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.emacs.d's Issues

Issues setting up emacs (version < 27)

NOTE: Some of the issues below may not be directly related to this emacs repo, but I wanted to document all the issues I faced when installing/setting up emacs on my Raspberry Pi.


  1. Installed emacs using sudo apt install emacs. This installed version 26.1
  2. Ran ./ ~/.emacs.d
  3. Tried opening emacs, but failed to install melpa. Needed to create a temporary init.el file and added the following code from NOTE: This also did not work until I changed 'https' to 'http' which I found suggested in some threads after googling the error (
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
;; Comment/uncomment this line to enable MELPA Stable if desired.  See `package-archive-priorities`
;; and `package-pinned-packages`. Most users will not need or want to do this.
;;(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "") t)
  1. Also needed to add this section from "Failed to download ‘MELPA’ archive" on the melpa link above.
    -- Error: Failed to download 'gnu' archive. Bad request
    -- Fix: (setq gnutls-algorithm-priority "NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3")
  2. Open emacs once using this temporary init.el file installed melpa successfully
  3. Then switched back to init.el from the git repo and it was able to open and install most of the packages.
  4. Now emacs opens with the following errors
Error (use-package): Failed to install mastodon: Package  emacs-27.1  is unavailable
Error (use-package): Cannot load org-entities
Error (use-package): ob/:init: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, org
Error (use-package): org-sticky-header/:catch: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, org
Error (use-package): org-link-ref/:catch: Symbol s function definition is void: org-add-link-type
Error (use-package): toc-org/:catch: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, org
Error (use-package): org-noter/:catch: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, org
Error (use-package): desktop/:config: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, org

Simple solution is to probably install at least emacs 27.1 or above, but unsure of the best way to do that. I assumed sudo apt install emacs would install the most recently released version. Can you please advise?

`shell-command-on-region` doesn't seem to work

In emacs -Q session, if I do the following in the scratch buffer

C-x h M-| wc 

It gives the word count of the selected region: 3 30 145.

But if I do the same in my emacs session, the scratch buffer content gets replaced with 1 0 1!

Probably you should use helm-gtags

I saw your issue on ggtags, so I will answer it hear. The answer is easy: since you already use Helm, use helm-gtags, it's really fast, since Helm buffer is basically fundamental-mode, unlike compilation buffer which contains text widgets, which is heavy when there are many entries to show.

my fork don't work :)

Why do you load 'cl-lib' only if emacs < 25 ?

(>=e "25.0"
  (require 'cl)
  (require 'cl-lib))

manually-synced directory

May you explain, what is the purpose of the manually-synced directory?

I am confused by Git submodule elisp/manually-synced/hideshowvis/,
and files to manually-synced such as: elisp/spice-mode/spice-mode.el, elisp/verilog-mode/verilog-mode.el


Emacs startup problem in daemon mode when nlinum/linum configured to be enabled globally


I am sorry to raise this here.

I am trying to use the fix recommended by you here:;att=1;bug=18616

But, for some reason, nothing happens when I start emacs in daemon mode with that code snippet in my init.el. I am using GNU Emacs 24.4.1

Just want to check if the relevant code snippet is still valid.

Thanks again and Sorry for the bother,

This is the code snippet of what I tried:

(if (daemonp)
    (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook
              (lambda ()
                (message ">> Daemon mode")
                ;; It is mandatory to load linum AFTER the frames are set up
                ;; Else, I get "*ERROR*: Invalid face: linum"
                (require 'nlinum)
                ;;                 (nlinum-mode 1)
                ;;                 (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'nlinum-mode)
    (message ">> Non daemon mode")
    (require 'nlinum)

Suggestion to improve

Hi Kaushal,
Thanks for sharing the setup-verilog.el. It is very useful and in one case (code written by someone else had the "#" and "(" in different lines or it has spaces in between.
I just added \\(?:\n\\|\\s-\\)+ between #( and made it to work for few more situations.

      (concat "^\\s-*"
              ;; force group number to 1; module name
              "\\(?1:" modi/verilog-identifier-re "\\)"
              "\\(?:\n\\|\\s-\\)+" ; newline/space
              ;; optional hardware parameters followed by optional comments
              ;; followed by optional space/newline before instance name
              "\\(#\\(?:\n\\|\\s-\\)+([^;]+?)\\(\\s-*//.*?\\)*[^;\\./]+?\\)*" ;;Updated by Shankar
              ;; force group number to 2; instance name
              "\\(?2:" modi/verilog-identifier-re "\\)"
              "\\(?:\n\\|\\s-\\)*" ; optional newline/space
              "(" ; opening parenthesis `(' before port list
      "Regexp for a valid verilog module instance declaration.")


Prevent the frame from jumping around when doing `C-x C-f`

When I do C-x m f, the frame is aligned properly in the position as set in the function full-screen-center. But when I do C-x C-f, the frame moves around. I then need to position the frame using the mouse. After the mouse-based frame adjustment, the frame doesn't jump around any more on doing C-x C-f.

seems modi/eww--go-to-first-search-result not working properly

How about this, I tried, it seems work.

(defun modi/eww--go-to-first-search-result (search-term)
  "Navigate to the first search result in the *eww* buffer."
  ;; Keep on burying the current buffer if it turns out to be an eww buffer.
  (while (string-match "^eww$\\|^eww<[[:digit:]]+>$" (buffer-name))
  ;; Start a new eww search.
  (eww search-term)
  (let* ((max-wait 5)                 ;Seconds
         (search-repeat-interval 0.1) ;Seconds
         (max-trials (floor max-wait search-repeat-interval))
         (start-time (current-time))
         (n 1))
    ;; The while loop will keep on repeating every `search-repeat-interval'
    ;; seconds till the return value of `eww-links-at-point' is non-nil.
    (catch 'break
      (while (<= n max-trials)
        (goto-char (point-min))     ;Go to the top of the buffer
        ;; Go to the start of results
        ;; (re-search-forward "About.*results.*$" nil :noerror) ;;
        (re-search-forward "約有.*項結果.*$" nil :noerror)      ;;
        (shr-next-link)             ;Go to the first search result
        (when (eww-links-at-point)
          (throw 'break nil))
        ;; Wait for a while before trying link check again.
        (sleep-for search-repeat-interval)
        ;; (message "eww search result trial # %d" n)
        (setq n (1+ n))))
    (message "Search for `%s' finished in %0.2f seconds."
             search-term (float-time (time-since start-time)))))

select-enable-primary broke yanking on Windows

Yank don't work with active region when select-enable-primary is enabled on Windows.
Possible fix is: setup-misc.el

;; after mouse selection in X11, you can paste by 'yank' in emacs"
(if (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
    (>=e "25.0"
        (setq select-enable-primary t)  ; if emacs 25.0 or newer
      (setq x-select-enable-primary t))) ; if older

Pass also milliseconds to destructuring-bind

Hi there! Thanks for sharing your Emacs configuration.

I looked at your .emacs configuration to get more insipiration. I liked the ability to record the startup time of the emacs. So I wanted to steal your snippet of code. Currently I have the following in my init.el

;; Record the start time
(setq *emacs-load-start* (current-time))

(require 'package)

[Block of my preciousss configuration] 

  ;; Load destructuring-bind, which seems to be a common lisp function.
  (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
  (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))

;; Write out a message indicating how long it took to process the init script
(defun startup-time () 
    (message "Yo dude, Emacs recorded %f seconds to get started!"
         (destructuring-bind (hi lo ms ps) (current-time)
           (- (+ hi lo)
              (+ (first *emacs-load-start*)
                 (second *emacs-load-start*)))))

(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'startup-time)

Everything worked fine at all. I wanted to get the milliseconds, so I see Emacs started up in 3.11 seconds instead Emacs started up in 3 seconds in the messages buffer. So I replaced the %d with the floating %f. However, I get zero decimals. I could't find anything in the documentation of destructuring-bind, to pass the milliseconds.

Any suggestion?

Create a major-mode for "log files"

Couple of basic features I have in mind:

  • Navigate to next error/warning
  • Highlight error/warning/user entered string
  • jump directly to file+linenum corresponding to error/warning
  • expand/collapse errors/warnings

modi/eww-im-feeling-lucky can be improved

;; I'm-feeling-lucky
(defun eww-im-feeling-lucky (search-term)
"Google I'm feeling lucky."
(interactive (list (smart/read-from-minibuffer "Google Search Term (I'm Feeling Lucky!)")))
;; Keep on burying the current buffer if it turns out to be an eww buffer.
(while (string-match "^eww$\|^eww<[[:digit:]]+>$" (buffer-name))
;; Start a new eww search.
(eww search-term)
(sleep-for 0.1)
(eww-browse-url (concat (eww-current-url) "&btnI")))

tcsh init script: unknown file attribute: i


I am trying to install your nice Emacs setup, but I stumble against an issue, perhaps due to tcsh syntax?

$ source git_force_update.csh ~/.emacs.d
git_force_update.csh:7: unknown file attribute: i

I am currently on OS X 10.10.5 and my tcsh version is

$ tcsh --version
tcsh 6.19.00 (Astron) 2015-05-21 (unknown-unknown-bsd44) options wide,nls,dl,al,kan,sm,rh,color,filec

Dedicated repo for eless?

Hey, I just saw your blog post about eless, and it looks very cool! What do you think about putting it in a separate repo? :)

projectile is adding .git folders to the list of known projects

Projectile was working fine for as long as I remember, but I think one of the recent updates might have been causing a bug. Projectile adds .git folder as another known project whenever I invoke magit on a projectile project. Here is a screenshot :-

enter image description here

Here is the link to my projectile config.

EDIT: I figured out the cause of the issue. It's this code snippet :-

;; Git projects should be marked as projects in top-down fashion,
  ;; so that each git submodule can be a projectile project.
  (setq projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up
  	(delete ".git" projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up))
  (add-to-list 'projectile-project-root-files ".git")

  (setq projectile-project-root-files-functions
  	  projectile-root-top-down ; First look for projects in top-down order
  	  projectile-root-bottom-up)) ; Then in bottom-up order

looks like the new update to projectile is causing the probelm. What's going on here? Does the same thing happen to your config?

Use a regular org comment instead of #+HEADER to mark images needing pdf2png conversion

Your modi/org-include-img-from-pdf function seems awesome. However, I cannot get it work for me. My 'convert' is available in exec-path, and something like this works for me:

    #+BEGIN_SRC sh
    convert ./foo.pdf  ./foo.png

Also I can invoke modi/org-include-img-from-pdf by M-x, just nothing happens after running the function. Would you advise how to solve this? Thank you very much!

File permissions

I clone your repository(or download zip-file),
go to the directory .emacs.d, run command:
find . -perm /o=x -not -path "./.git/*" -type f
I see 49 file with execute permission.
Is there a reason to have so many files with execute permission?


Error modi/temporary-file-directory

I don't have variable 'USER':

(defvar modi/temporary-file-directory (let* ((dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name (getenv "USER") temporary-file-directory)))) (make-directory dir :parents) dir) "User-specific temporary directory name.")

probably on this emacs start ends with error(Windows OS):

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) expand-file-name(nil "c:/Users/MYNAME~1/AppData/Local/Temp/")Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) expand-file-name(nil "c:/Users/MYNAME~1/AppData/Local/Temp/")

find the current instance block

I had one more usecase in addition to modi/verilog-jump-to-header-dwim & modi/verilog-jump-to-header-dwim-fwd

I want to know the current instance block in which the cursor is placed. I wrapped your function with jump-to-register to do this.
Does any of your functions do this native ?

(defun modi/find-curr-verilog-inst (fwd)
  "Display the module instantiation header above the current point."
  (interactive "P")
  (point-to-register 140)
  (if (modi/verilog-find-module-instance fwd)
      (if fwd
          (re-search-forward modi/verilog-module-instance-re nil :noerror)
        (re-search-backward modi/verilog-module-instance-re nil :noerror))
    (if fwd
        (re-search-forward modi/verilog-header-re nil :noerror)
      (re-search-backward modi/verilog-header-re nil :noerror)))
  (setq myStr (thing-at-point 'line))
  (message myStr)
  (jump-to-register 140)


The register I used is a fixed register. This needs to be modified.

Improve quite emacs without saving desktop command

Right now "C-x M-c" quits emacs without forcing the user to save desktop. But it still asks the user if they want to save the desktop.

"C-x M-c" should just quit emacs without prompting the user to save the desktop.

Changing the hugo mode load

There are no way to run your emacs configuration without loaded ox-hugo (git-submodule)

Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading ‘c:/HOME/.emacs.d/init.el’:
File is missing: Opening directory, No such file or directory, c:/HOME/.emacs.d/elisp/ox-hugo/
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with
the ‘--debug-init’ option to view a complete error backtrace.

maybe it doesn't matter, but sometimes it is inconvenient

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