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React Advanced Form

React Advanced Form

React Advanced Form is a library for tailoring real-world forms in React with pleasure and ease.


Expectations shift

Trust and expect a form to do more than just rendering the fields. Our features are designed to handle cumbersome use cases with clean and performant code


Each field interaction or update is a pure function that produces the next state of a field.

React Advanced Form is field-centric. That means you define flexible fields composites and reuse them throughout the application. Reflect even the most granular field state changes in the UI to achieve the outmost user experience.

import React from 'react'
import { createField, fieldPresets } from 'react-advanced-form'

const Input = ({ fieldState, fieldProps }) => {
  const { valid, invalid } = fieldState

  const classNames = [valid && 'has-success', invalid && 'has-error'].filter(

  return <input {...fieldProps} className={classNames.join(' ')} />

export default createField(fieldPresets.input)(Input)

Clean and fast

Develop production-ready forms in a speed of a prototype.

// This is not a diminished example, this is a finite form
<Form action={this.registerUser}>
  <Input name="username" required />
  <Input name="password" type="password" required />

Select fields and declare validation rules using resolver functions. Utilize the order and priority of their execution to craft validation logic of any complexity.

export default {
  type: {
    password: {
      capitalLetter: ({ value }) => /[A-Z]/.test(value),
      oneNumber: ({ value }) => /[0-9]/.test(value),
  name: {
    confirmPassword: ({ get, value }) => {
       * The "confirmPassword" field will be re-validated whenever
       * the "value" prop of "userPassword" field updates.
      return value === get(['userPassword', 'value'])

Each validation resolver can access respective field's value, fieldProps, and the form as the parameters. It can also reference other field's state via the get function, which creates a props subscription to re-evaluate the respective validation rule in real time.

Say goodbye to crowded validate functions, welcome clean validation schema!

How much effort would it take you to make one field required based on another field(s)? Yes, the correct answer isβ€”one line of code:

  required={({ get }) => !!get(['lastName', 'value'])} />
  required={({ get }) => !!get(['firstName', 'value'])} />

Get as many data from the sibling fields as needed, and build your logic around that. Rely on reactive programming that will re-evaluate a resolver function whenever the referenced field props update.

Control the serialized data structure on the layout level by grouping the fields. Take advantage of nested and split groups.

<Input name="companyName" value="Google" />

<Field.Group name="billingAddress">
  <Input name="firstName" value="John" />
  <Input name="lastName" value="Maverick" />

<Checkbox name="termsAndConditions" checked />

<Field.Group name="deliveryAddress">
  <Input name="firstName" value="Catheline" />
  <Input name="lastName" value="McCoy" />

The form above serializes into the following JSON:

  "companyName": "Google",
  "billingAddress": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Maverick"
  "termsAndConditions": true,
  "deliveryAddress": {
    "firstName": "Catheline",
    "lastName": "McCoy"

Third-party integration

React Advanced Form can be used with any third-party fields library by using powerful createField API. It also allows to create custom fields from literally any component.

Getting started


npm install react-advanced-form --save

Make sure to have React (15.0+) installed in your project.


Starting with something new may appear challenging. We have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to Get started with React Advanced Form to make the adoption process clear and fast.


Browser support

Chrome Firefox Safari iOS Safari Edge Internet Explorer
65+ 57+ 9+ 8+ 41+ 11*

* There is no official support for Internet Explorer. Consider educating the web and deprecating legacy browsers.

Live examples


Any of your contributions are highly appreciated. Please read through the Contribution guidelines beforehand. Development isn't the only way to support, there are many more.

react-advanced-form's People


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react-advanced-form's Issues

Add useful warning messages


Need to add useful warning messages for developers.


Because this makes a good library great.


  1. Mounting a field with a name which is already registered in the Form.
  2. Calling Form.serialize() manually results into warning that you need to make sure to validate the form first, so that the serialized Object is ready to be used.

Allow "Field" to be controlled by the end developer


Need to think of a proper way how to allow the end developer make certain properties on Field controlled.


You expected

<Field.Input value="My value" disabled={ isLoading } />

to work directly.


  1. Let's agree that the Field is always controlled by the context. We need to pick a single source of truth, and internal context updating mechanism is more reliable than custom props passed in.
  2. Handle the updates of custom controlled props through componentWillRecieveProps to remap them in the context as well?

Feature: Extend validation rules


Need to add an ability to extend the application-wide validation rules when providing a form-specific validation rules.


This would grant more flexible control over the validation rules, reducing the amount of code you need to repeat (potentially).


First that comes to my mind is to have some extend: true property on the root level of the validation rules Object. This could tell the form that it needs to merge the rules, not override them.

Introduce build pipeline


Introduce efficient build pipeline.


Release 1.0 is near! The repository should be ready for publishing and installation.


  • Introduce minification (BabelMinify) to the webpack bundle.
  • Make webpack bundle env-dependant
  • Make react and immutable peer dependencies

Refine Field rendering


Need to refine the approach for Field rendering.


Currently, Field is not rendered unless it's registered in the context of the Form. While this is the safest thing to do, it results into a splash of unrendered component. This makes the form look and feel slow.


  • Find another way of smart rendering
  • Ensure contextProps server as the single source of truth (no more props.prop || contextProps.prop madness)
  • Write a const sourceOfTruth = this.contextProps || this.props at Field.render()

Adopt strong types (TypeScript)


Need to make the library strongly typed. TypeScript is preferable.


Strong types guarantee seamless types usages, eradicate bugs and help during the development.

Introduce "Field.Group"


Introduce <Field.Group> from the previous versions of the Form.


It is potentially useful for multi-form layouts like we have.


Look up the previous local versions.

Unit tests (Enzyme)


Need to write tests for the components.


Testing is a must.


  1. Use Enzyme (+ mocha)
  2. Introduce at least basic testing scenarios (will be listed below).

Test scenarios

Below are the test scenarios for Enzyme tests.


  • Form grabs the rules and messages from FormProvider properly
  • Form can be serialized manually
  • Form can be validated manually
  • Custom field component is registered properly within the parent form
  • Fields wrapped in Field.Group are registered properly within the parent form
  • Custom field components wrapped in Field.Group are registered properly within the parent form


  • Empty optional field without any rules.
  • Filled optional field with rule.
  • Empty required field without any rules.
  • Filled required field without any rules.
  • Filled required field with rules.
  • The same for custom styled fields

Test autocomplete by browsers


I think autofill done by browsers cause fields to fire unexpected field cycle events (onFocus, onBlur).


It seems that autofilling is achieved by physically touching the field, pasting the value, and blurring out. Moreover, it seems that the last autofilled field remains focused unless the user clicks somewhere else. This causes the last autofilled field to look not validated (no blur happened).


Needs investigation.

"fieldProps" passed from "connectField" duplicate known props


fieldProps passed to the custom styled inputs contain the props which are already in the WrappedComponent's this.props. This creates the duplicates and makes props tree hard to read.

Expected behavior

  • Think of an efficient way how to handle this. Diff props?

Feature: "Field.Checkbox"


Need to introduce a basic Field.Checkbox component.


In order to properly handle state transitions for checkbox components.

Expose "Form.serialize()"


Need to be able to serialize the Form by its reference.


This is useful in case of a non-conventional form submit (multiple forms, custom submit logic).


const serialized = formRef.serialize();

Ensure "asyncRule" function can have custom Promise resolver


Need to ensure that asyncRule function can have custom Promise resolver.


It's most likely developers would have their own resolve logic based on the WS response. It doesn't necessarily means that the request should resolve. It may have additional logic (i.e. depend on statusCode)


This is one of the expected usages of asyncRule:

<MyField asyncRule={() => fetch('', { ... }).then((payload) => {
  return (payload.statusCode !== 'ERROR')
}) } />

This reads: the field is considered valid unless payload.statusCode equals ERROR. In case the request throws, this should be handled automatically as invalid state of the field.

Bug: onChange validation doesn't fire properly


The debounced sync validation doesn't always fire properly after onChange event.


There must be something wrong with the immediate argument of the debounce, or something else.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Nicely reproducible on our Registration form of the project.

Form should have a "onInvalid" callback


Form should have a onInvalid callback.


There should be a dedicated callback for scenarios when validation of the form fails.


onInvalid?: ({ fields, invalidFields, formProps }) => void

The key part of the callback is automatically composed invalidFields: Array<fieldProps>. Those are sorted by the order of the field in the form (from top to bottom), and can be used by end developer for various UI logic (i.e. scrolling to the first invalid field).

Write better stories


Need to write better stories for storybook.


Stories now serve as integration tests. Having good, real-world stories, is a key for testing the library.

Stories examples

  1. Registration form
  2. Fields with dynamic props example (RFQ?)

Introduce "Field.props.initialValue"


Need to have an ability to pre-fill the field without making it fully controllable on the end-side.


Right now passing Field.props.value will indeed pre-fill the field, but then you ought to control its value by yourself. This is not always a desired behavior.


  1. Introduce new initialValue prop on Field
  2. Make it propagate properly through optional connectField (just pass through)
  3. Set the value in the Field.componentWillMount based on initialValue

Write a documentation


Need to write a documentation giving an overview of the available features and examples how to use them.


Documentation is a vital part of any library, especially on such complex matter as forms.

Bug: Controlled "disabled" conflicts with validation


Native validation makes the field disabled. When there's also a controlled disabled happening, there's a situation that native validation sets field to disabled after the controlled disabled is set to false. This causes the field to be disabled forever.


  1. Remove enforced disabled: true during the validation. End developer has validating prop to make the field disabled if he needs to connect it with validation status.

Feature: Introduce "Radio" field


Need to introduce a Field.Radio component.


Although <Field.Input type="radio" /> would look proper, the onChange handler of default text input and radio input would differ. Radio inputs essentially have the same name, and are selected based on their value. This is not how Field.Input should behave, whereas it has a unique name, and its value is updated correspondingly upon onChange.


  • Introduce new component extending generic Field
  • Write proper renderField method
  • Add any additional handlers in order for Field.Radio to work and serialize properly

Field not validated with "value" pre-defined


When the field's value prop is pre-defined, it doesn't get validated.

Expected behavior

I fieldProps.value is set, should call Form.validateField({ fieldProps }); to trigger respective context properties updates for the field.

Unregister field from the form's state


Need to call some unregister method (similar to mapFieldToState) when unmounting the component.


Right now the internal references and props of the field still reside after the field has been unmounted. You would never what this behavior on purpose. Field's reference in the state should be removed, and state updated.

"Condition" doesn't react to "when" properly


Condition component sometimes reacts weirdly to its condition.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open "Conditional" story.
  2. Enter "admin" into "username" field.
  3. See "password" appears.
  4. Enter something else than admin and click somewhat to the top of the field.
  5. See "username" field invalid, while "password" field remains visible.

Expected behavior

  • "password" field corresponds to its condition always, and properly.

Refine and refactor existing code


Need to run through the implemented code and refactor it.


The thing now may look somewhat messy. It's been a rapid development without proper test, what to expect.

Use RxJS to update reactive (dynamic) props


Need to have the fields with dynamic props to update the latter once their dependency changes in real time.


Having the obsolete state of the field results into bad UX when using the forms.

Test scenario

Consider this form:

  <Field.Input name="username" />
  <Field.Input name="password" required={({ fields }) => fields.username && !!fields.username.value} />

The above reads as "password field is required once username field has value". This works gracefully, however:

  1. Enter some value into "username".
  2. Try to submit the form.
  3. See the error under "password", since its dynamic required resolved to true (username has value).
  4. Remove the value from "username".
  5. See "password" still showing the "required" error.

Expected behavior

  1. "password" should immediately update its dynamic prop based on the changes of its dependants.
  2. The error message beneath "password" should disappear after the dynamic prop (required) resolve to false. This will be achieved automatically once # 1 is done.


  • It would be nice to determine the dynamic prop's dependancies (fields) and update it once the latter are changed. However, I don't see a way for this to work since dynamic props are functions returning an expected prop value. There is no sane way of determining what would happen in the uncontrolled function.
  • Therefore, makes sense to update required props on Form.updateField, as a callback of the method.


  • Create a unified interface for field's props change subscriptions
  • Dispatch props changed event when the field's props change (specific props monitoring or props diff)
  • Allow to subscribe to multiple props changes of multiple fields
  • Resolve reactive props upon the subscriber field registration
  • Create efficient rxUtils to manage observers and subscriptions
  • Resolve reactive props when the subscribed field is not yet registered (i.e. rendered conditionally). Delegated subscriptions?
  • Subscribe to the changes of props important for the field's record (keep field record in sync with the changing dependent props)
  • Write integration tests

Use "withImmutable" for Immutable argument properties in callbacks


Need to allow the usage of Immutable instances in callback argument properties.


  • ImmutableJS is a required peer dependency. There is a high chance project is using Immutable already, or going to do so.
  • Conversion to plain JavaScript instances takes resources and time. Unnecessary when Immutable workflow is inherited in the project.


  1. Conversion to mutable still happens by default. RAF is never enforcing to use any technology.
  2. Introduce the prop controlling this behavior (on a FormProvider level):
<FormProvider withImmutable />
  1. Introduce a helper function to keep conditional logic at one place:
function emitMutable(immutableInstance) {
  return withImmutable ? immutableInstance : immutableInstance.toJS();
  1. Find a way for the helper function to access this.context.withImmutable automatically, without the need to drag it around to each util method.

Any button triggers form submit


It seems that any <button> inside the <Form> triggers a form submit.


Maybe something wrong with how the form is submitted. Needs investigation.

updateValidState called after field onChange


fieldUtils.updateValidState() is called after onChange of the field.

Test scenario

Have the following field:

<MyInput name="someField" rule={/^\d+$/} value="Preset value" />

Erase the field's value in the UI.
Enter "hh".
See the check tick appearing, stating that the field is valid.

Expected behavior

  • updateValidState() is not called on onChange, but within onBlur

Enhancer: Field mask


Need to introduce field format.


It's quite comfortable to have the value entered formatted in the pre-defined way.


Field format/template will enforce the provided value to be in the provided format/template. Formatting works onChange and on paste.


Imagine there's a cardNumber field for entering your credit card's number. It's great to have the value be 4 digits separated with spaces while the user types.

  format="#### #### #### ####"
  required />

This will enforce the given format while user types.


  1. Field should behave as templated whenever it has a format prop.
  2. Field formatting happens onChange and onBlur to ensure it's strictly followed.
  3. The core functionality for field formatting is a pure function (formatField({ fieldProps }) for example). It should have nothing to do with the form, its context, or whatsoever. Takes props and ensures that the value is in the proper format.
  4. A char # is used as a placeholder for an actual entered value. Therefore, an expected format of format (lol) is ###-###-###, for example. # are then substituted by the actual field value.
  5. Format should be ensure when the field mounts (registers in the form). This way initial values are formatted as well.
  6. (Optional) Maybe we should think of situations when the end developer will not supply the whole format, but its beginning only?

Test scenarios

  1. Credit card number: #### #### #### ####
  2. Phone number: +(###) ### ### ###
  3. Birth date: ##/##/####

Introduce flexible validation messages logic


Need to add a flexible validation messages logic, similar to what we have in the existing project.


Comfortable way to handle country-specific validations is a must for a modern form.

Enhancer: Field strength


Need to introduce the feature of field's strength.


It's quite applicable to such fields as "passwords", yet can be used for any kind of field.


  • Field.props.strengthProp?: RegExp
  • The strength of a field is calculated based on the amount of RegExp groups matched.
  • The strength of a field is stored in Field.props.strength, and can be accessed for rule prop, for example, to prevent the field from being valid unless is matched a certain strength.
  • Field.props.maxStrength is present as well, representing the total amount of strength (RegExp) groups. This is useful to display respective UI elements.
  rule={({ fieldProps }) => field.strength > 3} />

"field.props.value" has obsolete value


Field.props.value is obsolete comparing to Field.context.fields[name].value, which gets updated by the Form.


Most likely, since context update is not the reason to trigger re-render, new props are not available down the connectField components tree. Also, Field is not really rendered as controlled, so Form doesn't pass direct props to Field due to ancestral hierarchy.

Bug: Cannot render multiple children from "Field.Group"


Cannot render multiple JSX node directly from Field.Group:

A valid React element (or null) must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object.


Because Field.Group returns the following in render():

return this.props.children;

I guess in case of children being an array, it would not return properly.

Using "fields" with field groups is not intuitive


Fields wrapped in Field.Group are stored on the root level of fields immutable Map for easier iterations and composition. This means that mutable fields have the same key-value structure when converting for the external usage.


Well, this is quite intentional, but not desired for external mutable fields.


I think it would be reasonable to create some utility method which would transform iterable fields first, and then convert it to mutable Object. The method would split the field groups into nested Object properties, and be very similar to fieldUtils.serialize(), but maintaining all properties, not only value.

Maybe it's worth to make fieldUtils.serialize() reuse this new utility method as well.

Make "value" a possibly dynamic prop


Need to allow to make Field.props.value a dynamic prop (dependant from the form's state).


There's a usecase you would like to have a certain field pre-filled once another field has a certain value:

<Field.Input value={({ fields }) => {
  return fields.anotherField && (fields.anotherField.value === 'foo') && 'Pre-filled value';
}} />

Registration of "Field.Radio" is messed up


The way (props) the Field.Radio is registered is messed up.


It's a unique fields which resides as one state entry in Form, but has multiple UI representations (options).


Already providing a fix which will propagate proper value and checked to Field.Radio upon the field registration, based on the already set value.

Update contextProps on Field.componentWillReceiveProps (propsPatch)


Need to perform a shallow diff in Field. componentWillReceiveProps.


This way we know which props we received "from outside", and update those in contextProps as well.


The approach overall is discussable. Maybe there's no need for any diff at all. Maybe the way we treat direct props is not acceptable.

Introduce "onChange" validation


Need to introduce the validation on field's change


Giving a real-time feedback is quite crucial


  1. Only sync validation should fire onChange.
  2. Async validation should still fire onBlur

Bug: Wrong "invalidFields" order with dynamic fields


The array of invalid fields (invalidFields) provided as an argument property of onInvalid callback seems to have messed up order of inputs when there are some dynamic fields appearing during the workflow with the form.


At first, my guess was that the fields reference taken to compose the array of invalid fields is taken at the wrong (past) moment, however, I see that it's taken immediately within the callback itself, so it should be up-to-date.

Steps to reproduce

  <Field.Input name="i1" required />

  <Condition when={...}>
    <Field.Input name="i2" required />

  <Field.Input name="i3" required />

Once <Condition> is false, the order of invalidFields is correct ([{ i1 }, { i2 }, { i3 }]).

However, once you provide i1 value, and condition resolves with empty field, then the order is i3, i2.

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