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hyperscript.jl's Issues

Fails to build on 1.6: type piracy?

Hyperscript doesn't build on nightly. The reason is

Here's why: 1.6 has a new TOML parser that includes this line. The issue is that Union{} <: Hyperscript.AbstractNode, because Union{} is a subtype of every other type, and hence instead of creating an array with eltype Union{} it tries (during package loading!) to call Union{}(xs...), which obviously fails. CC @KristofferC.

I am pretty sure this method counts as type-piracy (even if you own YourType, you do not own Vector{YourType}), so I guess the question is, can it be eliminated?

support boolean values for boolean attributes

Even though the correct HTML5 thing to do is to use valueless boolean attributes or to not add them at all (i.e. <input type=checkbox checked /> versus <input type=checkbox />), this becomes a bit awkward when generating them programmatically. In particular, if one wants to add observables to Hyperscript to add interactivity (see SimonDanisch/Bonito.jl#35 for instance), things become a bit awkward.

From what I understand, HTML5 actually disallows using "true" or "false" as values for boolean attributes (see here). Could it be possible to support passing checked = false to mean that the attribute is actually not set, and checked = true to set it?

I confess I'm not sure what the attribute should be set to with checked = true, but I imagine anything that conforms to HTML5 would be fine (empty string, or name of the attribute, or maybe even valueless).

savehtml adds an extra html tag


When calling savehtml() it adds an extra layer of <html></html> on top of what is already there.

To reproduce:

julia> using Hyperscript

julia> doc1 = m("html", m("h1", "Hello"))

julia> savehtml("/tmp/doc1.html", doc1) ## html html

shell> cat /tmp/doc1.html
<!doctype html>

Expected behavior

I would expect the content of the file written by savehtml to be the same as printed, except for an added doctype.


(@v1.6) pkg> status Hyperscript
      Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Project.toml`
  [47d2ed2b] Hyperscript v0.0.4

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.6.1
Commit 6aaedecc44 (2021-04-23 05:59 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-11.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

Adding attributes without values

How do I add, for example, a controls attribute to a video tag?

<video controls>
  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

Thoughts about a templating language?

This is awesome! I look forward to play with it more! One of my favorite features is that you can use objects from other packages inside of it, and it will call the repr(MIME"text/html"(), x) function - this makes it super useful for composing UI. I think that Pluto.jl + Hyperscript.jl + has amazing potential

Just a quick question: I was thinking about the option to turn this into a HTML templating library for Julia - like or Have you experimented with this?

Would it be useful? The current syntax is already quite easy and concise, but maybe it would be easier for people who know HTML, or if you want to copy paste some HTML.

Result is malformed and not what was expected

I'm having a problem with HyperScript.jl.

This function

function pretty_stitches(image_stitches, flip_right_to_left::Bool)
    # image_stitches should be the top_image_stitches or bottom_image_stitches
    # of a TabletWeavingPattern.
    stitch_width = 5
    stitch_length = 10
    stitch_diameter = 1
    uses = []
    function use(row, col, color, slant)
		href = slant == '/' ? "#stitch1" : "#stitch2",
		x="$(col * stitch_width)mm",
		y="$(row * stitch_length)mm",
		style="stroke: none; fill: $(color)"))
    for (rownum, row) in enumerate(image_stitches)
	for (colnum, stitch) in enumerate(row)
	    (color, slant) = stitch
	    use(rownum, colnum, color, slant)
      viewBox="0 0 $(stitch_width * length(image_stitches[1])) $(stitch_length * length(image_stitches))",
        m("symbol", id="stitch1",
    	  viewBox="0 0 $(stitch_width) $(stitch_length)",
    	  refX="0", refY="0",
    	  svg_stitch(stitch_width, stitch_length, stitch_diameter, '/';)),
        m("symbol", id="stitch2",
    	  viewBox="0 0 $(stitch_width) $(stitch_length)",
    	  refX="0", refY="0",
    	  svg_stitch(stitch_width, stitch_length, stitch_diameter, '\\';)),

(you can focus on the Hyperscript calls to generate SVG at the end) produces this SVG:

<svg viewBox="0 0 80 1360">
    <symbol refX="0" viewBox="0 0 5 10" refY="0" id="stitch1" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin">
        <path style="stroke-width: 1px; vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke" d="M 0.9569057743101286 9.703069233026724 L 4.956905774310129 0.7030692330267239 A 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 4.043094225" ⋯ 259507 bytes ⋯ "B{N0f8}(1.0,0.0,0.0)" width="5mm" y="1360mm" />
        <use height="10mm" href="#stitch1" x="75mm" style="stroke: none; fill: RGB{N0f8}(1.0,0.0,0.0)" width="5mm" y="1360mm" />
        <use height="10mm" href="#stitch1" x="80mm" style="stroke: none; fill: RGB{N0f8}(1.0,0.0,0.0)" width="5mm" y="1360mm" />

(which has been stringified and reformatted for readability).

Note that it also genrates the printed output

`uses` has 2176 elements.

The call

string(svg_stitch(5, 10, 1, '/';))


"<path style="stroke-width: 1px; vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke" d="M 0.9569057743101286 9.703069233026724 L 4.956905774310129 0.7030692330267239 A 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 4.043094225689871 0.29693076697327614 L 0.04309422568987137 9.296930766973276 A 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0.9569057743101286 9.703069233026724" />"

or more readably

  <path style="stroke-width: 1px; vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke"
        d="M 0.9569057743101286 9.703069233026724 L 4.956905774310129 0.7030692330267239 A 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 4.043094225689871 0.29693076697327614 L 0.04309422568987137 9.296930766973276 A 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0.9569057743101286 9.703069233026724" />

That is what the content of each of the symbols should look like.

Why do the close tags in the output of pretty_stitches not balance?

Where is the second symbol element?

Why are the use elements nested within the symbol's group rather
than after the symbol?

Why are there only two use elements when there should be 2176?

Why do the attributes of an element appear in a different order in the SVG than in the source code? Maybe use OrderedDict?

Perhaps I'm misusing the m function? My use is consistent with the examplesin the README file, but not with its function signature.

I prefer the do syntax that the NativeSVG package allows for, but that package is apparently no longer maintained.

let `Hyperscript.Node` be used for an `HTTP.Response`

It'd be great if Hyperscript could work out-of-the-box with HTTP.jl and this does not appear to be the case.

julia> using HTTP
julia> using Hyperscript
julia> @tags html body
julia> HTTP.Response(200, html(body("Hello")))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching length(::Hyperscript.Node{Hyperscript.HTMLSVG})
Closest candidates are:
  length(::Cmd) at process.jl:639
  length(::Base.Iterators.Flatten{Tuple{}}) at iterators.jl:1061
  length(::BitSet) at bitset.jl:365
 [1] _array_for(::Type{Pair{SubString{String},SubString{String}}}, ::Hyperscript.Node{Hyperscript.HTMLSVG}, ::Base.HasLength) at ./array.jl:677
 [2] mkheaders(::Hyperscript.Node{Hyperscript.HTMLSVG}) at /home/cce/.julia/packages/HTTP/IAI92/src/Messages.jl:205
 [3] HTTP.Messages.Response(::Int64, ::Hyperscript.Node{Hyperscript.HTMLSVG}; body::Array{UInt8,1}, request::Nothing) at /home/cce/.julia/packages/HTTP/IAI92/src/Messages.jl:114
 [4] HTTP.Messages.Response(::Int64, ::Hyperscript.Node{Hyperscript.HTMLSVG}) at /home/cce/.julia/packages/HTTP/IAI92/src/Messages.jl:111
 [5] top-level scope at REPL[11]:1

display to text/plain

"As a rule of thumb, the single-line show method should print a valid Julia expression for creating the shown object." One suggestion is to use PrettyPrinting.jl to replicate the code tree you'd need to re-generate the object. Alternatively, perhaps there is a function that would take the rendered output and re-construct the node? e.g. Node("<span>hello</span>") might be the show for span("hello"), then this Node constructor could return the same object as would be created by @tags; span("hello")? I'm asking this because when I show Hyperscript objects within a larger structure, I get something that isn't a valid constructor, and hence it violates the rule of thumb above.

Broader use of :name => "something"

This works:

m("input"; :type => "text")

This doesn't:

m("input", :type => "text")

In the last one, it's treating the Pair as content. It'd be nice to support the second one. If it's only allowed after a semicolon, then if you use it with a node with content, it's even clunkier because the optional arguments have to come at the end:

m("div", "My content"; :type => "something")

I think it's pretty safe to intercept Pair{Symbol, T} and treat it as an argument. I can't think of a use where someone wants to fill in content with that.

TagBot trigger issue

This issue is used to trigger TagBot; feel free to unsubscribe.

If you haven't already, you should update your TagBot.yml to include issue comment triggers.
Please see this post on Discourse for instructions and more details.

Feature request: do-block syntax

Hi @yurivish, how do you feel about adding a do-block syntax (similar to markaby)? That would allow one to write the following:

using Hyperscript

@tags div em a

# What I'm proposing:
div.header() do
    a(href="") do

instead of

# Current equivalent:
div.header(a(href="", em("Hyperscript.jl")))

or, equivalently,

# Indented current equivalent:

That could increase readability in general. Of course, nothing would break; it would only be an alternative way of writing things.

If you like it, I could make a PR 😀

EDIT: a single line is all that's required to make the example above work:

julia> (x::Hyperscript.Node)(f::Function, args...; props...) = x(args..., f(); props...)

julia> div.header() do
           a(href="") do
<div class="header"><a href=""><em>Hyperscript.jl</em></a></div>

How do you feel about base64 encoding images?

using Images

img = load("my dog.jpg")

@assert Base.showable(MIME"image/jpeg"(), img)

m("div", x)

Gives me

Images.Image{blablalba} blablab

Hyperscript.jl could check Base.showable for MIME types like images and audio, and base64-encode the result. This would give

<img src="..." />

Do you think that this fits within the scope of the project?

Odd error with include

I'm not sure if this is a Julia bug or if my system is messed up. The following syntax is causing an error. It works in the REPL but not with include. Package tests work fine.

shell> cat bug.jl

julia> include("bug.jl")
ERROR: LoadError: syntax: malformed expression
 [1] include at ./boot.jl:314 [inlined]
 [2] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1067
 [3] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
 [4] include(::String) at ./sysimg.jl:68
 [5] top-level scope
in expression starting at /home/tshort/FS/appfiles/julia/MDPad/bug.jl:1

julia> div."a"("hello")
<div class="a">hello</div>

CSS attributes starting with Hyphens

today I wanted to add some Custom CSS properties to my code and noticed that I wasn't able to produce the leading double hyphen, e.g., --outline-color with a camelCased attribute name. Any Ideas how to get this to work?
I saw mention of auto prefixing certain CSS attributes in the future-enhancements section at the bottom of Hyperscript.jl. Would this fall into this category?


Error: does not support v0.6.3

I guess something is missed in REQUIRE? I got this when I try Pkg.add

ERROR: Hyperscript can't be installed because it has no versions that support 0.6.3 of julia. You may need to update METADATA by running `Pkg.update()`

Pretty rendering

It'd be nice to have an option to pretty-print the html renders and indent to reflect level.

Using Symbols as attribute values

In some cases, it'd be nice to be able to use Symbols instead of Strings for some values, especially ones that are names. Here's ana example:

julia> m("div", id = :hi, "hello")
<div id=":hi">hello</div>

Right now, this symbol is rendered as ":hi" rather than "hi". The sprint(show, ...) construct causes this. Would it be possible to use print instead to get rid of the colon? Or, could we have some other way to do that?

Great package, by the way! I really like the div.someclass and div."some-class" syntax.

Release 0.0.5

The last release, 0.0.4, was on Nov 10, 2020, and there have been 14 commits by 7 contributors since then:


Can we release 0.0.5? @SimonDanisch We need #29 for improving Pluto support in JSServe.

Invalid call to validateattrs


using Hyperscript

raises the following error on the current version in the package registry:

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching validateattrs(::Hyperscript.Validate{true}, ::String, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}})
Closest candidates are:
validateattrs(::Hyperscript.Validate, ::Any, ::NamedTuple) at ~/.julia/packages/Hyperscript/qO5ub/src/Hyperscript.jl:80
validateattrs(::Hyperscript.NoValidate, ::Any, ::NamedTuple) at ~/.julia/packages/Hyperscript/qO5ub/src/Hyperscript.jl:94
[1] Hyperscript.Node(::Hyperscript.Validate{true}, ::String, ::Tuple{}, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}) at ~/.julia/packages/Hyperscript/qO5ub/src/Hyperscript.jl:111
[2] #m#7(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::Function, ::String) at ~/.julia/packages/Hyperscript/qO5ub/src/Hyperscript.jl:174
[3] m(::String) at ~/.julia/packages/Hyperscript/qO5ub/src/Hyperscript.jl:174
[4] top-level scope at none:0

Raw string rendering

I need to output un-encoded strings that include raw HTML. This is easy enough to implement externally:

struct Raw
end, m::MIME"text/html", rawstr::Raw) = print(io, rawstr.str)


julia> m("div", Raw("<span>hi</span>"))

Is there any interest in having this in Hyperscript?

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