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angular-swiper's Issues

Two-Way Binding of Swiper problem

I was trying to listen to an event, so I first tried the example:

<ks-swiper-container swiper="rosesSwiper" loop="true" slides-per-view="1">
<ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide" ng-repeat="rose in roses">
<div class="imgFullWu" style="background: url(img/roses/{{}}.jpg);"></div>
<div class="t_rose">
<button class="boton_g" ng-click="selectRose(">

.controller('RosesCtrl', function($rootScope, $scope, $ionicModal, $state, generalService) {
$scope.rosesSwiper = {};
generalService.GetRoses(function (roses) {
$scope.roses = roses;
$scope.rosesSwiper..on('slideChangeStart', function () {}); })`

And I get TypeError: $scope.rosesSwiper.on is not a function

AutoPlay dosen't work?

I used angular-swiper in my project, but AutoPlay dosen't work. My code follow:

Please suggest me how i can make it work, thanks!
<ks-swiper-container slides-per-view="1" slides-per-column="1" space-between="0" pagination-is-active="true" pagination-clickable="true" show-nav-buttons="false" loop="true" autoplay="2000" initial-slide="0" direction="horizontal"> <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide" ng-repeat="list in listBean"> <a ng-href="{{list.companyURL}}"> <img ng-src="/{{list.companyImg}}" alt="{{list.companyName}}" class="img-responsive"> </a> </ks-swiper-slide> </ks-swiper-container>

Add pagination bullets

How can i add the pagination bullets? currently i am only see the arrows pagination. thanks.

Swiper Breaks with ng-hide Attribute


We're using ng-animate to fade from the index to the gallery view and when we use an ng-hide statement, Swiper doesn't work. Any idea why that might be happening?


the swiper is not responsive.
help me out making its responsive for mobie view
thank you

container shows unnecessary white space after all images are swaped

I have configured in my view file as below
<ks-swiper-container initial-slide="0" speed="3000" loop="true" autoplayStopOnLast="false" autoplay="3000" centeredSlides="true" show-nav-buttons="false" slides-per-view="1" loopedSlides="5" space-between="0" pagination-clickable="false" override-parameters="{ effect: 'coverflow', coverflow: {rotate: 50,stretch: 0,depth: 100,modifier: 1,slideShadows : false} } "> <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide" ng-repeat="s in [1,2,3,4,5]"> <img ng-src="img/slider{{s}}.jpg" width="100%"> </ks-swiper-slide> </ks-swiper-container>

Dots pagination or autoplay to next slides doesn't work when using data from ng-repeat

I'm trying to put the data from $http.get to a slider but in the first load the at pagination dots and the view only the first slide appears I cannot swipe to others, also the data are loaded into DOM but doesn't appear on web. After some time they show up but when I refresh the data still the same result.

<ks-swiper-container autoplay="3000" show-nav-buttons="false"  pagination-is-active="true" direction="vertical" swiper="swiper">
           <ks-swiper-slide ng-repeat="item in news">
               <a href="{{item.url}}">
                   <img src="{{item.attachments[0].url}}">
                 <h3 class="slide-Caption"> {{item.title}} </h3>

Parallax example

Hi, is posibility or how i can use the parallax example of the official swiper, thanks.

Buffer support

I'm migrating from the to Swiper. One nice feature of angular-carousel was the ability to buffer elements in ng-repeat. You can see the demo here:
The idea is if you have 50 elements in your array, with the butter feature there is going to be only 5 elements in the DOM at any time, not 50. When you navigate to the next element, the buffer updates DOM to include the next elements. Internally it is implemented via ng-repeat filter.

I've tried to replicate the experience with ng-repeat filter, but failed so far. Do you have any guidance how to add support for buffering?

Used Swipe fix for ng-repeat, now it always loads to the last slide

Hi Guys,

I have used the fix noted in #25
I am calling my data from a server json request using ng-repeat to display in my swiper. I know there is a previous issue using ng-repeat data with swiper, so I used the above fix. Most of the issue now is because I am using slides-per-view to try to create a 3 x 2 tiled effect of the data on screen. If I select 1 slide per view it is fine but when i select more than 1 slide per view the slides load correctly but default to the last slide, making the user then swipe back to the first slide. Once the user selects one of the slides it all works perfectly, this is just a problem on initial load, or reload.

This is my html view:

<ks-swiper-container initial-slide="0" slides-per-view="3" slides-per-column="2" slides-per-group="3" space-between="20" swiper="swiper" on-ready="onReadySwiper(swiper)" pagination-is-active="true" >
<ks-swiper-slide ng-repeat="cat in cats">
<a href="#/juice/{{cat.catid}}">
<img ng-src="{{ cat.imgpath }}" width="363" height="195" alt=""/>
<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>

This is my Controller

angular.module('App.Controller', [])
.controller('CatController', ['$scope', 'categories', function ($scope, categories) {
     categories.success(function (data) {
          $scope.cats = data;
      $scope.onReadySwiper = function (swiper) {

I am very new to coding and forum etiquette, so if i haven't put enough information please let me know.
Thanks in advance for any help.

observers & observe-parents params no available


i have a hidden slider that appears on click.
On web version this can be rightly done using observer="true" observe-parents="true", which are available for web apps.
Is it possible have those params also for this plugin?

Thank you and best regards

Swiper does not clean up well

In a multipage angular application scenario,
I noticed that when leaving a page that had a directive that contained angular swiper on it, and browsing to a new page that does not have angular swiper on it, a change in orientation will force the resize even to occur which in turn will cause an exception.
I suspect that it happens due to the fact that angular swiper double registers all the events and only deregister them once.

Might be worth looking.


Does not swipe completely when used with ng-repeat

The swipe functionality is not working properly, it always comes back to the first slide no matter how hard I try to swipe it away. Also the controls to change slides are not working.

Here is my code.



ngModel on angular-swiper directive

Hi all,
I think it would be very useful to implement an ngModel attribute on the directive. Something like:

<ks-swiper-container ng-model="selectedSlide"......

So you can have in the "selectedSlide" the object that swiper is currently shown into their activeIndex.
Swiper API offers onSlideChangeEnd(swiper) callback. It's possible to use this callback to retrieve current slide object with something like mySwiper.slides[mySwiper.activeIndex] and set this object into ngModel.
I actually would need this feature...
thanks a lot

Next and Prev function overrides

Is there any way to override the next and prev functions for the slider and call the next and prev of slider on satisfying the condition from the overridden method else undo the slide event?

Example does not work without ng-repeat

Changing the example to:

  <ks-swiper-container initial-slide="3" loop="false" show-nav-buttons="false" slides-per-view="4" space-between="5" pagination-clickable="false">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide">
          <img ng-src="">

Only shows one slide

To do .getElementsBy

Hello.. thanks for this plugin, i've been using this in my project.

I do have trouble to do .getElementsBy, which is inside the active slide on the swiper container. Have tried many options but the return always value from the last or the first slide. One of the code i've tested

 swiper.on('slideChangeEnd', function () {
                var swTest = document.getElementsByClassName("swiper-slide-active");
                if (swTest = 'swiper-slide-active'){
                    var swName = document.getElementById("name").textContent;
                    console.log (swName);

Anyone can help me on this ? Thanks

solution : var swTest = document.querySelector('.swiper-slide-active h1').innerHTML;

Cannot seem to get auto play to work in ionic

I have a slider on my page and cannot get autoplay to work even though I have added it to my slider. Is there anything more required to get it working?

<ks-swiper-container speed="2000" autoplay="1000" initial-slide="0" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc!important;" loop="true" show-nav-buttons="true" class="swiper-button-white" slides-per-view="1" space-between="1" pagination-clickable="true"  on-ready="onReadySwiper(swiper)">

    <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide" ng-repeat="topstory in topstories">

          <a ng-href="#/app/topstories/{{}}">

             <img ng-src="{{topstory.thumbnail_images.td_533x261.url}}" width="100%">
             <img src="img/notFound.jpg" ng-if="!topstory.thumbnail">
             <h6 style="font-weight: 300;font-size: 18px;letter-spacing: 1pt;top: 139px;text-align: left;position: absolute;display: block;width: 100%;color: #fff;background: #222;padding: 9px 8px 28px 8px;" ng-bind-html="topstory.title"></h6>




if used with sidemenu app.. it interferes

hi there, trying to use the swiper in my home view with some pictures. the thing is this app uses a side menu. so .. when scrolling the swiper area.. it also pulls the sidemenu..

is there a way to prevent the sidemenu from opening or closing while interacting with the swiper ?

Correct way to use breakpoints

I'm trying to add breakpoints into my slider. I want the slider to have 6 slides per view on desktop but only 2 slides on mobile. If I use the override parameters like this

<ks-swiper-container loop="false" pagination-is-active="false" pagination-clickable="false" show-nav-buttons="false" space-between="0" swiper="swiper" override-parameters="{'breakpoints':'640: {slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetweenSlides: 20 },1200: {slidesPerView: 6}'}">

Swiper.js throws an type error.

TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'max' in 640: {slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetweenSlides: 20 },1200: {slidesPerView: 6} at Object.b.setBreakpoint (swiper.js:300)

I'm guessing the error is a string is getting passed over and it should be an object. Is there a better way to try to accomplish this?

Responsive slider


Thank you for making this cool directive! I have a problem making the slider responsive. I've had a look at the previous issues, and took this as an example, but it did not seem to work.

This is my code:

<ks-swiper-container override-parameters="{ 'breakpoints': { '320': { 'slidesPerView': '1' }, '640': { 'slidesPerView': '2' }, '768': { 'slidesPerView': '2' }, '1024': { 'slidesPerView': '3' } }}" initial-slide="0" loop="false" show-nav-buttons="true" slides-per-view="3" space-between="50" pagination-hide="true" grab-cursor="true" >

I'm hoping you can help me with a solution.

Swiping problem with $http ng-repeat source

I was trying this directive out for integration into an Ionic app for iOS, and while doing so I encountered an odd issue: when using the directive with an ng-repeat that was using data from an $http service, the initialized Swiper slides didn't move properly. You can drag a slide a small distance, but it will always snap back into its original position, and never transition to the next slide. Autoplay doesn't work either.

I first noticed it on iOS 9, but I wasn't sure where the problem was, so I investigated further. I was able to recreate the problem outside of an Ionic app, using the demos page that's part of the repo.

First, I created a simple test JSON file:

  "items": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]

Then I added a data service:

module.factory('dataService', function($http) {
    var service = {};
    service.getJSON = function($scope) {
            $scope.remoteData =[0];
        },function(error) { });
    return service

Then modified the supplied controller:

module.controller('TestCtrl', function($scope, dataService) {
    dataService.getJSON($scope); // <-- line added
    $scope.swiper = {};
    $ = function() {
    $scope.onReadySwiper = function(swiper) {
        swiper.on('slideChangeStart', function() {

This recreated my issue. However, this further testing revealed that the issue is only in certain browsers and platforms.

These devices/browsers had the issue:

  • Safari/iOS 9/iPhone 6
  • Chrome/Android 5.1.1/Nexus 4
  • Stock Samsung browser/Android 4.4.2/Samsung Galaxy Tab 8
  • Firefox/Win7

These devices/browsers were always fine:

  • Safari/iOS 8/iPad 3
  • Chrome/Android 4.4.2/Samsung Galaxy Tab 8
  • Chrome, Safari/OS X

I was just double-checking things, and in the situations where the issue exists, repeated page refreshes can result in a successful issue-free instance. But keep refreshing, and the problem returns.

I don't think it's an issue with Swiper itself, because if I substitute my own simple directive for this one, it works in all of the above situations.

Has anyone else seen this issue?

Use initialSlide: $scope.initialSlide

Clear all attribute. I do not change from controller the initialSlide value. Always jump it to the first slide.

<ks-swiper-container on-ready="onReadySwiper(swiper)">
      <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide" ng-repeat="todo in todos track by $index">
        <div class="imgclass-container">
          <img class="imgclass" ng-src="{{todo.pix_url}}">

and controller:

**$scope.n = 3;** 
var params = {
    slidesPerView: $scope.slidesPerView || 1,
    slidesPerColumn: $scope.slidesPerColumn || 1,
    spaceBetween: $scope.spaceBetween || 0,
    direction: $scope.direction || 'horizontal',
    loop: $scope.loop || false,
    **initialSlide: $scope.n || 0,**
    showNavButtons: true

or how to?

bi-directional binding fails

passing an object scope variable to the 'swiper' attribute doesn't work.
It seems that updating parent scope's variable by setting it to an object in a child scope does not seem to change the parent scope, but rather creates a new variable on the child scope and pass the object to it.

I've looked at the source and modified the related part like this:

swiper = new Swiper($element[0].firstChild, params);
for (var attr in swiper){$scope.swiper[attr] = swiper[attr]}

I see that you are very active on this repo and am sure you would spot this in no time or may have already fixed this while I was figuring out using your old version of code. In any case, hope this thread contributes a bit.

Swiper is not defined

I downloaded angular-swiper, included './bower_components/angular-swiper/dist/angular-swiper.js' after angular.js but before my scripts, copy-pasted you markup in tutorial and I have an error.
Almost forgot. I don't have swiper.min.css to include to my html.
2016-07-27 1



I need to add zoom functionality but how can achieve in angular-1.
I go through this doc.
<ks-swiper-container initial-slide="1" **zoom=true** speed="2000" loop="true" show-nav-buttons="true" slides-per-view="1" space-between="5" pagination-clickable="true" on-ready="onReadySwiper(swiper)" >
But still not got.
Please reply


I am trying to use breakpoint object but its not working for me. Can you please tell me how to use it.

Here is my code

        override-parameters="{'centeredSlides':'true','breakpoints': {'320': {'slidesPerView': '1'}}}">
    <ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide" ng-repeat="slide in slides">
        <img ng-src="{{slide.image}}">

Best way to access Swiper API

Hi Kapil, I would like to ask you the best way to access the nolimits4web/swiper API directly from an angular controller. Thanks for your attention. Enrico.


I am trying $scope.swiper.slideTo(4); but it says slideTo is not a function
any idea what am I missing

Scroll doesn't work under swiper

Is it possible to have both scroll and swiper with touch?
Is it possible to have a scroll with mousewheel if cursor under swiper (disable mousewheel events doesn't help)?

Lazy loading images

Hi, I am trying to use the set the option preloadImages to false, it seems not to be working. Watching the debugger I can see all imagens being downloaded.
Has anyone tried to use it?

Breakpoints Issue

I want to add breakpoints in angular-swiper, and I use the example of the API and some previous issue. but the code not work Correctly if i use override-parameters with breakpoints, different if i use effect cube it's work correctly. can you give me the demo about how to use breakpoints ? thanks 👍

<div class="myslides"  ng-controller="TestCtrl">
            <button ng-click="back()" ng-disabled='disabled(0)'>Back</button>
            <ks-swiper-container swiper="swiper" slides-per-view="5"
            override-parameters="{ 'breakpoints': { '320': { 'slidesPerView': '1' }, '640': { 'slidesPerView': '2' }, '768': { 'slidesPerView': '2' }, '1024': { 'slidesPerView': '3' } }}">
                <ks-swiper-slide ng-repeat="s in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]">
                    <img ng-src="{{s}}.jpg">
            <button ng-click="next()" ng-disabled=disabled(1)>Next</button>

Resize issue when used with $http call

Good day. I am using angular-swiper in an Ionic application. I have noticed that there is an issue when loading images from an external source and then repeating them. The carousel opens with the main image and only starts working as expected when the page resizes? It seems that the slider initialises before the images have loaded. I followed an example that suggests to create a directive:

.directive('imageonload', function ($rootScope) {
    return {
    restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
        element.bind('load', function() {



however I keep getting 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'updateSlidesSize' of undefined' so not too sure how to fix the issue?

re-initialize after data has changed

Is there any way to update the slider with new data after a $http request? I am using ng-repeat to iterate through the data i get from the $http request, however the view doesn't get updated after the initial request.

Can't apply changes when I add or remove slides from array

Hi people,
i use the angular-swiper directive in my project.

Here a codesnippet:
<ks-swiper-container class="teaser-slider" swiper="$ctrl.swiper" override-parameters="$ctrl.swiperSettings" pagination-is-active="true">
<ks-swiper-slide class="swiper-slide" ng-repeat="slide in $ctrl.slides track by $index">

When I add or remove some slide objects from the $ctrl.slides array in my controller the slider won´t apply the changes.

Whats wrong or how can I fix this?
Thanks for your help!

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