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hatch-pip-compile's Introduction

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Hey, I'm juftin (Justin Flannery)

I'm a software engineer and Python developer with a focus on data engineering and machine learning operations - based out of Denver, Colorado, USA.

My work with data has spanned from being on the front lines as an analyst and data scientist, building out data platforms, architecting machine learning recommendation systems, and working on scalable applications as a backend and platform engineer. Currently, I work as part of a software engineering team looking to make heart attacks a thing of the past using machine learning.

I’m very interested in machine learning operations (MLOps), big data engineering, distributed systems, large language models, and everything open source.

When I’m not coding you can find me camping with my partner and our two dogs, catching a bluebird day skiing in Colorado, or soaking up the sun at a bluegrass concert.

Now is better than never.

Although never is often better than right now.

– The Zen of Python

What I'm Working On

In my free time I try to build tools and software that spark joy ✨. Below are a few of my more public facing GitHub repositories and some details about the projects.

PyPI GitHub Repo stars PyPI - Python Version

camply, the campsite finder ⛺️, is a tool to help you book an online campground. Finding reservations at sold out campgrounds can be tough. That's where camply comes in. It searches the APIs of Booking Services like (which works on thousands of campgrounds across the USA) to continuously check for cancellations and availabilities to pop up. Once a campsite becomes available, camply sends you a notification to book your spot!

You can install camply easily via pipx install camply.

PyPI GitHub Repo stars PyPI - Python Version

browsr 🗂️ is a pleasant file explorer in your terminal. It's a command line TUI application that empowers you to browse the contents of local and remote directories with your keyboard or mouse. You can quickly navigate through directories and peek at files whether they're hosted locally, in AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage. View code files with syntax highlighting, format JSON files, render images, convert CSV and Parquet files to datatables and more. Get going with all of browsr's superpowers with pipx install "browsr[all]".

PyPI GitHub Repo stars PyPI - Python Version

Welcome to llm-term 💬, a command line utility that allows you to chat with LLM models directly from the comfort of your command line - this includes OpenAI (ChatGPT), Anthropic, and more. This tool leverages Langchain and Rich to facilitate real-time conversations with LLM models in your terminal. It enhances the user experience by streaming responses as rich text, complete with code-formatting and syntax highlighting. Get started with pipx install llm-term and stay on the command line!

PyPI GitHub Repo stars PyPI - Python Version

hatch-pip-compile is the missing lockfile capability for the hatch Python project tool 🥚. It's a hatch plugin that connects your hatch-managed virtual environment to a lockfile managed with pip-compile. The plugin detects whether your environment or lockfile is out to date and automatically syncs them when needed - and it's fast! Get reproducible environments for your Python projects today with hatch-pip-compile

PyPI GitHub Repo stars PyPI - Python Version

Lunch Money is a "delightfully simple personal finance & budgeting app" - and my current tool of choice to manage my finances. lunchable 🍱 is a Python API Client for the Lunch Money Developer API. It’s built on top of pydantic, it offers an intuitive API, a simple CLI, complete coverage of all endpoints and plugins to other external services.

dotfiles 🌈 is a collection of my personal dotfiles for macOS, Linux, zsh, and everything else. It's a set of configuration files with an opinionated set of tools and configurations based on my personal preferences. dotfiles are a personal preference so if my files aren't for you, you'll enjoy the dev-setup 📔 documentation which helps you get up and running on your own macOS or Linux machine. dotfiles can be installed with curl -fsSL | bash.

My personal cookiecutter template 🚀, might be your new secret weapon for Python projects. It's an all-in-one development toolkit that operates seamlessly in your coding environment. Imagine managing your project's virtual environment and development tools with hatch, effortlessly formatting and linting your masterpiece with ruff, and checking types using mypy. Literally all of the CI/CD details have been taken care of. Unleash the full potential of your Python project with juftin's personal cookiecutter template. Get started with cookiecutter gh:juftin/cookiecutter-python.

The zoo project 🦁🐼🐨, an asynchronous zoo API powered by FastAPI, SQLAlchemy 2.0, Pydantic v2, and Alembic. zoo is a simple yet robust API example that allows you to manage a zoo. It utilizes modern tools and practices, including a production-ready server (Uvicorn), modern SQL ORM (SQLAlchemy 2.0), data validation (Pydantic v2), and database migrations (Alembic). This project serves as an excellent starting point for building your own API, outlining the basic structure of an API project and providing examples of implementing common features.

I've always been a big TV and Movies nerd. On the weekends you can find me searching RottenTomatoes for the latest certified fresh 🍅 pick. homelab is a multi-container docker-compose application that supports every aspect of hosting your own media server at home. homelab includes everything you needto host a website for your friends and family to request new content be downloaded, services to find and securely download the latest movies and shows, and underneath it all a Plex media server to support playback of the content anywhere and on any device.

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hatch-pip-compile's People


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hatch-pip-compile's Issues

Lock file of a non-default environment not showing up

The environment file doesn't show up after the environment was built even though I specified lock-filename. Here is my pyproject.toml configuration:

# Default environment
type = "pip-compile"
lock-filename = "requirements.txt"
upgrade-all = "pip-compile --upgrade {args}"
upgrade-pkg = "pip-compile --upgrade-package {args}"

# Test environment
type = "pip-compile"
lock-filename = "requirements-test.txt"
dependencies = [
cov = "pytest --cov-report=term-missing --cov-config=pyproject.toml --cov=src/ultimate_notion --cov=tests {args}"
no-cov = "cov --no-cov {args}"
debug =  "cov --no-cov -s --pdb --pdbcls=IPython.core.debugger:Pdb {args}"
ci = "cov --vcr-record=none --cov-report lcov {args}"
record = "cov --vcr-record=all {args}" # re-record all vcr cassettes
doctest = "pytest docs/examples/"

The file requirements-test.txt never shows up although it definitely generates the environment. Maybe also one question in this regard. I hope to actually accomplish with this that my production requirements are always pinned in requirements.txt and the test environment in requirements-test.txt. The pinned requirements in requirements-text should list the exact pinned numbers from the production environment plus the additional pinned packages only needed for testing, so they need to be consistent in the sense that if my tests run with requirements-test.txt I rest assured that in production with requirements.txt they should guaranteed to also run as it's the same pinned numbers. Will this work? Also what will happen if I use pip-compile --upgrade-package {args} in any of these environments? Will hatch-pip-compile assure that those two environments stay consistent? Maybe this is also related to #8.

uv pip sync support

Currently uv pip install is supported, it would be helpful to support uv pip sync via a uv-pip-sync pip-compile-installer

Bug: nonobvious unfriendly stacktrace error message output when running hatch-pip-compile for the first time with an existing requirements.txt

I just started trying out hatch-pip-compile, also trying out hatch for the first time too, with uv for fast installs. it's working great so far, I'm excited about this setup.

..But it errored with a nonobvious stacktrace error message the first time I ran it with pipx run hatch env run -- python, which is supposed to have hatch install hatch-pip-compile and have it start running hatch-pip-compile automatically:

The stacktrace: (i'm not sure why it looks like that, with the weird characters framing the code)

Ôöé ÔØ▒ 143 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   new_dep_hash = environment.dependency_hash()                                   Ôöé
Ôöé   144 Ôöé   Ôöé                                                                                      Ôöé
Ôöé   145 Ôöé   Ôöé   current_dep_hash = self.env_metadata.dependency_hash(environment)                  Ôöé
Ôöé   146 Ôöé   Ôöé   if new_dep_hash != current_dep_hash:                                               Ôöé
Ôöé                                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé C:\Users\wis\pipx\.cache\5c892549a10c04f\Lib\site-packages\hatch_pip_compile\ in  Ôöé
Ôöé dependency_hash                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé                                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé   101 Ôöé   Ôöé   """                                                                                Ôöé
Ôöé   102 Ôöé   Ôöé   Get the dependency hash                                                            Ôöé
Ôöé   103 Ôöé   Ôöé   """                                                                                Ôöé
Ôöé ÔØ▒ 104 Ôöé   Ôöé   self.run_pip_compile()                                                             Ôöé
Ôöé   105 Ôöé   Ôöé   hatch_hash = super().dependency_hash()                                             Ôöé
Ôöé   106 Ôöé   Ôöé   if not self.dependencies:                                                          Ôöé
Ôöé   107 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   return hatch_hash                                                              Ôöé
Ôöé                                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé C:\Users\wis\pipx\.cache\5c892549a10c04f\Lib\site-packages\hatch_pip_compile\ in  Ôöé
Ôöé run_pip_compile                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé                                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé   118 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   with self.safe_activation():                                                   Ôöé
Ôöé   119 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   self.resolver.install_pypi_dependencies()                                  Ôöé
Ôöé   120 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   if self.piptools_lock_file.exists():                                       Ôöé
Ôöé ÔØ▒ 121 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   _ = self.piptools_lock.compare_python_versions(                        Ôöé
Ôöé   122 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   verbose=self.config.get("pip-compile-verbose", None)               Ôöé
Ôöé   123 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   )                                                                      Ôöé
Ôöé   124 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   self.pip_compile_cli()                                                     Ôöé
Ôöé                                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé C:\Users\wis\pipx\.cache\5c892549a10c04f\Lib\site-packages\hatch_pip_compile\ in    Ôöé
Ôöé compare_python_versions                                                                          Ôöé
Ôöé                                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé   110 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   Print warning if python versions are different, by default None                Ôöé
Ôöé   111 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   which will print the warning. Used as a plugin flag.                           Ôöé
Ôöé   112 Ôöé   Ôöé   """                                                                                Ôöé
Ôöé ÔØ▒ 113 Ôöé   Ôöé   lock_version = self.lock_file_version                                              Ôöé
Ôöé   114 Ôöé   Ôöé   current_version = self.current_python_version                                      Ôöé
Ôöé   115 Ôöé   Ôöé   match = (current_version.major == lock_version.major) and (                        Ôöé
Ôöé   116 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   current_version.minor == lock_version.minor                                    Ôöé
Ôöé                                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé C:\Users\wis\pipx\.cache\5c892549a10c04f\Lib\site-packages\hatch_pip_compile\ in    Ôöé
Ôöé lock_file_version                                                                                Ôöé
Ôöé                                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé    97 Ôöé   Ôöé   )                                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé    98 Ôöé   Ôöé   if match is None:                                                                  Ôöé
Ôöé    99 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   msg = "Could not find lock file python version"                                Ôöé
Ôöé ÔØ▒ 100 Ôöé   Ôöé   Ôöé   raise LockFileError(msg)                                                       Ôöé
Ôöé   101 Ôöé   Ôöé   return Version(                                                     Ôöé
Ôöé   102 Ôöé                                                                                          Ôöé
Ôöé   103 Ôöé   def compare_python_versions(self, verbose: bool | None = None) -> bool:                Ôöé
LockFileError: Could not find lock file python version

the content of the existing (old) requirements.txt file I had:

comtypes ==1.4.4 --hash=sha256:8db0d45aca5e891b3ffb77fe47cfd256cc3799d409d8e39baf8dd7884859d828 \
kdl-py ==1.2.0 --hash=sha256:63f3f46c6277dedadce44dcfc94672bf6e6bf3330b90122e0134c22857e29973 \
numpy ==1.26.4 --hash=sha256:03a8c78d01d9781b28a6989f6fa1bb2c4f2d51201cf99d3dd875df6fbd96b23b \
    --hash=sha256:08beddf13648eb95f8d867350f6a018a4be2e5ad54c8d8caed89ebca558b2818 \
    --hash=sha256:1af303d6b2210eb850fcf03064d364652b7120803a0b872f5211f5234b399f20 \
    --hash=sha256:1dda2e7b4ec9dd512f84935c5f126c8bd8b9f2fc001e9f54af255e8c5f16b0e0 \
    --hash=sha256:2a02aba9ed12e4ac4eb3ea9421c420301a0c6460d9830d74a9df87efa4912010 \
    --hash=sha256:2e4ee3380d6de9c9ec04745830fd9e2eccb3e6cf790d39d7b98ffd19b0dd754a \
    --hash=sha256:3373d5d70a5fe74a2c1bb6d2cfd9609ecf686d47a2d7b1d37a8f3b6bf6003aea \
    --hash=sha256:47711010ad8555514b434df65f7d7b076bb8261df1ca9bb78f53d3b2db02e95c \
    --hash=sha256:4c66707fabe114439db9068ee468c26bbdf909cac0fb58686a42a24de1760c71 \
    --hash=sha256:50193e430acfc1346175fcbdaa28ffec49947a06918b7b92130744e81e640110 \
    --hash=sha256:52b8b60467cd7dd1e9ed082188b4e6bb35aa5cdd01777621a1658910745b90be \
    --hash=sha256:60dedbb91afcbfdc9bc0b1f3f402804070deed7392c23eb7a7f07fa857868e8a \
    --hash=sha256:62b8e4b1e28009ef2846b4c7852046736bab361f7aeadeb6a5b89ebec3c7055a \
    --hash=sha256:666dbfb6ec68962c033a450943ded891bed2d54e6755e35e5835d63f4f6931d5 \
    --hash=sha256:675d61ffbfa78604709862923189bad94014bef562cc35cf61d3a07bba02a7ed \
    --hash=sha256:679b0076f67ecc0138fd2ede3a8fd196dddc2ad3254069bcb9faf9a79b1cebcd \
    --hash=sha256:7349ab0fa0c429c82442a27a9673fc802ffdb7c7775fad780226cb234965e53c \
    --hash=sha256:7ab55401287bfec946ced39700c053796e7cc0e3acbef09993a9ad2adba6ca6e \
    --hash=sha256:7e50d0a0cc3189f9cb0aeb3a6a6af18c16f59f004b866cd2be1c14b36134a4a0 \
    --hash=sha256:95a7476c59002f2f6c590b9b7b998306fba6a5aa646b1e22ddfeaf8f78c3a29c \
    --hash=sha256:96ff0b2ad353d8f990b63294c8986f1ec3cb19d749234014f4e7eb0112ceba5a \
    --hash=sha256:9fad7dcb1aac3c7f0584a5a8133e3a43eeb2fe127f47e3632d43d677c66c102b \
    --hash=sha256:9ff0f4f29c51e2803569d7a51c2304de5554655a60c5d776e35b4a41413830d0 \
    --hash=sha256:a354325ee03388678242a4d7ebcd08b5c727033fcff3b2f536aea978e15ee9e6 \
    --hash=sha256:a4abb4f9001ad2858e7ac189089c42178fcce737e4169dc61321660f1a96c7d2 \
    --hash=sha256:ab47dbe5cc8210f55aa58e4805fe224dac469cde56b9f731a4c098b91917159a \
    --hash=sha256:afedb719a9dcfc7eaf2287b839d8198e06dcd4cb5d276a3df279231138e83d30 \
    --hash=sha256:b3ce300f3644fb06443ee2222c2201dd3a89ea6040541412b8fa189341847218 \
    --hash=sha256:b97fe8060236edf3662adfc2c633f56a08ae30560c56310562cb4f95500022d5 \
    --hash=sha256:bfe25acf8b437eb2a8b2d49d443800a5f18508cd811fea3181723922a8a82b07 \
    --hash=sha256:cd25bcecc4974d09257ffcd1f098ee778f7834c3ad767fe5db785be9a4aa9cb2 \
    --hash=sha256:d209d8969599b27ad20994c8e41936ee0964e6da07478d6c35016bc386b66ad4 \
    --hash=sha256:d5241e0a80d808d70546c697135da2c613f30e28251ff8307eb72ba696945764 \
    --hash=sha256:edd8b5fe47dab091176d21bb6de568acdd906d1887a4584a15a9a96a1dca06ef \
    --hash=sha256:f870204a840a60da0b12273ef34f7051e98c3b5961b61b0c2c1be6dfd64fbcd3 \
pyaudio ==0.2.14 --hash=sha256:009f357ee5aa6bc8eb19d69921cd30e98c42cddd34210615d592a71d09c4bd57 \
    --hash=sha256:126065b5e82a1c03ba16e7c0404d8f54e17368836e7d2d92427358ad44fefe61 \
    --hash=sha256:12f2f1ba04e06ff95d80700a78967897a489c05e093e3bffa05a84ed9c0a7fa3 \
    --hash=sha256:2a166fc88d435a2779810dd2678354adc33499e9d4d7f937f28b20cc55893e83 \
    --hash=sha256:2dac0d6d675fe7e181ba88f2de88d321059b69abd52e3f4934a8878e03a7a074 \
    --hash=sha256:506b32a595f8693811682ab4b127602d404df7dfc453b499c91a80d0f7bad289 \
    --hash=sha256:5fce4bcdd2e0e8c063d835dbe2860dac46437506af509353c7f8114d4bacbd5b \
    --hash=sha256:78dfff3879b4994d1f4fc6485646a57755c6ee3c19647a491f790a0895bd2f87 \
    --hash=sha256:858caf35b05c26d8fc62f1efa2e8f53d5fa1a01164842bd622f70ddc41f55000 \
    --hash=sha256:bbeb01d36a2f472ae5ee5e1451cacc42112986abe622f735bb870a5db77cf903 \
pymonctl ==0.92 --hash=sha256:2495d8dab78f9a7dbce37e74543e60b8bd404a35c3108935697dda7768611b5a
pyvda ==0.4.3 --hash=sha256:321972af258c3f3a7e2da98f15016018c89128d20c8e9738c5f4c4568f389d6a \
pywin32 ==306 --hash=sha256:06d3420a5155ba65f0b72f2699b5bacf3109f36acbe8923765c22938a69dfc8d \
    --hash=sha256:1c73ea9a0d2283d889001998059f5eaaba3b6238f767c9cf2833b13e6a685f65 \
    --hash=sha256:37257794c1ad39ee9be652da0462dc2e394c8159dfd913a8a4e8eb6fd346da0e \
    --hash=sha256:383229d515657f4e3ed1343da8be101000562bf514591ff383ae940cad65458b \
    --hash=sha256:39b61c15272833b5c329a2989999dcae836b1eed650252ab1b7bfbe1d59f30f4 \
    --hash=sha256:5821ec52f6d321aa59e2db7e0a35b997de60c201943557d108af9d4ae1ec7040 \
    --hash=sha256:70dba0c913d19f942a2db25217d9a1b726c278f483a919f1abfed79c9cf64d3a \
    --hash=sha256:72c5f621542d7bdd4fdb716227be0dd3f8565c11b280be6315b06ace35487d36 \
    --hash=sha256:84f4471dbca1887ea3803d8848a1616429ac94a4a8d05f4bc9c5dcfd42ca99c8 \
    --hash=sha256:a7639f51c184c0272e93f244eb24dafca9b1855707d94c192d4a0b4c01e1100e \
    --hash=sha256:e25fd5b485b55ac9c057f67d94bc203f3f6595078d1fb3b458c9c28b7153a802 \
    --hash=sha256:e4c092e2589b5cf0d365849e73e02c391c1349958c5ac3e9d5ccb9a28e017b3a \
    --hash=sha256:e65028133d15b64d2ed8f06dd9fbc268352478d4f9289e69c190ecd6818b6407 \
pywinbox ==0.7 --hash=sha256:8b2506a8dd7afa0a910b368762adfac885274132ef9151b0c81b0d2c6ffd6f83
pywinctl ==0.4 --hash=sha256:8c4a92bd57e35fd280c5c04f048cc822e236abffe2fa17351096b0e28907172d
typing-extensions ==4.12.2 --hash=sha256:04e5ca0351e0f3f85c6853954072df659d0d13fac324d0072316b67d7794700d \

I generated it with this small python script, that generates a requirements.txt lock file with hashes from a Pipfile.lock. (in the process of migrating away from Pipenv, well my first attempt with pip, now I use hatch with hatch-pip-compile)

I deleted/renamed the old requirements.txt file manually and reran the command to have hatch install and run hatch-pip-compile, and it worked.

Suggested improved behavior:
hatch-pip-compile should mark the requirements.txt it generates with a kind of a magic string prepended at the top of the requirements.txt in a comment, and if it does not exist, it should print that there's an existing requirements.txt and if it should overwrite it.

🐛 constraint lockfile tracking


Lockfiles can be out of date without knowing it with the pip-compile-restraints feature

Steps to Reproduce

  1. You create the default lockfile
  2. You create the test lockfile with the default lockfile as its constraint
  3. You update the default lockfile without actually changing the requirements specified in your pyproject.toml
  4. You run the test environment and it thinks it's up to date but remains pinned on the old versions

matrix environments with parent environment with different python version raise an error

This can be problematic in CI/CD where you run hatch run +py={{ matrix.python }} matrix:cov and have hatch.python set to a differing version than your current matrix version

pip-compile-constraint = "default"
type = "pip-compile"
python = "3.11"

dependencies = [

cov = [
  "pytest --cov-config=pyproject.toml --cov {args:tests}"

template = "test"

python = ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11", "3.12"]

In the above example you must have the 3.11 environment available to use pip-compile environments from a matrix because default is a constraint environment

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'executable'

See how this is handled here:

- name: Set up Python Environment ${{ matrix.python }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
- name: Install Default Python
if: matrix.python != '3.11'
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: "3.11"

IMO this isn't a bug - but this should probably be documented

lockfile check not running

I need to confirm but I believe the latest version of hatch is skipping checks with its new use of dependency_hash ( - this allows lockfiles to be out of date (by hand editing at least)

Faster environment usage
Spawning a shell or running commands within environments always first checks that your project's dependencies are satisfied and if not synchronizes the environment with what is defined. Previously, this had the potential to be quite slow for projects that have many dependencies.
Now the set of dependency definitions is hashed and no check is performed if the hash is the same as before, significantly speeding up environment usage in most cases.

Installation instructions not working

I don't know where the issue is from but this code

requires = [

does not work, adding it make the pyproject.toml invalid and hatch fails to parse the file with FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '1', I'm on hatch latest version 1.9.1.
I also tried

requires = ["hatchling", "hatch-pip-compile"]
build-backend = ""

but it seems to have no effect

"PIP_COMPILE_DISABLE" does not affect exit code

When the environment variable PIP_COMPILE_DISABLE is set to 1, and a lock file update is attempted, the exit code of the affected command is 0. For example: rm requirements-dev.txt; PIP_COMPILE_DISABLE=1 hatch --env dev run black /path/to/file exits with the status code 0. This could mask errors in CI/CD environments.

Error when using Hatch only, without a Python project

Hi! I am hoping to be able to use Hatch for deps management outside of Python projects.

As such, I don't create a pyproject.toml but merely a hatch.toml. Which normally works but with hatch-pip-compile there is a small problem.

To reproduce:
In an empty directory, create the file hatch.toml

requires = ["hatch-pip-compile"]

type = "pip-compile"
dependencies = ["mkdocs"]
$ hatch run docs:mkdocs --version
Checking dependencies
Syncing dependencies
ERROR: file:///tmp/test does not appear to be a Python project: neither '' nor 'pyproject.toml' found.
#[exit status 1]

$ hatch run docs:mkdocs --version
Checking dependencies
mkdocs, version 1.5.3 from ~/.local/share/hatch/env/pip-compile/test/oZWB37hz/docs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mkdocs (Python 3.11)

So, the first invocation manages to populate the dependencies lock file but fails before it can run the command.
And then the 2nd invocation just works.
Would be good to fix this so it works the first time 🙂

Interestingly, the created lock file mentions # via test which is just the current directory name, so I think that's another factor that supports #13.

Instructions show explicit installation, why not suggest implicit installation?

It's possible to just add this to pyproject.toml and it seems to work without manually installing anything other than hatch:

requires = [

Reference - seems to have appeared in the docs only since version 1.6?

I think this should be preferred over the current manual instructions, because it's very inconvenient for people not familiar with any of this stuff (who are just trying to contribute to a project that happens to use hatch):

pipx inject hatch hatch-pip-compile

pip complains about installing with `--no-deps`

First, the package is installed with --no-deps then the dependencies are installed. This order of operations produces the following warinings which should be disregarded

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
browsr 1.17.1 requires art~=5.7, which is not installed.
browsr 1.17.1 requires pandas~=1.5.2, which is not installed.
browsr 1.17.1 requires pillow>=9.1.0, which is not installed.
browsr 1.17.1 requires pymupdf~=1.22.3, which is not installed.
browsr 1.17.1 requires rich~=13.5.2, which is not installed.
browsr 1.17.1 requires rich-click~=1.5.2, which is not installed.
browsr 1.17.1 requires rich-pixels~=2.1.1, which is not installed.
browsr 1.17.1 requires textual==0.39.0, which is not installed.
browsr 1.17.1 requires textual-universal-directorytree~=1.0.2, which is not installed.

hatch-pip-compile --upgrade

Currently updating requirements can be tough because of the way the plugin is implemented:

Current Implementation

  1. Create a temporary file with a project's dependencies
  2. Use that file as the input to pip-compile with the output being the respective lock file
  3. Since the input is actually a file and not the actual pyproject.toml - some post-processing occurs replacing lines like # via -r /var/folders/qk/mw5mftjj0qz42nrxrnhctlzw0000gp/T/tmpo85wegym/ with # via hatch-pip-compile (pyproject.toml) as well as to add the custom hatch-pip-compile header

Because of that implementation there isn't currently a command you could run locally that would update the file in-place. Ideally something like this would just work:

hatch dep show requirements --all | \
  hatch run python -m piptools compile - \
    --output-file requirements.txt \
    --generate-hashes \
    --no-header \
    --upgrade-package certifi

However running that above command will blow away the hatch-pip-compile header.

At this point this issue is just a placeholder and place to brainstorm ideas for the ideal workflow with pip-compile

How can one update hatch-pip-compile itself ?

Hi, I'm trying to test out uv. For some reason, it worked the first time I tried, but now this is what I get:

│    74 │   │   │   │   f"Invalid pip-tools install method: {install_method} - "                   │
│    75 │   │   │   │   "must be 'pip' or 'pip-sync'"                                              │
│    76 │   │   │   )                                                                              │
│ ❱  77 │   │   │   raise HatchPipCompileError(msg)                                                │
│    78 │                                                                                          │
│    79 │   @staticmethod                                                                          │
│    80 │   def get_option_types() -> Dict[str, Any]:                                              │
HatchPipCompileError: Invalid pip-tools install method: uv - must be 'pip' or 'pip-sync'

It seems that the version of hatch-pip-compile I have is too old for this work. That's weird because I'm pretty sure I made it work once. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Hatch (with different methods: pip and binary) itself, but encountered the same issue. Now, I realize that I have no clue how I'm supposed to update hatch-pip-compile itself. 🤔 Is it supposed to work automatically? If yes, when does it happen? Does the Hatch installation method matter?

Possible issue on windows with wrong environment content

Hi @juftin, thanks for your cool work on hatch-pip-compile.

I just started to migrate some of my hatch projects to hatch + hatch-pip-compile but on Github CI Windows systems I am running into the problem that hatch seems to build different venvs compared to Linux/Macos, most pkgs are missing. Find the details here, especially hatch run pip list command in the Run tests and track coverage step.

I tried already many things like installing hatch with pipx and installing hatch with pip, which leads on Windows to an error

PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'c:\\hostedtoolcache\\windows\\python\\3.11.9\\x64\\scripts\\hatch.exe' -> 'C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pip-uninstall-zc7cmf0j\\hatch.exe'

Find the details here.

Do you have any idea what the problem might be and where to look into? Everything is fine on Linux and MacOS and I am running out of ideas here. Thank you :-)

"hatch env remove" leaves partial environment in place

Hatch environments created with hatch-pip-compile are not fully removed when running hatch env prune or hatch env remove. When entering the environment (for example with hatch shell) after running removal commands, the environment is not recreated and we enter a partial environment (no dependencies are installed except for Python itself).

Project missing in environment

Thanks for providing hatch-pip-compile, it looks really useful but I am having a strange problem. Somehow the project itself is not installed in the default environment if it has type "pip-compile" as opposed to "virtual". So in my pyproject.toml I have:

requires = ["hatch-pip-compile"]  

type = "pip-compile"
upgrade-all = "pip-compile --upgrade {args}"
upgrade-pkg = "pip-compile --upgrade-package {args}"

and running hatch run python -c "import name_of_my_package" it doesn't find the package. Also hatch run pip list doesn't show it. Maybe I am missing something obvious here 🤔 .

Better distinguish `# via [current project]` comment

I was just looking at the latest lock file in my env.

It had this entry, for example

    # via mkdocs-literate-nav

where "mkdocs-literate-nav" is the current project's name. But I was very confused - this detached env shouldn't be depending on the project itself, and mkdocs-literate-nav is not written as a dependency in it anywhere.
So I started debugging why there's a dependency.

But actually there isn't a dependency! # via [current project] just stands for "specified in pyproject.toml"

Before this change it was at least # via [current project] (pyproject.toml) and that was quite a bit clearer.
I think I'd like to get back that extra clarification.

Here's what pip-compile itself shows normally:

    # via -r requirements/

The project's name is not mentioned and that makes a lot more sense.

I think the line should become something like # via pyproject.toml (docs). Although I suppose the config doesn't even have to be in pyproject.toml, maybe it's hatch.toml, so not so obvious...

Order of lock file constraints

@juftin Thanks for the #12 feature and awesome logo btw.

I am just playing around a bit with it and I noticed that I can create a lock file for a test environment, which depends on the default environment, without the lock file for the default environment being created. Does that make sense?

I would assume that when running e.g. hatch run test:cov and the when the test environment is created, it should realise that there is yet no default environment from which it inherits so it should first create a lock file for default.

So if I am able to create lock file for test and maybe ours later create the environment for default, it could mean that default is not consistent with test anymore, right?

The choice of paths to lock files

Currently this plugin chooses the following path by default: .hatch/{env_name}.lock
But I naturally would've chosen this path: requirements/{env_name}.txt

This is because:

  1. Maybe not necessary to hide it in .hatch, because perhaps users who for some reason hate Hatch would just discover the requirements files and use them directly with a sigh of relief.

  2. I think there are many crawlers of requirements, and they look specifically for requirements*.txt. Although I'm not sure which of them allow it to be like requirements/foo.txt or if it has to be like */requirements-foo.txt.

    Anyway here are some examples:

Could we think what the path should be, before it's too late to change the default 😅

Significance of Python version for resolved dependencies


pip-compile resolves dependencies for a particular Python version, and it is important because projects can define dependencies like this:

importlib-metadata >=4.3; python_version < '3.10'

To represent this, it includes a comment, which at least makes it clear, but nothing is done with it as far as I know:

# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.11

and in that file for the above example importlib-metadata isn't even mentioned anywhere! So it will just not work if someone tries to use this lock file with Python 3.9.

As such, I think this plugin could be improved as follows, especially because Hatch gives it direct information about the intended Python version:

  1. Include the Python version into the header (currently it is stripped)

  2. Perhaps warn users when an environment is invoked that the lock file might be intended for a different Python version than is currently used?

  3. Anything else? Like managing separate lock files in case there is a matrix with multiple Python versions?

singular uv install

uv should only be installed once into hatch's environment instead of each virtual environment.

universal locks across environments


Hatch doesn't lock project dependencies universally across environments


In hatch a non-default environment also shares dependencies with the project dependencies.

consider the following pyproject.toml:


build-backend = ""
requires = ["hatchling"]

authors = [
  {name = "Justin Flannery", email = "[email protected]"}
dependencies = [
version = "0.0.0"
license = "MIT"
name = "hatch-pip-compile"
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.8"

requires = ["hatch-pip-compile"]

path = ".venv"
post-install-commands = [
  "pre-commit install"
python = "3.11"
type = "pip-compile"
dependencies = ["pytest"]

dependencies = [
type = "pip-compile"

build = ["mkdocs build --clean --strict"]
deploy = ["mkdocs gh-deploy {args:}"]
serve = ["mkdocs serve --dev-addr localhost:8080 --livereload"]

We can see there are three different sets of dependencies:

  • Project Dependencies
    • hatch
  • Default Dependencies
    • pytest
  • Docs Dependencies
    • mkdocs~=1.5.2
    • mkdocs-material~=9.2.3
    • mkdocstrings~=0.22.0
    • markdown-exec[ansi]~=1.6.0

These groups of dependencies only make up two virtual environments though, default and docs. For both environments the project dependencies are also included (as long as the environment is not "detached"):

  • default environment
    • hatch
    • pytest
  • docs environment
    • hatch
    • mkdocs~=1.5.2
    • mkdocs-material~=9.2.3
    • mkdocstrings~=0.22.0
    • markdown-exec[ansi]~=1.6.0

The way hatch-pip-compile currently works is that it will create two lock files for these two environments but it is possible that the hatch dependency from the project will get pinned to a different version. Instead we want them to be pinned on the same version everywhere.

Proposed Solution

hatch-pip-compile should use the default environment's lockfile as a constraints file for other environments when running pip-compile (when the environment is not detached)

creating constraint environment without installing dependencies leaves it in bad state

When a constraint environment doesn't exist and is created by another environment its lockfile is created but not installed - the environment is left in a bad state and ImportErrors are thrown:


  1. Blow away hatch virtual environments (.venv in my case)
  2. Invoke a dependent environment first (it actually creates the constraint environment)
  3. Invoke something on the constraint environment
rm -rf .venv/
hatch env run --env test -- python --version
hatch env run --env default -- python -m package_name.cli
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'click'

exhaustively check `dependencies_in_sync`

super().dependencies_in_sync() ultimately calls dependencies_in_sync on self.dependencies_complex.

    def dependencies_in_sync(self):
        if not self.dependencies:
            return True

        from hatchling.dep.core import dependencies_in_sync

        with self.safe_activation():
            return dependencies_in_sync(
                self.dependencies_complex, sys_path=self.virtual_env.sys_path, environment=self.virtual_env.environment

Instead of self.dependencies_complex an exhaustive list of dependencies should be read from the requirements file. pip-tools gives a nice way to access the pip API:

from typing import Iterator, List

from piptools._compat.pip_compat import InstallRequirement, PipSession, parse_requirements

reqs: Iterator[InstallRequirement] = parse_requirements(
piptools_dependencies_complex: List[InstallRequirement] = list(reqs)

✨ optional hashes?

Should the --generate-hashes option be optional on the plugin, similar to pip-compile or is that desired lockfile behavior by default?

✨ choose between `pip-sync` and `pip install -r`

pip-sync has been demonstrating some issues with running lockfiles on different python versions:

Here's an error from testing the plugin on Python 3.8:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/_code/", line 59, in <module>
    from exceptiongroup import BaseExceptionGroup
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'exceptiongroup'
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Basically the lockfile was generated using 3.11 but the exceptiongroup package wasn't included because it's a builtin in 3.11. The plugin uses pip-sync which mirrors the environment to the lockfile (installing and uninstalling) so the tests failed. If we were to just run pip install -r lockfile.txt instead though the missing exceptiongroup dependency would've been picked up and installed (as long as we don't pass the --no-deps argument to pip).

I can see an argument for wanting to handle this either way. To get around this issue I used a regular virtual environment in my testing matrix instead of generating a lockfile for every environment. I woul've preferred to set an option like pip-compile-installer to pip instad of pip-sync instead

template = "test"
type = "virtual"
python = ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11", "3.12"]
dependencies = [
cov = [
"pytest --cov --cov-config pyproject.toml {args:tests}"

This could also be handled by just doing a pip install -r in CI/CD and bypassing this hatch completely.

Recursive optional dependencies lead to incorrect requirements files

A not entirely documented (pypa/pip#11296) but extremely useful feature of pip since version 21.2 is that optional-dependencies groups can depend on each other:

For example if your package is mypkg and it has an optional REST API which you could run with uvicorn or some other server, which you run from the uvicorn environment in hatch, and for which you'd like to lock dependencies, you could do this:

api = [
uvicorn = [
features = [ "uvicorn" ]
type = "pip-compile"

Unfortunately this doesn't really work with pip-compile or hatch-pip-compile, because you will end up with this in requirements/requirements-uvicorn.txt:

    # via hatch.envs.uvicorn

Oh noes! It went off to PyPI and found that yes, indeed, there is a package there already called mypkg and proceeded to add it as a dependency to the requirements file. That's definitely not what you want!

Note that if you run pip-compile --extra uvicorn in the environment you'll get this instead:

mypkg[api] @ file:///my/local/path/to/mypkg
    # via file:///my/local/path/to/mypkg

Which is not what you want either, but definitely better than pulling in some possibly unrelated or out-of-date package from PyPI. In this case it would be easy to post-process the output of pip-compile to remove editable installs of recursive optional dependencies, for instance.

Responsibility for fixing this might be partly in pip-tools if there isn't a way for hatch-pip-compile to get it to do the right thing...

Regex error when installing pydantic as dependency

Tested on python 3.12.1 & hatch 1.9.1 & hatch-pip-compile 1.9.0.

Following pip-compile settings in pyproject.toml:

dependencies = ["pydantic"]

python = "3.8"
features = []
type = "pip-compile"
pip-compile-constraint = "default"         # keep locks between default & others consistent
lock-filename = "locks/{env_name}.lock"
pip-compile-hashes = true
pip-compile-verbose = true
pip-compile-args = ["--no-emit-index-url"]

features = ["dev"]

Then running hatch run dev:pip -V i get the following traceback:

╭─────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ────────────────────────────────╮
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\hatch\cli\ in     │
│ main                                                                                             │
│                                                                                                  │
│   218                                                                                            │
│   219 def main():  # no cov                                                                      │
│   220 │   try:                                                                                   │
│ ❱ 221 │   │   return hatch(prog_name='hatch', windows_expand_args=False)                         │
│   222 │   except Exception:  # noqa: BLE001                                                      │
│   223 │   │   from rich.console import Console                                                   │
│   224                                                                                            │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\click\ in __call__   │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\click\ in main       │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\click\ in invoke     │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\click\ in invoke     │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\click\ in invoke      │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\click\ in        │
│ new_func                                                                                         │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\click\ in        │
│ new_func                                                                                         │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\hatch\cli\run\ in  │
│ run                                                                                              │
│                                                                                                  │
│   76 │   elif not env_name:                                                                      │
│   77 │   │   env_name = 'system'                                                                 │
│   78 │                                                                                           │
│ ❱ 79 │   ctx.invoke(                                                                             │
│   80 │   │   run_command,                                                                        │
│   81 │   │   args=[command, *args],                                                              │
│   82 │   │   env_names=[env_name],                                                               │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\click\ in invoke      │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\click\ in        │
│ new_func                                                                                         │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\hatch\cli\env\ in run  │
│                                                                                                  │
│   177 │   │   │   if env_name == 'system':                                                       │
│   178 │   │   │   │   environment.exists = lambda: True                                          │
│   179 │   │   │                                                                                  │
│ ❱ 180 │   │   │   app.prepare_environment(environment)                                           │
│   181 │   │   │   app.run_shell_commands(                                                        │
│   182 │   │   │   │   environment,                                                               │
│   183 │   │   │   │   [environment.join_command_args(args)],                                     │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\hatch\cli\ in  │
│ prepare_environment                                                                              │
│                                                                                                  │
│   104 │   │   │   │   │   with self.status('Running post-installation commands'):                │
│   105 │   │   │   │   │   │   self.run_shell_commands(environment, environment.post_install_co   │
│   106 │   │                                                                                      │
│ ❱ 107 │   │   new_dep_hash = environment.dependency_hash()                                       │
│   108 │   │   current_dep_hash = self.env_metadata.dependency_hash(environment)                  │
│   109 │   │   if new_dep_hash != current_dep_hash:                                               │
│   110 │   │   │   with self.status('Checking dependencies'):                                     │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\hatch_pip_compile\   │
│ in dependency_hash                                                                               │
│                                                                                                  │
│    94 │   │   """                                                                                │
│    95 │   │   Get the dependency hash                                                            │
│    96 │   │   """                                                                                │
│ ❱  97 │   │   self.run_pip_compile()                                                             │
│    98 │   │   hatch_hash = super().dependency_hash()                                             │
│    99 │   │   if not self.dependencies:                                                          │
│   100 │   │   │   return hatch_hash                                                              │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\hatch_pip_compile\  │
│ in run_pip_compile                                                                               │
│                                                                                                  │
│   126 │   │   │   │   │   _ = self.piptools_lock.compare_python_versions(                        │
│   127 │   │   │   │   │   │   verbose=self.config.get("pip-compile-verbose", None)               │
│   128 │   │   │   │   │   )                                                                      │
│ ❱ 129 │   │   │   │   self.pip_compile_cli()                                                     │
│   130 │                                                                                          │
│   131 │   def pip_compile_cli(self) -> None:                                                     │
│   132 │   │   """                                                                                │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\hatch_pip_compile\  │
│ in pip_compile_cli                                                                               │
│                                                                                                  │
│   177 │   │   │   │   shutil.copy(self.piptools_lock_file, output_file)                          │
│   178 │   │   │   self.piptools_lock_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)              │
│   179 │   │   │   self.plugin_check_command(cmd)                                                 │
│ ❱ 180 │   │   │   self.piptools_lock.process_lock(lockfile=output_file)                          │
│   181 │   │   │   shutil.move(output_file, self.piptools_lock_file)                              │
│   182 │   │   self.lockfile_up_to_date = True                                                    │
│   183                                                                                            │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\site-packages\hatch_pip_compile\ in  │
│ process_lock                                                                                     │
│                                                                                                  │
│    57 │   │   │   constraints_path = self.constraints_file.relative_to(self.project_root)        │
│    58 │   │   │   constraints_line = f"# [constraints] {constraints_path} (SHA256: {constraint   │
│    59 │   │   │   joined_dependencies = "\n".join([constraints_line, "#", joined_dependencies]   │
│ ❱  60 │   │   │   cleaned_input_file = re.sub(                                                   │
│    61 │   │   │   │   r"-c \S*",                                                                 │
│    62 │   │   │   │   f"-c {constraints_path}",                                                  │
│    63 │   │   │   │   cleaned_input_file,                                                        │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\re\ in sub                      │
│                                                                                                  │
│   183 │   if a string, backslash escapes in it are processed.  If it is                          │
│   184 │   a callable, it's passed the Match object and must return                               │
│   185 │   a replacement string to be used."""                                                    │
│ ❱ 186 │   return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)                               │
│   187                                                                                            │
│   188 def subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0):                                         │
│   189 │   """Return a 2-tuple containing (new_string, number).                                   │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\re\ in _compile_template        │
│                                                                                                  │
│   331 @functools.lru_cache(_MAXCACHE)                                                            │
│   332 def _compile_template(pattern, repl):                                                      │
│   333 │   # internal: compile replacement pattern                                                │
│ ❱ 334 │   return _sre.template(pattern, _parser.parse_template(repl, pattern))                   │
│   335                                                                                            │
│   336 # register myself for pickling                                                             │
│   337                                                                                            │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.12.1\Lib\re\ in parse_template           │
│                                                                                                  │
│   1072 │   │   │   │   │   this = chr(ESCAPES[this][1])                                          │
│   1073 │   │   │   │   except KeyError:                                                          │
│   1074 │   │   │   │   │   if c in ASCIILETTERS:                                                 │
│ ❱ 1075 │   │   │   │   │   │   raise s.error('bad escape %s' % this, len(this)) from None        │
│   1076 │   │   │   │   lappend(this)                                                             │
│   1077 │   │   else:                                                                             │
│   1078 │   │   │   lappend(this)                                                                 │
error: bad escape \d at position 8

The same command works in the default environment hatch run pip -V

🧪 tests


This project needs unit (and integration?) tests.

Acceptance Criteria

New tests. I will keep this issue open until I feel like there's sufficient coverage though.


Some elements of this project can be tough to test without an actual hatch CLI running - hopefully I can make use of the click.CliRunner for this.

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    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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