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asyncbolt's Introduction


asyncbolt⚡ is an implementation of the Neo4j Bolt client/server protocol for Python Asyncio.

The asyncbolt.session.ClientSession object aims to be fully compatible with Neo4j (or any other server that speaks Bolt), but it won't provide a fully featured Neo4j client.

  • Python >= 3.6
  • 0 dependencies

Example use

Install with pip:

$ comingsoon



Using the client is easy. The following example uses Neo4j.

Get the server, unpack, and cd:

$ wget
$ tar xvf neo4j-community-3.3.1-unix.tar.gz
$ cd neo4j-community-3.3.1/

Fire it up:

$ bin/neo4j start

Typically, you will want to use some kind of authorization with the server. asyncbolt.BoltClientProtocol doesn't support authentication out of the box, but it is easy to create a subclass that does:

import asyncio
import asyncbolt

class Neo4jBoltClientProtocol(asyncbolt.BoltClientProtocol):

    def __init__(self, loop, *, username=None, password=None):
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

    def get_init_params(self):
        return 'AsyncBolt/1.0', {"scheme": "basic", "principal": self.username, "credentials": self.password}

The methods __init__ and get_init_params are basically the only methods inheriting protocols need implement, as authorization will typically be the only difference between server implementations, at least from the client's perspective.

Use asyncbolt.connect to create an asyncbolt.ClientSession instance, passing the custom protocol class, and its kwargs:

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

client = await connect('tcp://localhost:7687', loop,
                       username='neo4j', password='password')
async for msg in"RETURN 1 AS num", {}):
# ClientResponse(fields=[1], metadata={'result_available_after': 0, 'fields': ['num']}, eof=False)

If you are interested in extra metadata sent by the Neo4j server be sure to set the get_eof kwarg to True when calling the run method. For example, when you want to use query profiling/explanation:

async for msg in"EXPLAIN RETURN 1 AS num",  {}, get_eof=True):
#    fields=None,
#    metadata={'result_consumed_after': 0,
#              'type': 'r',
#              'plan': {'args': {'runtime': 'INTERPRETED',
#                                'planner-impl': 'IDP',
#                                'runtime-impl': 'INTERPRETED',
#                                'version': 'CYPHER 3.3',
#                                'EstimatedRows': 1.0,
#                                'planner': 'COST'}, 
#                      'children': [
#                        {'args': {'EstimatedRows': 1.0, 'Expressions': '{num : {  AUTOINT0}}'},
#                         'children': [], 'identifiers': ['num'], 'operatorType': 'Projection'}],
#                      'identifiers': ['num'], 'operatorType': 'ProduceResults'}},
#    eof=True)

The asyncbolt.ClientSession object appears to communicate fluently with the Neo4j Server. The script implements some of the examples from the Bolt protocol homepage. It can be run as follows.

Clone this repo, cd, and run:

$ git clone
$ cd asyncbolt
$ python

This script sets logging to debug and produces the following output:

Simulating the examples from the Bolt documentation...

Connection made to: ('', 7687)
Sending handshake with version info: b'\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
Using Bolt protocol version b'\x00\x00\x00\x01'

Writing message to transport

Data received:

Client session initialized with server metadata:

{'server': 'Neo4j/3.3.1'}

Running a Cypher query...

Pipelining statement and params:

Pipelining PULL_ALL

Writing message to transport
'b'\x00\x13\xb2\x10\x8fRETURN 1 AS num\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0?\x00\x00''

Data received:

Client received message: 

ClientResponse(fields=[1], metadata={'result_available_after': 0, 'fields': ['num']}, eof=False)


Pipelining statement and params:

Pipelining PULL_ALL

Pipelining statement and params:

Pipelining PULL_ALL

Writing message to transport
'b'\x00\x13\xb2\x10\x8fRETURN 1 AS num\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0?\x00\x00\x00\x13\xb2\x10\x8fRETURN 1 AS num\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0?\x00\x00''

Data received:

Client received message: 

ClientResponse(fields=[1], metadata={'result_available_after': 0, 'fields': ['num']}, eof=False)

Client received message: 

ClientResponse(fields=[1], metadata={'result_available_after': 0, 'fields': ['num']}, eof=False)

Error handling with Reset...

Pipelining statement and params:
This will cause a syntax error

Pipelining PULL_ALL

Writing message to transport
'b'\x00#\xb2\x10\xd0\x1eThis will cause a syntax error\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0?\x00\x00''

Data received:
b'\x00\x9e\xb1\x7f\xa2\x84code\xd0%Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError\x87message\xd0eInvalid input \'T\': expected <init> (line 1, column 1 (offset: 0))\n"This will cause a syntax error"\n ^\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0~\x00\x00'

Writing message to transport

Data received:

Client raised exception: 

Server failed. Reset with '15'

Accessing basic result metadata...

Pipelining statement and params:

Pipelining PULL_ALL

Writing message to transport
'b'\x00\r\xb2\x10\x89CREATE ()\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0?\x00\x00''

Data received:

Client received message: 

ClientResponse(fields=None, metadata={'stats': {'nodes-created': 1}, 'result_consumed_after': 0, 'type': 'w'}, eof=True)

Explaining and profiling a query...

Pipelining statement and params:

Pipelining PULL_ALL

Writing message to transport
'b'\x00\x1c\xb2\x10\xd0\x17EXPLAIN RETURN 1 AS num\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0?\x00\x00''

Data received:
b'\x00(\xb1p\xa2\xd0\x16result_available_after\x00\x86fields\x91\x83num\x00\x00\x01M\xb1p\xa3\xd0\x15result_consumed_after\x00\x84type\x81r\x84plan\xa4\x84args\xa6\x87runtime\x8bINTERPRETED\x8cplanner-impl\x83IDP\x8cruntime-impl\x8bINTERPRETED\x87version\x8aCYPHER 3.3\x8dEstimatedRows\xc1?\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x87planner\x84COST\x88children\x91\xa4\x84args\xa2\x8dEstimatedRows\xc1?\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8bExpressions\xd0\x14{num : {  AUTOINT0}}\x88children\x90\x8bidentifiers\x91\x83num\x8coperatorType\x8aProjection\x8bidentifiers\x91\x83num\x8coperatorType\x8eProduceResults\x00\x00'

Client received message: 

ClientResponse(fields=None, metadata={'result_consumed_after': 0, 'type': 'r', 'plan': {'args': {'runtime': 'INTERPRETED', 'planner-impl': 'IDP', 'runtime-impl': 'INTERPRETED', 'version': 'CYPHER 3.3', 'EstimatedRows': 1.0, 'planner': 'COST'}, 'children': [{'args': {'EstimatedRows': 1.0, 'Expressions': '{num : {  AUTOINT0}}'}, 'children': [], 'identifiers': ['num'], 'operatorType': 'Projection'}], 'identifiers': ['num'], 'operatorType': 'ProduceResults'}}, eof=True)

Accessing notifications...

Pipelining statement and params:

Pipelining PULL_ALL

Writing message to transport
'b'\x00\'\xb2\x10\xd0"EXPLAIN MATCH (n), (m) RETURN n, m\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0?\x00\x00''

Data received:
b'\x00(\xb1p\xa2\xd0\x16result_available_after\x00\x86fields\x92\x81n\x81m\x00\x00\x04X\xb1p\xa4\xd0\x15result_consumed_after\x00\x84type\x81r\x84plan\xa4\x84args\xa6\x87runtime\x8bINTERPRETED\x8cplanner-impl\x83IDP\x8cruntime-impl\x8bINTERPRETED\x87version\x8aCYPHER 3.3\x8dEstimatedRows\xc1?\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x87planner\x84COST\x88children\x91\xa4\x84args\xa1\x8dEstimatedRows\xc1?\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x88children\x92\xa4\x84args\xa1\x8dEstimatedRows\xc1?\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x88children\x90\x8bidentifiers\x91\x81n\x8coperatorType\x8cAllNodesScan\xa4\x84args\xa1\x8dEstimatedRows\xc1?\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x88children\x90\x8bidentifiers\x91\x81m\x8coperatorType\x8cAllNodesScan\x8bidentifiers\x92\x81m\x81n\x8coperatorType\xd0\x10CartesianProduct\x8bidentifiers\x92\x81m\x81n\x8coperatorType\x8eProduceResults\x8dnotifications\x91\xa5\x88severity\x87WARNING\x8bdescription\xd1\x01\xa9If a part of a query contains multiple disconnected patterns, this will build a cartesian product between all those parts. This may produce a large amount of data and slow down query processing. While occasionally intended, it may often be possible to reformulate the query that avoids the use of this cross product, perhaps by adding a relationship between the different parts or by using OPTIONAL MATCH (identifier is: (m))\x84code\xd08Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.CartesianProductWarning\x88position\xa3\x86offset\x08\x86column\t\x84line\x01\x85title\xd0DThis query builds a cartesian product between disconnected patterns.\x00\x00'

Client received message: 

ClientResponse(fields=None, metadata={'result_consumed_after': 0, 'type': 'r', 'plan': {'args': {'runtime': 'INTERPRETED', 'planner-impl': 'IDP', 'runtime-impl': 'INTERPRETED', 'version': 'CYPHER 3.3', 'EstimatedRows': 1.0, 'planner': 'COST'}, 'children': [{'args': {'EstimatedRows': 1.0}, 'children': [{'args': {'EstimatedRows': 1.0}, 'children': [], 'identifiers': ['n'], 'operatorType': 'AllNodesScan'}, {'args': {'EstimatedRows': 1.0}, 'children': [], 'identifiers': ['m'], 'operatorType': 'AllNodesScan'}], 'identifiers': ['m', 'n'], 'operatorType': 'CartesianProduct'}], 'identifiers': ['m', 'n'], 'operatorType': 'ProduceResults'}, 'notifications': [{'severity': 'WARNING', 'description': 'If a part of a query contains multiple disconnected patterns, this will build a cartesian product between all those parts. This may produce a large amount of data and slow down query processing. While occasionally intended, it may often be possible to reformulate the query that avoids the use of this cross product, perhaps by adding a relationship between the different parts or by using OPTIONAL MATCH (identifier is: (m))', 'code': 'Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.CartesianProductWarning', 'position': {'offset': 8, 'column': 9, 'line': 1}, 'title': 'This query builds a cartesian product between disconnected patterns.'}]}, eof=True)

Get somes nodes...

Pipelining statement and params:

Pipelining PULL_ALL

Writing message to transport
'b'\x00\x17\xb2\x10\xd0\x12MATCH (n) RETURN n\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0?\x00\x00''

Data received:

Client received message: ClientResponse(fields=[Node(signature=78, nodeIdentity=0, labels=[], properties={})], metadata={'result_available_after': 0, 'fields': ['n']}, eof=False)
Client received message: ClientResponse(fields=[Node(signature=78, nodeIdentity=1, labels=[], properties={})], metadata={'result_available_after': 0, 'fields': ['n']}, eof=False)
Client received message: ClientResponse(fields=[Node(signature=78, nodeIdentity=2, labels=[], properties={})], metadata={'result_available_after': 0, 'fields': ['n']}, eof=False)
Client received message: ClientResponse(fields=[Node(signature=78, nodeIdentity=3, labels=[], properties={})], metadata={'result_available_after': 0, 'fields': ['n']}, eof=False)
Client received message: ClientResponse(fields=[Node(signature=78, nodeIdentity=4, labels=[], properties={})], metadata={'result_available_after': 0, 'fields': ['n']}, eof=False)

Reset session...

Writing message to transport

Data received:

Client received message: 

ClientResponse(fields=['Successfully reset sever session'], metadata={}, eof=True)

Finished in 0.018699501997616608


As you can see, asyncbolt using pipelining by default. Users can also choose to pipeline multiple message together. Done properly, this can result in huge performance gains.


Custom Client Protocols (subclassing asyncbolt.BoltClientProtocol)


Subclassing asyncbolt.ServerSession

Subclassing asyncbolt.BoltServerProtocol


'asyncbolt' needs a lot of work. Contributions are welcome.

  • Tests, tests, tests (Neo4j, buffers, etc., etc.)
  • Improve buffer implementation/testing
  • Profiling and optimization (Cython/C extensions)
  • CI
  • Docs...? The idea is that need for documentation is minimal...
  • Much, much, more...

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