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bgent's Introduction


A flexible, scalable and customizable agent for production apps. Comes with batteries-including database, deployment and examples using Supabase and Cloudflare.


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  • 🛠 Simple and extensible
  • 🎨 Customizable to your use case
  • 📚 Easily ingest and interact with your documents
  • 💾 Retrievable memory and document store
  • ☁️ Serverless architecture
  • 🚀 Deployable in minutes at scale with Cloudflare
  • 👥 Multi-agent and room support
  • 🎯 Goal-directed behavior
  • 📦 Comes with ready-to-deploy examples

What can I use it for?

  • 🤖 Chatbots
  • 🕵️ Autonomous Agents
  • 📈 Business process handling
  • 🎮 Video game NPCs

Try the agent

npx bgent


Currently bgent is dependent on Supabase for local development. You can install it with the following command:

npm install bgent

# Select your database adapter
npm install sqlite-vss better-sqlite3 # for sqlite (simple, for local development)
npm install @supabase/supabase-js # for supabase (more complicated but can be deployed at scale)

Set up environment variables

You will need a Supbase account, as well as an OpenAI developer account.

Copy and paste the .dev.vars.example to .dev.vars and fill in the environment variables:


SQLite Local Setup (Easiest)

You can use SQLite for local development. This is the easiest way to get started with bgent.

import { BgentRuntime, SqliteDatabaseAdapter } from "bgent";
import { Database } from "sqlite3";
const sqliteDatabaseAdapter = new SqliteDatabaseAdapter(new Database(":memory:"));

const runtime = new BgentRuntime({
  serverUrl: "",
  token: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY, // Can be an API key or JWT token for your AI services
  databaseAdapter: sqliteDatabaseAdapter,
  // ... other options

Supabase Local Setup

First, you will need to install the Supabase CLI. You can install it using the instructions here.

Once you have the CLI installed, you can run the following commands to set up a local Supabase instance:

supabase init
supabase start

You can now start the bgent project with npm run dev and it will connect to the local Supabase instance by default.

NOTE: You will need Docker installed for this to work. If that is an issue for you, use the Supabase Cloud Setup instructions instead below).

Supabase Cloud Setup

This library uses Supabase as a database. You can set up a free account at and create a new project.

  • Step 1: On the Subase All Projects Dashboard, select “New Project”.
  • Step 2: Select the organization to store the new project in, assign a database name, password and region.
  • Step 3: Select “Create New Project”.
  • Step 4: Wait for the database to setup. This will take a few minutes as supabase setups various directories.
  • Step 5: Select the “SQL Editor” tab from the left navigation menu.
  • Step 6: Copy in your own SQL dump file or optionally use the provided file in the bgent directory at: "src/supabase/db.sql". Note: You can use the command "supabase db dump" if you have a pre-exisiting supabase database to generate the SQL dump file.
  • Step 7: Paste the SQL code into the SQL Editor and hit run in the bottom right.
  • Step 8: Select the “Databases” tab from the left navigation menu to verify all of the tables have been added properly.

Once you've set up your Supabase project, you can find your API key by going to the "Settings" tab and then "API". You will need to set the SUPABASE_URL and SUPABASE_SERVICE_API_KEY environment variables in your .dev.vars file.

Local Model Setup

While bgent uses ChatGPT 3.5 by default, you can use a local model by setting the serverUrl to a local endpoint. The LocalAI project is a great way to run a local model with a compatible API endpoint.

const runtime = new BgentRuntime({
  serverUrl: process.env.LOCALAI_URL,
  token: process.env.LOCALAI_TOKEN, // Can be an API key or JWT token for your AI service
  // ... other options


npm run dev # start the server
npm run shell # start the shell in another terminal to talk to the default agent


import { BgentRuntime, SupabaseDatabaseAdapter, SqliteDatabaseAdapter } from "bgent";

const sqliteDatabaseAdapter = new SqliteDatabaseAdapter(new Database(":memory:"));

// You can also use Supabase like this
// const supabaseDatabaseAdapter = new SupabaseDatabaseAdapter(
//   process.env.SUPABASE_URL,
//   process.env.SUPABASE_SERVICE_API_KEY)
//   ;

const runtime = new BgentRuntime({
  serverUrl: "",
  token: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY, // Can be an API key or JWT token for your AI services
  databaseAdapter: sqliteDatabaseAdapter,
  actions: [
    /* your custom actions */
  evaluators: [
    /* your custom evaluators */
  model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", // whatever model you want to use
  embeddingModel: "text-embedding-3-small", // whatever model you want to use

Custom Actions

Bgent is customized through actions and evaluators. Actions are functions that are called when a user input is received, and evaluators are functions that are called when a condition is met at the end of a conversation turn.

An example of an action is wait (the agent should stop and wait for the user to respond) or elaborate (the agent should elaborate and write another message in the conversation).

An example of a evaluator is fact (the agent should summarize the conversation so far).

import { wait, fact } from "bgent";

const runtime = new BgentRuntime({
  // ... other options
  actions: [wait],
  evaluators: [fact],

// OR you can register actions and evaluators after the runtime has been created

Custom Data Sources

If you want to add custom data into the context that is sent to the LLM, you can create a Provider and add it to the runtime.

import { type BgentRuntime, type Message, type Provider, type State } from "bgent";

const time: Provider = {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
  get: async (_runtime: BgentRuntime, _message: Message, _state?: State) => {
    const currentTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString("en-US");
    return "The current time is: " + currentTime;

const runtime = new BgentRuntime({
  // ... other options
  providers: [time],

Handling User Input

The BgentRuntime instance has a handleMessage method that can be used to handle user input. The method returns a promise that resolves to the agent's response.

You will need to make sure that the room_id already exists in the database. You can use the Supabase client to create new users and rooms if necessary.

const message = {
  user_id: "user-uuid", // Replace with the sender's UUID
  content: { content: content }, // The message content
  room_id: "room-uuid", // Replace with the room's UUID
const response = await bgentRuntime.handleMessage(message);
console.log("Agent response:", response);

Example Agents

There are two examples which are set up for cloudflare in src/agents

  • The simple example is a simple agent that can be deployed to cloudflare workers
  • The cj example is a more complex agent that has the ability to introduce users to each other. This agent is also deployable to cloudflare workers, and is the default agent in Cojourney.

An external example of an agent is the afbot Aframe Discord Bot, which is a discord bot that uses bgent as a backend. You can find it here.

Deploy to Cloudflare

To deploy an agent to Cloudflare, you can run npm run deploy -- this will by default deploy the cj agent. To deploy your own agent, see the afbot example.

API Documentation

Complete API documentation is available at

Contributions Welcome

This project is made by people like you. No contribution is too small. We welcome your input and support. Please file an issue if you notice something that needs to be resolved, or join us on Discord to discuss working with us on fixes and new features.

bgent's People


aqeelaqeel avatar beaudjango avatar blinkalliance avatar callmephilip avatar lalalune avatar sshivaditya avatar utf94 avatar


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bgent's Issues

Easy database setup and handling

Right now the database setup is not clear, so making a new agent with bgent is confusing.

  • Set up supabase local (see other issues)
  • Docs for setting up a new Supabase cloud instance
  • automate and save scripts for dumping and syncing

Add rate limiting to runAiTest

Right now we are 503ing on the tests because they are blasting too fast. We need to rate limit somewhat so we don't get crushed.

Blank out message for IGNORE, send and record

For IGNORE actions, we should not send the message to the user, and we should blank out the content or format appropriately for context. We should remove these ignore messages from the script if it makes sense.

Embedding caching

Embeddings cost money, and 20-30% of them are probably repeats of obvious things, like "hey whats up" (in the case of a memory embedding).

When inserting embeddings, do a check to see if there are any rows where the string is the same. Bonus points for levenstein distance check to string similarity. Then if that row returns and has a vector, use it instead of making a new vector.

Improve test success rate

Right now our tests are not so great. We are scoring 50% on some.

To test, run 'npm run test'.

Here are the latest benchmarks

    "testName": "Extract programmer and startup facts",
    "attempts": 4,
    "successful": 3,
    "successRate": 75
    "testName": "Extract married fact, ignoring known facts",
    "attempts": 4,
    "successful": 3,
    "successRate": 75
    "testName": "Run the evaluation process",
    "attempts": 4,
    "successful": 2,
    "successRate": 50
    "testName": "Expect ignore",
    "attempts": 4,
    "successful": 3,
    "successRate": 75
    "testName": "Test validate function response",
    "attempts": 4,
    "successful": 1,
    "successRate": 25

We should try to get all of these to 100.

Make sure all tests are cleaning up

Right now tests are not cleaning up properly, and leave some junk in the database. We should make sure that this is all cleaned up to maintain reliable testing.

Add "Concepts" to docs

We employ a few concepts -- actions, evaluators, providers, context-- that might not be clear to people. We should clearly explain what these are and how they work in the documentation.

Global Settings + User Data

We want to hold state data about users that is specific to an agent but broad for them across all channels.

A good example is credits. Creating a whole table for this isn't great and doesn't scale. A flexible JSON store can be used by many different plugins.

  • Implement this
  • Migrate "credits" to this

"Introduce" action

Add the introduce action

  • search for most likely in rolodex
  • make connection
  • add / test rolodex handling of people
  • add profiles for other users
  • perform search for users based on descrpitinos
  • if a user gets introduces, put it in the chat stream as Agent introduced User to UserB
  • add test conditions where introduction should be made
  • add test conditions where introduction should fail
  • introduce condition check
    • user has completed ftu goals
    • user has sent > 30 messages

"Lore" handling

Most agents need to have specific knowledge about their use case. We call this "lore" -- it could be game lore, or it could be the docs for your repo, or the business information for your company.

  • Add easy way to split documents and upload lore
  • Add lore search to context
  • Add lore examples for Cojourney agent and auto-seeding

Add timestampts to facts

One of the features of bgent is that there is a facts evaluator, which derives facts from the conversation. Recent facts are recalled, along with "relevant" facts -- i.e. facts that in some way relate to the current conversation.

Facts should have timestamp, timestamp should be turned into X minutes ago, X hours ago, X days ago

We should create a set of functions (or find a library) that turns time information into semantic info. For example, "3 days ago".

For display facts, we should try to not polute with too much "3 days ago", but sort the facts by date and have one header for each day, or "last month", or whatever looks clean and makes sense.

  • Add functions to convert timestamp to "x minutes/days/weeks/months ago" (probably a library on npm for this)
  • Add this to the formatting of facts that are returned
  • Test this with facts to verify that relevant facts from long ago are indeed brought up

Update providers, evaluators and actions to make sure they are optimized for validation

We want to run things as minimally as possible. We should make sure our validation is working and not providing too many LLM options or causing LLM calls when we only have one option.

This is related to #14 -- possibly duplicate, but the important part here is that our providers, actions and evaluators are also not forcing a composeState unless they need new state, or are retrieving new state they need and adding it to the existing state object.

Add temperature

Currently we don't have a temperature argument for AI completions. We should add this argument for OpenAI for now. Soon we will abstract this to a model provider.

const response = await runtime.completion({
temperature // add this

Discord.js Example - Eliza

We have a Discord interactions handler bot, but we want a Discord.js bot example running

  • Deploy to AWS on a free EC2 instance with CI/CD
  • Create Github example project
  • Make sure lore is properly consumed from base docs in CI/CD
  • Add Elevenlabs voice integration and joining / leaving voice channels
  • Implement "introduce" and "rolodex" with discord users
  • Behavior and configurability for running in channels
  • DM handling
  • Algorithm to make the agent not annoying

MongoDB Adapter

Right now we are tied to Supabase. We should also offer a Mongo option.

  • Add Firebase adapter
  • Add docs for quickstart locally
  • Integrate and test with vector search

Local model support

Right now we're focused on ChatGPT to get going, but LocalLlama support would be great. If we can just script that, awesome.

bgent Internet Computer example

We want to demonstrate bgent running on-chain. We have a cloudflare worker version, which has a similar state pattern. However, our agent is currently tied to supabase.

This kind of relies on these:

The final output is an agent running in a canister on the Internet Computer using Azle and bgent. We should be able to converse with the agent, and the agent should be able to perform search / RAG on documents.

Fix RLS rules

Right now RLS is disabled on some of the tables. This is because we are calling postgres triggers which are not properly passing the authentication down, or the place it is being passed from is not right.

We need to look at how to fix the RLS rules so that we have strict RLS on everything.

This especially affects account creation.

Optimize state handling and passing

Right now we are re-composing state a lot, or making database calls for the same state multiple times in parallel.

We could optimize our performance and exec time by caching state with a system that ensures that we always have the latest cache.

Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 3 36 33 AM

composeState queries actors, events, facts, conversation, etc. It will only be altered by the addition of new messages. Most functions have an optional state input, but some of these are not set up properly and make compose the state again anyways.

It's important that on elaborate and in the space between the user's message being saved and the agent responding that we update the conversation history and any other necessary state as needed locally while passing the state object through.

Condition Statuses

conditions are messages that can be placed in the context, with no additional action etc. they are evaluated every run
- user can introduce status, using introduce condition check
- should be flexible enough to think about user payment status conditions

  • give agent awareness of current time

ModelProvider abstraction

We should abstract our completion and embedding to handle different model providers, not just OpenAI.

  • Move OpenAI to ModelProvider abstraction
  • Add and mistral example

Supabase local and supabase sync

Right now it's kind of hard to set up a new instance, because the supabase stuff doesn't have a clear sync, and can't be run locally without a cloud setup (even though that's free.

  • Add supabase CLI tool and integration
  • Sync current tables, functions, triggers, types and seeds from the current DB
  • Process and documentation to population new supabase local instance
  • Process and documentation for syncing new Supabase cloud instance

"Rolodex" provider

Add the rolodex provider. Should provider the most relevant users based on the profile of the current user.

Threshold testing

Right now some of the tests are flaky. A good example is data extraction. Instead of a single test, we should have a best-of-N testing setup for any AI responses with several evaluation points.

We can store individual responses (for example, the details extract returns name and gender but not age) as well as overall success rates.

We can't expect 100% success rate but having some benchmark or gradient for testing would make prompt engineering viable and far more efficient.

Evaluators override default evaluators

Right now there is no way to turn off reflection evaluation. We should make the evaluators field override this so that we can make bots that don't run evaluate.

Move supabase to adapter

We shouldn't be tied to Supabase. Could also use something like Chroma for quick, just-works local deployment. And mongo people might want that. Swapping in a db adapter seems like the right call.

  • Move all supabase calls into SupabaseDBClient adapter with generic functions
  • Make all functions extend a base DBClient class
  • Inject SupabaseDBClient into BgentRuntime instance

Design is kinda ugly, needs design and mobile responsive cleanup

Improve logger

Right now we have a logger but it's... meh.

  • Make sure logger.log looks nice with a nice frame, right now a little janky
  • Make sure colors work and look nice everywhere
  • logger.db should write to logs table
  • logger.file should write a file to the logs folder with a filename value
  • Migrate existing calls to logs

"Provider" abstraction

We need some way to arbitrarily allow the user to add state data to their agent.

This can relate to our idea of "statuses" -- we need providers to inject context in at generation time.

This should inject into the state object and then get injected into the main context.

Cap tokens in conversation

Right now its pretty hard to max conversation length, but possible. We should add caps to prevent massive conversations and spam. We should also probably cap input length.

Implement goals

Right now goals are half-implemented and not fully functional. This is one of the last pre-release alpha features we need for our first goal directed agents to be... goal directed.

  • finish implementation
  • add update goal action
  • add update objective action
  • add examples
  • add tests

Sqlite + Sqlite VSS Adapter

Right now we are tied to Supabase. We want a local build option that isn't so tied into it

  • Abstract Supabase adapter
  • Add a sqlite db adapter
  • Add docs for quickstart locally
  • Make developer experience for getting started ideal with sqlite, i.e. no db setup at all

Kinda needs this: #4

Firebase Adapter

Right now we are tied to Supabase. We should also offer a Firebase option.

  • Add Firebase adapter
  • Add docs for setup
  • Integrate and test with Google Vertex AI extension

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