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php_probe_implant's Introduction

php_probe_implant 1.0-3 by J. Mertin -- [email protected]

Purpose: Implants the php-probe to report to a APMIA Agent


Image description

This image build kit creates an image containing the PHP remote agent probe to be implanted into a PHP application pod at start-time.
The implant process does not require the PHP application image to be modified upfront.
The Entrypoint subjugation method is being used.

Implant the probe - kubernetes

For kubernetes, the initContainers method will be used.
Note, to implant the probe, the image first needs to be built. Please see the build section for details.

It has the advantage that one can deploy the probe also in environment where one uses more than 1 replica (concurrent applications).

3 sections to the original yaml deployment file are required

  1. initContainers: provides the snippet on where to download the php_probe_implant image and what to execute. We will retain the /opt/apmia volume to be the mountpoath for the probe.

  2. containers:

    • env: To configure the probe deployment at deployment-time, we need to set the appropriate variables. See the "Available options" section for all.
      Note: absolutely important is the ENTRYPOINT of the original application. If that one is not defined, the probe-installer cannot hand over control of the pod to the actual application.
    • command: The actual application image needs to use the entrypoint command provided by the php-probe image in its new location (note the change in the path compared to the path in the initContainer definition).
    • volumeMounts: We need to use the same path as the initContainers declaration. Here /opt/apmia
  3. volumes: Is just the glue between the 2 volumeMounts declarations perviously done. Means, as long as one of the 2 pods is still active, that directory remains.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: rainloop
  namespace: rainloop
  replicas: 1
      app: rainloop-app
    type: Recreate
        app: rainloop-app
        deployment: prod
 >    initContainers:
 >    - name: php-probe
 >      image: bcp/php_probe_implant:
 >      imagePullPolicy: ""
 >      command: ["/opt/data/"]
 >      volumeMounts:
 >      - mountPath: /opt/apmia
 >        name: php-probe
      - env:
>       - name: PHP_DEPLOY
>         value: "true"
>       - name: PHP_APPNAME
>         value: rainloop-app
>         value: rainloop
>       - name: PHP_IAHOST
>         value:
>       - name: PHP_IAPORT
>         value: "5005"
>       - name: PHP_LOGDIR
>         value: /var/log/wily
>       - name: PHP_WWWMODE
>         value: "www-data"
>       - name: ENTRYPOINT
>         value: "/"
        image: bcp/rainloop:prod
>       command: ["/opt/apmia/"]
        imagePullPolicy: "Always"
        name: rainloop
        resources: {}
>       - mountPath: /opt/apmia
>         name: php-probe
        - mountPath: /rainloop/data
          name: rainloop-data-nfs-volume
      restartPolicy: Always
      serviceAccountName: rainloop-serviceaccount
>     - name: php-probe
      - name: rainloop-data-nfs-volume
          claimName: rainloop-data-nfs-claim
status: {}

Note: The mountPath needs to be in both VolumeMounts sections (initContainers and containers). It will be required only once in the "volumes" section.

Implant the probe - docker-compose

Note, to implant the probe, the image first needs to be built. Please see the build section for details. The following explanation will base itself on the below docker-compose.yml snippet.

The example below shows how to add the php-probe to rainloop, a webmailer based on php.
The original application is loaded per the below snippet in docker-compose:

    container_name: rainloop
    restart: always
      - /home/prodadm/docker/rainloop/data:/rainloop/data

To implant the probe, we will modify that definition and add one passive volume as per the exmple below:

  # rainloop web-mailer
    image: bcp/rainloop:prod
    container_name: rainloop
>   entrypoint: /opt/apmia/
>   depends_on:
>     - php-probe-vol
>   environment:
>     - PHP_DEPLOY=true
>     - PHP_APPNAME=rainloop-app
>     - PHP_LOGDIR=/var/log
>     -
>     - PHP_IAPORT=5005
>     - PHP_WWWMODE=www-data
>     - ENTRYPOINT=/
    restart: always
      - /home/prodadm/docker/rainloop/data:/rainloop/data
>   volumes_from:
>     - php-probe-vol:rw   
> # Volume providing the PHP Probe to be implanted
> php-probe-vol:
>   image: bcp/php_probe_implant:
>   container_name: php-probe-vol
>   volumes:
>     - /opt/apmia

A short explanation on the sections to be added.


In your service definitions section, create an entry for the php-probe-vol. it will hold all files required to implant the php probe into the existing PHP installation during container/pod creation.
This volume that was built by you should have the exact same version number as your APMIA agent it will connect to!


in this example, we assume the application we want to implant the PHP Probe into, is defined in the "rainloop" service entry. Add the following sections:

entrypoint: /opt/apmia/

The /opt/apmia/ is the entrypoint we will use. This script will implant the PHP Probe code into the running PHP environment, then execute the existing ENTRYPOINT Provided in the environment section.

The depends_on section will make sure that as long as the php-prob-vol is not deployed, the application will not be executed.

      - php-probe-vol

The Environment will provide various configuration options.
Make sure to set PHP_DEPLOY=true, or else the script will act as if it was not called.
Very important is th

      - PHP_DEPLOY=true
      - PHP_APPNAME=rainloop-app
      - PHP_LOGDIR=/var/log
      - PHP_WWWMODE=www-data
      - PHP_IAHOST=apmia-php-vol
      - PHP_IAPORT=5005
      - ENTRYPOINT=/

Once all is configured, when launched with "docker-compose up -d", we can check the logs with "docker-compose logs -f "

An example log would look like below:

$ docker-compose logs pcm-rh-prod
Attaching to pcm-rh-prod
rainloop        |  * Implanting PHP probe
rainloop        | 
rainloop        |  * Calling php-probe installer with the following options:
rainloop        |  => -appname "rainloop-app" -agenthostname "rainloop" -iahost "apmia-php-vol"     -logdir /var/log
rainloop        | 
rainloop        | 
rainloop        |   Installing CA APM PHP Probe Agent...
rainloop        | 
rainloop        |   Looking for PHP Installations on this machine...
rainloop        | 
rainloop        |   Installer found following PHP installations on this machine
rainloop        | 
rainloop        |    1) /usr/bin
rainloop        |    2) /bin
rainloop        | 
rainloop        |   Installing CA APM PHP Probe Agent at all discovered PHP installation(s)...
rainloop        | 
rainloop        | 
rainloop        | 
rainloop        |   Installation Overview:
rainloop        | 
rainloop        | 1) PHP Root : /usr/bin/php
rainloop        |    PHP Version : 7.2.34
rainloop        |    PHP Extensions directory : /usr/lib64/php/modules
rainloop        |    PHP Zend Thread Safety : Disabled
rainloop        |    PHP ini directory : /etc/php.d
rainloop        |    Installation Status : Success
rainloop        | 
rainloop        | 
rainloop        | 2) PHP Root : /bin/php
rainloop        |    PHP Version : 7.2.34
rainloop        |    PHP Extensions directory : /usr/lib64/php/modules
rainloop        |    PHP Zend Thread Safety : Disabled
rainloop        |    PHP ini directory : /etc/php.d
rainloop        |    Installation Status : Success
rainloop        | 
rainloop        | 
rainloop        |    CA APM PHP Probe Agent is successfully installed on your machine.   
rainloop        |    
rainloop        |    1) To modify default CA APM PHP Probe agent settings update file at PHP INI directory   
rainloop        |    2) Restart your web server or your PHP-FPM process to see performance metrics.
rainloop        |      
rainloop        |  * Handing over to real ENTRYPOINT: /

Valid options

The following options can be added/set. By default, one should only set PHP_APPNAME, PHP_AGENT_DISPLAYED_HOSTNAME and PHP_IAHOST. The installer is pretty smart at detecting the rest automatically

  • PHP_APPNAME: Sets the name of the Frontend application under which metrics will be reported. It is highly recommended to set an application name. Default value is "PHP_App"

  • PHP_AGENT_DISPLAYED_HOSTNAME: Sets custom agent hostname for PHP Probe agent

  • PHP_IAHOST [Mandatory]: Hostname/IP address of remote machine on which Infrastructure agent is running and listening for Probe agents.
    If Infrastructure agent is running on the same machine as Probe agent this param can be ignored. Defaults to localhost if not set

  • PHP_IAPORT [Mandatory]: Port on which Infrastructure agent is listening for Probe agents (defaults to 5005 if not set)

  • PHP_ROOT: PHP root directory

  • PHP_EXT: PHP modules directory

  • PHP_INI: PHP ini directory

  • PHP_LOGDIR: PHP probe agent logs directory.

  • PHP_WWWMODE: For the wily-probe! By default, the php-engine will only be able to write out logs if it has write-access. Identify the user the php-engine runs as, and define it here. This will make the script create the directory and apply the ownership accordingly.

  • PHP_DEPLOY[Mandatory] [true:false]: Trigger to install the PHP Remote Agent Probe.

  • PHP_PROBE_DIR: Directory the probe files exists. Defaults to /opt/apmia

  • ENTRYPOINT [Mandatory]: This points to the original entrypoint defined in the application image at build time. Identify it using the docker describe call with:

$ docker inspect 900c9593e313 | grep ENTRYPOINT
                "ENTRYPOINT ["/"]"

or by checking inside the running pod which script/executable has PID 1.

# ps auxw
root           1  0.0  0.0   4624   808 ?        Ss   14:16   0:00 bin/bash ./ force_start

Image creation

Due to legal restrictions, the probe itself cannot be distributed through a docker image. However, anyone having access to a DX APM SaaS environment can build one himself. Launch once the script. it will create a configuration file template you will need to enter the

$ ./ 

*** ERROR: Missing build_image.cfg configuration file (normal on first run)!
# Go to the Agent Download Section, select to download the PHP Agent and open the "Command line Download".
# and put it all in the below link - incl. the security Token. Exclude the wget command!
PHP_FILE='<Insert here the download CLI URL for the PHP APMIA Agent>'

In your DX APM SaaS environment, get the CLI Download URL for the PHP APMIA Agent (see section below with images). Enter the link into the PHP_FILE= line, and execute the the script again.

$ ./ 

>>> Download latest PHP Agent archive [y/n]?: y
--2020-12-02 15:55:00--[asjfnpuiHuhbgnibedfjs;dlfkspdfjanrngoirng
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 
Length: unspecified [application/x-tar]
Saving to: ‘PHP-apmia-20201202_v1.tar’

PHP-apmia-20201202_v1.tar                                 [                                             <=>                                                                          ] 169,36M  13,3MB/s    in 9,9s    

2020-12-02 15:55:12 (17,1 MB/s) - ‘PHP-apmia-20201202_v1.tar’ saved [177588736]

>>> Found PHP Monitor!

>>> Build PHP probe volume image [y/n]?: y

*** If you want to apply OS Update, don't use the cache.
>>> Use cache for build [y/n]?: y
Sending build context to Docker daemon  205.3MB
Step 1/10 : FROM alpine:3.10
 ---> be4e4bea2c2e
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 8a5f024349a0
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 56f814e3cf8f
Step 4/10 : RUN mkdir -p /opt/apmia
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 065b30b6abb4
 ---> c07056ca42aa
Step 6/10 : ADD /opt/apmia/
 ---> 26d8a1fe2283
Step 7/10 : ADD /opt/apmia/
 ---> a320d1efcfb5
Step 8/10 : RUN apk update && apk add bash nano && tar xf /opt/${PHP_EXTENSION_FILE}.bin -C /opt && rm -f /opt/${PHP_EXTENSION_FILE}.bin
 ---> Running in 67922132adcc
v3.10.5-149-g803c562e66 []
v3.10.5-141-g8ae988abb8 []
OK: 10348 distinct packages available
(1/6) Installing ncurses-terminfo-base (6.1_p20190518-r2)
(2/6) Installing ncurses-libs (6.1_p20190518-r2)
(3/6) Installing readline (8.0.0-r0)
(4/6) Installing bash (5.0.0-r0)
(5/6) Installing libmagic (5.37-r1)
(6/6) Installing nano (4.3-r0)
Executing busybox-1.30.1-r3.trigger
OK: 13 MiB in 20 packages
Removing intermediate container 67922132adcc
 ---> 1bc3548a355a
Step 9/10 : RUN chmod g+w -R /opt/apmia && chmod 555 /opt/apmia/ /opt/apmia/
 ---> Running in 178a1911a48f
Removing intermediate container 178a1911a48f
 ---> 9c79052b9afc
Step 10/10 : CMD /opt/apmia/
 ---> Running in bbb2f4d6394d
Removing intermediate container bbb2f4d6394d
 ---> d2900f7795dc
Successfully built d2900f7795dc
Successfully tagged calypso/php_probe_implant:latest
*** Tagging image to calypso/php_probe_implant:

The image will automatically tagged with the version of the probe.

$ docker images | grep "calypso/php_probe_implant"
calypso/php_probe_implant                               d2900f7795dc        About a minute ago   63.6MB
calypso/php_probe_implant                       latest                     d2900f7795dc        About a minute ago   63.6MB

Finding the APMIA PHP Image

  1. Log in into your DX APM SaaS environment and go into the Agents section.
  2. In the Agents section, select the Download Agent tab.
  3. Find and select the PHP Agent to be downloaded.
  4. Make sure to select the Command Line Download on the top left
  5. Finally, check the Command line download content, and select only the URL to download the PHP APMIA Package.

Manual Changelog

Wed,  2 Dec 2020 12:52:44
	- Initial release

php_probe_implant's People


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