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[新版本]Borax 4.1.0

Borax 4.1.0 是一个重大更新的版本,主要包括:

  • python版本最低要求为3.9 ,不再支持python3.7和3.8
  • 使用 pyproject.toml 文件作为项目构建配置文件
  • 更新开发依赖包至最新版本,如flake8、nose2、pylint等
  • 新增基于 tkinter 的日历应用程序


Logic Error for serials

1 error in string format

el = len(exist_set)
if el + num > upper - lower:
raise ValueError('Can not generate {} serials in [(), {}].'.format(num, lower, upper))
if el == 0:

2 error for call super __init__

class StringSerialGenerator(SerialGenerator):
def __init__(self, prefix: str, digits: int = 2):
self._prefix = prefix
self._digits = digits
super().__init__(lower=0, upper=10 ** 2 - 1)




现状: 目前 SolarFestivalLunarFestivalfreq 属性类型为 int,通过 FreqConst 定义常量值。

last_day_of_month = SolarFestival(freq=FreqConst.MONTHLY, day=-1)  # FreqConst.MONTHLY = 1

改进1 :允许 freq 传入字符串 monthlyyearly ,这样不必导入 FreqConst 类,更符合使用语义。上述例子可改为:

last_day_of_month = SolarFestival(freq='monthly', day=-1)  # FreqConst.MONTHLY = 1


freq:Union[int, Literial['monthly', 'yearly']] = FreqConst.YEARLY

改进1.1 增加单字母 my 代表 monthlyyearly

注意: 该isssue仅修改 __init__ 函数的形参 freq 类型,并不改变 Festival._freq 的逻辑,其仍为 int 类型。


v2.0.x Prospects


  • Remove deprecated packages and modules
  • Refactor documents
  • new modules
  • bugfix


使用不同方法创建的 LunarDate 对象,其 leap 属性的类型有 boolint 之分,建议统一该属性类型。


>>>from borax.calendars import LunarDate
>>>ld =
 LunarDate(2020, 12, 15, 0)
<class 'int'>
>>> ld.leap
>>> ld2 = LunarDate(2020,12,15)
>>> ld2.leap
<class 'bool'>


django.http.response.JsonResponse 中可以传入的参数是 cls 而不是 default,需要通过类中转。建议在 cjson 直接提供该类。

from borax.serialize import cjson

class BJSONEncoder:
    def default(self, o):
        return encoder(o)

rsp = JsonResponse(data, safe=False, cls=BJSONEncoder)

Typing Hints优化


从 python3.9开始,python类型注解支持使用内置的类型标识参数类型,而不必从 typing 导入。


from typing import List

def foo(a:List[int]):


def foo(a:list[int]):

具体类型可查看 PEP 585。


类型 : 建议类

由于 Borax 各个 Package 之间关联性不大,目前总的覆盖率也无法很好的反映更多的细节性问。建议参照 Status Checks 的内容进行具体的模块划分和统计。



from borax.datasets.fetch import fetch

points =  [
    ['a', 1, 3],
    ['b', 2, 4]

names, xs = fetch(points, 0, 1) # 预期 ['a', 'b'], [1,2]
names, xs = fetch(points, 0, 1, getter=lambda item, key: item[key])


  File "E:\projects\", line 8, in fujian_area_bar
    names, xs = fetch(points, 0, 1)
  File "D:\py\lib\site-packages\borax\datasets\", line 72, in fetch
    return list(ifetch(iterable, key, *keys, default=default, defaults=defaults, getter=getter))
  File "D:\py\lib\site-packages\borax\datasets\", line 44, in _getter
    return partial(bget, key=key, default=default)(item)
  File "D:\py\lib\site-packages\borax\datasets\", line 20, in bget
    return getattr(obj, key)
TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string



入梅 公历每年芒种之后第1个丙日 TermFestival(term='芒种', nth=1, day_gz='丙', name='入梅')
出梅 公历每年小暑之后第1个未日  TermFestival(term='小暑', nth=1, day_gz='未', name='出梅')
初伏 夏至后的第三个庚日 TermFestival(term='夏至', nth=3, day_gz='庚', name='初伏')


农历:LunarDate.cn_day_calendar 计算错误%F 描述符缺少“月”后缀


  • BUG
  • 新功能
  • 功能优化


LunarDate.cn_day_calendar 计算错误,同时 '%F' 描述符计算错误。


from borax.calendars import LunarDate, LCalendars
print([LunarDate(year=2017, month=month, day=1, leap=leap).cn_day_calendar for month, days, leap in LCalendars.iter_year_month(2017)])


['正', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '冬', '腊']


['正月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '闰六', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '冬月', '腊月']


下列两种节日按现有 WeekFestival 无法表示,建议添加。


比如 ”国际麻风节“ 为 ”每年1月的最后一个星期日“。

WeekFestival(month=1, index=-1, week=calendar.SUNDAY, name='国际麻风节')

在编码上,原有的左起第4、5位表示序号(01-06)。引入负值index后,可用第4位表示是否倒数。上述“国际麻风节” 可表示如下:




WeekFestival(month=0, index=1, week=calendar.SUNDAY, freq=FreqConst.MONTHLY)







“廿十”、“卅十” 是不正确的用法,因为“廿”、“卅” 本身就是二十、三十的意思了,正确的应该为“二十”、“三十”。


from borax.calendars.lunardate import LunarDate, TextUtils

print(TextUtils.day_cn(20)) # “廿十”
ld = LunarDate(2020, 10, 20, 0)
print(ld.cn_day) # “廿十”
print(ld.cn_day_calendar) # “廿十”
print(ld.cn_str()) # “廿十”


只需要修改 TextUtils.day_cn 逻辑即可,其他函数均是调用该函数。



    def cn_week(self) -> str:
        return TextUtils.DAYS_CN[self.weekday()]



    def cn_week(self) -> str:
        return TextUtils.DAYS_CN[self.isoweekday()]



d = LCalendars.create_solar_date(2101, term_name="小寒")
print(d) # 预期 2101-1-5


  File "", line 36, in te_temrs
    s = LCalendars.create_solar_date(2101, 1)
  File "E:\projects\borax\borax\calendars\", line 153, in create_solar_date
  File "E:\projects\borax\borax\calendars\", line 35, in _check_year_range
    raise InvalidLunarDateError('[year={}]: Year must be in the range [1900, 2100]'.format(year))
borax.calendars.lunardate.InvalidLunarDateError: [year=2101]: Year must be in the range [1900, 2100]

festivalfactory : 2017-08-21 day out of range

Only 2017-08-21 is day out of range, the other days are OK .

Test code:

import pandas as pd
from borax.calendars.festivals import FestivalFactory

factory = FestivalFactory(lang='zh-Hans')
dates = pd.date_range('2001-01-01', '2030-01-01')

for i in
    except Exception as e:
        print(i, e)





  • 根据出生年月日计算今年阴历生日
  • 当所处年份的生日月份存在闰月时如何处理

希望有能力的人能够帮助我一下,不胜感激 🙏


主题:根据 pylint 的检测结果优化相应代码。

执行命令 pylint borax ,结果如下:

************* Module borax.choices
borax\ E1101: Function 'fields' has no 'items' member (no-member)
borax\ E1101: Function 'fields' has no 'keys' member (no-member)
borax\ E1133: Non-iterable value cls.choices is used in an iterating context (not-an-iterable)
borax\ E1133: Non-iterable value cls.choices is used in an iterating context (not-an-iterable)
borax\ E1133: Non-iterable value cls.choices is used in an iterating context (not-an-iterable)
borax\ R1721: Unnecessary use of a comprehension (unnecessary-comprehension)
borax\ C0203: Metaclass method __contains__ should have 'cls' as first argument (bad-mcs-method-argument)
borax\ E1135: Value 'self.values' doesn't support membership test (unsupported-membership-test)
borax\ C0203: Metaclass method __iter__ should have 'cls' as first argument (bad-mcs-method-argument)
borax\ E1133: Non-iterable value self.choices is used in an iterating context (not-an-iterable)
borax\ C0203: Metaclass method __len__ should have 'cls' as first argument (bad-mcs-method-argument)
borax\ E1135: Value 'cls.display_lookup' doesn't support membership test (unsupported-membership-test)
borax\ E1101: Function 'display_lookup' has no 'get' member (no-member)
borax\ R0903: Too few public methods (0/2) (too-few-public-methods)
************* Module borax.constants
borax\ C0301: Line too long (123/120) (line-too-long)
borax\ R0903: Too few public methods (0/2) (too-few-public-methods)
************* Module borax.htmls
borax\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
************* Module borax.numbers
borax\ R0903: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
************* Module borax.utils
borax\ R1707: Disallow trailing comma tuple (trailing-comma-tuple)
borax\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\ R1705: Unnecessary "elif" after "return" (no-else-return)
************* Module borax.calendars.festivals
borax\calendars\ C0325: Unnecessary parens after 'not' keyword (superfluous-parens)
borax\calendars\ W0613: Unused argument 'args' (unused-argument)
borax\calendars\ E1101: Instance of 'DateSchema' has no 'year' member (no-member)
borax\calendars\ W0212: Access to a protected member __key of a client class (protected-access)
borax\calendars\ E1101: Instance of 'DateSchema' has no 'year' member (no-member)
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\calendars\ R0913: Too many arguments (6/5) (too-many-arguments)
borax\calendars\ R1710: Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should. (inconsistent-return-statements)
************* Module borax.calendars.lunardate
borax\calendars\ W0612: Unused variable 'leap_month' (unused-variable)
borax\calendars\ W0120: Else clause on loop without a break statement (useless-else-on-loop)
borax\calendars\ R1714: Consider merging these comparisons with "in" to 'month in (0, leap_month)' (consider-using-in)
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\calendars\ W0631: Using possibly undefined loop variable '_month' (undefined-loop-variable)
borax\calendars\ W0631: Using possibly undefined loop variable '_leap' (undefined-loop-variable)
borax\calendars\ W0631: Using possibly undefined loop variable 'idx' (undefined-loop-variable)
borax\calendars\ W0631: Using possibly undefined loop variable 'idx' (undefined-loop-variable)
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\calendars\ R0902: Too many instance attributes (9/7) (too-many-instance-attributes)
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "elif" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\calendars\ R1710: Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should. (inconsistent-return-statements)
borax\calendars\ W0707: Consider explicitly re-raising using the 'from' keyword (raise-missing-from)
borax\calendars\ W0212: Access to a protected member __key of a client class (protected-access)
borax\calendars\ R0904: Too many public methods (30/20) (too-many-public-methods)
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\calendars\ R0201: Method could be a function (no-self-use)
borax\calendars\ R0201: Method could be a function (no-self-use)
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\calendars\ R0201: Method could be a function (no-self-use)
borax\calendars\ R0201: Method could be a function (no-self-use)
borax\calendars\ R0201: Method could be a function (no-self-use)
borax\calendars\ C0411: standard import "from typing import Optional, Iterator, Tuple" should be placed before "from .store import EncoderMixin, f_year, f_month, f_day, f_leap" (wrong-import-order)
************* Module
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\calendars\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
************* Module borax.counters.daily
borax\counters\ W0511: TODO Use Counter (fixme)
borax\counters\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
************* Module borax.counters.serial_pool
borax\counters\ R1710: Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should. (inconsistent-return-statements)
borax\counters\ R0903: Too few public methods (0/2) (too-few-public-methods)
borax\counters\ R0913: Too many arguments (6/5) (too-many-arguments)
************* Module borax.datasets.fetch
borax\datasets\ R0903: Too few public methods (0/2) (too-few-public-methods)
borax\datasets\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\datasets\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\datasets\ R1717: Consider using a dictionary comprehension (consider-using-dict-comprehension)
************* Module borax.datasets.join_
borax\datasets\ R1705: Unnecessary "elif" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\datasets\ R1705: Unnecessary "elif" after "return" (no-else-return)
borax\datasets\ W0120: Else clause on loop without a break statement (useless-else-on-loop)
borax\datasets\ R0913: Too many arguments (6/5) (too-many-arguments)
************* Module borax.patterns.lazy
borax\patterns\ W0212: Access to a protected member _wrapped of a client class (protected-access)
borax\patterns\ W0212: Access to a protected member _setup of a client class (protected-access)
borax\patterns\ W0212: Access to a protected member _wrapped of a client class (protected-access)
************* Module borax.patterns.proxy
borax\patterns\ E0213: Method should have "self" as first argument (no-self-argument)
borax\patterns\ R1725: Consider using Python 3 style super() without arguments (super-with-arguments)
************* Module borax.serialize.bjson
borax\serialize\ R0903: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
************* Module borax.serialize.cjson
borax\serialize\ E1111: Assigning result of a function call, where the function has no return (assignment-from-no-return)
borax\serialize\ E1120: No value for argument 'cls' in function call (no-value-for-parameter)
borax\serialize\ E1120: No value for argument 'type' in function call (no-value-for-parameter)
************* Module borax.structures.dictionary
borax\structures\ W0707: Consider explicitly re-raising using the 'from' keyword (raise-missing-from)
************* Module borax.structures.percentage
borax\structures\ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
************* Module borax.structures.tree
borax\structures\ R0914: Too many local variables (17/15) (too-many-locals)
borax\structures\ R1715: Consider using dict.get for getting values from a dict if a key is present or a default if not (consider-using-get)
************* Module borax.ui.widgets
borax\ui\ R0901: Too many ancestors (8/7) (too-many-ancestors)
borax\ui\ R0901: Too many ancestors (9/7) (too-many-ancestors)


Your code has been rated at 9.12/10 (previous run: 9.12/10, +0.00)

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