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twitch-filtered-chat's Introduction

Twitch Filtered Chat

It's Twitch Chat, but Filtered!

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
    1. Query String Options
    2. Twitch API
    3. Layout
    4. Module Configuration
    5. Examples
    6. Cheer Effects
    7. Hotkeys
  2. Development
    1. Plugins
    2. Commands
  3. Antics
  4. Testing
  5. VIM Support
  6. Credits



Query String Options

Option Key Option Value
twapi Force external (e) or internal (i) Twitch API library (see below)
layout Layout (see below)
config_key Custom configuration key (see below)
config Alias for config_key
key Alias for config_key
clientid ClientID override to use for Twitch asset loading
user Username to use (requires pass)
pass OAuth token to use (requires user; removed once parsed)
debug Either either a number or one of false (0), true (1), debug (1), or trace (2) (default: 0)
channels Channels to join (with or without #), separated by commas
noffz Disable FFZ support (badges and emotes) entirely
nobttv Disable BTTV support (emotes) entirely
noassets Prevents loading of all image (badge, emote, cheer) assets (implies noffz and nobttv)
hmax Maximum size of sent chat history (default 300) (requires chat layout and proper user and pass values)
trans Makes the backgrounds completely transparent
module1 The encoded module configuration for module 1 (explained below)
module2 The encoded module configuration for module 2 (explained below)
norec If present, don't automatically reconnect if connection is lost
size Overrides the body font size (in pt) (default: 18)
plugins If present, enables use of plugins (see plugins directory)
disable Disable specific cheer effects, separated by commas. Use color to disable cheer colors. Use bgcolor to disable cheer background colors.
enable Enable specific cheer effects, separated by commas
max Maximum number of chat messages to retain (default 100)
font Override default font 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif
scroll If non-empty, show scroll bars (default: hidden)
clips If non-empty, show clip information in chat (default: hidden)
nols Forcibly disable localStorage support. Note that this disables pass support entirely, as localStorage is needed to store passwords
scheme Color scheme to use. Valid values: light and dark. Default: dark
enableforce Enable mod antics (see below)
fanfare Fanfare configuration: either 1 or true to enable, or a JSON-encoded string to set specific options
highlight Comma-separated patterns (either regexes of the form /pat/[flags] or strings) to highlight
urls Set to a falsy value to disable URL formatting. Default is to format URLs
bghint Hint to the HTML Generator the relative shade of the background. Valid values are light and dark. This affects whether or not username shadows are displayed
shadow Set to a falsy value to disable username shadows altogether. Overrides the behavior of bghint regarding username shadows.
msganim Set to a falsy value to disable message "slide-in" animation
wsuri Override the WebSocket endpoint to a custom URI
tag Set a specific name for the chat for debugging and antics usage (highly recommended!)

This client uses the tfc-config localStorage key by default. If you specify config_key, then tfc-config-${config_key} is used instead. This config_key option allows you to have multiple parallel configurations that don't interfere with each other.

Note that user and pass must be supplied together: if a username is given, then a password must be given via either pass or stored in localStorage.

tag is used to identify unique chats for debugging and antics use. It is highly recommended to have a tag present in your query string!

All option values must be URL-encoded.

Twitch API

The Twitch Filtered Chat depends on the Twitch API (known casually as twapi), which can be in one of two locations. Both locations are examined and the first successful location is used.

Type Path When Used
Internal twitch-filtered-chat/twitch-api Default
External twitch-api When window.location.protocol === "file:"

Passing twapi=i forces the internal submodule to be scanned first. Passing twapi=e forces the external submodule to be scanned first. See the Development section for more information.


Layout Description
layout=double:chat Two columns with a chat box (default)
layout=single:chat One column with a chat box
layout=double:nochat Two columns without a chat box
layout=single:nochat One column without a chat box
layout=double:slim Two columns without headers, settings, or a chat box
layout=single:slim One column without header, settings, or a chat box
layout=double Shorthand for layout=double:chat
layout=single Shorthand for layout=single:chat
layout=tesla Special layout for use on embedded browsers, such as in a Tesla. This is similar to layout=single:slim but changes numerous other behaviors

Module configuration



If layout is single, module1 is shown. Otherwise, module1 is the left module and module2 the right.

Argument Multi-Valued? Description
name No Module's display name. Can be anything.
flags No a sequence of 1s (show) or 0s (hide) for Pleb, Sub, VIP, Mod, Events, Bits, and /me.
kw-include Yes Display the message if it contains the value(s) given. Overrides flags and channel-exclude.
user-include Yes Always show messages from the specified user(s). Overrides flags and channel-exclude.
user-exclude Yes Hide messages from any of the user(s) given.
start-exclude Yes Hide messages containing any of the value(s) given.
channel-exclude Yes Hide messages from any of the channel(s) given (intended for layout=double usage).

To pass multiple values, place commas between them. For example user-include=Kaedenn_,dwangoAC matches both Kaedenn_ and dwangoAC.

Default: module1=Chat,1111111,,,,,&module2=Chat,1111111,,,,,


Example configurations are coming relatively soon.

Cheer Effects

The following cheer effects are available and cost one bit each.

Effect Description
marquee Message scrolls from right to left across the chat window
bold Message is bold
italic Message is italicised
underline Message is underlined
upsidedown Message is upside-down (may not work with some other effects)
inverted Message uses inverted colors (may not work with some other effects)
strikethrough Message has a strike-through
subscript Message is formatted as a subscript
superscript Message is formatted as a superscript
big Message is bigger than normal
small Message is smaller than normal
rainbow Message is rainbow (red -> yellow -> green -> cyan -> blue -> purple -> red)
disco Message cycles through the rainbow colors in order
color Message will use the color specified, by name (won't work with rainbow). Almost every color you can think of should work (see config.js ColorNames)
bg-color Message will use the color specified as the background color, by name

To use them, add them to the message after the cheer:

cheer3 bold marquee rainbow Hello streamer: This message is big, rainbow, and scrolling across the screen

cheer1 rainbow marquee Hello: This message isn't scrolling because effects cost one bit each

marquee cheer1 Hey there: This message has no extra formatting; the effect must be immediately after the cheer.

cheer3 big blue bold Greetings: The message is big, bold, and blue.

cheer1 big bold blue Greetings: The message is big but neither bold nor blue, as effects cost one bit each.

cheer2 big bg-gold Greetings: The message is big and has a gold background.

The following effects are disabled by default and must be enabled via &enable= to use. These effects don't look quite right and are a work in progress.

Effect Description
slide Similar to marquee, the message scrolls in from the right
scroll Similar to marquee, the effect scrolls in from the left
bounce Similar to marquee, the effect bounces from left to right


The following hotkeys are available:

Key Name Action
ScrollLock Toggles automatic scrolling when new messages are received
Escape Closes all visible settings windows


For getting started, you will need both this repository and the twitch-api repository. The twitch-api can be used either as a submodule or an external repository.

Internal Twitch API (submodule)

mkdir tfc && cd tfc # optional
git clone
cd twitch-filtered-chat
git submodule init # initialize twitch-api submodule
git submodule update # fetch twitch-api submodule contents from github
firefox index.html # or whichever browser you fancy

External Twitch API (parallel repository)

mkdir tfc && cd tfc # optional
git clone
git clone
firefox twitch-filtered-chat/index.html # or whichever browser you fancy

The filtered chat will scan for twapi in both locations, using the first successful location. The order of the locations is determined as follows:

  1. If the query string has twapi=e, then prefer external
  2. If the query string has twapi=i, then prefer internal
  3. If the URL has the protocol file:, then prefer external
  4. Otherwise, prefer internal


Plugin documentation is coming relatively soon.


Chat command documentation is coming relatively soon.


If enabled (either &force=1 present in the query string or Mod Antics checkbox in the main settings window is checked), moderators are able to take control of the chat in various ways.

By starting their message with one of the following words, moderators can do the following:

Word Action
force Interpret the rest of the message as literal HTML
forceeval Interpret the rest of the message as a JavaScript expression, displaying the result in the chat
forcejs Interpret the rest of the message as a JavaScript function
forcejs-only If the next word matches the value of &tag in the query string, or if the word is "any", or if the word is "match-expression" and the value of &tag starts with expression, then interpret the rest of the message as a JavaScript function
forcebits Prepend "cheer1000" to the message, for demonstrating cheer effects
forcecheer As above; prepend "cheer1000" to the message

Antics Examples

force <span class="effect-rainbow effect-disco">This shows up as a rainbow disco party</span>.

force-eval 1+2 results in the message being 3.

forcejs Content.add($("<img src=\"\" />")) results in the specified image appearing in chat.

forcejs-only tfc alert("Hello there") displays an alert window if the streamer's &tag value is tfc.

Only enable antics if you completely trust your moderators. Furthermore, antics gives access to your OAuth token if one is present.

I highly recommend disabling antics if you're using an OAuth token.

Enable antics at your own risk.


Please test the filtered chat in your own browser. Load it up and ensure you can change settings and that things work as you'd expect.!%2C%252523Kaedenn_&module2=Main%2520Chat%2C1111111%2C%2CKaedenn_%2CTAS9000%252CNightbot%252CStay_Hydrated_Bot%2C!%2C&layout=double%3Achat&tag=sample1&fanfare=true

If you have errors loading that or if you're using a very old browser, try the following link which forces ES5 via usedist=1:!%2C%252523Kaedenn_&module2=Main%2520Chat%2C1111111%2C%2CKaedenn_%2CTAS9000%252CNightbot%252CStay_Hydrated_Bot%2C!%2C&layout=double%3Achat&usedist=1&tag=sample2&fanfare=true

The test URLs above have the following configuration:

  1. Enable debugging (debug=1)
  2. Connect to #Kaedenn_ (channels=%23kaedenn_)
  3. There are two modules, side-by-side, with a visible chat window (layout=double%3achat)
  4. Module 1 (left module)
    1. Module is named Kaedenn Chat (Kaedenn%2520Chat)
    2. Module does not filter specific message types (1111111)
    3. Module shows all messages from Kaedenn_
    4. Module hides all messages from TAS9000, Nightbot, and Stay_Hydrated_Bot (TASBot%252CNightbot%252CStay_Hydrated_Bot)
    1. Module hides all messages starting with a !
    2. Module only shows messages originating from #Kaedenn_ (%2523Kaedenn_)
  5. Module 2 (right module)
    1. Module is named Main Chat (Main%2520Chat)
    2. Module shows messages from all channels
    3. Module is otherwise identical to module 1
  6. Chat is tagged sample1 and sample2 (tag=sample1, tag=sample2)
  7. Fanfare effects are enabled (fanfare=1)

Vim Support

These files use vim section labels to assist code folding. If foldmethod=section doesn't work for you, then the following should be useful:

function! <SID>FoldAllSections(...)
  let oldpos = getpos(".")
  call setpos(".", [bufnr("%"), 0, 0, 0])
  let s = search("{{{[0-9]", "W")
  while s != 0
    let ls = line(".")
    let sn = getline(".")[match(getline("."), "{{{[0-9]") + 3][0]
    let le = search(sn . "}}}", "nW")
    execute(":" . ls . "," . le . "fold")
    execute(":" . ls . "," . le . "foldopen")
    let s = search("{{{[0-9]", "W")
  execute(":normal zM")
  call setpos(".", oldpos)

map <leader>F :call <SID>FoldAllSections()^M

Note that ^M refers to a literal ^M character: ^V^M on Linux. This can be omitted; you will instead need to press Enter after typing <leader>F.


Shayd3 - Creating the settings builder

YoshiRulz - Improving rainbow effect

Inverted - Improving username contrast, helping with disco effect

SighnWave - Creating the disco effect

Feeve - Assisting with resub debugging

twitch-filtered-chat's People


inverted avatar kaedenn avatar marenthyu avatar timeshifter avatar yoshirulz avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar

twitch-filtered-chat's Issues

Options menu doesn't scroll

Options menu is cut off if the font size is too large, making advanced options unreachable without modifying &size= in the query string.

Twitch v5 Deactivation; Access Token Required

Twitch is deactivating v5 (Kraken) at the end of February 2022. The replacement APIs require an OAuth token, meaning we need to implement implicit authentication.

The redirect is configured to accept both with and without the trailing index.html. The redirect will not contain a query string and therefore configuration isolated to the query string must be moved to localStorage.

This change will be separated into multiple phases:

  1. Implement support for receiving implicit authentication (thanks Marenthyu)
  2. Implement support for requesting implicit authentication (includes storing and retrieving query string values using localStorage)
  3. Disable JavaScript injection (aka "mod antics") as that now may expose the client secret. We can keep it around if we assert the streamer specify a whitelist of users trusted with their secret, but this is a low-priority feature.
  4. (twitch-api) Replace kraken invocations with their equivalents, making any necessary changes to the parsing code

How will the chat behave without an OAuth token?

Reading CSS Variables

In v2/main.css :root, I use custom rules for variables:
--body-font-size: 18px;

I then update these via

function set_css_rule(rule_name, rule_value) {, rule_value);

However, I need a way to obtain the current value of a given rule:

function get_css_rule(rule_name) {
  /* Return the value of :root --body-font-size */

Partial tab-completion broken

Channel tab-completion does not work with partial channel names.

To reproduce:

  1. Join a channel, eg. Kaedenn_ via //j Kaedenn_
  2. Type #kae and press Tab
    Result is #kae#kaedenn_ instead of #kaedenn_.

Note that typing # and pressing Tab results in the correct output, #kaedenn_

Note that tab-completion of channel names at the start of a message should result in a space being added to the end of the message, eg. #kaedenn_ . Presently no space is added.

//config url doesn't persist font

//config url text omits font configuration, even though specifying &font= via the query-string is supported.

note: compare //config url with query-string parser to look for any other missed fields.

Username shadows are applied when not necessary

Username shadows are, by default, always applied regardless of the selected color scheme. One can use the bghint to remove half of the shadows, but this doesn't get rid of them entirely for users that dislike the shadows.

I propose adding a new QS configuration, &shadow=0, to disable username shadows entirely.

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