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autocomplete.js's Introduction


This JavaScript library adds a fast and fully-featured auto-completion menu to your search box displaying results "as you type". It can easily be combined with Algolia's realtime search engine. The library is available as a jQuery plugin, an Angular.js directive or a standalone library.

build status NPM version Coverage Status jQuery Zepto.js Zepto.js

Browser tests

Table of Contents


  • Displays suggestions to end-users as they type
  • Shows top suggestion as a hint (i.e. background text)
  • Supports custom templates to allow for UI flexibility
  • Works well with RTL languages and input method editors
  • Triggers custom events


The autocomplete.js library must be included after jQuery, Zepto or Angular.js.

From a CDN

We recommend including it from a CDN:

<script src="//"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//<VERSION>/autocomplete.min.js"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="//<VERSION>/autocomplete.jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="//<VERSION>/autocomplete.angular.min.js"></script>

From Bower

bower install algolia-autocomplete.js -S

From the sources

Or you can fetch the sources:


You can find the builded version in dist/.


You can require it and use Browserify:

var autocomplete = require('autocomplete.js');


Quick Start

To turn any HTML <input /> into a simple and fast as-you-type auto-completion menu following one of the 2 next sections:

  1. Include autocomplete.min.js
  2. Initialize the auto-completion menu calling the autocomplete function
<input type="text" id="search-input" />

<!-- [ ... ] -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
  var client = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey')
  var index = client.initIndex('YourIndex');
  autocomplete('#search-input', { hint: false }, [
      source: autocomplete.sources.hits(index, { hitsPerPage: 5 }),
      displayKey: 'my_attribute',
      templates: {
        suggestion: function(suggestion) {
          return suggestion._highlightResult.my_attribute.value;
  ]).on('autocomplete:selected', function(event, suggestion, dataset) {
    console.log(suggestion, dataset);
With jQuery
  1. Include autocomplete.jquery.min.js after including jQuery
  2. Initialize the auto-completion menu calling the autocomplete jQuery plugin
<input type="text" id="search-input" />

<!-- [ ... ] -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
  var client = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey')
  var index = client.initIndex('YourIndex');
  $('#search-input').autocomplete({ hint: false }, [
      source: $.fn.autocomplete.sources.hits(index, { hitsPerPage: 5 }),
      displayKey: 'my_attribute',
      templates: {
        suggestion: function(suggestion) {
          return suggestion._highlightResult.my_attribute.value;
  ]).on('autocomplete:selected', function(event, suggestion, dataset) {
    console.log(suggestion, dataset);
With Angular.js
  1. Include autocomplete.angular.min.js after including jQuery & Angular.js
  2. Inject the algolia.autocomplete module
  3. Add the autocomplete, aa-datasets and the optional aa-options attribute to your search bar
<div ng-controller="yourController">
  <input type="text" id="search-input" autocomplete aa-datasets="getDatasets()" />

<!-- [ ... ] -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
  angular.module('myApp', ['algoliasearch', 'algolia.autocomplete'])
    .controller('yourController', ['$scope', 'algolia', function($scope, algolia) {
      var client = algolia.Client('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
      var index = client.initIndex('YourIndex');

      $scope.getDatasets = function() {
        return {
          source: algolia.sources.hits(index, { hitsPerPage: 5 }),
          displayKey: 'my_attribute',
          templates: {
            suggestion: function(suggestion) {
              return suggestion._highlightResult.my_attribute.value;

      $scope.$on('autocomplete:selected', function(event, suggestion, dataset) {
        console.log(suggestion, dataset);

Look and Feel

Below is a faux mustache template describing the DOM structure of an autocomplete dropdown menu. Keep in mind that header, footer, suggestion, and empty come from the provided templates detailed here.

<span class="aa-dropdown-menu{{#datasets}} aa-{{'with' or 'without'}}-{{name}}{{/datasets}}">
    <div class="aa-dataset-{{name}}">
      <span class="aa-suggestions">
          <div class="aa-suggestion">{{{suggestion}}}</div>

When an end-user mouses or keys over a .aa-suggestion, the class aa-cursor will be added to it. You can use this class as a hook for styling the "under cursor" state of suggestions.

Add the following CSS rules to add a default style:

.algolia-autocomplete {
  width: 100%;
.algolia-autocomplete .aa-input, .algolia-autocomplete .aa-hint {
  width: 100%;
.algolia-autocomplete .aa-hint {
  color: #999;
.algolia-autocomplete .aa-dropdown-menu {
  width: 100%;
  background-color: #fff;
  border: 1px solid #999;
  border-top: none;
.algolia-autocomplete .aa-dropdown-menu .aa-suggestion {
  cursor: pointer;
  padding: 5px 4px;
.algolia-autocomplete .aa-dropdown-menu .aa-suggestion.aa-cursor {
  background-color: #B2D7FF;
.algolia-autocomplete .aa-dropdown-menu .aa-suggestion em {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-style: normal;

Here is what the basic example looks like:

Basic example


When initializing an autocomplete, there are a number of options you can configure.

  • autoselect – If true, pressing <ENTER> in the search bar will automatically select the first suggestion.

  • hint – If false, the autocomplete will not show a hint. Defaults to true.

  • debug – If true, the autocomplete will not close on blur. Defaults to false.

  • openOnFocus – If true, the dropdown menu will open when the input is focused. Defaults to false.

  • templates – An optional hash overriding the default templates.

    • dropdownMenu – the dropdown menu template. The template should include all dataset placeholders.
    • header – the header to prepend to the dropdown menu
    • footer – the footer to append to the dropdown menu
<script type="text/template" id="my-custom-menu-template">
  <div class="my-custom-menu">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="aa-dataset-d1"></div>
      <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="aa-dataset-d2"></div>
        <div class="aa-dataset-d3"></div>

      templates: {
        dropdownMenu: '#my-custom-menu-template',
        footer: '<div class="branding">Powered by <img src="" /></div>'
        source: $.fn.autocomplete.sources.hits(index1, { hitsPerPage: 5 }),
        name: 'd1',
        templates: {
          header: '<h4>List 1</h4>',
          suggestion: function(suggestion) {
            // FIXME
        source: $.fn.autocomplete.sources.hits(index2, { hitsPerPage: 2 }),
        name: 'd2',
        templates: {
          header: '<h4>List 2</h4>',
          suggestion: function(suggestion) {
            // FIXME
        source: $.fn.autocomplete.sources.hits(index3, { hitsPerPage: 2 }),
        name: 'd3',
        templates: {
          header: '<h4>List 3</h4>',
          suggestion: function(suggestion, answer) {
            // FIXME
  • minLength – The minimum character length needed before suggestions start getting rendered. Defaults to 1.


An autocomplete is composed of one or more datasets. When an end-user modifies the value of the underlying input, each dataset will attempt to render suggestions for the new value.

Datasets can be configured using the following options.

  • source – The backing data source for suggestions. Expected to be a function with the signature (query, cb). It is expected that the function will compute the suggestion set (i.e. an array of JavaScript objects) for query and then invoke cb with said set. cb can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously.

  • name – The name of the dataset. This will be appended to tt-dataset- to form the class name of the containing DOM element. Must only consist of underscores, dashes, letters (a-z), and numbers. Defaults to a random number.

  • displayKey – For a given suggestion object, determines the string representation of it. This will be used when setting the value of the input control after a suggestion is selected. Can be either a key string or a function that transforms a suggestion object into a string. Defaults to value.

  • templates – A hash of templates to be used when rendering the dataset. Note a precompiled template is a function that takes a JavaScript object as its first argument and returns a HTML string.

    • empty – Rendered when 0 suggestions are available for the given query. Can be either a HTML string or a precompiled template. The templating function is called with a context containing query, isEmpty, and any optional arguments that may have been forwarded by the source: function emptyTemplate({ query, isEmpty }, [forwarded args]).

    • footer– Rendered at the bottom of the dataset. Can be either a HTML string or a precompiled template. The templating function is called with a context containing query, isEmpty, and any optional arguments that may have been forwarded by the source: function footerTemplate({ query, isEmpty }, [forwarded args]).

    • header – Rendered at the top of the dataset. Can be either a HTML string or a precompiled template. The templating function is called with a context containing query, isEmpty, and any optional arguments that may have been forwarded by the source: function headerTemplate({ query, isEmpty }, [forwarded args]).

    • suggestion – Used to render a single suggestion. The templating function is called with the suggestion, and any optional arguments that may have been forwarded by the source: function suggestionTemplate(suggestion, [forwarded args]). Defaults to the value of displayKey wrapped in a p tag i.e. <p>{{value}}</p>.


A few helpers are provided by default to ease the creation of Algolia-based sources.


To build a source based on Algolia's hits array, just use:

  source: autocomplete.sources.hits(indexObj, { hitsPerPage: 2 }),
  templates: {
    suggestion: function(suggestion, answer) {
      // FIXME
PopularIn (aka "xxxxx in yyyyy")

To build an Amazon-like autocomplete menu, suggesting popular queries and for the most popular one displaying the associated categories, you can use the popularIn source:

  source: autocomplete.sources.popularIn(popularQueriesIndexObj, { hitsPerPage: 3 }, {
    source: 'sourceAttribute',           // attribute of the `popularQueries` index use to query the `index` index
    index: productsIndexObj,             // targeted index
    facets: 'facetedCategoryAttribute',  // facet used to enrich the most popular query
    maxValuesPerFacet: 3                 // maximum number of facets returned
  }, {
    includeAll: true,                    // should it include an extra "All department" suggestion
    allTitle: 'All departments'          // the included category label
  templates: {
    suggestion: function(suggestion, answer) {
      var value = suggestion.sourceAttribute;
      if (suggestion.facet) {
        // this is the first suggestion
        // and it has been enriched with the matching facet
        value += ' in ' + suggestion.facet.value + ' (' + suggestion.facet.count + ')';
      return value;
Advanced use

The source options can also take a function. It enables you to have more control of the results returned by Algolia search. The function function(query, callback) takes 2 parameters

  • query: String: the text typed in the autocomplete
  • callback: Function: the callback to call at the end of your processing
var hitsSource = autocomplete.sources.hits(index, { hitsPerPage: 5 });

templates: {
  source: function(query, callback) {
    hitsSource(query, function(suggestions) {
        //Do stuff with the array of returned suggestions

Custom Events

The autocomplete component triggers the following custom events.

  • autocomplete:opened – Triggered when the dropdown menu of the autocomplete is opened.

  • autocomplete:closed – Triggered when the dropdown menu of the autocomplete is closed.

  • autocomplete:cursorchanged – Triggered when the dropdown menu cursor is moved to a different suggestion. The event handler will be invoked with 3 arguments: the jQuery event object, the suggestion object, and the name of the dataset the suggestion belongs to.

  • autocomplete:selected – Triggered when a suggestion from the dropdown menu is selected. The event handler will be invoked with 3 arguments: the jQuery event object, the suggestion object, and the name of the dataset the suggestion belongs to.

  • autocomplete:autocompleted – Triggered when the query is autocompleted. Autocompleted means the query was changed to the hint. The event handler will be invoked with 3 arguments: the jQuery event object, the suggestion object, and the name of the dataset the suggestion belongs to.

All custom events are triggered on the element initialized as the autocomplete.


jQuery#autocomplete(options, [*datasets])

Turns any input[type="text"] element into an auto-completion menu. options is an options hash that's used to configure the autocomplete to your liking. Refer to Options for more info regarding the available configs. Subsequent arguments (*datasets), are individual option hashes for datasets. For more details regarding datasets, refer to Datasets.

  minLength: 3
  name: 'my-dataset',
  source: mySource

Removes the autocomplete functionality and reverts the input element back to its original state.


Opens the dropdown menu of the autocomplete. Note that being open does not mean that the menu is visible. The menu is only visible when it is open and has content.


Closes the dropdown menu of the autocomplete.


Returns the current value of the autocomplete. The value is the text the user has entered into the input element.

var myVal = $('.search-input').autocomplete('val');
jQuery#autocomplete('val', val)

Sets the value of the autocomplete. This should be used in place of jQuery#val.

$('.search-input').autocomplete('val', myVal);

Returns a reference to the autocomplete plugin and reverts jQuery.fn.autocomplete to its previous value. Can be used to avoid naming collisions.

var autocomplete = jQuery.fn.autocomplete.noConflict();
jQuery.fn._autocomplete = autocomplete;

Standalone version

The standalone version API is similiar to jQuery's:

var search = autocomplete('#search', { hint: false }, [{
  source: autocomplete.sources.hits(index, { hitsPerPage: 5 }
search.autocomplete.setVal('Hey Jude');

You can also pass a custom Typeahead instance in Autocomplete.js constructor:

var search = autocomplete('#search', { hint: false}, [{ ... }], new Typeahead({ ... }));

You can always interact with Typeahead object by using the typeahead property:



To start developing, you can use the following commands:

$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ open http://localhost:8888/test/playground.html

Linting is done with eslint and Algolia's configuration and can be run with:

$ npm run lint


Unit tests are written using Jasmine and ran with Karma. Integration tests are using Mocha and Saucelabs.

To run the unit tests suite run:

$ npm test

To run the integration tests suite run:

$ npm run build
$ npm run server
$ ngrok 8888
$ TEST_HOST= SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_KEY SAUCE_USERNAME=YOUR_USERNAME./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha --harmony -R spec ./test/integration/test.js


This library has originally been forked from Twitter's typeahead.js library.

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