","_preserveCorrections":"False","_corrections":"{ \u0022\u0022 }","_errors":"{ \u0022\u0022 }","_notices":"{ \u0022\u0022 }","_spellChecked":"False","_chatType":"Say","_header_parse":"True","_telltarget":"","_linkshell":"0","_crossWorld":"False","_scratch":"I\u0027m sure he does. He is quite protective of me, as I\u0027m sure you\r\r\nunderstand. I sincerely hope that it doesn\u0027t happen again. I will let\r\r\nhim know that we spoke, and ","_scratchBufferSize":"4096","_useOOC":"False","_chunks":"{ \u0022{ StartIndex: 0, Header: \u0022/s\u0022, Text: \u0022I\u0027m sure he does. He is quite protective of me, as I\u0027m sure you understand. I sincerely hope that it doesn\u0027t happen again. I will let him know that we spoke, and\u0022, Words: Wordsmith.Data.Word[], Marker: , OOC Start: \u0022\u0022, OOC End: \u0022\u0022 }\u0022 }","_nextChunk":"0","_canUndo":"False","_editorstate":"0","_textchanged":"False","_text_history":"{ \u0022{ ChatType: Say, ScratchText: \u0022I accept the apology for your actions at that time, yes. Bear in\r\r\nmind, however, that I am not a doormat. I may not hold grudges,\r\r\nbut I\u0027m not one to allow myself to be walked all over either. Now,\r\r\nas the apology has been made, I expect that you will retain the\r\r\nawareness that a repeat of said actions will garner the same\r\r\nresponse, if not more harshly so, as Reinod is back from basic\r\r\ntraining.\u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }\u0022 }","_lastWidth":"420","_ignoreTextEdit":"False","_replaceText":"Reinod","_cancellationTokenSource":"System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource","_spellchecktimer":"System.Timers.Timer","_selected_history":"-1","_nextID":"2","Exception":{"Error":"System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.\r\n at Wordsmith.Gui.ScratchPadUI.DrawAlerts() in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Gui/ScratchPadUI.cs:line 525\r\n at Wordsmith.Gui.ScratchPadUI.Draw() in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Gui/ScratchPadUI.cs:line 241","Message":"Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute."}}

Spell check not working even when on

Whenever I open a new scratchpad the automatic spell-check isn't working. I have to open the spell check settings, even with it ticked on and hit Apply for the spell checker to work.
Make a new scratchpad with a clear spelling error:
It is ticked to be on:

After hitting apply:

Auto Spell-Check not working.

I've tried a fresh install, removed the config file from XIV Launcher in AppData. I've checked all the settings multiple times. Have it enabled for auto-spellcheck and on a 1 second typing delay.

Can anyone else confirm theirs is working? This has been going on for a month for me now.

Using a custom marker prints out code

Hi there! Firstly wanted to say thank you for adding this feature in but I found a bug when i tried to use it at first :c

What I typed:
What it prints into the chat: [ not the :') ]
Current marks & tags options:

I also tested with other markers- same thing just in the place where I set it for.

Ask before closing a Scratchpad.

It would be nice to have a window asking if we want to close a Scratchpad.
I have either hit "Delete Pad" or hit "Close" from the Settings menu one too many times, losing all of my progress.

Wordsmith crashing the game.

My friends and I have been struggling with the Wordsmith program abruptly crashing us midway through writing our posts.

Wordsmith crash/error

Here is the logfile:

{"LastID":"1","NextID":"2","ID":"1","Namespace":"NULL","WindowName":"Wordsmith - Scratch Pad #1","IsFocused":"True","RespectCloseHotkey":"True","Position":"NULL","PositionCondition":"None","Size":"NULL","SizeCondition":"None","SizeConstraints":"Dalamud.Interface.Windowing.Window\u002BWindowSizeConstraints","Collapsed":"NULL","CollapsedCondition":"None","Flags":"NoScrollbar, NoScrollWithMouse, MenuBar","ForceMainWindow":"False","BgAlpha":"NULL","ShowCloseButton":"True","IsOpen":"True","\u003CID\u003Ek__BackingField":"1","_lastState":"{ ChatType: None, ScratchText: \u0022Claymore looked up at the sky as he walked and dragged \u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }","_preserveCorrections":"False","_corrections":"{ \u0022\u0022 }","_errors":"{ \u0022\u0022 }","_notices":"{ \u0022\u0022 }","_spellChecked":"False","_chatType":"None","_header_parse":"True","_telltarget":"","_linkshell":"0","_crossWorld":"False","_scratch":"Claymore looked up at the sky as he walked and dragged ","_scratchBufferSize":"4096","_useOOC":"False","_chunks":"{ \u0022{ StartIndex: 0, Header: \u0022\u0022, Text: \u0022Claymore looked up at the sky as he walked and dragged\u0022, Words: Wordsmith.Data.Word[], Marker: , OOC Start: \u0022\u0022, OOC End: \u0022\u0022 }\u0022 }","_nextChunk":"0","_canUndo":"False","_editorstate":"0","_textchanged":"False","_text_history":"{ \u0022\u0022 }","_lastWidth":"600","_ignoreTextEdit":"False","_replaceText":"","_cancellationTokenSource":"System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource","_spellchecktimer":"System.Timers.Timer","_selected_history":"-1","_nextID":"3","Exception":{"Error":"System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.\r\n at Wordsmith.Gui.ScratchPadUI.DrawAlerts() in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Gui/ScratchPadUI.cs:line 525\r\n at Wordsmith.Gui.ScratchPadUI.Draw() in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Gui/ScratchPadUI.cs:line 241","Message":"Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute."}}

Spell Check completely off.

This issue started within the past few days. Spell check is scanning things completely off. It's scanning between two words, counting it as one word and reporting it for a spelling error. For example I can have 'you're gonna go right?' in a sentence and it'll read between 'you're gonna' , highlight ' 're go' as a word and mark it as misspelled. Idk what's causing it. I've reloaded dictionaries, swapped back and forth, reset settings to default, completely reinstalled and it's the same issue. I'm currently on version 1.8.0

Not copying complete Paragraph

Sometimes when a long text get's split into multiple segments. It only copies half of the segment when pressing the copy button.

Will not Copy Whole Block

Sometimes, very rarely, on posts that have more than one block, the scratch pad will not copy the entire block. It will only copy until the end of the next sentence and fail to copy the rest. It may be trying to put another break in, but doesn't.

Scratchpad number always incrementing

If a low number (say 1) scratchpad is deleted, there's no way to get another scratchpad 1. Typing /scratchpad 1 will open scratchpad 2. The number commands seem to only open the appropriate number scratchpad if that pad happens to exist, and will otherwise open a fresh one with a higher number. Admit there is a chance this is intended in some form, but I thought I'd report this, in the off chance that the intended behaviour is for it to recycle previously deleted numbers.


As seen in the above image, I cannot get scratchpads 1-3 back again.

Closing Scratch Pad from Settings crashes game

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Select Tell in Scratch Pad from any online friend on the Friend List.
  2. Open Wordsmith settings, navigate to Scratch Pad tab.
  3. Click the Close button associated with the open scratch pad.


2022-07-24 09:25:08.030 -04:00 [ERR] [Wordsmith] System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
   at ImGuiNET.ImGuiNative.igTableNextColumn()
   at Wordsmith.Gui.SettingsUI.DrawScratchPadTab() in C:\Users\EilaD\source\repos\Wordsmith\Wordsmith\Gui\SettingsUI.cs:line 312
   at Wordsmith.Gui.SettingsUI.Draw() in C:\Users\EilaD\source\repos\Wordsmith\Wordsmith\Gui\SettingsUI.cs:line 141
   at Dalamud.Interface.Windowing.Window.DrawInternal() in C:\goatsoft\companysecrets\dalamud\Interface\Windowing\Window.cs:line 200
   at Dalamud.Interface.Windowing.WindowSystem.Draw() in C:\goatsoft\companysecrets\dalamud\Interface\Windowing\WindowSystem.cs:line 117
   at Wordsmith.WordsmithUI.Draw() in C:\Users\EilaD\source\repos\Wordsmith\Wordsmith\WordsmithUI.cs:line 104 :: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

[BUG] Re-size of window leads to "spelling errors"

Here is the text i added in written from Word to make certain it has no spelling errors.

Here is a random text I am going to grab from word and copy paste into wordsmith, and then we’ll see if it breaks apart. Oh well, bugs do need to be squashed, or could it be user error, I do not know, so that is why is m doing this here!

Then when you paste it into Wordsmith, it shows errors on words and sentences that makes no sense.

But these errors change if i change the Wordsmith window size.

Dictionary not working

Updated recently after new patch
Dictionary is not working unless you go into settings , reload dictionary, then apply
Only one scratch pad in use

Scratchpad Regular Crashes upon Copying

Hello. Scratchpad has, since the latest, occasionally crashed upon hitting the copy button. This is the error code I received:

{"Type":"Wordsmith.Gui.ScratchPadUI","ID":"2","Title":"","Header":"","Namespace":"","WindowName":"Wordsmith - Scratch Pad #2","IsFocused":"True","RespectCloseHotkey":"True","DisableWindowSounds":"False","OnOpenSfxId":"23","OnCloseSfxId":"24","Position":"","PositionCondition":"None","Size":"","SizeCondition":"None","SizeConstraints":"Dalamud.Interface.Windowing.Window\u002BWindowSizeConstraints","Collapsed":"","CollapsedCondition":"None","Flags":"NoScrollbar, NoScrollWithMouse, MenuBar","ForceMainWindow":"False","BgAlpha":"","ShowCloseButton":"True","AllowPinning":"True","AllowClickthrough":"True","IsOpen":"False","\u003CID\u003Ek__BackingField":"2","\u003CTitle\u003Ek__BackingField":"","_header_parse":"False","_header":"","_scratch":"\u0022... If this is the group consensus, I shall follow it.\u0022","_useOOC":"False","_chunks":"{ \u0022Wordsmith.TextChunk\u0022 }","_nextChunk":"0","_canUndo":"False","_textchanged":"False","_ignoreTextEdit":"False","_invalidateChunks":"False","_replaceText":"Dimwold","_text_history":"{ \u0022{ ChatType: None, ScratchText: \u0022/s \u0022Let us begin with behaviours and migration. Do we know any of its migration patterns and\r\r\nhunting tendencies? If so, we can effectively track it with this knowledge. Knowing what its\r\r\nmarkings look like would also be a great boon.\u0022\u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }, \u0022{ ChatType: None, ScratchText: \u0022/s \u0022That is... helpful information, to be sure. However, that is not what I wish to know. The\r\r\npoint of its combat abilities is moot, as we do not know where it even is. I want to know how\r\r\nit moves and operates, its choice of prey and hunting grounds, how it may mark its territory\r\r\nand make its presence known.\u0022\u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }, \u0022{ ChatType: None, ScratchText: \u0022/s \u0022I see. Have there been reports of such carcasses near the likes of Castrum Oriens or\r\r\nRhalgr\u0027s Reach?\u0022\u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }, \u0022{ ChatType: None, ScratchText: \u0022\u0022Hmm. That does make sense. I believe we can safely discount anywhere with regular\r\r\nfootpaths. Dimwold comes to mind in that regard. Far south of the Castrum, and not\r\r\nwell-travelled.\u0022\u0022, UseOOC: False, TellTarget: \u0022\u0022, CrossWorld: False, Linkshell: 0 }\u0022 }","_statisticsTracker":"Wordsmith.Helpers.StatisticsTracker","_stats_order_by":"usesdescending","_corrections":"{ \u0022\u0022 }","_rest_time":"-0.0008869618","_do_spell_check":"False","_hideOnly":"False","_lastWidth":"555","_lastScale":"1","_view_mode":"0","_nextID":"2","CORRECTIONS_FOUND":"-1","CHECKING_SPELLING":"1","CORRECTIONS_NOT_FOUND":"2","EDITING_TEXT":"0","VIEW_MODE_PAD":"0","VIEW_MODE_HISTORY":"1","VIEW_MODE_STATS":"2","Exception":{"Error":"System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero. (Parameter \u0027length\u0027)\r\n at System.String.ThrowSubstringArgumentOutOfRange(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)\r\n at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)\r\n at Wordsmith.Helpers.StatisticsTracker.TallyWord(String line, Word word) in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Helpers/StatisticsTracker.cs:line 19\r\n at Wordsmith.Helpers.StatisticsTracker.TallyWords(String line, IEnumerable\u00601 words) in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Helpers/StatisticsTracker.cs:line 29\r\n at Wordsmith.Gui.ScratchPadUI.DoCopyToClipboard() in /work/repo/Wordsmith/Gui/ScratchPadUI.cs:line 1204","Message":"Length cannot be less than zero. (Parameter \u0027length\u0027)"},"Window":"ScratchPadUI #2"}

Unable to Resize Windows

Hi there. Ever since I had to factory-reset my computer (and completely reinstall FFXIV/Dalamud), my Wordsmith windows ("Settings" and "Scratchpad") have been displaying at a weird resolution. They will not let me resize them past a certain point, which is still way too big (pictured below).
wordsmith 1
wordsmith 2
The windows' displays don't seem to be displaying correctly either. For example, the lock icon on my Scratchpad is cut off by the chat header dropdown, which you can see above. Not pictured are the buttons at the bottom right of the "Settings" window, which appear without any text on them whatsoever.

I've also attached my game's resolution settings just in case.
Screenshot 2023-11-02 012026

[Suggestion] Word usage tracking

Something to nudge you in the right direction if you keep using the same words over and over. No need to replace words, or even have fancy tracking like nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc, or word variations like past, present, future.

Whenever you hit "Copy", you could grab each word used and make a list, while keeping track of usage. Makes it easier to balance out how much you use certain words if you have some metric for it. Making it per-scratchpad might be the best option, along with a separate option to clear out the tracker in that specific scratchpad.

I know I'm terribly guilty of writing the same words over and over, SPECIALLY amongst multiple "emotes" and having to scroll up to read back on what I've wrote just to make sure I'm not a broken record gets a bit... Annoying. If I could look at the side of my scratch pad, in a separate window maybe, and see something like...

- As 30
- He 23
- is 20
- Leant 15
- Grabbed 10
- Hugged 4
... etc

Would help me balance out the words I use a LOT when it comes to repeating certain actions happening at once, or a reminder of something done before, and so on.
Maybe an option to make it sort by Ascending, Descending, Alphabetical too?

Wordsmith crashing or hiding xlplugins

Hello.. Just loaded the most recent version of Wordsmith (and I've been sorely missing the Thesaurus for a bit. :) )

Now, whenever I type /scratchpad the screen flickers then all of my dalamud plugins/functionality disappears. /xlplugins or /xllog don't work. I've tried disabling everything BUT wordsmith and it still happens. Unfortunately I'm not seeing anything being written to the dalamug.log either. The only other thing I can see is a warning from wordsmith at startup that the dictionary isn't loaded.

Just now I deleted wordsmith (so no plugins enabled), then with the plugin list still up I looked up wordsmith again, added it. Typed /scratchpad and the plugin list disappeared and no /xl commands are working until I restart the client.

I wish there was something in the dalamug.log to help...maybe there is. Thanks in advance.

Wordsmith crashing client.

Hi there

Since 6.2 update of FFXIV, upon using scratchpad and entering the third paragraph my game client suddenly freezes and crashes with no error. I have tried a complete reinstall of dalamud - disabling all other plugins, checking game and repairing game, reinstalling wordsmith and such but all to the same avail.

I will write until paragraph three and the game will freeze, go nonresponsive and then crash once scratchpad has split the post into the third paragraph or enters the /3 area.

I dont really know how to send a log, but if you can replicate this it would be great. It has happened to me 100% of the time regardless of device I am playig on (laptop or pc)

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