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sass-guidelines's Issues

Potential zero-value unit issue in guidelines

In the Sass guidelines, it states that:

When dealing with lengths, a 0 value should never ever have a unit.

First of all, I 1000% agree with this. However, developers may run into calculation issues by following this rule due to a Sass unitless zero-value calculation issue, and I'm not sure whether it will get resolved or not. To get around the issue, developers will have to specify a unit for zero-values when that value is involved in multiplication/division with another similar unit value:

// Main Stylesheet
$shelf-width: 100px !default;
$book-width: 10px !default;

$books-per-shelf: floor($shelf-width / $book-width);

.shelf > .book:nth-child(#{$books-per-shelf}n) {
  content: "I'm the last book!";

// Developer Stylesheet
// (for the developer who can't afford shelves)

// can't do this!
$shelf-width: 0; // 0/px isn't a valid CSS value.

// forced to do this
$shelf-width: 0px; // Unfortunately goes against the guidelines

@import 'path/to/_main-stylesheet';

Typo 1

About Sass section:

Some good, some bad, so unusual

Should this be:

Some good, some bad, some unusual


About multiline lists and maps

Current guidelines, about lists:

do not add a trailing comma. It is ugly and it does not help.

And maps:

comma (,) at the end of each key/value except the last;

I agree with these guidelines when the list/map fits in a signle line, but I like adding a trailing comma for multiline lists and maps. It allows to keep clean diffs when moving, appending or deleting lines, and don't require the developer (or a script) to handle differently the last line when editing code (this is annoying when using sed, multicursors, range substitution or macros for example).

I know this is not something everybody likes, but at least the two style guides I follow for JavaScript and PHP are recommending this too, and I see Rust is looking forward to recommend this practice too.

So basically, I'm for the following (let's assume the example strings are long enough to require a multiline structure):

$foo: (
  "a": "b",
  "c": "d",

$bar: (

However, I would be okay with not having commas at all in a multiline list.


"Do not use lighten or darken"

To lighten or darken a color, do not use lighten and darken Sass functions.

these functions manipulate the lightness value of a color in the HSL space by adding or removing lightness. These are convenience aliases for adjust-color($lightness: -10%). Note that scale-color($lightness: 10%) changes the lightness 10% towards the end point. Mix does this but in a way that can change the hue and saturation. Maybe that's what people want... but it seems bad to just tell them "don't use these functions".

'element' isn't a realistic class name

.element is used as an example SASS rule.

Naming classes either 'element' (vague) or after an element (eg '.p' - redundant, there is already an element for that) is generally considered poor.

These examples should be either elementName or className


In the Zeros section it's said "Numbers should display leading zeros before a decimal value less than one."

On the contrary, the TL;DR section at the bottom recommends "No leading or trailing 0;"

Is 'SCSS not Sass' really required?

I think the guidelines would benefit from supporting both SCSS and Sass syntax.

As a .sass user (and proponent) I don't think we should disregard either as both are a core feature/offering of the language and therefore a feasible choice for each end user.

Maybe doing something like the Sass Docs and offering a toggle page wide would be wise.

Rulesets and media-queries

Media-queries in rulesets should immediately follow element's declarations. Otherwise if a ruleset is to contain other (sometimes many) nested elements, the media-query related to the element is shifting context and is less readable.

.foo {
  display: none;

  @include respond-to("small") {
    display: block;

  .bar { ... }

  span { ... }

  &:hover {
    color: red;

    .bar { ... }

A very good guide of Outlining a system for writing Sass.

About double quotes

Some developers pointed out that double quotes are a pain to type on qwerty keyboards. That may be a reason valid enough to switch to single quotes.

More than one css file

The current architecture compiles to onegigantic css file that contains the css for all pages. For a website bigger than a 3 page site this is a crazy structure. What you want is one css file for the main layout and another (small one) for every page that needs extra css. This way selectors can't collide and it doesn't download all css when you just need the homepage.

@import list formatting

This is likely something that comes down to preference, but I usually prefer import lists to look something like this:

@import "vendors/bootstrap",

@import "utils/variables",

@import "base/reset",

@import "layout/navigation",

@import "components/buttons",

@import "pages/home",

@import "themes/theme",

And (I've not tested this), but maybe even:



  • Easier to scan
  • Very obvious sections


  • Can be slightly more annoying to add/remove the last item because the semocolor needs to be relocated.
  • ??

Add something about namespaces

I'd like to suggest prefixing variable names with a namespace(?) whenever possible. This makes auto-complete a lot more useable, especially for things that can end up with weird names like colors and breakpoints. It can save trips to other files as well. Yes, I am that lazy.

$color--sass-pink: hsl(330, 50%, 60%);
$color--theme-primary: $color-sass-pink;

$breakpoint--narrow: 767px;
$breakpoint--wide: 900px;

Ruby Sass or Libsass section typo

Initially developed in Ruby Sass, varied ports popped here and there

Should probably be:

Initially developed in Ruby Sass, varied ports popped up here and there


LibSass, written in C is now close to be fully compatible

Should be:

LibSass, written in C, is now close to being fully compatible

Leading zeros are great for readibility

Trailing zeros, not so much. I would make leading zeros required.

// Very clear a decimal is in use
.element {
  padding: 2em;
  opacity: 0.5;

// Not so clear
.element {
  padding: 2em;
  opacity: .5;

More clearly indicate how unit interpolation works

In the unit section it states how to properly add a unit to a unitless number but doesn’t say why it works that way. This is a particular point of confusion for many newcomers to Sass who assume units can be treated like strings. These values are not strings and have meaning. Showing people that units behave like algebraic symbols is important to understanding and manipulating them in Sass.

CSS Named Colors

I'm just wondering why you recommend using named colors. I always avoid them as a general rule because of the potential that they may be output as their hex value in compressed mode when referenced in maps (i.e. why you always quote named colors in maps).

I know you know this, but here's a visual reference:

So it seems like it would be a best practice to avoid them altogether for consistency.

Ordering declarations in rulesets

The often overlooked topic of alphabetically sorting declarations in rulesets: I guess it still boils down to preference, but there are numerous benefits of doing so. First off the legibility both in the editor and browser's web inspector. And secondly GZip can create better patterns, which allow for better compression. People might argue it's marginal, but it's such a simple thing to do for contributing to better performance.

@extend is not the devil

First off, I am going to say I had an irrational anger at the article posted in December. This is partially a reply to that, while also explaining why the prohibition of @extend in the Sass Guidelines is foolish. That being said, I am not here to say that @extend should be used all the time, but merely that there are many reasons why it should be used within a project.

TL;DR: @extend has a place in our hearts and stylesheets, but certainly isn't the end-all

Where are @extends helpful?

Chunky bacon! Chunky bacon!
— Why

There are two big places I find using @extend is most helpful. First off, for components, and components that might need repeating. I emphasize the might here, because although we set this up on all our work, we don't use it for each one. For every component we make, we create a silent extend class that can be used in other elements further along. I will admit, part of this comes from working within the Drupal ecosystem, where we find we have to @extend a large set of styles on another class, because it is impractical to change the classes/markup. It would also be impractical to change all of a bit of styling we have done into a mixin just for something that is found much later on.

Second, for base styles that are replicated often. The core example I always use for this are buttons. Why? Because we use buttons all the bloody time, and for most of our sites, they use the exact same base stylings. The need for a mixin that repeats those stylings is not needed, and can easily "dirty-up" the code base. Now, I can see you from here going "BUT GZIP!"...


To assume makes an an 'ass' out of 'u' and me'
— The only way I remember how to spell assume.

We should never make assumptions on how other pieces of our ecosystem are setup, or where our code will end up next. This is a belief I hold very firm, especially if we are talking about guidelines on how to write Sass. Those who are getting the advice may not have the server knowledge, or even the ability to ensure their hosting environment is setup in this way— and as arbitrators of knowledge, we can suggest that they look into that, but we cannot rely out outside technology to solve our problems for us. We must, always, make our code as efficient as possible and suggest others do the same. I think back to when I was considering hosting my site on Amazon S3, which does not support sending of gzipped assets if you are using it as a static host. S3 is not alone in this, and many static hosts have similar... issues.

All this being said, yes— everybody should be using gzipping of assets. But just because we say that, doesn't mean we can say we don't have to write good Sass because of it.

Invisibility suits need silencing cones

Harry could not be seen, but Snape could hear the pitter-patter of somebody's shoes down the hall.
— Not a quote from Harry Potter

I was on a project a while back where mixins were being used to create a grid system. A single mixin was called like 10 times to re-build the entire grid system with different classes so that we had a huge amount of excess code. It was a bad idea, and I hated it from day 1, but the client wanted it. When we tried to @extend something out of it @extend .grid-1-2-of-5, there were vast unexpected consequences, as one would expect. This is not a good way of using @extend.

And then the actual grail came, %silent_extenders. These, these had some power. By using them, we remove any and all chances of having "unexpected consequences". We use each silent extender once, and only once, and when we extend one— we know exactly what will happen and where it will happen. IMHO, @exend should never be used on not a silent extend.

It is all about that {@media selector}

Wasn't that supposed to say bass? No trouble...

Yes, there is no way to use @extend within a media selector. There are huge amounts of reasons why, not least of which is it would produce unexpected consequences. This to me is a feature, not a bug and should be celebrated. 🎉

As a note, selectors that we are extending that do have @media directives in them WILL be extended as we would expect them. There is no issue with having a complex set of rules with @media involved being extended, we just cannot use @extend from within.

Flexibility begets silliness.

Yes, @extends cannot accept arguments. That is what @Mixins are for. That doesn't mean we shouldn't use @extend.

Verbum Incarnatum

I suggest changing the wording from "To sum up, the @extend directive is prohibited." to describing where @exend should be used. I think that should be only with silent extenders, and judiciously. But to ban it outright is to ignore valid use cases.

Make crystal clear this isn't an official styleguide

Hey Hugo,

I really appreciate the effort you've put in to create this, I personally know how much effort it takes to write something as comprehensive as this and applaud your effort. That being said, this looks very official, it's copy is very official sounding, and you put enough stuff out into the world that people may think it's official. The disclaimer is too hidden, it should be much further towards the top; maybe have the tagline be something like "An opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass." This is especially true for your Architecture section which is not just highly opinionated, but is likely to not be a good fit depending on the compiler/CSS architecture/build system someone is using.

Nesting exceptions

While I agree that we should generally avoid nesting there are few instances where it should be allowed:

  1. If using component state classses (ie. that don't provide meaning by themselves and can be repeated (imagine having three .is-active classes and each triggers different properties)
  2. When it can reflect DOM structure that will always be the same like lists (in this case I would limit this just to list items and avoid nested lists) and tables.
  3. Scoping components with parent class - ie. using default WordPress classes to add specific styles to homepage etc. or maybe styling particular instance of some javascript plugin that outputs custom markup with classes.

In any case it shouldn't be definetly limited to just one use case as long as we are aware of output.

Grouping of CSS properties within a selector block

How about also following a pattern of grouping/ordering of CSS properties? It makes the code more readable & easy to find where a particular property will be available or should be placed.

Ex: What many people do

.goodlooking-box {
    font-size: 14px;
    display: inline;
    margin: 10px;
    color: #EFEFEF;
    border: 1px solid #EEE;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    cursor: pointer;
    padding: 15px 10px;
    margin-top: 15px;

Here is what I am suggesting

.goodlooking-box {
    display: inline;
    margin: 10px;
    margin-top: 15px;
    padding: 15px 10px;
    /**  width, height, position, top, left, right, bottom etc **/
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
    /** font-family, font-style, line-height etc **/
    color: #EFEFEF;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    border: 1px solid #EEE;
    /** background, outline, border-radius, box-shadow etc **/
    cursor: pointer;
    /** z-index, content etc **/

Yes, there is no strict rule or pattern here. But I believe this is still better than the first example where there is a good chance of a property getting repeated again.
Let me know what yo guys think :)

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