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validation's Introduction

The unified data validation library

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The unified validation API aims to provide a comprehensive toolkit to validate data from any format against user defined rules, and transform them to other types.

Basically, assuming you have this:

import play.api.libs.json._
import jto.validation._

case class Person(name: String, age: Int, lovesChocolate: Boolean)

val json = Json.parse("""{
  "name": "Julien",
  "age": 28,
  "lovesChocolate": true

implicit val personRule = {
  import jto.validation.playjson.Rules._
  Rule.gen[JsValue, Person]

It can do this:

scala> personRule.validate(json)
res0: jto.validation.VA[Person] = Valid(Person(Julien,28,true))


It's also a unification of play's Form Validation API, and its Json validation API.

Being based on the same concepts as play's Json validation API, it should feel very similar to any developer already working with it. The unified validation API is, rather than a totally new design, a simple generalization of those concepts.


The unified validation API is designed around a core defined in package jto.validation, and "extensions". Each extension provides primitives to validate and serialize data from / to a particular format (Json, form encoded request body, etc.). See the extensions documentation for more information.

To learn more about data validation, please consult Validation and transformation with Rule, for data serialization read Serialization with Write. If you just want to figure all this out by yourself, please see the Cookbook.

Using the validation api in your project

Add the following dependencies your build.sbt as needed:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")

val validationVersion = "2.1.0"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.github.jto" %% "validation-core"      % validationVersion,
  "io.github.jto" %% "validation-playjson"  % validationVersion,
  "io.github.jto" %% "validation-jsonast"   % validationVersion,
  "io.github.jto" %% "validation-form"      % validationVersion,
  "io.github.jto" %% "validation-delimited" % validationVersion,
  "io.github.jto" %% "validation-xml"       % validationVersion
  // "io.github.jto" %%% "validation-jsjson"    % validationVersion

Play dependencies

Validation Play
2.1.x 2.6.x
2.0.x 2.5.x
1.1.x 2.4.x
1.0.2 2.3.x


Documentation is here


validation's People


ast-pellucid avatar atamborrino avatar bthuillier avatar chrilves avatar gbougeard avatar joesimmonds avatar jto avatar olivierblanvillain avatar stanch avatar themodernlife avatar


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validation's Issues

Laziness when using Format.gen

Right now, if you want Format.gen to works with JSON (for example), you need the following:

implicit val entityFormat = {
  import play.api.libs.json._
  Format.gen[JsValue, JsObject, Entity]

I was wondering if we could merge Rules and Writes implicits into a single Formats object? It's not much about saving one line of code but more about "I just want to use Format macros and I shouldn't bother with exactly what to import in order to make it works, the lib should handle that for me if possible".

implicit val entityFormat = {
  import play.api.libs.json._
  Format.gen[JsValue, JsObject, Entity]


Could you make RuleLike[I, O] and WriteLike[I, O] contravariant in I, and covariant in O?

Implicit syntax is automatically added

Please separate the implicit conversions defined at the package level or in companion objects so that they are not added to the implicit scope automatically. They can cause ambiguous implicit resolutions if the developer already imports, for instance cats.syntax.cartesian._.

class ValidationError included in the jar

I’ve got this unpleasant message from ProGuard:

Duplicate zip entry [play-datacommons_2.10-2.2.2.jar:play/api/data/validation/ValidationError.class]

Upon closer inspection, validation (this project) also includes that class in the jar!
I’m going to investigate this, but perhaps it’s due to the type alias in

Single member case class writes

When my case class has only one property, how do I define the writer?
I am probably missing something obvious, but it seems like an issue because it makes using the API consistently more difficult.

case class A(x: Int)
implicit val aW = To[JsObject] { __ =>
  ((__ \ "x").write[Int])(unlift(A.unapply _))
error: type mismatch;
 found   : Option[Int]
 required: Option[[Int,play.api.libs.json.JsObject]]

ValidationErrors class?

I’m using something like this to report multiple validation errors:

case class ValidationErrors(paths: Seq[(Path, Seq[ValidationError])])
  extends Exception(paths.toString())

def throwValidationErrors[O](va: VA[O]) = va recoverTotal {
  case  throw ValidationErrors(paths)

Maybe you could include a similar API in the project?

O: Monoid → Monoid[Write[I, O]]

This is useful if we want to combine several Writes with |+|. Implementation:

implicit def `Write is a Monoid`[I, O: Monoid] = new Monoid[Write[I, O]] {
  def append(a1: Write[I, O], a2: Write[I, O]) = Write[I, O] { x 
    a1.writes(x) |+| a2.writes(x)
  def identity = Write[I, O] { _ 

Unfortunately invariance in I makes it a bit awkward to add Write[Animal, JsObject] and Write[Squirrel, JsObject]. A method to map on I would help. Otherwise here’s a quick hack:

implicit class RichWrite[I, O](write: Write[I, O]) {
  def subtype[I1 <: I] = Write[I1, O](write.writes)

animalWrite.subtype[Squirrel] |+| squirrelWrite

Format type order

I was just wondering... currently, the Format type order is the following:

trait Format[IR, IW, O] extends RuleLike[IR, O] with WriteLike[O, IW]

I don't quite find it fully readable. If we read Rule and Write, it looks like "IR, O, O, IW", which is like "IR, O, IW". It means, "I can go from IR to O and from O to IW". Nice. So why not having:

trait Format[IR, O, IW] extends RuleLike[IR, O] with WriteLike[O, IW]
// Wuuut?
implicit val userFormat = Format.gen[JsValue, BSONDocument, User]

// Ohhhh, I see!
implicit val userFormat = Format.get[JsValue, User, BSONDocument]

Replacing Rule/Write with Format seems to fail because of variance

I tried to do the following refactoring: moving from Rule.gen and Write.gen to Format.gen


case class Organization (
  id: String,
  name: String

object Organization {
  implicit val organizationRule = {
    import play.api.libs.json._
    Rule.gen[JsValue, Organization]

  implicit val organizationWrite = {
    import play.api.libs.json._
    Write.gen[Organization, JsObject]

case class Organization (
  id: String,
  name: String

object Organization {
  implicit val organizationFormat = {
    import play.api.libs.json._
    import[JsValue, JsObject, Organization]

But now, I get the following error:

[error] src/main/scala/Connector.scala:55: could not find implicit value for parameter writer:[Organization,play.api.libs.json.JsValue]
[error]     def save(organization: Organization) = saveOrganization(organization)

The definition of the saveOrganization function:

def saveOrganization(organization: Organization)(implicit writer: Write[Organization, JsValue])

So, as we can see, the function actually need a Write[Organization, JsValue], but be defined a Format[JsValue, JsObject, Organization] which produce a WriteLike[Organization, JsObject]. Since Write[Organization, JsObject] works just fine, I would have expected this one to works too, but no. Maybe it's related to the fact that Write has those magical symbol + and - that I could never fully understand about variance and covariance but not Format.

What do you think?

Validate XML : error on elem disapeared with Node

I stumbled upon a puzzling error. With a From[Elem] in this code :

case class Commentaire(
  codeMessage: Option[String],
  libelleMessage: String,
  codePriorite: Option[String]

object Commentaire {
  implicit val messageRule: Rule[Elem, Commentaire] = From[Elem] { __ =>
    import jto.validation.xml.Rules._

      (__ \ "DossEtude"  \ "codeMessage").read[Option[String]] ~
      (__ \ "DossEtude" \ "libelleMessage").read[String] ~
      (__ \ "DossEtude" \ "prioriteMessage").read[Option[String]]
    )(Commentaire.apply _)


I got the following error :

[error] /Users/gbe/projects/nfc-nb/commons/server/src/main/scala/models/OMDEMessage.scala:92: No implicit view available from jto.validation.Path => jto.validation.RuleLike[scala.xml.Elem,Option[String]].
[error]       (__ \ "DossEtude" \ "codeMessage").read[Option[String]] ~

This error disepeared when I replaced Elem by Node :

object Commentaire {
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[Commentaire]

  implicit val messageRule: Rule[Node, Commentaire] = From[Node] { __ =>
      (__ \ "DossEtude" \ "codeMessage").read[Option[String]] ~
      (__ \ "DossEtude" \ "libelleMessage").read[String] ~
      (__ \ "DossEtude" \ "prioriteMessage").read[Option[String]]
    )(Commentaire.apply _)


Whether this library should completely support Elem or the user should be notified that the type Elem is not supported by this library.

Validating string as numbers

Please provide Rules implementing the parsing of strings as numbers following this pattern :

def convert[A](str: String): Option[A] where A = Int, Long, Double, etc. avoiding NumberFormatException.

The goal would be to be able to deserialise that type of data

   "description": "candy",
    "price": {
      "currency": "EUR",
      "value": "3.0000"

defining the required type in the parsing Rule with calls as simple as :

case class Item(description: String, price: Double, currency: String)

val itemReader: Rule[JsValue, Item] = From[JsValue] { __ =>
    (__ \ "description").read[String].map(PrivateDealId) ~
    (__ \ "name").read[String] ~
    (__ \ "price" \ "currency").read[String] ~
    (__ \ "price" \ "value").read[Double] // or read[Option[Double]]
  )(Item.apply _)                         // or read(stringToDoubleR)



Scala Cookbook - How to convert a String to an Int
Scala Cookbook - How to parse a number from a String

Sequences stripping out duplicates

I recently ran into a problem validating a form containing a list of items. If the user entered duplicate values in the list then the validations removed the duplicates.

I think I've tracked the problem down to the toMap call in the spm function here which is removing duplicate keys from the map.

I have a solution for our project which involves our own version of the spm function.

Is my interpretation of this as a problem correct? If so I'd be happy to prepare a PR with our fix and some tests if that would help.


validation for circe

I did the mapping between validation and circe, but needed to put it in the circe package because some of the definitions are package private. Sharing it here, and happy to open a PR, if we can agree on where to put this, or how to handle it.

package io.circe.validation

import io.circe._
import jto.validation._

trait Rules extends DefaultRules[Json] {
  private def jsonAs[T](f: PartialFunction[Json, Validated[Seq[ValidationError], T]])(msg: String, args: Any*) =
    Rule.fromMapping[Json, T](f.orElse {
      case j  Invalid(Seq(ValidationError(msg, args: _*)))

  implicit def stringR =
    jsonAs[String] {
      case Json.JString(v)  Valid(v)
    }("error.invalid", "String")

  implicit def booleanR =
    jsonAs[Boolean] {
      case Json.JBoolean(v)  Valid(v)
    }("error.invalid", "Boolean")

  // Note: Mappings of JsNumber to Number are validating that the JsNumber is indeed valid
  // in the target type. i.e: JsNumber(4.5) is not considered parseable as an Int.
  // That's a bit stricter than the "old" Read, which just cast to the target type, possibly loosing data.
  implicit def intR =
    jsonAs[Int] {
      case Json.JNumber(v) if v.toInt.nonEmpty  Valid(v.toInt.get)
    }("error.number", "Int")

  implicit def shortR =
    jsonAs[Short] {
      case Json.JNumber(v) if v.toShort.nonEmpty  Valid(v.toShort.get)
    }("error.number", "Short")

  implicit def longR =
    jsonAs[Long] {
      case Json.JNumber(v) if v.toLong.nonEmpty  Valid(v.toLong.get)
    }("error.number", "Long")

  implicit def jsNumberR =
    jsonAs[Json.JNumber] {
      case v @ Json.JNumber(_)  Valid(v)
    }("error.number", "Number")

  implicit def jsBooleanR =
    jsonAs[Json.JBoolean] {
      case v @ Json.JBoolean(_)  Valid(v)
    }("error.invalid", "Boolean")

  implicit def jsStringR =
    jsonAs[Json.JString] {
      case v @ Json.JString(_)  Valid(v)
    }("error.invalid", "String")

  implicit def jsObjectR =
    jsonAs[Json.JObject] {
      case v: Json.JObject  Valid(v)
    }("error.invalid", "Object")

  implicit def jsArrayR =
    jsonAs[Json.JArray] {
      case v @ Json.JArray(_)  Valid(v)
    }("error.invalid", "Array")

  implicit def doubleR =
    jsonAs[Double] {
      case Json.JNumber(v)  Valid(v.toDouble)
    }("error.number", "Double")

  implicit def bigDecimal =
    jsonAs[BigDecimal] {
      case Json.JNumber(v) if v.toBigDecimal.nonEmpty  Valid(v.toBigDecimal.get)
    }("error.number", "BigDecimal")

  import java.{ math  jm }
  implicit def javaBigDecimal =
    jsonAs[jm.BigDecimal] {
      case Json.JNumber(v) if v.toBigDecimal.nonEmpty  Valid(v.toBigDecimal.get.bigDecimal)
    }("error.number", "BigDecimal")

  implicit val jsNullR: Rule[Json, Json.JNull.type] = jsonAs[Json.JNull.type] {
    case Json.JNull  Valid(Json.JNull)
  }("error.invalid", "null")

  implicit def ooo[O](p: Path)(implicit pick: Path  RuleLike[Json, Json],
                               coerce: RuleLike[Json, O]): Rule[Json, Option[O]] =
    optionR([O])(pick, coerce)(p)

  def optionR[J, O](r:  RuleLike[J, O], noneValues: RuleLike[Json, Json]*)(
      implicit pick: Path  RuleLike[Json, Json],
      coerce: RuleLike[Json, J]
  ): Path  Rule[Json, Option[O]] =
    super.opt[J, O](r, (  n: Json) +: noneValues): _*)

  implicit final def mapR[O](implicit r: RuleLike[Json, O]): Rule[Json, Map[String, O]] =
    super.mapR[Json, O](r, { case j: Json.JObject  j.o.toList })

  implicit final def JsValue[O](implicit r: RuleLike[Json.JObject, O]): Rule[Json, O] =

  implicit def pickInJson[II <: Json, O](
      p: Path
  )(implicit r: RuleLike[Json, O]): Rule[II, O] = {

    def search(path: Path, json: Json): Option[Json] = path.path match {
      case KeyPathNode(k) :: t 
        json match {
          case j: Json.JObject 
            j.o.toList.find(_._1 == k).flatMap(kv  search(Path(t), kv._2))
          case _  None
      case IdxPathNode(i) :: t 
        json match {
          case Json.JArray(js)  js.lift(i).flatMap(j  search(Path(t), j))
          case _                None
      case Nil  Some(json)

    Rule[II, Json] { json 
      search(p, json) match {
        case None 
          Invalid(Seq(Path  Seq(ValidationError("error.required"))))
        case Some(js)  Valid(js)

  private def pickInS[T](implicit r: RuleLike[Seq[Json], T]): Rule[Json, T] = { case Json.JArray(fs)  fs.asInstanceOf[Seq[Json]] }.andThen(r)
  implicit def pickSeq[O](implicit r: RuleLike[Json, O]) =
    pickInS(seqR[Json, O])
  implicit def pickSet[O](implicit r: RuleLike[Json, O]) =
    pickInS(setR[Json, O])
  implicit def pickList[O](implicit r: RuleLike[Json, O]) =
    pickInS(listR[Json, O])
  implicit def pickArray[O: scala.reflect.ClassTag](implicit r: RuleLike[Json, O]) =
    pickInS(arrayR[Json, O])
  implicit def pickTraversable[O](implicit r: RuleLike[Json, O]) =
    pickInS(traversableR[Json, O])

object Rules extends Rules

/cc @travisbrown


Reading playframework/playframework#1904 I understand that this is work in progress, but the current status of pulling play-json out makes this library unusable. validation does not include Json.parse (not to depend on Jackson), but it’s not possible to include full play-json to deal with that (because the AST gets duplicated) Do you have a plan on how to solve this?

Upgrade Cats version

Validation depends on Cats 0.6.0. The latest Cats version (at time of writing) is 0.9.0.

This is a major roadblock to using to using this library, as many other libraries depend on newer versions of Cats, causing incompatibilities among library dependencies.

Flattening nested case class in JSON Writes

I was able to flatten a nested case class in JSON using the form like ((__ \ "z").write[String] ~ aW)(unlift(B.unapply _)) (though it seems more intuitive to support __.write[A] ) but I can't figure out how to do it in the case that A is optional on B, like

case class A(x: Int, y: Int)
case class B(z: String, a: Option[A])

implicit val aW = To[JsObject] { __ =>
  ((__ \ "x").write[Int] ~
    (__ \ "y").write[Int]
    )(unlift(A.unapply _))

implicit val bW = To[JsObject] { __ =>
  ((__ \ "z").write[String] ~
    aW)(unlift(B.unapply _))

val b: B = B("baz", Some(A(11, 24)))
printf(Json.prettyPrint(To[B, JsObject](b)))
error: overloaded method value apply with alternatives:
  [B](f: B => (String, A))(implicit fu: play.api.libs.functional.ContravariantFunctor[[I][I,play.api.libs.json.JsObject]])[B,play.api.libs.json.JsObject] <and>
  [B](f: (String, A) => B)(implicit fu: play.api.libs.functional.Functor[[I][I,play.api.libs.json.JsObject]])[B,play.api.libs.json.JsObject]
 cannot be applied to (B => (String, Option[A]))
         ((__ \ "z").write[String] ~

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