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chili's Introduction

๐ŸŒถ๏ธ Chili

PyPI version codecov CI Release License: MIT

Chili is an extensible library which provides a simple and efficient way to encode and decode complex Python objects to and from their dictionary representation.

It offers complete coverage for the typing package; including generics, and supports custom types, allowing you to extend the library to handle your specific needs.

With support for nested data structures, default values, forward references, and data mapping and transformation, Chili is designed to be both easy to use and powerful enough to handle complex data structures.

Note: Chili is not a validation library, although it ensures the type integrity.


To install the library, simply use pip:

pip install chili

or poetry:

poetry add chili


The library provides three main classes for encoding and decoding objects, chili.Encoder and chili.Decoder, and chili.Serializer, which combines both functionalities. Functional interface is also provided through chili.encode and chili.decode functions.

Additionally, library by default supports json serialization and deserialization, so you can use chili.JsonDecoder, and chili.JsonDecoder, and chili.JsonSerializer or its functional replacement chili.json_encode and chili.json_decode to serialize and deserialize objects to and from json.

Defining encodable/decodable properties

To define the properties of a class that should be encoded and decoded, you need to define them with type annotations. The @encodable, @decodable, or @serializable decorator should also be used to mark the class as encodable/decodable or serializable.

Note: Dataclasses are supported automatically, so you don't need to use the decorator.

from chili import encodable

class Pet:
    name: str
    age: int
    breed: str

    def __init__(self, name: str, age: int, breed: str): = name
        self.age = age
        self.breed = breed


To encode an object, you need to create an instance of the chili.Encoder class, and then call the encode() method, passing the object to be encoded as an argument.

Note: The chili.Encoder class is a generic class, and you need to pass the type of the object to be encoded as a type argument.

from chili import Encoder

encoder = Encoder[Pet]()

my_pet = Pet("Max", 3, "Golden Retriever")
encoded = encoder.encode(my_pet)

assert encoded == {"name": "Max", "age": 3, "breed": "Golden Retriever"}

Alternatevely you can use chili.encode function:

from chili import encode

my_pet = Pet("Max", 3, "Golden Retriever")
encoded = encode(my_pet, Pet)

assert encoded == {"name": "Max", "age": 3, "breed": "Golden Retriever"}

chili.encode function by default only encodes @encodable objects, this behavior might be amended with the force flag.


To decode an object, you need to create an instance of the chili.Decoder class, and then call the decode() method, passing the dictionary to be decoded as an argument.

Note: The chili.Decoder class is a generic class, and you need to pass the type of the object to be decoded as a type argument.

from chili import Decoder

decoder = Decoder[Pet]()

data = {"name": "Max", "age": 3, "breed": "Golden Retriever"}
decoded = decoder.decode(data)

assert isinstance(decoded, Pet)

Alternatevely you can use chili.decode function:

from chili import decode

data = {"name": "Max", "age": 3, "breed": "Golden Retriever"}
decoded = decode(data, Pet)

assert isinstance(decoded, Pet)

chili.decode function by default only decodes @decodable objects, this behavior might be amended with the force flag.

Missing Properties

If a property is not present in the dictionary when decoding, the chili.Decoder class will not fill in the property value, unless there is a default value defined in the type annotation. Similarly, if a property is not defined on the class, the chili.Encoder class will hide the property in the resulting dictionary.

Using Default Values

To provide default values for class properties that are not present in the encoded dictionary, you can define the properties with an equal sign and the default value. For example:

from typing import List
from chili import Decoder, decodable

class Book:
    name: str
    author: str
    isbn: str = "1234567890"
    tags: List[str] = []

book_data = {"name": "The Hobbit", "author": "J.R.R. Tolkien"}
decoder = Decoder[Book]()

book = decoder.decode(book_data)

assert book.tags == []
assert book.isbn == "1234567890"

Note: When using default values with mutable objects, such as lists or dictionaries, be aware that the default value is shared among all instances of the class that do not have that property defined in the encoded dictionary. However, if the default value is empty (e.g. [] for a list, {} for a dictionary), it is not shared among instances.

Custom Type Encoders

You can also specify custom type encoders by defining a class that implements the chili.TypeEncoder protocol and passing it as a dictionary to the encoders argument of the Encoder constructor.

from chili import Encoder, TypeEncoder

class MyCustomEncoder(TypeEncoder):
    def encode(self, value: MyCustomType) -> str:
        return value.encode()

type_encoders = {MyCustomType: MyCustomEncoder()}
encoder = Encoder[Pet](encoders=type_encoders)

Custom Type Decoders

You can also specify custom type decoders by defining a class that implements the chili.TypeDecoder protocol and passing it as a dictionary to the decoders argument of the Decoder constructor.

from chili import Decoder, TypeDecoder

class MyCustomDecoder(TypeDecoder):
    def decode(self, value: str) -> MyCustomType:
        return MyCustomType.decode(value)

type_decoders = {MyCustomType: MyCustomDecoder()}
decoder = Decoder[Pet](decoders=type_decoders)

Convenient Functions

The library also provides convenient functions for encoding and decoding objects.

The chili.encode function takes an object and an optional type hint and returns a dictionary.

The chili.decode function takes a dictionary, a type hint, and returns an object.

from chili import encode, decode

my_pet = Pet("Max", 3, "Golden Retriever")

encoded = encode(my_pet)
decoded = decode(encoded, Pet)

To specify custom type encoders and decoders, you can pass them as keyword arguments to the chili.encode and chili.decode functions.


If your object is both encodable and decodable, you can use the @serializable decorator to mark it as such. You can then use the chili.Serializer class to encode and decode objects.

from chili import Serializer, serializable

class Pet:
    name: str
    age: int
    breed: str

    def __init__(self, name: str, age: int, breed: str): = name
        self.age = age
        self.breed = breed

my_pet = Pet("Max", 3, "Golden Retriever")
serializer = Serializer[Pet]()

encoded = serializer.encode(my_pet)
decoded = serializer.decode(encoded)

Note: that you should only use the @serializable decorator for objects that are both @encodable and @decodable.

JSON Serialization

The library also provides classes for encoding and decoding objects to and from JSON formats. The chili.JsonEncoder and chili.JsonDecoder classes provide JSON serialization.

from chili import JsonEncoder, JsonDecoder, JsonSerializer

# JSON Serialization
encoder = JsonEncoder[Pet]()
decoder = JsonDecoder[Pet]()
serializer = JsonSerializer[Pet]()

my_pet = Pet("Max", 3, "Golden Retriever")
encoded = encoder.encode(my_pet)
decoded = decoder.decode(encoded)

The encoded value will be a json string:

{"name": "Max", "age": 3, "breed": "Golden Retriever"}

The decoded value will be an instance of a Pet object.

Functional interface is also available through the chili.json_encode, chili.json_decode functions.

Private properties

Chili recognizes private attributes within a class, enabling it to serialize these attributes when a class specifies a getter for an attribute and an associated private storage (must be denoted with a _ prefix).

Here is an example:

from chili import encodable, encode

class Pet:
    name: str

    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
        self._name = name

    def name(self) -> str:
        return self._name

pet = Pet("Bobik")
data = encode(pet)
assert data == {
    "name": "Bobik",


Mapping allows you to remap keys, apply functions to the values, and even change the structure of the input dictionary. This is particularly useful when you need to convert data from one format to another, such as when interacting with different APIs or data sources that use different naming conventions.

Simple mapping

Here's an example of how to use the chili.Mapper class from the library with a Pet class:

from chili import Mapper

# Create a Mapper instance with the specified scheme
mapper = Mapper({
    "pet_name": "name",
    "pet_age": "age",
    "pet_tags": {
        "tag_name": "tag",
        "tag_type": "type",

data = {
    "pet_name": "Max",
    "pet_age": 3,
    "pet_tags": [
        {"tag_name": "cute", "tag_type": "description"},
        {"tag_name": "furry", "tag_type": "description"},

# Apply the mapping to your input data
mapped_data =


The mapped_data output would be:

    "name": "Max",
    "age": 3,
    "pet_tags": [
        {"tag": "cute", "type": "description"},
        {"tag": "furry", "type": "description"},

Using KeyScheme

KeyScheme can be used to define mapping rules for nested structures more explicitly. It allows you to specify both the old key and the nested mapping scheme in a single, concise object. This can be particularly useful when you want to map a nested structure but need to maintain clarity in your mapping scheme.

Here's an example of how to use chili.KeyScheme with the chili.Mapper class:

from chili import Mapper, KeyScheme

# Create a Mapper instance with the specified scheme
mapper = Mapper({
    "pet_name": "name",
    "pet_age": "age",
    "pet_tags": KeyScheme("tags", {
        "tag_name": "tag",
        "tag_type": "type",

pet_dict = {
    "pet_name": "Max",
    "pet_age": 3,
    "pet_tags": [
        {"tag_name": "cute", "tag_type": "description"},
        {"tag_name": "furry", "tag_type": "description"},

# Apply the mapping to your input data
mapped_data =


The mapped_data output would be:

    "name": "Max",
    "age": 3,
    "tags": [
        {"tag": "cute", "type": "description"},
        {"tag": "furry", "type": "description"},

Using wildcards in mapping

The chili.Mapper supports using ... (Ellipsis) as a wildcard for keys that you want to include in the mapping but do not want to explicitly define. This can be useful when you want to map all keys in the input data, or when you want to map specific keys and leave the remaining keys unchanged.

You can use a lambda function with the ... wildcard to apply a transformation to the keys or values that match the wildcard.

Here's an example of how to use the ... wildcard with the chili.Mapper class:

from chili import Mapper

# Create a Mapper instance with the specified scheme containing a wildcard ...
mapper = Mapper({
    "pet_name": "name",
    "pet_age": "age",
    ...: lambda k, v: (f"extra_{k}", v.upper() if isinstance(v, str) else v),

pet_dict = {
    "pet_name": "Max",
    "pet_age": 3,
    "pet_color": "white",
    "pet_breed": "Golden Retriever",
    "pet_tags": [
        {"tag": "cute", "type": "description"},
        {"tag": "furry", "type": "description"},

# Apply the mapping to your input data
mapped_data =


The mapped_data output would be:

    "pet_name": "Fluffy",
    "pet_age": 3,
    "extra_color": "WHITE",
    "extra_breed": "POODLE",
    "extra_tags": [
            "tag": "cute",
            "type": "description",
            "tag": "furry",
            "type": "description",

Using mapping in decodable/encodable objects

You can also use mapping by setting mapper parameter in @chili.encodable and @chili.decodable decorators.

from typing import List

from chili import encodable, Mapper, encode

mapper = Mapper({
    "pet_name": "name",
    "pet_age": "age",
    "pet_tags": {
        "tag_name": "tag",
        "tag_type": "type",

class Pet:
    name: str
    age: int
    tags: List[str]

    def __init__(self, name: str, age: int, tags: List[str]): = name
        self.age = age
        self.tags = tags

pet = Pet("Max", 3, ["cute", "furry"])
encoded = encode(pet)

assert encoded == {
    "pet_name": "Max",
    "pet_age": 3,
    "pet_tags": [
        {"tag_name": "cute", "tag_type": "description"},
        {"tag_name": "furry", "tag_type": "description"},

Alternatively you can set mapper in Encoder and Decoder classes:

encoder = Encoder[Pet](mapper=mapper)

pet = Pet("Max", 3, ["cute", "furry"])
encoded = encoder.encode(pet)

Error handling

The library raises errors if an invalid type is passed to the Encoder or Decoder, or if an invalid dictionary is passed to the Decoder.

from chili import Encoder, Decoder
from chili.error import EncoderError, DecoderError

# Invalid Type
encoder = Encoder[MyInvalidType]()  # Raises EncoderError.invalid_type

decoder = Decoder[MyInvalidType]()  # Raises DecoderError.invalid_type

# Invalid Dictionary
decoder = Decoder[Pet]()
invalid_data = {"name": "Max", "age": "three", "breed": "Golden Retriever"}
decoded = decoder.decode(invalid_data)  # Raises DecoderError.invalid_input


The table below shows the results of the benchmarks for encoding and decoding objects with the library, Pydantic, and attrs.

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
poetry run python benchmarks/ 249.4 ยฑ 4.1 245.5 258.8 1.01 ยฑ 0.02
poetry run python benchmarks/ 295.5 ยฑ 12.5 287.6 327.1 1.19 ยฑ 0.05
poetry run python benchmarks/ 260.9 ยฑ 8.6 253.2 283.5 1.05 ยฑ 0.04
poetry run python benchmarks/ 247.8 ยฑ 2.3 245.4 253.0 1.00
poetry run python benchmarks/ 292.4 ยฑ 4.7 287.1 302.5 1.18 ยฑ 0.02
poetry run python benchmarks/ 258.2 ยฑ 2.1 254.4 261.4 1.04 ยฑ 0.01

Supported types

The following section lists all the data types supported by the library and explains how they are decoded and encoded. The supported data types include built-in Python types like bool, dict, float, int, list, set, str, and tuple, as well as more complex types like collections.namedtuple, collections.deque, collections.OrderedDict,, datetime.datetime, datetime.time, datetime.timedelta, decimal.Decimal, enum.Enum, enum.IntEnum, pathlib.Path, and various types defined in the typing module.

Simple types

Simple type are handled by a ProxyEncoder and ProxyDecoder. These types are decoded and encoded by casting the value to the specified type.

For more details please refer to chili.encoder.ProxyEncoder and chili.decoder.ProxyDecoder.


Passed value is automatically cast to a boolean with python's built-in bool type during decoding and encoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast to an int with python's built-in int type during decoding and encoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast to float with python's built-in float type during decoding and encoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast to string with python's built-in str during encoding and decoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast to either set during decoding process or list during encoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast to either frozenset during decoding process or list during encoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast to list with python's built-in list during encoding and decoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast either to tuple during decoding process or to list during encoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast to dict with python's built-in dict during encoding and decoding process.

Complex types

Complex types are handled by corresponding Encoder and Decoder classes.


Passed value is automatically cast to either collections.namedtuple during decoding process or list during encoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast to either collections.deque during decoding process or list during encoding process.


Passed value is automatically cast to either collections.OrderedDict during decoding process or list where each item is a list of two elements corresponding to key and value, during encoding process.

Passed value is automatically cast to either during decoding process or str (valid ISO-8601 date string) during encoding process.


Passed value must be valid ISO-8601 date time string, then it is automatically hydrated to an instance of datetime.datetime class and extracted to ISO-8601 format compatible string.


Passed value must be valid ISO-8601 time string, then it is automatically hydrated to an instance of datetime.time class and extracted to ISO-8601 format compatible string.


Passed value must be valid ISO-8601 duration string, then it is automatically hydrated to an instance of datetime.timedelta class and extracted to ISO-8601 format compatible string.


Passed value must be a string containing valid decimal number representation, for more please read python's manual about decimal.Decimal, on extraction value is extracted back to string.


Supports hydration of all instances of enum.Enum subclasses as long as value can be assigned to one of the members defined in the specified enum.Enum subclass. During extraction the value is extracted to value of the enum member.


Same as enum.Enum.


Supported hydration for all instances of pathlib.Path class, during extraction value is extracted to string.

Typing module support


Passed value is unchanged during hydration and extraction process.


Same as str


Same as collection.dequeue with one exception, if subtype is defined, eg typing.Deque[int] each item inside queue is hydrated accordingly to subtype.


Same as dict with exception that keys and values are respectively hydrated and extracted to match annotated type.


Same as frozenset with exception that values of a frozen set are respectively hydrated and extracted to match annotated type.


Same as list with exception that values of a list are respectively hydrated and extracted to match annotated type.


Same as namedtuple.


Same as set with exception that values of a set are respectively hydrated and extracted to match annotated type.


Same as tuple with exception that values of a set are respectively hydrated and extracted to match annotated types. Ellipsis operator (...) is also supported.


Same as dict but values of a dict are respectively hydrated and extracted to match annotated types.


Only parametrised generic classes are supported, dataclasses that extends other Generic classes without parametrisation will fail.


Optional types can carry additional None value which chili's hydration process will respect, so for example if your type is typing.Optional[int] None value is not hydrated to int.


Limited support for Unions.


Passed value must be a valid regex pattern, if contains flags regex should start with / and flags should be passed after / only ismx flags are supported.

chili's People


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chili's Issues

typing.Optional seems to be required for optional fields (while README implies otherwise)

I actually managed to work around this issue, but just to notify you there seems to be some incorrect parts in the README docs. And to share some suggestions. I could make a pull request for both but I'm not sure what your thoughts are about it.

Edit: I just noticed it's possible to do what I want with dataclasses and chili.decoder import ClassDecoder (or just chili.decode() directly), as is shown in
Which is perfect for my use case.

Below my original message, which could still be interesting:

When I try to decode a dict to a class while omitting a field that does have a default defined, I get a chili.error.DecoderError@missing_property

For example when I run the example straight from the README:

from typing import List
from chili import Decoder, decodable

class Book:
    name: str
    author: str
    isbn: str = "1234567890"
    tags: List[str] = []

book_data = {"name": "The Hobbit", "author": "J.R.R. Tolkien"}
decoder = Decoder[Book]()

book = decoder.decode(book_data)

I get: chili.error.DecoderError@missing_property: key=isbn

I noticed in this unit test the optional fields are typed with Optional[SomeType], which indeed fixes the issue.
Although this seems to make sense at first given the name "Optional", it does make it possible to set the field to None, which might not always be as intended. A custom decoder could be used to parse 'None' to the default value, although it would be a bit more convenient if this would be done automatically by specifying a default while leaving out Optional.

Besides, it would be nice to be able to use the more recent SomeType | None syntax as an alternative to Optional[SomeType].

I also noticed that @encodable & @decodable seem to be redundant (or at least in the cases from the examples), making it possible to keep most parts of the code completely unaware of the chili lib, which I like a lot ๐Ÿ‘

Can not init datalclass if @dataclass(frozen=True)


class Event:
    id: str
    occurred_on: datetime

class SomethingImportantHappened(Event):
    message: str


event = init_dataclass({'id': 'dda5469de61b4c36a65dbdaa3850e8ab', 'occurred_on': '2022-11-24T15:09:12.348012', 'message': 'test message'}, SomethingImportantHappened)


../../src/outbox_pattern/ in process_outbox_message
    event = init_dataclass(json.loads(, event_cls)
/Users/szymonmiks/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/examples-hALDfU1m-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chili/ in init_dataclass
    return hydrate(data, dataclass, strict=False, mapping=mapping)
/Users/szymonmiks/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/examples-hALDfU1m-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chili/ in hydrate
    return strategy.hydrate(data)
/Users/szymonmiks/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/examples-hALDfU1m-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chili/ in hydrate
    setter(instance, value)
/Users/szymonmiks/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/examples-hALDfU1m-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chili/ in set_dataclass_property
    raise error
/Users/szymonmiks/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/examples-hALDfU1m-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/chili/ in set_dataclass_property
    setattr(obj, property_name, setter(attributes[property_name]))
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <[AttributeError("'SomethingImportantHappened' object has no attribute 'id'") raised in repr()] SomethingImportantHappened object at 0x10e7e04c0>
name = 'id', value = 'dda5469de61b4c36a65dbdaa3850e8ab'

>   ???
E   dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError: cannot assign to field 'id'

<string>:4: FrozenInstanceError

Encoder.encode does not work like encode() when using custom types. Bug or intended?


I found that the encoding behavior when using custom type encoders and decoders is different between Encoder[Class].encode(obj) and encode(obj, Class, ...). Here's the steps to reproduce it:

Steps to reproduce it

from chili import Encoder, TypeEncoder, encode, encodable
from typing import Any

class ExoticClass:
    name: str
    size: int

    def __init__(self, name, size): = name
        self.size = size

class ExoticEncoder(TypeEncoder):
    def encode(self, value: ExoticClass):
        return {"name": f"DECODED:{}", "size": -value.size}

type_encoders = {ExoticClass: ExoticEncoder()}

exotic_object = ExoticClass("foo", 5)

print(encode(exotic_object, ExoticClass, type_encoders))

The output of the first print is: {'name': 'DECODED:foo', 'size': -5}, as expected.
But the output of the second line is the exception chili.error.EncoderError@invalid_type: invalid_type

I think this is because I haven't decorated my class. If I add the decorator like:

class ExoticClass:

Then, the outputs are {'name': 'DECODED:foo', 'size': -5} and {'name': 'foo', 'size': 5}.

The conclusion is that the second line always ignores the custom type encoders.

[BUG / IMPROVEMENT] Child class does not receive new schema if parent is already decodable/encodable/serializable

Hello again!

I am using chili in an university project I am currently coding, and I just discovered a problem. We have two classes, parent and child. Both of them are serializable. The base class is a basic session, with basic functionality, and the other one inherits the base class, with extra tools.

At some point I realized that chili was not encoding/decoding the objects of the child class properly. And, after some research, I realized that the schema was identical in both classes, parent and child.

Which is the source of the issue, then? When marking classes as encodable / decodable / serializable, the decorator checks this:

def _decorate(cls) -> Type[C]:
        if not hasattr(cls, _PROPERTIES):
            setattr(cls, _PROPERTIES, create_schema(cls))

What is happening when both classes are marked with the encodable / decodable / serializable decorator? The child class inherits the schema, and the decorator does not update the schema.

I have done some tests, and removing the line if not hasattr(cls, _PROPERTIES): solves the issue. I don't know if it breaks anything else. If you agree, I will create a pull request with this solution.

Thanks in advance.

Custom Type Encoders and 'composed types'

Hello again!

I am again finding myself in a dead end, and I don't know if this behavior is intended or not.

This test code comes from tests/usecases/

from chili import encodable, Encoder, TypeEncoder

class ISBN(str):
    def __init__(self, value: str):
        self.value = value

class Book:
    name: str
    isbn: ISBN

    def __init__(self, name: str, isbn: ISBN): = name
        self.isbn = isbn

class ISBNEncoder(TypeEncoder):
    def encode(self, isbn: ISBN) -> str:
        return isbn.value

encoder = Encoder[Book]({ISBN: ISBNEncoder()})
book = Book("The Hobbit", ISBN("1234567890"))

result = encoder.encode(book)


Thta code works flawlessly. However, if you change ISBN for list[ISBN] or any other thing, like a dictionary of ISBNS, it stops working:

from chili import encodable, Encoder, TypeEncoder

class ISBN(str):
    def __init__(self, value: str):
        self.value = value

class Book:
    name: str
    isbn: list[ISBN]

    def __init__(self, name: str, isbn: ISBN): = name
        self.isbn = isbn

class ISBNEncoder(TypeEncoder):
    def encode(self, isbn: ISBN) -> str:
        return isbn.value

encoder = Encoder[Book]({ISBN: ISBNEncoder()})
book = Book("The Hobbit", [ISBN("1234567890"), ISBN("1234567890456456")])

result = encoder.encode(book)


I assume that the type encoder looks for List[ISBN] and does not find it. But if you have a ISBNEncoder, it should already work?

dataclass vs decorated class instantiation differences


I stumbled across the following unexpected behaviour today, wanted to raise it for visibility first.

Let's say I have the following dataclass:

class Contract:
    name: str
    start: int
    duration: int
    price: int

If I try instantiating this using an incomplete input, chili will do it just fine, it just won't have the duration field on it.

invalid_contract = {
    'name': 'Contract 1',
    'start': '0',
    'price': 10
contract = decode(invalid_contract, Contract)

If I change the class definition to provide a constructor, and I use the same initialisation as above, chili will raise an DecoderError.invalid_type exception, which is what I was expecting.

class Contract:
    name: str
    start: int
    duration: int
    price: int

    def __init__(self, name: str, start: int, duration: int, price:int): = name
        self.start = start
        self.duration = duration
        self.price = price

I seem to recall chili handling this consistently with v1, but I could be wrong, so I wanted to ask for some clarification as to what the desired behaviour is.

Default values just don't work

This example, taken literally from the README, fails on Python 3.11.8:

from typing import List
from chili import Decoder, decodable

class Book:
    name: str
    author: str
    isbn: str = "1234567890"
    tags: List[str] = []

book_data = {"name": "The Hobbit", "author": "J.R.R. Tolkien"}
decoder = Decoder[Book]()

book = decoder.decode(book_data)

assert book.tags == []
assert book.isbn == "1234567890"


  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "[...]]/python3.11/site-packages/chili/", line 599, in decode
    raise DecoderError.missing_property(key=key)
chili.error.DecoderError@missing_property: key=isbn

Nice! LICENSE file?

Hey, this is great!

I see there is an MIT license batch. Don't suppose... could you add also an MIT LICENSE file, so that it is really obviously mit, and so that it shows as MIT in the right hand side of the github repo front page?

Datetime hydration loses millisecond precision

Hydrating a valid ISO-8601 datetime string loses precision in the milliseconds.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

from chili import init_dataclass

class MyDatetime:
    t: datetime

date = datetime.utcnow()
date_str = date.isoformat()  # produces valid ISO-8601 string

my_dataclass = MyDatetime(date)
hydrated_dataclass = init_dataclass({"t": date_str}, MyDatetime)

print(my_dataclass == hydrated_dataclass)

As can be seen in the example above, even if no error is produced for the milliseconds in the date string, these are ignored when hydrating.

doc starts with complicated stuff, before talking about the easy approach

chili is easy to use. Just do:




... but the doc currently talks about creating Encoder objects, annotating classes, etc, which is super complicated, and totally unnecessary for basic usage.

Strongly suggest starting with the easy way to use chili. Then afer tha, you can have a section "Advanced" to talk about more fancythings.

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